HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-09-14, Page 2September 1.4,
It will pay to be enrolled as a
Student in the
Canada RiiSiness. College
Oliatham, Ont„
many of tho,otoclouPo of• our shorthand stud
Business departments, during the last tonal,
were offered excellent positiens before complet-
ing their courses. We have supplied the largest
cooperage concern on the continent with, 80
Book keepers and Stenographers, Resulte are
the test to apply when you come to decide
where to take your choige.
147 cities, town and villiage in Canada and
NeWfoundlend; 26 counties in Ontario ; Parry
Sound end Inskolca, Manitoba, Alberta, and.
six states of the Union were represented last
year. Our quarter-century session opens Sept 4
Good boa; d for gents at $2.50 per week, and.
for ladles $2. We pay railway fare to the ex-
tent of $8 tu students from a distance.
For the finest college catalogue in Canada,
D. McLachlan & eo.,
Chatham. Ont.
• West Huron Nominee
The Goderich Signal says: - "The
notnination by acclamation of Robert
Holmes to contest the next election in
West Huron, is an indication that the
Liberals of the riding have again got
together and buried all factional differ-
ences. At the last election consider-
able difference of opinion existed as to
the ability of the candidate to harmon-
ize the cot flicting opinions of the fac-
tions that, then. prevailed, but to day
all that feeling is at an end, and the
Reformers of West Huron present a
eclid front to their opponents, and will
do so until the battle is fought and
won. We make no breach of. eonfid-
ence in saying that the eelection of Mr'
Robert Holmerewill be emineetly satis-
factory to the leader; of the Liberal
party, and that Sir Wilfrid Laurier
will look for the triumphant election
of the member for Weet Huron who
has es3 ably represented the constitu-
ency elution the last two sessions. Mr
Holmes has made favorable progress
sinco he entered the House, and to -day
boo the esteem of his fellow members
and the confidence oF bis leaders. Now
is the time to begin a successful cam-
paign -in his behalf."
• The Mitchell Recorder says "The
Liberals of West Huron met in conven-
tion on F, iday of last week to nomin-
• ate a candidate for the Commons in
the comittg election West Huron had
been carried in a bye -election two or
three yea's ago by Mr Robert Holmes,
of Clinton. hut we had been assured -
and especially by our local contempor-
ary s few weeks ago -that Mr Holmes
would nor even carry a convention
again in his riding. This latter turned
out a real lupper prediction, for on
FridayIst Mr Hofmes had practically
no opposition in the convention and
his re -nomination was most unanimous
and enthusiastic. We extend our
most hearty coneratulatiens to Mr
Hohne e on this second proof ofhis pop-
ularity with the Liberals of West
Huron, and send our best wishes for
his success in the coming election."
Total expenditure in 1896, the last
year of Conservative rule, $41.702,-
383: total expenditnre in 1899, the
last sear of Liberal, vile for, which'
complpie figures are to hand, $51,-
542,035; estimated expenditure for
the ourrent fispal yeare$§6,312,527.
-Montreal Star.
The Star suppresses part of the
truth. It neglects to Bey that the
Conservative expenditure in the
• years named was as follows: *
1884- 57,860,861
1885- 49,168,077
1886,- 61,837,568
Political Pointers. ,
In Vancouver district. Wm. Sloan a
wealthy returned 'Klondixer and
nephew of A. W. Sloan, of Blyth, is
running as an Indepeedent Liberal,
The Liberals propose to put up a
strong fight to win both East and
West York in the coming campaign.
Archibald Campbell, M. P., may try
•a fall with Me Clarke Wallace, and it
is understood that N. W. Rowell, a
rising young lawyer; of Toronto, has
'consented to contest Bait York against
W, F. Maclean, the sitting member,
whose majority in 1896 was but three.
Perhaps upon no other member of
the Cabinet do honors rest as naturally
and as easily as upon Hon. Mr Patter-
son, the Minister if Oustome. In re-
ligion Mr Patterson shows strong in-
dividually, as he dote; in nearly everY-
.thing he puts his band to. fle is is
member ur he Farringdon Indepen-
dent ch,urob, and has been known to
Nee. -43xPound the Scriptures himself, Per-
sonally, Mr Patterson is is Most ap-
proachable man. 'Oen In the thickest
of departmental business he can al -
Ways spare a raiment to see a friend.
Tins happy faculty has won for him
friends on both sides of the House,
Mr Patterson's strength is in his yoice,
which ranks several' pointer ahead Of
any other voice in the House of Com-
mons. It is said that when he 'gets
up to speak, he is intensely nervous,
and does not reenter that he is !skiing
his voice to the shouting pitch. If it
May be termed a weakness, Me Pater-
son bas bas a penchant for an after-dinner
cigar, and knower 13,5W to choose °lie.
Hie friends never refuse is proffered
cigar from Hon. Wm, Paterson --Tor-
onto World.
Crisp County Clippings A WISE LADY
I. avid Dotard the 10th coueession,Grey,
died very euddeuly on Sundey °running,
week, aged 70 yore.
Jas. Blackbrough has purchased Mrs
John White's 100.acre farm, lot 42,con.
3, Fest Wawanooh, for $3001).
Harry Oidlev has resigned the lead-
er ..hip of the Exeter band, and George
E tcrett has been appointed in his
Donald McKinnon'of the 10:h con.,
Tuckersmith, having erected on hie
fine farm is handsome new brick resi-
Miss Constance Le Touzel has returned
to Henget' to take charee of the school
classes there, having been re-engaged at an
increased salary.
Mr Ingram, of Sealer* has secured
the management of the Kincardine
electric Heti t plant which is owned by
that town, •
A reat B under, -The D, li L, Emulsion
of Cod Liver•Oil is a great builder. ' IS
giyea weight, adds healthy flesh, and over-
comes any downward tendency of health.
Davis & Lawrence Co., Ltd., roikers.
• Mrs Cooper, an old woman who has
been annoyingsome people of Seaforth
by her eccentric babite, such es shoot-
ing at persons who pass her house, was
• sent to Goderich jail.
Mrs Chisholm, of Goderich, has receited
a letter from her eon Austin, written at
Johanneebnrg on July 29th, containing the
information that he is, or was at that tirae
ia the hospital there with entrio fever.
.A. deep cloud of sorrow was cast over
Exeter on Friday last week, when it
learned that Mrs M, A. Fanson. widow'
had died after a short illness. She
leaves to mourn her demise a grown
up femily of three sons and two daugh-
Sides Sore from a Hacking Cough.- Take
Pyny-Pectoral, it will euro you queerly, no
matter how bad the cold. Endorsed by
thousands of Canadians. Sold throughout
the land. Manufactured by the peoprieters
of Perry Davis' Pain -Killer.
Robt, Milne has sold bis 100-acie
ftwm, lot 41, con.,, least Wawanosh,to ,
Jas. Caldwell, of Huhett, for $5500.
• Mr Caldwell's son, .Robert,has purchas-
ed the adjoining 100 -acre farm from
Chas. Stewart for $4000.
• The home of Mr J. McClenagban,
Whitechurch,"weis the scene of». pretty
and_ quiet wedding on Wednesday,
September 5th, when Miss Mary. his
eldest daughter was married to R. J.
Dobie, hardware merchant of the same
Cleveland, Ohio, May 23, 1000.
J. N. IioLeod, McLeod's Laboratory,
Goderioh, Ontario,
Deur Sxs,-Your liquid mediohie, "Soak
and Swede" has cured me entirely et the
sore I had on my upper jaw, The doctors
told me tbat i wai a Meier entl that She
bone woralcilheve to be out out and the af..;
feoted parts removed oy the knife. It was .
this that frightened Me and made me get
he "Soak and Swab." 1 used only three
pins bottles. I am well ever since, and it
threeryeare sine° I egad it. Having
great conndence in your medicine I will
recommend it to those in, need. 1 am etee
• Nes J. Howse. '
The following was received from the
same lady ten years ago:
I suffered for nearly four years from fits,
and almost at the same hour daily, out of
which no one meld waken nee, until
I awoke of myself, weak and wearied after
%lapse of from ten to twelve hours' titne,
during which time I was wholly awn -
Below. I was attended to and °moulted
no fewer therisixteen sletiSore without, any,
I-enefit and ncerelief. I got to be , etrent
minded, often unconeesi5ue ofiety etirround=
Inge, took no notice of anything,. until, in
the goodprovidence of -God, a trued begets
td on bringing J. M. McLeod to ourhouse,
He took me out of the fit in half a Minute's
time. I begun So gain rapidly; afterthis,in
health and soundness of mind, and to ,this
clay 1 hay e not had any more fits.
Yours, rite., JOSEPHINE E. MARTIN,
Sold by H. B. Combs, Clinton, Ontario.
A fire in the luinber manufacturing
district of Montreal -destroyed proper-
ty worth nearly $50,000, ,
Hagyard's Yellow Oil is a good remedy
for man. or beat. It reduces swelling, al-
lays inflamalation, takes out pain, and
euros outs, burns, bruises, sprains, quiesey,
sore throat, eto. Price 25o.
On Wednesday week Tena, youngest
daughter of A. Oalder, Seafortn, and
-Thomas Miller,leader of the band, were
• united in the bonds of 'matrimony.
The ceremony was performed by Rev.
Mr Larkin, at the home of the bride,
James street.
A pretty event took place Monday
evening. Aug 27, at the residenceof
•Mr Thomas Foster, Harriston, it being
the marriege of his niece, Miss Minnie
Wellwood to 3. Holmes, a prominent
farmer of Whitechurch.
Don't Run Chances by taking whiskey or
• brandy to Rattle the stomagh or atop a chill.
• Pain -Killer in hot water sweetened will do
• you more geed. Avoid substitute, there's
but one Pam•Killer, Perry Duns'. •25orind
50e. •
Mr Canning, who has carried on the
`mercantile business at Kippen for sev-
eral years. eversince Mr Weismiller
lef 1, has disposed of his property, stock
and business to Duncan Hay, of Oro-
enarty. Mr Ilay takes possession in
• about two weeks. ••
- • The Delmore school picnic which was
' held in Irwine bush on Tuesday week, a
• large number being present to say ferewel I
. to J. D. Campbell, teacher of the school for
• the past four yeard. To' show the esteem
I in which he wee beel, the ratepayers Pre
' aerated him with a purge of gold. • ,•
The Jape Did It. -They supplied us with
the menthol contsined in that wonderful D.
& L, Menthol Pleater, v?hich relieves in-
stantly backitobe, headache,netwalgia,theu-
niatism and striatiote Menufaetured by the
Davie & Lawrence Co., Lim.
• The wedding of Fred J.Naftel, of the
Bank of Montreal at New Wessminater,B.
0., elder son of Chas, J.S. Nolte', of Gode-
rich township, and Miss Caroline Idabel
Drummond, seeond datig,hter of R. 3.
• Drummond, manager of the Bank of Mott -
real, at Perth, Ont., was consummated in
St. Junes' Church, Perth, on Tuesday
morning. August 28th,
• There have been two conotaitroento to
the oonoty jail the past week. Robert Rae
was sent np from Breese's on a charge of
steelier; $60 from Chas Rose, of Brussels,
Win. 11. Campbell was committed for ten
days by John Beattie, J. P., Seaforth, fOr
contempt of court in not obeying a sum-
mons to appear.
i Our total exports,Ofitgridtiltural
implements in 1896, Was kl596,277.
in 1897 it rose lo 111,867,225. That
ie the way She Liberal tariff is
"ruining" Our:manufacturing in-
'I have tried Laxii,Liver Pills, and find
theni an dxoellent niedioine for indigestion
and bilitatenleati
J. McCallum, StotiffVills, Ont.
The Liberal CleYerninetiSleur met
all the expenditure of the past year
-inolnding She $2,000,000 for the
contingents to, flottih- Afrioa, and
has not added one copper tO the
debt Miring the year..
The members of the Ford wich Metho-
dist church assembled at the home of
B. S. Cook, and presented his daughter
Miss Janet with a nicely worded ad-
dress and a beautiful bible and hyinn
book, arra small token of their esteem
and is memento before she. left for the
Conservatory in Toronto.
Smillie Bros.. of Brucefield,have been
quits euccessful with their Clydesdales
at the Toronto Exhibition, , In the 3
year old class theyobtained lstforPride
of Huron and 3rd for Prince If Hurl -
ford, Messrs Bawden ands McDonell,
of Exeter, in the aged ehire class, car-
ried off 1st prize and sweepstakes for
"Belshazzar" and 1st prize for one ot
the three -Year-old coltei in the Winne
A. number of accidents happened to-
Seaforth people last week. A little
daughterof E.Hunt WAS picnicing with
is number of other children near the
darn in Egrciondyille and had the‘mis-
fortune to fall on is tustynall which en-
tered below the'chin and protruded
through- ths tongue. John Wright
Met With A ',painful' accident. The
plank welk between Dr, Betlynte's /A-
lice and the bank building, :gti've Way
and precipitated him to the'estillai4
he -
low, breaking his -ribs and othewise in*
jurying him internally. A farmer
drove over little daughterof S, Ches-
ney, The child was anoirked down and
severely Intrised. .
His Love.
'I lova my love in the morning'.
• For he, like the morn, ,
That is to 'say.
Late in the day,
• Winn she has crimped her hair. •
I love my love la the morning.
I love my lore at noon, •'
• For she's sublime •• •
At luncheon time,
71 1 don't get home too soon.
I love my love in the tickning,•
I love my love' At eve,
• Unless she's cross
And wants to boss,
And then 1 want to leave!
Etas Money to Bey Christmas Gifts.
Stubb--I tell you Brooks solves •this
intention problem le re clever way.
• Penn -How does he manage it?
• Stobb-Well, he goes:around collect-
ing these "Where to GO" booklets, and
by the time be gets through them nil it
"is autumn and too late to start. -
Yellow. •
The color that we all dislike
• • Is yellow; • .
The Boxer with a head on pike
le yellow; •
The dragon hiots a yellow plain. '
Each road Is but yellow lane, ••
All China seems on mighty gain
fit yellow,
•, The bMener estelx sensetIon flies
• la yelluW;
The tint of all the' glowing lies .
•, , yellow:
For .each is penned in yellow ink
By scribes who through huff glasses blink.
• And all the crooked thoughts they think
Are yellow.
efts colors, •
• Mrs. Krimsen -The Diet of John's hav-
ing blue eyes and red hair makes it so
hard for us to decide. •
• Mrs. Azures -So hard to decide what?
Mrs. Krimsen- Whether to amid him
to Yale or to Harvard.
• The shades of night were trotted out,
• Though worked almost to death, no dpubt;
The parodist some stunt quite new
thought, it scents, to gake them do,
• Excelsior!
A Deteative'e Storyof st Gambler
Who Had at Tiny Watch SetIts ii,
Cumeo Rini and Who Useillto Work'
tke Pasoserakere on Ocean Steamer..
"What time is it?" asked a man who
wes, riding with a deteetive in a cab the
other day. .
The detective pushed an almost In,
visible lever on the side of the setting of.
a large cameo ring that he wore on the
third finger of hie' left bend.- ..„Therr lit ; ,
Pieced leg *left band4: 1?is Jeft ear; 144,,
listened for a moment.
"Seventeen minutes past 3," he replied.
Nenir you CAR go . ahead and tell mo
bout that," mild the Mein who wasriding
with. the detective, The 'num had watch-
ed-thatletective'e method of aseertaining
the tithe" with interest. "I can see that
that big. eleg 04 - Pecs' 'Yi n' rePeat.110P,
watch; of ' Course. Lore have the rest
of it." - .. ,
"This ring And rePeati. Mt watch com-
bined," said the detedtiire, "belonged to
one of the most notorious of the swagger
gang of short' card players who used to
work the ocean steamer% He's been
deed for ten years now, and as his fam-
ily are pretty gond people, I needn't Men-
tion his name, lie was the chempieu of
his class. though. .
"ThiS, cardsharper hadthis ring I'm
wearing made in Switzerland for is pup,
pose, He made manythousands of dol- '
Ines with, it. , File game was this: War .
When a gang . of men . on one of the
steamers on which he was a passenger
would get together in the smoking eoem
or cardroom and ,get to .betting .on the
revolutions of the screw, on the weather,
on the day's :voyage, 00 any old thing, he
would gently butt in with a crack to the
effeet, that there wasn't one man out of
a hundred that' could Properly count off
a minute -that is, that could exactly, or
anything - like exactly, apprehend the
.passage of 60 seconds. . • - • -,
"This would lead to a. discussion, and
-the sharper would attempt to prove his
statement by referring to the fact that
few referees - of prizefights are able to
count ten secondsover a. prostrate tighter
With anything like accuracy. Then
there'd • be:more chaw"on this' point, and
finally the sharper. would suggest' that all
hands present chin into a •pool, say, of
$100 eachi.the whole,bundle to be walked
away Nab, bythe man In .the pool who
could count the nearest to &min:lite. The
crowd never failed to bite. '
"Now, if you want' to:experiment; you
let Your wife . or soma one hold- a watch,
for you, and- you try to count a 'minute.
If you come any nearer than five itedondi
"tothe minute without plenty of practice,
• you • may - eall, eoueself is man with A
pre 'goo a, of.tiine. There nre few
things harder to de thanto agree with
the second hand of a watch in counting
60 seconds.
"Well, they'd all go Into the' peel, and
some disinterested cluip'ud be 'brought
in. to hold the ticker, , and each man's,
count would be Het ,down an a slip of
paper. ' As the mao. who suggested' the
pool, the card, shark , would modestly
wait Until they'd all had their' trials be-
- fore he essayed to comit his. minute,
He'd rest his head in his left hand and
watch •them amusedly •while they ;tried
to make an even up minute with the
watch; and it never happenedthat ane
of 'exii ,got 'within 'better then three sec-
onds of it, one why orthe other. They
were always at least .that much Shy or
that niueh overdue.
"Still leaning his head In his left band,
then, this crafty, Cheerful worker of the
stearnerawould wait for Ms turn, and
thin, 'with this almost inaudiblebee au-
dible enough bit et 'a ticker close to his.
ear, he'd wade in and count 60 seconds
, to the.'dot ahnost. He- never did It ex-
actly to the' dot, because he didn't want
. to excite' suspicion naturally. but he al-
ways got under tbe wire a winner by a
second of so 'from all the rest, of the
_bunch in the pool. As I say, Ile WOII
- thousands at this sd.hents, and only one
of the Victims ever suspected that he had
an inside way of keeping. tab on . his
minutes. . . '
"Ile worked. this trick once too often.
Oddly enough. a 'Scotland Yard "nen got
, next to the gag. ' Now; Scotland Yard
wee are, as a role, *pretty obtuse and
opaque and n few tither things like that,
but this Seer -land Yerd man was an ex'
ception.to the rule. and he tumbled to the
card sharper's little stall. The Scotland
Yard detective was in a minute guessing
pool for a £5 note himself,' and the atti-
tude of the short card. man in counting
off his • precise GO seconds struck, him as
being & bit peCuliar. He didn't say any-
thing right then, but after the short card
man had gone out, after gathering up the
pool, he .mentioned ' his suspicions to ft
couple of other passengers. When the
' short canl player returned to the card
cabin, the Scotland Yard man; sere that
he was right, walked -up behind the
sharper, who was sittindown, and sud-
denly , grabbed his left wrist, saying: ;
"'Let's have an Inspection of that
ring!' •
"The sharper promptly jutaped to hiri
*feet and knocked the Scotland Yard RHO
fiat. The eat was out of the bag, how-
ever, and all the noon In the compart
Merit who'd been in the minute guessing
• pdol called upim the' sharper to show Up
. iti ring. With a Yety notch aggrieved
air the shark 'Piffled' off the -ring on his
thli•d finger' iiral - threw it on the table,
. .pirdeatilie in a dignified "marine.' that they
had lib ' right to doubt his ' Integrity,
• When they'd.. got thrthigh examining
the ring withaut tindiiig( ,anYthitig tin-
Mithal about it. Is took' it back,* laid it on
the table again, got 'iv:hammer ani ,broke
it open. It was just- a plain cameo ring,
with no Works or anything else ingide of
It. This gnarlier "life' a duplicate -as'
fir nil la, Ontardti-Sfeittu-at *13isi'ciratch
VItS abalt" Wifhi hitt' '1OF ltist ,Wiidh an
* skgeney. Tliel,dtklAPIPYird coati got
- the utr, briOoticiA0,raiiil (the! ithirk was
..:litoo. 1 tiectso t:f foe ta,rititi'e:::, ,ii .. awt:ofirt' It:h0; :_if: olaixii:Tel:to6effj:lif lc. 'wrri itheii.biifiVailf imii:. our inal gated:,
•,:iiiis`ali to tiiiiPliiftiliv'thiiitakan mit-
' ligei‘"Bililiherlitierliled'i 4,'"iiim* igala.;
figidliminlIteiheilklinfiffitiVi• o'f the voY.
itt', l'!.ThIti ilitirt 'Card 'nfith`t •ltlita' steaW
, ing 'MI "Wintiti.lie iliWkiti Mk 'Itilt beN
r ' *. 4 AiliLL-tki,tk ' iii for ...good
:iihile-aiiiit'liaadit#14 tliii'il ':i":tistid ho
-I A Ybi MS dill ell kyr :old
tilitOlitie had s4Vic ff, h
life,'.of 'gritetitik, lei it,fi4:0;,,, 'vfork
. hd'i rtit 114o t 14 el ,. orn.it
' -6!i4Rfif 6'. f -at, 44,46P44 .0i,*04-#11." ,
. When a biay alio lies time to think
about It, he Wonders how. theldle people
. with no means 'ofsuppoiOnanage to
areas -so wellv-Atchison GIOIA
No discoyery in medicine has even
C dated one quarter of the exditement
t tat bag been caused by Dr.Kinw's New
Discovery for Consumption. Its sev-
erest tests have been on hopeless vic-
tims of consumption, pneumonia,
hemorrhage, pleurisy and bronchitis,
thousands of whom it has restored to
pertect heafth For coug s, c,› a,
asthma, croup, hay fever, hoarseness
and whooping cough it is thequickest,
surest cure in the world. It s sold by
• all druggists who guarantee satisfac-
tion or refuud money. Lerge bottles
50c and 6I. • Trial bottles lies.
Helen Gould and Betty Green pretty
well offset each other. -Boston Herald.
Instead of getting into a shirt waist.
the Frinco 61 Wales is to wear a slimmer
frock cot. There isn't much, progress in
Albert Edward. -.-St. Louis Post,Dia.
• Patch-,
The,Count de' Castellane *is said to be
ambitious to set the fashion in men's at-
tire. This propoisition to shelve the Prince
Of Wales hi nothing lees thafr cold, t'I•sd-
. •
4bdidimio, Inman "OA Turkey, Midi;
• with Chitin in Ilse present 'warm disdai-
n/on.", It it easy to underitand jest holv
• the stories -at 'this ',Peking Menseit'exeir tiouble
thatheart ot tireldesPoletohoet Atteentan
subjects 'wore iiiiteirid Atlityleasis
quitatitles. •, ' • 7i'
, "•:.
There int. fascination Omit big profit to
a bushisO,inao.r Bit she 0011sOriatiVir end
°editions trisder pketere to Kaye the, leaser
per.goot.oatiliterfati affililisilargOttethinit
ot safati bible investMents. • TherelbsennI
blurb:10st mn eche wididdlinot <lonelier:afro'
Hound proposition to invest in an ,etiterprida
in whiehnbsoliostloiCWits fraPossible( and
*blob °Mired ohanosk".inpal
. hundred of 0, rich profit e 'The, idiatbitioel
- of outer ffeoted, 1, 1),. :Vieroes
• .
In the lait three years of Consirvsi.
live administration there were deft.
Oita of $1,210,832, $4,169,876, and
$380.581, a toted of $8,4104,768. In
1.896.7, before the new tariff was
in lone, the deficit was, 0000.
In the laat three rare there have
been big 'wham of $1,722,712,
$4,837,780, and over $7,00,000, a
total of $14.000•000 aurPlaa.
!Wadies. Disooveryshow that 'Ininett-erglili
-,Pall. taolot• ittataaa- of l'WeskInnspi"0 oval die
0:41:01.W3f oared.' 411t3oatill not 44.i401113611
-of physioalweihnese may trocedIe star-
vatione, .Starvation .sopti the eirength.
,Ths,body ift Wit **V. moth* alaorad.:whia '
i,tho Moo:atoll naanet,ez*Sot,attkrItioir from
tile food itreceiyea as *hen there • Le 'tib
,foo "Weal; lunge," ' 'bronchial, affei-
_gone, nbitiatae Otinghsi 064 for noutieh-
MSPI., 1,GOlatff ttedioal Discovery” supe,
li th 4 nnorinhmeiat in Da (It 001144118e
OWOIlitslietiOAMOIMMAMMAAMA ed and aseimilabl. 'War *> It makoff,"Wilak
BAirk' BEAUTY. ihrh and orgaratt4gilt which digest
longs' airbag,. by strengthening She etenne
YOU alwdive think of ft pretty baby t, .4r1 by
Plurt'p and ohubbY, Boott's Emulsion °
Ott lust this *illness ; not too fat, 410 rive hundr:d harvea,t laborers are
I I 1
011011/11 for the dinip et 10 come. 33a 66 ssarkt,641 M tritobtr.
IllrA U. too.
qhlicireri cey for Owing to the partial failure of the ' Onlidttrt:OrY
CASTOR I A t:A17111;i1Xintntitarriel'oftlaprneditt CASTOR 1
Ott vvh*St yoU flikte.:-Give the
intro otti, wood°. Tliala
„.T got ,.*!4 YOU, MI so.,4
njth'pWvino141,01.P14+1 *hit oittaiati
. watite
sale: fve Ikm the *14 ibal Dr. Of t tere4 hiit4Ctiteert
;rust seceived a lot of new:Belts,
Buckles, Pulley Belts,Bongle Brace -
:let% 00, Tito latest goods in the
'market, •
We maks specialty of fitting
Spectacles and Eye Glasses.
444444-044-0-0-41444-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-s f -e•
/ The cold storage system, pertained
and improved by the Laurier gov-
ernment, increased tbe export and
value of butter, in three years, by
Mr Chas. Joheston, Bear River, N, S.,
The best equipped business
and Shorthand school in Cana-
da is the Forest City Business
and Shorthand College,London
Large enrolment and strong
Hundreds of students in good
• Years of excellent work at
its credit.
Catalogue of either course
free. Correspondence asked.,
s ; "I was tr bled with hoarseness •
tind sore throat and after taking three bot-
tles of Dr. VVood's Norway Pine Syral3
Was enthely cured.
The total increase in the trade of
Canada during the with,: 18 pees
that the Conservatives ••• I in office
amoneted to $6,6,000.000., The in-
crease in trade during the 4 years
ofliberai rule was More titan twice
as much es during the entire.teFm
of then* predeoessors in ofiloe, being
If yoti da'n't sleep on account of a 'raging
tbothache, Low's Toothaehe Gum will stop
the aohe and give yon ease, Price 100.; all
medicine dealers.
Clumsy Fellow. .
"Some people," said the timid man,
"are criminally reekless.• Nosv, I think,
the man who jumps, on a moving train
is a fool."
"Well, if he isn't one," replied' the
other, 'Ile feels like 11 fool when the WA -
than to whom it lielongs looks at 'him as
if she'd like to chew' him up." -Exchange.
If a man was 6 generous -uncle to his
sister's children before tie married, she
always looks upon his children as inter-
Inquisitive people are the funnels of
conversation. They do not take in any.7..
thine for their owl) use, hut merely to
oasts it to ti wither.. . .
• •
itching,. Burning, ()reaping,
Crawling Skin. Diseases relieved in a few
niimitas by ,Aguew's Ointment. Dr. Agnew's
Ointment rslieves ..instmtly,. and curet. Teter,
Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Eczema Ulcers, .
Blotches,'and all Eruptions Of the It is
socithing and quieting and acts like magic in ell
Baby Bfimors,,Irritation of the Scalp or Rashes
during teething time. 35 cents a box. -7
•Soid by Sydney Juergen, druggist,Clinton,
0444440*:404 it 41 kl 004.144:••:•I•4•4••
,The yearly postal defioit under the *.p
X 'Conservatives was $800,000. The t:
Liberals have openee many new of- •.4.
el Saes; added hundreds of miles of
x new matt routes, reduced the postal y
6 rate to 2 dente, improved the mail "*,
lo service generally,and notwithstand-
-s!--these•visst improvententsjutve prao-
ing deafly wiped out the tit:1110ft in
• the postal department. 3. •
• 0.i..
• I have a limited amount of Early 'Arcadian
Winter Wheat for sale at $1 par bushel,
Aug 31--tf C G. MIDDLETON Clinton.
Smart men or women wanted fur positions
paying big wages. Employment steady or
partitime. Apply W H L BENNETT, 403 Rich-
mon,d St.., London, Ont. . July 20-3
Lot 34, con.15, Goderich township, 80 sores
less one acre for school site. For terms and
Partieulars apply to FRED WHITLEY or
JAMES SCOTT, Barrister, Clinton.
Aug. 24-tf
Notice is 110rObffilren that the license of
the Hotel Clarendon, Clinton, held bY J. C.
Miller, will he transferred about the 24th inst.,
to James McGuire, Belleville,
House for Sale or Rent
A small frame house on James st.(aeroas the
railway track) oontaining one-eighth of an
aore land, with brohard of good hell trees,
Witter'. Will be sold on very reasonableterme.
Aug 01-.tf • -• Victoria St.
Wanted, male or female, haying second.
classcoirtificate,forSS, No. 5, HuIlett. Ditties
to coloMence let of ,Tan., 1901. A.ppliaations
rsaelvsd up to Saturday, ii.ept, 15. Applicants
nitoospiatra.salary expected anti to enclose testi-
S. MoCOOL, Londesboro, •
Aug 3-M - .•
The undersigned wieh-4-14 to antionnee to the
PeePle of Clinton and durronndieg country
that beanie Ideated In Clinton on& il?repar-
edit° do all kinds of :Uphoistaring, • attune
KAM', Carpet kiswhig and laying. Alt orders
enteustedreMS will receive prompt attitintibh.
Orthirii•loft at R. Walker's residimos. "
June gel W.N.W6.1•XICII• 011aton•
The undersigaiffhillsrialiorobred tinthatii
ben on his,16t 77, liaithind, ofinwfor,aervio•
I Terms al .00 at Woe tg service, with, privilege
of returning..: .
A. 'moots. .
“to,•1-rr."-`1 I .
Properties for Sale or to Let
The comfortable and cosy cottage on Joseph
Street, Clinton, recently oceepitid.by James
MoClachertyls offered for sale on very reason-
able terms.
For Sale, 4 lots near the Flax Mill, 2 lots on
Erie St.12 lots on Milton Si ,also a brick cottage*
with frameltitchen,hai (1 water, good orchard,
on Applying to JOHN RIDOUT, Clinton • t
JOHN HENRY, Rosendale, Manitoba.
Professional andOtherCard
A aomfortable House, suitable for a email
familY, with one-fifth of an acre of land, plant-
ed with fruit trees,. good well, &o. Is r ffered
for sale at a low prase. For terms, &o. apply
Aim. 17, 1900
HOUSE for SALE or to ItENT.
Oil Victoria St., near Organ Factory. 300
will buy a roomy, comfortable house with good
lot --the property recently occupied by Frank
Upshot'. Apply at once to-
- - • Ba-- Wrgiftrre0. NEcit4-to-n.-
and_Lot tor Sale.
The large and commodione house pleasautl
situated on Huron Street, occupied by thc un-
dersigned is offered for sale tin very reasOnable
terms. There is every accomodatiomwith stable,
ore -hard; die •
Sept 21, 1899. Clinton.
' •• FOR SALE.
The Gale farm,one of the best 100 acres farms
In Goderio,n township,HtironConntylot 17,part
18, con. 8, miles from Goderich and 7 from
Cllnton. The farm contains good buildinge
and good fences, well watered and well under -
drained. There is is large bearbig 'orchard
and garden of small fruits. TOriillit to Mlle Pur-
chaser. Apply,to WI1/41.. GOULD, on the pra-
m:dine, or Godeneh P. 0, :June 8-3m
The premises °minified by R. J. Cluff, and
conhisting,of Brat class brick store, on Albert
Street Clinton, is offered for sale on easy
Also Cottage on Albert Street, With two
lots, stable, and all conviences. Particulars
on aPPication to Mrs M. Robertson, Clinton
or Aire C, W. McGregor, Constanee.
That desirable Brisk Business Stand on Al-
bert St., Clintoe, occupied by Mr N. Robson, is
offersd for sale, including rear lot and stable.
The location is one of the best in Clinton. The
property le free from Incumbrance and title in
disputaVe. Price reasonable and terms to suit
Tracheae's.. Apply to GEO. STANBURY, Lou-
don Road or address Clinton P. 0
Bitrtheter, 13oileiter,
Omar -Elliott Block, Taw Strisst,
KONEWO 1.06.16
°Mee -Beaver Block.
Up -stairs, Opposite Poster's Phot Gallery
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary and Conveyanee
Oille,e-OpPeelte Colborne Hotel'
For Sale or to Rent.
The choice brick house on the corner of Put -
ton and Joseph streets, belonging to the etitate
of the late Richard Heywood, is offered either
for sale or to rent. It contains room for ordi-
nary family, is practically is new house, with '
all conveniences, and three -tenths of an acre
of land. It the property is not sold or rented,
part of it will be routed. Apply to
W. COATS Exceoutor 0 nton.
Farm to _Rent or *Sell
subscriber ouers either for sale or to rent
his I arm of 50 acres, on the Ord con. of Hullett,
being west half of lot 17. Buildings fair,small
orchard, plenty. or water,10 acres bush. Soil
first.classs 24 miles from Clintom Possession
immediate. Terms reasonable. Purchaser
can have his own time to pay for it, by paying
a small sum down. Apply to NEW ERA.
Office, or to A. GINN, Clinton
Aug 31-11
Subscriber offers to rent her farm, being lot
21, con. 14. Goderich township. The lot con-
tains 80 acres has good sized bank barn and
other buildings has a good bearing orchard
also a young odhard coming into bearing, is
well watered and Well tenfold with running
stream; six Mires of fall wheat Situe,ted 1/1
ranee front Holmesville and,* miles from Olin -
ton. For further nartioulare apply to MRS.
and ,IORN •JERVIS, exeoutors, Holmseville.
Aug. 24-tf
Sttheoriber offers Mr tittle his farm contain-
ing 80- sores, lo7 89, con. 10. Goderioh township.
11 1* situated 4i, ranee from Clinton, all °leered
With firet-olass buildings, bank barn, two story
'house; alt under petal:Ire, has 3 eeres orchard;
Oleo a never -failing -spring. The farm is first-
' Massie, every renown, Also, Sr} acres of bush,
'Which will be eold either vita the farm or
imporate. No money required as long as e
tinhseriber 10 Steamed, For partioulturs apply.
to Lk swrrzEtt, on the promises,or Clinten
. post ofiloe . , Jitre.6-tf . .
A first•olass farm, being lot No. 7, Ind eon.
of Rullett, contains 100 acrel,abibist 90 cleared,
- no .tones or -gravel, oilly first -claim clay soil,
and Well .'adapted kfor oropei i large barn 4,nd.
;Imre/xi and oat se comfortable house and firs
%Shim outhuild4ngs,large frame building for
iambs, of 'good bearing•orchnrill 10 Acmes of
- Slimmer fathiseerisady for ,tall wheat. Situate
tMao& trona iirartheandethe same tlietanee
rain ,vlinton,, rods 'rein sohboL 114 Miles
1 ' from AVM& eh kat, sled 21,.6 from Kinburia-..
Any Mt* . wishing it* take it.dart get the DTI.
!logesOf working/In it right avev4. ..,Por fart er
Pattleukirs app on this promjeee, or if by let-
ter. Us Seater* O., FRANCIS KETTLE *ra
Have' you Money to, Invest? •
for, oyes/to-tants, imattivatbe beat or Silluirfty,
; Wilktitlio•Isr00 and smallaniounte•of dsPiositi A Bargain Land.
Au. pas 22*Z•1 cent ,Plir ennurn; payeble mew • "
OoMpaniee illsb vroakose and pateuts •
bought and nog., .4411 eV • -
• 9 W WA1,0.1BR erence
Fiesnoial, Loseeend. Inveatinotit Agentit,
• 43 Zpot 4dalaida St!, TOronto
MISS Carol Neweorabe,
monnit volt, PIANO,'
And pupils prepared for Contervatory
enobot Or PO 11.414140
110410 ,0104114 SOS AO
Sold by Sydney holiiiin;4th'Olitibblititoti• thoromox
Here's a Chance.
For title cheap and on easy terme-pnrt
of Lot 4, Dayfield 00130013410111, Galeria)
tOwnehip 56 acres. Apply to
Sept 74$314
Splendid Farm to Rent or formic
Sawn:ler offers "litho te rent or for oak
bl ,Tuokinistnith, half * milrfram the Wn
frog of ISO aorta. .situattal on lb* Rosen
ol C into*. It 4. ali isiliarsd, with. firet-it
,otoo*honso lase% edetiori.
leuildbilee blink. been qralone fon. With .windra
_phr hatittelte20,W1 111111 haus* abet,.
teod Bain 6' hoof* tbra6 sietts.,,of 1661g torah+
ard, sroltrataiino thrillithistonlito6 T64
fat= IS 6 itrooitimo moo In invory respect and
tons/ one siflin-illfhor wIithiS 10 rnt or bny
MO101011414 Wyatt latini hei 1ff (Ott
0iMoa.Jss&r1 561)i.ve2000. 00 11011.
(Formerly/of Cameron Holt it Clemerorn
Ofiltie,-Hainilton 'St' cmpOsite Colb.orne 11Onee
Office -Corner Hamilton 84. and the Sonar
Goderieb, Out. *
Office; North at,, next door toSignal Office
Private Funds to lend at lowest rates
of interest.
Real Estate and Insurance Agent. Money ts)
lend on Mortgage and Note security.
• . •
(Successor to pr. T. 0. Bruce)
Specialist In Crown and Bridge Work
L. S, -Graduate Royal CellegetHeptal bur- Of Ontario, 'Tort:Into. •
D. D, S.-First-olass Honor graduate of Den-
tal Department of Toronto U5thersity.
Special attentibie :Paid' to preservation of
ohildren's tush. Will visit , Hayfield ever:
Monday. • • • •
Office over W. Taylor & Son'e shoe store.
Crown and Bridge Work.
Oftice Hours -9 to b.
. Physician, Surgeon, Eto
Office and Residence-
• Rattenbury Street.
Licentiate of the Royal ColleWof Physicians
London, EnglaMD;..s,
Wiles and Residence- -.1;• .
PERRIN'S BLOCK, lip Stairs,
Successor to Dr. Turnbull.
Gold and Silver Medalist, first-class honor
• graduate of the (Warta Veterinary
ileg •
TREATS DISEACS°Esoe. rALL Atitacitit
Night and day calls answered at officie-Dr
Worthington's old stand.Opp. Commercial Rote
TAR. W31. CIONN,L. IL Cl. P. and L. R. 0. IL
• Edinburgh. Office-Onterio Brest Clinton
Night calla at front door of residence on Batten
bury St., oppoolte Presbyterian church.
‘. _: •
'.1-FAscouchetir, etc., office and residence On-
tario St., opposite' Englieh church, formerly oe
copied by Dr: APpleton, Clinton Ont..
Medical Department of Victoria Univer-
sity. Toronto,: formerly of the Hospitals and
Dispensaries, New Yerk, Coroner of the
County of Huron, Hayfield, Ont.
0.) • HonoraryGreduate of theOntarioVeterina
College. Treats alldisinumeof domestioateden
moils on the most modern and scientific piano
plea Office- itatnediately south oftheNewEra
office. Residence Albert St., Clinton. Cail
night orday sttelidedto prOmotiv
1/1. isserer et Marriage Licenses, LibraryBeeme
aud fteeidenee. Mary street, Clinton.
No witness** metered
.1.1 • P. L. s„ Provincial Land Surveyor and
Civil Engineer, London. Onk-Offleie at Geo
Iffewart's Oredsry Ettore, Clinton.
At low rates oh arst-elase Mortgagee.
Apply to
G. I). MeTaggart,
March so-tt Clinton. Ont
oo0VAItirao STAND.
Next to Clonnairoal Rotel.
Vine establenment is 1111011 op ration and as
°rehire lied in the mils ratisfacia gway fjan.6
tory ond granite work a specialty, Prioaa
reseuable as those of any sitablislums t
0Aubi k isol.wrz▪ n TOWN PROPERTY
• °vi• no/nut
3.R. Masan, President, Einem P. O.: ThellP."
Fraser. "timilkosident, Drueefleld I'. O. Thoth
E. Rata, 13631-Tronia.,41660irth P. 04 'w. G.
Broodlook Inspoo tor of Losoen. Seafortli, P. 0.
< W.9, iintadroOt. $ftiforth: John O. llti000
Winthrep. P. O.' GD
eorge ale. Sottforth: Joh*
asiWata at Jas. Evans Stochwood
O.; John Watt, &mot 04; %%alma Pram.
Brumfield t John II, McLean, Kipper% I Amos
Robert Smith, Oarlock; bt.iolilan,Sos
forth: &enes Cuenint,liu011ie' J. W
Ye, RoleneeriGaerge eend John O.Morrison, N,
Parties desirous to effect ivititte s-
not Other butunese will 166 )W0 ly ottinC to
oo,,appliestions ton *17 .1 *a *my.* 0010.111
addhiseed to tireldeopostive Woes.