The Clinton New Era, 1900-09-07, Page 77
If a medal yvero 0 VII OF 1.1TYLE FAITill"
• sawarded for th
1 A sower sowed thl med.- with deehts eed tetra
"1 dare not hope, ' lee kid, "for tntittel nos;
1Poor Mee the isaryeet been to otherleere"
Yet ere the August moon bad waxen old
Vair lewd his aside e.waveriag ie a ot geld;
He reaped a thousandfold!
Most petfect tetn-
repared for fent, geant, Ints fought Mere than 2vv-duel..
Oae.1 perance medic& Heal Itechefort, editor Of I/Intranet-
ly use it would Senator Hoar will be 75 when Ws term
undoubtecUL be in the United States senate expires in
given to octor 1901.
neree'e Goldea ',Lord Itoliebery recently *ale:that when
MOW Distove ••••seetilth readied a- cettithe, point Jk Ceased
I ery. This give plearture.
I eine which is t Dr. Condon, the blind chaplain of the ,
entirely non.alcoe _ United States.lieuseeee,representettves,
.11Olie and c".° nen.. shaves. hiniiielf; six razors.
narcotic, pro.: Richard Mansfiele, le *hoot ;Years
autitet. , old,' He wee empltryed; in' a. lkietoo dry'
strength1. instead. goods store before he went on the stage. ,
Of .-the ettnniateti ,Riitareiterittittve Mercer of Nebraska IC;
streldethWitichle- tic devotee to, euchre. and very ireldona
sults frotn'the 11*. onsikeeplayletr iatteitine every evening of ,.
of " whiekey med. loa, me. 7
numbin. g rearm; e ates contra at a
The man and New York city, I neigro and a graduate'
reniarYable'thre---24 • reitianan Gliamp Clark Of hilsoOnri.'
e, will be a candidate for the Benet. to sue! r
FrOrear attundness of Dr. PierceS3
kinea," or MOO ' Tlie'; tt 'it d"St ' I vl di '
. tics. , ,.,:40,,, tsto4,.12tAlsig,‘„Iiii,4tchard T. Greener of
Y a oflifiefeatil,
Pa Only Indicates the Citeditlea.
of her Health
3att.t3" Disappears*hen the Eyes Ore
Dull, the Skin Sallow, and Wrinkles
Begin to Anpear--.11tow one Wentitil
Regained Health and-COMelinese, •
- 4114010 every wenitte 'At Vitt lie*S. Of *
'bonitteseet daily with innetethrelale Uttl�
wint130 in° her household" editing.. 2:heY
maybe tgo smolt to notice 40 bent. slier%
overdikb t„ it tit neverthelbes theotf rape
otane 11.400Werriett° Viet Mike , So; renttiy,
woraterlderk prenantinely %%Pig
feet near he noticedin pick or eetvelei
heedttehes; field° appetite.e teeth* of none,
' Staid weatiratire, paint, in the beak and loinik
or in a sillily,' rionipieSton, and tbe oramine
eery •yrctentip who de-
sire. ocestennies dreads. To those diu;
raided Wiliam,' Pills Offer a speedy
ard aertem -Curie a restoration of color to
the iffieeke, 'brightness tit the eye, a healthy
appetite, and a sense of freedom fret
" • -
Among the ' thonsancia of Clattadien
women been found now heel& and oew
strength through the nee Of Dr. "Willittniti'
Pink PIN is Mr Francis Poirier, of .Val.
leylielk gee. Mrs pokier Was ri sefferer,
. for In:minds of twenty yearsi she had taken
treatment from several (bonne, and had
used' a alumber of advertiasd medicinal],
but tidith no good resultin-o•Only women
who suffer, as I did can understand ' Mae'
misery I endured for yeare. As time Went
on and the ,dootore consulted, and the
=dig:dies I need did not help' me, I dee-
pened of over regaining health. There
was very few dayethat I did not stiffer
from violent headaches, and the least exer-
tion would make my heart palpitate vio
May. My stomaoh seemed disordered,
and r almost hiathekthe food. forced my -
eel! to eat, I was very mile, and "frequent-
ly my limbo would men so ninoh that I
feared that my trouble was deyeloping into
dropsy. I had almost constant pains in
my back and loin. It was while -I was in
thio sad conlition that I read in Le Prime •
of the euro of a woman whose.; symntens
were ranch like mine through the useof Dr;
Williams' Pink Pills. .1 told my husband
and he urged me to try.them, and at ' onoe
.got me three boxes. Before I had used
them all I felt better, and I got another
aupply of the pills. At the end of a month
I was able to-do my household work, and
before another month had passed I had en-
tirely re:restored my health. I an Gerry
that I.aia notlearn of Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills sooner, for know that they woad
have saved Me ieveral years of sickness
and misery, And feel that I 'cannot tee
strongly :urge' other sick women to use
The conditiOn'indicated in Mrs Poirier'S
ease shwa that the Mood and naives need-
ed atteeetten,, and for this purpotio,Dr,
Manes Pink- Pills irewOman's best friend.
They are particularly adapted to cure the
ailments from which so many. wrimen suf-
fer in silence. Through the use of these
, pills des blood is enriched, the nerves rnade
strong, and the nob glow of health brought
back topale" and dello* cheeks: There
Would be less suffering if Women Would give
these wills a fair trial. Bold by all dentists
or met post paid at 50 (tents a box or six
boxes for $2 50 by 'addressing the Dr.•
Williams' Medicine Co.., Breiskville, Opt.
reaulttnystroOm tlie Oug
mare 1:01 "Golden Medical eto 'tsar authority for the announcement that he
Sri th in thee, days of haste and hurty' geed Senntor Vest.
the -Stomach is the common breeding Senator Cockrell is exceedingly fond of
plaVeof disease. These cures also protte IPPlea and le never se haPPY " when he
thaoroundness of Dr.Pierce' reasoning can secure one of the Jule,' PiPPlas for
that.-' diseases which originate in the which his state is tamous.
atonnieh must be cured through the Harry N, Pillsbury, the chess' chem.'
atoratith." The "Discovery " is a nradis pion, nye that be !Weed the game with
etiniefor the stomach and. Other organs of greet difficulty, and for some time any
.cligeetion and nutrition. When the great amount of, playing always resulted 1
-grapnels in healthy the blood Made in in sevete headaches ' • .
the etomaeli is healthy, and sufficient in Congressman Cousins is one of Iowa's '
:quantity to nourish the nerves and most famous fishermen. •Re spend. every
'atren;Weii•f$"4 dysteM to resist or throw eummee by a lako abounding in black
'o -disease." 'Nature *developi life, sus4 bass and goes fishing twice a day -at
tains life and preserves life by nourish- eunrise and at menet
,ment. , Vital -failure 'cones when the flenatoe Vest is Very nearsighted, 'but
bode is starved either from leek of foOd frequently eorgets to being his glasses to
or the inability of the -digestive and nn- tne senate. chamber, and consequently In
tritire organs to extract the nourishment writing sits curled arouhd his desk with
front the food taken ipto the stomach. his nose ahnost touching the paper.
"Golden Medical Discovery" takes the Owing to his multitudinous agencies in
• .obetacles frotn Nature's way so that she all parte Of the -World Lord Rothschild
man.sustain life by her -own methods. knows of the most important event e of• Pierce's Pleasant Pellets'assist the ten before -any government and even be -
action of "Golden Medical Discovery." fore the most enterprising newepapers.
The Duke of Newcastle, eine of ,Eng-
land's riehest peers, owns a London
A VILLAGE UNDER ONE, ROOF-. newspaper and writes for it continually.
He -is a stanch believer in the press and
What Must Be Done For Guenter in a in journalistic circles Is a g'reat.favorite.
- Huge modern ene'avtaneem Governor, Stanley-. of Kansas is ati ex-
. .
-"The modern hotel," said the meager pert penman and does most of his own
. .0 ..eme of Washington', big hostelries,. lettee writing. Reuses either hand with
. '"inni‘develoned into a inunieiettlity in it e equal ease,' and hie signature is identical
.self. The hUsiness has undergone n great whether the Pen Is held In Ids left band
-.change Within the past 1,5 year& and or his light ' ,
!buildings and Methods thee in vogue hate Captain :Britilden; the leading author-
, been -greatly -enlarged. and modified.' With ity On all things Japanese,. has sustained
the'Valdorf-Astoria it was :considered a heavy toes through fire The whole of
that the limit in hotel coustruetion and his library, his works of art and ;menu-.
snairagement• had been reached, and there scripts of more then 20 'years' collection
are. now tete hotel Men Who Will Venture have been entirely destroyed. • •
a prophecy that this • immense structure Xames Oliver, who .is Prole:0E4 the :
will ever be relegated to second place. I... richest' man in Indiana, laid the. founehr '
. -hare no doubt, hotrever, that .within '50, tion of his fortune by shying from his
i Jeers the metropedie Will have a hetet as atiliiy of 50 cents week as a ferniet's
, large again. 1 believe that within 20
- - "chore boy" enough to buy a house an
• years the older •hotels of •Washington,. lot .on the installment plan and then sell-
: ovhieh is one of the. best 'hotel cities' in•
•ethe - United States, will all be 'reliant. . •
in it iriii.profit. .
' .Most' pf thein have recently been. ire-
Aarotred. - - . .
"Brooklyn, a city twice the size of
Wirehington, looks like 80 cents in coms To obtain the greatest amount of honey
parts= with the capital on the score et svrarming must be controlled.
... ..
hotels, and for years it enjoyed the die- All d '
ger of bees absconding may '
tinction of having...but one hotel, on the pment,fteon-ey clipping tea iiigeen,a NI,- lagsh,e
Heights, and that' -WAS a.- small tiffair.'. Desirable results in honey production
.Commercial travelers and others went to 'cannot. be obtained by allowing fog much
New York York to sleep. This sounds far • increase. ..
-fetched, but it is true.. Recently a couple
• Dividing may.. bo' continued safely as
-of Maidern strdettireakve been Put up, long as the honey flow lasts, and le after.
tut- the Myself Churches will never be a
., ward' more inereese Is desired tt may ba
'bagel to.' t'vf ...;-, - s, ..
secured by feeding. • - . . -' • • .
"Waehin.grati . has _enteral fine. shelters
for stranger -Si 'rind in a few years will Much success Is *obtained 'in •.se. -
have a couple more 'big fellow% . But Miring. straight Combs by the use of
-without ,jegoe-0, •hetei tem, all over the - foundations, either by Ming till sheets
country aceorili the Milne to the Waldorf,. Or even starters of the same. .
and whit is accomplished undo. uses Edw._ ,. The. first thing necessary after hiving..
. ..
gle'roof every day' is fairlY. monumental.- 'a &Nem" of bees in a trims hive ie to ad-
._ . .. .. .
"It operatmea postoilice, doing as meek • jut the, frames to their .proper place&
braditess as in office in a good sized One and a half inches is the . proper die-
' biotin, .handling about 6,000 letters daily, tance. •-. , _ ' .
" - • •
• reit:Whig the services Of four men who • Condit In which bees hate died ohOuld
act, is postal clerks, exclusively.- (Salient be put in a hive of bees as they are, and
send •up 5,000 beide daily -to guests the bees will clean them up readily and
through pneumatic, tubes to the respect- thoroughly in , a ;then time. Empty
lye' floors, where they are received by combs are too valuable tis thrown
the. tallboy& There are 60 telephones, away;
with' ig switchboard tequiring. three op- The Irking of frames and the inebed-
eratirs. All communication betweenthe ding of the foundation undoubtedly make
different 41.entietthente, sections and hotel the most But:Wendel job. The wire run-
emiloyees is done by telephone. There rang through the base of the comb -does
are enough clocks in the building to stock it no perceptible injury, while sueh
a large store, ,the number being 1,200, frames will stand ohiptnent bettet than
and two men are employed to keep them otherwise -St Louis Republie.
in order. .
"If you say a 'regiment ef employees'
ion streak the truth, as the total number , THE WRITERS.
of !employees on the pay is 1,400. •
'There are in addition about 1,500 guests The Late R. D. Blackmore, author of
daily in the hotel' dining the winter sea- "•Late Doone,"• was a famous chess
.84 and 2,500 people Mt nightly eig. player, and -his name appeared in the.list
mer in the twe restaurants, two pate , Of champlons in many a match. .
' gentletheit's cafe and private Prtihh L. Stanton, the newspaper 004
'banqueting hang, It, requires the eel- began ea ing his living when most *boys
• lees of 96 cooke to feed . thele hungry begingoi to school by serving as office
folks, and the kitchen dotce alone is nee-. boy for Jo 1 Chandler Harris on the Sa.
ly as large as 1 bettalion of troops, the Vannith News.
number being ovet 800. They consume William Dean Howells, the novelist,
150 toes of ice a day, lied no one knows; does all hie -own writing. He hes little
how' Many hIghballs, gin rickeys • and faith ie the typewriter at first hand, but
small and large bottles. all his manuscript is carefully copied out
"Where are 19 elevators and Ise hall by one of these machines peicre It goes
boys and pages, A 4.otel has a hall to the publishm The original menu-
. boy force of 12 or 15 is a large one. - bcripi Mr. Howells keeps himself. '
many as 400 guests will arriye front the /lie late Stephen Crane was never ree
ocean Mean:kers in one day and as many markable for, his attention to textbooks
more will depart for Europe. From 2,000' end lectures at Lafayette college. On
to 2.50.0 pieces ae...baggage-are_handied- the contrary; the -Center -square of Idtte.
and accounted for every day. The office ton was his favorite post. He Would stand
clerital force conents of 26 clerks, of there for hours alone and idle except' for
wlimn six are room clerks. A 8,000 horse the continuous smoking of cigarettes.
- gleetric Piaui surnnites the power . -
..014,weAt r. • • •
to belt Wry. dig t , neandescen
dights, more than in many good sized
Kettles- Nine boilers for steam consume
'A00 ,tone .of goal it day and beat 1,500
••••.. •
lifiirDye an .rticle o
Clothing IronFeathers
• slict
The 0,nly Pae
-That 'Make est ana
POPULAR 6eitisteE,
Winter suspends the activity of certain
nitorobes,,but does not destroy theft lite...!
All Material substances have weight.
Eveti hYdr , the lightest known gas,
has weight.•• ,
The nu • er of Waves required to pro
duce the sensation of red as they break•pp,
on the eye • ust be 89,000 in an 'Inch
447,000, opo,000 in a second.
, f the whole envelope etr, were the,.
*due in character, le eeitch 044"
abbut five miles aborethe'eattht but, as
It becieues rarefied as we ascend, it prob-
ably 'Sands to a lielght"oi BO Or 00'neiles.
430 • -Stk. ; * •
-Pfe I i
a Sts, r bhgeneile't ti silk',
ehirt*Oits, res oostumes; jjackete lit politics we often and the round peg
arid shawls cell be dyed it home with Dia- - crawling out of theitgnitriv holt, •whilit
P01.1+.1011.,4401*' •
• :eiblet difference . eietween• bolding
and4eetlese leadership AI that the boo,
always bele:tit to the other itinfty.A5S-;
troit Newe.
rrwi "t" t • 7t,
raond )yett eo that they will look like new. metiare peg lit lett .In the. hole •simply
•Site WUNtA bright, beallStall non-taatti Presid4nital tickets ill the
DY4,1t..,rakAll*.rate°,211-,421rarl, _ te %gel `out something ,that will hernia
the sfai-efi `s"`"Juerdv'ficr Ike with his comirdetitia.--at. Louie •
ten oellepitoltsgee of these dyeep01 414 ,mcibe.neinottlic
`TrY*.littekage Of the Diamond .Dyee.. ItAkr th-toitt etlareol-Detrolt Journal.
eolor• f*will make, With but tittle trdith -2er sA
e'oe-the average 'Voter Ought to be alele
her oldlresti a lovely and testilonable color
Se is '-..eavo tbeeepsese of» sp!oetta oust , : • .t...:, . -,,_-_-.... ,., , „
PAM WW1 olothing can be :nide over,. frit
the tit eamig,p1.1w, dyeing it„wiely -Dia*
mondlie one U1 ,p,,,... rflooltoxt tat,. 044
dieseessiid in hi' Were tieli new" ----A-
Dhiffitaoalitlyett are odepted to many lute,
hesidetillaelyafitti ekl. olothiii. in, t Into
viond7Diet . "'tiny' lite ON Nittialk ' a .
floe to ettrteine, nratture oovetioge, deep. let ta.
• ogee, owlet", etc. Beware of imitation „asItuli
., oral oommon voltage ayes: to* for the wv:p
sDiiittoMa" tad tee shot you tet them, ' w•
4 k
Cage Thai Confuse -ft the Lawyer.
Young Syrnple was at a club dinner
the other evening and tried to make an
impreasion on a well known lawyer who
sat next. to him. But the man of law
did not appreciate the attendees -ef his
neighbor.• .
• "I suppose you gentlemen have some
strange cases to deal with at times,' ob-
served Sympte.„ . • . -
• "Yes," answered the lawyer.
"Some very puzzling cases," said the
young -man, trying again -"cases thst al-.
inOst confuse you. and--er-er"-
• "Just so," said the legal gentleman, a
look of -determination overspreading his
countertance. "I knew a man once who
• had's ease to deal with of the kind you
mention. He gave hire full and undivided"
attention to that case during &eyehole
of one night, and when he haill.finished
he really did not know which 'side of -the -
case he was on, he was so confused."
"Reatlyr exclaimed Syniple, delighted
• at having drawn the lawyer at last,
"Most Interesting! •What kind of case.
was it?"
"It was a 'case of whisky," replied the
other. -Scraps. •
We, the undersigned, do'hereby agree to
refund the money en a twenty five cent
bottle of Dr. Willeelinglieh Pills, if, after
using thee -fourths of contents of bottle,
they ad not relieve Constipation and Head.
ache. We also warrant that four bottles
will pernmently cure the most obstiniate
cam of Constipation. Satisfaction or no
pay when Wills' English Pills are used.,
• H..13. Combe, Chemist d, Druggist, Olin -
ten J. E. Rovey. Dispensing ()hernia%
Clinton; Watts & Co.,Drugsandhledicinee,
Clinton Sydney Jackson, Dreggiet, Olip-
: .
There are three different railway gattgee
In Australia -2 feet 0 incite& 4 feet 1354
Inches and 5 feet 8. inches.
The Staten Island road hite speclit
ear for hoodlums oil Saturday night%
They are locked in and are not allowed
to. disturb the .peace of respectable pee -
pie. —
Among tbe curioisities in the new Raite
road.,museum , at Dresden Is a prociama-
tign printed In /839 warning- passengers
that: trunk e cannot be. forwarded unless
they' are -brought to the elation at least
an hour7befoto the depriettire of the
train. ;
is a &tWo, billow in
"-• le the Weitteloi-peretf
length. The rano are made of trees from
which the bit& has been striPped, and
these are Withal trigeth'ete.. tem them
rigida car with greeted 'ilibeeis teninchei
• •
Ilene' egg hallstenee are otit '4itte
hinVetorthis reports trtOrm
whieh the hailstones were as big Ite
Oteibt. 'e= • ' -
An Iowa town repevte rainfall ot •10
Weisel Sunday. The eepirt 'of Itallseenee
as big se lootballe knocked .out com-
petitors In that line early in the season,
and rieldry ha,' neeeeserily turned to • other
Be. •
Theite are the dive' when You are likely
he hear bitilitteina steriee. It he says they
Were as big as weternielons, be sure to
*eh, before yeuteetho. k old tha mel.
lout Weedy '
f, bilttgp;$1001713Np130.
bite Wed Laxii.Liete Villa and Ana
them an meeellent Waldo for indigestion
• MA billettenote.
J. McCollum, litottifyille, Out.
An A.ustria
the human brain contains it "mime ecu -
ter." He gays that it Is office ot thi
cell to retain names.
etrthing .case which would seem, to
confirni thie theory occurred at Cleveland.
A, brakeman was shot by a conductot
and the Winer could not remember the '
names of persons or things, although he
could Perfectly well describe the funo
dens of all articles exhibited to him.'
The surgeon probed for the bullet and
found it in the exaet spot necessary tG
,affect the remembrance of names,
cotdlng to the Aestrian's theory, When
the ereesure au the brain. had been re -
!hived, the lenient remerahered Fut Mee
as well ate* had done before hie injury
and told the 'name of his assailant -
Scientific American.'
Weinderfa1 Rees.
-Beef, ,gq gut ell day, "iethering holitty
and work at, night in the litve, building
their-mm.6n as perfectly ea °If an eleetrIci
light shone 'there all lite time. They
' week. in the. At& because honey mystele
lizee when exposed to tight; hence we see
why, the begs are so ,cureful to obscure
the glen windows which '-are pliteed in
their hives. The existence of the young
depedds on the liquidity erf the eaccharrae
food presented to thee', and if the light
were allowed access to this it would in all
probability prove fatui to the inmates of
the hive.
The Jaded Cohere.
Some of the insurance- companies re-
fuse to take risks en the lives of thear
:Ica! ushers. They assign as a reason
that the usher, being compelled to listen,
night after night, to repetitions of the
same Old jokes, soon becomes spiritless,
sees no joy in existence and at an early
age welcomes death as a relief.
It Watt There,.
• • •
"T110'0 a boy wants to see Yon, sir" ,
"Ilas he got a bill in his hand ?"
"No, sir,"
'"I'hen he's got it In his pocket! Send
him away!" -Phil May in Punele
The Crate and Maniere
n savant as declined drat
In a aid; elate eart droPt a klinlY word;
"de Weak cir "(PIM." 'hi sighed, eperthanee none
neard, • - • 4
Or if they. aid, so ilninsering hentale stirred."
Yet ta enhour lt.htfortunet Were it stake;
• One. mit for hit make '•
secikuPt Olt beta 4. tpt)(eL, „ •
Milne hoe to givir,' 0 iprill" mu OW;
."A'waywaed besrt "thet oft' bath thee denietli
Coeldist thou with such a gift be 'nudge"
Yet when the. soul hid. ceased Mouruhll
God took the love that leaned so' poor and feint
An nom It MO siting
• +-Christian Durk* in • finecley Magazine.,
. • '
• • . •
rte. Mesquite.' Disetaved
• • .....twox an Omni* Liner. • • °
-"Theo?" Place above all ;Agri
;where s matt exhibits his neeanneseg
maid the traveler, "nett that'll aboard an
ocean linee and towed the Mall `*11,9
obliged to °cello the OMR OtOte*OinD
_ YOU. YOU ate mad. to begin with
that you have to blink in with sotaebody.
Who get' the lower •berth, he'e done :You
a mortal injury. If he's. oesitick,• Ton
have a contempt for •him; if 'he is not,
you are a bit envious. I've grossed the
Atlantic nine Pines and altvaye shared
stateroom, and I was never more than
on tweaking terms with my roommate.
•ron can be all right toward everybody
else 'aboard, but he's your enemy. . The
cage lit Worse when it's a pair of 91d
trayelere,. no each is posted as 'to his
,rights and privilege's and is zealous in
enforcing them. When I' crossed to Lon-
don last year, I had a Chicago man for
ibUM.** NO doubt he was anal' around
good -fellow, but it was his sixth or Belie
oath tilt), and he'd got posted as to when
and how to exhibit his meannes&
Wad him in the Stateroom when I came
aboard. We recognized each other as
veterans, but a few words mist be ut-
tered for decency's sake.
"'Name'. Zones,' says I as chucked
away. my steamer trunk.
`Naele'e -Brown,' Pays he as he bang-
ed- on his hat. -
"Wo didn't speak again for four days.
Then we got. a heavy 'gale and a big sea,
and as I was lying in my bunk he came
In for mine cigars and growled:
:tot; e ' •
" Hoped you had!'
et our be we landed 17-iihnded
hint; a Palter On which I . had written
down. feelings concerning hlm, milt-
ed- him -a *rank, curmudgeon, it bear, a
heathen and lots of other things and ex-
pressed 'the fervent nope that it Might
never 'occur that the same hotel 'would
give as both . shelter ,in Europe. As I
handed out my.. paper he extended one.
He had written down his feelings toward
me, and I pledge you .my word if the
two. papers weren't alike to a word!
met him in Paris six weeks later, and we
rivalled . to greet each other like old
"friends, and for two weeks we walked
about like two brothers and were. grieved
when the parting came. • •That. was 8n
land, you know, and we weren't bunk
mates. PM going over again next Month, •
but I'm making no promises of better be-
havioe. Whether my roominate is . a
minister from Boston mi.' a cattle -raiser
from Arizona; •I :shalt probably. de all I •
can to make his position uncorafortablei
and I am sure he will do as much for
At ,the Minton Agile Store
Which hi also Clinton headquartero for
neattie• .
Call and aee us for a bargain in a high
grade, durable and easy running wheel.
• Tita .1.411xlIeet.
A -Yankee visitor to England during
the jubilee celebretioes was staying at a
certain hotel in Liverpoal.. The Morning
after hie arrival he ite taking a look
...round the hotel.when he came acmes -owe
of the waiters, Glpncing up at the build-
•ing, the Yankee sale, "Say, stranger, is
thisthe .biggest hotel you have here in
Liverpool?" "Well, yes," answered the
waiter, "X believe kis one of the largeat
• in lAverpool." "Oh," said the Yankee,
"then I guess we are ahead of you in our
country, fok• We could put • thie place in
the porch: of one of our American hotels
• and not be et all inconvenienced!"
• A short time after the waiter again
-came across the Yanitee Mil, wishing to
• get straight with him, said, "Hate you
been in , Birmingham. 'yet, sir?" "No,"
says the Yankee, "I have not, but I guess
I will go before I leave the lold countty."
"Well, said the waiter, "if you g9,. be
sure you put up at the Great Western
hoteL • It will suit you down to the
• ground. The coffee room is a .enoozer.
• It is three elites long, and the welters go
about on horseback."
"All Dunlop Tires in ,xono"
• On Macadam roads—
on country roads—on good
. reads and bad roads
_ Dunloie Detachable Tires
-are &est and easiest to
• ride.
If you meet with a mis-
hap a Puncture — ten
• miles from home—" these
are theonlytoolsyou need."
"The only toois."
The Dunlop Tiro Cm, Limited.
• Toronto.
Ilenttem. Winnipeg. ' 01, JOhlk
;.• r. •
'Soothes thetriltato4.
bowels, eettles,02e,sto*-,,,
.ach,- eves pfotitp.,
fiat*peifi, prOjittitei* ea, ;
- Dysentery, Cholera,
Cramps, Colic; Summer
-40tnplaint, Cholera Infan-
rursjpg soitmouth.„
of infants and all bowel
complaints of young and
old more safely and speed-
ily than any other remedy. .
'Plita • OUS MIRO
irt the following lettete tells
how it lived his nros -"I had suffer.
rid with dysentery for fotirwealts and
couldgetnothinK to cure ma. I then
tried Dr. Folder s enact' of Wild
Stri*Itetrilf) aid teilt. Smelt raved
my Ws.- It teetered me to health
When everythingelio failed. con..
.sider sit erful retrue4r, OM,
thett14 govro p eititY War:
Ahoy' otak Me; Or. Petrier0.0
,IS •111
nuirtii$ .
ir , • ' •
WraY telifibet
Stitemberg• cletetii Ramat 1.1).4...
Fewlises Extract ofWildStrawberty
la ;the best reniedyI knew of far '
Rummer Complaint and Bowel
diem of children. I have used
oits, family for tba,naggeauv.
'sant £MAfe?Ladocca.1oe td
*the doctor for these trou=:::
.tles Fowler's Netted IMMO
street' lhent.WildlitCh6"I'lltrattietti. sad WOE
, • ,
erbiew Nits 'Apecifie for all
, flheasos, ariStng from . dISOrderefl
aeries, vidiik heart or watery blood.'
Thy ctif•
ambtheritig,' faint 'and weak spells,
shortness of bieath, swelting of feet
and ankles, nervousness, sleepless-
ness, anomie, hysteria,. St. Vitus'
dance, partial paralysis, brain fag,
female complaints, gener,a1 debility"
and lack of vitality. Pelee soe. a box.
Pain -Killer.
A Nleclibliati Chest In Itself.
Simple, Safe and Oulok Cure for
25 and NO centBottles.
• •• *GENTS. •
4/Klond1ke Gold Fields," a aree,sereate voile
able book, selling like a. whirlwind, Beautiful
prospectus twenty-five cents. Books on thne,
. Toronto,
• "The beet life of Her Ifttiesti I bwaent
writes Lord Lorne about "Queen -NTitteria."
Agents make five dollars dailY.
For a gent:tine money -making position; Tto
•books, insurance, or fake scheme every every house
a customer. Particulars free. Write to daY
THE P. B.KAJtN CO.,132 Victoria street,Po-
rent°, Cana.da. • Feb 23-18
No experience.. necessary. Permanent posi-
tion. Liberal terms. Bay weekly. Stock
complete with fast selling specialties, including
Seed Wheat, Corn, Potatoes, Scu• 071'FrE
FREE. Secure territory now. Write
Nurserymen, Brown's Nurseries P.O.. 01314
• g GENTs - Book business's better than or
yearapastAlso have better and faster selling
bootee. Amtnts olear from $10 to $40 weeklY•
• few leaders are: "Queen victoria, "Lifeof Ifit
Gladstone," "My Bother's Bible Stories," "Pre,
gresslyespee.ker.r.Blondike Gold Frelds,""Wo•
man, "Olin:9meg of the Uns on." "Breakfast
Dinner and Supper," "Canada, . ,lenoyelopae
dia." Books on time. Outfits free to canvassers
September 7, 190(1
Intenporithed by Act of Parliament labt
CAPITAL • $2,001.1,000
BAST FUND . C1,050,000
' •
man-OPPIOn MONw1thle1.4.
110.04441 Mocrouttaw, trashiest
WeLnuTea Thomas, Oen. 11012114Ne
Notes discounted, CollectiOns 1110140, prsls�
loaned, Sterling end American exchange
bought and,. gold. Interest allowed on d•ee
Peeite. fiamee ilosa.4oterelt0OW0tiOnt
same of al and up. Motley advanoed tit
ferment en their own note, With 0413 et
more exidorsera, Nemortgage required
0. 0.. 11.11*WeR• Manissfort Plato
G. Ilk, 1,110,4q.klitet
A. general Banking lituilbe•aM
. trau sae tett ,
NOTgE3 ril8couNTBD •
Drifts med. Interest allowed on
&dvancea made to farmers on their own
notes at low rates of interest.
A• general Banking Business transacted
Interest allowed on ilercents.
Sale Notes bought
ee s
Seed Corn, seven varieties, !Sugar
Beet, Mangold& Turnips, and ail varteties
of Seeds required for field or Igarden use.
Exetez dour always on hand, and general •
mill feed. • .• -
WM. DUNCAN, ,. Clinton..
Licensed Auctioneer.
Oats Wa ted
• Oab ftsm•i0Wweien:t_e_d in excl.lange
... for
• meal and the best PlourZin the marker
11 lbs Oatmeal for 1. bustle' °aft
• 15 lbs Plour (Manitoba Nixed)
f 1 Bushel Oats.
Silverware Given Away.
Every purchaser, anything that we sell,
be the amount small or large, gets a coupon
and when a certain number is received the
• bolder will be. entitled to a elope of Silver-
ware of their own choosing. Come -and
see theBilverwarie • ----------
0.Of SON
Toronto A
&ma. Rutter emil Eggsiwanted.
110 for IC Cents
This book contains ono hundred end ,
ton of the beet humorous recitations
embracing the Negro, 'Yinkea, trishaw,
Dutch Attlee', both in prose and: versa.
as troll hunuiroult' compositions of
evOry khut an& rburctor. Sent, post,. '
paid, with Ow illustrate* catalogue a
'Woks sutt'now.ltick for onlyten contr. ,
Alifirrilitort ittogrArifilie•
711tallintatoo • TOrdirto.oCario.
I t I
Our fee returned if we fait Any one sending
sketch and description of any invention will
promptly receive our opinion free concerning
the patentability of same. "How to Obtain a
Patent" sent upon request. Patents secured
through us advertised for saleal..eir expense.
Patents taken nut tbrough,es receive apebila
notice, without charge, in inc PATENT Recoup,
an illuStmted and widely circulated journal,
consulted by Manufacturers and Investor,
Send for sangde copy FRES. Address,
(Patent Attorneys,)
Evans Building, WAPHINGTOffe 9.
Weak and l•ittpure Biood,
Liver iSt Icidziey Diseases,
Female Cotaplaints, Etc.
er write direct to:
••I, M. lioLEOD,
Goderush, Ont.
BROADFOOT, Box- & ao.
The steady ittoreagerikeurirade le good•proof Of the fact that our golde are righ
our Woes le-wer!then those of Other dealere in the trade.
We matilfikeirtre fneniitirteon it large male and eau afford to sell ethettp. If you bay
from ns, we save for you the profit, which, in other oases, heti to be addedin for
• the -retail dealer. .
Thie week We have painted into adroit some of Mir noW'debiFirte. Space "Will not perm '
as to quote prioes but come aid Flee for yourself what snaps we.firive 16 offer.
Remember -we are determined that pur prices shall be the leweat in the trade. .
In •thiedepnrimeni ourstook is complete, and we have ruitionbtedly the best inners
• outfit in the I county,: Ciurornies are as low as the lowest. " •-, e."-, •
1411:40 IP: °I IF -1911
, B01E44-00.4* wi Midler
Manesit °
Stuulityealltilittendid itc 'by 'balding W: (Fungi
Direoterl residence IUa,,:i1"1,t It 'r• '1*
513i'fiaNb Fah riliiiiNt)
I), FUMES and
• ' 1:` ,
13Itte NW bens 'Ladles
and for Young or Old
Ht B. comer
(live Pfirfttnien if .Yota Pleseet thet, hit
sex. The &Moist kinds *rebate. All ties
&moos makes -all the deeireble odors -
and ming kinds put up in specially oitreo.
tite,Ohrieircie pookogee.
014 omortment °Pito I:611;1We as,
,Milltetty Druithei, Mirror*, %WWI% ha.
ehotity.tud handsome Woods, le the Moat
ecireplete in the town. 'And the
eating petite you le dote platers ter be.
low whot yotoce been sontietemed.,fmnsas
for 'WINO %Wolin ellieWbara.
Chemist %Druggtst