The Clinton New Era, 1900-09-07, Page 6September 7, 1900
So many
have hair
that is
and dull.
It won't
g row,
the reason? Hair _
net& help just as
anythiag_else does at
times. The roots re-
quire feeding. When
hair stops growing it
its lus-
ter. It
1 ,
los dead. s r
acts almost instantly -
on such hair. It
awakens new life in
the hair bulbs. The
• effect is •astonishing.
Your hair grows, be-
comes thicker, and all
-dandruff is removed.
• And the original
color of early life is.
restored to faded or
gray hair. This is
always the case.
$1.00 a bottle. All druggids.
"1 'lave usod .Ayer's Hair Vigor,
and am really astonished at the
good it has done in keeping my
hair from coming out. It is the
best tonic I have tried, and
shall continue to recommend it to
my friends." •
Sept. 24,1898r Burlington, N. 0.
TTIE 110LT, •
If you do not obtain all the benefit.,
you expected from..thsuisedLthailair -
-Vigor, write the Doctor about it.
Da. J. 0. AYER, Lowell, Ban.
Firmness Which Brought an
ployee n Raise or Salnry.
'A little incident occurred in our estab-
lishment the other day,'' said a prominent
local merchant, "that carried a moral
which I would like to see impressea upon
every young mart entering business life.
Not long ago ,I employed a clerk who had
been discharged from anotner house in
the same lind. ' I knew: him to he com-
petent, and a little inquiry .satisfied me
that his dismissal was due to a petty
•couspiracy among some jealous fellow
employees. So I engaged him at a good
salary, and he has given thorough satis-
faction. A few days ago one of our staff
was anxious to know wbat concessions
were made by the other house to a cer-
tain customer la a neighboring city, and
he went to this young matt for the infor-
"The clerk hesitated and looked dis-
tressed and finally asked to be excused
from replying. know the faets, of
course,' he said, 'but it is strictly a con-
fidential matter, and I don't think I
ought to divulge it to a rival firm.' The
' department head who questioned him
took offense at his position, which I am
sure he would not. have done had he
given .the subject any thought, and re-
minded him, pretty sharply, that he had
• been summarily discharged and owed no
allegience to the other establishment.
Nevertheless the young man stood firm,
and the matter was reported to me. 1 at
once complimented him on his sense of
hop= and raised his salary, which took
him completely off his feet, as he
had fully expected to be told to go.
"I wish the importenee of cultivating
and encouraging such standards was bet-
ter understood, • There are few things
mare dangerous to the average business
house than the • thoughtless tattling of
• employees -not necessarily (lintel rged
employees, but Men who are holding god
positions and who enjoy the full cocifi-
dence of their superiors. . Every estab-
lishment bas secrets. I don't mean shady
secrets', but things of a private character,
which are as much the exclusive property
of the house as the stock on the shelves,
The majority of the clerks obtain more
or less inkling into such Matters, and the
more important the ssibject the more
likely they ire to blab it to inane outsider.
Every employee ought to be- inade to un-
derstand that thesaffairs of his .house and
the affairs able employers are thingii be
- has no more 'right to give away than he
• would have a right- to give away their
• merchandise. I have. Obeerved that
young men who proceed eli thie principle
are pretty certain to win esteem and sue -
cess." -New Orleans Times -Democrat '
t e Liver
Must Bear $flt�f
4,seefer,491a1 Ile *nippier -RAW&
Vilify small and as oink,
take AS
--CARII1( Etil
,,,101FOR CO:4TM
,0,..a.r7:401MI 11144VO air liP
I V/44011.1k NAljWieSiWiste
' -
1•1014A0tIta, "'
Lord ot the living, when rny race is run,
Will that I pan beneath the risen sun;
Suffer my sight to dim upon Nome Kens
OZ thy good green.
Let my last pillow be the earth I love.
With fair Infinity of blue above,
And fleeting, purple phadow Of a Cloud
•My only shroud.
A little lark, above the morning star,
Shall shrill the tidings ot my end afar;
The muffled music ot a lone sheep bell
Shall be my knell,
And where stone heroes trod the moor of old,
Where bygone wolf howled round a granite fold.
Ilide thou beneath the heather's newborn ligkt,
My endless niglit.
• Pliillyotts iu Speetator.
Mrs. Dewey Determined to Save Het
Husband From Ansietr.
"And how Is the hand today, darling?" .
Inquired Mr. Dovey fondly.
"Ohl" sighed Mrs, Dovey, "the pain
has been something rrightful. I haw
had to send for the doctor. He ie coming
to lance it. I expect him here every
"My own brave little woman!" ,
• "Not so very. brave, either. I am going
to take chloroform."
"Oh, Amorella, don't, please!"
"It won't cost so much ,more."
"As if I thought of that!"
"You want to see me tortured, then
After only two months of marriage!"
"How can you talk like that, Amorellal
Why, don't you know? Sometimes' peopls
die under chloroform."
"You say that Just to frighten me. But
I don't care. I'll risk it. Ah, here's ths
doctor! • You will give me chloroform,
won't you, doctor?" •
'Certainly; I have come prepared."
"And you assure me there is no den. -
"None whatever."
"My husband here has been` trying te
frighten me with stories of people dying
under the influence."
"Ah, but not where the 'medical maa -
thoroughly understands the patiebt's con.
stitution. Here, Dovey, take hold of this
sponge. By the way, I was administer. -
ing it yesterday to an . old patient of
mine, and really he was most amusing."
' "Yes?' •
"The way the old fellow talked about
his early love affairs! Be gavehimself
away dreadfully. It was great fuel"
"What did he say, doctor?" inquired
Wit Dovey anxiously. •
•' "Excuse me, 1 ought not to repeat It."
"He knew, of course, that only you
were there?" - • • •
—"Olr,li--the--whole-city had been there,
it would have been all the same. Are you
ready new, Mrs. Dovey?"
"Will It hurt very much, doctor-ths
lancing?" .
the chloreform you won't know
anything about it."
"Don't you think I might manage tc
bear it without any?".
"Better not try. You.might faint."
"Besides, Amorella, the doctor sayi
there is no danger in your ease." •
"No, no, no! I want toshow you mete
• hciw a weak woman can bear pain."
• "13ut just now, darling, you were deter.
. mined"- ,
"Yes, dear, but I have been thinking,
You would be here all the ' while, and -
you woad .be so anxious."
Moody,* Method With Bores.
Sorae of Moody's meetings were "open"
in the sense that any one so disposed
was at liberty to speak or pray. But on
important occasion e he knew very well
beforehand who were likely to take part
in the meeting, and some of the most de.
lightful surprises were what Artemus
Ward wOuld have called "prepared ink
Of course he was beset by "cranks,"
• but he faced them with great courage.
- When a speaker was takilig, breath, he
would give out the next hymn as natural.
ly as if the man had -finished. I have
heard him say •to a speaker who had
scarcely commenced what he had intend.
ed to say: "Now, sir, that is perfect. If
you add a single word you will spoil it
Let us sing No. 123."
• When provoked beypnd rneasure, he
could be very severe. An Australian
evangelist had told a long story of his
own glorious doings and of the opposition
he had everywhere encountered.
sat down Mr. Moody remarked: "I can
• tell you why they -opposed you." "Pithy?"
"Because you spoke too much about
yourself." Thie we. said e. reviwded
Both Piepared.
Her little brother was entertaining in
the front room the young man who had
just called. • \ -
"Look here,"% he said suddenly, "are
you goin to propose to my sister to
"Why-er-er--what do you mean?"
asked the youth, with some agitation.
"Oh, nothin, puly if you are. you aren't
goin to surprise her. At tea jus' now
she bribed me and my little brother to go
to bed at half past 7. She's hung four
Cupid pictures on the drawin room wall,
got pa and Ma to premise to go cailin
next door, shut the flog in the cellar and's
been practicin 'Becawie I Love You
Dearly' on the .planner ail the afternoon!
You'll get her all right, only if ebe start'
talkin 'bout its bein sudden, tell her it
goal work with you,"
. ,
The Fever Tree. •
Throughout •alnlosi the, whole .0! the
Transvaal Yon conte taw% every now
'and then some species of the dreaded fe-
ver tree, a tWieted, distorted tree, whose,
livid green trunk and branches bear no
leaf nor blossom. In appearance it is
quite the most einlater bit of vegetation
imaginable, and,- no matter how weary
hie oxen or. how Weary his own feet, the
South African trekker or prospector will
plod on for miles rather than outer=
- even fee one idght in the neighborhood
of this baleful tree.,
. , .
Poe's Last Hour.
'Alter consclowniensi returned the doctor
said ,to him, "Mr. Pee, are extreme.
i ly weak; pulse *ery low; I will give yeti
I a glass of toddy."
i He answered,'"iiir, if i thonglit Its p0-
' tency would transport me to the Elyelars
bowers ot the undinitovered epirit world
1I would not take it."-Sartidn'a "Remi.
- niscences of an Old Man."
, , ...i..i........
Poetry its it 'Safety Valve. (
Verses fulfill a highly .•Impertant func-
tion hi the prevention of rieryons stialn•
The nee of pen, ink and paper Wigs off
. the mental . oteatri.-,Dr. Andre* Wilson
lti,"Mind end Body." .
••Atia Minor *as the Chief , otdum mar-
ket until the' twelfth eentUry, and front
then on it wag gradually dietribitted all
1 Over tbe globe. . The „Chinese obtained
the drug in the thirteenth century.
Two deathly haVe 00ortrrea at Glealgoet,
Scotland, from bubonic plague, and forty
fe.milies are VOW. isolated.
Mr Ohm, Jelarskte, Bear "River, N. S.,
•says :-"I was troubled with hoarseness
andtore threat and after taking three bot-
tles of Dr, Wood's Norway Pine Syrup I
wiks enthely cured,
• Beyond A Doubt.
Thousands Give Testimony
Letter upon letter poen in from every
point in Canada teatifying to the marvel.
one power of Dr. Pitcher's Beolatehe Kid.
nov Tablets to euro kidney and bladder
troubles both of the young miadle-eged,and
aged, and such other troubles as floci their
origin in a faulty kidney aotion,-these
afflictions beyond a doubt, and shows that
the Tablet is the right thing in the right
This is what Mrs J. W. Hutehies, 82
Portlandiit„ Toronto, bas to asy:-"I
not Bay too much for Dr. Pitcher's Back-
ache Kidney Triblets, Before using them
I had a gnawing pain in the book all the
time, and an route lameness germ the
loins. I had not so muoh aching in my
head as between my ehouldera and in the
back of my neck. Sinoe using the tablets .
my back as it used to be, and the rheum -
tiara in my shouldera has disappeared.
Formerly when I did a washing I was utter-
ly tired out, not haying a bit of energy
left; this morning I did my washing in two
holm and I did not mind it. I have no
hesitation in reconmkending Dr. Pitoberfre
Backache Kidney Tablets, for I never had
anything to do as much gOOd."
Any reader oan teat the merits of Dr,
Pitolier'e Backache 'Kidney Tablete free by
enclosing two cents postage to the Pitcher
Tablet Co. Toronto, Ont. Regular size 50
cents per tecitile .
There's a lot that's seductive in titles and rank,
In station and pomp and degree,
And Crosses and eters on a nobleman's breast
Are mighty attractive to see.
It comforts moat people, straight through' in thls
'lo think that their blood's a clear. blue,
But the salt of the earth is its common folk still,
Honed and simple and true.
They hold fast to justice and freedom and right,
They're virtuous, manful and strong,
And it's ever their minion to straighten' things
When the world gefe entangled in wrong;
Not always we're willing to credit them up
• With ,the glorlous things that they do,
But the salt of the earth is its Common folk dill,
• Holiest and temple and true.
..-Itipley D. Saunders
. Mrs. Dewey has a brooch of diamonds
set in steel from a Spanish vessel Bunk
at Manila. .
. Mrs. John. 1/1-4.74-inyirof--Albany owns
several specimens of the handiwork of
Pain Revere as a silversmith.
Miss Helen Gould is much bothered by
requests for autographs. She receives
sometimes as many as 25 of these re-
quests in a day.
Idiss Kate Sanborn persistently re-
marks that so long as woman wears trail-
ing skirts clutchedby th•e left hand and
impeding freedom of motion she Isn't fit
for the ballot. •
Miss Susattnah Whitney is the oldest
living.publie school' teacher in New York.
She began her work in 18•36, six years
before the board of education was estab-
• liahed. • , . •
Londop artists declare that Mies Van-
derbilt-Wackerman of New York is the
handsomest woman in the world, possess-
ing the most perfect face and figure and
• that spiritual poise which makes the ex-
ceptional model.
Mrs. Phcebe Hearst, who has done so
much for. the University of California,
Is, in appearance, rather a fragile wom-
an. She is often worn out by her cease..
less activity and unwillingly delegates
her work to assistants. .
Mre. Roosevelt, the wife of Governor
Roosevelt, ore as the governor himself
calls her, "Teddy's chum," is a quiet, -un'-
assuming modest, housewifely little body
Who bard absolutely •no distinguishing
characterietics from thousands of good,
true American wives and mothers.
Mrs. Henry N. Clauden is the only per-
son, outside of menroers of congrese, who
Is allowed In the •speaker's lobby while
the house, is in session. Her husband,
the Rev. Mr. Couden, chaplain of the
h,ouse, is blind. He is brought to the
• house daily by Mrs. Couden and remains
until she comes for him.
Mrs. Pullman, widow, Of George M.
Pullman, is said to be one of tbe keenest
business women in this country. She
Was the daughter of J. Y. Sanger of Ot-
tawa, Ills. Mrs. Pullman delights in
travel. Her private care are fitted with
•all the conveniences of a home and are
equipped with a full corps of servante.
Mrs. George Crocker, wife of Califor-
nia's young millionaire, Is said to have
realized her ambition to become as great
a social leader in New York as she was
In San Francisco. She is now a member
of the inner exclusive get of the Metropo-
lis, or, in other words, one of the "Thir-
ty-eight," the total number of the "hest
set" hi New.York.
• Mrs. W. W. Ennis, Mrs. F. L. Briggs
and Mrs. William Haven of Ottumwa,
Itt., claim to be descendants of the orig.
• inal Jellaba Crane whom Washington
Irvirer Introdueed, in tbe "Legend of
Sleepy Hollow." Jesse Merwin, grand-
father of these wouien, was the original
.Ichabod, according to the documentary
evidence in their possession,
Just seoeived a lot -of new Belts,
Buckles; Polley Belts;Bengle Brads.
lets, eto. The lateet goods in the
• We make specialty of fitting
Spectacles and Eye Wanes, '
Eyes examined free.
A cricket ball has been hit 30 yards
farther than it has ever been thrown.
The •life Insurance in force in the en-
tire world Is estimated at $9,500,000,099,
About one-third of India is governed
by rajahs,. via Of whom has an Inde-
pendent army and all of whom have
about 300,000 troops.
British noblemen are the only one's In
Europe who ever wear coronets on their
heads, and the eole occasion when they
do so la at the coronation of the sover-
"Cycliste" and "eyellsme" have been
accepted as dictionary words by the
French academy after a hard struggle,
according to the Lotulon • Daily Tele-
The Turkish woman Is 'marriageable at
the age of 9 yeare, and by Turkish law,
if married, she is compelled to manage
her own property and dispose of two-,
thircle of her fortune.
One of the houses in which Dante
sertekto have written the "Inferno" bag
been gold at Mulazzo, in the mountains
near Spezzia. The town belonged to ,the
Marquises Malaspina, who protected jthe
poet In one stage of his wanderings. .
- What is believed to ben viking corpse
has been dug up.* a peat bog at Damen-
dorf, in Sleswick, and placed in the Kiel
museum. It was well preserved .and had,
red hair; it was clothed in coarse woolen
material, with sandals on the feet. Kiel
• erts think it, was buried 1,500 years
The San Jose aoGle has been dierovered
on apple treea in the,eastern part of Lon-
don, Ont.
Mrs Melbourne Parker, Torbrook, N. S.,
writes: "I have used Milburn's Sterling
Headache Powders, and after taking one .
or two felt better at once, and was able to
get up and go one with my work. Price
10o. and 25e. all dealere,
• Mr Ales. Ferguson, a prrminent Ottawa
barrieter, was thi own from his hem near
Billings' Bridge and killed.
FS Tite • Imperial
Tbe undersigned with to inform
the yeople of (Minton an vicinity
they haVA opened tip in the store
fonnerlir cemented `Only &Co.
macuy 100ek, Ontario St.,
where they willitsep in steok all kinds Of
* Fresh, Cooked, Cured and
Canned Meats,
such as are usually tattled in a first class meat
more, tegether with Poultry, Canned Terigtle,
Beef, Piga' Feet,Mines Meat, idid all articles: Of
it like nature, which Will be deliVeeed tO any
Part of the totem Orders afilieited
3 lbs. geed eanisarrefor 2t Maid
T. E. CASE & 00.
Ile Trusted and Hoped.
The village blacksznitb stood within
the . shade of the cheignuttree. Ms
heart was heav within him and he be-
wailed to the new Parson Ills hard lot.
"It is different from what it was, sir,"
• he said. "It's hard now to get a lbrieg,
what with the rise in food and, worse
than all, the competition."
"Yon Mean the young man who has
recently opened a forge at the other end
of the villager queried the minister.
"Yes, Mr."
"Well, well," answered the minister,
preparing to take his departure. You
omit go on treating and hoping," and
with these words of comfort he left.
• A few days afterward, passing the
same way, the minister stopped to in-
quire as to bow things were going. This
time the blacksmith met hint with a'
cheerful 'Outgo. "'Things are looking
up," he explained. • "I went on trusting
.ad hoping, as you advised, sir, and it's
all right now. The young man's dead!"
-London Judy.
• The Bees Basket.
Every bee carries big market basket
round his hind less. AnY one examining
the body ef the bee through a microscope
will Observe that on the hind legs of the
creature there is a fringd of stiff hairs Op
the ;surface, the hairs approaching each
other at the tips, so as to form a sort of
Icage. This Is the bee's basket, and into.
it, after a successful journey, he will
gram enough pollen to last him for two
or three days. <,
Prot His Fault.
- "You married me for my Money!" she
exclaimed angrily" '
• °Oh, well," he •replied •goothiuglY,
"don't blame me. 'I couldn't tel. It allY
other way, you know."
11111es, Wes1101,11111rOlhii.
The world's births amount to 86,792,-
000 every year,J00,800 every day, 000
every hour, 704very minute or one and
a fraction every, second. •
The alternate sections in the Yukon
goldfields reserved by the Government are
to bothrciwn open te Miners.
Thousands of well fed children are starv-
ing simply teminee their food is not of the
right kind. They • are thin, pale, and
delicate. • Soot's Emulsion will change ell
this. It gives vim and _vigor, flFsb_arid
Governor Vallee of the Montreal Jail is
sued for $1,000 damages by Oliver Barre,
a prisoner, whose term expired on May di
but who Wee detained until May 6 through
Is clerical Error.
Children Cry for
Fire, • Life, • Accident, • Plate:Glass.
MacKay' linticar. CLitiron
•- Clinton:- • Ont. •
General District Agent Yoe the
Confederation Life Insurance Co
tor Stratford and Goderi oh, inclusive. All in
ormation relating to, ins urance Aladly given
Money to loan at reasonable rates.
•. Office: in Palace. Block
epeeist tor thelgillaisenitt Finn ASSURANCE
CO. of Manchester. England, whose funds and
• seourity are rated at 04,600,000. Also the Mc-
farm risks and town property taken a
lowest rates. First-olans Loan •Coinpaniea
also represented. Money to be had from 4j per
cent np, according to nature of seourdy.-
Daily mail to Holmesville -tpostal card
fetch him •
56!sl Ml complete.
neatly printed and bound In ono volume. A
pond collection of Musical Gems, sentimental. path.
she. comic; a veritable treasury of the world's govt.
kr and beautiful songs. _Price. 10 cent & Poistpaid.
sua•Gim is prepared to promptly 411 all or.
dere for Wood or 1, which will be role_ at
lowest rates. Office on Isaac Street, at LAVIS
iiiiiifroii.,• r, f.e, 14'4 11 .,: 1.11 9 ;;;
litan...,. 10 lend4oney tin Ina:toehold goods
-..!!" .1-•J y cycles, waggon, and bort*.
glAge37 : eTplleviarkitn 1 (14 6. t Watt: on
mouty tollelagigritT,°tSrny6,1tligamrluignht froxiitt
moil/el tktiitni rectooninfuenteoes.nwiteb,cohrrnotweeit
you. 0. ..WAIIKEIttase0,443-Bast'Adelaide
'street, Toronto ., ,1 •
. • ... . J
All Kinds of Shoes
Winnipegla building expenditure for the
present year will be nearly $2,000,000,
• - -
For "Story. of South Africa," by John Clark
Ridpath, L. L. D., Edward S. Ellis, M. A. J.
A. Cooper, Managing Editor of the 'Canadian
.Magazine.'' Toronto, and J. IL Aiken, of
London, Ont., who has returned this week
fro12 years' travelling ,in South Africa for.
.ne--We-are-tho- only Canadian 'PtibliMa-
Who have had a branch in South Africa for
'nineteen /care, giving us an imin ense advant-
age In procuring photographs and material.
Our authorahip, letterpress and engravings'
are superior, and Canadianwittingentw. bet- •
ter illtudrated than in any rival Work. So
sure are we of this, that we wil mail free for
Comparison our prospectus to anyone nodose-
init.- a rival prospectus. Circulars ,and terms
free., Apply World'. Publishing Company,
Gusloh. Outride •
• Twentieth year begino Sept loth.
Broadly planned
courses of study
with thoroughly
competent staff
•of teachers. Scho-
larship in College
• Art, Elocution,
• , •asa • a memo mance, modern and
Homelike appointments, good board, cheer-
ful rooms, personal over -sight in habits, man -
nen', care of room.
A residental college like Alma affords :best
conditions !or a young lady'e education.
The constant nim of'our college is to com-
bine the care of the mother with the teachers
guidance and the pastors regard.
For illustrated, catalogue, address:
itev. N. Warner, BEA, Principal,
July 20-6 St. Thomas. Ont.
Lakeirill-Navigalloll Co., DEM
Thequickest and moat direot
route Ito •
via Pt. Stanley.
Thorough fare from Clinton one way
OM, return $6. Return ticket val•id for
one niontb. •
• Special rates going Saturday and return-
ing Monday. •
Boat leaves Pt. Stanley on Sundays,
Tuesdays and Thursdays , at 11 • p.m.
and on Saturdays at 1.
• For tickets andfurther information apply
G. T. Rs agents, or write
Asst. Gen, Pees. Agt. Manager,
••Welke/Ville, Ont,
1 I Central '.
Meat Market
Haring purchased the butchering
trainees of F. H. Powell I em pre-
pared to furnish the people of Cling,
ton with all kinde of Fresh and
Cured Meats. Sausage, bologna,
lard, bUtler And eggs alwaye kept on
R. Fitzsimons & Sou.
Tlaphone 76.
Orders delivered promptly to all
parts of the town.
N.B.-Persons having hogs for
•ohipment . will confer a: favor' by
11,aving word at the shop.
Curb., and All Forma of
LafristriesuYield to
Slater Shoe Catalogue
Send your ri*me and address on a pedal,
or call and get the now 44-ingn vitamin
" Characteriptics." ' •
Gives the latest *shapes, and styles in
SlaterSboes,” illustrates themin all their
varieties, tells of the leathers in their make\
np, full of wholesome advice on shoes
and feet.
By its means you can order shoes, by
t110 eXact tate, width, ilespe,
color and leather you want:
Slater dhoes are =Wei in 12 shapee,' 6 widths, sizes and
halt sizes, reliable leathers and fashicleabk colors.
• Avery pair Goodyear welted, bearing the trade mark, name
and price of makers stamped on the sole in a slate fume.
Jackson Bros„ • Sole Agents for Clinton.
For torpid Liver,
A Poor Digestion,
Biliousness and
Sick Head -Ache.
l< ,` They. are Safe,
Mild, Quick -acting,
•• rainless, do not 'weaken,
And always give satisfaction.
They arethe most reliable Household Medloineknown, and
•an ISti- taken at any season by Adults or Children.
A Fe*, Specials
•' We offer this -week
Good Clean Timothy Seed at $2.59
I new supply of Barbed Wire
Grain Bags at $1.75 and $2.50
• Also about 50 Oatmeal Sacks at 5c each
• Sugar Barrels at 5c each
• Lard Tubs,.2 handles at 25c.
Beautiful Japaneese Carpets at 25e a yard.
Our stook of Teas, Sugars and Soaps, is large and you will find good velum
among them,• ••.0
It will pay you to deal with ns, Terms cash or produce. Butter and lags Wanted:
at bighest market-I/titre. •
Etworium, Londesboro R -ADAMS
• Aug. 3let, 1900
Buggies I
First-class. tram 65 to $80. 1
FRED RUMBALL, - • Clinton
August Sale of Furniture
Means a redaction in prices of from 10 to 25,per cent, • Parlor finite worth $25.00.
Auguatreele $21.50, Oak extension tables worth $8:50 August sale $6.90, set of dining
room obaircWorth.$12.50 August este $10, oak sideboerde worth $18 August Isle 014 50,
common beds, mattress, orahea, easychain mirrore, picture frames, easels, baby car-
riageo, m verything must go. .Priees will do it. ,Come and share in the 'bargains.
3. .11. CIEUELOLIBINIroBlyth
Clinton Sash, Door, and
Blind Factory.
General Builder, and Contractor:
This factory is the largest in the oonnty, and;has the very West improved roae
ohinery, capable of doing *irk on the shortest notice. We carry an exteneive
and reliable stook and prepared plane, and give estimatea for and build all dame
es of huildinge on short notioe and on the closest prime fill worir• is supervis
ea in s mechanical way, and satiefeation .guarauteed. We sell a11 kinds of in--
, terior and exterior -material.
• r
Lumber: Lath, ShingleS, 'Lime. Sash, Doors, Blinds, Etc
Agent for the Celebrated GrRAVIBILL SCHOOL -DERV: "marinisdura
at Waterloo. Call and get urioes and Ultimata befoke ° your orders'
Au gOOd as any and better than many
are to be seen by inspecting attramer
stook of Men's, Women's and Chilaren'il
J3oets and Shoes.
Full lints of Trunks, Valises,
etc., Sinnte and Double liarneon.
II. O. lied Cedar, White Cedar, and
rine Shingles alwaye on hand at
Vienne* AMA.
1:,:treltZfittirtr; 4, ,i0114144fi id
Works thourrids of tillttrirniially. Eitlift4VAti1lfi1tle
-, ttf,
P4r6". 1(1.V-14466•?•1!
Mgt fitfi--AYitrloI had a vaia8l1inors)1e6imh04 JAMS1 took aftitertueeterinsy ftPtdOi*h1a
pronounced "
it Odeisit,S isirrJet AM ifitieditutlittift itch*,
althongll he applied a eheirgblister. :Phis Made Matteri.
only worse loin the horst beeame sO,Jestrt the t it could
not stand up. , Aftot trying everything in any. power 1
W600 CO a Neighbor end told hit,, about thd cane. Ile gave
sne One of your books bad I stridgid it eitrefu lir exid he.
leg resolved *0 ,10 t he 'fitment ifi laved Of My beafit,reftt
to the neareat drug stero endgot 4 bottl e Of yourapitvin
(lure and applied -It atriotly accordingto difeetions. Be-
fore the first bottle was und i twelem nnittprovoment,
and when, the Seventh bottle Was Abon0 halt pistil. my
hetet, wed oftesOletrlY shored arid without lOavlug a
hIculleh Oh WM. Aftee ceasing treatuidnt I gave the
horse good care Mid it'd sortie light "York with hi M mieli.
Ing Id nee 51 it hnd efreeted ft enro.1 than started to worit
the horae hard and to soy ontiro satisfaetlon ho never
dhored any rnore itsmetleas throtigh the wholo nullifier.
I earl reemninond Itondallta Boavin I :nee 0 oton ly dif kit
excellent, blIt aft it sttro remedy, to tiny 000 Mkt It Mkt
concerts, Yetird truly, ISAMtllat, TRITTEN.
, Ask yonr dristeglat tor uesilathi seavia ('no, else
"A 'Freetise on the 'terse," the boot; toe. ee addreat
01. 1. KIIIDAteebtaiAllY, 4110111144e FALLS, Vt,
Headquarters for all kinds of Etardware,Tinware, NiI, Looks,Hinges;,
Glass, White Lead and Ono, the celebrated Sherwin 'Williams 'ready •
mixed paints, Daisy Churn, Beretta Deere and Windows, Blue Flame
Wickham Oil Stoves, all kinds of Wire Fencing, Agents for the Ameri-
can Field Fenee the best fence in the *Mai it is• Horse proof, Bull'
proof, Hog proof, rig and Dog tight, extreme heat and cold &les not.
draw it mit Of taupe, it stays where It's put:
Call and See it
A few IZoiitt Amerlean Clothes Wringers, at $2.85.
ihiie they last, a first-class wringer. A few odd:shades ready
mixedpaints at a big discount. Lawn Mowers at reduead
prices to clear out. 1 Only Piro Proof Safe for $27.00.
ii•rnBardware, e'
Exptirti iu Hot .6,1r,and Ilot;Vitater lleatingind Plufabitig.
, f_