The Clinton New Era, 1900-09-07, Page 3Donis(
Get Thin
Get fat; get nice and pump;
there is safety in plumpness.
Summer has tried your
food -works; winter is coming
to try your breath -mill, Fall
is the time to brace yourself.
But weather is tricky; look
out 1 Look out for colds espec-
• ially..
▪ Scott's Emulsion of Cod
Liver oil ,is t"...2 subtlest ci
helps. it is food, the easiest
food in the world; it is more
• than food; it helps you digest
your food, and get more nutri-
ment from it.
Don't get thin, there iS
• , • ,
safety in plumpness. Man
woman and •child.
If you have not tried it, send for free sample
its agreeable taste will surprise you.
see. and g1,e0; au druggia•
If Lord Roberts wants to see his name
en the fon t page of newspapers again,
the, quicker he gete to .China the better,
—St. Louis RePithlie. .
Margaret Sangster writes of a rose
that was kissed into bloom by a star,
Poetry Is forever boding good- night to
.&t the same time it Might be well te
be It little less sarcastic • about William
Waldorf. Astor. He might feel -revenge
ful enough to come back and have him-
self made an American citizen ageln,-*
Cleveland Plain •Dealer... •
"There is not a man In the state not
111 the Union nor in the whole world wile •
has the perye that I have," declared
Mrs. Frances A. Meyer, self nominated
candidate for governess of Illinois. • And,
-being a woman,- shele not contradicted,
--Chkago Journal.
• Admiral Kempft's splendid COMM]
senee..again calls attention to the fact
that •iiis every crisis in our history out
navy has e exceeded expectations. • We
certainly do breed- a race of cool headed,
mine. equalsto-the-entergency • gatemen.
• •
• .
If a thoughtful man is frank with him -
*If when thinking of the past, he bas
great charity for young fools.
• "0 Priimise Mel" is inappropriate for
weddings. What is needed is a song en-
titled "Now Keep Your Promisees",
A map is never too busy to stop his
• week to watch another man try to catch
a street car and to laugh If he falls.
There is always some curieeityle know
If tlarhusband at the woman who keeps
boielders kicks with the rest of the board -
Shortly ttfter the wedding a woman die -
coved, that "he doesn't go to as greet
pains to make up a quarrel ae he did be.
Every time -a DM engages a new clerk
his feiks grumble because he gete
all the help he Want. while hitt wife
keeps no girl. •
Cepa Nome heti reached that point
where the gravediggers are making more
money_than the gold diggers.—Washinie
ton Poet.
About the beet chance that most of the
adventurers at Nome have found there
has been a chance to get home again.—
San Francisco Cell.
The Cape Nome victims are lining up
• behind. the serylvors of all those other
mad rushes for wealth In glittering high
Nome diggings are very nen tor those
who strike them in the right place, but
majority of the adventurers who go
there would have done better to stay at
Nome and dig potatoes.—San Francisco
In $t. Louie' summer resort weather an
Inscrutable providence seems to be oppos-
ing the crusade for the male shirt waist.
—St. Louie Republic.
There Is only one objection to the "shiri
• waist man." • In case he establiethei the
fashion here Is a type of Masculinity,
that win inaist an making it an excuse
desa wearing ruffle".
The Season 'When!
Paine's Celery. "
Should ne Used.
.4-- *Nothing Like it for
Crowds of Marline Viol* the Prilson
Wiserelie Dumas lematen Hie Greco
Character's In settonteechristo,” ka-
mend Omuta* aatt Abbe Feria. .
"Is it true," I asked of M. Chanot, the
preadult of the genetal council of Mar-
seilles, "that they actually show the
cells of Dantes and the Abbe Feria at
the Chateau d'If ?" says a Marseilles cols.
reapendent of the Paris Temps.
"Certainly, no doubt of it," replied M.
Chanot, and everything that he added
was enough to send a fellow into a pro-
found reverie. The next day I took the
steamboat whicb goes three times a day
to the Chateau d'If. What an immense
number of readere Dumas oda has: The
big boat was crowded. In the throng
there were three priests, one military
man, a number of Englishmen, gnighte
et the Legion of Muer, workmen euld
business men. The kip lasted about hale
an hour. Elverybor era's eelecogs, glad
Very properly whe On a ssilgrimagi.
Soon the Chateati d'If appeared. Upon
an island of about 800 meters in circuits-
feregee, entirely surrounded by walls,
stands the heavy building with its great
towers and square dungeon. There la
something imposing in the thing, which
cornett kora the somewhat golden color
et the • stones; the very heaviness of die
mass and the abundance ot the sonde
ever the voids, as an architect might say.
It was never anything but•a state prison,
theebastile of the south, and Francis I
himself in 1524 laid the first stone of it.
Through personal experience he was well
up in godsons.
• The cells open upon •a sort of interlor
•courtyard, narrow and somber. May
are without windows, and some are veri-
table dungeons below the eurface of the
exterior soil. Three of the largest and
most striking are on the first floor. They
are the cells of the famous.prisoners—the
Iron Mask, who in 1686 was taken. thence
to the island of Ste. Marguerite; Phi-
lippe Egalite, the father of Louie phi-
liPPe, who was decapitated on .Nov. 6,
1793, and Mirabeate who was sent there
by virtue of a lettre de cachet demanded
by his father after hie separation from
Mile. de kearignane, a sensitive woman
and about AS inconstant as her inconstant
husband: • •• •. •
But my companions paid little settee.:
bon to these cello. • They made a rush
for a cell on the ground floor, perfectly
terrible in its aspect, -with a door framed
in iron e a bolt that weighed at least 12
pounds and with a 1itt1e1arred windo.
After passing through that doQgwe.e-
• tereI a dry cate lighted solely by A little
lamp. There is a notice outside which
• reads as follows: • "Cell of Abbe
Pala, exCelled from Rome in 1311: ims
prisoned in •the Chateau d'If as a con-
spirator; died in 1329." . ,
• Nevertheless this is only an antecliam- •
• ber. The cell cif Finials a sad of tomb
In the 'farthest corner and in which one
cap hardly. Stand upright. • In one of the
walls is the hole made by the ebbe to
Communicate with Dental. Sete enough,
•VaSeLeis the hole! Whet son of the south
ever made it? Nobody knows. But there
it iss, irrefutable proof of the Power for :
realization that a popular -work Cossessetee
And the cell of Deems- tali be vaguely
seen through that hole. ft is seen in a
inystery all the more. terrifying because
the military engineers walled up ehe door
so that it is impossible to enter.• .
"Denten, 'Denies!" cried one of the pit -
rims who wanted to play the Practical
Joker. But he did not do it well. His
voice wee alnaost trembling, and if Dan-
tes really did reply the joker would not
have been at all astonished. How admis
• rable and touching is the creative !Sower
of imagination! , •
According to the serious archeologists, •
among whom is al. Espearandieu, the fa,
mous architect, there were really p 'son
• era in that horrible cave.. One was iam.
ed Bernardot, a rich merchant of Mar• -
Mlles, who was arrested on the charge ot.
having smitten disrespectfully of Cardinal
Richelieu. He died there of starvation,
and Zulu Peel, a sailor, who struck his
commander, died there in 1770. after 31.
years' captivity. • • •
• It is doubtless the story of these two
men, literally buded alive, thut inspired
Dumas. Today for everybody it is the
prison of Ferias and the inscriptions' are
there to certify the existence of the Un-
fortunate abbe, IS ite not true that epi-
graphic monuments constitute the most
authentic source of history? Well, the
?tamest% of the Chateau d'It affirms thet
• Dantes and Feria really lived. Can pos-
teeity ask for anything more? The old
guide, Grosson, who was probably the
author of this mise en scene, mese distills
till more precise, "ITere is the Me,"
laid he, "made by Mg i• Feria with a fish
bone!" e
And so at the peeves time traria and
Dintes really live. A rew years ago an
Italian Mated -the stones of these cells
and wept. Doubtless it was while read-
ing "Monte-Christo" that this son of the
peninsula had hia first dreams of the
freedom of his country; for the Abbe tra-
ria was sent to the Cheteetu •d'It, accord-
ing to the faney of the romancer, for hav-
ing taken up again the plan of Borgia.
The man who could create such a legend
was certainly no ordinary person. There
Is only one writer perhaps who shares
his glory, Rabelais. The peasants of
restraine will show today le all serious -
seas the localities which Gargantua loved
to haunt. ••
In thinking all these thing's 1 returned
With the crowd back to the 'steamer. 'The
captain showed me a little island ip tee
ma, a malts of rueged and trail° looking
rocks. • "That is Tiboulen," said he.
"where Dantes landed after his escape!"
I must confess that, as I write, I really
believe thee the story of "Itionte-Chriete"
le all pertectl trees
stale and 'reined° Qsieeriseeeue
Call a girl chick and she saltiest cal a
Woman a hen and she howls. Cal a
°twig woman a witch and elm is pleased:
all tot old woman a witch and she is ie:
ignant. Cali a young girl a kitten and
she rather likes it; all a woman a cat
and she'll hate you. Wonten are qt,ltvor.
It you call a Man a gay dog it will da-
ter him; tali him n pup, a hound Or il eitts
and he will try to alter the map of your
race. He doesn't mind being, called it bull
or n henry and yet he will object to being
mentionee no a golf or, e cub, hien nre
queer, •
A sign of politeneeeNi Tibet on meet-
ing a perste) is to hold up the deemed
hands and Oleic out the, tongue.
It is estimated that ebout 400,060 acres
elf land in the Milted States are planted
with *Ines,
eudden jump from torrid beet to
weather of a changeful eheraoter
The ohange is a beriorill one for the ail-
ing, weary, sleepless, despondent, irritable
and for those whose nerve energy is al.
moat exhausted. The quiekly varying
\ temperatures experienced during this
\intonth, add to the sufferings and burdens
of men and WOnson whose systems are de.
ranged or broken &OM
Long yeas of trituni3hr and mammies
have established the feet that Baine,6 bd.
ay Compound is the infallible onto for the
feerftilillethat result from an impaired
nervous eyelet:it and impure blood,
'Undo' Celery Compound makes nerve
fibre and nerve form ; it purifies and on.
richt% the blood; it regulatee digestion ;
it promotes sleep and gives to the entire
aysterila fulneee of health and atretigth
that Mitketi life a pleesttre.
Our beet people are noire and frier& a
Pitine'e Celery Componed and recommend
it to their friends t it le prescribed daily by
some of air beet phytaians,
HI tried many remedies to euro
writes W. 11. Smith, of Latham, Ill., brit
found no relief till I toted rittoklett'e Arniee
Belt% 1 IttiNe nob been, troubled with /Aloe
Nino." Grandee* pile cern on mirth end
the bestsalve In the world, 26e. per box,
guaranteed by all druggiete.
The total increase the trade of
Canada during the entire 18 yam
• that the Conservativee were in office
Amputated to $66,000,000, The in-
crease in trade during the 4 yeere
of •Iiiberal rule was more than ttvice
as much. es during the entire terin
of them predeceesore in office, beim;
*et VS' 4-4-100-14-14PPPILYeeole-1(4-144-**
"901ole !mush" is one of the oemmonset
* of city sigute The age decan't say "ft
heathy lunch of good food" ---the chiracter
of the food .apparantly its not considered.
It's just a quick handl— eat and get %way.
Is it any wonder that the stomach breeke
down? Food is thrown at it, sloppy, indi-
gestible and inuntritious food, very oft ;i,
and the stomaoh nee to do the best it Oath
Normally there should be no need for net .1-
The bones of the arm are long cylin-
der') because iu this shape they have the
great strength witb the least expenditu: e
of material.
The eyelashes are placed in front of the
eyes to protect those delicate organs from
the light and from the entrance of kr-
eign objects.
Moderate cold is a stimulant because
it drives blood trom the !surface of th
body and [educes exercise in 'order to re,
store circulation.
When an artery has been severed; the•
blood comes en jets because the heart
tbrow i 011:0;!: tp the point, where the
artery has been cuts
A blow on the bead seems' to eause a
dash nf lightin the eyes because light
Is the only impression the optical nerve
is capable of receiving.
The bones 40VPI. touch each other, but
are separated by their membranes, be-
cauee If they did touch there would be
• less elastleite of motion. •
people perceive an odor 'because 'small
peetieles of matter are detached from the
odorous body and conveyed by the air
to the nerves of the nose.
Coughing often increases a headache
beeause in. the act the heart's beating is
augmented, and the flow of the blood to
the head is thus increased.
• Deaf people place their hands behind
their ears because the hand thus placed
,acts as, an ear trumpet and conveys a
larger volume of sound to the ear. '
The stonnach has a churning motion,
which during the process of digestion is
continuous; in order that the food may
• be properly mixed with the gastric juice,
• in passing from darkness into light
the eye- is pained because the pupil is
widely extended and so much light entere
as to Cause pain to. the optic nerve.
. .
Prince Tuan to 06m Paul: "How do
you like ray way of 'staggering humans
•. —see_
It is a -yellow •pern" indeed, and cive
heed nations, be .arming and drilling the
Chinese hordes, aie paving the way to
txheewirs.., own destruction,— Indianapolis
The Chinese invented gunpowder, and
we are strongly inclined to believe teat
they knew how to lie before the 'grand-
parents of Ananias weie born. --Chicago
"Revenge today, mourning tomorrow,"
Is the cry in the European capitals, but
there will be many mourning tomorrows
before the day of revenge comes.—Bos-
ton Transcript. , .
At Peking 3,000 petitioned ?dame Tune
not to kill the Americans. Time had the
beads of the 3,000 cut off immediately.
The right to petition is * tittle wabbly
just now ine011ita. • • •
he time of peril •isnot now, nor is the
danger from the Mongoliane. The men-
ace to the peace of the world vrill Ise felt
when China obeli have been conquered,
when the division of the spoils begins.—
Chicago Chronicle,
• No army trusts its ehemy for inferma-
tion, and we shall never get information
respecting the situation from other than
Chinese sources nal; we invade the enes
my's• country and establish' our own
means of communication.-
. • •
Mr Ironsidesie one of thelargest cat-
• tle exporters m the Dominion, nye
• that as a result of removing the
• American quarantine, secured by
• the effertsef the Laurier gOvern-
ment, it increased the value of 11 e
• ' horned cattle in the Dominicin I y
$46.367,100 •
: : I 04-4444-4,47.44-04-
Could not express the rapture of Annie
E. Springer, of Philadelphia, Pa., when
Dr. Ring's New Discovery cured her of a
haoking cough that for many retro had
made life a burden. She evys : "After all
other doctors and remedies failed, it Boon
removed" the pain in my ohest-and-L.
now sleep Soundly, something I Otill130STOO.
ly remember doing before. I feel like
sounding its penises throughout the Thai -
verse." DeEineee New Dismovery is gm -
eased to SUM Ali troubles of the throat,
chest or lungs. Prioe 50o, and $1, Trial
. bottle tree at all drug stores,
Thepr Are befflitadalisfed by the Leek of
R.espeet Shortie Itorritflera.
Every now and then an eiderle, married
couple will be met who whims each oth-
er with the stateliness that was cuetom-
ary half a century figo. The hamband is
"Mr. Smith" to the wife, and the wife is
usually "Mother" to the husbiuld. Nothing
less conventional is ever heard from
then—indeed, neither might hitia A first
name for all the use that his better half
makes et it
"I just , couldn't call. yeur father
girlie a gad little Wallah said the
ether ay, iii &hewer to her ,daughtersr
gibing's. "Why, it wouldn't be respectful.'
l• never did in my. life, Ind I certainly
wouldn't now, when you all aro groirfh."
"liut what did you call him when you
were engaged?" pereleted her inquisitor.
"You surely didn't go around then calling
C*9-adyagsrl !VIA. pil Vil iggek"'
e . A t a weys, replied t 4 little
Woman evasively, "but I liked to give him
his title qv thep—it'a more respectful,
much -more reeMteel."
"I'd rather have more affection end lest
-respect," said* the daughter''rebellionsir.
"It doesn't found as if you had anything
hut a bowing acquaintance with Mtn
hien you say ntlatdr all the time. I'm
ittirto call my husband 'Pelts. whether
0 ids name or not, it his such a jolly
'le .
rid tilArrago married couPle of this
4xid a . With a 'fine dieregerd tit and
old fashioned courtesy usual-
bail Wick tether by a nickname of very,
g degrees of bandy and Which,'It
offender'. et remota connection withU1s
One given tient in baptism. But, attr
gitone likes this way bitter than the
conventionality which led a WOMIllii
.through it married life of 80 or 0
root to tddrImIth her Mega lord as
minim or -.Torieg or Brown, just as though
ha Wire verily her master and elle was
Meg in medhovil tinter* when exergereir
ed Politenese marked tbo hitteveoutwe be.
Unita Men ha Wotan, ' •
7t Itelnrative Brace Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund the itioneyit it fang ta aura
Zets. E. W. Grove's thesauri) hien Otteh leet,
Mal emeiste,nce for the atonlach. But the
aversge method ot life is abnormal and
while thiceontinuee there will always be a
demand for Jr. Pierce% Golden Medical
Discovery. , It is the one medicine which
eau be relied an to euro disateets ot the
apnea& and other organs of digestion and
nutrition, It isnot a cure -ell. It is a
medicine designed for the storasch, and to
cure through the atennaoh remote disease!)
withal have their oause in the derangement
of the etorasclt and digestive am- nutritive
aystern„ It onrea when ell else kite,
What thIt
e aJay SOL
They bad been discussing the earliest
age at which children of tender years
first babble incoherent words, The doe
tor hal been silent until, by common tee
cord, every one looked to him to finisb
the discuserioe.
"1 remeether a curious cnee," he began
dreamily, "which- you may believe or .
,not, as you please. I was called in to see
a poor child of some 4 months and found
it paet all aid.
"'Cannot *ou do anything for it, doc-
tor' the mother asked, and replied,
'Absolutely nothing.' You will hart*
credit the fact that the child' looked up in
me face end said 'absolutely nothing."
it sounds incredible, know, but it is a
Ile rose
just then and walked away,
while the smoking crowd woudered.
Then one saw It and began reading,
and then another muttered sonaethina
severe, but the doctor had gone. • •
• The Etehresv as Ain Artist.
In every country where the Hebrew
lives he is found taking Ilia part as a
• producer of works of art. Whether or not
he still identifies bleu:elf witla his race
does not matter in a consideration of the
effect made upon his energies by thou -
sande of years- of steadfast adherence to
a radical ideal, and, whether he be a '
painter of pictures, like Benjamin Con -
Stant; a sculptor like Antokoiski, a muse •
clan like Rubinstein or a poet like Heine,
• we are equally the Inheritore of the re-
sults of his genius, the genius; of the He
brew.—Natherine M. Cohen in Werner's,
• .
that's all there is to do about it. The
Children Cry for
•only man who ever fully understands woman is the man who understands that
ASTORIAhe don't understand her and has got
sense enough to let it go at that."
Compilleated Subject fineeeestally
and Praotteallv Disenaned.
"Woman," said the old codger during
one of his meditative spells, "is a Dees
pethel paradox, a ebronie conundrum
without au answer, an unknown quest.
tity possessed of unexpected possibilities,
a Perennial prize package of peculier po-
tentialities, a conyenticle of characteris-
tic contradictions and an amaranthine
aggregation of other attributes ivhich are
not alliterative.
"Sim is man's greatest earthly blessing
and the cause Ot nUrt of his misery.
She • le his chief inspiration to the
achievement et all that is good, greed
and glorious in •thie. world, and at the
same time a labor saving device 'to help
him make a tool of himself. She soothe
his tired nervier with the coo of her gen-
tle voice, but she always has the last
word in every controversy witb him and,
incidentally, about 97 per cent of the pre- ,
eeding conversation. She brlugs hIM
ipto the world and in a few years later I
talks him to death. • •
'West of trouble is caused by
wetness, but so deftly does she pile the
load on him that whenever his burden of
trouble le •lifted he wanders ugetteEY
about hunting foremorel •otherwise there
would be very few second wives. She
will eheirfully go to the rite for the
truth's Ake and ite about er age with -
met even hang 'asked. e will grow
fired ol al ratigent husbprid, but will
cleave ubto death to the niail who jant9
her tlattrly. Sb wiii break hei heart
because a man doeis what she don't want
him' to and love him all the better for SO
"She scorns all advice In the selection
of aikushand, but takes( two other women
along to help her pick out a hat. The
less actual comfort to be obtained from
thing the more enjoyment a woman gets
out of its possession. At 16 she is le
young woman; at 25, if still unmarried,
she is a girl. She will face the grim
specter of death Without a tremor and
swoon at the sight of a •mouse. The only
time she ever does what you expect her
to do is when you expect her todo just
what YOU don't expect ber to do'. The
sole reason why she does anything is
simply because she don't know why she
does it. She jumps at couclusions and
always lands on them squarely, for the
simple reason that when the conclusion
skips to one side, thinking to avoid her,
it gets exactly in her way. She Is the
deakeet thing in ail the world and the
most aggravating, She is as she is, and
estern Fnir, London
September 6th to lOth, 1900
Entries Close Sebtembergth.
The most complete exhibits frora Farra, Forest and Factory. New and deviling
special features, Chariot races by imp ,9, ted Gree Hounds, Balloon Auserteions, Doeble
ParachuteDrop by man and lady celebrated Gymnasts,. Aerial Artists and aorobata.
l'he armored train atm* on the Boer strongholds, and many. beautiful set deviaes
Seeisial trains over all Haat each evening after the firewarks. s Send for -Prize Lists and
' president. Secretary.
The: GOO. Nterthwe§tet* Exhibition
wEDNRsDAy $E_PTEMBER. 18 'ANO .19 1 sugar Sugar Sugar'
Only tito days but, they will both be hummers Nowaste ti .
. 1
. . .
, me sugar. We sell in b
lote and dollars.
just to band, second oar Reap
131 Iota eels than wholesale sell in50 bble. S ' 1 * •
ath Extra Standard granulated and YellovV
pane price in 100 pound
Everything Begins at One o'clock on Tuesday. TEA- -
The leading County fair Of Western. Ori- Tuanete•
tario, held in the healthiest and prettiest The great farmers trot or pace.
town in Canada. It has the fined fruit • - l'rizes $30, $20, $15 and $10.
September 7, 1900
What is
\ • v
•Clt*Stdrid t tOr Wants' and Children. Castorin, Is' a,
harmless Substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops
.and Soothing Syrups. It contains neither Opium,
Morphine nor other. Narcotic substance. It is Pleasant.
Its guarantee is 'thirty years* use by 111illion.0.
• Mothers. Castoris, destroys Worms and allays Feverish..
• Hess. Castoria cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria
relieves Teething • Troubles, cures Constipation and.
Flatulency. Castoria assimilates the Food, regulates
' .• the Storas,clt and Bowels of Infants and Children, giving
•healthy and natural sleep. • Castoria is the Children's.
Panacea -The Mother's Friend.
• • Castoria.
"Castoria is an excellent medicine for
Children. • Mothers have repeatedly told me
Of its good effect upon their children,"
Dn. G. C, °Scoop, Lowell, Mass.
"Castoria Is so well adapted-to.obildren
that I recommend it as superior to any pre-
scription known to me."
X. A. ARCHER, M. D. Brooklyn. N. 10
• The value of the Cream Separator, in
• now so well understoodthat an•y aro..
• finons. .The following will, however, ho
oint9innttefroorti,ti use would appear super-
At a trial, made at the lifuester Dairy
• School some time ago, the alorages of
••13 experiments with a given quality of
, milk were 100 lbs of butter from the -
• Separator, as compared with 59 lba of
• butter from milk set in open pans for 24
• hours, 66113s of batter when it was Bet
• for 36 'hours, 13 lbe of butter when"'
was set for 42 hoarse and 76 Ina when eet
for 64 hours. It may be taken for grant-
ed that the use of the Separator. gives
25 per cent more arearn than any system*
of skimming. If ems are a clairyinateess„
think over these facto. • Can von affora
• to go on dairy basineas in whick there
is a waste of 'one (leader. • Buy a.
• Sharpies Cream deparator and thus
• securest( theM profit that is that 10 bit
had in the dairy business.
W.11.13. machine empathy 300 lbe, $75r
N�.1 machine on stand aapaoity325,$90.
• Easy terms of payment. Write to•day).
W. L. Ommette,„
• Londesboro.•
Bl•ack Green Japan
display in Ontario. •Winemeney---
No other County Farhat so good a track•
arranged and „ ,„„ .,..
grounds and building
allitrturo each day by the Goderioh Marhte
or &Mob well commodious 4:.4V elaa and 2:16 Trate prim .0150.00,
s+. Prizes $175,00,
2:80 Patie and 2:26 Trot,
The beat speeding program offered in 2:45 Pane and 2;42 Trot,
the county. .• Prizes 5100,00
Entriee (except for speeding) close Sept. 15th. Drop a Card for a Prize List,
• JAMES MITCRELL, Secretary.
I i Oki N.,
•s TAMES *
Doctors find
o d
Presen Jdon
For man:kind
ilfAterEb ',LTA tem of hut heath oar 411,4A`tillei1t
Jot bemefif. They bletnii.:, pats itaOtthiblIK life. Othrg-ive*
tenet, NOW itoi *old ki PA NS On thtt lockage 144
fitGept 54 SubstIttite.. Re•Pe N s, 310 tor I mar
be bad at ant dam afore. lea tomples id uti6 thOittlad
OtOtokonbati Win be 04004 to Atli adiltr,itot tvat
loolMaded to thd fUpio,44 Giolotical Co. No, ovr Sp0A0
hireel, hoe titatko
We have beet 25c tea in town; extra nice Japan. tea 20o, agents kr Ram
Lars, Appleton, Monsoon and Blue Ribbon teas in packages."
Exquisite Dinner, Tea, Toilet, Glass and Water Sete. We expeot this
week two orates direct from the raantifacturere in Staffordshire, England, imilghi before
the advance of 155o 20%. We are 'selling at old prices, you Will saye 25% by buying
from no. Call and examine goods and prices before you buy.
J. W. IRWIN. -
Exeter 'lour
- Clinton
• All kinds of Small Field Seeds, as Timothy, Red anti
Alsike Clovers. Headquarters,for Turnip, Mongold, Oarro
Seeds. Fresh Clvieeries and Canned Goods.
Our epeelatty is Teas. Try our 150 Tea. pther:verietiee equally:tur„eheep.
Itighestinerket price:paid ia cash for eggs.
X- W.. 1-111.11.1
We are selling Buggies for three of the best LCarriage
Companies in Canada.
and the well known
We are selling twine made by the verylbest makers at
reasonable prices.
Also agent for the Alexander and Mallotto Creital
• Seperator, and Mammy ttarris Bicycles. Samples eau be sew
- at theshop Imo Street.
Geo. Lavils,
General Imnlement Dealer, Clint**