HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-04-30, Page 3FICYSL.
11110111 was touched. She would not
have let his. go like this; but, before she
(nu1(1 do more than raise her head to
emetic', the folding -(loo's opened and Dor-
is mime Ile in,
(Weide draw a long breath, struck with
hearer at the change in her. The fair
goddess -beauty was gone, the placid eyes
were dull and troubled; new and sudden
furrows in the s0obth face made it look to
years older. She held* out her haw
the young man with a smile (strangely
different from the old serene one, but
her voice was kinder that ever.
"I awn glad to see you, Onssie, believe
lee. Hilda has been rather lard 111(011
you; but you will forgive her,
for you know what generous
feeling prompted her severity.
Stay in Pirie, until toomorrow;morning,
and you shall take 110 both back to Ens
land" still
cosi,' bowed over the hand she
held as if Melted. Innen receiving the
commands of on empress. Whether it
0110 owing to Hflda's presence or not,
heir husband's desertion had taken Doris
further away from him than ever,
"'Then I any come again in the, lam•n-
in"'?" he stammered out humbly,
"\\e will meet you stile station to-
ut„reow morning in time to catch the
twain for the midday boat. 'Thank you
for your kindness,' (Rooke. Good -night,"
etwoci0ight, Doris." last resent.
Ile bowed to Hilda with a
fill, triumphant glance, to show her that
she lord not 0o 1)10(11 the best of t(
situatlee 00 she thought, end left the
'then Hilda grew soft Peale, and came
and tlne(0 herself down on her knees
beside Doris, whom ,:he emceed into an
term -Micah,
"V\ -hat are you going to do, dear?"
site whispered.
"1 nm Being to my grandmother first,'
w(SWcrcd Doris,
",And then 1"
'•I don't know. yet. I must think end'
know, more than 1 do now."
Wren a,.,,behad
She was not quite se s
tee). before; her late was more drawn
mid her manner was altogether rather
!none determined; that wife all the out-
ward elmego (nssie's blunt tiding; had
made iii lien'. She refined to speak again
of her husband; and, when they started
for 00)110nd the next morning, 'tilde
did not in the least iouow what feeling
tow0rd. 1100 was uppermost in the ,")
of Elie deserted wife Gussic telegraphed
to 11ie. Edgemnbo on the any, and the
old lady stet them at Victoria. wth care
on her kind face w'hieh told them she was
prepared for the tidings they hroogl•
[ -
She woe retry cold to Gussiq ren•y Warta
and bracimus to Hilda, whom she daring-
ly congratulated on Charlie 1'upillmt's
"Ile was not good enough for you, my
dear" she said sharply. "And, ww)lert we
see bow a ratan tutus Out ,011a1 when 00
thought he was good enough for the w•a-
man he married, 100 may 11101110 Heaven
for a1 (1500pe from a( mal who didn't
reach even that standard."
'Ilia discourse, delivered partly for
the benefit of Cassie who of coursewas
far beneath the lowest standing, Mrs.
bldgerrrmbe could conceive, tickled Hilda
Pretty!" ejaculated Jidda. set •nfnlly,
"It takes time and mousy and a1 good'
looking -glass to be pretty, 0er1 i have
none of those thing,. Wily, Via older
than sty (((Vu mother already, because
she Enid in a. good stock of eujeyinert
when .she was young, iauii I have only
been able to glean a few eats, as it,
were, of happiness. llvw does it feel to
be rich, after you have been poem."
"Oh, ;lolly!" said Oussie, with feeling.
"And ,you feel so much better ton. Ev erv-
11od'y is alw,n's 00001111)1 me uu« t'aat.
1.11) a credit to n1,y species, instead of a
poo' devil on sufferance wherever he
13ut rich people ere better Dem ince.
people said Hilda ennestly. ' fl you
;rive when worts rieh you are gent 100
neral 0perrhu ul0d; If rola give when y (u'•
te pour, you are eat impro0'idemt t tial
And loot: how sunny -tempered and sweet
you can be' when you 0011 get everything
yon wad! .)lost of thee virtues are out
of tench of us poor people."
"Alost cif the pleasures am, anyhow."
assented (lussre. "Look- here—you Mil-
lie no last night in away that, when
I was poor and therefore wicked, woeld
ha 1'0 made toy blood boil; even mow'
'that 1. ant rich and virtuous, it nude me
rather wild at the time. But, if you like
to forget all about that, and crime and
talk about tate hest way of b1'(l0. (0od
to Doris when we 0)0 both calm and less
tired, VII cone and take yen to a concert
to -morrow aftern0ou."
"1 hut, eeneeeleie 000(1 llildu, with
11e11, i'Il take you to 1herhuuncl and
\1 ala ei ,."
ilrlda s law softened
'What time. will you come?" inked she,
"One, two, three, four! Mout ineke
it too late; the afternoon ie gam Mien!
you know where you are."
Hilda did not want to :nine too early
011 hour, hut would oot for the world put
off the pleasure for longue than decency
"Say half -past two" Dnid she
So the :l'1°''+-me'(1, was mad. an11,
Hll.i ie e„inee hero1 eosin ((.,1eked,
they parted good friends, without h tr•
ing had time to disagree upon any s;dr
iced. Hilda went, indoors woederi1g why
Doris did not rune)')• him, instead of
1),n 0l: and Gmsie went away asking
bin -....dr shy art earth Charlie Pnpiiloa
aid cat stick to his colors and risk: a
struggle, railer than lose such 0lirettee
amusing little wife,
n „ N ♦ x
Deeks likened to her gruuhnoti0er's
lamentations over men's perfidy until
the caring,' stopped, when slim asked
very quietly:
,.Where nave—w'her'e has he gone,"
gn: l ehmimmna f"
'To lirlghton, my dear. They have
gout en t001ilh', it a)peers; the girl,
have been taken. too.'
the girls—,Nellie aini Ethel!" cried
Doris, with relate In that case--"
"Don't he [Deemed, ley 11000; the ease
is quite strong enough hn'.)'ou to get
your separation. You have only to wait
as few months, and you can prove that law
has deserted 0011, which 1; all you want.
For 1 gait sure you do not wife 10 appawr
in the Divorce Court."
iutm out irrevereet mood; and, atter Liss- ,:Nm gram', dean', t (1001 waut to ap-
Dmis and seeing ho' packed 00101y ,ear 1u any court at all. 1 want to wait
into her grandmother's brougham, she � for him—ror :liter 10 101110 taut: to tar:,,,
turned to the crest -faller young fellow
with a sardoufe laugh.
"Do you think you are too far outside
the pile of respectability to get me a
lmnsom. It will cost mm hwvtpence if I
hove to send a 11011e1"
\\'hen he had got on; for her and help-
ed her in, he said meekly, feeling badly
the need of Opeeing his heart '(1w11 0
friend he cared for as much as he did
about Doris—
suppose you wouldn't let ins see
you home?"
]'es, :l would," said site premptiy.
"it has been a most unfortunate jour-
ney for you," lie silid, 00 they drove out
0100 stations
"Yes," sighed Hilda; then she added
frankly, "1101 not half ser unfortunate
ne not going at all would have beet]."
"What—when porn. Dais wa., 00 1111s-
"She would have been more !miserable
without me, and 1 should not have seen
"Yost didn't see mach of It," suggret-
ed 11nssie, after it panne, during which
be debated whether lie should be shock-
ed. and decided not.
"Nu; but enough to live upon through
at least three weeks of fog tied uwd and
poverty in London."
"Ugh! Yes, I kuonw" sold Ducie spits
she ended, in a whisper.
'Aly dear wield, you don't understand
the erase yet. said Ales ).dgcombe, with
autuerntle asperity. As she had made
this marriage, s0 00' nmv held herself tonialnnennt and remorse llul she then ab
qualified, ppoa its proving u failure, to mud the lymphatic, whit -minded. \\ lute- the outset coldly misunderstood him, awl
'break 11. r)a-rid GI."has misused your ken at. the Queen's ]Hotel, mann a scene mistaken the, hard shell of his hull•
00(0'r to 111a ,')1e111 of era 11li0) year 00' i 1..elai inn and dl000l(rOg`enent..lftei' a ' Dual r0001v0 for rho kernel i1 100'
collar considerably; -)n. 111Minim '0u and - newly 10ud 0011 she wejee0,1', smile? 10 this; were so, there ems Lupe
, y short
remaining trustee under your father's.
will, say's ha 1110, a, tr as he e n mace
ou lost every penny' it was in his tower
t v y l y 1
to risk, '1'o trust yourself ray hinges' in
the p0011 of 0 mal 1r11.0 ?me pro\ed to
be little better than a1 enn1non se Miler
would be madness. 1 Cannot allow it,"
Doris tris ,'dent lot nt few) ,'manes,
looking at the fire.' '[111)1 she acid, fu
such a mew voice that it was almost a
"(Balmy, Davil kms behaved vory,ba(Y
ly, 1 know. But it wasn't his fault as
much no hers,
tad 1--1 think ho had
s0unthieg to ao)nplain of in me, -BA
you try to Intal) it ep and wait a little!
If he clues nut mime back, why, 1.hem
you most do as you<please, and
do ns you please; bait 1 1000)01 ratio
would r
take hint bud,—if he via old anie n0w
Granite', you ame>t humor nee or 1-1
elle]) bleak my heart!"
Mus. Fdgeumi,,. Heid outlier arms, and
out anotherword, lm1 with one '1» d:
look e. duumged by sorrowful :eyes time
eineptict wean sealed In ween then,
For 0 fotteight no trews was he 1101 of
David. Mr. ll,daou, to esealw los ens d
tus, had gone am •ual It s now
clearly proved that his to tlr It che'.11 11
swamped in speeIllatimy under his ice
ti"0, sone,' the y -gunge tho0,and poohd0
.Ewan: cared little about the loss td act
money", and would not 11.110W that. 01
risking it, David had been worse then
toalish she Rote her mmnaif01 s. n
wtdewlwod with quiet eiginty, and rc
fused to leave toe n, as her grandmother
w•t he d, her to do. hope .against hope
(mei( doe! t o• Ver husband's return She
per std width than object in rnr', 1t1
emi.in1ng in her own leers1, instead of
0t ul'ing at :Mrs. thlgcnmbe's,, as the het•
ter wished. ale would mime loan, some
0toning quietly, she thought, and,
walking into the drawing -room with
the, cold look she knew so
(vcll, would express great surprise that
she had felt Huy' uneasiness on his ae•
count, Oh, how she would 000100me the
'1101101 loot: now!
For Doris felt withir her tt power of
dealing with his 'chilling moods which
she haat never halt bole» e, Since he had
warmth of•feeling for another w'ofnun,
she argued, why should he not in time
have some for her, too, now that, with
0o100ieg perversity, there hod grown up
in len, since the discovery' of her dein•
quenues, a tender0ese whirl she had
either It for the inwunenlntc jnarble
self het had always shown himself to be
when with hell
The letter she had written to him in
Paris she found unopened in the library,
where it load been put by the housemaid,
10noraet of his address and already sus-
ieinus of the truth. Every evening, a0
ter sitting, sometime alone, sometimes
with her grandmother, how• after hour,
listening, molting, Doris would, as the
(•10(10 struck eleven. creep into the Mi-
nnie to 10010e sine that David had nit
come in so gnietly with ifs Iatrh-ke,'
that she had not heard him; bet melt
nater dight she, wily saw, by the light
of her Neale, her Own liter waiting fur
him, growing darker'ard dustier each
night, nndisturhed on the manel.pie00,
:]r„1 at tl0e end of three weeks Deets
felt Diet she 100"1 Wait: no more.
One morning, niter a night spent in
struggles between her pride, her femint-
Me timidity, and the }'cnrniaag for ate-
onciliation with her Intsbandwhich
grew stronger every day. Doris mum'
downstaito outlet high color burning in
her cheeks anal her eyes flashing '0itn
the excitement of n bold resolution, .M-
ier brenkfitet. she wrote n note to her
grandmother. went upstairs again, sum -
vnieex, knew them as Moe, Ilod en.'s
tem datigliters, Nellie and Ethel, The
elder .1,nOed up crying )hs. Glyn!'
while the e'oulger- whispered `SLI" nod
tried to draw her mote nnpel-ive Meter
Doriselcipped mid both girls node a
step timidly toward her
"Nellie—Ethel; How do run de,' -eid
ski;, in a rather quavering rouge.
"Quite well thank you,"(mid 'lcliic;
and thew wa010 1(000.
()re (1010 tell'," sail
Dais at last, }hacyott been here loug."
"Since the failure—pupae failure,"
said Nellie, in a constrained tone, wr:til
a scene that 1 t'hel's eyes were upon Ler
and that she Hurst be circumspect.
"Where are you staying?"
"On the Parade," and they told her
the number. It oras not fat' from the
"What ore you going to do, dears; IJ:
Change bring a terrible ange for you, 1
stn afraid, this unhappy business,"
Nellie looked at her curouel'; but
face and voice were both so kind, to
sympathetic, that from curiosity min
corning the lady's •st:ate of mind she fell
tu1ie.ty abut her own,
"Yes, it hes brought a clump, of
eee tee, wad 1 don't knew what will be- over and see him, ?ts . he is liable to
mime of us. Mamma never did erne retch pu0. 0"'"Y at. 0m•. 0001000." • "Not ex-
atm1't ns. dent new we ate a eimeen(1'1100; I00-'0,10(1 t0 lire," that was the opinion
bet-'' not only of the (teeter who (Mewled
She woe stopped by a slap elbow —• him, but of his wife and family as well,
Ethel's. The meat violent, however, she Upon visiting hitne myself I! found
burst out more vehemeetly: nbul+lalt evidence to cenfherr their
"What is the nee of hada;; what every- opfuien,
body knows --hen Als. Glyn know., . Al•, Oldieg had for yea's beel1 nf•
too' It isn't ns if it was only we, or Dieted with infinite, and bronchitis, but
only she; it is all of 17s. 01rs, ttlyn, we noir a complication of (11)00000 1100
are Lound le stay with manes; het ravishing his system. lle had been
yon are not boiled to have ' anything confined to hie. bed far ntouihs and
more to do With a husband like 'pars; was rcdnaed to a skeleton. Though
and, if 1 were you, 1 wvoule leave him evidently ghtd to sec me, he (sewers -
to route to his 0)'(1"00 by himself. ,At ed with the greatest di111001t;y, and
first 0010010 found it very amusing to seemed to realize Haat it 001(0 the
have any one who was not papa Mena beginning of the end. IIe was daily
her every day, and lir. Glyn, who hos growing weaker:, his. feet were ((001100
rooms two etreets off, might call as of- to twice their natural sire, and the
ten its lie liked: it (0as all perfectly pro cold heed of death was nein his brow,
per, because we were there, But, Bovie "It is n0 11s0,'' he said feebly, "theedee•
Eagooe her eldest brother, has written ter's medicine is not helping me andI
to hu' -,he had the letter this Dimming inn going down rapidly," I prayed
—telling her, if she doesn't go to - him with trim ns 101 a ratan 011(111 to .pass he
and. take us with him, he shall come and ti: eternity, 1(101 when T teak •00 hand
fetch ns himself. It made her gory cross, in parting it was the lost time I expect•
all she enrl,ped et lir. Glyn to A: y;
aheadedly; but 1 tliek she will end by
taking us."
"I'm sure she will," stud the wride-
Monett Iter maid, and supermtenuled te
peeking of a small poi hmtnlcatt.
Then she got a time. table, fumed an
early train to Brighton, and ordel•od the
brougham for half-posttwelve, She
spent the time before stating in flut-
tering about front hook to newellnper,
front window to clock, like n r1,-1b1ss
0011d, 0101101 lest -Mrs. Ed rombe would
eal1, as she sometimes did in the mo'n-
Mg, clod try to )tinder her in her. great
purpose, David would not amine back
to her of his own accord; she had re-
solved to btnnhle herself and try to
lying hhn hack; it might bo shame that
kept hhn from! her. Perhaps the yearn-
ing eagerness Elle felt to 000, him again
might have more power over hint than
hey quiet sebmissim1 had had.
Alays the some old arguments, the
sewn trembling hopes mid eidlling fe:u's
that had kept her on the. raek for,tho
last three weelal What reason had she
for thinking that the charms a ohfeh bad
had no ettraetion for 1ii111 a month ono
would 1(r,'itrisistihle to hint now' that he
vas 001'e menpletc1)' that ever under ; handsome fere very gently-, • Jaime 1Lid Aragon, is deify our 01000 111
the ewey of an entirely' different type of l ".f expect you care snore for .111. Glyn the en 11,'(1001 of Palma m Majorca. The.
Woman?"' Poor Doris! -She was too in. � than 000(000 &we for p0pa," oho said, in saeristan of the place takes •you to at
yellow warble monument in the choir,
opens 0 cupboard, and palls out a very
ordinary coffin with at glass lid, As
poor Dim Jaime died in the,fourtecnth
century, he is not now at all a lively
spectacle. His ntirnmy is made, gay',
however, with .incitation revel robes_
cottony ermine, and so forth.---Tit•Bits.
Engineer Also Dressmaker,
"Why I Recommend N
Pink a Pal' "
The lvar��ya�ar0. of a .11f.lilatkab,ae C Lre kohl b; a
Presbyicro,�a Cler , aa=--='E��:; Stii ever E4rougtit
Bah From Death's Door.
St Andrew's Manse,
1'au'dt an I 0, f Jew. INS. i
'Though I have mem" l r ,ic'c n y
self, and have not 1(0(1 ()minion to use
Dr, 31'illia000' 1 nil pith., 1 thynt'ht. you
ought to know of the remarkable cmc
they have whought in 3lr. Oiding'"
During a visit to my home ie Mori-
gmmish \, S., some years ago, 1 was
sieved to find our next door 00 (hbor
g g
and friend,liiehael 01drn, very low,
"fie isnot expected to live." nay moth -
01' informed ate, "and you mint go
mouthed, and preternaturally .ileum
Ethel, with at old trenchant, manna's' 10101BS OF SPANISH ROYALTY.
which told t strange tale of the in-
fluences 1000g Which the girls had been
bt0040ht up.
One thing more Dori, wished to lean,
hid sl!e did not know' Low to frame the
question. :0 Last she said hesitatlegly—
t boost, it is not so bad for you es
if Wm had had m0 )(roti','( to help y'ou,
and nothing to --to fall back upon_" •
Ethel gau'e forth a chat ejaculation
which w0s 100 short. too hitter, for a
laugh; ,nal Nelle 0aid.
]'u think. 1 :e+, __Me , (11y0, that,
O (,.ruse we have gone to apartment on
the Parade, lust as we used to, we live
mousy (o poly for them with; but we
haven't. You don't understand mnmm0,
kb has been used to clo everything with
as 0)11011 thea hi. of mmol as aa. !peen;
0)101, now that .she finds that there. is 00 -
body to write out cheeks, or to buy her
anything she. tarsen,, she is n great deal
more lake :t helpless child than we ter'."
Darts rens impelled, ars mm11 by the
0001 that so young it girl 01(001111 be able
to make such 0 coldly a1revd valuation
of her mother'- character as by the me
happy position in which she saw her owe
hueband to to pieced.
Ethel,. who underneath her sluewducrs
had plenty' of 10)10110 of feeling far
those who wanted it, put her arae round
the pale lady's neck, and, us her appeal-
ing look was met by a smile, 10booe.d the
"d 1 0: him In the hest.
ihuc years later, rvh h on another
visit to err nothet's, Michael 01)111.
Lens s ' )y' in better health than T
had ever 1011 aria, Me 05 1 said, he
had ala „was iron ailing, 10 sheer dos.,
g rm ite he. had asked his ,rife to ,ret'`
him Dr, 'Williams' Pink Pills. They
soon b }0n to help him. lfis appetite
and strength begat to intern e, aid to
the astonishment of his family aitd
friends he rapidly regained his health.
Now, though the, burden of well vigil
four score years is upon him, he is
able to du a fair day's work, and is 111
the enjoyment of good health, clan
the asthma bay ceased to 0013040 iris
as in former year,,
Mr. Olding himself. 09' (0014 no hay"
neighbors mid the writer of this letter,
euraidenlly believe that hie ;1'escne
from the Very jaws sf death s00iuing-
ly so miraculous—is date and the
bleesing of God' to the timely and.can-
Dineen use of l) 'Williams' PinkPills.
RIR'. EDWIN SM11IT 11, ,k.
• lfi•. Oldfng himself writes: 174. tun
glad Rev. Mr. Snaith has written yen
about my wonderful cure, for I confi-
dently believe that if it had we L.
for Di, 1Will1ane Pink Pills I wieed
have been dead long ago. It would be
impossible to c ,,;orate tate desperate
emelitiem 1 was' err when i logon to
(00 the'.Pilte,' No bee thought I ciitil11
get better. I scarcely dared hope thy-
self that. 1A. Williams' Pink Nile
would lirleg me through, het they did
and I have ever, since enjoyed gond
health. 'Though I ant seventyiiae
}'cars old, people are ft -Treys. remarking
on how yonin,g I look—ani, 11 feel )koro(.
1 eon do it 'felt day's work and l ani
batter in every way than 1 kraal a "'n
for ye,u's. 0 cannot .say tom mob in
an•ase of lh•, AV'iiila n,' l 011: Pills a'll'
i tide, even')' opportunity 1 et10 't0
rrx'oaunead; (1(001 to irimtde aha "1"+
Most Gorgeous Burial Vaults—Marble
Effigies of Children,
The e"curial in whieh for neerly dere
centuries the Kings and Queens of Sp Oa
have been binde)b is said to 110 the nt
pan goods 1,0001 vault lin the world,
Tt is ;w octagonal chamber, shirt) sax
feet across, with its Willis, (ave where
the coffins stand, entirely overlaid with
precious marbles. The stnnoase• which
Rade to it is of marble with jasper
walls, The, general effect i; unspeak-
ably splendid.. In the midsteof this main
nifieenco are the nnassiv'e! black inarlde
caskets let into the walls, containing
the bodies thenl0elree. •They lite all ex•
a(tly alike, inscribed simple' with the
names of the different Kings and
Queens. '1'h001' 00 room for jest sae more
monnrchs•tu1(1 their (ann lis.
Of another character altogether is the
vault devoted to )pein s royal children
—prinecs and prinecsses, here white
marble rules, and very Manning arc
some of the effigies over tate tombs. The
local name for the vault is "the place of
the little mr, el ":and though many of
the princes who 'lie here were not at all
angelic. in then lives the map wakes left
by the white marble wings of the stat-
ues is one of spotless purity,
Ono unfortunate 0pnaush Icing, Don
mama to understand these things; and
so she traveled down to Brighton, wit0
n feverish longing to be at the end of a
journey 0011101 nowt, she felt confident fn
her excitetnelt, bring' her to the crown
of her passionate hopes.
With the 1nriv0l in 13rightnn, however,
awl the 501110 v installment of herself
a low voice; "and, if ca, 1 thiel: it will
1)11 come right for.y'ou. He is so affce-
Donate that, when he finds out how cold
lemma is, be will be vary glad to— be
good again."
So affectionate! Doris' heart leaped
up with a pang of mingled 000') ,mm: ase
from the window the gray sea wed the
passers-by, not daring to go out, being
suddenly oppressed by 0 vivid fear of
e 1 ver' tarsen she had 001ue. to
meeting y Ic
If lie 01101(111 lie with diet woman',
Now that She 0v0,'in the vicinity of her
rival, Doris 'feeling toward her had sttel-
denh' beeonu' more bitter. She pictured
to herself the triumph with which 101'x,
1fodsnn would look at her, if she should
rune suddenly fico to face with the
young wife whom she bad eobbel of her
husband. And Dorisvyi0hed, with a. sbarh1
revulsion of feeling, that she had not
'Having cnme, however, she must nuke
t'hi0 lent of the situation; mrd, hawing
schooled 1)0000lf info smell outward minis
ues,,.aa 0rould allow her to pass for a
anona`hly euntented person, she left the
hotel aloe lust ns the evening mist was
beginning, to 1)0.01 1 over the sea, for a ,staying, ad, us the lost-nuu'k would be.
pathetically, "It's bad enough for amen; 1)o'i, sobbed fur .some minutes ,iftl(' walk rhnag' the „jiff.\\hen 0100 was 1
9 I , wife Lo the old chain) crier, she fork fin eh tom" he knew that the monc;r
but, pretty I snppe0e it is even wo' w wrath liar I'1ad dried-
the id lade', la a f 110 I venal It! 0111 antler the to a io0 that.
for n pretty w•umn01. she ere.,• :wd dried Leu to un, nud,ytth- Ia.ter int her head to go on 01, she o
would hair 'if. almost to hetse4f, she site nerd her htushand had becun: rcumr-
yet, and she (tumid risk any huuuli.10»',
in atonement for her sake. -,
She did trot 1 now' tyh01 slue satid to the
girls after that.; she spoke ince erently
about triflieg thugs, longing to be away,
yet afraid to meet her husband lied Nits.
Hutson, who weer,' both, Nellie said,
somewhere on the pier, She made an
apnointmelt to meet the two sisters
again or the following day, and, glaneing
before and behind her as she wet, hur-
ried off the pier wihtout meeting may
rigid off the pier without 11100ting any
her hotel. Here The wrote a tether to
her trustee, at very old friend both of her
late father and of her grandmother, and
begged hint, he being by this time, 110 she
knew, 1-1.0041 1'0 of the deadlock to which
her 1 0kahuna with ler husband had mime,
to send J./arid money to the address
she gave, She headed her letter with the
110101er and mall,' 01 the stn'et the girl.,
had given her as the place where he was
-;;404440.3140.610404060 000.0
":', F7 t e's Emulsion strengthens enfeebled
l etr:i, l rriothers by increasing their flesh and
)1. i..e',? force.
It provides baby with the necessary fat
and mineral food for healthy growth.
ALL DRUGGISTS! 60o. AND 81.00.
5)010 4,04000600004004:400
knew, and could think better. As if,
pour' crlOtuc, she wanted to think, or 115
if ale only thought she 'woe eapabl' of—
"W111 he come heel: to 010'1"—wend an-
,wcr itself happily- by dint of frequent
She w 00 (been the steep stone a0teps,
past the antiquated. bazaar, where, school
girls ma Saturdays eve tempted to 01.1111-
i extravagance over wax-fiowers and
pliet',ahrapbic albums and the mail es
(element of at, wheel sof fortune. The pier
was almost deserted, as elm expeeted;
at the mid, on one of 100 sheltereu scale
two girls were seated, talking Doris
passed quite close to thein, and they re -
cued, In abs any. at least, David would
1-e rescued 01010 the miserable penniless•
nese into which her trustees' angry re•
mo;tatrawces had thrust him,
(To be cuutinued.)
Although. in a way, lie bas sone -
thing tangible to show for it, Fivaloier
Maim still has aa. great meaty of the ear-
marks of a he. Cassie Chadwick,—Los
Angeles Times.
Any fisherman knows there 10 (mite
m difference between betting, a bite
and taking a nip,
cngnire.1 her at the same mmneot that Never try to make a man feel at
.he, glancing In the direction of the home if you kuow him to be heepcc10ed.
kitten. '11m ani'unl 10rmw0 wahine- het
captivity, 'the mother of this lnt l a,'1
ametl0t 0)110 1•ellcd that the young gold. take -r.
Aire. Grommet is exhilatiligd.the GU?e.
! nr'n' to her ;guests, lint sag's she ((((1 00
rueful to harc 11, (holo o ,oaet:iimg
oc to the animal when it. g000R)0l{p,
Daring it 1oar 010011imie; ,iIH10)'•thm
call of the mild—St. Louis Republic.''
The Hen as n Destroyer.
(Baltimore Anterirut.)
The fact that the hen is n consumer as
well as a producer has been ton general-
ly ignored. The literature dealing with
the virtues and achievements of the hen
tribe has consisted almost entirely of a
praise that has been extravagant to a
fulsome degree. 'the leen, unless kept
under Watchful police supervision, is a
land pirates a ruthless pillager that hos
no more regard for vested prop rt:y
rights than a wandering Mho. It is a
well known fact -that-
the barnyard
cackler after laying a two•cent egg will
frequently sneak into the kitchen gar-
den and scratch np $1.71 worth of peas,
beans and lettuce, .Yid, ea likely ns not,
she will follow this up by beaking 11110
the strawberry patch nod eat 15 cents'
worth of berries. This is no warped and
prejudiced statement, and it 15 not. an
overclrewn' representation of the destine,
five capacity of the utnerupulous fowl.
There vasa hen cnthnsiast some years
ago who declared that the hens of the
country every year pay 011 the rar0linal
debt. This wild statement was at once
accepted by millions of ehickenenthus-
iasts as inn axiomatic truth. 1t is. in-
deed, high time that the other should be
)y. B. 1101dw10 one of the oldest and
bet known era„iuere oa the y,Lssou'i
Nellie road, for e lmnribel' of years has
been not only the b1:ead winner, but the
family "seamstress' for 0 1amily consist-
ing of his wife and three daughters.
Itis family is •»!y11” in California, but
'Baldwin still continues to sew for them
and sends their clothes to them in the
far West. Ile owns a beautiful home in
this city, and it is not through poverty,
but on account of his wife's poor health
end the love of the sewiItg machine and
his finally the he act0 as dreaslnnker.—
Council lime correspondence lianas
City ,Journal,
Women Makes Pet of Wildcat.
antes, (i. J. Grommet, one of .Alton's
best-known society ladies, has a Alexi•
eon leopard witdcat for a pet.
it is a gift frau her husband, who is
in Mexico. The leopard cat; which is a
rmvtnre of leopard and waded-, is now
Lour weeks old and is the size of a big
TO CURE A 00101. UNE OA'i
Take LASATIV1 Ilfii1010 quinine Tikne4a,
Pruggisle refund money 1t 1t fails to cu00, 0.
w. ti1(0(00'S signature is on eaoh box.. 00,
Fewer Women Than Men Color 811na,
I\ here one in thirty w(tmon is
I. e dna blind tale 1.1 five meta is so.0'
'1'lle physician; (ominur-.d 111-;
nu Its w141 01(e' ti sting machine,
"lou," he said, "rant tell green frr:n
Hee. and are therefore defective, sir,
Peg, you are net olisolntely,color blind..
Alratiu;elr'-,'(dor blind persons are tawny.
Ye) w rare. 1 !cire. amt but one. 110
couldn't tell rid front yellow or ,yellow
free! 1(11)0.
.'\\'lav are mer'" 0(00 1).1,3 1'011;1100 than
)0011011, as to )00(15 ('0lore' Sotl say
11 n, fir tobacco smu'ke that dolls and
0 co Isca, 0heel, I have noticed that 111)11'
•o 01 a, have a soun:11'11A sin '101' vis..
on: - l'iaileilefuhin
lit! 1'1(4,111.
The Only Crime.
is it poverty?
Shaw says it is.
l;ui what does pn001', mean:
There are ever. sal ninny
There in the awful poverty of l.t'tinst.
There is rho dreadful poverty of
These is a. wlocldng poverty,: the l:u'
c 1 gond impulses.
\nd there r, that other pnvertl.,._liie
lar10 of wealth---againet which Dienes
ha hugest. stm:gle.s
Beginning to Be Apprehensive.
rpounmme 1000 counting them up.
'Ilea the the eleventh girl I've been 05-
0,14,000 the last eixteen years,"
Le reflected. "Pd latter stop right 1)0)01.
I raf thing 1 know I'll get the habit,"
Fair imndred million:; of sa 114 0s are
c,a,:rn y.0''1 alf 0,1 i!,1 00,tsts.