The Clinton New Era, 1900-09-07, Page 1•
The Clinton New Era, the best local paper in the County of Huron, to the end of .tb.e year, for 25e cash. Subscribe now.
.The elinton-.New.
your friend*, Era
Reennlinend the, New 13ra to °Ic
ESTAlliasszu .1865.
n every home little breake are
°earring daily. May be
Table Silverware,
Rings, Pins,
Watches or Clocks,
Whatever, it is we're anxious it obeli
come our way.
We resair „Bush things in a satire
faotory manner.
Oar charges are moderate - our
services prompt.
Whether large or small it receives
Blithe attention it requires.
We are Leaders in our 'Line.
And Optician
W Ingham
. : AGAIN WINNING --- The two me
z horses belongingbto J. E. Swans wer
_ winners in the races at Wellsville, N
; Y.slast week. Both Harold IL an
= Walter K. won their races in the
= straight heats. While at Wellsvill
1 Mr Swede had a handsome offer kfo
Harold H. The horses go at Harnels
ville, N.Y,
e Ncrrne-The negro lecturer who epoke
. The News of the Neighborhood who sang &number -of plantation gongs
on "Twenty-three yearn a slave" and
e house. A meeting was called for Tues.
✓ . day evening, to arrange for a Sunday
. Supplied by the New Era's widevawake and reliable correspondents School picnic An connection with St.
Peter's churels, but it was not largely.
&moon Marmite - At the special
VPHLY-V-Y-Vii-VI-Y-440/4-10Pf-Y4-YJPI-WPF .4°
* The best edvertisinn medium
In this section.
, the Hamilton Times: "Mr Jas. Tove-
kersa a middle-aged widower, from
z ! Wingham, came to the city to .try t
find his fiancee, a widow, whose nam
; is Mre Martha McKinnon, Whose ad
2 dress he didn't know. • He said tha
7. Mrs McKinnon came here about
3 month ago from his town, and they
' had corresp inded freqnently until a
week ago, He had written several
letters in the last week, but had receiv-
ed no reply. He sent them, as usual,
to the general delivery, but they had
not been called for. This caused him
much uneasiness, and on advice he
Fent to the three hospitals and made
Inquiries. He got no trace of her. Mr
Toveker consulted the detectives in tbel
evening. While he was away looking
for Mrs McKinnon his 18 year-old
daughter, Matilda, went to the foot of
Shncoe street to take a svvins. She left
bei clothes on the shore, and when she
went in the water some little girls ran
away with her dress, petticoat and
shoes. •They left a few things for her
to put on, however, and She 'was -able
to get home without having to resort
to a barrel, This matter .wes reported
to the detectives."
• Godericn. '
Dungannon. • Goderich Township.
SPORTS, -The football match between
o Westfield and, our boys huit Then:day_
e night at A.ubirrn resulted in a tie.
- Score -1-1. The following were the
t players: -Dungannon -.Draper, Crew-
e ford, Clarke. Stuart, Mallough, il,Dur-
run, Jeerers Pentlend, Bamford, (*.Due -
Din, Tigert; Westfield -W. Wightman,
McDowell, H. Wightrnan, MeDowell,
Stackhouse, Redmond, Bamford, Mc-
Kellar, Henry, Tunney, Baugh, Some
of the Auburn boys deserve special
mention for the ungentiemaey way in
which they acted and used their visitors.
urday two parcels of land in the first
concession of Colborne, belonging to
the estate of the late Jas. Sande, were
sold by auction by Thos. Gundry. The
first parcel, containing 52 acres, with
dwelling, etc., were purchased by T.
aa • McLean for 62,900. The second parcel -
alma f 18 acres was sold to A. Sande for
NOTES. -S. Thomson and Miss Tay- •a300.
-lor, of Kipper', were guests of Mr and
Mrs T. Taylor on Sunday last. J. Far- DROWNING. -Further particulars are
.,quhar end sister, of Clinton, spent at hand of the di owning of Miss Sadie
Sunday with friends here R, Gib- Ryan, a former resident and a niece of
binge and T. McMichael left this week Jas. Kidd, of Goderich. Miss Ryan
to attend the Toronto exhibition. Miss and Miss Cropsey while bathing climb
McCarthy, of St, Louis, who has been ed into an old scow that hung out into
spending a couple cf ruonthe with deep, water, and were resting. Sudden -
fiends here, returned to her home on ly one of them slipped off and in her
Tuesday last. A number from here struggles caught hold of the other and 1
.picnicked at layfield nn Saturday last. both went into deep water. Miss Crop_
NOTES. -Quite a number of young
people spent Labor Day at the lake,
Little Hilda McIntyre is recovering
and the doctors say all danger is over
now; she has been a great sufferer froro
blood poisoning, which started from a
scratch on her face. Jas. McIntyre, of
Godericb, is visiting friends in our
burg. 'Mr. and Mao Thos. Treleaven, of
Lucknow, spent Sunday at Mr
Stothers, W. Sproul and T. W. Little
are taking in the Toronto Fair this
week. At the Liberal convention they
nominated the right man in the right
place. Rev, Mr and Mrs McNair have
returned from their trip to Hamilton
and other points. Rey. R,j.Treleaven
and family have returned to Brant
toad, after spending two months camp-
ing near Dungannon. Mrs Mallough
and daughters spent Labor Day at
Stratford. J. M. Roberts and son have
returned from Buffalo where they vis-
ited Mr Robert's sister, Mrs Savage,
(formerly. of Goderich.) Miss Eliza
VPhyard is visiting in Ashlield. . Miss
Susie Cook has returned from her visit
at Goderich. The picnic held in Mrs
Davidson's bush was very successful;
Quite a number of children were out.
B. J. Crawford 19 on the sick list this
week. Mrs J. G. Anderson, Lucknow,
is visiting her father and another, Mr
and Mrs As Pentland. . Mr Fairbairn
filled the pulpit of the Methedist
church last Sunday. Geo. Durnin has
returned to Elora. G. Rigley, W. Tre-
eavep, D. Finnigan and B. Jrnes' are
attending the Toronto exhibition. A.
arge number attended the convention
at Smith's Hill on Friday last. Miss
Cora Roberts is attending the High
chool at Goderich. West Wawanosh
Mutual Fire Insurance Company held
heir monthly meeting here Tuesday.
41-..s Bear in mind the social. 'this Friday sey was rescued with the greatest dit I
evening at G. Dale's; come and enjoy ficulty and was resuscitated, but Miss
, .a pleasant evening with us.• Ryan. was drowned.
, .. THE LATE JOHN G. HAwI.Ev.-John s
• G. Hawley, well-known in Goderich, •
. Nile and son of Mrs E. Hawley, died sud- t
Chanitoll REPORT. - The following denly and unexpectedly at Harper hos-
figures are taken from the official re- pital. Detroit, on Friday, August 17th,
port of the Methodist church for the Mr Hawley was one of the most prom.
past year;- Amounts contributed to inent menrbers of the Detroit bar and
minister's salary: -Nile, $458.10; SheP• a writer whose 'works on extradition
pardted, $7418.60; Ebenezer, $105.31; to practice and criminal law had given i
tal, $682.04. Total money raised on cir- him a national reputation. Mr Haw- c
cuit:-Citgarterly Board, $682.04; trustee ley had been in poor health for some
board, $173; missionary, $123.90; W.0. years with Bright's disease. He be -
men's missionary society, $33 50; Sun- came suddenly ill on the morning of
day schools,$133; Sunday school aid,01; the 17thsand was removed to Harper I
League collection,$1;Epworth Leagues, hospital, where he died shortly after. f
0101, Superaanuation,$38; Educational, John Gardner Hawley was one of the
$11 05; General Conterence fund $5.76: eight children of the late Richard t
Union .church relief, 03.27; Contingent tlawley,a well-known Detroit Meister,
fund, $2 81; Sustentation fund, $2; who retired from business with a large
total, $1314.33, fortune in 1875 and died in 1881. He i
was born here* March 21, 1815, Mr. 8,
Tuckersmith. Hawley's first wife was Mary Lydia
llubberton, of Mt. Carmel, Ill Their t
PERSoNSL -Mrs H Carter and Miss
Charlotte Carter are visiting at Toron. surviving children are Theodoso De
to Fair. s Reimer. a teacher in Miss Spence's
St. Joseph. '
NOTES -D.Bedard, from Courtright,
has .purchased Mr Campbell's store,and
ntends to remove to this place in a
ouple of months. The Inspector paid
his annual visit to No. 1 school the
past week. Mr P. Cantin is at present
confined to his bed with fever. Many
of.the farmers have already sown their
all wheat. Many of the Mohtrealers
who sought occupation -hi this place in
he spring, have returnedasmong them
being Messes Surniuletand familY, Mar-
tineau arid family and Primeau; t his is
nvariably • due to - the inefficient
mount of work to be found, as little or
no work has been done this summer in
he way of •buildhrg a city this summer
The onward progress of the fever has
been checked. by the physicians and the
afflictedare slowly recovering.
SCHOOL REPORT. - Below is the
standing of the pupils of Separate S.S.
No. 1, Hay, based on pitnctuelity, gen-
eral proficiency and regularity of at-
tendance for August ; - V - _Arthur
Gelinae, Clarissa Oantin; IV- Sara' R.
Denomme, Joseph Brisson; Sr.
Gelinas, Josephine Masse, Regis Masse;
Jr. III -Philip Bedard, Ella Laframer,
Napoleon P. °entire Sr. II -Mary Pap-
ineau, Sara J. D'enoranae, Pauline
Plante; Jr. II -Laura Denomme, John
Cantin, Joseph Duchar mes Pt. II- S.
Brisson, Peter 'Papineau, Joseph Cor-
riYeau; Pt. I (c)-Olarissa Aubin,Celina
Ducharele, Napoleon .11, Cardin; Pt. I
(b) -.Edith penomme, August Duch.
arrne, Maurice Ran; Pt. I (a) --Maxima
Corriveau, Blanche Laporte, Malcolns
Ducharrne. JEROME BEDARD, teacher.
scheol for young ladies in New York •
HOUSEBURNEn. -Sometime between city, and John Hubberton Hawley. on
Saturday night and Blonday morning the advertising•staff of tlse New York
a house on the old Richard Oudmore Evening Post. In 1881 Mr Hawley
farm, 2nd con., was destroyed by fire d ' .0 N' 1 f 13
M t it
roma iss va ico •
o e ro
moch to the surprise of the neighbors, Who survives him with a daughter;
!snit!. anew nOthing Of the event until Maud Nicell Hawley
ext. morning Geo.White had moved ' • •
some of his furniture into the house on St. Helens
Friday, intending to occupy it as soon
AS he got the balance Of his stuff moy- NOTES.--Mble Annie Clark left on
ed oyer, his brother, who had been oc• Monday tor London to attend the Nor-
.cupying the place, having just moved mal school. F. McDonald has gone to
Goderich to attend the Model. Bobt.
out, with the exception of some canned
fruit. 'Everything that was in the Miller, G. Webster and Tom O'Laugh,
houseevas destroyed ; the house heal lin are attichding the Goderich College
been insured at one' time but whether ate. Mr Are' daer3 With
it is insured now or not' is an'alleWn. , friends in this vicinity, ete returning
The origin of the fire is an absolute ' to his public sphool duties at Listowel,
,mystery. Mrs thulmore, who owned Rev. Donald McKenzie, ot Toronto,
the property, had been living with one was the guest of Mr and Mrs Clark re -
of her married daughters at Park Riy- cently. Dr.Harris of Baltimore, U.S.,
,er, Dakota, and died about ten days was the guest of hi ls cousin, W.E. Gor-
don, for a few days last week. Mrs
Robertson, Miss Zelma Black and W.
Brucefield. McDonald, of Wroxeter, left on Satur-
day after spending some time with
Was Siig Bancaelaras?- The ftlends in this vicinity. Miss McLaren,
Sarnia Observer of last week says : of Lucknow, opent a few days with the
"On Saturdsty evening last a respect. Misses Cameron this week. Miss Liz -
ably dressed woman got off the Detroit zie Miller has returned home after
boat and at once a plied to Police Con-
stable Murray or lod i for the
night. She explained t. she had
been livieg at Windsor, and that she
was en route to Brucefield, Huron
county; but that her money ran out
here and she was absolutely without
'funds. As she was paralyzed in the
right side the officer decided not to
place her in the lockup, but brought
her to the Chapman House. Applica-
tion was made to Chief Yorrell to In-
dignent Poor Committees and next
morning. a ticket was given her as far
as London, where she can again make
application for further assistance."
spending her vacation with friends in
Toronto. Rev, S. N. Whaler,' has re-
turned to his pastoral dirtier( again af-
ter spending his vacation with friends
in Markham and elsewhere. Mrs Lane,
Miss Rutherfcrd and Hugh Lane paid
a flyingvisit to fa rends here on Mon-
day. J. D. McCrostie, of Ripleysspent
Sunday week with his brother, W. S.
McCrostie, Rev. Chas. Rutherford
and son returned home to Springfield,
N. Y. after spending . their vacation
with friends. here; he is accompanied
by. his sister, Tone, who will be much
missed by her many friends, Miss
Johnson of Brucefield, visited her sis-
ter., Mrs R. Woods. Miss Webster, of
Lucknow, is visiting at her cousin's,
Mrs j. Wood's. G. Clark and Mr
Oanhdansmbreere.00xf, LofoBchraulassheiss,pweenrteSvaibeibtainthg
last at the former's home here. Mr
Do you road yourself cooking meat when with friends in this Vitlinity last week.
the temperstrire has been ranging from 96' De. Gordon,' Ripley, and Colin Camp.
to 100 degrees in the shade? bell, Wingham, spent Sabbath Week at
Mr Gordon's. IOU. Murray. 8th dot.
WHEN has gone to Buffalo and purposes Lek'.
You can get something in the canned home. re Do Murdock spent a few
game ana.s gram deal man appeasing days this Week With her pareas at
Auburn. Dr. Irwin and wrfe, Wing -
Here are a few palate tickler': ham, recently' visited the latter's sister,
Manned ehicken, thick, Turkey, in-law, Mrs Hugh McCrostie, A. Rob -
Tongue, Pigs Peet, Ready Lunch Mason, of Belgrave, was visiting at A.
Beef, Sauced Mackerel. Lobsters McDonald's last Week. We are sorry
earabus, Shrinip, 'Sardines, etc. to learn that our enterprising young
tailor, C. Decher, is at present lid off,
For sandwiohes there hi nothing nitres the Mutt of a severe cut received in
than Devilled germ the leg from a jack-knife.
YOUR DESERT • Seminar.
NOTES. -Mr and Vtt. Phillips and
InJ. g a triatup the lakes before returning
Is easily Made if yen 100 InsiihnianedIng dmighter, BeMrave,spent Sun
pima Or MeV JeldYnon tin 113( differeal day with Mrs Phillip'e parente. Mr said
' ors. , Mrs Jewell. Mrs A. DeWitt. and
CO children. Of Clinton. are spending a
OGG COOPER & short time with nor mother, Mrs O.
Walter*. Mut 8.11artt and 6011 tiecord
' Conroe store in kola* Meek. beet, returned horn° after epending
some time With her daughter, Mrs ft;
.11frinelle Ciash tor Weir tot lye
PERSONAT..-R. Stvantz, of Kansas,
who has been visiting. his relatives on
the Maitland concession, has gone to
visit friends" in Hay, and from there
will proceed to his home' ie the west;
he is accompanied by his wife,
NOTES. -Rey. 3. Andrews, wife
and son, George have gone to Toronto
this week. Mr'McKenzie and Mies A.
Howe, of Clinton, were the guests of
Mee May Andrews on Monday last.
The Royal family picnicked at Bayfield
on Tuesday of last week. 3.Armstrong
and J. Hart took a trip to Stratford on
Monday last. Mrs Haxby and daughter
are visiting friends in Clinton this
week. B. LeRoy, of Coldwater, visit-
ed his uncle, J. W.Andrewso lad tveek,
PRIIBENTA.TION.--Miss M. Foster left
for Manitoba on Monday last. She was
a member of -the Methodist choir and
will be greatly rnissed. Before sh,e took
her departure, on Friday evening, the
choir and a representation of the con-
gregation Met at her home on the Parr
tine mad presented her with tqe
Is with deep regret that we view your
approaching deoarture from our midst.
You presence will be missed not only
from the congregation but from the
choir in which you have most ably as -
aided. Before you leave we wish to
say that you Will not be forgotten, and
not for the Value, but as a token of our
good -will towards you -and as an ex-
pression of our appreciation Of your
setvicee, we ask you to accept this
Bible and Hymn Book with these
souvenir*. As you read God's word
and sing His praises may you look for-
ward to the time when wewill all meet
in Mayen and sing His praises in the
Heavenly choir, Where there is no
triore parting. Wean join in Wishing
you God -speed, and may prosperity at-
tend all your effOrts, Signed on be.
half of the Varna Methodist conerega-
tion and choir,
Bay. J. W. ANDREWS, rel,d0r
.1, MOOLVMOSZ Rec.SteWard
T. WilarY, MAO Leader
A. STintlittlfeOlt, ()heir Linder.
BEAT THE RECORR.-On A.M.'. • 29th
.0itherl„ Mair. threshed -900 -hushele
oats; 60 bushels of peas, 160 bushels of
narley aud 90 baobab; of wheat in six
hours for Geo.W.Proctor, Holmesville
This "takes the cake." A record o
1210 bushels in six hotire is mighty beat.
APPOINTMENT. -- Albert Wise has
been appointed agent for the Deering
Manutacturing Co., with headquarters
at Goderich. While we regret his re-
moval from this section, we congratu-
late the company on securing the ser-
vices of so efficient and reliable a young
man. He will look well after their in-
terests, and at once takes up hie resid-
ence in the county town.
ScRoon Itarones-The following is
the pupils' standing of S. S. No. 2, for
the month ending Aug. 31, based on
punctuality,good deportment and gen-
eral proficiency: Claim I - Wesley,
Monk, Garfield McCullrigh. Frank's:
Chambers; Jr. Pt. II- Gorden White,
Nina Walters, Ruthie Thompson; Sr,
Pt, II -Myrtle Prouse, Winnie John-
ston, Mary Monk; Jr H -McKee John-
ston, Irene Flick, Meredith Clark; Sr.
II-Gertie Sturdy, Arthur Willson and
Al bert McCullaglo, Roy Ohambers;III -
Mamie Yaill, Irene Clark, Mabel
Prouse; IV- Pearl Willson, Nettie
Sturdy, Alice Jonnston; Jr. Leaying-
Mat tie Johnston, Linda Sturdy. FRED
J, LAWRENCE, teacher.
NOTES. --Miss Emma Burnett ably
presided at the organ in Middleton's
church last Sabbath in the absence of
Mies Middleton. Mrs John Middleton
and family whc have been away on a
trip have returned. A large number
from our locality deemed it their plea-
sure to attend the Toronto fair this
week. . Mr Ad Cantelon, 7th con.,
spent Sunday at Mr Geo. Cooper's. Mr
John Middleton shipped twenty head
of.fat cattle on Monday. Cole's church
choir pieniced at Bayfield on Monday
and spent a pleasant time along the
shores of Lake Huron. Some parties,
in a democrat had a turaway at the
corner of the 14th con. on the Bayfleld
line Wednesday morning; they arrived
at L. Trick's with a home badly used
up. Tom Wiggington met with an ac-
cident on Tuesday, taking down a
windmill at D. McGregor's. Stanley;he
will be laid up for'a few days. Geo.
Elliott is visiting his aunt, Mrs Brown,
Fullerton township.
TRAMPS. -Tramps seem lo hold sway
in our vicinity just at the present time,
it is dangerous to travel the highway
after dark without seeing or hearing
a couple or three of the seedy indi.
viduals where they are waiting insid-
iously to way -lay some of the boys
returning home after fulfiling their
evening's engagement. The two young
gentlemen who had the experience of
the flight seem to be dauntlese and
brave but their bravery was soon
changed to tinsidness at the sight of
those terrifying beings just as they
passed by, breathing heavily and their
hearts leaping with fear at the sound
of heavy footsteps ra idl in ursi it
Hallett •
tate e on the 8h euli. of H1
lett, Eliza, beloved Vvife ot J. Hughes,
after a brief illness of five days. De-
ceased was born in the county of
Cavan, Ireland in the 1833, and
crime with her parents to London„Ont„
when but a child. She was married in
1857, and there resided toahe year 1880,
and then Batted in Mullett. Dec.eased
was a member of the English 'church,
was a geed Christian mother, and
died trusting in Jesus. She leaves a
family of three sons and three daugh-
ter and her husband to mourn their
loss. The following are her family •
Harry, Richard anu Mrs J. Crawford,
of Dauphin, Man.; Mrs . R. Crawford,
Londesboro; Mrs Thos. Hesselwood, of
Hullett, and Willie at home. [London
papers please copy.]
COTJNCIL.-The Council of Hulled
met in Londesboro on Aug. 25. Mem-
bers all present. rhe usual By Law
for levying the taxes was read and
passed. For county purposes the sum
required from Mullett is $2414.45 or a
rate of 1,23 mills on the dollar for
township rate and L. I. Deb fund 21 10
mills, and the sums requiredto be
raised for the several school sections
are as follows :-No. 1, 5425; No. 2,
$4(0; No. 3, $700; No. 4, 350; No. 5, 0500;
No. 6, 5t70; No, 7; 5350; No. 8, $585 ;
No. 9, $250 ; U. 5, $390 07; R. O. S.,
0270. The account of F. W. Farncomb
for making Mirth; drain award 059.39
was ordered to be paid. The township
of Morris will refund fifty per cent of
the Said sum. Arbitrators' fees foe
making two awards, Hu Iletts' share:048.
Contractor Gutteridge has finished
the abutments and arch culvert -near
Londesboro and was paid on account
$250. The councildecided to have • a
vote of the ratepayers taken at the,
forthcoming municipal election for the
purpose of getting an expression of
theiropinion with regard to abolish-
ing or continuing statute labour in the
township. Council adjourned . until.
called .by the Reeye. JAMES Came -
Bums Clerk. •
NOTES. -Mr Jenkins, of Blyth, oc-
cupied the Methodist pulpit for Mr
Coupland on Sunday evening, and W.
Lyon in the morning; they both gave.
good.practical addresses. The Prestiv-
terian pulpit was occupied by Rey. Mr
Hamilton, of Winter burn. Rev. J. A.
Hamilton returned home on Monday
to resume his duties. Rev. Mr Hamil-
ton, of Winterburn, returned to his
home on Wednesday. Messrs W. T.
and A. Brunsdon visited Toronto fair
this week. Fred Johnston, C. R. of
Court Pride of the West. C.O.F., hand-
ed Mrs John Mason, of Blyth, a cheque
on Tuesday for 01000, it being the
amount of endowment on the life of
her late husband in the said order; he
was one ot the chartered members. J.
Johnston and family moved back from
Blyth to this place on Tuesday; he has
given up, work on the railway. Geo.
Brogden and R. Adams are visitors at
t th k TP1 i
Just at that moment the loud report orou o is wee . Mrs T. ar mer s
, of a dischae red pistol rumbled and on the sick list, but is impr 3ving. G.
re-echoed in the still night which Snell has .an assistant in the black
quickened the pace of the two be smithyrsohmopan. oc
easioeal corresadent)
[knighted youngsters to a more rapid
one till they reached a. place of safety N"Eel'-i‘trs Dr. McMichael, of De -
Mrs j, Elsley. Miss Hiles and her sis-
ter, Mrs J. D. Ainsley, of Leamington,
arrived .here last week; they intend
'visiting their -sisters, Mesdames Law
rence, Elsley and Tarnblyn; they aee
RZJing to Kincardine, and will go from
there to Sarnia by boat. Miss Mabel
Hiles, of Kincardine, and Mrs (Rev) E.
Medd, of Sarnia, paid a flying visit to
mes Eleley last week, Dr. W. Bat
well anci wife, who have been visiting
Mrs Wm. Hilee, left, for Chicago this
weeks if hie health petmits he Intends
going to New Mexico.
h th th
!°Yti" a few days with her friend,
dream and ponder over their °etas- I
trophe, fatigued as they were and I
large drops of perspiration trinkling
down their cheeks, It was a good joke
boys and the scheme workedsplendidly,
FARM SOLD. -Chas Risley has sold I
his fine farm to Herb Mogridge. Mr '
Elsley and femily intend moving to
Leamington this fall,
NOTES. -Mr and Mrs Gordon, who
have been viSiting their „parents, Mr
and Mrs J. W Campbell, ' for the last
four weeks left Wednesday for their
home in Comber. .Mr Wallace, of the
United States, was the guest of his
brctheran-law, T. Riddell, on Sunday.
W. A. Newton left for England on
Wedneeday; he started from Clinton,
Mrs A. Ferguson its visiting fr•iends in
firelerich. Miss Florence Armstrong
is having week's -rest, Mrs G. Mar -
shell came home on Wednesday. Mrs
T. Riddell and Mrs H.Govier left Tues-
day for Toronto and Hamilton •intend-
ing to stay thereat of the week. The
Auburn and Summerhill teams intend
to play a match on Saturday night.
Miss Annie Jackson was the guest of
Mrs Jackson last vseek.
PION10.-A number of picnics have
the 'village, but the most enjoyable one
been gotten up by the younpeople of
of the season was held on Labor Day,
when eight young ladies of the village
and vicinity accompanied by five
young men visited Menestung Park,
that beautiful resort on the shore of
Lake Huron. The young people, after
enj rying the dear' to the fullest extent,
reached the village early in the even-
ing, and as they approached the bridge
over the Maitland, the villagers were
at a loss to account for the raournful
sounds that were gently wafted over
the water on the evening breeze, .fot
the whole patty were engaged in sing -
Ing "All the world was gad and dreary,
everywhere we roamed." However, ft
is to be hoped that the sounds were
misleading and' not the indies.tion of
the enjoyment of the day's outing.
there& -J, Linklater and J. Shaw.of
Point Farm, left thie week for Toronto
to attend the fair. Mies Liztle Horton
event Labor Day at Stratford, and wee
the guest of her sister, Mrs Gavin (Auto
ton.. Mir* Lou Stirling, who has been
spending her vacation with her 'par.
onts and relatives here, left, on Weds
nesdey for Buffalo. Miss Adeline Cook
yisited her brother at Port Albert this
Week. Mr and lare A. IL Clatter are
rejoicing Over a Wee baby boy', which
was born on Monday, the 3rd inet. Mr
and Mrs:, Chisholm are rejoicing over
it wecibeby girl, which was born MI
Wednetelay, A.rignat 29th, Mrs Pother.
inghatri, Of Brucefleld, is here at pres.
ReV, id. McKay conducted ler.
Vide here on fiabbitth instead of W.
Stoddart who wiis uneble to Come,
NOTES, - Prank Metcalf was in
Mitchell on Monday on business. Join,
Rabkirk. of Galt, was visiting his par-
ents over. Sunday. A. M. 13abb, Tees -
water. was a caller in town on Sunday,
Masters Geo. and Errnest Higley, of
Blenheim are visiting their friends in
town this week. Mr and Mre Jas. Mc -
Murchie were in Clinton on Monday.
We believe it is Mr Ashbury's inter -
tion to remove from our village to Oak-
ville by Oct. let. Where he will enter
into the milling -business. Mr and Mrs
Wm. Sims were Outing friends in St.
Marys and Platteville this week. S,
leathers and wife, of Palmerston, was
in town on Sunday; Mr Blathers, fors
Merly held it position in F. Metcalfe's
jeweller store. Miss Gillies, of Tees -
water, was the guest of Mies Amelia
Anderson on Sunday.. Rev. Grant, of
Ronan, China, occupied the pulpit of
the Presbyterian church Sunday oven -
Ing. R. Sellars. lost a valuable: horse
le,stPridsty from over feeding. It is ex.
petted that Rev. Wm, Stone who le
laboring in one of theBritisli Colmar •
bit missions, and who Is supported
the Epworth Beagues of Goderich dis-
trict, will visit Blyth League on or
about Sept.29th, and give& description
of hie work in the far -West.
VOTERS' LIST.--JUdge Masson will
hold court at Bluevale on September
13th for the revision of the Turnberry
Voters' List.
FARM Bonewr-Charles Armstrong
has bought it farm near Mount Forest,
and wilFremove his effects there in the
near future; we are sorry to lose Mr
Atinsteong and family from our neigh-
borhood, AS they are good citizens,
NOTES --Mise Annie Densmore irr at
present the guest of her Meter Mrs M.
Whitmore, of Egmondville. 'Several
from here attended the atrniyereary
serviceir held at the Brick eherch last
Sunday, Mies Keith, of Albany, is the
guest of Miss Stackhouse. Messrs 3.
and R. Hoover, and Mrs McOlarty at-
tended the funeral of their cousin /Ars
Stothers, Dungannon, laet week. Miss
Marian A.uld, whir heri been *pending it
couple of weeks with her aunt, Xis T.
Sowlet, Of Newbridge, returned last
Week, Mrs Kali, of Belleville, has been
Opendliagn week with her sister -In-law,
Mrs 11, Wightman.
meeting of ratepayers and other inter-
- sated partiesaheld-in the school on
r y n Jast, considerable
discussion was brought forward on the
, question of repairing the present school
or rebuilding. We understand it was
decidednspdwer e trustees to
make any small rep iirs 'mw necessary,
and to have plans and pqtimates for
the annual meeting. The present
teacher, 0.:A, Tebbutt, has, we believe
tendered his resignation; we are sure,
that it is wjth reluctance the trusteee
part with hun, as be has proved a thor-
ough, painstaking teacher, which is ev-
idenced by his work done here.
CHOOL REPORT. -The following is •
the report of S.S. No. 4, for the month
of August, based on punctuality, regu-
larity, and general proficiencya-Part I
Junior Leaving, Jennie Mair, Ethel
Huck. Sr IV, Charlate Colburn. Jr
IV, Russel Neil, Harry Hayes, Ethel
Smith, Knox Mair, Ethel Lovett, Mel-
vin Hill, Goldie Alve Beacom.
Sr Lottie Sinclair, Caryl Draper,
Edna Beacom, Pease Wright, Earnest
Challenger. Jr III, Edna 'Hardy, John
Hayes Lena Jordan, Annie Challenger
Ida Colburn. Sr II, Eddie Farquhar,
Bella Ball, Gertie Oakes: Jr II, Ken-
neth Mair, Willie Sinclair, MurrayDra-
per, Grant Archer, Ellen Beacons, Earl
Mason, Lizzie Johnston. Part I, Erma
Jordan, .Asa Mair, Howard Farquhar,
Howard Hill, MyrtleBeaconr, Pt I Jr,
Annie Ball, Nettie Sinclair, George
Johnston, Stanley Challenger, Mary
Smith, James Lovett, Calvin Lovett. -
0.A. TEBRUTT, teacher.
East Wawanosh .
PA.RTV-Tbe garden party held at Mr
G. Nicholson's,. last Thursday evening,
was a success in every particular; the
weather was fine and there was a very
enjoyable evening for all present; the
proceeds amountecrto $72.20
NOTES -On Sunday evening the in-
fant son of Mr and Mrs P W Scott,
passed away to its heavenly home. its
remains were interred in Brandon's
cernetery, Monday afternoon; much
sympathy is felt for the parents. Mr
George W. Sowler, who has been away
for over eight years, spending the Most
of the tinie in Manitoba, is home on a
visit; his many friends are glad to see
him looking so well. A voters' list
conrt of revision tor this township will
be held on the 27th iust
Scaom REPORT.-- The following is
the report of the pupils of S. S. No. 3,
for the month ,of A.ugust, based on
punctuality,good deportment and gen-
eral proficiency: -Sr. IV -Mabel Pick-
ard, Fred Potter, Tessie Crooks,
Blanche Tebbutt, Henry Badour, Roy
Pickard, Birdie Willson, Edith Mul-
holland; Jr.IV-Gordon Amess, Myrtle
Levis, Olive Sturdy,: Sr. III- Eyalena
McCartney, Stanley Airless, May
Proctor, Daisy Williams, Permilla
Halstead, Wilfred Oolclouvh; Jr. HI -
George Colclough,Florence Lavis,Edgv
son, scar e ut , ert -
ard, John Dempsey, Arthur Sturdy;
Sr. II- Frances Potter, Ida Huller,
Lulu Mulholland, Howard Trewartha,
Clarice Badour, Minnie Sturdy, Edith
Bevis; Sr. Pt, II -Muriel Willson, May
McCartney, Pearl Huller, Etta Col-
clough, Leila Ford, Wilbert Halstead
Sr. P. II -Horace Towill; Sr. Pt. I -
John StMaly, larts.ense Towill, Myrtle
Iretvartha, Clarence Potter: Jr, Pt, I-..
Lizzie .Badour, Cliffocd McCartney
Sterling Dempsey, Willie Towill,
bert Proctor, Charlie Levis, Eames
Huller. Number on roll, 50; average 42
N. TREWARTRA, teacher
W 11 T bb t Alb ta k
I $1,:mr year in advance
t 11.50 when not so paid.
What liappens
When the unripe fruit and the
email boy make connections is well
known. It should aiso- he known
that Compound Extract of
Wild Raspberry is the best
remedy extent for 'rummer com•
plaint, diaroeha, dysentery, cramps
or irritation of the stomach or
bowels. It gives instant relief.'
Contains nothing injurious. Has
no bad after effects.
Price 25e per bottle.
Summer medicines too, at
Phone 2 Drug Store
Golden Rod Picnic
---- -
Among the most successful and most
enjoyable private picnics of the season
was one that took place at Goderich
Jest week, in honor of the birthday an-
niversary of Mr Straiton, tormerly etas
tion agent at Clinton, and now station
agent at Gederich. Mr and Mrs Strat-
ton hold a warm place still in the mein-
ory of many of their Clinton friends,
hence the desire of the latter to revive -
and prolong friendly associations. The
party from Clinton compaised Mr and
Mrs Plumsteel, Mr and Mrs O'Neill,Mrs
Andrews, Mr and Mrs Houston, Rev
Dr and Mrs Gifford, Mr and Mrs Me-'
brarva, Mrs Wigle, Misses Plumsteel
and Hill, and Masters Chant and R
Plumsteel. .After a most pleasant drive
to Goderich the party was joined by -
others from lioderich and Bayfield.
They found Mrs Straiton prepared for
their reception. the capacious lawn
having been divided into parlor and
dining room, and gaily decked with
flowers, among which the golden rod
had a conspicuous place. It would be
hard to find a heartier or hungrier
ty than that which sat down to enjoy
dinner at the groaning table. We fear
the groaning was transferred to some
of the party, who had almost to be
choked off. A pleasant feature of the
dinner was the arrival of the photo-
grapher to catch the features of the
partywhen the smiles were brightest,
and enjoyment was at its height, The
corn and cucumbers were caught and
transfixed on their way to hungry
mouths. The afternoon was very sig-
reeably spent in s trolli na about the lake
and in the park, gathering new appe-
tites for d, hearty tea on the lawn. As
the gloaming came on the party dis-
persed with hearty wishes that Mr and
Mrs Straiton may be long spared to
enjoy their pleasant home and receive
their friends in their hospitable man-
ner, that tbeir closing days might be
; golden ones typified by the flower that
lent beauty to the occasion, and also
that when their last train is despatched
it may be for a happy trip on it gentle
nt the station with the.,
. of Roland & Davis, is the possessor of
what are and what will be of greater
value financially as well as for their
f rarity in a short time. They1 consist
St. Augustine,
OBITUARY. -On Sunday afternoon o
last week death entered our midst and
took one of most respected neighbor
in t he pm son of Mrs Chas, Robison, o
&asperity. Deceased has been ailing
foesunse time past and death cense
very .suddenly. Her remains were
brought to the Roman Catholic church
after which they were interred in the
St. Augustine cemetery. Much sym-
pathy is felt for her bereaved husband
and children.
Nomes.-Miss Sara, Craig 'is at pres
ent the guest of Ashfield friends, Miss
L. Milner is the guest of her sister, Mrs
Robt Carrick, of Whitechurch. 'Mies
Nellie Troy returned to her home on
Tuesday as after spending her vaca-
tion at .T. Flynn's, Miss Wallace, of
Detroit, formerly of Winghano, is vis-
iting friends in this neighborhood. A.
Brophyreturned last week after a visit
with friends in Parkhill. Mies M.
hitt of Detroit, returned last week to
her home after a visit with Miss Staf-
ford. -
° Hayfield.
NOmers.-A. Elliott and Miner; A. El-
liott and Ms A. Whiddon spent a few
days last week at the Toronto Pair;
Capt. Jamison got bitek Tuesday night
and J. Donaldson will spend a week at
the Queen city. F. Keegan, who has
beeri Sailing On Lake Erie this season,
was home for -a few days last week; he
returned to Port Dover where he will
take charge of a boat for the remainder
of the season. PS Keegan, who has
been visiting him mother returned
home last week. D. McLeod has re-
turned home from his sunsnser's work
on Lake Winnipeg. Mies Ruby Whid-
don has gone to Clinton to attend the
High School there. P. McDonald,
St. Paul, Minn.„has come' home to see
his mother who, we are sorry to say, is
very sick. G. Stanbury, of Hensel!,
spent Sunday at home. Mies Nellie
Martin left for Toronto thir week. A.
McLeod spept fete days in Goderich
this Week. Rev. J. McNeil, of Dutton,
who preached in St. Andrew's church
it few Sundays ago, haying seen the
beauties of our little town, hae retutn,
ed for it few days to look for a spot in
which to loCaterwe Will be lad to have
Mr McNeil become a Citizen of oar
town. Our band favored us with some
selections a few nights last week,
Miss Tillie Mc0rudden, of Belleville, i
Jumped off it moving train and was
crushed between the platform and the
car, receiving injuries which caused
her death.
of two vouchers, which were issued by
a Col, Baden Powell, and it set of nine
f stamps, gathered while Mafeking was
besieged, by Mr Roland's brother who
lives there and whose 'reuse was used
as a woman's laager during that ex-
citing time of besiegement. The
vouchers are Is and 2s denominations
used during this time in lieu of but to
be exchanged for coin at Mafeking
branch of the Standard Bank on the
resumption of civil law. One was
" isseed in Jain 1900, No A 2260, and the .
other Feb 1900, No B 8787. The stamps
were 9 in all, consisting of half penny.
penny, &c., used during the same time
andalr.were cancelled with the mark of
"Mafekuog besieged," This Frame set
VMS sold in London, Eng., a few dart
avo for 0200 and was evidently bouvlst
by some enterprising fellow who sees
it handsome retur n for them or is
one of the stamp fiends.
. 1
To the busy man an scour.
ate watch is it necessity -
not it luxury as some seem
to think. To utilize every
moment of precious time,
to meet trains, keep ap-
pointments, in fact to be,
always on tine one mut
haves good winch. Drop
in rind let us talk watches
to you; we are practical
watoh repairers and you
can have the benefit of our
20 years' experience with.
out charge. If you heve a
watch vrhioh needs clean.
ing, has any part broken
or lost, or one OM hits
been ruined by ineompet.,
ent workmen, bring it to Ws
end we will tell you kites
whet it Wants and whet it
Will dOSi you.
Wetehes exarained, retsd
alldeet to demist time ER= at
A. J. Grigg
Jeweller mia Optician,
Strooessor to /es. Siddlissualts