HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-04-30, Page 2PAGEANT AT QUEBEC
Programme For Tercentenary Has
Been Adopted
Guise, April 27. The tercentenary
cenneit100 1108 filially adopted the fol-
lo0fug order for the gland historical
proeesai011, iilitstratin5 the progress :.1
(Imelda from barbarism to the termin-
ation of the Premix regime.
The procession will aace in pail y
;humphlin when ho arrives ill port 011
is ship, through the streets of the city,
and to the foot ofthe monument of
],`Ipflerin terrace, where the Prince of
isles will bo in readiness to declare the
s otfici111y open.
'71be procession will be headed by
Men s of the water and heralds at arms,
costumed in the time of Champlain.
Then will come Jacques Cartier, ac-
companied by his 110 sailors, preceded
by a ernes and the arms of Frani*.
Next will be Franeis I. surrounded by
hie court, all correctly costumed. 'then
follow Demote, Champlain, Pontgrave,
the three chiefs of the expedition
wiioh founded Quebec, 'Billowed by
the 'crew of Chaanplain's ship, the
"Don .De lieu.»
Henry Fourth, Sully and the court
of. France are next in order, and then
tome Dollard and his 16 French cont
radea at Long Sault. Next follow, in
the order given, discoverers and, found -
ere of Towns of Joliett, La Salle,
Maisonneuve, ate., a cavalcade, re-
presenting De Proxy, with his suite,
composed of 24 guards, and four eon -
ponies of the Regiment of Carignan —
Savl Peres, Duluth and the coiffeurs I)c
Bois, Frontenac with the sovereign
council, and hie staff and guards, ere.;
Mlle, De Vereheres, nceompauied by
her brothers and followers, and groups
of Indians, Monteiohn and Levis head-
ing the different. French regiments,
e1n(1 Wolfe anti Murray at the head of
'Able English troops; Guy Carleton and
the principal officers of tate regular
troops, and Canadian militia; defend -
era of Quebec, in 1775, and De Salaberry
and' `his 300 voitig0010 De Chateauguay.
Five distinct represontatio a of the
rand pageant will be given, the first
being on. Tuesday, July 21, and the
last on Friday, July 31, so that visi-
,Ctors nC any time during the fetes will
'have an opportunity to view it. Clam-
%pptain day will be 'Thursday, 23rd, the
-day after the prince's arrival. The
ggrcaand fireworks and illumination of the
fleet occur the same night, and the. Roy-
al Society of Canada meet on the even-
ing of the 22nd to read eulogies of
Olamplain in both languages.
Motor Stopped and Bell's "Redwing"
Was Badly Smashed.
A Halifax, N. S., despatch: A, private
telegram from one of Dr. Alexander
Graham Bell's staff at Harmnondsport,
N. Y., where the professor is at pre-
sent continuing his investigations into
the possibility of navigation of the air,
says the lest flight of the Redwing
did not prove as successful as the
first. After rising a few feet from
the ground the machine became unman-
ageable, through failure of the motor
to work, and, falling heavily, was badly
smashed. The operator, however, (es-
caped actions injury, The aeroplane
will be fixed up and sent on Another
While Professor Bell is -interested in
this work with the aeroplane, he still
believes that navigation in tine air will
first he solved by Min e,t 1»0 laborator-
ies in Cape Breton with a tetrahedral
kite as his supporting surface.
Mrs, Stillman Must Have New One
Every Day.
New York, April 27.-- A cable des-
patch to lige American from Paris
say.: The eccentricities and extrava-
gance of young Mrs, 3111108 A. Still-
man, formerly "Fitt" Potter, daughter
of Mrs`. James Brown Potter, have seri-
ously alarmed her friends, As the re -
suit of a family conference iter husband
arrived in Paris a few days ago, and is
using all of his influence to persuade
her to return immediately to the United
But the beautiful little woman in-
formed d1e' friends t.bal she would not
r0 Paris, no matter ]what happened.
She occupies the house of James Still-
man, ' her father-in-law, in the Rue
14itirille for which she las made large
lirehases of furniture and paintings at
(less prices during the lost month,
Sii'htae spent :£30,000 for house linen
alod i during that period.
Beni when the young matron bought
tbirt'y'1i510 at S""
piece an explan:l-
tion was demanded, She only laughed,
%eying: "I want one for each day of the
Mrs. Stillman has worn (10(10 of the
hate, as her only head dress is a e'inr
se. handkerchieftiedover her hair for
n -;•of-(loos wear, while in the house she
wears wreathe of artificial flowers.
Canadian Girl Ran Away to Nepo York
to be Married.
ow York, April 27. --Miss Florence
Farwell, the daughter 01 a wealthy
Canadian banker, and a boarding
soholer in a fashionable school h1 this
city, and Roy Hosm"l McGibbon, a
young' medical student ofMontreal,were
mar>tiied this afternoon in a romantic
fashion by Dr. D. J. Harelip, in the Mar-
ble" Collegiate Church at Fifth avenue
and Twenty-ninth street. After the eere-
n•ot)' the bride returned to the boarding
00180011. )111iioh is one of the most fashion--
ashion-able in the city and to within a stone's
throw of Fifth avenue,.
Hor grandparents in Sherbrooke have
barn sent for, and there will arrive to-
day. Mrs, McGibbon 1s ninteen years
old, and her husband just attainted his
majority. Tho courtship was pursued in
Montreal, Atlantic City and New York.
The bride's p00011ts, Mr, and Mrs, NI -
ward Farwell, are now cruising on the
Monday afternoon 111r. McOlbbon and
lliss leirwcll went to the license bur-
eau, and, swearing that they were of
age, received a permit to wed, ,Hiss
Farwell ycstatviny morning went shop-
ping with a (imperial, whom she men-
age(' to elude, joining McGibbon. The
latter was acconpuulied by his brother
yt1l1(5 told the trio hastened to the
Marble Collegiate Church, where the
couple were married,
Should be Honored at Quebec Tercen-
Loudon, April 27, --The Times, refer-
ring cordially to the appeal in (onnec-
tion with the Quebec tercentenary,
points out: "One native has been barely
mentioned either by the organizers fn
Canada or the coinrnittee in London,' yet
a 11111110 ill some ways the most
glorious and the most important of all.
Great as 15 our debt to Wolfe, Saunders,
Murray and Amherst for the conquest
of Canada, it must not be forgotten the
man who alone planned it all, who those
these men and inspired them with hie
own high courage and a sense of Bri-
tain's glory, was the great Minister who
shattered his health in the stupendous
teak. This is the 200th anniversary
of the greater Pitt's birth, and it is cer-
tainly not unfitting tltat it should be
signalized by associating his anus prom-
inently with the festivities in that part
of the empire which we. owe to him at
least as much ns t.o any single mon"
• •
Put Evil Ideas in Youth's Head, Says
the Court.
A Chathnul despatch: Thomas Bissell,
of Dover, agent 17. faced .fudge Houston
this morning on a 80010110 charge, brought
against him by the parents of at ,girl
under 14 years of age, who deleted' she
had been wronged by lulu. On aceount
of the peeuliar circumstances eurroutld-
ing the ease, judgment was reserved until
May 28.
Samuel Eagleson, aged 40, who em-
ployed Bissell, 001(10 in for a severe
censure from the court. It seems that
Eagleson hod boor ins the habit of tell-
ing the boy of his own escapades and
gallantries, au(1 the judge blamed him
for putting evil ideas into the young
man's heard.
German's Curiosity Caused Him Pain.
ful Wounds.
Medicine Ilat, Alta., April 27. ---At 2
o'clock yesterday afternoon Jacob Wen-
ner, a German, reached Irvine and re-
ported at first that he had been shot.
Later, he stated that he had heard an
explosion aloug the track, though he
saw none. Be had remained unconscious
for a while, and found himself in the
middle of the track when lie came round,
He walked into Irvine, though his hands
and lege were badly shattered, and a
piece of metal had entered hie body over
the heart.
The police concluded that it could not
be a bullet wound, because of the ria•
tore of the injuries, and conjectured
that Wenner had found a C. P. R, tor -
Italians Get Heavy Sentences in
Montreal Court.
Moltrenl, April 27.—To-day was
sentence day in the court of King's
bench, Seventeen prisoners received 115
,years among them.
The three heaviest sentences were
handed out to Italians, who were ar-
rested during the past month for mar-
derous assault.
Fortunato Pluino got 19 years for at-
tempted murder on two charges of
essaiult with indent to kill.
Geolin Fazing got 16 years for at-
tempted murder.
Antonio Carboni got 12 yens for
attempted mode' and assault,
Thomas Thicken got ten years for
shop -breaking, and his side partner,
John Brown. seven yearn. Other sen-
ertences ranged from tour years to one
Father and Son, Victims of Caledon
Wreck, Settle With Railway.
An Orangeville, Ont.,despatch: At the
Dhan9un l,Un1(y e,prunf .8001000 wheel
opened here to -day two actions brought
by 11. Armstrong and C. Armstrong,
father and 0011, of Alarkdale, against
the ('. 1'. 11. for damages, for injuries
sustained in the Cnle(loll wreck were
to lave lemic tried, but both 11000 been
settled nut of )nett, it is understood
that, Iho' nhoinl.iffs got between $:5,000
tied ,1000 between then(.
4 s
Colored Preacher to Marry at Hun-
dred and One.
Middletown, N. Y., April 27.— James
Nicholas Vault. colored centenarian, will
he 101 years old Wednesday. He is hale
and hearty, and to -day said that he
soon expected to take another wife, who
would be, No, 15 in his matrimonial ex-
Mrs. Vann No. 14 passed away on De-
cember 19 last, All of itis wives have
been white, end although he, has been
the father of many chil(iren, all are
dead. Vann has preached and practiced
law. .
Born Sept. 7, x836. Died April 22, 1908.
Sir henry Campbell -Bannerman re-
signed the office of Prime Minister on
April 5, suggesting in his letter to Bing
Edward, who was aojeurniltg at Biar-
ritz, HIe•bert H. Asquith, Chaueellor of
the Exchequer and the then 1e1111g Prem-
ier, as lois 0(001000(0.
Mr. Asquith was suaunoned at 01100 by
the King, and received the appointanent
a few days hater.
Sir henry 1000 born Sept, 7, 1835. Ili
lues the youngest eon of the late Sir
Jamee Campbell, of SCrncathro, Forfar -
shire, once Lord Provost of Glasgow,
Ile assumed the additional lame under
the will of his maternal wntele, the late
Henry Bannerman, of Hinton Court,
aiont, who bequeathed to lain[ a large
estate. Ile attended Glasgow University
and Trinity College, Cambridge. In 1860
lie married Charlotte, daughter of
Alajor-Genera) Sir Charles Bruce. She
died in 1908, and since then Sir Henry's
decline in health may he dated.
For nearly .w years le sat for the
sauce seat—the Stirling Burghs --and his
record of office goal book to 1871, when
he was h'iuuecial See',tary to the War
Office, which post 11e held a second time,
from 1880 to 1882.
During the next two years he was
Secretary to the Adnrirelty, and in 1884
he succeeded Sir George 'Trevelyan as
hid Secretary, filling that office ably
until the fag of the Uladatone Ministry
in 1885, in spite of the fait that the
Irishmen described 11hn &b "The Scotch
Sandbag," In the short Government of
1886 he was Secretary for War, and to
that post he returned under the last
Liberal Government, The Unionists
suggested hint as a candidate for the
Speakership, to which Mr. gully was
appointed. He 1Y0e ettosen leader of the
Liberal Opposition fu succession to Sir
William Harcourt in February, 1899.
The Boer war proved a stuntblieg block
to hie administration, but uotwithstatld-
ing the differences between .Liberal Int-
perialists and other Liberate over this
question, a unanimous vote of confi-
dence in his leadership was carired at a
mooting of the Liberal party held at the
Reform Club in July, 1901.
In 1902 a ieursag0 of wads took place
between hint and Lord ltosebery over
the doctrine of the "clean slate" in re-
gard to the Iria11 question and other pub-
lic questions, and line 1'.iboral League
was formed. •
Sir Henry again received the solid sup-
port of the Liberal party iu the IIouse
in 1903, 1904 and 190;, in opposing the
education and licensing acts. Mx. Cham-
berlain's fiscal policy, and the Govern-
nient's nation with regard to lieonsing
and to C'hiueec labor in South Africa,
On the resignation of the Balfour Ad-
ministration in December, 1905; Sir
Henry was summoned by the King and
formed a Liberal Cabinet, himself be-
coming First Lord of the 'Treasury, and
Prime. Minister.
The general election followed, and Sir
Henry Oampbell-13aumerman entered the
new Parliament with the gi'eatest ma-
jority ever given to a British Premier.
Redmond Sends Manifesto to Man.
chaster Electors.
Loudon, April 27. --In view of the aur-
nouneement of the Government that it
will, at the next general election ask
the country for tietho'ity to deal with
the question of Irish Rolf -government,
and that it will 083(11lish Roman Catho-
lic schools, John Redmond, the National.
lot leader, has withdrawn his appeal to
the Irish voter's in the northwest dfv3•
'fon of Manchester not to support Win-
atolt Churchill, who is seeking re-elec-
tion -upon his appointment to the Presi-
dency of the Board of Trento. lie has
sent a manifesto on behalf of the United
Irish League, stating that as Mr. Church.
111 had declared, on Premier Asquiti's
authority, that the Government would
put Houle Rule before the electors at
the next general election, and, as Mr.
Churchill's 3eraenal pl0dlg05 to support
Home Rule were, on theswhole, satisfac-
tory, the league calls igwn Nationalists
to vote for him.
The Homey Catholic vote, however,
will not be solid for ;11t. Churchill. The
local Catholic Federation has adopted
the clergy's manifesto, and tine vote is
likely to be split between all three can-
Dufferin Woman, Jilted by Black
smith Swain, Wins Her Suit.
Orangeville despatch: The Dufferin
Spring S.xslros opened here this after•
tenon before Mr. Justice Britton, and the
ease which created the greatest interest
WAS a. broach of promise suit brought
by hiss Charlotte liarharee, of the
Township of East 1,111 her, neatest Josepin
1 . Eaton, ,1 blacksmith in the 'Towushfp
of West Luther. Apparently the de-
fendant had no defence to preeentt, for
neither he nor his monad appeared in
00001, and after the presentation of the
plaintiff's evidence the jury retired, Af-
ter au hour's deliberation they brought
in a verdict of $500 and costs,
Hiss Barbareo is the daughter of J.
L. Barbaree, farmer, of East Luther,
and is apperently 111 the neighborhood
of 30 years of age, and of prepossessing
appearance. According to her testimony
Eaton begat to pray hue attentions to
her in May, 1906, and continued to do
so until the 24th of 111117, 1907, when he
suddenly stopped bis regular visits. In
,lune, 1906, they became engaged,, 'nc-
cording to her story, and from that ime
till he left her he lied been in the habit
of visiting her evelq three weeks. The
wedding was to have taken place last
,lune, and plaintiff swore that she had
made preparations for the marriage. The
defendant, she said, was a widower, 29
years of age, without a family.
Mr, Justice. Britton charged strongly
in favor of the plaintiff, pointing out
that in view of the foot that the de-
fendant had admitted his promise of
marriage, and that the girl had denied
ever having released him, she was en-
titled to damages for injury to her
The Result of a Drunken Quarrel
Among Indians,
Vancouver, B. C'., April 27.—An Indian
wee brought down from Smith's Inlet, a
hundred and eighty miles up the comet,
and eomulated to New Westminster
jail on a muster charge. The prelim-
inary hearing at Alert Bay shows that
the eceused, a youth of twenty-one,
quarrelled n lived with his lathe', hath being
drunk. The accused went, into 0 hut,
found his father lying down, and (oat
hint so severely that he died fn a few -
Robert Kehl Robs Convents and Other
Religious Houses.
St. Paul April 27. --Robert Kehle,
Who in the last two weeks, it in alleged,
has robbed three convents and the Meth.
oast Deacolloai' Home at 350 West
Third street, was caught las evening by
detectives. At the police station lie`
made a 51111 (Oufession. liable is known
to the police of twenty Targe American
cities as a nun who makes a specialty
of robbing convents and other religious
iust:hutione. Ile has served several
prison terms.
Was Over Two Days Without Food
or Shelter,
Medicine Ilat, Alta., April '27.—A lit-
tle two-year-old child of 1. Norquay, of
Gros Ventre, wandered wndered away from
Home on ;Saturday, and for whom a par-
ty of twenty horsemen have Omni Iran
hunting,walked up to a man working in
a field six anti n holt' miles from m e
to -day and shook hands with him. The
child had been on the prairie two and a
half days without food and shelter, but
was still strong, 11 111111 been given up
And He Took a Header Into the Ice
Cold Water.
Buffalo, April 27.—lumping into the
river just to get a drink is a new system
int the police, but Alichael Kc.11y, of No.
00 Eagle street, declares that it is rho
hest ever, Slwrtly after 0 o'clock last
1115111 Kelly rusted down to the dock at
the foot of Main sheet; and dived into
the river. 11e wits rescued by three fere
"Get mea drink, quick," commanded
Kelly, as he was dragged from a watery
grave. His clothing was dripping wet
and his teeth chattered violently,
Half a dozen bystanders ran to near-
by saloons for whiskey and In 0 few
moments Kelly was warm and smiling.
"Just broke and thirsty, thdt's all,"
he remarked, jocularly to the crowd who
was surrounding him. "Water is cold
as ice, but a fellow doesn't mind that,
after the medicine gets to working"
Policeman Charles Ryan, of the West
Seneca Street Station, happened along
and took a Look at Kelly. He formed
the opinion that Kelly had taken several
drinks before he performed his spectac-
ular stunt, 'While Kelly held levee on
the docks the officer called the patrol
wagon and Kelly was given tut opportu-
nity to dry his clothing at the Sconce
Street Pollee Station,
Many win witnessed Kelly's dive
said that they believed he was trying
to commit suicide, but he laughingly .de-
nied the rumor. According to the pollee,
Kelly walked straight to the docks and
plunged headfirst Into the river. As
he struck the water James -Birch, Dan-
iel Dugan and ,lames Regan pushed off
it a ferry boat and set out to save hint
front drowning, As he came to the sur-
face he was caught and battled into the
boat and rowed ashore. Kelly is 22
years old.
Wafers in Their Mouths Before They
Knew It.
Landon, April 27.--A Roue despatch
to the Telegranit says that Prof, Fell-
bogen and hie ramify, who yesterday, in
the Sistine Chapel, after the sacrament
had been administered to them, spat
the sacred wafers on the floor, have
left Rome to escape punishment for sac-
Prof. Feilbogen is a man of high char-
haracter, and he could not have committed
the sacrilege voluntarily. Indeed, he is
deeply grieved at the occurrence. He
was urged by his wife, who was eager to
get a closer view of the Pope, to make
his way nearer to the altar, which he
did, when they found tllenuelves among
the communicants.
The wafers were placed in their
mouths by the Pope before they realized
what was being done, and they were so
taken by surprise they had no time to
reflect upon their action, and immediate.
ly spat them out.
Students Make Attempt on Life of
Quatemala's President.
Guatemala City,Guatemala, April 27,
—An unsaceesstul attempt was made
on the life of President Ifstrada. C&8
rera in this city yesterday, The Presi-
dent was on his way from his private
residence to the national palace to give
an audience to the recently -appointed
United States Minister, Wm. Heimk°,
when students fired at hunt, wounding
hint in the hand. The, students were
immediately surrounded by loyal troops
and made prisoners. The situation at
present is under the control of the mili-
tary element.
Remains of Fifteen Victims Now
Chelsea, Mass., April 27.—The number
of lives known to have been lost in the
fire of April 12 was inereaaed to fifteen
to -day by the discovery of two bodies.
1n an effort to rust down persistent
rumors that the start of Chelsea's dis-
astrous fine was due to incendiarism,
and that the spread of the 31011108 over
BO vast a territory was due to the de•
liberate setting afire of many build-
ings, an inque0t was begue in the
port 1101100 to -day.
Claim They Represent Oppressed
Toronto, April 27,—The Methodist and
Presbyterian ministers of the city have
been warned n511111 t the Asiatics, sup-
posedly from Kurdistan, Persia, who are
endeavoring to collect fnnd0 for the rt.
lief, as they claim, of the down -trodden
Christians h1 Persia, who are being ter-
ribly oppressed, by the Mohammedans.
The ministers have been warned by the
(lead missionary offices not to assist the
men by allowing them to use tine church
pulpits or in any other way.
Lochaber Township Farmer Arrested
—Wife Said to be implicated.
Ottawa despatoh Henry Berndt, of
Lochaber township, has been brought to
(lull jail oto 11 serious charge of arson,
and his wife, formerly Miss Olive Le-
page, will be caller( upon shortly to tate
a similar charge. It is claimed tint on
Sept. 15 last, Berndt burned two barns,
two stables and five sheds, all of which
were the property of 7 lllaekburn, 11
fanner, who lives 111 that locality, and
that on the same day lea elm emir an
attempt to destroy by fire the Black.
burn dwelling.
Eight Cadets Executed at Guate-
mala City.
)1esfeo City, April 27.—The shooting
at Guatemalan City, daring \\'mien 1'reai-
diet 3001(0da Cabrera was wounded, was
dune by cnd.'10 of 11111 1'olytechuieal 1n-
stftute, tweerdfng to advice; received here
vc,loulay ;rent C0atemelt 'Cho cadets
had Imes selected. to set as guards of
lemo' during the return of the new
iner1oa1 ,\limeter, lfajor William
Beiulke, and opened fire as the President
entered the palace 110 despatches front
Gnats melee state that several members of
the presidential party -were wounded, one
or two fatally. The President himself
received seemed wounds, note of thein
serious. The despatch adds that eight
cadets were executed immedintcly after
the shooting.
Accused by the Crown of Having
Given His Wife Arsenic Because
Ho Wished to Marry a Young Girl
—Arrested on His Wedding Trip.
Quebec, April 27. --Did Oilier P,och-
ottc poison its wife, Marie Plauondon,
beeauso he had fallen lit lora with a
young girl whom he wished to marry:'
That is a question Ab'. lnstiee Cross
and 0 jury must settle. The issue is
being triol is a crowded (-tui, for the
case has 21110eted more attention thein 1
any Quebec murder trial in recent .i
years, The prisoner is to young inan of
leas than thirty, and his second wife is
little more than a girl, The suspicion
an( Bochett0 had poisoned his first
;:ifs, spread rapidly after her death,
'Within a 1001(1 gat Rochette had mar-
ried again. He then went off to Chi-
cago ostensibly on 0 trip, but really to
slay, and it was there he was arrested.
The first witness Oohed this morning,
Dr, Alarois, said he had found smftl-
eiellt arsenic iu Sirs, ltuehette's stom-
ach to cause death. He had also feutd
traces in the brain and intestines. This
proved that the poison 11101 been admin-
isetred for several days at intervals.
Illi doctor's belief that firs. Ilochclto
was poisoned teas unshaken by Ilr.
(;roeusluelds' cross-examination.
Bev. Abbe Pillion, professor of chem-
istry in the Laval University, who
made the' analysis of parts of the re-
mains, corroborated tate testimony of p
1)r. Mania.
Dr, \'oige, who attended the de-
ceased before her death, found her hus-
band there. lie was assisting in
waiting on his wife.
Miss Rochette, aister of the prisoner,
fund Sirs. Tlteophilo Roeli0tte, sister-
in-law, declared that the areused wa.0
vert attentive to his wife during her
And Baptists Were Summoned to Ap-
pear in Court.
Toronto despatch: Word has been rc-
eeivel in the city of a ratite' unusual
incident which occurred et Bracebridge,
and which has occasioned a good deal
of interest in llaptist circle's. A party
composed of members of the Baptist
Otntreh at Braoebridge and including
Rev. James Holman, the pastor, and
Messrs. W. Dennis and Jr. Carrigan, went
thorn to the railway•stntiou on Easter 4
Sendai' to hid fnrecell to one of their •
friends who was leaving ow the after-
noon train,
The train was en hour late, and it is
said the party sang a number of hymens
suitable to the occasion. The proe e11•
lugs were objected to, it is claimed, by
0 elan who wads annoyed, and n corn -
plaint was lodged with Chief Coneteldo
\rntstrong, 1t. first, it is reported, no
neti011 was taken, but 111100 he interfered
land ordered the party to stop singing.
Pill. right of the officer to interfere
unlet the (flUmmstim0.ea 0008 disputed.
with the result that they had some
word, w 511 Chief A010etrung,
'fie some( cone on 5100da,y, When in-
furtiu1110ns were laid against 'the pastor
aril Messrs. Dennis and Corrigan, tend
liar latter laid 1 counter charge of 1101115
nlntsn0 language against Chief Arm-
reran*. When the defer lets appeared
before Magistrate A'. IL Specter his
worship dismissed the charge of (User •
derly ecnd110t Deafest the minister and
the members of his congregation
1 inof lrnlelrong was allowed to go on
suspended sentence, his worship deciding
lei ollow tine actin: of the officer to be n.
sohjeet of investigation by: the Town
Killed Nine Men on Susquehanna
Ealetoe, Pa., April 27. A week train
v11 the ."m,.nrhnama •, .'
road near Laou1n 1'n, was wroefcvl
this morning b, ,t� runaway car width
deshed into the trail after ilescenhu0
a steep erada Eight I11nub0ruue wale,
kith I ol1l'i5ht ore died later nI(3'h
taken to a hospital, ,red lifteea
wore seriouslyna3uual. the wreck oc•
carnale till' Lumber Conal
ay ;
Mg road, leadllg up into the inoentunu.
about twenty-six mites from timate .
The muse were riding en the log train,
which was being pushed up the steep
a0c0111, fay the engine_ .1 log car 01111
a Way and 0a110 down the grad0 al: ti'r
rfh( eve ea reward the train. .1':n
(tempt was made to 10)0000 the en -
glue 011 the log train to avoid the
shack of the collision, bat the 01111-
0v ly ear 0rasheed brio the cars before
anything could he done,