The Clinton New Era, 1900-08-24, Page 7now. I
Tired Housekeepers. TAKING Th5 Rms.
.Disordered Kidneys bring them
a multitude of pains and aches.
How often women ,
give out before the '
day'a work is fairly
began and sink into a
Chair utterly worn
But the housework
must' be &me even
though the back does .
e,olie, and the head
feels ready to burst.
Them wonien can't
underetand why they
are never strong, why
the night doee not
bring rest, why they
are alivays tired, have
alosppetite and Nem to be pains and aohee
all over.
As a rule the real canoe of the trouble is ,
the last ona thought a.
It °Al comes from the laneyo. These
delioate little filters of the -blood get out of
order, and as a remit the uric acid and other
polio= that they ought to'carry off are sent
hook into the system,
There's no use trying to get relief until
the kidneys are restored to health,
The easiest, safest, quickest way to ma-
vomplish this is to take Doan's Kidney Pills
-natures' own remedy for all -.kidney
dimases and derangements. '
Mrs. Martha S. Frost, Little River, Digby
Co., N.B., rectently wrote as f011OWS -44
have much pleasure in statingthat Doan's
Kidney Pills have wonderfully improved my
health. I had been suffering with lame
back for a number of years and at the time
1 began taking Doan's Pills was almost
linable to do auy housework:
•"1 have used three boxes and must say ,
they have taken the pain out of my beak
and restored my strength. I -don't think
there barmy other medicine equal to Doan's
-Kidney Pills for kidney troubles."
Who may with the shrewd hours strive?".
Too thrifty dealers -they-- --
That viith the one hand blandly give, •
With the other talce away. ,,
And glitters there some tatting flake,
Some dust of gold, between
The hands that give and hands that take
Slipped noiseless And unseen.
. Ah, cemedy of hargainingsl .
Whose gain of years we found - .
A little &Mei golden things • ' '
Forgotten on the ground., • •
-Arthur Colton in' Ainsiee'ls Magazine. .
A mile in 2:50 Is the hest Pllatus,
2:00%, has boon allowed to go.
Moth Miller, 2071/2, recently paced an
eighth in 14 seconds, a 1:52 gait.
Itup showed a remarkeblf fast trial at
a mile and a quarter the other malting,
horse watchers making it very close to
Jockey Tod Sloane is taking a rest at
present from the saddle, trying his skill
at the traps, being entered to shoot at
several Paris exposition events.
Alice Farley broke down in the handl.
cep at the Fort Erie traek recently, and
it is likely that Ales, Gray's popular
Mare has ended her racing career. ,
Bob Proctor is, working Joe Bailey,211%, without. hopples, and the son of
Cyclone . has' stepped a , mile over the
Reedville track in 2:18, last half iu 1100;
• Purses aggregating $0,000 will be of-
fered by the Newburg Driving Park asso-
ciation for n meeting to be held there
Aug. 14 to 17. A free for all for S1,000
will be one of the features.
According to the new rule of the Amer;
lean Trotting association, this 'seasou. will
be one of reformeu the. tracks of that
organization. Judges and oilicials who
use improper language will be expelled.
At Newcastle, England, the other daY
the race for the Northumberland Plate.
was ,wen by Mr. J. C. Dyer's.. 8 -year-old
bay colt Joe Chamberlain, ridden by J.
I/. Martin. Innocence was second and
,Ameer was third. . Eight horses ran.
W. 0. Whitney's Hanover colt. Hol-
stein is. improving with: .every rime, • and
the game fashion in which he responded
to a fieree•drive recently toward the end
of the Futurity course, would seem' to in-
dicate that he will develop 1#to a stayer.
. Supple° of Resew, nt, Pa., re-
cently -purchased -a grand 4 -year-old pros-
pect in Miss Sue, by Pickaway Boy,
2:25%; dam by Jay Bird. As a. 2-yeaf-
old She shoWed quarters in 40 seconds.
Last season she stepped a quarter in
34 seconds to cart.
. . .
; The Europeans in . Asia are convinced
that there is '.a• strong 'desk of yellow in
the white mini's burdea.-Washington
Star. - •
-Ceti Serve, ertille7 well and •are not de-.
void ef cograge hattle.-4iituses City
'Star; e . . .•
• Peking was, occupied . by European
forces .40 years age In the Interest ot
peace, and s -the '.ellapire and the city '.may
be so occupied again without necessarily
Precipitating -new cOmplicationilliica-
go Inter Ocean.
.• hi the dread of. the future -with- the
• partitien '';Of Ching.. and .• the inevitable
aquabbles .over the division . or spoils-
• ' •
IN THE HEA,p. *. • •
Miss Helen R. Brown, of Annan, writes:
411 have uged Catarrhozone and have found
it entirely satiefactery. It gives immedi-
ate relief to cold in the head, and I have
found it a complete -cure for Catarrh."
Catarrhozone is a new method of -treat-
ment that is guaranteed to cure Catarrh,
Bronchitis, Asthma and Colds. You simp-
ly breath the medicated air; it does' the
rest. A. very safe, pleasant and effeotive
treatment.-SOld by all druggists. Trial
outfit sent fr 10o in stamps by N, C. Pol.-
sod & Co., Kingston, Ont., Proprietors.
Indian widoth in Sitka go Into mourn-
ing -by painting the upper part of their
faces black down to their Mouths..
A curious criminal law exists In
Greece. A man who is there sentenced
to death waits two years before the ex-
ecution of the sentence.
There is really no home life in Korea,
because women are not recognized in the
home. If a man meets his wife on the
street, he does not notice her, 'while she,
- if she sees him in time, slips out 01
• sight If she can.
Editor S. A. Brown, of Bennettsville,
B. C., was onoe immensely surprised.
"Through long suffering of Dyspepsia," he
writes, "my wife was greatly run down.
She hed no strength or vigor and suffered
great distress for her stomach, but she
tried Electric Bitters which helped her at
once, and, after using four bottles, she is
entirely well, can eat anything. It's a
grand tonic, and its gentle laxative quali-
ties are splendid for torpid liver." For
Indigestion, Loss of Appetite, Stomach
and Lives troubles it's a positive, guaran-
teed cure. Only 60o at all drug tores.
The Zionist Congress in London was
resumed amid the constant taunting of
London Jews who are not members.
Coughs and colds that other remedies
seem powerless to relieve are promptly
cured by Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup.
Try it and it will convince of its effloaoy
by curing you. Prioe 25c. '
George Kennedy, aged 15, was killed
by lightning at Magnetttwan. • .
1 inn not lonely when I cross the lands
- Where other men are not, for at my fee• tit '
'ft -ocean' bloacony,. and- their Tragrance-sWaet
A. solace is, that happinese commands;
Nor am I sad when at the fair deltoids
Of fate I walk the crowded foreign street, •
The while with n., fare to meet- • .
Companionable are the sw. 'ging hands
And restless feet But whet the curling smolt*
13etrays, on desert's edge, the homes of rrien
And fanes of love, to me, alas, unknown;
When conscious eyes meet ayes -and faith unbroke
Hallows the lips I see that Pros, Men, •
Clod pity and forgive! I am alone,
-J. II. Adams in Scribner's Magazine..
The Old Reliable Remedy for
Diarrhoea and Dysentery.
Grandma Mrs. Thos. Shetkick, 'Are-
orioV,"Otit.," recently wrote:
U." 1'11/y11Mo three years of
age, Wilt taken very had with! diarrhosa,
and Vfp thought we Werit going to Mee her,
wheirl_ternembeted that my grandmother
alWaye used Fowler's Minato( Wild
" Strawberry, aed often said titaitit niVid bet
/ got bottlo esti gave it to My
And the third- dose she began to get
bettettand slept well that itight. be fa,
progittiright aldng and was
the situation in the Chinese erapire- with
keen anxiety.
China's teeming millions in tne interior'
of the empire may have all the -passive
powers of resistance claimed for them,
but if all their seaports fall into foreign
• hands the Chinese can do little more than
stew in their Owta juice. -St. Louis Globe -
Democrat. • . ,
There is every reason to expect .that
the days of the Chinese empire are -num-
bered: The damages and indemnity
Which -will be exacted as the result of
what is going on will be utterly beyond
the tower of the imperial'treasury to
meet.- •
Small bisects have been caught by a
Maine Man in a trap comprising a lamp
Inclosed -la a conical shield and. resting in
a basin practically filled with a liquid,
Into which the insects fall after Striking
-against the shield.
A Chicago woman ha's invented a col-
lar *which is designed to hold the hair In
a distended position ;mai, from the Iieelt
after washing, so that it will not dainpeu
the clothing. The collar permits a free
circulation of air, which rapidly dries the
A Chicago an has designated a life
savieg net fOr ego at fires -Which is easy
for the firemen to support, having an
outer grip rope looped at intervals t0. the
rope which supports the net, the loops
being curved sUfileiently to allow the men
to grip the lope without b tiding the
' Sleep is said to be a great beautifier.
-Philadelphia is a lovoty :city. -Boston
Globe... " :
• Chicago is -said to he shy cm popiilation.
"tut "shy" is not a Chip:tam --totni.-,New,•
-York World.
ti Philadelphia mites a hotter -show-
ing than Chicag., thi; census returns it '
will be beetle:4e the people all staid at
home to let comigal.
Chicago's census returns iiiriniten tb
fall below the 2.1atomoo marl:, mid the
newspapera are -now tolling ithout the
people who were .ekipptal.-Cletellind
The opening Chicego of a new cem-
etery and the cutting of riiies by the un-,
dei•takers May Wage death within the
reitelt of all who desire mak,o the up-
ward start ,from that city.- , •
Now that foliage plants ere so popular,
why not try raising little orange. and lem-
on „trees from- seed? It is interesting to
watch them growing, and with age they
become very ornamental, their legves be- .
Ing rich and glossy looking. •
Rough leaved plants are not so Much
beset by Insects. as ere Amoco!' leaved
ones, nor do they get so dusty. :rho fine
hairs that cover them seem to be a pro.
tectiou from both toes. They do not
need wiping or artificial showering.
- The trailing arbutus emplintlealty .de-
clines to be transplanted, Yon nifty take
Up a big shovelful of its males, ear, It with
It and place it in emalitions niso-ly
those of -its habitat itn you gas.
but it will languish tor a little and then
die -of homesickness perhaps. Who
praportion to its size Great Ilritein
has eight times as many yallwnys tis
the United States.
English and ,Irish railwaya increased
their earnings during the last half year
$2,473,500, or 1.`t;a per emit.
Street railways of Havana ere to
change the motive power front horses
to electricity. The city is In great. need
of rapid tronsit, and. the' delay In the
new improvemeot Is caused by Dating
down new sewers, -
How Ile ljneourageg the Artineer.
men. to Take Home May Dot.
"General Grant," said the colonel, "was
' a' close observer of mea and horse% Ills
Ieye went over the horses of tui artillery
, company or of a eavalry regiment light -
I lug up with anpreelation of the soldierly
quality of bases as well as the eoldierly
quality of men, After the surrender at
A.ppomattox instinctively his sympathies
went out to the Confederates who owned
.• and were ettached to their horses, and
one of the first things he thought of was
some scheme by which the men might he
permitted to take their hortgis home,. I'
don't believe there is an old cavalryman
that served in the Confederate service
mhuint Jea.rnted to General Grant trout that
pets. In one case 'I know tha e open Y
encouraged the men of: an artillery com-
pany to carry horae a bay mare that had
won a peculiar reputation... There. wail
not it finer looking mare in any artillery
company than Bay Bet. was pur-
chased: on 'her good looks end her epirit,
but she had never been harnessed, and
she would not work in team, Sh'e caused
so much trouble that she Was. finally as-
signed to •one of the officers as a. riding
horse.. In' weeks and months of service
ehe developed the genuine dramatic bat-
tle spirit. She carried herself as finely
as any horse in the Service.
. "On one -occasion, When a goed many
of the horses' were shot, the captain neat
last resort ordered that Bay Bet be put
into harness, that the guns might be
dragged to a neW :position, Dvery one .
expected to see trouble, but Bet accepted
'the -situation, .and we -whirled to the new
line with the mare showing 'as finely as'
'she would' in a cavalry charge. The boys
cheered and cheered her, and the Con-
fed-erates probably' supposed that the
.cheers meant victory on. sorne part of the
line. After ,that Bay Bet was 'one of •the
• most serviceable herses •the comMinY,
but she -would never bear a whip. ' '
I have always thought that General
• Grant's influence, had much to do with
inaugurating the policy that perrnitted
Many 0; our own cavalry and artillery
men to smuggle home or to purchase at a
mere song favorite horses or, company ;
."She was taken home and for some
months was allowed to play. about the
farm at her will. - In the fall 'it was de-
cided to use her in plowing. She took
to. thoinfrness-Wen enoitgivn little- skit-
tish over the plow, but went to work like
an old stager. But early in the day the
man driving the tenni struck' her with a
whip. She' was furious on the Instant
and ran away, dragging•the plow and the
Id farm horse ft • her across the field'
In the style Of a cavalry horse careering
to the front, struck a snag of a tree pro-
jecting frern the ground and .killed her-.
self,' The boys of the coMpanY ,tilWays
believed 'that, ; Illuminated by the whip,
she committed suicide." -Chicago Inter
• He Didn't Ask, , •
Re is a small boy who likes to have
'the things that he wants, and he is dip-
lomatic in getting them. The other day
he had. gone out to make a call with his
mamma upon an old 'friend.
dear," niaid mamma as they
• stood on the doorstep, "remember that
you are not to ask for anything." •
.„"Yes, reamma,". answered the Small
have beenbusy almost 'all the morn-
ing me crullers," said the friend: a�
she „:..,.ered the room and greeted them.
:,oetitific expression spread over the
email boy's face.
"I like to hear you talk about crullers,"
he said, wltla a smile of more then child-
like imioeence.
_ "Why, are you fond C•f theni?" asked
"Oh, yes, very," said the Small boy,
' if anything, still more innocent.
Are You
• 1
Some people are he lonesome Ho
long as they have a9 pimple and a hitad
• glass.-Atehison Globe.
It takes a Successful artist to draw
large bank check, -Chicago News,
411 4,4
just remember that all your KITCHEN HELPS,
etrength. must come *ono your
food. Did you aver t
Perhaps your =soles need
More strength', or your nerves;
or perhaps your ato.naoh, ici
weak and cannot dig .r.1: "%hat
you eat.
'If you need more strength
then take
hin of
dr Cod -Liver on with Hypo- :
pIlbsphites. The oilie the most I
easily ohangecfof all fooda into
strength; ad the hypophos,
phites are the beat
tonics for the nerves.
SION is the easiest
and quickest cure for
weak throats, for
coughs of every kind,
toe for all cemes o ‘`cles
bility, week nerves,
and loss of flesh.
pc. and $1,00; all druggisr.
SCOTT & DOWNS, Cheralsta, Toronto.
• - jingles.' • •
When Johnny Canuok conies sailing -home,
Bailing home, sailing home,
When Johnny Canuok comes sailing home,
Well favored by wind and tide;
Will be laid in demand."'
Their countrymen solemnly cried.
With much nodding of heads, thus they
(idea. ,
When Johnny Canack comes sailing home,
• home, -sailing home, -• '
When Johnny Cantu* comes sailing home,
Overcoming both wind and tide;
"I shall see my own son,
. My long absent one,"
His mother tearfully criedi---- ---
She tremblingly, tearfnlly cried.
When Johnny (linnets =nee sailing home,
, Sailing home, sailing home,
When Johnny Cannck comes sailing home,
With cOloradee both true and tried;
• • "We shall see our•own Ben,
And shall kis a him again!"
The Clinton girls Joyfully cried, •
They loudly, exultingly cried.
When Jot nny Cantiok come§ sailing home,
Sailing home, sailing home. • •
When Jonnny Canuck comes sailing hum:tie,
With bag and baggage beside;
He will shoulder his gum
• Ana tell us, each One.
Of the soratchea he got on his hide,
And of his poor comrades -who died,
All about the poor fellows who died.
By, "thintonette," Aug. 14. ,
Charlotte Seaton, a patient in the
toria Hospital at London, Ont., commit-
ted suicide by hanging herself.
Table oilcloth . is a eanitary substitute
for wall piper in the kitchen.
Haye. all yoar tins labeled clearly, so
that no time Is lost in taking lids off, and
give each tiu and jar its own shelf and
Have sufficient, but not more than nee.
eseary, cloths in use, and wash these out
when they -are done with for the day.
They will then perve for several days
without boiling.
Kitchen cutlery should be. provided in
suck abundance that there is no tempta-
tion to use that set apart for the Alining
room, There should he some -plated'. sit -
ver, for steel is ruined if often immersed
in .hot fat and should never be used in
narlag fruit, etc.
Twentieth year beginsSept. loth.
Broadly planned
courses of r.tudy
with thoroughly
competent stair
of tetichers. Scho-
larship in College
Art, Llocution,
lhanneds and Domestic bosun°, modern and
Homelike appointreente, good board, cheer-
ful rooms, personal 0y-cr.-sight in habitsman-
ners, care of room.
A residental college like Alma affords best
conditions fora young lady's education.
The constant aim of our °aloe° is to cOm-
bine the oare of the mother with the teachers
guidance and the pastors regard.
For illm‘trated catalogue, address:
Rev. N. 1, warner; N.A., Principal, .
July 20-6 St. TI:Omas, Ont.
Lake Elio Navigation Co Limited
The quickest and Most direct
route to ,
via Pt. Stanley. •
Thorongh fare from Clinton one way
NM, return $6. Return ticket valid for
one month. •
Special ratee going•Se.turday and return-
ing Monde.
Boit leaves Pt. Stanley on Sundays,
Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11 p.m.
and on Satuidays at 1,
For tickets andfurther informatien apply
G -,T. R. agents, or write
Amt. Gen. Pase. Agt. ivIane,ger.
• Walkerville, Ont,
Notice to Creditors.
-.1- •
In the matter of tlie estate of Thomas (look,
late of the township of Gloderich, in the county
of Huron, yeoman, deceased. Notice is hereby
giyen, pursuant to It S 01807, Cap. 129, gee;88
and amending sets, that all persons 'having
claims against the estate of Thomas Cook, late
of the said township of 00derich, yeoman, de-
ceased. who died cm or abput the 28th day of
May, 1900, are required to sendby post prepaid
or deliver to the undersigned solicitor for the.
administrators of the said estate on or before
the first. day of September, 19e0, their names,
addresses, descriptions and'a full statement of
• . particulars of their claims properly verified;
and the nature of the security (if any held by
them. 'And notice is further .given that after
✓ co P-3
0'p the first day of September, 1900, the adrainistra-
° .4 a it CD ;P* 2. a tors will proceed to distribute the assets of the
the mar/line's friend in a pleased tone. a -ig lir .1-g Pir
t 51,1:15 a liable for the assets so distributed or any part
PA .• . 9) .., a' 5° e
OA , I:I. p 0 ,... thereof to any- person or persone of whose
4115 r.,.1. 2 y A claims they shall not. then have notice. Dated
at Clinton, in the County of Huron, this' 16th
ID' - WIll day of July, 1900' .
a .. said deceased among the parties entitled there-
' • ; "
to, having regard only to chitin's of which they
• or 0 vr. tr or shall then have notiee, and that they will not be
cried in a tone of indignant protest as
Alm dokr donee on the cruller maker, , 45.41;48 fp
who hed gone to, bring in a temple. -
New York Times.. ' •
An Ingersoll t ,
"`I will tell you a story about the late
Colonel Ingersoll which I never saw in
, print," said a lawyer who knew the great
agnostic well.
"When he was an attorney in Peoria, g gig •
MS., a young wife called to see him
about filing a snit for divorce, Ingersoll
gnestioned her closely and after she had
detailed a number of grievances he told
lier that none • wee sufficient. She was
much perturbed in consequence and final-
ly -appealed to. him to know on what ,
grounds she could procure her bill. The
colonel took a lawbook from his collection
and pretended to examine it. After this
he turned to her and said: 'Madam, I
find nothing in this book to fit the situa-
tion. But if you can establish the fact '
that he is addicted to the unmesceline
• habit of eating ice cream soda I know a
judge who will give you decree.' .
"That, in Ingersoll's infliction. In a man.
was inexcusable."
‘..t; rtinl Solicitor for the -Toronto General Trusts Cor-
o. 7.: BRYDONE, Clinton, Ont.,
poration, the Adininistrators.
— g s
• . .
July 20--
• 7:1 ....Plc! p• . . . -
. , . fro .1:1 cuso 4.4.5, goo S
gt: 'ff ;a. F.!
zt: • Rug., 27th to Sept. Sth, 1900,
et- • 4. 'llg2 Ink "
ts en et -Ea The EXPOSITION -and
imi.• Country's
fs° 1 4111
All the latest novelties, Many direct from
t1P9 cl,W .V=r
a- re.„•••
• r ea Europe.
g tr; W It IPS '
e 't. P7 IL CZ The marvellous resources of our own
6, • — C
oats lg r...-., Pe 0 ) • Country thoroughly exploited.
' 1:1 te c 41
.-4 0 0 •
illi --- -
. m ,u,..-,1: r. c4 .
ttr LL,sog,.
. t., ... Pee 0
4 ,--, ....-. 1.• °' re •
en &I
Keeping Hie Pingeer supplie. . tp
How any great pianoforte player keepo
his•hands simple hs often been a matter
for wonder, but Itf. Peclerewski, the' king
of pianists-, revealed the whole secret.
"The night before.I play I turn my hands
. over to .my valet, and he .rubs my. fingers
nntil they- tingle," declared M. Paderew-
ski. "Then he takes one finger atter the
, other and turns and 'twists It in the. palm
'Of his"hand;"-always tinning the one way. .-
That malces the flagon supple -and keeps
the knuckles in good working order. Last
he:rubs.the palm of each hand very hard
-as hard as I can stand. it. ,tust before
go on the platfoionto play I have a basin.
of het water brought ' to my dressing -•
• room. In this I immerse my hands; Hot!
'should say so; juse-about as hot as it Is
possible for a man to stand it." SO this
In the' way,.it ie done.
It is bald there is a rankling thorn in
overy heart, and yet that none would ex. •
obange their own for that of ellOther. Be
that he it may, the sting tithing 'from the
heart of s corn Is tee' enough And in this
lend of tight boots tt very common oom.
plain also. rtitnam'a Painless Corn blx.
trite. a WOE felUng kokedyfcfet this
,zetrikotmoiolvttati emit protA
It enlieted, euro, psiniess. Try
the genuine ma tun no owe
menet ions Itedueed.
Old Gentleman -And have you any
brothers or sisters, my little man?
Bobby -Yes, sir. I got one sister and
one and a half brothers.
Old gentleman -What?
Bobby -Yes, dlr. Two half platers and
three +Ali brothers.
Man/ei Wisdom.
Maud -Isn't the man you are engaged
to a speculator?
Clara -No, indeed! He's a financier.
. Maud -How do you know?
Clara -He didn't buy the engagement
ring until after I had accepted him. -
Chicago News.
night InHer Line.
"X have seen it stated that any girl who
marries a man under 25 yen% Of age is
taking big thences," he casually remark,.
ad. . • .
41 do so love to gamble," she answered
enthtialastioally.-Ohicago Post.
Per Went* end, Children.
'1 -
14.1. cr
CA el IR 12
• 51
c3J:4 co ea
Brilliant and realistic battle spectacle !
The siege of Wilting I and also the relief
cat Timely arrival of Canadian Artillery.
Entries close August itth!
Excursions' on all lines of travel.
For prize lista, entry forms, etc., • address
= Andrew Smith, nit.C.V S.._ it .1. 11111
' • President. Manager. Toronto.
PANS Tauns
Doeibrs find I
A Good
For mankind
WANTSI1k-A tassel baa had* that ItTP.A.N'S wfft
sot benefit. They banish peon And emcee lite. One eye.
tenet. Note itte Word R*1'1"9'N'S oo tit. package and
'koala no signeltute. RITA'S.% id for $ tents, mat
be haft at any tittle MO*. TEA newest and me thoisemi
teatImotiala will be mailed to any tddtask_for five cams,
forearend id the Wrote Menial Co.. NO. VS Spree:
strut, NW Irak.
August 241 1 90C
What is
Castoria is for Infants and. Children. Castor's, is a
harmless substitute for Castor 011, Paregoric, Drop
and. Soothing. Syrups. It contains neither Opium,
Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It -is -Pleasant------
Its guarantee is thirty yeas ° use by lYfillions of
Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays Feverish-
ness. Castoria cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic.. Castoria
relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and:
Flatulency. Castoria assimilates. the Fowl, regulates
the Stomach and Bowels of Infants and Children, giving
healthy and natural Sleep. Castoria is the Children's
Panacea -The Mother's Friend. ,
flea:Amu is an excellent anediCine for "Castoria Is so well adopted to children
children. Mothers have repeatedly told me that I recommend it as superior to any pre,
Of. US good effect upon their children." scription*known to Inc." •
' Dn. 0. C. OSGOOD, Lowell, .111a4, • 11. A. ARCELRE• M, n Brooklyn, N. 1' •
..L possommigoe
The value of the Cream' Separator, is
now sowell understood tliat any argn-
nient for its' 11138 would .appear super -
titian% The following vvill, howeVer, be
of interest.• .
At a trial' made at the Monster Dairy
School some time ago, the mei:ages of
4.3 experiments with si given quality of
milk were 100. lbs of butter from the
Separator, as compared with 69 lbe of
butter from milk set in open pans for 24
hoare, 66 lbe of butter when it was set
for 36 hours, 73 113e of butter when it
--was set for 42 hours, and 76 los when set
for 54 hour/. It may be taken for grant-
ed that the use of the Separator gives
25 per cent more mem than any system
of skimming. If you are a dairyman,
think over theae fade. Can von afford
to go on dairy business in which there
is a waste of one quarter. Buy a •
Sharpies Cream Separator and thus
secure all theprofit that is that is to be
had in the dairy business.
W.H.S. machine capacity 300 lbs, $75;
NO.I.Maclhine on stand eepaeity325,
Easy terrna of payment. Write to-iility.
•••• I I I
• '
7 Ilifogio.7-7.:
r Pat
W. L. Ouimette,
ar gar
just to hand, second oar Redpath Extra Standard granulated and Yellow
sugar. We sell in bbl lots ese than wholeeale sell in 60 bble. Speoial price in 100 pound
lots and dollars.
Black •
Green Japan
We have beet 25c tea in town, extra nice Japan tea 20c, agents kr Ram
Lai's, Appleton, Mctnsoon and Bine Ribbon teas in packages. •
Exquisite Dinner, Tea, Toilet, Glass and Water Sete. WO expect this
week two orates direct from the manufacturers in Staffordshire, England, bought before
the advance of 15 to 20%. We are selling at old prices, yoo will Belle 25% by -buying
from no, Call and examine goeds and prices before you buy.
J. W. IRWIN. - - Clinton
Eiteter Flour
All kinds of Small Field Seeds , as Timothy, Red and
Alsike Clovers... flTurnip, Alongold, Cam
Seeds. Fresh Groceries and Canned 'Goods.
• Our specialty is Teas. Try Mr 15o Tea. Other:varieties equally:as cheap.
Higheettraerket price'afaid la cash for ego.
X. W.. 1-1.11.1la
- We are selling- Buggies for three of the -best Carriage -
Companies in Canada.
and the well known
We are selling twine made by the very best makeri at
reasonable prices.
Also agent for the Alexander and Mallotte Oregon
Seperatorf and Massey Ilarris Bicycles. Samples Calit be ease
at the abop, bine Street
Geo. Lavis, •
Ceneral Imotement Dealer, Cliatot