The Clinton New Era, 1900-08-24, Page 6AligUSt 24, 1900 THE CLINTON NEW ERA - Wealth of hair is wealth indeed, especial- ly to a woman. Every other ,physical attraction is •secondary -to It. We have a book we- will gladly': send you that tells just how to care for the hair. If your hair is too thin A ing its lu ster get; mor .Growth becomes - vigorous and all dan- druff is removed.' • It always restores color to gray or faded hair. Retain your youth; don't look old before your time. $1.00• bottle. All drullitistl;• • "1 have wsed your Hair Vigor now for about 25 years and I have found it splendid and satisfactory in every atty. I believe I have recommended this Hair Vigor to hundreds of my friends, and they all tell the same story. If any- body wants the best kind of a Hair Vigor I shall certainly recommend to them just as strongly as I can that they get a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor." airs. N. E. HAMILTON, Nov. 28, 1898. Norwich, N. Y. Write the Doctor. If you don't obtain ail the benefits you desire from the use of the Visor, write the Doctor about it. Address, Dn. J. C. AYER, ° Lowell, Masi. sswito,"""syst CUR1 AIN RAISERS. Ffolliott Paget is a lineal descendant of Mrs. Siddons. Sarah Bernhardt will not appear.. in Loudon this season. Hamilton Reville will not be with Olga Nethersole'scompany next season. A late German play, "The. Daughter of Erasmus," has 'Martin Luther for one of, its characters. • 'J. K. Emmet has secured a Transvaal play called `"Phe Outporrt," in which hs inteuds to star. Minnie Seligman Cutting was given a divorce by default recently in St.' Louis fkuin her tall nusbaud, isunert L. Cut. ling. Mary Mannerieg Wi;1 blar next season In "A Durwavil IslYile," a romautie Urania concerning the adventure of '0. Creole girl in America. • . seid thet Mims alodjuslift intends to give up Ilea used tode of this country next season and will spen4 the true among her r(-1..Lives in Poland.' • - -'• 'lie great ambition of Novelli, the much talked of I tnlian actor, is said tG be to act Hamlet in English In the Me. moriatheater at Stratford -on -Avon. Denman Thompson in speaking • of "Our New Minister," his maw comedy drama of New England life, says that he Is looking forward to another "Home- stead" success' for this production. . Miss Gertrude Coghlan, the daughter of 'Charles Coghlan, is to make a tour next season at the head of a company, playing the part of Becky Sharp in her tathees dramatisation or Fair." ' 'Sergeant When and hi L'ulteCi ;State's troopers just returned from Ole .PhiliP7. pines have been engaged to do the rough rider act with "Shenandoah"- next sea- men, which goes out again on a spectacu- lar one la A POOR MILLIONAIRE. Lately starved in London because he could imi digest his timid. Ear ly use of Dr. King's New Life '?ills would have saved him. They strengthen the sto- mach, aid digestion, promote assimila- tion, imp oyes appetite, Pricn 25c. Money bapl; if not satisfied. Sold by all druggints, Abraham Creamer, a Port Hope car- penter, sp his head and WAs • cHE DRESS MODEL. Tin; long sashes and scarf draperies on dress's' gowns for the surname beconig more and more fashionable. . chiffon and point el'esprit paid- tielfs tucked over their 'entire surface are among the latest novelties in French sun- shades. bread can he more easily and quickly The fronts of the vsalsts of many of ' Prepared. The danger of bhrnifig is not the handsome tailor costumes of the sea- so great, and in the hurry of a reataurant soe are made with• triple front edges kitehen it Is much leSs trouble to put shaped in various odd ways and formed bread into the frying pan than to have of materials and colors artistieally corn- it kept • over lives coals long enough. to toast. So toast nauet also be added to the A new diagonal silk serge will be list of simple and unpretentious dishes among the popular dress materials of the which are rapidly disappearing from New autumn rreason. It is in•anufnetured in York's bill of fare because they are not handsome colors and in jet Week and elaborate enough to make it worth while will be used for tailor costuniee, jackets to take trouble over them." and cloaks. Sultana satin is the name of a new --- mercerized cotton that is given a very Some C'e'estle Planta, rieli lustrous gloss by the process. It iv There is a plant In Jame:tea called the used for skirtings and linings and resew- life plant beeause it seethe almost im- bles Sateen, only the sultana weaves are possible to kill it. When a leaf is cut off softer, finer and more flexible. and hung up by n string, it sends out The unusual number of open fronted white, threadlike roots, gatherer moisture jackets has calmed a demand for under- teem the • air and begins to grow new THE PEDAGOGUE. Minster, Germany, has a high school which has been iu existence 1400 years. Frank P. Beebe, formerly of MeIrdse, Mass., has been elected superintendent of public schools in N'ew Haven. He has been serving as principal of the Hill. house High school in that city since leap. ing Massachusetts. In 1882 the Chicago schools got 30 per cent of the total tax levy. The corporate interestof the city got 00 per cent and the city 40. The cost of teaching nue pupil este year jumped from $16.51 in• 1882 to $28.78 in 1800. The number ot pupils to each teacher has decreased 18 per cent. • ARMY'AND NAVY, The :Japanese battleship 'Mikasa is to cost nearly $4,000,000. For an ariny of 30,000 men and 10,000. .horses for three months it is estimated that 11,000 tons of food and forage are necessarY. The British -ironclad Belleisle, which' wak built in 1878 at a cost of 83.,200,000, has been condernued` and will be used as a target by the channel squadron. The three new cruisers for 'die Russian navy, the Askold, the Bogatyr and the Novick, will be fitted with fiVe tall and slender smokestacks, giving them an odd appearance. IT GIRDLES THE GLOBE, • The fame of Bucklen's Arnica SalVe, as the best in the world, extends round the earth. It's the one perfect healer of (Juts, Corns, Burns, Bruises, Sores, Scalds, Boils, Ulcers, Felons, .Aches, Pains and all Skin Ei upt ions. Only Infallible Pile euro. 25c a box at all drug stc.it es. THE ROYAL BOX. Queen Victoria has never seen any part of her dominions except the British Wes. The Garman crown prince inherits all his father's love of militarism. He also fond of nrusid and plays the violin.. The king -or Siam is very -anxious to visit the Uuited States and will probably come to this country 'Within the next.year In one•of the vesselsof his own navy. The kaiser appeared in Berlin recently' wearing, in additiou to other things, a Pair of 'scarlet trousers and a green plume in • his headgear. . The • people cheered It is rumored that the Prince of Wales eontemplates a trip to the west of Irel land in the autenm. He will make a coasting tour in hh- yacht end will touch at the most import: ist points ELECTRIC SPARKS. Instruction in the operation of wire- less telegraph inst uments will be given the class of natal officers Whicb is to be formed at Newport. R. I., this summer. • Telegraph wires are better 'conductors • on Monday than .on Saturday on account of their Sunday rest, and. a rest of three weeks •adds 10 per cent to the conductiv-. ity of a wire. • . ' A large shipment of electrical appara- tushas- been ordered to be seut from Pittsburg to the Cape None 'goldfields. The shipment includes a large nuniber of dynamos and meters, 250,000' pounds of insulated wit.e, 125 tons bi bare copper wire:and other inachinery. • . CRESCENT AND STAR. It appears that the sultan of Turkey has injudicious friends who have con- vinced him dint 'Uncle Sem is bluffing.- Weshingien Post. • The sultan appears to be more than a match for the diplomats of the boasted civilized powers ,of the world. -Ridge- wood. (N. 3.) News. ; The traditional 'attitude a the Turk is that of sitting.. Hence PossiblY the sul- tan's not rising to. the occasion in this in- demnity businese.-Philadelphia Trines. TOOTHACHE 2 DAYS. Mrs Fred Nedden ' Eel River Crossing,. N. B., saye-"I had toothache for two nays, and could get nothing to stop it until gotLow's Toothache Gum, which quick.. mead me, Priori 10o, Montreal harbor commiaelonera have asked the Dominion Government to advance $300,000 on account of harbor works done up to Aug. I. ti Taken in Time The D. & L. Emulsion will surely cure the most serious effects of the lungs, That "run down" condition, the after effects of a heavy cold is quickly counteracted, Manufactured by the Davis &Lawrence Co.; Ltd. Fried Bread. "It is painful to observe that :toast as . an article of 'food is rapidly disajmear- Ingo" Bel4 the regular eater in restau- rants, "It Is now almost impossible , get It in New York :wherever one may . order it. Fried bread Is now aceepte_d • everywhere as the substitute for oast iii • spite of the difference in its taste, ap- pearance and ova/ other quality. Per, sone who eat toast for reason of health vt-ill find that -fried -braid-produce stri etSs feet absolutely the opposite tq that which toast would rause. I do not know. a single restaurant in New York today in 'which ree,1 toast is ikyed. The fried bodices or different 'kinds, and the. sea• leaves. son's varied pts 1 vs isesaas elaborate In South America there is a flosver French gilets, English and Itussiati waist- which can only be seen when the wind is coats and plain American vests. • blowing. The plant belongs to the me- Heinstitelied 'taffeta is" imfeb used for tus family, and when the wind blows a fancy waists, aceordion plaited trim- number of beautiful flowers protrude mins mid bodice and skirt f rine and from little lumps on the stalk.. flounces. It is sold ib „many colors, but the favorite illitidea are black, ivory white In Pratine. and soft beige or creamy brown. Second-, (to duelist, who, on confronting .. Erich recurring season the stiff, dead hisadversaiw, has suddenly grown pale white piques of other days are replaced and is only just prevented from failing)- - by Improved grades and Colorings that Take courage, man. I know your oppo- ,render this class of geode more and more nent is going to fire in the air. ettraetive. This year many of them are The Count -That's just what makes me mercerized, so that they look like ben, afraid. 'He's much a notoriously bid galine silks. Draped skirta appear en models already shot. CoIlIer'a Weekly, being prepared for early aututnn wear. NICE WORM MEDICINE. The "movement," ea the Frencli all it, tha Wm, Graham, Shimparaton, Ont, la as yet Very slight and the succession of 4$1 have given nay-bOy Dr. Low's Worm Curved lines are More like ripples tkee Syrup, and this it an excellent Ward med Actual folds. Dot the effect is at loot in lane, It is nice to take, and, dog no id e ' make the child sick " Pride 26 *OAK ABSOLUTE SECURIT Yu 1•1•1•MaNIS Cenuine arter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature of See Fee -Simile Wrapper Below. very small and as easy to take as sugar. FOR HEADACHE., CART. WS FOR rozzIllE$S. ITTLE L FOR BILIOUSNESS. IVERFOR TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION. PULS. FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR TNE COMPLEXION arreas !Pura,' 4.egt:tente- ' . cuug SICK HEADACHE. . A. Discord. A weary congressman wise could "snore upon the flint," occupied a room adjoin- ing a German musician's. "You will have to give me another room, I guess," said the congressman to the hotel clerk. "What's the matter? Aren't you com- fortable where you are?" "Well, not exactly. That German mri- olden in the next room and 1 don't get along well. Last night he tooted away on his clarinet so that I thought I never would go to sleep. After I had caught a few winks I was awakened by a pound- ing at my door. .'What.'..s- the_ matte!I. asked. 'Of you please,' said the German, 'dot you vould Bellmore of der same key. You vas go from B Oat to G, and it spoils. der mooeic.' " Boy Without a Chance. Little George,who lives in a hand- scime house on a fine avenue, had been reading the biographies of Horace Gree- ley; Abranain Lincoln,• George Peabody and General Grant. Laying down the beak with great impatience; he exclaim- ed, "If we were only just poor, there mignt be some chance for me." -Detroit Free Press. Warned. Suddenly a voice from the head of the stairs broke the stillness. "Grace!" "What is it, papa ?" ''Tell that youngfellow not to knock over the milk pitcher on his way out" - Syracuse Herald. Good humor and generosity carry the day with the ponalar heart all the world over. ..., An office coat should last forever, as it 's never worn out-Cbicago News. ......... .- . .., .. A k AMILY. MEDICINE: Mrs D. WilIiani, Cooderham, Ont. writes -"I have used Hagyard's Yellow Oil fer burns, scalds, sprains and bruisers and it has always given satisfaction. It is essplendid Wilily medicine, it oan be put to so many different uses." Price 25o. ' BMWS NOTES. ° • Mrs Wm. Stevens of Ottawa died of injuries reeeiyed by the upsetting of a lamp. Ring Viotor•Emmanuel III. took the oe.th of office at Rome amid the enthusias- tic plaudits of his subjects. • One hundred Canadian soldiers invalid- ed to England aailed for home by the Lake Pntarte from Liverpool Tuesday, Lord Roberta reports that "the plot tO early him off" was clumsily managed, and that the ringleaders are all under arrest. Forty-two lives were loet by the sinking of the French torpedo -beat destroyer Frarnee dnring the manoeuvres of the fleet, Baron Brinell of Rillowen. Lord Chief Justice.of England, died sudden'y as the result of an operation for a gastric trouble. The Pacific exprees ran into a freight train at Newmarket. Several cars were smaahed and . the passengers • roughly shaken, The fifteen -year-old dabghter of Mr Patrick Quinlan near Peterboro, was very seriously burnedby her clothing catching fire. Hamilton street railway receipts for July were $3000 in excess of july last year, and the radial railway's receipts $2000 higher.' It is said that a workman who has been engaged in fitting up the old pottery prem. ieee ;saloon street, Hamilton, hsa found nearly $200 in the building, Thousands of Canadians clan t•otich for the effieticy of that 'Abilene cough remedy, Pytiy.Peotoral. It cures a cold very quickly. 25e of a all druggists: Manu- factured by the proprietors of Perry Davis' PainKilIer Messenger Charles Lane of the Adams Express Co, wap found dead in a ear at Columbus, Ohio, having been killed in a battle with train robbers, who looted the safe. A. former employee of the company named R. 11. Ferrell was arrested and con- fessed the Crime. • HE WANTED A LYME.: Row the Tramp Intended to Bock. toasty Squander That Amount. "No, I never question beggars," said an old citizen who had just handed a email cobs to a typical hobo who "brac- ed" hira on a St. Charles street corner the other day. "If the ease appeals on its surface to ray sympathy, I give, and if not, I don't, and there the matter ends. "One night several years, ago I was standing almost at this very spot, when a radst disreputable looking tramp sham. bled up and asked me for a dime. Hie clothes were In rags* and tatters; he wore one battered tan gaiter and one cloth slipper; hie nose resembled a ripe toma- to, and he had a dilapidated billycoch hat perched. on the extreme back of hie head. In those days I had a foolish idea that I ought to be very careful not to en. courage intemperance by indiscriminate alms, so I looked the apparition over and hardened my heart. " 'I would gladly give you a dime,' I said, 'if I thought it would really do you any good, hut I am satisded you would Immediately spend It for rum.' 'No, cap'm you're dead wrong,' he stria earnestly. 'I don't intend to do nuth- nrof th' "'Well, then, I'll make a bargain with you,' I replied. 'If you'll tell rue exactly and truthfully what you propose to do with It I'll give you the money.' "'Is dat straight?' he asked. "'Certainly,' I answered. "'Den come with me, t he said nsystern Dusty. "My curiosity vsas aroused, and I fol- lowed him half way down the block, where he turned int• an alley and led me to the further end. The placewas silent as the grave, and not a soul was in sight, but he looked cautiously up and down and peered behind d pile cre boxes before he spoke. "'Now gimme de 'dime an I'll tell ye,' he whispered hoarsely. I handed it over, 'Can ye keep a secret?"Yes, I guess so: 'Well, I'm gnin to get nee boots black- ed..., A Wife For Sale. Much later than 1823 there lived a pub- lican Boma miles off, whom I knew very well; indeed, he was the namesake of a first cousin to a carpenter in my constant employ. He bought his wife for a stone tWO gallon_ Jar ef .P,Irssontlisgat, XI was Interned aright. 'She had belonged to a stonecutter," but, as he was dissatisfied with her, he put up a written notice in several public places to this effects "Notice. -This here be to hinform the publick as how G— C---- be dispozed to sell his wife by Auction. Her be a .dacent, chanely woman, and be of age25 /ears. The sale be to take place in the — inn, Thursday next at 7 o'clock." -S. Baring Gould's "A Quiet Village." The Power of Honer. "It seems to me, Mrs. Nesvrieh, that your younger daughter is getting about old enough to make her own debut," said the social caller. - "She don't need to," replied the proud mamma. "We're quite able to buy the best there is without the girls' makin any of their OWII things." -Philadelphia Bul- letin. Mr Gee. Goetz, reeve of Ellice and liberal candidate for the Muse of Com- mons for North Perth, had a narrow escape frorn inatant death last Friday, Mr Goetz, wan working in the barn with the hay fork, and was atanding directly under the over. hanging metal. The truck was ont of order in some way, and while Mr Goetz was ; standing there, the fork name ttimbling ' from the highest part of the barn, Such watt its momentum that the heavy mass of iron pierced completely through the hardwood plank floor of the barn, after passing within a few inches of Mr . Goetze head. Plain Puddings and Mince Pim often have a bad effect upor the small boy who over indulges in them, Pain-Riller art a household medieine for all such ilia le unequalled. Avoid substitutes, there is but one PaM-Eiller, Perry Davis'. 25e. and 500. Pare, who figured in the Nananee bank obbery, is in the penitentiary hospital, - An aged German named 13upprecht . committed suicide on his wifeis grave at Norwich. Jeclee Merriam, aged 18 years, of Mont:10M Ont., was struek by a train • • • and &tangy injured. ‘Oen. Prinsloo, now a prisoner at . Gape Town, reports that his people are heartily tired of the war and disgusted - With Itruger, - SPECIALTY CHRONIC DISEASES MEN Z715. WO*N Siiffering ft% bm Chronic Diseases are Invited to WRITE TO DR. PIERCE and Consult Him by Letter Free of Charge. All communications are held as sacredly confidential and all answers are : sent in plain envelopes, with. old printing upon them. Addrela R. V. PIERCE, - BUFFALO, N. Y. • - "- 'SALT RHEUM All Kinds of Shoes As good as any. and hotter than many are to be seen by impeding Mir summer stook of Men's, Women's and Children's Betts and Shoes, Full lines of Trunks, Valises, Oc., Single and Double Harness. 11 0, Red Cedar, White Cedar, and Pine, Shingle0 always on hand. at A Severe case Permanently Curcd by '4 I had Salt Rheum in my face and hands for three year's and could trot get anything to cure me till ',used Burdock Blood Bitters. "On taking the first bottle there was a Kreat change for the better and by the time the second bottle was finished I was completely cured and ha.ve had no return of the disease since. "I have great fait% in 13.13.B. as a,cure for blood and skin diceases." Miss Maud Ilmce, Shelburne, N .S. THE VERDICT. There are only a few more mountains left for sale in Massacimsetts. Cousider- ing their altitude, they do mg come very high. -Boston. Herald. • Oh, the busy B's of bother.: First the •Boers and now the Boxers. Keep an eye on the Bulgarians and the bashl ba- mouks.-Chicago Journal. ' A Chicago paper ref'ers to "feminine butter." If there is really sex in butter, the large majority of us will prefer the weaker sasee_-Denver Post. The repo -Red 'discovery of a perfect tide water route for the isthmian canal; if confirmed, will put an entirely new face upon the canal situation. -Philadelphia North -American. - If there is any country that has not had a taste of war since the peace con- vention at The Hague, China affords an opportunity for •a sort of Consolation prize. --Pittsburg Times.. Texaa bas a Women's -Press asSocia- than. With.woman wielding the pen, the rolling pin.. and • the broom, it cannot -be long before man will be thoroughly en- lightened and governed. -St. Louis Post - Dispatch. • ' It is- -a question 'Whether there i8. any suggestive mental reservation • •when leading outfitting establishment adver.s. tises goods faphionable bathing suits and concludes, "The 'prices' are niodest.". J. TWITCHELL Victoria Mock. ' Children Cry for CASTO R IA. b. L. MACPHERSON Fire, - Ormuz. INSURANCE. -- Life, - Accident, Plate:Glass. MacKay BLOCK, CLINTON JACOB TAYLOR Clinton. - Ont. General 'nutria Agent for the Confederation Lift, Insurance Co for Stratford and Goderi ch, inclusive. All in ormation relating to insurance gladly given • Money to loan at reasonable rates. • • Office Patiacp Block JOHN W. YEO 11.01,ME SVIL LlE , Agent for ths Msiontertert Imre Assonance • en. of Manchester, England, whose funds and security are rated at i14,500,000. Also the Mc- RILLOP AITJTILAL INsUnANCE 00. All classes Of farm risks and town property taken a - roweet rates. First-olass Loan ComPanies also represented. Money to be had from 4j per • cent up, according to nature of security, - Daily mail to Rolmesville - postal card . fetch him AGENTS WANTED. For "Story of South Africa," by John Clark I Ridpath, L. L. D„ Edward S. Ellis, M. A., J. A. Cooper, Managing Editor of the 'Canadian Magazine," Toronto, and 3. R. Aiken, of 'London, Ont,, who has returned ,this week from 12 years' travelling in South Africa for us. We are the only Canadian Publishers who have had a branch in South Africa for nineteen years, giving us an immense advant- age in procuring. photographs and material. Our authorship, letterpress and eugravinge are superior, and Canadian .onti ngents bet- ter illustrated than in any rival work. So sure are we of this, that we wil mail tree for oom parieon Otirprospeetue to anyone possess- ing a .rival prospectus. Circulara and terms free. Apply World Publishing Company, Gualub.y Ontario ' [9 18.8,, 84+88888888.8*8 Central • Meat Market Having mud -ailed the butchering bueinese of F. EL Powell I am pre- pared to furnish the people of Clin- ton with all kinds of Fresh and (lured Meats. • Sausage, bologna, lard, butter and eggs always kept on hand. R. Fitzsimons tt Son: Tlephone 76. Orders delivered promptly to all parts of the town. N. B,-Persone having hogs for shipment will confer a: favor by leaving word at the shop. 4 • 6,.•). • it, 6 6 666 , • 1• • a er 3noe roiisn Many men use poor dressing on their shoes and when the shoe suffers as a result, blame the shoe instead of the vandal polish. • Slater Shoe Polish is made to protect " Slater Shoes," keeps the leather soft, pliable, healthy; pre- vents cracking and insures satis- factory shoe service; equally good for la'dles' and children's shoes. -Every bottle contains a coupon good for 5 cents, on the price of- " Slater Shoes." Price 25 cents per bottle, and it's -worth it Get a copy of " Leatherfood," a booklet telling it's history. Jackson Rros„ Sole Agents for Clinton, ifriEi=MEMBIZEED1=2=112132211:CL . For torpid Liver, A Poor Digestion, Flatulence, Constipation, Biliousness and Sick Head -Ache. 9C1.A.K.M i RISTOL'S PILLS They are Safe, Mild, Quick -acting, Painless, do not weaken, And always give satisfaction. 1 They are the most reliable Household Medicine known, and can be taken at any season by Adults or Children, - ALL THE LEADING DRUGGISTS SELL BRISTOL'S PILLS, 4818127E0:31=12/1162EFTEIMEMEillgl===l1FEIEW • uggies J Wagons First-class Iron $65 to $80. FRED RUMBALL $216. Clinton August Salleof Furniture a Means it reduction in prices of from 10 to 25 per cent. ParlorMita worth 625.00 August sale fp1.50, Oak extension tables worth $8.50 Auguet sale $6 90ss set of dining room chairs worth $12.50 Atigust sale $10, oak sideboards worth 618 Aoktist sale $1450 common bed's, mattress, couches, easy. chairs, mirrors, picture frames, easels, baby car- riages, etc'. Everything must'go. Prices will do it. Come and share in the bargains. JET. 401-11E1iALIEW". • 131vth bat is Needed?' "Y"0 CY S333333 Tanglefoot to catch the pest of flies; we bought a large stock and are selling cheap. Silver King, a new and excellent polish for gold, silver, brass, tin or any other metal, and also for glees. Try it. . Berlin Wool -a fresh stook just received: Ties of the latest 9tyle also in stock. - We have many other noveltiee, besidee it large supply of Pall and Winter -Goods juet new in. It will be to your interest to inspect our stook. Terms eash Or ' Produce, for which we pay the highest market price. Emporium, Londesboro Aug. 9th, 1900 R. ADAMS blintan Sash, Door, and Blind Factory., • S. S. COOPER • PROPRIETOR, General Builder and Contractor. This- factor's is 'the largest in the county, and!has the very latest improved ma. chinery, eapable of doing wOrk on the shortest notice. We carry an extensive and reliable stook and prepared plans, and give estimates for and build all clam. es of buildings on short notice and on the closest prices All work .ie supervide ed in a mechanical way and satisfaction guaranteed. We sell all kinde of in. terior and exterior Anaterial. • Lumber Lath, Shingles, Lime, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Ete Agent for - the'Oelebrated GRAYBILL SCILOOL DESK. manufaetured at Waterloo. Call and get prices and estimates before placing your °ratite IHardware 7-11. Tne Imperial MEAT MARKET. 1.•••••.••••••••• ..:21The undersigned wish to inform the reetne of Clinton and vicinity they have opened up in the store - NW"! ormerly occupied by Pair de Co t 1 MacKay Block, Ontario S.., where they sitilSkeep in stook all kinds of Freak, Cooked, dared a,nd Canned Meats, ouch as aro usually entitled in a first blase meat store, together with Poultry, Canned. Tongue, Beef, Pigs' n'Set,Mince Meat, and all erticles a a like nature, which will be delivered to any part of the towii, (Word solletted 3 ibth good flanstigefer OS CMOs JORN SOIMITON, Manager T. R. F. OASE & Oa otorrox Headquarters for all kinds of Hirdware,Tinware, Naito, Locks,Hingee,. Glass, White Lead and Oils, the celebrated Sherwin Williams :ready mixed paints, Daisy Churn, Soren Doors and Windows, Blue Flame ' Wiokless Oil Stoves, all kin& of Wire Fencing, Agents for the Ameri- can Field Fence the best fence in the world, it is Horse proof, proof, Hog proof, Rig and Dog tight, extreme heat' and „cold does not draw it out of shape, it stays where it's put. , Call and See it A few Royal Atnerican Clothes Wringers, at $2.a5 while they last, a first-class wringer. A few odd shades ready raixed punts at kbig discount . Lawn Mowers at roducod prices to clear out. 1 Only Fire Proof Safe for $27.00. f f aria. ndIlrosyStoirnardraw,niractere Experts in Rot Air and not Water Iteatingand Plumbing, • CLINTON.