The Clinton New Era, 1900-08-24, Page 10
The. Clinton New Era, the best local paper in the County. of Huron, to the end of the year, for 25c cash. Subscribe now.
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11 • your friends.
.The ohnon, New
ROBERT HOLMES, kuby&her,
In evety home little breaks are
(miring daily. May be
Table Silverware,
Rings,. Pins,
Watches or eloelta,,
. Wheteyer it is we're anxious it shall
come our way.
We meek gush things in a sit*tiii•
faotory•manner. •
Our themes are moderate- our
services prompt.
Whether large or small it receives
&lithe attention it respires.
We are Leaders in our Line.
And Optician
• e
• 1
Goderich TownshlOr
NEW ,ARRIVALS.- M Wilson and
family (colored) ore now living in Jebel
0. Eleiott's log house, at the edge ot
the swamp. They are from Toronto
and Mr W neon is lecturing in the dif•
feeent school houses in the vicinity.
Irlatess.-It is with sincereregret
that we learn of the illnese of Beet, W.
H. Cole, Columblaville, Mich. file
disease is of _very painful character,
.sciatic rheumatism; we hope the Rev,
gentleman will soon be restored to
health that he may, again resume his
t pastoral duties, - •
SERIOUSLY ILL.- We are sorry to
learn of the serious illness of Alee.Tity-
lor, of the Huron road. He is one of
the pioneers of themost highly respected, and has for
township, a man
some time been living retired. Be is
close on to 90 years of age, and though
he should recover, can harelly • expect
to haye many years yet to his credit.
LECTURE. -A large audience greeted
the colored lecthrer in the Bayfield
line school house last Friday evening.,
His lecture was one of wit and humor
and brought forth roars of laughter.
His singing was pleasing and beautiful
and the two acting songs entitled
• "Patting joubert" excelled anything
we had ever heard, The large crowd
showed their appreciation by giving
him a good silver collection. •
. • Nome. •-• The . pedegogoues of the
rural schools have returned to their
denies after their long spell of holidays
and the pupils are again travelling ev-
ery day, wbere they while their time
away. Rev, Mr Wickett, of London,
assisted Rev. Mr Yella,nd in the sere
vices in Cole's church last Sabbath..
Mrs John Elliott, Baylleid line; enter-
tained her friend, Miss Walker, last
week. E. Marshall, of St.Joseph City.
visited relativesin the vicinity last
week; Edward looks first rate. Geo.
Miller, 9th con., bas recently purchas-
ed a viand piano -cased Doher ty organ
for his daughter Ida, through the
agency of Cul. Hoare. Mrs DeLong, of
,Port Albert. has been visiting at her
Uncle's. Joseph Izzard's, con. 14.
• t
• Rarlock • •
of Miss Helen Watt took • place at the
home -of her brother John, near Hate
lock, on Wednesday,. Anguet•15th, her
age being 48. years. She was the
youngest daughter of. the late Alexens
der Watt, who died • in Brinlirook,
where Miss Watt was berm She was
alma siater_of Mr Alexander Watt, of
'Clinton, and Mr John Watteof Hallett
and he had lived with the ' later • ever
since coming to Willett. She hadbeen.
311 all summer, was a severe but
patient sufferer, and as her • ailment
was Incurable, her,flnal release was a
welcome one to her. Shewas a most
amiable and Christianlady, and was
. beloved by her own relatives and high-
ly respected by all Who knew Imre
The remains Were interred in Burns'
cemetery the • following Friday. The
sincere symparesy of many will be ex-
tended to thiessdeeply bereaved rela-
.. • •
BABY tam AT THE DOOrt. Sust..•Af.
ter midnight Friday morning,. Mr and
Mrs Olson. South street., were roused
by a knock at thndoor, and On •Mr 'Ol-
son opening it found a basket on • the
step. The basket being. opened was
found to contain a baby boy, apparent-
ly about five days old, and the • litle
one is still held by .Mr and • Mrs Olsiite
. who seem inclined to keep it for ehe
present, -
NoTES.-Reid and Shame's' have
started on the work they contracted to
do for the town; they will lay •• grano-
lithic walks oh both sided of South,
Montreal and Kingston streets. The
G. T. R, management has decided to
start putting up the new station here
in September. The first, shipment of
apples was .made to Winnipeg this
week by Robt. Elliott: On Friday
morning the td'g Carlyle towed out of
port for Sarnia a raft that • had been
made of logs gathered along • the lake
by arney an Baeelleree small stitam
er had, been e ployed since last fall
collecting the logs, Which were part of
a broken raft purchased by the above
named firm.
FISHING PARTY. -Tho Main Station
fishing party returned to town, They
numbered eleven when leaving last
week, but Meseta Proudfoot, Galt and
Dancey joined the anglers on Friday,
making fourteen in all, the Others- 'be-
ing Liente-Col. Holmes, D. O. 0,, . Lon-
don; C. O. hose Toronto; W. L. Eliot,
D. B. Grant, R. 0. Hays, 11. P, Mooers,
W. L. Horton, P. Holt, Ed. •Attrill,
Sheriff Reynolds, Judge Masson. In.
terviews with several • of the fishers
show that the week was a .Warm one;
--too-warmstossitinarbontsfishinerl 'deer
•ubder the circumstances a decent num-
ber of fish were caught; and that the
outing was the pleasantest so fat. '
Cannon. -Wm. Anderson, late of
Africa. will preach here next Sunday
at 2,30 p, m. in the absence of the pas-
tor who leaves this week for a week's
rest. s
Noafts.--Walter Wightman, teacher
in S: S. 6, who has been spending
hts vacation at Lust home in Essex, re-
turned last week andhas again enter-
ed upon his duties. Reginald Lennox
and bride, accompanied by the latterS3
sister, Mies Blatcheord, of Toronto, are
spending a week or two with J. H. Mc-
Clinton and other relatives. Joseph
Killough spent Sundae/with Btussels
ft•iends. tar and Mrs J. Pickett,- of
Sunshineeepent Sunday in the neigh-
borhood. Mr and Mrs Geo. Jackson;
of Hullete spent a day visiting friends
in the neighborhood. Mrs R. Buch-
-senate stele Wog -yeeyelow- at present.
Miss Susie Witson. of Blyth, is Eisend-
ing a few days with her aunt, Mrs D.
Ramsay. Mrs Geo, Garret, of Hallett,
spent last Thursday with her parents.
Mr and Mrs J. Parks.. Quite a number
went to Belgraye on Sunday evening
the song service given by Ed. Coultes,
• Ontritoet.-Rev. G. M. Kitty preach`
ecl an excellent practical sermon in St.
Peter's. church on Sunday evening last.
Our Rev. friend has the power of
clothing strong 'thoughts in simple
language, with -fluency of speech. We
are pleased to see the present incum-
bent, Rev. E. B. Snsith, looking so well
after his sojourn in M.anitobit.
No'rns.-eOur teacher, 0. A. Tebbutt,
had taken up his abode with T. Lind-
say in his fine dwelling. Miss Minnie
Hill, of Clinton, is visiting her friend;
Miss Carrie Butt. Miss Ferris, of Har -
lock, is the guest ofher comb), 'Miss
C. Laithwaite. School opened on Mon-
day last with a fair attendance,
There are quite a nnmber of visitors.
'lithe village at present.
Ben miller.
Aeon:inns-8, Butt met .with a ser*
ions accident oo Friday. Be got on the
water tank belonging to Mr Young-
blut's traction engine, and while mak.
Ing a turn the %eater tank struck a peste
Sam fell oft and the wheel ran over be
foot, ant webelieye that no bones were
'broken. Ele will soon be around again,
Windsor, being the delegate for the
Sons of England, Mrs Thihadeau is
visiting friends on the Benniiller cite
Rev. Mr and Mrs Mason are also
Visiting around the circuit; Mr Mason
preached at Bethel on Sabbath evening.
Mr and Mrs Robe Carter, of Stapleton,
spent Sunday with friends in Claiborne.
-Mrs J. E. Andrews has returned to
her home in Dillonvale, Ohio, after
spending a short time with her mother
Airs John Stesvatt. D. Gledhill return-
ed to hie home in Kincardine after a
short stay here. 0. Stewart and wife
and family are visiting at Mrs John
Steteart's. We are pleased to have
Miss A Fervuson as schocvl tetteher in
our section, Mrs Frank and daugh-
ter have returned to their boine in
GridlY, after spending a few daye with
Miss Louise Maeda).
NOTES, -Ida Bennett, of Wingham
') returned homeon Saturday afterspend •
big a week with friends here. Miss J.
McDermid, of Cleveland, is epending
a couple of weeks at her home here,
Maitland Irwin, of Deckerville, is home
on a visit to friends here. Mrs and
Mrs Sohn Jamieson spent Sunday
with friends in Goderich township.
Miss May McDougall, of Seaforth, was
the guest of Miss Clark last week.
Do you roest gm:Woolf cooking meat when
the temperature has been ranging from 05
to 100 degreee in the shade?
. _
You tem get eornething in the °tinned
good line a greet, deal more appetizing?
„Here are a few palate tiokiere:
eanited Chicken, thick, Istirkey,
TObatie, Pigs Peet, Ready /Anal
Beef, Sauced Mackerel. Lobsters
earabus, Shrimp. Stirdinen, etc.
Par seat:globes there in nothing nicer
than Deeilled Ham
III easily Me& if you ft* Instantetneelt/1
Tapioca, or Hasty jellycon (in sit different
&MN. ,(00$..\
OGLE 0001444 lit 'CO.
' Cebu* titer. in Settees 1110,11t•
Phode•SI Cash ler Bettie and Mart -
Uwe' Sotaiere-A lawn social Will
be held at the reeldence of Mrs Eliza-
beth Fisher,adjacent to Bethel church,
Colborne township, on the evening of
Thursday Sentemberelth; Tea will be
served at 6 p. m., afterwards it good
program will be given in the church,
music by Bethel chnrch choir and
others. An autograph quilt will be
disposed ot during the evening. Revs
M. Clemente Ph, B. and M. S. Wilson,
B A., are expected to be present.
Admission 20c and 15c. • All come.
TeleiteeSetet ithr
NOTES, - Miss L. Landaborough
wheeled to London last week to visit
friends in the tits,.
NEW HOrsx.,--johtt MelCnight, who
has been temporarily living in an old
house until a new one being erected
for him was oompleted, moved into the
new residence, on Wednesday. It is a
nice commodious story and it half
frame, and was built by S. S. Coo
of Clinton. We trot that Mr
Knight may long be spared to enjoy
ito comfort*.
.*****itir******.. *****•*****************•**k*****A******************o**4rk*-krk****koc
The News 6f the Neighborhood
• r• Supplied by the New Era's widesawake and reliable correspondents
W Ina ham
The following from an -exchange,
shows how the pacer owned by Mr.
Swartz, of this town, did up the
Americans easily :-
-Judge Smith says. in The Buffalo
Courier: "Our Canadian friends cut
a hugh watermelon at Salanaanca the
past week, by winning the 2:20 pace
With Harold H., a sod of. Roe,drnaster,
out of a Rooker mare. There was a
large field of starters; and the Owner
of every pacer wae backing hie horse
to the limit. It wa3 one of the best
betting races in the Lake Erie ctrcuit.
At least four paoers had shown talai
rhiles belOW 2:13, -and how could they
lose P .Among the cracks were Walter
Wilkes, an Oiltio hummer; Rosebud,
owned by John E. DuBois, of Du Bats,
Pa.; Pure Gold, dr hien by Al Mann, of
Youngstown, 0.. Eska, a sweet daugh-
ter ourAmps, and Harold H. the pax-
ingseniat ion of Wingham, Ont„owned
by Mr Jchn, E. Swartz, and driven by
Mr Proctor'a Canadian star in the
sulky. All told there was ten starters
and exeitement was at, high tide.. The
story of the race is Very short. 'Harold
IL sailed away from the bunch in the
first heat, like a scared Chinaman of
-Pekin with the combined forces of all
the grear nations -at hie 'beat; - atilt
never stopped racing until he had
three straight heats to his credit. It
was all over so quickly that the com-
bined pacing brigade couldn't tell how
it •happened. The surprieed talent
stood still and netted at that °snuck
fellovv, and the tell in a Salamanca
swoon 1 Oull` Canadian friends hired a
wagon to carry away the siiver, and
never so much as winked.' tA, couple
of years ago this horse was picked up
by a veterinary surgeon, of Blenheht,
named Roe, who took him on a debt
for a nominal figure, and finding there
wiis speed in him, subsequently sold
him to Swartz for a figure in the
neighborhood on 01,000; :Roe could
easily have made much more numey
out of the home, but is wife insisted
on hiingetting out of the -business.
Swartz s a born horseman, but until
recently has not made much money;
thereinthe is said to haVe taken a large
wad with him to Salamanca, and has
apparently, increasee it coneiderably.]
• Dungannon.
NaTES.-Mr and Mrs R, Hiscox have
returned home after a pleasant visit
with friends here. Mr McNair and
femily have gone on a two weeks' visit
to ft fends in Hamilton. Mr Nicholson,
•of Auburn, visited hie daughter, Mrs
Clarke, on Tuesday. Quite a number
picnicecl at the lake on civic holiday.
School has started again, and the little
folk are out early every morning now.
Our new teacher, Mr Tigert, is on hand
and seems to bequite installed already.
On Saturday last the remains of little
Sadie Slathers, daughter. nf Geo. and
Annie Saotherawal laid to rest in Dun-
gannon cemetery; aged 1 year and 7
months. The duet "Nearer Home" by
Missee Pentland and Whyard was eery
much appreciated last. Sabbach even.
ing. R 'Teeleaven is not im iovin
very rapidly; he is at present at his
son Samitelat. Mrs Courtney, of S.
Thorns" ling he s te Mrs D
Sproul, and other -Mende. P.' F. Ham-.
lin.and family were visiting his father
and mother the past week. Dr. Col-
lins has returned to his home in Kin-
cardine. • Mrs Barber has returned
frcm Manitoba. after Visiting two
months with her brother, Mr Scott, of
Branaon; Dr. Case visited her old
home at }Jensen this week. Miss Ida
Whyard rettit ned home this week from
HaT dam after spending three weeks
visiting her cousins Miss Annie Girvin.
Mr and Mrs Wilkins left for Drayton,
N. D., after spending two 'weeks re-
newing old acquaintances; it is eigh-
teen yeats since they have been here,
and therefore .see quite a number of
changes in our thriving village. Miss
Whyard visited in Ashfield the past
week. Miss Mina Kilpatrick, Crewe,
Was the gueet of Mise Ethel Duff for a
few • days, Rev. R, J. Treleaven will
take both morning and evening sees
vice or. Sunday next in the Methodist
church here." Miss Susie Bicelath is
hoine from Witighareson a 'visit' *LW:
her parents. Whoeping cough is yery
prevalent in our village now.
(Another correspondent)
NOTES. -Miss Nicholson,of Buffalo,
is the guest of her sister, Mrs Clarke,
this week. B. Darren passed through
early Monday morning on his way
homeward, thinking wheeling was not,
so bad in wet weather when among
friends. T. E. Durnin starts next
Week for London, England, with two
carload of choke cattle. S. Me ld had
the misfortune to lose his fine horse
"Lord Shannon" last week. The evap-
orator has started here for =other
season under the management of F,
Russell, and having put in one of the
modern kills he is prepared for to take
large quantities of apples. R. Darnin
left for the West on Saturday; he is
going to Edmonton. The farmers here
are nearly all through harvestingithere
seems to be quite it bit of smite in the
wheat and oats.
Clietelt011.-e Rev, T. R. lacNair and
family left Tuesday for Hamilton for a
two Weeks' vacation in that ciby. Rev.
R. J. Treleaven, of Brantford, will
,preach both morning and evening nett
Sundaseand Mrs Pentland in the mortn
ing and Rev. Fairbarn on the evening
of the following Sunday, in the ab-
sence of Rev. McNair. Rev. T. E.Hig-
ley and Mrs Higley, of Blenheim, was
in our village on Tuesday.
Snicunr.--On Sundayettriening, while
in a fit of desnondeticy, brought on by
long Shwas, John Vail, of Exeter north
committed suicide by hanging herself
in it tree in john Blatchford's woods.
It appears he arose early, and did up
hie work at the barn as usual, and, not
returning at the usual time, Mrs Vail
became alarmed. Search was made
With the above result. Mrs Vail hao
the oincere oympathy of the commun-
Hon. Dr. Bordaii, Mituoter of Militia,
is expected to visit Englead shortly,
liolmesville Nile
Wars:to-Fred and Gordon Arness
PRESENTATION. -OU Friday evening
and Harvey McCartney have invested last the members of MrBeilie's Sunday
In new wheels. This makes altogether 'school class met at his home to spend
about 15 bikes in our village. 1 the eveningioutdoor arnuseneents were
APPLES — Once more are the apple I engaged in, the lawn being ilartninat-
packers on their annual round. F. O. ed with lanterns ; aftersome these the
ples this week, and has several gangs they presented Mr Bailie with an ad -
repaired to the house where
Elford ships& couple of carloads of ap. Party
out putting them up,
dress and a handsome easy chair; he
was completely takeh
his llth
SALES -T. 0. Pickard has disposed of by surprise but
cop. farm and one of his village made a feeling teeny.
properties to Alf Jerais. win vi
Jers yOTES.-Mess Ella Corey is visiting
' friends in Clinton. Miss Etta Hall, •
of the 14th, has bout the farm at
present occupied by AIF. • •
HORSE BOUGRT.-W*. C. Learoyd, of
Galt, spent Sunday and Monday of Sunday. Miss Reid,of Clinton, is visit -
last week at the home of J. Rutledge, ing her cousin, Mies Minnie Mcarittle.
Huron road, and while here purchased Mrs R. Young and .grandson, Harry
a fine earl iage horse fromMr, Pentle,nd,visited friends in Clinton last
of the Maitland con. • , week ; also Miss Maggie Rm. Wes-
NOTB9.-Mrs LearoVd.and daughter, ley Young, of Sacramento, California,
who have been spending a few weeks visited his Ater, Mies Mary Young.
with relatives here, left last week for School has re•opened. Evening. trips
London. Misses Lacy and -Brownie to the lake have been quite numerous
'Andrews, Fullairton, are renewing, ito• • this last while; we. hope. the parties
quaintances•bere. A.Fowler, Burford, that went on the 15th enjoyed them -
is at F. 0; Elfard's, lootchr SCI:Zee• Mrs Stewart, of Woodstock,
apple business. Miss Tilhie McCartney is visiting heteree.e.ther, ,Thos. Elliott,
lea,ves for Manitoba, next Tuesday.- sr., A, Uourtice, of fleI.hedville, Sun -
Birks a ood dayed at Mr McVittie's. • ' •
who has been visiting friends in Luck
now and Nile•for the past two months.
returned to her home in Clinton last
East Wawanosh
Novas, -Prof. 0. H. Coultes started
for Chicago Monday morning after
spending a couple of wreathe with
friends at brome. Some of the farmers
in this vicinity finished harvest last
week. G. W. ()buttes and family have
moved to Wingham to live; he has
bought, out Mr Diamond's butcher
shop and has started up the butcher
businees ; we Wish him every succees.
• . Moms.
SOCIAL. -The ladies of the Belgravia
Methodist church intend holding a gar-
den porty thea•esidence of GeNirlicl•
son, 4th line of Morris, on Thurschty
.evening, Aug. 3rd, The Wingbain
Methodist choir will be in attendance,
also other local talent. Refreshments
to be served on the ground. Been y•
body come and enjoy themselves. Ad.
Mission 15c., children 10c,
The best advertising medIUM
in this section.'
$1."p'er year in Ovalle()
(15O when not so. paid,
John Guinan, of Quinoey, Ill., is visiting ;
old friends in this county. Nearly 20 years
ago he was a boy living :on the 13ronson •
line, Stanley, but he went west, locating
for a time in Missouri, but eventually •settled
on his present bonne, where he has worked
up an extensive wholesale trade in cooper-
age stook. He naturally likes the west,
but says he ban seen no place that (tan surs
pass the county of Huron,
Nominee -Miss Mary' Jane !McCully
visited her aunt in liensall lastFriday.
Mee Craig,of Heiman, is to spend some
weeks with her niece Mary McCulley. 4c
1Viits Hannah Craig; *of- -hat(
_gone tee elaieretattves in Moire Jaye. .1
A et
of the line people spent Monday
Rev. A. K. gave few
ary address at Letegue louder eight. • •
,ip • Rayfleldi Miss Jeanie (allneteer Pere_ '
,,, Itc9bones2e- • - . • -• - St
Bee: J:Greene, Wife, and Miss Beatrice, poses leaving next Satin:day to resume 1 4,
rug ore
hive returned, after a couple of weeks • Constance ' her Work as matron at the growstand 1 seetePeseet-e-Steuenate-seeesseieesevePPeetten •
110T/164 -Mrs E. Rends attended the Mission Ave. The late heavy rains, i
in Hamilton and other ilaces. funeral of her mother, Mee 'Button, of though' beneficial in maey respects,
What Happens
When tbe unripe fruit and the
small boy make connections is well
known. It should also be known
that Compound Extract of
Wild Raspberry is the best
remedy extent for summer corzi
diaroeha, dysenteu, cramps
or irritation of the sturnaoh or
bowels. It gives instant relief.
Contains nothing injurious. Has
no bad after effects.
PI iee 25c per bottle.
Slimmer medicines too, at
Brussels, Saturday last and • by a have retardee the housing of late grain. ford, Miss Shipley and Miss' Newcombe,
. Va.rna • strange coincidence the mother of Mrs. E. Glen is having the wails of his new instrumentals, Mies James and W. New- '
DEAne.-Ie is with !egret that we Sohn Rands, Mrs Hewitt, of Walton, stables pointed preparatory to fixing celrase. . • . .
write of the death of Ruby Rathwell, was buried the same day; they were up inside.
aged 12 years and 10 months. She has both aged ladies. The new school
been suffering for some months past house is being rapidly pushed forward
but bore it with much patience until- to completion, S. N. Cocper being the
death released her on Wednesday, cohtractor arid is %lying every satis-
Aug 13th. Mich sympathy is felt for 'faction. Mrs McCully has returned
the bereaved family. • returned from Woodetock Where she
NOTES.-Miises Lucy and Brownie- spent a.very pleasant few weeks Visit -
Andrews, who have been visiting their ing her deughter-Mrs McGregor. Mrs
days, have gone to Hohneseille to visit dress at the Epworth League Sunday
uncle, Rey J. W. Andrews, for a few John Mills gave a very interesting ad- v . • • Y mg early next year to claim his bride..
rad is visiting at the home of her Ma-
thew aunt, Mrs J. Jervis. Miss Mar- .evening last the subject being on tem- The rnernbers of the Epworth Leagues
ter Mrs Woods, of Wawanofte Miss •
shall. of Berlin, ie a guest at the Meth- Perance and was highly appreciated by Ettie Ballentine, of liensall is the of the Godeneb District will be plerisee to
odist parsonage this week. Miss Min- all. The somewhat, too frequent guest of Miss Bertie Gibson. Mr Deis know that their Missionary, the Rev. W. '
nie Jones, of MitcbelLis the truest of showers are preventiug the fermium getby, tailor, 16ft on .Saturday last to J. Stone, of Nitena, B. 0.,is now in Ontario,
Miss Maud Moffatt. The Epworth from nuishing up harvest. . and expects to visit every league on the
• ofilinito• Gnr,aacneawishroeghaarsdbeedenasathveistatocceeptid.
. ftrucefield. eti suitor for I be band of Miss Beesie ••
in the Presbyterian church or, •Sun- ed bv the Intercolonial committee of
day last to a very attentive congregra the yeltee . mews
tion. Miss Edith Sewers left . last tion, to beet coilegeOsherciseteitaaniwAisnsocIn-
week for her school at, Red pals. Mr dia. He svill probably be stationed at
Moore preached in Londesboro on Sun- Allahabad, and sails in Octobearettern-
•Mr:Nichol, of Knox college,preacbed • Roes; now of Ottawathas been anpoint- •
League met as usual On • Monday even-. visit Scotland. J Aletenhead 'retailed
dieteiet beginning about Sep. 15. We
. to London on Tuesday last. Miss 0,
ing ; the topic "'the woes of the drunk- Blyth. bope dee leaguers wilt talk no this visit in
ard" was ably introduced by E. A. • McLaren, IC, McFarlane; Avie and
their hprnes, in their executives, their
Wanless. Miss Emma Keys, who has NOTES.- Mrs Eggert was visiting Katie Hart tem rusticating ayfield.
been visiting her brothel, F. Keys, at
Chiselhurst, has returned borne. Miss Nettie Stevens, of Clinton, is the 'guest
men in Mitchellthis wee . iss
till: gitrpe
ItIVatigi T1:
Additional Local News. reeigant'fielidv,e
Mrs R Slater. Miss Eva Gracey., of
R. . •
Forest. Thos. Jarrott, of Qom y trig14.9t ht, Wingham, was visiting friends in town AN Anmeseen.--A. Peterson of Kin 'menet. Programs will be issued having an
t and the date
visited at the parsonage one da • I this weAL
Miss McKay, of New cardine, is sinking an artesian well tor °alma 0 his plan of wore
week, Rev. J. W. Etuarevvs and 1""k' is the guest of Miss Lana Slither- W. Doherty & Co., near the engine of his visit to each League.
daughter paid a visit to Zurich op land at, present. Kiss Mary. Bell .is %in room. . About 50 feet has been bored. •RATTENhuRY ST. -Miss Jean Scott,
Tuesday. Misr! .Etta Wanless,• of London at Resent taking in Ehe' mil- Mr Peterson has also a contract vvith of t he Deaconess' and 'I raining School
plytb, Is visitidg her grandmother, lineey epenings -De. -osenme :of Kies Mr Baircleof•Brecelieldrfer as-tip:filar of Toronto, wiligive an address bear-
ing an the work -at the institution, in-
cardine. is supplying - tor Dr. Tait, well. . ' ,
!rimer ex Lonnoet,-A horse
Mrs James; Wanless,sr. Mrs Turnbnll,
of Seaforth, visited at her mother's while the Dr, and Mrs Tait and OOP AN Aoo stead of the regular service by Rev. Mr
Ms John Wanless, on Tuesday. R'.. Barton are enioying a few holidays. man naraed Green, formerly of Clinton, Ashton next Sunday morning. It will .
be very interesting and instructive and
Saunders, of Toronto, is visiting a A.. Mr and Mrs S.11 Gidley and family are filet with a serious accident recently at
Reid's on the Parr Gine. Mr and Mrs siii°Ying a few holidays at Bayflelde the corner of King and .Richmond a large congregation should be present. .
13 A, Higgins have returned home Miss Annie Moffatt returned on Mon- streets, London. (riven was riding a -At the evening service on last Sun•
friom Lucan. J. Harnwell paid the day to her duties at the Queen City. spirited horse, belonging to it livery- day evening the siningOh, Lord cor-
by .the choir
village a flying visit last week. School Filue.-One of the most disastrous mwas good and the solo, 'an, when the bridle broke. Having rect me rendered by Miss Hattie Ram -
on Monday. Will Muir has fires that has occurred in Blyth for no sadd.e or stirrups, Green lost con. bah was excellent; Miss Lena. Doberty
returned to his home in Exeter after some yeers took place on Wednesday trol of the animal, whicb Aalloped
Visiting his consiteLloyd Moffatt. Miss morninv about 5.e0 when the saw mill,
sister. Mrs John Bather. Miss • Ver. der one roof. was discovered to be.on
Martha. Keys is at Robb visiting here factory and electric light plant, all un- down King•street until it reached Bleb -
asphalt payment and fell, Green was
mond street, where it slipped on the
them ft
accompanied her. We hope our solo•
congregation thepleasure of hearing
ists who live out cf town maygive the
WI h th
. bruising him in several places. -Lon- eti' • .
ki'e start
y blaze. The fite
VerY few 'minutes
don Free Press. [No such party is Rev. E. Medd. Ph. D., of Sarnia.
brother of J. G: Medd, of town, is one.
of tbe Beatty Bros' is progressiug i engine was on duty a few minutes af- known here.]
societiee and their chtirohes, and be' pre.
Laura Cairns is visiting her aunt in °t
wee Johnston returned to her home fire. How the
in Clinton after visiting her cousin, known but it took
MISS Maggie Moffatt, The new store to fan it to a migh
• thrown heavily, breaking his arm and o ener e one , eir
• of the live, progrecsive. young nien of
rapidly.. . • ,,... .. • . ter the alarm was giver, but the flre WEDDING. NUPTIALS -The honie of
bad got too much headway for them J. Miller; Queen streeewas the . •
, e scene • the Methodist church; et present he is.
• ' • Londeaboro. • • to save the structure,. all they •could do of a, pretty ancl quiet tvedding.on Wed- planning a finenew church for that
NOTE5,-Miss julia Hovey, bf Stritt• was to keep the fire in bounde. The nesday, Aug. 21, when Miss da, third place., the corner stone of which will
n .
ford, was the guest of MissElvaAdame. loss in the way of employment will -be daughter of tar and Mrs Jacob Miller °0 laid othe28th, and.which will be
Miss. Wright. of London, is the guest it heavy blow to the village, tut Mr Liv- was married to Lewis Hide of Berlin, completed by December. He bad it.
of Miss Lon Oulmette. Mr McAlltster; ing.ston always had a goodly number formerly i.f Clinton. The home was rather unpleasant experience on Sun-
teacher of S. $ No 8, returned on Sat- ofhandsetnployed the year round, and prettily decorated for the• occasion, dayDur ing a severe eleetricaletortn•
urday evening to resume
his labors also the loss of the electric light Will Rev. E. A. Shaw, of • Benmiller, per.' lightning struck the chimney • of the
and Miss McLatiglin, from Brussels,. be felt as the village Is • left in darknese. forming the cerearnony. ' 'The beide was parsonage, scattering Wicks over the
arrived to begin her !above in the same It is not known at present what he will mbetaiutithifeurlloyoattetii.ired and also t•he bridee-
school. Mr. Moore, of,Brucefield, G. T. Ido- roof and upon the lawn, The front of
Miss Nona. Benjamin 1 the grate in the study was blown out
DEATH JOHN MASON. - By the Hide supported hie brother, After the , athe grate broken, but fortunately
. •
death of John Mason which sad event ceremony which was performed at the ouse did not take fire.
tookplace un Wednesday night of last high noon and tongratulatione over a Onuaca, -Next Sunday will
week, Heron county lost a prominent, w dding dinner was partaken of. The be the final services for Mr Laidlaw,
much -respected and •well.known citi• happy couple left, on t he 2.55 p. ns. who has been supplying for the pastor,
zen. For some months past he had 'train for Owen Sound where they take Rev. A. Stewart, while he has been
not been enjoying the best of health, a boat for a trip lip the lakes. The vacating. Mr Laidlaw is re clever
but had only been confined to his bed presents were as usual a valuable young man ; his sermons and deliver -
10 days when death' overtook him, numerous number from her many emcee have been appreciative, thou ght- •
Brain tretible WAS the cause of his feiends, Those who came to attend ful, instructive and without the least
'deathline late Mr Mason was born the wedding were Will Miller from show of ostentation. As he has a re-
in Ohl nguacousy t ownshi re Peel count ye Bey Mills, Mich,, MISS Rosa Eidth, markable flow of language with all his
siii11341:1 and When 15 Years oFige mire- 'orfilefibeets. "atid MesilitraldreinS alratetiodstalflieins liefateill-finilte'sersheWates --
ed with his father's family to the Base Bayfield. ' The newly Wed svill make light in the Presbyterian churche-
aliindee,dGoderich •tovidship, where he re- their home in Berlin. At the Endeavor meeting last Monday
evening Pt esIderit 0.3eIcTavish dealt
tIll his marriage to Miss Frances ' .
Nott, of the Londr
on oad,Tuckersmitbehttroh Patties. , with the catechisstudy and also with
in 1.862. Soon after his naarriage, Mr
., catechism study
, oceupte the pu pits 0
of Burns & Knox churches on Sunday
last.- Mrs Young and daughter spene
it few days in Winghetm. I. Gutter-
idge, of Seaforth, with a large gang of
men,, is building concrete abutments
for a heidge imtween the village and
station.. Mrs 'Walker is visiting in Col-
borne, Mrs Roberts, of Eiarriston, is
visiting at the horns of her father, A.
Wo vie Las. McLeod hes return-
ed 'it his prieition in the Post Office.
M set -Satre. Atlerreisalionaess for a -fete'
helelays. Word was received here
ti,ite Mrs Anthony Cockerline, of Pilot
tind, Manitoba, formerly of here;
hos departed this life ; she has been in
Manitoba. Mr a number of years. A •
cat of red brick was received at this --- :. the scripture lesson; Miss Aggie Chid -
stir ion on We bleed be from, Attwood I Mason purchased lot 25, eon.9.1iallett.
in Christian Worship." The c insecra- .
ley read an essay on the "Place of song
.for Sohn Fingland. Mr and Mrs R. 13 j• where he and Mrs Mason resided for 24 etervices at the House of Itefinee on
Rev. T. j. Murduck conducted the
tion meetinghof this society will be held •
Smith, Of Swanseh, were the grimes of years. Twelite years ago he sold his seneay.
next Sabbat evening, after the even -
W. L. Ouimette over Sunday. Mr and term and removed to Blyth, where he
Rev. j, T. Rerrin. who had actoepted an ing church service. Subjece for
lelre B, Reynolds and daughter, who DhurChtteed the Ce I hotel,and which
invitat'ion to London, has decided Munroe's thought "Ministering to Christ,"
ndtioted until the
for the past, two weeks have been visit-
ing at the home of their uncle, J. Lyon, nd death. Duriog lo Mitallell•
left. on Tuesday morning and will visit his residence in fit Iett, decesaed was $ eieoutirtnetiert serviees will be held in
Sep -
in Harriston, Toronto, Aurora and a prominent and public spirited oitis Se Josephs R. O. Ohara, early in Sep.
zen. rotseveral years he occupied a itemiser, by Bishop McEvoy, D. D.
e successfully
time of his dines
other places before returninv to their
home in St. Catharinee, Misses Lida
and Maud Garrett are spending a few
days With Wendel in Clinton. Mrs J.
Spindler, of Ashdeld, spent a few days
at +he home of her parents, Mr and
Mre J. Lyon. Mrs T• Sampson, who
has been visiting her sister, Mrs J.
Spindler, of Ashfield, for the past two
weeks, has returned home,
St. Joseph's.
• FUNERATe-TIni 12-yeareold daughter
of B. ()berate died suddenly Friday
last after a ehort Hitless. She was tak-
en sick With an attack of brain fever
during the winter, and only partially
recovered, and succumbed during tbs. The eervices at the house and grave
second attack. Her retrains Were CO11. [ were condueted Ilev. T 11.1* Highte
veyed to the Itoroan Oatholbccemetery 1 andRev. Geo....McQuillen. Many old
a mile north of this place. The funeral. friends from all over the country were
wao well attended despite the tticlenv tiresenbtte the funeral to pay the last -
seat at the council board, and for three
years was reeve of the township. lie
was also road commissioner for several
years. To Mr and Mrs Mason were
born seven children, six of whom are
still living, one daughter haying died
when she was 13 years old. The re-
maining children are :-Benj., ofRoth-
etty; Wm. of Blyth; Mrs Wm. Bruns -
don, of Londeaboro; Mrs Bloor, of
Blyth, and Clara and Emma at home.
The•funeral took place on Vtidety after.
noonan the Union cemetery and was
conducted under the auspices of the
(lanadian Forresters and Orangemen.
The funeral cortege was a large one
and Was headed by the Blyth band,
oz the weather whidll prevallea on Sunday. and neighbor. ---Standard,
NoTre,-Parmers are expetiencing .
considerable difficulty in saving their Auburn.
lat e grains. P. Bart, wife and family, 8001AreeeA lawn oocial in connection
frotn Stratford, were -visiting relatives with Xi -lox chutch,Mattehester, will be
Saturday and Sunday lost. C. and E, 1hold on the manse grounds on Thure-
Bedard, from Hohnetwille, were aloo 'day evening, Aug. 30. An excellent
on the visiting liet. The school re- I program le toeing prepared. Refresh -
opened on Monday With a full attend- ments will be served from five to eight.
Oleo. A.. DettOrinttte and M. Cantfn Admiselon-adulte, 15c.; childred 10c.
have each secured a school and CODA. All ate cordially Invited to attend,
canoed on Monday.
nOth Clifford Bitten will ntake
fr Lord and Lady Minto arrived: at tour of the Territories, beginning earl
Dawson On Tuesday last, next month.
A number of the Salvation army
members drove over to Bayfield on Monday
evening to pay the army there a 'Obit.
Rey. 6, W. Andrews', of Fullaxton,
formerly of Holmesville, is enjoying
two weeks' holiday among relatives tte
The regular meeting Of the W. O. T
will be held at the home of Mrs Crioh,
Thursday, 80th, and as there is important
Imbued to nausea A 1till **tandem* le
BAPTIST Cannot -Notwithstanding
other attractions the garden party giv-
en under the aaspices of the Baptise
church on the lawn of I, Prout, North
St., Vvet4 well attended. The Salvation
Amy band was present and rendered
selections which made the evening
very pleasantly ;vent. It WAS et sac-
cessgnancially as wellaat, otherwise.
The Middleton, Hohneeville and
Summerhill' branches of the W.A.M,A,
met at the residence of Mrs Samuel
Holmes on Friday of last week, and
'packed two large hales of • clothing for
the missionaries in the Northwest.
The value of the two bales was $70,
and they were sent to Rev, George
Holmes, Lesser Slave Lake,Athabaoca,
ONTAMO STROM On Monday evening
the League had an interesting Meeting, a
epeeist program being prepared an 610611.
at address was given by the nester 011
"Intemperance;" reading, Mite Conrties;
reoltation, Mioo Grant. solos, Oliiion
n 0 0 0 .0<>0 -0. -
To the busy men an accur-
ate watch is a neeessity
not a luxury as Some SAM
to think,' To utilize every
moment of precious time,
to meet trains, keep aps
pointmente, in Met to- be
alsvatte on time one most
have a good widish. Drop
in and let us talk watches
to you; we are ;moiled
wenn* repairers and you
oats have the benefit of our
20 pare' experience with-
out obarge. If you have a
watoh whit& needs dean -
Mg, has any part broken
or loot, or One which has
been rained by incompitt•
Ont workmen, bring It to us
and we will •tell you just
what it wants and vehat
will cost you..
Watehes ex/mined, mita
turd set to unrest time of
A. 3. Grigg
hwellit and Optlelan. •
Successor to JOS. Biddieeembe