HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-08-17, Page 8August 17, 1900 GainfulBuyingChances For this Week's Shoppers. Nearly the last week of suinmer For it we will make prices and values s9 attractive that dry goods buyers will be • TUE CLINTON NEW Ela 4000.160.0.0 sipppipplippr; Naxas llortre or the Magic Fen.weeks aet left Satii rd. pot hut hm. just sold beautif 11 new, tor Bayfiefd; the two al stets were fine ess, In !gilt tgrand Piano tfatev Mr Jewett, musicians at a,ny rate. will likely FRIDAY, UG1.113.P 17, 1900, Methodist inimeter of 'Hensel!. There find engagements to pl • et the hops was a big drop-in weather -on. Sun. held in the evenings, Too Rattenbury day; the mercury took a drop from 00 house now possesses a tankard of gols1 cleat -tug Sate.-Plener, tea aiati. toilet sets. It was appreeiated, after the hot ern tenbury by H Coleman who re resente • • ay morn ng 1400AL NOTICES. and1.15 degrees down to 65 degrees, and fish, which was presented to Mr Rat - To make room for my import era, r crave °rat- , reth„tion for we haye een having:- J. Fisher as the Patterson Biscuit rnanufaet ° ta'Ve'ertg ‘Nrieee, been renewing the sign on Newconahe's fish, were brought from AmhersItVutrhe mi ltnery neceesitates the advertiee- nament back orrthe "dispensigg" case. J. -IR 3N• drr goods store; having gone into and form a, beantiful and attractive or. *Mar went of this important department of Richard Docket, of Listowell, has been were thr eshed he mote ei e4 arseeison, the soh°, 1 children will soon be over; hiackensith shop, the latter giving gis a his *bicycle and re - sure to come here. There has not een - 1 Elm'. twit); the. was a, splendid aver. Aug. 20t0, and the town schoels mi Pair shop. Alex. Schrenk, formerly of . ege per acre, and the maple, w48 got d. Tuesday, Sept. 4th. Considerable re.. Clinton, brother of Tony Schrenk, has any midsuMmer dullness around this store i , over 10 acres of poits wet e.s.Q threeh• pairs are being made to the boilers and bought the Klondike hotel, flarriston. ' 1 ecl, Which turned, out , a, sat tsfact017. aroond the interior of the electric light We are pleased to report that e. me. yet and we do not intend that there' shall ; yirdcl, gust; D, Graham is here, and, with A. Neil has been sonsewhat easier• it is a TllItEMIED - 50 acres of fall wheat his establishment. The YJ9J engaged to take cheap of A. Seele on Thursday and Friday hest, on Pair rural schools open on Monday next, attention chiefly t SairStrisrre,--The output from the ceerva, le superintending the in1-• very Oiticel case, however, and neces. be. Values like these keep 1.`ti away. Clinton yards le slimmer than usual prove/Dents, A vets, heavy rain was sitated the return of his youngesb eon this week the only shipments being enjoyed in town on 6aturday after- from A.berdeein, 'Oak, Miss Mae Big - Skirts at68c. Skirts at 88e. nne car load of hogs on Monclay for' noon, but a mile out of town thete gart, who has been confined to her . Toronto by Cantelon & VVallis, and was none; on Sondes' 0, very general roorn with pleurisy, is improving nice. the• same day A car load of cattle for and accentable rain was enjoyed, wuleh ly. Clinton has been blessed with few ' the Don by Chas. Reid, On Thursday will be of great benefit to roots. Even • tranvia this season; however Constable . a car load of apples for Winnipeg, by while the most of es experienced all Welsh put a couple in the cooler Mon. Cantelon Bross ,the heat we desired, during the hot day night. We are sorry to know that . . • ' Y • • spell, how little we think thflt °there jam W. Hill is again confined to the Laivars DarsiVER••••• Harland Bros. may, by reason- o ftheir part! cular no• house, and hope his Mimeo may be of cope -Cloy, experience more; Mr gsank short duration. A Vitoodatock gentle. Eastman, who is employed as bolter man recently selected and bought from with Mr McCiacheity, tells us that itt 0. Hoare's vanish: wareroom, a Diann of the bake ehop the thermometer regis high quality. The public school board tered 126 last Friday -and we presume did not have its regular meetina for the same Will hold good in reference to! August, on Monday evening, for lack slinilar occupations .here. W, Downs of st. quorum; the Collegiate board will took his deperture . for •Toronto -on meet next Monday evening. J. W. Ti-. Monday, where he intends to reside in win has received this Week a eonsigr.- future. George Pickett. had the mw meet of imported china and earthen.. fortune to lose a horse on Saturday; ware, from „England, in all four crates, be was teaming in a load of brick from three being from the .at ed makers Blyth, and the horse dropped dead of this class of goods, 13 p &Stonier, about 8 miles from town. stipposedly of Hanley,.. St riffartisle . The .1siuw from the heat. Hiram 11 11, who has EAA nffice sign has bees, sepainted by been on the sick. list; has now about .T. J. Fisher's artistic hvael; I he stiarms recovered. Mr and Mrs E. Holmes. of weather adversity had slightlr die - for many years residents of town, will figured the former nne, but we can now celebrate their golden Wedding anni- say it looks beautitullv itnpsoved. Joe, versary at Grantham Place Fan], St.. Leslie- is satering from the effects of , Catharines, on Monday. next, Earl poison ivy, vvhich he happened te come Seale gat it nasty cut in the head on m contact with on'ciple•boliOay. Chas. Friday; he was bathing, with other Carter, the competent &moral -Jen fore - boys, in the river, and in sport a stone man, had an unpleasant experience last was thrown tvhiali striick him on the week; he was working in a cramped po head, With the result stated. W. Rols sition in Miller'eedrain, and whethei inson, Huron road, sold a horse last due to the length of time he was in that week to James Archibald, for $160.-' position or to had airhe does not know; We are merry to know that john Ma- at any rate he was rendered uncon. son, of Myth, brother of Metiers. teobt, ecious, and was'a coupte of days ill ,be - and Thomas Mason, of.town,. is lying fore he could resnme ordinary work at the point otdeeth, .apparently with It is currently reported that a very nesprogpect of •recovery; be has been popular 6e le, late „of awn, Will enter gartiany paralysed ter some time. On the matrimonial state itext.Wednesda d • 4 • Y atm' ay. as Alf Gotalwie was crr.s ing with a very, promising young man, the bridge on the London mid; south also &former resident.. George Lyon, of town, he discovered it to be on fire; formerly of tome w.ho recently; went the prompt apPlioation'of &little water to live with his soii in Guelph. is :now. alone saved the whole. Struet ure from seriously.ill with cancer of -the Stem. beirig horned; the tire prestiniably was achf he is Weaketsing.very fast, and hia • started bra careless smoker. .Miss M. death is 'expected . at any time. We Houston .entertained a few young are grieved to mate that the pdpular friends on Tuesday evening,. In honor , president of the bee/ling club,J. Hans - Of her consin,. Miss •Hi oustonslorontot ford, is unable . to • take part n the ins* a most enjoyable eYeningswas ripen teresting games going, on as he has - The Londoe tome Press .es. --"It itt been •incapacitated • by •ans Attains of altogether likely that G. Mattr6; ltimbage; Mk* it , be ever: soon. The classical triester.at the Collegiate Insti- well known and popular McCorvie tete in this city, will not be able to rc. fanning mills 11-1-11 011 the market again; aurae .his Work .when ". the term bona- a nenab-eir having jest been made; P. meeces in September; on account of McCarvie Will start on the • road for the serious illness frontwhich he is yet orders next week. The town scraper" suffering at Clinton, and it will be nec- was out on Wednesday,lind was hand- essarylfor the Hoard or Educatiort to •led hy. Chas. Carter; itsvas meal needed appoint as Substituteat its next meet- especially on Main street. On Wed- ing;" we are Pleased to report (hat he is nesday evening the members of the fire recoeering nicely, and hope he will he brigade met atl he hall to consider the around egain very shortly. Monday propnsal to send a team to Stratford was the first day in two months that on Lehor day to compete in the hose • weighmaster R. Welsh wits not Called re -1 race; they decided to send one, upon to weigh. coal, John Best has and will start practice right away. The gins° to Goderich, andwill engage in promoters of the 'Brantford excursion •the organ factory there. The* traps tied ,o give a VttAi,an ter, of $100 to the sient photographers who occupied the railway company; and just managed- . rooms aboye Newecenbels stole for a to come Mit without. losing anything. • Skirts such as these havenot been sold here before. Somebody lost money, or they couldn't be solci at anywhere near these prices. We cleared out the complete range .of samples, or we wouldn't be able to do it. '['here's nothing like a crash skirt for comfort in hot weather, and. there will ,be lots of •days for weaving one before fall comes: Ladies crash skirts, plain and braid. trimmed, •newest styles, Alb every one was maldfor a -sample. 'Regular $1 25; choiee ‘JCPV. UlJi class crash, denim and duok skirts, the most popular • sty, les alaown this season, most of them handsomely trimmed,• all made of the best materials, every 011ea sample. Garments 'NI 112gy that sell in the regular way at 2, $2.50 and 0.52, Cholas...7te -- White tirdiSts for 65c, That were $1, $W, $1.50, SI.75 We might get .more for them, but it would be -tak- ing chances of keeping some of them over. Sixty- five cents apiece ought to cleav every one of elation have made- awards to parties them out onSaturday, and, that's just what we want to elo.. . havedelivered a lavge tuantity of 'm at to patrons -in in own,ea eelyd hay- irig gone by during the past twomonthe that Weighmaster Welsh was not cafl. ed ispon to weigh coal. The impart Of this article was -53•car_leads, and as ends car contains about 25 tons, the ag- gregate will amount to over 1800 tons; not many 'dealers in towns reach this amount. Rrisingsot BoVOEIT.-T. 'Trick has bought. from Chas. Wilsou his house .anct lot on RattenburY street, which is Virdereci very desirable _property. The price paid was $1,100, We are in. formed that it is likely Mr Trick will becoine a resident of town'in the near futive. Mr Wilson expects to go to the Sault shortisr, and s4f... things look promising -Will remove there. We wish him every success wherever .he may locate; He has been a resident of this ohms) all his lite. • • AWABDEP A lifmnaL.--The chairman and board of investigating . governors - of the Royal Canadian .Humane Asso- 15 White Lawn and Muslin Shirt Wasts, tucked frdnts and hacks; some with insertion, some withyokeil of puffingr all sizesisoft or hard ouffs - • 65 alt we have left of lines the.t sold from $1 to $1.75; choke of lot on Saturday. '4 ,zet u Parasols ..again. .., ,.. „s. This week We have another parasol special for yOu.;, IN, It's a chanceto. save fohy or fifty cents. on 8. DW - I's tits •' dium-priced parasol. We -would • rather !sacrifice fp , .,,,, than carry over, so .parasol buyers are saving mon.; ; Pia k ey. These will he ready on Saturday. There are or not a great many, so the earlier you come the bet - 4., ter the choice, 1114 15 Only, Parasols, &rift tops that win not out or tarn green, hollow ribs steel rods, faacy wood, horn Ansi blaok handles, the balance ct our 80c 21.25 lines to clear .. .• . Fancy Handkerchiefs 2 for 25c • • • • Ne a patterns, strong material, some new ones that just come in this Week. They are extra good value. .• • • Fancy lawn handkerolaiefs. embroid. ered with hemstitch border, a good lboking handkerchieflhat wears... well. Extra goo I "value at 2 for ./C F of them and ..to • .do• it • quickly *e-WilLSell the lines we have decided.to•go out of for seveny--- kaiirg:k five tents a part Ready Saturday., •- Chlldren's Vests 3c' : The balance of 5 6 7e lines clearing at this price, Children's cotton vests, ribbed; with " . or without sletwee, small sizes, ro. .3e i. gular 5, 6, 7a. Choice • . . . . , . Black .Ribbon Velvet All widths oil3lack Ribbon Velvet, with sada beek, are flOW in stook; Go3dguitie ties that keep their appearance. Price PC to 40cper Yard, Dollar Corsets , For SeventV=five e,ents We ha,ye too many kinds of dollar cortets in stock. Too many .makes to sell at the -same price. We ard going to clear the stock of same • 25 Pairs Corsets, strOug qualities term, steel or feather -bone filling, lace 7 and babydrab ribbOn trimmed, in only. All are standard dollar 5C goods, choice of lot Goods Tor Men Its downright goodvalues like these that are bringing moi e business to our men's furnishing departnaent every day. Buyers are finding out that we. sell goo4 goods and don't charge too much for them, Why. bother getting overalls or working pants made up when you can buy them ready made for prices like these:- . Heavy bine derry ovoralls, will not Very heavy grey derry overalls • ant, two pockets,bib, pocket datible ' • riVeted buttons and pockets, bib, . 1.00 sewn, a strong and serviceable gar- 1,,,s the best we canbuy ..... .... .. AMA 'It 0 C . A " • Moleekin. overalls, soft make, t ilor Heavy black derry overalls,: two made, panting paternal dark a ,get, pockets, bib, strongly sewn; an AA . . __tate good garment .,,, , • U'll.e cobringa • I. Iti . these two lines of pants Are specially -good value.. • All wool pants, neat patterns, dark ` All wool pants, neat dark stripes, colon, well made from strong -a s A good trimming and best of seiving,,I ..% , tweed, 8 pockets s .1.01P every pair carefully made 1.-04) 4•440014•00.:4:4441..14.:4•44.04+:10.:«:4 444.40:444 4444 4:444+44P+0*44 ••••••• . • 2 . • rfri $. *2 An Extra Special in Sox .4 .. , 4. ., - A genuine trade -winner from our Furnishing depaitment X . • A trade• keeper too. A• trade -winner because of the extra X 1: low price. A trade -keeper because of the extra good § .: ::* *.ti: quality. A ". . ( 120 pairs Men' e all WOOI working am, soft finish, X 's. seamlees, grey' only, will give excellent wear, never gold * 't for less than 15o, lots of stores sen no better for 20o, X K, Our trade.wirtning prim• A et. 2 pairs for 25c - z...e. .44.444444.0:444+44444•444444,414 0:40,440,14+0444444144:404:aM4441 Handsome Plaids 30c We are getting HOW Dress Goods in every day now, handsome fall stuffs that are well w#9rtli your seeing., and you. are heartily welcome to come and. see them anytime. Among this week's arrivals are the prettiest lot of medium- priced plaids we have ever shown. Full 86 in. wideenew combinations of most desirable colors, suitable for waists Oir dress. 80e per yd E wpm, t- eta etan.,,i s for bravery, and among the number is our bright little fellow, , Guy Miller, son of Jacob Miller, foe conspicuous bravery in saving Charles Moore Hann drowning at Fair's pond, (Anton, on April -18ths. Guy should feel proud of this token, given only to those who perform some illustriousact of lieroierie W E1114 DITC4ITCD. -A. bou t; a mile 011 this side of Wingharn, the Junior Base ball Wye met with an accident while on their way home from that,toWn, Where they had been pu civic holiday, The to wnehip autherities awl been repair- ing a bridge, and had improvised a read down from the regular- -highway. Go- ing down from the high into the lower road, one bide a the Carryall weiie over with tte heavy weight., ;Happily the boys; escaped injury, but the carting? 'canopy was broken off. Had the hor- ses been fractious, a serious accident m ht hay been the result . IN'TRE HonSELINE.-4. Graham, of. • the Alrison Hcusessis quite a speculator in horse flesh, and he does. Well, so 'tie said. As one remarked, he can tells), good one from • a cripple, or a.bettvey from it sound One. Last week he sold his tine looking .4•-year-oldstirrer horse to J. FAT ciuhar for $125, and 'Ibis week now poisesses a dashing teaixi. • From ,LReynolde,... of Hullett, he bOught. "Sidney," a o year.old• brown driver,: and from.. janaes Berry, Ttickeremith. iehendsome 5 year-old chestnut horse, paying .good • figures' for both, This " does•not go to eay be will not eel' them for if there is a buyer he will disposes of -them at a reasonable r -price. •TaiselarittuasS-The 'state of the market; has not. been over brisk cluts • ing the Past week, althongh; harvest , • isgat ing well' on. The ;renal ainount of butter fell behind in shipments but in eggs 0000 dozen were sent "east by •Oantelon Bros. Apples- are, on the supply but deniand light • art nearly every one have early apples. • On ThursdayOantelon Hroe..shipped.their second carload for this sertemi this one, going to Winnipeg. Tomal °es. and peaches are being --receiVed by the fruit 'dealers •from" the Niagara, district. The prices etre;--Better, 15 to 17c; eggs, 10 to lle; applesaineteady, 50e ri barrel:* potatoee, 50e per bushel; toinatoess, poisrids foe. 10c or 50e• per basket; peaches, 50o to 600 pet be.sleer, corn,10e per dozens C41121'733014 EXC. HANG F..44 ti ANDS. - Negotiations 'hytzrheen going on be- tween j C. Miller and Jas. McGuire, of Belleville, for an. exchange . of the Hotel Chtrendon. Toatlas's,it, a ease of go or drop it suer . of. $100. WAS de- posited as a forfeit. Tha new mann:. ger is to he here this week and the deal will'be closed as. soon .AS ValUatiOil has been settled. The transfer of license .will be made by the commissioners and will take effect about the 21th 410. McGuiresis an experienced hotel man whom we 'hope may be Weesed with our town and make a -success while here. We aro pleased to note that, it is the intention of Mr Miller and his estimablefamily to etili reidele in Clinton, MP Miller will continue the River home at Havileld. • . . . ma; tiowitAy.-iViany took advert. tams of this day • oft t� vend it ont of town, and thri ILVety. ..men %m& init. for horses and carrisdes, its' the chief pleasures sought were drives and lam- ily picnics, Hayfield being the patron. ized place. it was a greet day which wile spent there, the reasonbeing that both eloclerich and Clinton had their - civic holidays on this chit e,'." and the large nuinner present from these places made Hayfield seem in holiday attire. Others.. took train for more distant places, and quite it few took in. the O. E. & E. L. intetirsion to Brant- . ford, • The senior baseball club went to Winghens, meeting defeat by a score of 20 to 8; the bowlers went, to Woodstock and Stra,tford, the for. tner winning by 9 Opts, but Clinton -defeated Stratford by one shot. The Mitchell lacrosse and Goderich base • ball teams played Clinton clubs here, but the home players were victors in each. DEATH OP A VOIMEIL OLItTONLtN.- Mt Carter; for About 20 years a reepected reels:lent of Clinton, died at the home of his son, Samson Carter, in Host VVawanosb, on Wednesday, at the age of 81 years. Ile has been in feeble "health for some time, though not what might be coiled seriously sick at any time. Ile was it native of rerelle, Sussex, Mut., ond came to Clinton over ZS yearr ago, securing employment in the foundry,. Where he was a faithful and valued employee for many years. About, 8 years ago he moved to East Witwatiesh, and with the exception of a couple of years spent in Michigan, has resided there ever since. His wife nredeceased him by_about 7 years. He was it brother of Mr E. Carter, and lewd two 50118.0110 being in Michigan, and an unrnarried daughter in the Old OOntatryv He was a man of room than ordinary intelligence, it member of the Baptist church, and his remains Were Interred in Clinton eenletert. Vetter,' day, Rev Mr Murdock oincio.ting. WWWWWWW OIYI3WWWWWWWWMAANWWWWW*Ax ••.) Naway with every cash purchase of 50e. your choice of a number of por- A WAYtraits of celebrities of the army; tbpse who are responsible for organization. ABSOLUTELY at home and the control • of our forces in South FREEAfrica. They, represent the chiefs and. leaders in a vivid manner, and we think Bv willbe appreciated by ourpatrons They I are in colors, and much superior to the ordin- ary black and white pictures you are wssi familiar with. We have sold many of W. D. FAIR CO them at 10 cents each, at which price you may yet buy them, or you can have them by the. -plan sug. gested above. 'Don't fail to ask for one and your welcome is assured. . • The W D. FAIR 00, onto% "Often the Cheapest -Always the Best." 744MRPAWWWMARAM.MMA MFAIYAMPAM 011 To our re Groat Clearing: nvile Sale oots. $ There , is no doubting quality in ourstore. Our -- . . . stockis from the best. manufacturers, and. our prices : ar 0 unequalled anywhere. You cannot judge of the $ great Valtles we arei offering, , -unless., you.coine and see •for yourself. We were kept •very busy alt last Saturday. In the afternoon we Could not wait on.: . the crowds without some delay. Oorae early in the 'morning apd avoid the great rush, for up -to date' footteear; DI the old reliable Cheap Cash Store. Our Motto for Priday and Saturday -Every Customer Satisfied with Genuine Bargains,: W. Taylor az 'Soli Cash and One Price -) Eggs taken as cash Insurance office. at the store 101WW”//441110014'1W610007 .1.t.IttItt.t!!!!ttttlIttft.ttIttlIttt.tttttt,tittl•tt!Ittt.t.11ttr!!!!!!!!!!!ItIrtlt!ttlItIlt11111111111tM .!!!!-.• . • . i'rt._.. , .:.....• . . :.....,„,. . . ...dip 1110 • 0 • . O ...00 0•04. . 110.-7 Sal-' • 00-- • 01111.- 111111.•.- • . ...Ago to•-- • .- .. - ......,• . . • 01... 11310* 0 e p ar tm.. e ntalStore., i'....qt • • 41110.--• • - . : . . . . . . . . . . . 00••• ' - . . . . • ' ' .. , 0•040 Ai.- +-0-0.40+4-0-4.: 4-0-•••••••-•-•00-41-404-40-0-404-++ •••••••••••-•• . ir-0-4-•-•-•-t-,...0•0•40.04.0••0•0+4-4-4-••••••••••••• •-•40,40;•••,-•-• ,4111 • .. . ....... . . ..111100..... • ter. tii1:: z. .7...,,..-,," -,.: --"-• 0. . **1814WalikS' ''''':‘. . ''''' • . . - • . ...op • 011.,.... - • . ./. •••' . ‘. .0-011111M-111. d11160-• . 1111,-* I , • ). .... .Shoe ..,-.0. ....40 /110*-•• . 01,-• . EC .0,-.4,- .....4. le. pa rtm... en. 1.1. •4111..... 4110..... ' ••...-.."'." ' e. e . , , g ...... OP* • ap.... ..,,..',..11:4,-A• 0 -. - .... P $ Ao, . -op isi-- • , • -....ip . . . 0.- . .....• • . - ,..... or... i ina= 0.--. IP ami. Amoviiimillos,•, e -*--"*".-Mill" r.,1 1 13.., 1 , :, Prir 0 if'0F . tilt.. Boy's Standard. . . . . . • . • • ...IP - ' -010 .4040 4110.0. . 1:144 , . ', p't 1% • ..41111, \ „ '' ' • 1"1"8.21.1allallwaa. - lilliolimeallgalluanall • 0.0110 610..... i f, ' gm- g itt ii"" ...... 40,-. i49111351110111011t as,.... - . se.--- '4N!IIIr j awes ses,....... . , PRICES $1, $1.25 and $1,50 The best selling, the best wearing, and the ones giving the most satisfaction, are our celebrated ST.A.NDARD School Shoes they have been. especially made for us, and after a fair trial people people- tell us there is nothing on the market to equal -them. Made from soon,durable leather,. shapely in appearance, and will give the utmost satisfaction. The. genuine STANDARD can only be got from us Meese =alb" IPP~ ..00810 .00610 ••••411111 •-.41110 *...41110 .040 .0.00 0.40 -40 .- The famous RATIONAL shape in the Sla- I . .... ter make, is the best selling shoe on the . -I market. It is the latest and most up -to- g date shape; andis giving great satisfaction El 13Iaok or Tan, Primo $3 50 All repairs on Boot* 8i shoe* PrOMPHY Ate teMled tor E JACKSON BROS,. 11211".'m Clintati X •• • •