HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-08-17, Page 7, imam MILBURN'S( .1EARTANDNER • pILLs v • 4P.*) • Heart and Nerve Pills are lest what every weak, nervous, run-down wiinalp needs to make her strong and well. TH115, cure those feelings of smothering and Sinking that ceme .on at timesonalte the heart beat strong and regular, give isweetarefreshing sleep- and banish head- -aches and nervousness. They infuse uew life and energy into dispiritedshealth-shat- •tered sosis ien, who have come to think there is nolliM for them. Read the words of encouragement in this letter from Mrs. Thos. Sommers, Clif- ton, New London, P.E.I. "Last fall I was in a very serious con- dition suffering .from nervousness and weakness, I got so had at last that I could hardly move around, and despaired of ever getting well. Seeing Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills highly recommended for such conditions I purchased a box. "Before I had taken half of it I could notice an improvement in my condition and when I had used two boxes I was cona .pletely cured. "it was wonderful how these pills took away that.dreadful feeling of nervousness and gave me strength. ."I recommended them to my neigh- bor who was troubled with nervousness, and they cured her, too. We all think there is nothing equal .to Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills.' d w*, , 1.•••••- .. JUST SLID OFF THE TRACK. Pemeliar incident In Connection With a Muilrencl Accident. " "You see some unaccountable accidentS In railroading," said a Boston railroad man the other day. "Some years ago I worked ou the old Maine Central, when Payson Tucker -God rest his soul, for he was a generous employer and the best of men -was manager of the line. It was in the days when they were bringing the road up to date, and nothing was being spared in expense ou roadbed or rolling stook. "One day the Boston express ran lute Waterville and after the regular ten minutes for refreshments started for Au- gusta, She hadn't gone 50 yards before, eitnilY, gently, even complacently, die en- gine went off the track as calmly as though that was the way she usually did things, A . hasty examination showed that half of the flange on one of the for- ward wheels of the pony truck had bro- iteti off. They sent posthaste for an- other truck, jackedup the engine and , put it in, place of, the injured one, and the train was soon on its way again. Then they started to find out the 'place where the flange had dropped off. "The road runs across the Kennebec Just north of the railroad shops,,and from the shops to the station it is a perfectly straight track. It was supposed that the break had occurred somewhere on that straight line, as it seemed impossible for the engine to hold the track on a curve with, only half a flange on its front wheel. It wasn't there, however, and a system- atic search up the line was ordered, and something like 30 miles away, near New- port, it was finally discovered by a track walker. "Up and doWn" .Steep grades, round ,sharp curves and across a river had that engine run in that condition, and filially, after passing through rail work to make a sound engine shudder, it had -hopped a straight piece of tack when hardly more than moving and When the only thing destroyed or damaged was time. The •fearful accident that. might .well .have happened, it has always. seemed. to me, must have been averted by what the law would term .an net of God." 34Mikle.Geee4XXINX;41.4XXXXX' SOME FEATU R ES 4# ## {4 Sam Hunter's Cartoons, Full Market Reports, Special Cables, The Khan. Ontario Despatches, Sporting NewsL Madge Merton's Page for Women Toronto baily 40Starl i) Publishes the best of everything. It leads "I in the excellence of its special departments, Ili ,while its news columns are bright and ti 'readable. ,f HERE IS A BARGAIN FOR THE BALANCE 1 OF THE YEAR. ' The Twonto Daily Star will be Mailed touny Address V TolJa.nuary list, 1901, for f, if SO Cents r THE CLINTON NEW ERA A PRACTICAL DEFINITION. The Rifliculty of Tolling the Mean.. Ing of iluranity” I WC! rdN. "HOW to Bafeguard One's Sanity" is the subject of an article In The Century by tho Rev. J. M. Buckley, D. D., LL. D., author of "Christian Science and Other .Superstitions." In it he gives a practical definition of the word insanity. In my childhood there called at our family residence a gentleman whose re- ception as a person of distinction and a' certain intentness with which he was re- garded by all attracted my attention. After awhile he beckoned me to his side and told .zne of his vast estate, its lawns, fine old trees and streams, his Vireo and Minting dogs, the spacious halls of the mansion. adorned ay works of art and his sou birds from every clime aud in- vited me to spend a month with hirla promising me a pony. He threw a even • over me by his strangely expressive eye end glowing words. After he had gone I said to my mother, "When may r go to see .those wonderful things and get my .pony?" She. answered sadly: "Never, ray son. 'The poor man is deranged." At my request for an explanation she added, "He is insaue, is crazy,. a luna- tic," The mystery was not dispelled, but gradually the memory of the incident was overlaid by boyish sports • and studies. Three years afterward was opened the great hospital for the Insane erected by the state of New Jersey at Trenton. In 'company ,with relatives I was .conducted through a ward and looked curiously upori persons abstractedly gazing, talking at random, moaning as it in grief or pain or laughing for no apparent reason. Passing alongthe corridor, suddenly • trembled; for before me, addressing an imaginary audience, • Stood the man wha • •had. charmed 'mea No one listened to him, and as we approached an. Attendant led him to hie room,' from which came. . the. words: "I am God: Mortal men, bow 'down before me.". In that instant I saw what it is to he • "insane," "deranged," "alienated," "era- . zy,".."mad," "a lunatia" NO dictionary was necessary. Since then I have served on boards. of management of such Institutions, includ- ing that In 'which this' scene occurred, have attended courses of lectures on the .subject and • consulted the best authori- ties, hnd. I do not wonder that Ilene of the teachers of my childhood could define insanity, far no definition exists that in, eludes all that thisword.. suggesta.and. - nothing. mere.' ' ' ' - • The regular subscription price of THE STAR is $3.o0 a Year, -4nd $2.00 Alk here the paper is not received until the day after pub- Aication. The present offer is made with a view of placing THE -STAR in the homes of thousands who .will be interested. in read- ing the best afternoon paper in Ontario. PICTURE OF THE QUEEN GIVEN FREE, - To every subscriber will be mailed • a beautiful plate of Her Majesty Queen Victoria •and the Prince of Wales. • ThIs ideture, which usually sells for 75 cents, is the handsomest picture of the •oyal mother and sen ever published In Canada. The conventional portraitsof the -Queen represent her as much younger than the Ode of years has left her, and yet •It Is tithe aged sovereign that her peopm le love her and will remember her. As the mother Of hor people the will ever be remembered-tb,e tyce of English womanhood and iiicitharbood. • Fitting it Is, therefore, that she should be plaided along )vIth her son, 'the future King, and so 10 this historical. picture the Prince stands behind the chair of - Ills royal mother. The picture is 18x 24 inches, in 15 shades or colors, and, suitably ,. framed. would be an ornament on any wall. It is a special painting, made exclusively for The Toronto Star, rii• and is a Work of art. s. ,Yellek•4434XXX3e1EXX, §W;04Wrki*V:ip 11441,002:455/WW: The Clinton New Era and Toronto Daily Star, to 1st ot Jan, 1901, .together with a picture, • in colors, similar to the engraving below, but 18 x 24 inches in size, all for • cash A PROSPECTIVE FEE. ROW One Minister. Was Paid For Per- • foirouleg a Marriage Ceremony. "The oddest •fee I ever .received," said 'the well known alergyman; with' a • rem- iniscent smile, "was givenane by: a young man a number of •years ago. .Early one 'evenhig I 'received • a call ..at • my home from a young couple who 'desired me to • marry them. Their dress, and deport-. Aiseitt denoted that they vverefrom the country. In fact, they told me that they were and that they had come to the city 'to be married in .style. I told them 'to 'stand up and soon pronounced them one. "There was an awkward pause tine; the. ceremony, during Which the groom. shifted uneasily from . one foot to the other. Finally, after • a violent effort to• clear his throat, he said': ' • "'1 suppose this Yere thing costs. some- thing?' . "'it Is usually' the .custoso to give: the. minister a fee,' said I, Smiling. "'Waal, . how much is • it?' he asked anxiously. • ' "'Anything you may please,' I answer- ed. ." 'Then • I'll tell ye what I'll .'do,' he said, brightening up. 'I've. jes' got mon- ey enough to isit us home; .Birt me an . Mandyar' thinkin of via into the .chick- en business, an we'll 'send ye a'ehicken.' 'That will be perfectly eatlifactory,' 1 . answered, tryieg hard not to: laugh. :'Send, it to me any time for 'my Sunday • dinner, and I shall be more than• pleased.' "'But say,' lie burst out,'1 ain't got it •yet. Mandy's Aunt Sue was given a settin of eggs the other day, an' she said that It she could borrow a • settin he somewhere an had good. luck she would glee us a couple of chicken s to start us. In the business, If things go all right an we gut. them thar thicket* we'll send ye ono of the first ones that we raise if the hawks don't catch 'em all.' '"l'wo years later I was surprised to receive by express a bedraggled chicken. I paid the express charges of $1.25 be - /ore 1 realised the. situation. -Socking It to the Old Man. "Were you the smartest boy in your school?" asked the very bright boy. "Why-er-no; not exactly," answered his father. •, • "Did you now as much as I do when you were my age?" • "I don't believe I did." "Are you even at this late.day able to • extract the cube root of a !lumber with- out referring to a text book?" • "N -no. I don't believe I can." "That's all," said the very bright boy as he turned to his books. Then he heav- ed a sigh and with a look of deepest re- proach exclaimed: "Parents often turn out to be a terrible disappointment to their children nowadays." Toted and Tried 4 For 25 Years Xpuld you feel perfee+ly safe to put a' your money in a. new baLk ? One you have jut heal d of? But how fa, ,out an old bank? One taat tuts done busineas for ov.r a quarter If -of a century? One that has always kept its promises? • On that never failed ; never r:misled you in any way? You oould trust such shank, 0Ouldn't you? SCOTT'S EMULSION ig of 00D -LIVER OM WITH s iHYPOPHOSPHLTEH is just like snob a bank. It has never ; disappointed you, never will. lir /t has never 'deceived you, Inever will. Look out that someone does not trY to make you iinvest your health in a now ionic, some now .medioine 4 you know nothing of. .t 50c. and $1,0o • all druggists. SCOTT & BOWEE, :Chemist% Toronto, - reisielaWatisielaillitititielaiiiiiitiliitilitit • Her ravorite. He -You admire Tenuyson very much, then? Sbe-Very much. I think there is nothing more pathetic In literature than that line of his, "Theirs not to make re- ply." -Harlem Life. "No man can serve two makers," says the proverb, and froth the master's point of view but tete men °en serve one satis- factorily. There cannot be a greater rudeness than to interrupt another in the current of Ws discourse RAILWAY RUMBLES. In 24 hours close upon 700 trains peer In and out of the New street railway sta- tion, Birmingham, England. ' Electric trains will be running under- ground in London before New York has much more than made a beginning on her proposed rapid transit tunnel. President Diaz has appointed Aubstin M. Chavez and Estanisiao Velasco, engi- neers, as delegates from Mexico to the international railroad congress which is to meet in Paris this year. ALMA LADIES' OOLLEGE. Twentieth year begins Sept. 10th, • Broadly planned courses of tctudy with thoroughly oompetent staff of teachers. Scho- larship in College oourse,Muslo,Fine Art, Elooution. omestio coterie.). modern and, NNWS NOIR% Since the Methodist conference met in June, five aged ministers have died, the aggregate •bfwhose •ages is 441 years.- •-Rifir. James Brock died at the advanced age of 97 yeats, Rev. Francis Coleman was 93 years of age, Rev. Jas. Caswell was 82, Rey. Thomas Crews 90, and Rev, Wm. Woodman 89. •' The 0. & L. Emulsion of Cod Liver 00 will build you up, will make you fat and healthy. Especially beneficiai to those w ha are "all .run down." planufaotured by the Davis ds-La.wrdtioe Co,, Lid. Official •intimation has been received that two men, Hopkins and Pearce ,late of " Squadron, Royal Canadian •Dragoons; recently on service in Senth Africa, have been tried snd sentenced to ten years' penal servitude for collecting arms from the burghers without authority and re -selling thus to the enemy. The men were.serv- he; in Squadron. under Col. Lessard, and have 'received lenient treattnent, death being the maximum penalty..' Thenomine I roll gives J. A. Hopkins. 58 Robinsen street, • Toronto, end W..Pearce, Bradford, Ont. SEVENTEUWEARS OF TORTURE, "I had a bad bough.for seventeen years" writes Mrs Sarn'l Hamilton, of Lawnyille, Tenn: "No dootor or medicine could cure it until one year ago I began to use Dr. King's New Discovery.. for Consumption, which did me more good than all other medicines I ever used. It is truly 'a' grand' cure for stubborn Coughs, Coldeand Throat and Lung troubles" Postively cures Con- sumption, Pneumonia, Grip, •Bronchitie, Asthma, Hay Fever and Croup. Prices 50o and $1.00. Gueranteed. Trial bottles tree at all drug stores. • • The New York Evening Post says: - Four commissioners, representing the German Government, have been in Floboken for several days, negotiating for the purchase of horses for war ser- • vice in China. They have said that the •Gern,itn Government expects to acquire 30,000 horses within the nerd 30 days. The orders are to be distri- buted in the east, south and west, and Canada may get some of the orders. JOST. AS GOOD Perhaps; but if just as good as Putnarn'e • is that not a-Nery high recommendation for the original and btecorn cure? Ptunam's Painlees Corti Extraittor. Refine to eccept any of the da,ngerons sore productin'g sub- stitntes offered by greedy dealers who I make larger proftt and disregard the hater- TORONTO este of consumers. Safe, painless, certain. au progressive. Homelike appointments, gocid board, cheer- ful rooms, personal over -sight in habits man- ners, care of room. A residental college like Alma affords best conditions fora young lady's education. The constant non'of Our oolleze is to Qom - bine the care of the mother with the teachers guidance and the pastors resat d. For illustrated catalogue, address; Rev. N. I. Warner, M.'A., Principal, • July 20-6 • St. Thomas, Ont, Lake Erie Navigation Co,, Limited The quickest and moat direct route to • •• CLEVELAND, 01110, via Pt. Stanley. Thorough fare from Clinton one way $3.60, return $0. Return ticket valid for one month. • Special rates going Saturday and return- ing Monday. , Boat leaves Pt. Stanley on Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11 p.m. end on Saturdays at 1. • ,J„g,.;'• For tiokets end further information apply G. T. R..agents, or write • T. MARSHALL, •WM. WOOLLATT, Asst. Gen. Paes. Agt. • manager. • Walkerville, Ont. • Notice to Creditors. In the matter of the estate of Thomas Cook, late of the township of Goderic_,h in the county of -Huron, yeoman, deceased. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to R S Q 1897, Cap, 129, see. and amending acts, that all persons having. claims against the estate of Thomas Cook, lato. of the said township of Goderich, yeoman, de. ceased. who died on or about the 28th day of May, 1000, are required to send by post prepaid or deliver to the undersigned solicitor for the administrators of the said estate on or beford the first day of September, 1900, their names, addresses, descriptions and a full statement of particulars Of thorn'. claims properly verified, and the nature of the security (if any) held by them And notice is further given that after the first day of September. 19001 the administra- tors will proceed to distribute the assets of the aid deceased among the parties entitled there - o; having regard onloy to claims of which they hall then have notice, and that they will not be iablo for the assets so distributed or any part hereof to any person or persons Of whose claims they.shall not then have notice. Dated at Clinton, in the County of Huron, • this 10th day. of July, 1800. W. BRYDONE, Clinton, Ont., Solicitor for the Toronto General Trusts Cor- poration, the Administrators. July 20-8 • . THE ALL -CANADA SHOW Hug. 27th to Sept. 8th, 1900. After suffering for over ten hours, during which time his thrdat was grad- • unity swelling and shutting off his breath,. two-year-old Wm. Nagle, Phil- adelphia, died at ths Presbyterian Hospital as a result of swallowing a mouthful of hot potato. The child seized a hot potato during the ternpor- ' arp absence of his mother, on Satur- day, and a portion lodged in his throat and ) severely burned the membrane. When he ' was taken to the hospital the patient was • breathing with difficulty, Everything was done to relieve his suffering, but the burns were of such a peculiar nature that they caused the throat to Gwen, and he choked to death. • ' The report that Li Hung Chang has committed eukide is said to be without foundation. He is only despondent... ' The Good Old Days. nye negroes were hoeing cotton ma._ -hot- summees-dar wheh We' folroWing oc- curred: "Uncle Joe, (Nan' you wish dat we had live In dem. good ole days, er 'Lijah de Profit, when we 'cud sot under a big shade tree en shet our eyes en have de birds come en feed us lak dey did him?" Uncle Joe -No, you fool nigger. Ef we had live in dem days, dem white folks wud had dat man Joshua keepin de sun stan'in still all de time, en we nigger' nebber wud be fru wuck. No, Bahl ' • Poor Vellovv. Mother -Alice, I WaS very much stirs prised and shocked last evening when I passed the parlor door and saw Mr. WOodbe with his face close to yours. Daughter -Yes, mamma; Isn't it a shame the poor fellow Is so Awfully nearsighted? A Symptom. "Clementine, that man likes me a good deal, or else he doesn't like me at all." "How do you know, Josephine?" "Why, I oever can make him mad." Ohlekeni have more sense thin some . men. When darkness comes, they want to hurry home,—Now Orleans Picayune. The Swedish mile is the longest mile In Om world. Sohn J. Woolley ancilllenry 13. Met- calf, candidates for president and vice. prealdent of the prohibition ticket,will travel across the United States and back on a special prohibition train, The comluctore, engineera and ttain. men In charge of the train will be pro. hibitionists or at least non.dtinkers. The special will probably start from Chinago early in October, 1E1 1 1 111 1111111 11 country's EXPOSITION ant The Greatest INDUSTRIAL FAIR All4he latest novelties. Many direct from •• Europe. The marvellous resources of Our own Country thoroughly exploited. Brilliant and realistic battle spectacle The siege of Mafeking l and also the relief Timely arrival of CaRadian Artillery. • Entries close Attgust fith. Excursions on all lines of travel. For prize lista, entry forms, etc., address Andrew II. J. 11111 • President. Manager. Toronto. . TOMS Doctors futd A Good Prescription Formankind eeltbsd hathlk pale word LIT'A" es, RITA' •IP stisit.: 411iiiionsimmoulsomissiast August 17, 1900 I I HMOS la Om nala 9 00 mops ro (111101110 ,1,111,411110,1i1111i f -- A egetablePreparationforAs- • simitating thelbodandRegula- tipAtkeSiamettsaudDowels of ••••••••=moll• PromotesDigestion,Cheerful- ness and Rest.Contains neither Opium,Morp1iIn nor Mineral OT NAB.0 OTIC. Anita. WOW DrSAMITELPI1=1 Pumptin ..teed- Ahrsentur • RoclatUaSalts nise.tela 21;7011311t5• ws• Werns.Sted - fttaVfa;17/:. Apetrect Remedy for Constipa- tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, Worms,Cpnvulsions;Feverish- nesp and Loss OF SLEEP. Tee Siau 3ignaturc of -44te/P. NEW 'YORK. . Al b monl .- 35 DOSES -•=3.51CT1.5,',' EXACT COPY• Olf WRAPPER. • SEE THAT THE FAC -•SIMILE •SloNATURE -0E--- .1,14.eze IS ON THE WRAPPM OF EVERY 130TTT.T.OF ASTORIA Oastorie_ is put: up, in one-also•bottles-only. It - tot sold in bulk, Don't allow anyone to nen you anything else on the plea or promise:that it Is "lust as good" Sad "will answer every per- • pose ;Wee* gait you get 0-A-B-T-0-&-kii.; tko.face simile eignature of • 4440 " 411 star imam 011041411100411111111111114111, 4111114111104/111112 50 Yale Bicycles 501i At Less Than Manufacturers' Prices While in Toledo last week out buyer purchased 50 high grads -Wes at a ridiculously low price for spot cash. There is no better vvheel manufactured in .the U. S. than a Yale. We have deoided to offer them for quick sale at • the extremely low price of •• 7.50 eash These are the eheapest wheels ever offered in Canada, and it is your•oppor- _tunity to get a first-class mount, fully guaranteed, for the season cf 1900 at • lees than manufacturers' prices. We have in stook a number •of Second- hand Wheels at from $5 up. Wheels expressed to a distance, 0.0.1). watt privilege of examination, ou receipt of $1. • Come to Goderioh on Slily' 4th and me our wheels wnile here. EMERSON'S BIUYLE &MUSIC HOUSE, Goderich 90114,00100 041111100011001100414) Sugar.$ugar Sugar Just to hand, second car Redpath Extra Standard granulated and Yellow sugar. We sell in bbl iota eas than wholesale sell in 50 bbls. Special price in 100 pound lots end dollars. TEA Black TEA Green TEA Japan We have best 25c tea in town, extra nice Japan tea 20o, agents fcr Ram Lal's, Appleton, Monsoon and Blue Ribbon teas in packages. • Exquieite Dinner Tea, Toilet, Glass and Water Sete. We expect thia week two orates direct from the inanufaoturers in Staffordshire, England, bought before the advance of 15 to 20%.We are selling at old prices, you will save 25% by buying from us. Call and examine goods and prices before you buy. J. W. IRWIN, - - Clinton Exeter Flour AT *NO EXTRA -COSY • All kinds of Small Field Seeds as Timothy, -Red and Alsike Clovers. Head.partergifor Turnip, Illongold, Cam!) Seeds. Fresh Groceries and Canned* Goods. • Our specialty is Teas. •Try our 15c Tem Other:varieties equally.as cheap. Ilighestrptarket price paid ia cash for eggs. W.. 1-1I1.11..a Blames • We are selling Buggies for three of the best •Carriage Companies in Canada. GREY AND SONS, CHATHAM. BRANTFORD CARRIAGE CO. CANADA CARRIAGE CO., BROCKVILLE. • and the well known BAIN WAGGON. We are selling twine made by the very best makers at reasonable, prices. • Also agent for the Alexander and Mallotte Cream Seperator, and Massey Harris Bicycles. Samples can be ion at the shop, Isaac Street Geo. Lavis, General Imultment Dealer, Mikis