HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-08-17, Page 6August 17, 1900 THIN a Lots of people have thin hair. Per- haps their parerits had thin HAIRilimapirs; their children have thin hair. But this does not make it necessary for them to have thin hair. -- One - thing er you may mai rely upon— gOr makes the hair healthyn and vigorous; makes It grow thick and long. It cures dan- druff also. It always restores color to gray hair,— all the dark, rich color of early life. There is no longer need of your looking old be=- fore your time. $1.00 a bottle. All druggists. " As s remedy for restoring color to the hair I believe Aye r's Hair Vigor has no equal. 1 has alwayis given me perfect satisfaction in every way.'Mr. A. M. _TEEM, Aug. 18, 1898. Hammondsport, N.Y. Write tha Dachas. ne will send you a book on The Bair and Scalp free'upon request. If you do not obtain all the benefits you expected from the use of the Vigor write the Doctor about it. Address, Dn. 3.0. ATE, Lowell, Mass. • ',.,O40.1 Aewadaw.-- :asURTAIN RAISERS. revive "Old TRE CLINTON.NEW ERA CRAZED PRE JUROR. MATRON AND MAID. P Infanta Eulalia of Spain has obtained a judicial separation in Paris from her HE HELD OUT FIFTEEN DAYS AGAINST husband, Pune Antonio of Orleans, A VERDICT OF MURDER. duke of Galileo. Mrs, Robert Garrett of Baltimore, al - The Awful Strain. Dethroned mg though in. perfect health, when sailing Reason,. and In Mill wad Delirium !. for Europe made coutract with the steamship company that in the event of Ile Charged Hid Ovvigt S4u With littY1313.13; COmotitted the Crime. An old lawyer was talking about juries that disagree, and he declared that nets seention in ;fi jury room is not ,rare and said that usually it is only a question of time when the obstinate juror is bullied into eurrendering. • "One case that was decidedly dramatic, not to say tragic," he continued, "hap- pened in Iowa about the time the war a the rebellion began. 4Iy father was 'the Judge. He believed in juries doing the work they were selected to do, and rarely wonld he consent to a disagreement. "This was a. murder trial, The victim was a harmless German, who had saved ip a few thousand dollars which he kept in gold coin, under his bed. The accused man was a traveling watchmaker. Against him was arrayed an eicception- ally strong ease of circumstantial evi- donee. "The prisoner's counsel did the best he could, brit it was a foregone conclusion when the jury went out what the verdict would be. The foreman of the jury was the owner of the principal store in the town, a man of the name of Seth Var. num. It was late in the afternoon of the closing day of the trial when the jury startod to 'deliberate Upon its verdict. 'The spectators lingered in the court - teem, expecting to hear the verdict be- fore supper time. It was in the sunnier, and the weather was intensely hot. Save her death at sea her body should be brought to land for interinent. Ex -Queen Liliuokalani of Hawaii has made her shroud. This is in accordance with A fillfit0111 of the natives, who consid- er it discreditable to be buried ia gar- ments bought or prepared by strangers. The shroud is of heavy white satin lined with purple silk, Mrs. Ruiz, wife of Dr. Ricardo Ruiz, the Americen citizen who was butchered by Spaniards in Cuba in 1897, is soon to receive $5,000 from the United States goverument, which took over all the claims against Spain at the signing of the' peace treaty. Mrs. Jessie Benton Fremont, widow of General John 0. Fremont, met with a se- vere accident recently at Los Angeles. In leaving the dinner table she slipped and fell, fracturing her hip. Mrs. Fre- mont is 79 years old, and her' recovery, consequently, \ill he slow. Miss Frances Namon of Atlantic City preaches the text Of bag punching for women. She is' an adept at punching the bag and declare's that' it is the finest exercise in the world for women. She says the exercise has cured her of dys- pepsia and a tendency to fat. Mlle. • Jane May, the French actress, has used her influence- as the daughter of an officer to get a governinent permit to keep a- tobacco Shop in Paris, so that when she has grown older and less in de - mend than she is today she will have Varuum, all the jurors. were. farmers. They had their crops to attend to and something to fall back on. The shop is were driven' with work, so it was to their already op.en and is proving a popular interest to conclude their 'task and get' success. • home as' quickly as`possilild. Mrs. James Scott of Winsted, Conn., diclMt Acme in that night, distinguished herself recently by bring- er the net, or the third night either. ;lug a. _burglar. te_his knees and taking Rumors of a `hung' jury began to float from him the plunder Which he had se - through the town. Hot arguments went cured ' in her . house, Mrs. Scott armed on in the jury room: My father denied herself with a stout rawhide whip and sysitten• request made by the jury for caught the burglar red hauded. 'She ap- its dismissal.. He maintained that the, plied the- lash ' with 'such vigor that he =men could and must agree .on a ver- fell to his knees and howled for mercy.. Mrs. Laura A.•Alderman,owns the lar - "Eight days passed; and it began to be gest orchard in South. Dakota: Accord - said that Varnum was the man who was ing to W. N. Irwin, chief of the division standing out for the acquittal of the prig- ' of pomology of the department of agri-, once. This Was confirreed on the ninth 'culture• in Washington, Mrs. Alderman fifty when the jurors aimeared for break- has near 'Hurley; Turner comity, 150 feat.' Three Men, side by side; led' tfie'' acres Whicli. are •8;000 tteeS,. two ;line, with the remaining• jurors paired,- .acres being given over to plums. Be -all. except•.Varnum. Ile Walked alone- in. sides the trees, there are 1,000 currant the rear, with down hanging, head and bitsliess .1;000 gooseberry bushes, 500 drawn features. At that and subsequent rgite;afevine.s. and three acres of strawber- meals the other jivers ignored him. They forced the sheriff to rovide a se arate p . table for him. Afterward wefound out that Varnum strenuously ,•insistecl .upon the hinocence of the watehmalfer. . " 'I 'can't tell You why,' said he, 'but I• am as certain that that man did .not kill . the German as I am of the existence of a Harrigan will Lavender" supreme being.' And they could not next season.• budge him. 'Marie Burroughs will star in "A Bat- • "All this time the weather contintied tle Scarred Hero." . hot. The nerves and health of the jury - Every box in the new Gaiety, London, men suffered- under the strain. Varnum is to have a private room. felt the racking mbst of all. He Was. an Sir Henry Irving and Ellen Terry will elderly man, and his son, a boy of 20, return to the United States a year from. had started for the war the second day nett fail: ' the jury was out. The judge refused to There will be two "Rip Van Winkle" allow the father to bid the son farewell, companies on tour next season, with' two . "On the tenth day the•eleven jurymen of the Jeffersons in the title miles, who favored a verdict 'of • guilty divided Jefferson De Angelis is writing the then -lollies into relays and commenced book of a romantic comic opera,' with to attack Varnum by continual argument. While two argued with•tim 'the Others --William Fraticis at work on the music. slept: ' Day and night they kept it up, Although Scriptutal titles to plays are allowing 'the wretched man no sleep or generally banned in England, yet a new respite from their, ' melodrama is called, "Not Peace, buabuseand scoraful ap- t' a . Sword." • peals. ' • The .locality of RobM ert antell's new "The end came upon the. night of the fifteenth day.' It was bright moonlight, play, "A Free Lance," is Wolfsberm 'and the grass plot about the courthouse North Germany, the period 1450, and it was covered with people gazing up at the is romantic in story. • ' • lighted windows of the jury room, Ver- t( n Greet I ls established an out of num sat bY the. his head hid - doors theater in the Botanical gardens, den. iti, his hands'. Over casemeat'him stood two London, ands giving Shakespeare's com- men We: could not hear their words J. J. Hall, collector ef inland reven ue at Peterboro, died suddenly in his of. fice. IGOOD TIMES COMING. Under the use of Scott's Emulsion all the organs and tissues take on new life. The mind acts with more vigor, the heart beats stronger and the blood is greatly enriched.. The 14 months old childot S. Fennell of Norwood, fell into a pail of milk and drowned before it was observed. The Emphatio Statement that The D. dc L. Menthol Plaster is doing a great deal to .alleviate neuralgialand rheumatism if3 bas- ed upon faets, The D. (14 L. Plaster never fall° to so.:,the and quickly cure. _Manu- factured by the Davis & Lawrence Co., Ltd, Michael Mannion, of Hamilton, drowned while swimming in the was bay, BEE BUZZES. In hiving swarms all washes for the hives .are useless. • • . All things considered, pine is the best nutterial_for hives. Motile do not trouble strong colonies of edies• in the opeu air by electric lightbut their gestures told • what they were Italian .bees very often,' rt is annoeuctd that suss CamilkiTIdeing. ° . • When the bees become crowded; they D'Arville intends slontly to. retire to Pri- I "Suddenly Varnum leaped up and look out for a new home, vine life. The statement that she was to ' shrieked at the jurymen. His hands were 1 It is not profitable to keep a colony marry a resident of San Francisco Was raised above his head, and his gray hair that has a defective queen. • made some months ago.. ' hung about his shoulders. There was a ' Sawdust or coal ashes are good to put In front of the hives as an alighting place for the bees. Bottoms of hives will soon rot out if left resting on the gruund tied will ,alsu .become damp. Raise them about two inches from the ground. The worst type of the old black bee in a' box hive may be brought to the highest state of perfection by transferring and in- troducing an Italian queen. • In introducing a new queen it is best first to remove the old one, as a colony of hoes that already have a queen do not care to accept a second one. Swarms should be hived immediately after clustering, because, with few ex- ceptions. swaribs alight in the immediate vicinity of the be atter homing 'from the hive. - The actors of New :York are said to be endeavoring to secure the nomination of Marcus R. Mayer, Olga Nethersole's manager, for the representative from. the Twelfth congressional district. There is to be a revival of Annie Pix- ley's famous play, "M'liss.." -Nellie Mc- Henry has been engsged ti" -play the title role, and Frank Losee will be seen in his original part of Yuba Bill. - On Others' Faults. it is The Oure of eases Where Other Medicines Railed, That Has Made the Great Repu- tation For Dr, ,Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tab- lets. Take all the medicines in the world's history, combine their records 'and youWill not have the proof that is established for Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tablets for the eure of Backache and all Kidney and Bladder troubles, John Legier, 306 Wilton Ave,, Toronto, caretaker and sexton of St. James Cathed- ral for it yowl, nrit9,jast -rehruarY• COMO demi ;;;Ok with 4 ItitiiitlY aoa livsr trouble, due to cold I think: *Ca told by #we degtors to go home IIII o to bed if I wanted it, get well, I went home but dicl net go to bed ; I was too uncomfortabl•e. he confessed that he had killed the Ger- nook al: sorts of prescriptions from the man and told where he had hidden the ventions have fallen into the habit of giv- doator's, and tried many kind') of patent gold. He had not dared to return for it. ing the nomination as a consolation prize mo- tives. medioines, with no relief, Hy appetite' - When • search was was mademumendable mo - e, the gold was or, sometimes. for log gave Ont. I could eat nothhig at all with- found. out distress and bloating. A. pain came on "Old man Varnuni was -clearly insane , • low down in front and to tell you the truth when he ftlatenecl the crime upon his commotion. Pretty soon the sheriff sped from the courthouse to the hotel and got my father out of bed. It was midnight, but there were 1,000 people jammed in the little courtroom. *mum led in the jury. None of them looked 'squarely at him, but covert glances were darted at his face from under knitted brows. "'Your honor,' began Varnum, 'this jury cannot agree. An event has taken place which makes it impossible. V— Here the man's voice sank, and he sway. ed. An attendant eased him back in his seat. Vara= motioned to the man next to him to tell what he could not. "'The reason, your honor, why we can- not agree,' said the juror, 'is because the foreman has just told us that the mur- derer of the German was his son.' "There was 4 pandemonium in the courtroom. Vern= was taken home rav- ing with brain fever. He had told the ju- rymen that his son had been surprised In the net of robbing the German and had killed him. Afterward he sought his fa- ther and confessed. Pride Induced the old man to keep the secret mad pernlit the suspicion to fall upon the watchmaker. . When he was drawn, on the jurY, he dared not refuse to serve, but he deter- presidency. They have almost invariably' ruined ter hold out for the man's acquittal., beep selected with less regard to Civil' fit - "Before young Varnum could be arrest- ness than to their availability as repre- ed he was killed in one of the early bat- sentatives of doubtful statee.—Philadel- „ ties of the War. Three yearelater the Ala- Public ledger. —atchreelied was run over by a train near Washington and injured go badly that he died soon afterward. Before he died he wrote a letter to my father, In the letter THE SECOND PLACE. Three vice presidents have become presidents by nomination and election to that office after serving a term in the los conspicuous one„—Detroit Journal. Of the later vice presidents few have • been ;available for nomination for the The indignity brit on the vice presi- dent, while he is simply that ot1iia, by treating him as if be were nobody', dis- eredits the country. It explains why con - no one could have felt more L. ordeal of the jury room had wrecked TH E LAUREATE .10.1irity get ot and bottle nerpuLe.1. f be. his mind.” P The More poetry we read of Mr. Aus- tin's the more we are convinced that he : ought to be out foto Westminster abbey "Pi .eligrie PaCeaehe kidney Tablets, and / never saw nor heard of aaything (toting Mit Ile Was Ilot• So well or quickly. I feel well and etrong "George, dear"— . ,—at oncel- , ,-, again. The pain and eoreness are all gone, "Don't bother me, Laura. I am read.. r-cet Laureate Alfren Austin appears also the bloating, and I can est with plena.' trig, and I'd rather read than talk just i to be deriving less glory from the South WC' and comfort. I take no little pleasure now," African war then any nevem overeieent. in telling everyone of the results Rud will An hour dragged its way into the dim, ly engaged therein., coetinne to do so, as I feel it a results, Rud owe misty past, and the voice of Mr. rergto, 1tis a peculiarity of the poetry el the the tablets and the public" son was heard calling loudly: laureate of England that the word Gorge Metray, 90 Bathurst St ,Toronto, "Laura; how much longer have I got "lawn" mem% in nearly everything he writee :—"For a longtime I tv.e suffering to wait for dinner? It ought to have writes. It is easy to imagine that be - from 'a gnawing pain ifi my biok. AdeOlt. been ready an hour ago." tween poems he pubes the 'funny lawn panyingit wee at timesitn Route lamenese ''"It was, George," responded Mrs. Fa- inower. germ the leies. I read about Dr. Pit. s .o: AI from the dining room, "That wile ()heed Baokashe Kidney Tablets and got a •‘‘.11.t I went in to tell you, but you didn't bottle. I do not believe that there on be ; -.;.s.,t to hear me talk, Wo have all fin- . they id me a world of good immediately, HOUSEHOLD HINTS. anything better.' I have had none of those le it, and everything is cold, but you Traces of thud may be removed from troubles eine°, and besides they banished .;• •$tIn't wait another minute if you want blaelt materiels by Hibbing evenly with a that blurting of the eyes, they elimeted emir dlimer,"—London Tit -Bite. slice of raw potato. • the nrio poison that permeeted my blood, and the wee that formed in the stOmaoh, NIOt WOILM MPDIOINE.A piece of heavynbleached muslin entitling iedigestion, were completely neut. • „ ; neatly hemmed should be placed over the ralieed, 1 atrengiv reoommend those tab. Mrs Wm. Graham, Shoppardton, Ont., 1 flour barrel under the lid to keep out in- t* lets to any person Buffering from their "I have given my boy Dr, flow'e Worm Beets and dust. kidneys. Whey are prompt in relieving, Syrup, and find 11 an exddllent worm med. Never sweep dust feoni one room to they (Anse no ineontrenieneo, and can 13e •ioine, It is nice to take, and &eft not another or from up staire to the lower carried about with you.'.' make the oltild siok," Pride 25 cents, - part ot the house. Alwaye WO it UP Any reader of thip ;paper can teit the Into a dustpan, where you have previous- sa..••111:or teethe of Dr. Piteher littekaehe Xidney Child ren Ory for THE ROYAL BOX. 1 The Prince Of Wales, says a London paper, simple and unostentatious as he always desires his Private visits to be, cannot be fittingly entertained for even two or three days without an to anditure of £3,000 or £4,000, The Princess Aribert of Anhalt, who ; has been visiting the British embassador In Washington, is described as pretty, with eweet and Sample manners, and English in her dress. She Is traveling with a lady in waiting, bat without any servants, The empress dowager of China is now about GO years old and for the last 40 years has exerted an all powerful Milli- ence in directing the affairs of China. She was the second wife of the emperor, and because she bore him a son and the first wife did not she Mort precedence. Among the many fads of Emperor Wil- liam Is his passion for collecting boots and shoes of famous people, his collec- tion of these particulararticles of attire constituting a fitting pendant to his huge museum of uniforms. The collection is kept in the marble palace at Potsdam. LI HUNG CHANG. Not inaptly- characterized the Atlas of the empire, China's Grand' Old Man conft:onts a talc today surpassing in v plexities all that Li Hung Chang hitherto been required to underta Chicago Chronicle. If Li Hung Chang is really a g statesman and deserving of the "di guished consideration" he received 01 tour a few years ago, now is the -tim him to "get in his wert• " Chien. great trouble. Li Hung Chang ins peen surerrione the empress dowager of China. • Per. Li will know .enough this time 'not tt mutters settled so that the old lady dispense with, his services and ea some yeunger fellow again.—Chica,,o Timbs-Ilerald. . In all the hurly• burly of the Chinese uproar It le worth noting that old Li Hung Chang has obtained the decoration of the "Square Dragon," and now he is not' proull of his peacock feather *any more, nor does he spend much time in contemplating his yellow jacket.- • COULDN'T LACE HIS BOOTS. Mr. P. L. Campbell, of Fortune Bridge, P. EI,, a great sufferer from paid is the back. Doan's Kidney Pills completely and permanently cured him. Mr. P. L. Campbell, the well-known gen- eral merchant of Fortune Bridge, P.K.I„ was troubled with severe pains in his back and hips for over two years. At length he became aware of the fact that backache was simply a symptoia, of kidney trouble and did not hesitate loaR in taking Doan's Kidney Fills, and was promptly. and permanently cured. , Here ts his statement : "I was in an awful state for two years with pains in my bacir a,nd hips. Some mornings these pains were so severe that I couldn't stoop to lace my boots. I started taking Doan's Kidney Pills and one box so completely cured me. that I have been perfectly well for over , a. year now and free.from the 'n " JEWELRY JOTTINGS. Pendants of every description Are pieces of prime importancalust now. The combination of turquoises with diamonds in tiaras is quite austiceable. • The turquoise continues its: reign as a popular gem. The stones of some of the newest sautoirs are quite flat cabochons while other stones form rondelles. • '"Very large amethysts are in favor, be- ing atilized as the eeptigil stone in oval brooches in which their. strong, coloring is modified by border ornamentation Of pearls or pearls and. diamonds. • A' man's ring which achieves a Very striking and rich color combination is hand carved gold .with a large opal in the 1.:outer, whose superb fire is ;accented by an olivine on either side. • It has been wittily said -of the martyrs that they werepeople who Were cannon- aded while they lived and were canon- ized when they were dead. The seine thing might be said of many a woman, 'who has been cannonaded by censures and criticisms while she. lived and can- , °nixed as a saint after death. ; Husbands don't meati to be small and selfish. But they can't understand the sufferings, which come with debilitating drains, irregularity, inflammation, or ul- ceration Of the sensitive female organs. Thousands of happy women pay trib- ute to the wonderful change in their lives effected by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It is not a cure- all. It has a specific purpose, in the. cur- ing of diseases peculiar to women. It cures these diseases perfectly. Sick women can consult Dr. Pierce free by letter. Ruch letter is treated ea a sacred confidence, privately read and promptly•answered. All answers are in plain envelopes. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. "My health is much better_ dace have been using Dr. Pierce's medicines," write& Mrs : Cora Broolcs, of Martin, Franklin Co., Ga, "After having'a iniscarriage in iS95, I suffered with a pain in my left tide and & lingering cough which grew worse and worse, I used Wine of 0— but it only gave Inc temporary relief. Last spring got past doing anything and my hus- band went to the drug store and called for 'wine of 0—, and the merchant recommended Dt. Pierce's Favorite Prescription as better, so he beught one bottle. I began to take it as directed in the pemphlet wrapped around the bottle. The book said if the disease was complicated with cough to take Dr. „ri Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and 'Favorite L. Prescription) alternately. Mr. Brooks got the 'Golden Medical Discovery' and I took it as directed. The cough left ate at once and I got better so rapidly my husband was astonished at Iny improvement. I took six bottles of the two medicines. I am now able to work end do the wash- hig .for two fampies.".• s Aimkr LY • - m solo All Kinds of Shoes • An good be any and better than many are to be seen by inepeeting our summer stook Men% Women's and Children's Boots and Rom Full Snot of Trunks, Valises, eft., Single and Double Harness. 0. Ited Cedar, White Cedar, and Pine Shinglee always on hand at J. TWITCHELL Vittoria 'Meek. • ly plaeed tome tea leaves. This prevents , Tableto free by enclosing two cents postage A the dust from meattering again and re. , for trial paekage to The Pitotior Tablet Oo,, sTo R IA 50 rhoitio turning to its ma haunts. Toronto, On egn er Z6 pe Children Cry for CASTO R IA em, was e sweep n tive ling 'he hy- de- tly to ewer. When he was told that they numbered many thousands- -ands therefore—it • was-- • necessary to specify for what seas or harbors he wanted thems-ire-showed great surprise and disappointment and an - flounced .that he was a "ladies'. 'tailor" from Sae Francisco s.eeking "dress charts." Pink 'Pearls. One of the most important industries , of the, Bahama islands is the gathering , of pink pearls. It is the•:only place in 'the world where these pearls are 'found. They are not taken from the oyster shell, but frem a shell resembling a large snail ' shell, .called •a '.`conch." These pearls, when perfect, bring very high prices, it is Said, ranging from 850 to $5,000. • •A. Feminine Better. "And' now, children," s.aid the teacher. who had been talking' about military for- 44fications,• "can any of you tell -Me what Is a buttress?" "Please, ma'am," cried little Willie, snapPiug his fingers, "it's a natinygoittl" -s-Philadelphia Press. • b. L. MACPHERSON INSURANCE. Fire, .Life, - Accident, Plate:Glass. Orrice. - MACKAY BLOCK. CLINTON JACOB TAYLOR " Clinton, - Ont. • General District Agent for the Confederation Life Insurance Co for Stratford and Goderi eh, Inclusive. All in ormation relating to insurance gladly given Money to loan at reasonable ratea. . .00fice in Palace Block" 'JOHN W. YE() HOLMESVILLE, Agent tor las turracrerart FIRS ASSIMANCE CO. of Manehester, Btfgland, whose funds and security ate rated at $14,500,000. Mao the Mo.- MUTuAL Ina:TRANCE CO. .All classes of farm risks • and town property taken& lowest rates. Piret-ciass Loan Companies also represented. Money to be had from Si per cent up, according to nature of security.— Daily mail to Holmesville — postal card fetch him AGENTS WANTED. • — — For "Story; of Son.th Africa," by John Clark Ridpath, L. L. D„ Edward S. Ellis, M. A., J. A. Cooper, Managing Editor or the 'Canadian • ktagazine." Toronto, and H. Aiken, of London,Ont., who has returned this week from ny.earaLtravelling in South Africa for us. We are the only Canadian Publishers who have had a branch in South Africa for nineteen year', giving ua animinense advant- age in procuring _photographs and Material. Our autherlittip, 16tterptess and eegravingg are omperior, and Canadian OntIngellta 3,bet- tor illustrated than in any rival work, sere are we of this, that we wil mail free for comparison our prospectus to anyone nOsseee.. ing a rival prospectue. Cirottlare and terms free. Applt World Publishing Company, Guslisb.1 Ontario 4-41+44-64-4•44++.+4444-.-31.+4.4.4. Central Meat Market Having purchased the butchering business of F. H. Powell I am pre- ps -teeth -furnish the people of Clin- ton with all kinds of Fresh and Cured Meats. Sausage, bologna, lard, butter and eggs always kept on hand. R. Fitzsimons 46 Son. Tlephone 76. i Orders delivered promptly to all parte of the town. r N. B.—Persons having hogs for shipment will Order a; favor by leaving word at the shop. +44+44-444-0444404-044-04,-v-04444 The Imperial MEAT MARKET. laThe anderstened wieb to inform the ;eople of Clinton eta vicinity they have opened insio the store formerly ()coupled by Fair dg Co. I MacKay Block, Ontario SI, whore they Will k sop in stook all kinds of Fresh, Cooked, Cured and Canned Meats, eueh as are usually carrledifi a firtit blase meat store, together with Poultry, Canned Tongue, Beef, Pigs' Fee tsalince Meat, and all &Aldo of a liksuartwo, whiolt Will be delivered to any part of the town, Orden, Adlieitett 3 MS. geed Sailitage tails eilittNe JOIIN SCIECTON, Manager T. E. V. CASE & CO. CLINTON' _ ORION OF TRADE MARKS Trade marks were used as far back a's the I 6th Century. They originated from the signs that, in the early ages, were hung over the. shops telht. g of the wares inside. 'Po -day the trade mark is branded on the goods them- selves, enabling the purchaser to identify the good from the , bad and indifferent. On a Slater Shoe the name and price appear on the sole in a ' slate frame, $3.5o and $5,00. Zvet7 pair . Goodyear welted. . , . 46,...cioord.v..se-00,0-afrxv.s4reee-airwe-simv..seNv.airav-airr.v..wavaiwe.... Jackson Bros„ Sole Agents for Clinton. 121431.a.c.6s.naulaskit=i1EIMECEIZEMEZEIII=413141=1:= For pure blood, A bright eye and A clear complexion, A keen appetitp, An easy digestion And refreshing sleep. Bristol's Sarsaparilla it arouses the Liver, iluickens the circulation, Brightens the spirits and Generally, makes life worth living. Sixty seven- years trial have proved It to be beyond question, the most reliable BLOOD purifier known. All the leading BFuggIsts sell 'BRISTOL'S SARSAPARILLA, Buggies Wagons First-class from $05 to $80. 840. FRED RUMBALL, - Clinton August Sale of Furniture Means a reduction in prioeg of from 10 to 25 per cent. Parlor suits worth $25.00 • August sale $21.50, Oak extension tables worth $8.60 August sale $649, set of dining room chairs worth $12.60 August sale $10, oak sideboard e worth $18 Augut sale $14 60, oommon beds, mattress, couches, easy chairs mirrors, picture frames, effals, baby car- riages, eto. Everything must go. Prices win do it. Come and share in the bargains. .1. JR. Blyth .1# What is Needed? TIM:MOM "YO D SIZINI Tanglefoot to catch the pest of flies; we bought a large, stook and are selling cheap. Silver King, a new and excellent polish for gold, silver, brass, tin or any other metal, and also for glass. Try it. Berlin Wool—a fresh kook just received.' Ties of the latest style also in stock. We have many other noveltiee, besides a large eupply of Fall and Winter Goods. jinn new in. It will be to your interest to inspect our stook. Tenni Cash or Oroduce, for which we pay the highest merket price. Emporium, Londesboro Aug. 9th, 1900 R ADAMS Clintonjilash, Door, and Blind Factory. , S. so :COOPER a • - PROPRIETOR, LGeneral Builder and Contractor. This factory is the largest in the county, anithas the very latest improved ma- chinery, capable of doing work on the shortest notice. We carry an extensive and reliable stock and prepared plane, and give estimates for and build all cilass• - es of.buildinge on ehort'uotice andon-theulosest svork -iff- stipervis— — ad in a meohanical way and satisfaction guaranteed. We sell Lail kinds of in- terior and exterior material Lumber Lath, Shingles, Lime Sash, Doors, Blinds, Etc ,Agent for the Celebrated GRAYBILL SCHOOL DESK, manufaolaired at Waterloo. Call and get prieee and estimates before plaoing your orderal Hardware Headquarters for all kinds a Eteraware,Tinware, Nails, Looke,flingees Glass, White Lead sod Oils, theCelebrated Sherwin Williams ',ready mixed paints, Daisy Churn, Soreen Doors and Windows, Blue Flame Wickless Oil Stoves, all kin& of Wire Fencing, Agents for the Ameri- can Field Fence the hest fence in the world, It is Bone proof, Still prooktiog proof, Pig and Dog tight, extreme heat and cold does not, draw it out of shape, it stays where it's put. Call and See it A few Royal Aine.ricarx Clothes Wringers, at $2.85. while they last, a first-class wringer. A few odd shades ready mixed paints at a big discount. Lawn Mowers at reducod prices to clear out. 1 Only Fire Proof Safe for $27.00. 111stir1andEros gi"e"itiVre onardtarey Esparto in not Air and Hot Water Witting and Plumbin*g. CLINTON,