HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-04-30, Page 1VOL. XXL BLYTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1908. A Prized Cough Cure "I have not been without a bottle of Coltsfoote Expectorant in the house for over eine years. At that time 1 proem - ed it for a bad cold I had, It worked such wonders then that it has been a household remedy ever since, and we will have no other for coughs and colds --ft is so pleasant to tape, and all of my children look for it as 8000 as they get a cold at all. Nearly all of then) have been subject to croup, and that's when I find Coltsfoote Expectorant use- ful, You are welcome to use this testi- monial as you wish." MRS. LEWIS 111011. Free Sample of Coltsfoote Expectorant will he sent to any person sending their name and address and muting this paper, It has established a wonderful record as a successful cure for coughs, colds, sore throat, croup, whooping cough, bronchitis and all irritated con- ditions of the throat and chest, It is the prescription of a great specialist in medicine. At all good druggists, 21c. Dr, T. A. Slocum, Limited, Toronto. Send for Free Sample To -day, White Dttg Drug Store Spring Talk The season of the year is here when everyone turns their attention to clean- ing up the wrecks of winter and getting in shape for the busy time. We are right on the job with a fresh stock of— Formaldedyde OG% (Mork's) Zenolemun Copperas Chloride of Lime Moth Balls Carbolic Aold Sootob Snuff Don't forget that we aro sole agents for Blatohfo'd's Calf Meal and .Empire Poul- try Duster. Seaforth. The local lodge of Oddfella a's attend- ed service in the Methodist church on Su nil ay evening, W Coughlin, inspector of weights and nleastu'es, made his official visit to town last week; W. Sotne'ville, agent of the Cana- dian Express Co., has put 11110 service a fide new covered delivery wagon, 11 r. Aunt, gardener at the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, gave'a very premien! address on "Spring Gardening" for the benefit of the mein - hers of the Horticultural Society on lfonday. Owing to the lateness of the season and the necessity of submitting a by- law to the ratepayers the council de- cided to leave the 'tintter of the pur- chase of the recreation grounds over for future consideration, The annual vestry meeting of St. Thorne'schurch was hold 1n the school room on Tuesday evening last 'end was very largely attended The financial report showed the choral to be in a very satisfactory standing. considering the late ffaancial crisis, G. E. Parkes will elected rector's,warden ; P. Holm - stead, people's warden ; J, M. Best, vestry clerk : A llliddlemost, mnsicel director ; i,liss Kathleen Roberts, or- ganist ; Mr, Deem, sexton ; Messrs, Bullard, Edge, Parke, Town, Hodgins, Tiernan, A. Case 81111 J, R. Archibald, sidemen ; P. Hohnsted and G. 11, Parkes, lay delegates to the Synod. Hearty votes of thanks were extended told) organizations of the church. it Creeps Like a Serpent. Steals through the system like a thief in the night. That's how ca- tarrh acts. Don't experiment with a doubtful treatuelt Time and experi- ence prove that Cnterrhozone dons cure, that it gives quick relief and so thoroughly destroys the disease, that it dies forever, Get Catarrhozone in'tho first place, and your cure is assured. In 25e and $1 sizes at all -dealers and guaranteed in every case, 10 w GET OUR PRICES, c et a. Dr. W. J. MILNE SUPERIORITY thoroughness, progressiveness, utility, enthuslasm, exnertneed are our watchwords. Gemmel.. clal, Stenography, Telegraphy, Maid courses lu any subject. No vacation, Wfngham nosiness College Goo. Spotton, Prin, • perp It In The House Coughs and colds develop like wild -fire. At night there nay be a s,heerr—a slight tickling in the throat, Next morning—a bad cold. At the first slgna,taka Dole's Preparation of Friar's Cough Balsam It breaks op colds—stops the emit hems the throat and lungs, never falls to cure chronic brouN"tle. Largest and best ii cent cough reutedv in the world. Used in Canada or over roc yearn. Prepared recomnteuded and guaranteed oy as NATIONAL 0800 A DNEMI0AI CO., LINIITAb LONDON, Pat. Coat Shirt Open all the way down the front. Slips on and off like a coat. The bosom fits better and doesn't get rumpled. y Made in styles for business or dress wear. Doesn't cost any more than the old uncomfortable kind, 201 Fast colors in the newest patterns or plain white. Makers, Berlin, Canada The Foremost Providing Place for Men's and Boys' Wearing Apparel • The easiest way—the best way tq pro. vide your wants in the line of wearing apparel is to apply to Gldley'e. It's a store full of suggestions—e store whose structure In value, whose facilities for assembling for you are the best the world provides In Men's Clothing Boys' Clothing Men's Furnishing Boys' Furnishing Men's Hats Sole Agents for W. G. & R. Shirts and Collars, S. A. GIDLEY POPULAR CLOTHING HOUSE 13L s'Tfl When Children Are Sick They eat something that disagrees, oatch cold, have cramps or colic. If there is pain just apply Nervihne—it's good to rub on, and for the inside ito 20001 comforting. Effective 11011 pleas ant. you can't fink a hougeholil panacea to equal Poison's Nerviline, Used with satisfaction for hall a century and in batt, r demand every day be - 00008 it dons stop pain, ens. suffering and 0010 the thousand and one ills that constantly arise in the tinnily. Large bottles at all dealers for 250. Brussels. —Subscribe for 'lino STANDARD. J. II, Cameron took in the conven- tion of educationists at Toronto, The Post appeared last week in a now dress of type, also to line of job typo used in the advertisements, Sanitary Inspector Oliver is ready to make his annual round relative to a general cleaning up of the town. Hugh Crud), who acquired the ton- sorial art in the W. l:, Duncan shop, left last week for Penetalguishene where he has taken a position. In the large picture of the Freshmen Class of the Dental School, Toronto, ave were able to piclt out the likeness of George Ross, who is attending school there. Tuesday evening James Johnston's horse got frightened and ran away tali - Mg its course ap the east, side of '1'urn- berry street, The buggy was some- what damaged and the driver thrown out. J, R. Grant, of Winnipeg, has gone to Loudon, England, where Mrs. Grant and Miss Jessie have spent the winter. They will make a tour of France, Italy, Switzerland end other sw.tions of the Continent and will no doubt have a very enjoyable time. A. B. Macdonald, barrister, is leav- ing Brussels for Cranbrook, 13.0., and has disposed of his law practice in that town to A. H. Monteith, of Stratford, who will enter into possession on May 1st, Mr, Macdonald has spent the past four years here and Inas not only en. Io,yed a lucrative practice but has made hosts of friends who will regret to hear of his decision to remove from Brussels. Mr. 11 acdonald's brother, Malcolm, has been at Cranbrook for some time, and we understand the two brothers will enter into partnership in the practice of law. lI cKiliop. PATAr. ACa1Ur)NT,—One of those' shocking fatalities which every tow and then startle and horrify a whole community occurred on Friday even- ing of last week, Win. J. Dennis, youngest son of Thomas Dennis, of the 11th con, of McKillop, when returning stone with a load of tile, stopped in front of Peter Ga'diner's farm to give Wul, L'org11118rsol it ride. Starting on again the 'tile, which unknown to him, had been gradually working forward, suddenly slid off, precipitating him be- tween the wagon and the horses, The team , taking fright swerved to the fence, then back to the road again, whero they were stopped by Farquhar- son, who hearing nothing of his com- panion returned to the scene of the 0c• cident where, to his horror, he dis- covered only the lifeless remains of his friend. The subject of this sketch was in his 139th year and a lifelong resident of the township, Po' the past number of years lie was in the en ploy of his boothets, John and Henry, Be was a quiet mnassnaiihg anon possessed of qualities which won for hitn the re- spect of all with whom he came in con- tact, The funeral, which left his late place of residence 011 T11es1109 alley - noun, 0005 one of the largest ever seen in this vicinity, thus attesting to the melt favor he attained. Interment was made at the Mussels cemetery. Rev. Mr. Curry, of Walton, conducted the service at the home and cemetery. To his aged father, brothers and sisters the sympathy of the entire community goes out in this their time of great bereavement, Cause For Alarm Epidemic influenza, Grippe, Catarrhal Troubles, Pneumonia Increasing A marked increase in troubles of the breathing organs is noted in many localities. If you will only have Hyomei at land to use with the first attach of Cold in the head, Pneumonia, Colds, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Croup, in fact any respiratory affection, the trouble will be quickly overawe. If the attack is neglected and be- comes severe, speedy relief will come in most crises and 8 persistent use of Hyomei will cure, The directions for using it vary, but the principal is always the sante, that of destroying all the germs in the air you breathe and having it teach the air passages with dry medication from the Pine and Eucalyptus forests. ltemenber that liquids or moisture is barred from the Bronchial Tubes 111111 Lungs. It's the dry air of Hyomei that reaches the spot, J, M, Hamilton guarantees it. Complete outfit, $1. SP INC DRESS GOODS Bigger, better, brighter 'than ever is our spring stock of beautiful and stylish Dress Fabrics. Every week incoming shipments have been added to the display till now there is a wealth of new weaves clamoring for your inspection. New Spring Gloves Good Hosiery New Skirts and Spring Coats — New Ribbons and Corsets Stylish Shoes Elegant Blouses in Silk, Organdie and Muslin White Lingerie and Moreen Undershirts New Muslins Wash Goods and Delaines Also many special lines that are bargains in every department. Come and see us. 0. M. CHAMBERS & CO. .Cash I'arm Produce BLYTH It Imparts Strength. Just think of the enormous strength- ening power 1''erroyone possesses—con- sider what it did for H. V, Potter, well known in Kingston. "1 was subject to spells of dizziness, For eight months I had intense pain in Iny right side between the shoulders. I was al- most incurable with weakness and lack of vigor, Often I scarcely ate any hreakfnst and felt miserable 011 day. Nervous, easily excited, troubled with heart weakness,I waain bad shape. Perrozono restored and nourished me back to health in short order." What- ever your weakness 01(11' be Perrozone will cure. Price 50e per box at all dealers, Exeter. Simon Stahl, editor of the Ilailey- Mirhtn, at Haileyhury, New Ontario, spent the holiday's in this vicinity, T. B. and Mrs, Carling attended the Golden Wedding in 'Toronto last week of Robert and Mrs. Fountain, uncle and mint of Mrs. Carling. Mr, and Mrs, Fountain extended the courtesy of a railway piss to all the relatives and some lived as far away as 0811(or- 'The young man, 'Wesley Geiser, who Was remanded to 003011th for trial on a charge of breaking into store at Dash- wood and Shipkn, was brought before the judge at Goderich. He w'05let go en suspended sentence, his another and himself going security for his good be- i havior for two years, The' trustees of the School Board have purchased a flag -pole to be erected on the school grounds, It was made from it tree grown in McGillivray that measured one-buudred feet 111 height, After being cut and dressed its length in now eighty-five feet, and it is as straight ns the proverbial string. The beauties and grandeur of that excellent flag the gift of our namesake city, Exeter, England, will now, on proper occasions, receive that display and prominence that so rich a gift merits. At the annual meeting of the Exeter Canning and Preserving Company in the 'Town Hall a large number of share- holders were present, and the directors for this year were elected. All but eleven declined to ran, among then several of the old directors, When the ballots were Conr11011itwas found that the now board consisted of S. Martin, J. A. Stewart, P. 13' Gladman, C. H, Sacrists, W. J. Beaman, A. Q. Bolder, C. La Icer, Jos, Snell, C. B. Snell. Later at a meeting of the directors who s'e'a present I he officers were elected as fol. In1vs :—fres., 8. Martin ; vic-e•Pres., J, A. Ste 1pert ; Secretary -treasurer, F. W. Gladmmti, Walton. The site of the IIe11' 00150111 sidewalks hive been laid 0111 011 the Morris side of our village and work will he conn ndraced 0019 noun. Airs. (0I. Waters tool Master Jim are al present visitors at Mr, Hurry's, The many friends of firs, Waters will he sorry 10 hear that she las not en- joyed the hest of health lately but hope she will soon Ice fully restored. '11101111111 serviro has been as, nblished on the 0.&G, Railway, commencing on the 20111 io@t. Walton receives two mvile daily en' it, lite 11,90 0, 111. and 5,!1. 9, in, miles. Neil McNeil, sr„ has the contract of carrying mails from the pastoffico to the station and return. The young people of Walton and vicinity assembled in the A, 0, U, 117, Hall r'ocently to bid farewell to A. E. Calvert, who has been manage' of the Sovereign Bank Isere for the past eigh- teen months, The most important item on the program 0088 the presentation to the guest of the evening of an address and gold headed can esuitabll' engraved. Mr, Calvert was eonlpletly taken by surprise but expressed his thanks in Ia neat 'speech, The following is the address :—A, E, CAL,98i1'r—Dear friend —Knowing that you are about to take your departure from among us we em- brace this opportunity of expressing to you our high esteem of your 1118119 good qualities. During your sojourn here you have so conducted yourself as to will a host of admiring friends and 218 a slight token of your sincere regard we desire to present you with this Cane, Please accept this small gift atom' hands knowing that the donors, who have been so interested in you Isere, will still cherish the 00200 kindly feel- ings toward you and we feel sure the 00111e qualities w1h1011 endeared you t0 us will assure you many true friend- ships where your lot may he cast. We all join in wishing you succuss and happiness in till your undertakings. Signed on behalf of the Walton boys. T. 13, 111clCay. 60'cents gets THE S'rANDAAo to the first ot'Josuary 1909 to 0(301' sub. scribers in Canada. •♦•♦ •••♦•••♦••• ••• ••♦♦••• •• : Tell it to the ,• • • •STANDARD ••• •••••••••••••••• ♦•••••♦♦• While the Public is invited to make use of this column for the expression of personal views an publlo tnatte88 and public men, personalities are debarred and in all eases the suitability of the ooin- menleotion for publication is a matter to he decided by the Editor. Without differences of opinion there would, of course, be no correspondence, ,and for tate opinion of our correspondents and their differences with our own '11111 STANDA It 11 must d leclaim responsibility. ••••♦•••• ••••••••••• ••••: • • SPRING TERM • from April Oth merges Into our • • summer term from July 0th. En- • 4, ter now and be ready for a good• • situation In the early autumn. t► New catalogue free, write for it, • Central Business College : • Yonge and Gerrard Sts., Toronto. • 4 W. II. Shaw, Principal. • • • ir•••••••••••••••••••♦••• r 1 'eistVi' rt. CONVENIENCE—No formality in open- ing accounts, or in depositing or withdrawing money. PRIVACY—Information as to savings accounts is confined to trusted clerks, pledged to secrecy. T. W. SCOTT — AGENT '�"``' BLYTH '-��