HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-08-17, Page 5•
•TJET:1"..1 TWO
Just Now
The outing season is at
hand Is your wardrobe
equipped for the trip. If not
why not look over our stock
of outing suits, neglige shirts,
hats and caps and other nec-
essary accessories. • .Its a plea-
sure to show them You do
not have to buy, call and see.
• Boys', Youths' and Men's
Ready Made Clolhing
So many people have been enquiring at
our store for ready made clothing that we
thought it would be advisable to put. in a
etoek. We have just received a complete
line of men's, youth's and boys' clothing
that will tit the boys' from five years old
to a hundred. They were made by Laily,
Watson. and Bond, the noted ready made
makers of Canada. They use the beet
goods and best trimmings to be had at the
prioe and are noted for the out and style of
their garments. You'll be suited if you
buy here. Ordered clothing a specialty, I
Western Pair, London
. September 6th to I5th, .000: -
Entries Close Sebtember 5th.
' The mostloomplete exhibits from Farm, Forest and Factory. New and startling
epeeist features, Charlet races by iroported Grey Hounds, Balloon Asoensione, Double
Praieohute Drop by man and lady, celebritted Gymnasts; Aerial Artists and Acrobat's.
The armored train fr attnok on the Boer strongholds, and many beautiful set clevioee
Sneolattraine overall lines eaoh evening after the fireworks. Send for Prize Lists and
President, "Secretary.
This WeeK
Another large consignment of
Yale Bicycks. We will con-
tinue to sell them. at
27. ,
They are without doubt the -
best value ever offered in
It will pay you to. buy I
Corrected every Thursday afternoon.
Wedneeday, Aug. 17, 1900.
Pall Wheat - 0 65 a 0 65 •
Crate . 0 26 .27 -
• Rye 040 a 5
Bar ley 38 a 040
Peas 0 57 a 0 60
Flour per owt , .175 a 200
Butter, loose 14.-15,plit'd 0 15 a 0' 17
Eggeper doe 0 10 a '0 11
Hay, 800 a 800
Sheepskine 0 00 a 0 80
No. 1 Green trim. bides 0 00 a 0 07
Potatoes, 0 50 a 0 50
Chickens, per pair 0 30 a 0 40
Ducks,per pair...... 0 25 a 040
Geese, Or lb 0 05 a 0 06
Turkeys, pur 0 08 a 0 09
Pork, live • 5 15 • a 5 15
Pork, dressed 6 25 a 25
Dried apples per lb0 05 a 0 05 •
Bran, per ton 12 00 a 12 00
Shorts, per ton ..... ..,16 0 a 16 CO
Montreal Cattle Market.
._...._ •
•• Montreal, Aug, 13.—Tbere were about
• 450 head of butchers' cattle, 80 calves and
500 sheep and lambs offered for sale at .the
East End Abattoir to -day. The butchers
• were present in large numbers, brit trade
in cattle was slow, with a little better
i prices than prevailed on Thursday.- Mr
' G. Martel bought the heatlot of • cattle on
the market, paying teem 40 to 40 per
, Pretty good animals sold at from 30 to
I nearly 40, and the cominon etook from
20 to 30 per lb, -Calves sold at from $8"
1 to $12 eaeh. Shippers. paid 3ia per lb for
good large sheep and the bile:doers paid
'from 8o to no per lb •for the others.
Lambe sold at from $2,25 0_45 each.. Mr
Girard bought 32 lambs at Vrorn • $3.40 to
$4 each;,he also paid $12 for an extra calf.
Pat -hogs were rather scarce to.day and
sold at from 5e to 50 per lb, weighed off
the oars.
Now, e'ven for next year'sjise.
MUSIC HOUSE, Goderich:
it the ingredients come from us.—
Nothing but the best can come out
of oar store because nothing but
be beet is allowed to come in.--
ThieLls the seasonwhen good things
to eilt are particularly in demand,
and we have made ample prepara-
tions. All the
Holiday Staples
and Delicacies .
are here, carefully seleoted, wisely
bought, and rightly pried. We
can give you royal service and SaVe
you monpy. •
When buying
call and see what we have to offer,
as we expect to be able to handle
FRUITS to your satisfaction, and
ours also. We buy direot from the
growers, cionsequently no two profits
. have to latt figured on,
Seed' Wheat.
is a Kansas wheat of excel):
• tienalry good 4nilling qi‘alities
and we have imported a car
direct from that state.
I To those who wish to try
some of it for seed we are sell-
ing it for $1.00 per bushel
Which is actual cost free• of
J &N. FAIR, ,
' Clinton Mills.
F. Melville I
9 I
whaau� Win 110441411118.
Mre teylor is on a visit to Toronto
W.A.NTELP Mies Blake isineiting frieade in Morrie. e
,r41111rtirirfF 71f.77:7"41-PrgrWilg!t"villr'
eoming and Going.
August 17, : flOO
fk% lie 4411bW14.1iN 10), SeeV101/110111111,
clitinnon & Co
4 • 11re Moffatt is visiting her son at Varna.
.A, girl wanted for general work and to as-
sist in the kitchen Apply at lite MASON
HOUSE, Clinton. , 1
Notice is hereby given that the license of
the Hotel Clarendon, Clinton, held by .1, 0.
Miller, will be tranaferred about the 24th inlit
to Janies McGuire, Belleville,
A comfortable IlOnse, suitable for a mall
family, with one-fifth of an sore of land, plant-
ed with fruit trees, good well, &to. 1.i !fared
for sale at a low prioe. For toms, &e. apPlY
Aug. 17, 1900
Lost near Manchester, about the 20th July,
emooth-halrecl dark Collie Dog, with short
tail, answeis toname of Toby: Finder will be
suitably rewarded on returning it, or sending
word where it may be found.
*1 A. OSBALDESTON, Uoirnesville.
Lost, somewhere between Holmesville and
Blyth, via Clinton. a Ladies' Geld Bracelet,
with three initialled hearts' attaehe.1, The
finder will greatly oblige by returning same
to'CLINTON NEW ELIA, office, 1
Remember you get a nice
eggrArZiow • GROCER liar& photo with every dozen
I of, min, four dollar cabinet
Kw+ _ANY~A^:"00004`A".`"'" !photographs. Thiildeer is for
a Short time only. We do all
'kinds of life size work as
Cheaply as you can procure
first dui; work any .pliee.
All'work guaranteed:and up
to date.
Call and see our photo
ice Cream,
And Fruits
You will find uir headquarters
for rine A.pplert, COooanuts,
Strawberries, Bananse,Oranges
and Lemons es we Will endeavor
to keep on hand a etook of fresh
and eeasonable fruits.
Our Soda Water
Is again s rip and running in
fine order to supply the wants
of thirsty customers for another
Ice Cream and 'all kind e of cool
drinks. Fire °lase Bread
cakes and pastry alwayg
on hand.
Any kind of fancy cakes not
in Moak made when ordered.
J:as. McClaelierty,
Novelty Bakery
And Restittsranis
Telephone No. 1. •
Fall Term Opens SEPT. 4th
No lose than eight large business colleges
be,ve applied us:within tlie past six iseseks
for our graduate to take littsitions as teachers
in their sohoola, As many •fte five business
Arnie have applied to ua in ono day for °Moe
help. Tbig is aural, the best sehool for You
It pay* to mawe for profitable, progressive
4ted permanent employment. Catalogue free.
j. Ematt. Principal.
Button's and Broathes.
G. -Burgess'
Rest ir.•
The best equipped business
and shorthand school in Cana-
da is the Forest City Business.
and Shorthand College,London
Large enrolment and strong
Hundreds of students in. good
Years of excellent work at
its eredit.
. Catalogue of either course
free. Correspondence asked.
\\ Prineiped
Bicycle and General Repair
Subscriber having bought out the repair
shop oi Mr Wm. Dlwns, Perrin block, is Pre -
Pared to undertake all kinds of mechanical
iepairing. Being a practical workman be
will give personal attention to all work an
trusted to him. Scissors, table knives, etc.
sharpened and repaired, lavin mowers, over-
hauled, cutting box knives sharpened, saws
gemmed. Special attention given to bicycle
repairs; bleycles hired by the hour or dor.
Orders respectfully solicited, work pr °raptly
attended to and prices moderate.
The blaoksmith shop, Orange street. is also
still carried on by subscriber, where a good
practical man will promptly attend to .all
work in this line.
• . • . • •
• •
i•The thiteWeliBusineiri College
and Bliorthanil Institute has the
reputation—of graduating a higher
peroentage of pupils, in ehorter tiMes
and at• considerably lege expense,
than any other College outside • of
Toronto, • -
Illustrated Catalogue sent upon
application, -
The terin.openth Sept. 4th.
C. L. liThRTT,
1EXClirSkInS 18th
Fare- $28, gond for 90 days.
For tickets and inforanatioh apply to
For utility of training, for high
standard Oita courses, the
Canada Business! College' -
ehatham, Ont., -
i• unexcelled. The ninny applications recent.;
ly received from the largest Amerioan and
Canadian firms and Business Colleges, for our
graduates, is the strongest evidence of the
thorough oharaoter of Our work. • Public
School Teachers, who have taken our courses,
are in groat demand among the representative
colleges on the continent, and at initial sala-
ries, in many cases, of two or three times
what they formerly received. A. Business.
College trained Canadian is the American
business man's ideal of office help. We fur-
nish the kind of preparation that is building
our reputation. •
280 pupils placed in ten .monthaending lune
rrod. boardfor gents at $2,50 per week, and
for ladies $2 We 'pay raiiway fare to the ex-
tent of $83 ta students from oistance. College
re -ovens Sept. 4. For the !bleat college Cata-
logue issued in Canada, address
D. McLachlan & Co,,
eh athani, Sat.
WANTED—Eggs-13G Blittifk Ifie." The sale
still roes on for three weeks, with the cheap
R. It. rates Ask those Who have been here
how they like their parcels
tf G. 8 KING. Winahara,
HOUSE 11.0
Good comfortable brick house on Mary street
recently occupied by Dr. Bruce. Every,,,,accoin.
modation for ordinary family, Apply to 11.
COATS it SON, Clinton. July 27-tf
'Wanted, male or female, having, second
class certifleate,for S.% No. 5, Hullett. Dixties
to coniMenoe 1st of Jan.,., 10m, Applications
received up to Saturday, Sept. 15. Applicants
to state salary okpeoted and. to enclose testi-
monials. S. MoCOOL, Londesboro,
Aug 8—M Beeretatv.
MISe W. rateley has returned borne from
F.G. Burgess was in Seaforth Mondey
St Th Miei Harding, of St. Thom to, was the •
'13 1.;17 91:1E1
gu .31 of Miss Luoy Grant the past week,
Wise bluetit, of Wiens, is the gnest of
Mrs John Derr), Messrs Babb and Johnston, of Stratford,
John Diem North BM, eldest son of S. were Whoa on A? Couch last week.
Devis, is home on a visit. ' Mies Laidlaw was the guest of Miss Mo. '
Miss Baer, Woodetook, was the guest of Murray on Satutday,
Frank Baer last week.
Mies Ide Oottle is visiting Mende in Mies Dottie Wright, of Seaforth, lute
. I Woodstook,
been visiting friends here.
I Mrs Herbert has been visiting berdaugh- W, Wheatley was home from Woodstock
I ter,Mrs Witte, recently. for Sunday.
R. J. MoGili, of Chicago, is the guest of•
Herb Harland was in London on civic
1 P. W. Watts this week. h °Li d. easy sl
- MissHD
. . odd paid a visit to friends in .... ...aggic larlt is visiting friends in
Tuokerannith on oivio holiday,
Miss Lottie Campbell, Of uelpb, was Goderloh,
the guest of Miss Mabel arlend. • O
G ,
, Mies Edna a sokeen le visiting relatives
Mrs Robt. Callender, of Strathroy, le in Kincardine.
visiting her father, Fred Reinter,. ' Mr and Mrs W. Jones spent Sunday with
Mrs Smith and daughter are here • from friends in Carlow.
Chicago visiting at Mrs King's.
Fred Swinbank is h,ere from Chi"ga 1
Miss Ada Jones stir ntiseveral days! last
visiting at hie home on the London Road. '
week vieiline in Seaforth.forth,
Miss Chellie Barge, who has been visit- Mies Sadie ?nerd, Toronto; is the guest
ing in Chicago for some time, has returned of Mrs A. 0. Pattieen.
home. •
Mrs We 8, Harland and daughter Mabel I Miss L, Brunner, of Seaforth, spent eivio
spent last Tuesday ' viholiday in tewn.siting friends in
Goderioh. 1
Miss M. Tweedy, of Goderich, (spent
civic holiday in town
ontoA; Owoboop ewra, eGodvisitingerloh at hnedr ea; 0 pit at! iseu, nTdoary.
Miss Bertha McRae rt turnedlionth from
bore with S. El, Cooper. • , Detroit Thursday last week.
Miss May Stoddart, of Seaforth, was the
J. P. Thrall was away for a week enjoy.
guest of Misses Lizsie and Alice Twitohell
over Sundaying the lake breezes at Bayfield. •
, •
Miss Kennedy, Mrs Fisher and Master Mrs A. See'ey and familyspent oivio
A. F. Cudravre speut a few days last week holiday with relatives in Tuckeremith,
visiting in Godmich. . Mr and Mrs A,•E: Turner were callers on
A. Forrester has returned from camping Tuckeremitla friends on civic holiday. .
at Bayfield. He was with the boys there , , ,
Mies Annie Walker was spending a few
for nearly a menthe-%
Rich. Warner. of Toledo, was a visitor days in Egmondville last week. • •
at his home this week. • It lel eix years since Mrs A. E. Davis and family • is visiting
be has been here. her father, R. Reynolde, Albert street.
Miss Lillian -Webster, of
been visiting her cousi, ra GoderiohBezz, has, .
Mies.Middleton ler yes to -morrow (Saturn
nPaC. . o, day) to attend the Ottawa Normal School.'
for the past week. ' ..
Mrs S. Beatty, Durham, war the guest I The Ma3or and Mrs Jackson left tor
of Mrs (Dr.) 131ackall last wzeh and was , Windsor on Tuesday for a few days,
also visiting in London at her mother's. . J, W, Brown went to Chicago on Tues.
Mike Ethwell Wright who has been the day returning the lollowing Monday.
Mies Clara Dayrnent is Meting friends
around Morris and Dungannon.. •
Mies Wroxene Powell .for the past 'week
has .retur nedsto her hordo in • Seaforth..
• Mrs W. Frster and family, Atli -art Street,
who hal% been so journing on the St, Law-
rence for a couple. of months, return- to
their own home here next week.* •
• Mrs W. Foster and family, Albert St.
whohave been sojourning on the St.
Lawrence, for a couple of months, return
to their own home here next week.
• Mitts Mabelle Bell retnened home on
Wednesday from Owen Sound and other
pOiets where she bus. been viditing friend's
for ttie.pest fiVe weeks, . .
Rev'. Mr and Mrs Shaw -and family, and
• Miss Emily Jordan, :of Benmitler, • were
. ,guests of Mr and Mrs 0, M. Bezzo. last thiri 1 • • '
• Miss -Nellie Herman will visit in Btrii- •
Tueeday. •, . . •
Dr. Duncan, of Chatham, visited ind
• . •
ford for a Short She. returned. with sister, Mrs Campbell, Ontario • street, last
Mrs- Uleberry and two children who were week, .
viliting here. • • Mrs Onnninghime is spending -a few
3. RattenburV, W. R. Treleaven and A.
McGarva. were cpectators of the St: Marys-
• Seaforth 'tureen game in' Seaforth on
'Friday. • . •
Mrs B, Potts with children and Mrs.
Gee. Potts left,this week for an extended
trip of three or forir, weeks with relatiyes
in Cleveland. •
• P.-11. Senn has gone to Meaford to work
in the lightning rod. businese; • When here
• the firm• of Senn ce Kennedy were very
• successful in this line otherness.
Ike Itattenbury arrived 'home on Tues-
day. He has been following up the races
• at Detroit, Cleveland,Fort Erie and other
.notable meets. ' • •
• A, H. Lofft, of Eft: Marys, formerly a
°Unto*, wes called to Dakota a few days
ago owing to the serioup illriess Of a sister,
Mrs D. McLaughlin; at Aberdeen, .
Miss Williams; of London, is. the • gueat
of Mrs (Rev.) Parke, at the parsonage. On • ball Ina tch in the former town on Monday.
Tueaday.Rey., and—Mrs Parke— and their. --
grleet spent the a4y. at Bay 5915 and Cede ear W-.:" Premoh,e Minter Of' "
erioh, • Naeanee•Collegiate Institute, and wife are •
fdies_Hattie riekett, who for six weeks visiting thelatter's mother, Mrs W.Taylor,
and Chatham, returned' home on ' Friday, Mies Goodwin hasclosedher music oleo
has been visiting friends at Pontiac, Mich,*
accompanied by her aunt, Miss Alio Pick.' Blime
in Blyth for a month: She expects to re- ,
.ettm, rofendOliamthrmu, tem:thing about the first of September.
Winters, of Preston:were Editor Bradwin, of the Blyth Standard,
the' guests of Mr A. Obal!enger, last week,
to wham they Ole related. They were on
a wheeling tour,' Mr Henry, of Westfield,
was arse a visitor.
Miss Liza, Patterson, a nurse of Water
Gap boripital, Penn., was a guest of her
cousin, Mille G. Tedford on Monday while
on her Way home Luoknow where she
• will holiday for several month&
DIrefOliver Johngton returned home on
Saturday. • She has been in WInnipeg
visitIng relatives. She did not enjoy the
trip very well owing to tbe fe,ot that she
was sick most of the time and ,eir as glad to
get back to Ontario,
• Mrs R. Hermes went to St. Catharines
on laet Thursday to spene awhile there for
the benefit of her health. Mr Mime ae-
• commented her and returned home on
Friday by way of London where he attend-
ed a Liberal gathering,
Mre Joy, after spending the summer here
• having occupied W. Foster's house, Albert
.street, returned to her home in Orangeville
on Thursday last week, accompanied by
her son, Clifford, of Molson's bank who is
taking his holidays and will spend part of - vacation at his home in Brantford.
Mr John Powell spent last weeds at B.
Switzer's, Goderioh township.
' Miss Mabel Shannon ie on a few weeks'
v toation with friends in Palmerston.
Mrs W. C. 'Searle is in •LInden visiting •
friends who are about, to leave for the i
tiorthwest. "•• .
Miss Cook, assistant matron of the House !
of Refuge, %via visiting in --Luoknow last
'Mr and Mr's Henry Curwin, of Goderich
town.hip, were thegnests of Mr W. Jones, .
days at camp at Birk'e with her daughter;
Mrs 11. Rorke. •
Mrs A, Twitohell and Miss Mabelle have
returned teem Stratford after spending -a.
pleasant visit an that city,• •
Mini Rachel Glazier who was visiting at
S.I.Andrewe last week returned to her 14/44-11443W1444)rf 111"491)1421°Plt 'PeLY4444-4uPRIPW******
home at Cape Oroter on Seturdey' last.
.The Tonic for Hot Weather
Mrs and Mies Ball returned -Co their
home Orangeyille after a pleasant visit
h ani at Mrs Shannon's. •.
. Miss Millie Steveneon returned home on
Saturday from Goderioh where she has
been visiting kite Allie Turner, •
R. Fitzsimons and (.Bunch were among
Close who took in the Reilin-Seaforth foot-;
J. B. Rumball was over to Goderich 'On
Suncley., Ur Rumball has been there for
a -week past visiting relatiYes,
Mideuminer finds es doing a very eatiefaetory business every burliness
day of the week. Just why people visit this store is sunh crowds may pus.
. •
zle our competitors, but our oaetomere know they come here because they
oan get more and better goods tor their money than they oan elsewhere.
Buying and selling for cash makes a difference. We are selling many lines
of goods at deep out pries and offering summer specialties in all lines at ex-
ceedingly Mose figures. You oan etcily see that the values quoted below are
really exceptional,
Lace Curtains, 2i yards long, worth 2511 for 180.
Laoe Curtains, yards long, 54 inches wide, wet th $1.25 for 080,
• Ladies' Fast Black Hose, worth So for 50.
• Ladies' Fast Sleek Cashmere Hose, worth 25o for 15o. -
Ladies' Summer Corsets, worth 50o for 85o.
Lathe's' Gloves aisorted oolors, worth 20o for 10o.
Soot& Ginghame, new patterns, werth 12io for fio.
Canadian Ginghams, bright color, worth flo'for 5o.
Pour Black and Drab Linen Spools for 10o.
• Sewing Needles, assorted sizes, regulsr 5o for 2o.
Good Pine, full count, per paper lo.
Good Valenoia Raisins, 3 pounds for 25o.
B:ue Bibbou Tea at 25o, 40o and 50o.
Corn Starch per package 5o.
We struck a great snap last week in fine White and Colored Piques and
we are now selling fine Engliah Piques, in wide and narrow cord% worth 25o.
for 120, and White and Colored Pique, in spots and floral designs, worth
120 for 80.
Meninx -ton ar Co., Myth
The value of ib nm S'ep,irelor, is
• now 9ci well utiderscoorl that any' aro.
m..nt for its •the would appear super.
tluong. Th!1 following will, however, be
: of interest.
At a trial made at the Munster Dairy
School some time ago, the averages of
40 experiments with a given quality of
mirk were 100 148 of better iroin the
Separator, as compared with 59 lbs. of
butthr from milk set in open pans for 24
hours,' CO be of butter when it was get
for a.0 liourg, lbs of butter when it
wart set foe 42 hours-, and 76 los when. set
for 54, hours. - It may be taken for grant-
ed that the use ni the Separator' gives
25 per oerift More oream than any spitfire
Of sainuniug. If vou eta a dairyman,
think over these Acts. • Caniyou :littera
10 go on dairy businesswhiciii there
is a waste of oue quarter. Buy
• Sharpies Creath tieparator arid thua
eecipee all the .profit that is that is to, be
• b tit le the dairy bareness. .
IV -FL S. Mach e iie paci ty lbs, $75;
No.1 machine on stand capaoity325, $90.
Easy terms of payment, Write to day.
W L. Ouimette,
• • • •
• •
• • • •
• •
Miss Carol Newcombe,
And pupila prepared for Conservatory
A flret-olass fermi being lot No. 7, and eon..
of Hallett, oonteing 100 rieres,about 00 cleared,
no stone or gravel, only firseolaart may eoll,
and well adapted for crops; largo barn and
ether outbuildings, largo frame building for
horses and cattle; comfortable house and five
acres of good bearing orchard; 10 acres of
stunmet.falloW, ready for fall Wheat, Situate
5 miles frora Sliaforth, and the same distance
from Clinton, 100 rods from aohooL Ill miles
from alma otturch, and 25 from Milburn. --
Any ono Wishing to take it eon get the privi-
lege of Working on it right away, For farther
Dedication apply on the premise_,_s or if by let-
ter to Seaforth P 0, FRANCIS ,KETTLB
- 11111 1 1 11
• •
• • •
Our Improyed.preparation of Beef, Iron and Wine.
There's nothing like A in hot weather, to keep up health
and strength; sharpens the appetite, strengthens *lid In-
vigorates.the entire system, pleasant to take,
-.One tWo bottles:of this- excellent tonic will-diakra
derful improvement in health and strength
Price 75e. per pint bottle.
I-10 VRY
Dispensin Chemist, Clinkin
was a caller in town on Saturday on hie , „„„„,,„;,„,tvvvioopvity"„0644
way to epend Sunday in the county town, ' ".^ " "
Mr James Arohibrild,,of Elora, a former t
resident of town, is visiting his brother -111 -
law, Mr W. W. Farrate accompanied by
his wife and childreu. •.
Miss Parleet of the Collegiate staff, who
has been visiting at Almonte, will eperid
the balance of her holidays with friends at
Mies Tillie Telobutt has left town for two
weeks' visit; she will spend the first week
at home then Will take ha the lake breezes
for a week before returning to town,
Mre ThoniBrownlee and Airs Harry
Little, of Tiro remith, have been visiting
their sister, Mr e Wm. Leppington, this
MiS,4 Stella La,tta returned home to Lon-
don on Saturday accompanied by Miss
Minnie Cook who goes to spend seyeral
weeks visiting them
W. E. Rand was in town on Saturday.
He Ins been summering for awhile at Bay-
field but will spend the remainder of his
them sporting in Muskoka. '
years Mrs .. R. A...Thompson, vice•presi
After an absence ot about 14 dent of the
O. McMillan, of Craliford, Nebraska,
sohool of Pedagogy and prinoipal of .the
yisiting friends in Canada and at present
Hamilton Collegiate, spent &wend days'
at her brother'e,D. Stevenson, in town, be. last week with his brother, Dr. Thompson.
fore returning to her home in the west she Mr and Mrs R. McDonald returned home
will apend a couple of weeks with friends on Thursday night from their wedding
in Detriot and ale visit in Allem Craig and . trip in the land of Evangeline. They spent
Parkhill. '
George Irving, of Chicago, second eon of SuigasyatM
111, A.raFair's,momoraniie,,aioltofnn,
London;rand. was
Mr John Irving, spent a few days under
the parental roof last week; Mr Irving'ci mir .ft guest at A. Monteith's let week. She is.
—he-four—have..all made their ltittk arenow visiting relativeeand aoqUaintanoea
ROOOmpanied by. her- 'Me 11/00e. Al/a:AhOY,
in the great ,west, and are. doing well. . .
George is the Chicago representative of the in M.PPell and
National Meter Co., of .New York and
Boston, ' . Sporting Notes.
Charles Manning, (eldest son Of the late BASEBALL.—On civic holiday the basebaHolub
his wife and children, is visiting his broth- '1
ere Wilbur and Resell, here. Mr Miming " *lye iit voaruooncstirleoiltsona
May gsacige vovfit ?cit.
R. MannineWof Ezeter,) accompanied by
makes his home in Cleveland, where, like Th:Jilinilitiirs went t/Whigham on civic holiday
to play that town but wore defeated oy a score
01 20 to 8.
many other Canadian boys he has worked Intonossz.—It was an easy thing for the
up to a good reaponeible position at a corn- 'Clinton lacrosse _team to_ defeat the Mitchell
W. Robertson, of Port Iliiron, who Will
' 'remarkable and could have won from a team
aggregation on civic holiday. The boys played
Portable salary.
be remembered as having been connected double as strong as was represented by Mitehell
011 this day.. score 10 to o.
With the store of R. M. 11110ey, for eters' • On Wedneeday evening last week the years,foot-
is herd en a visit. He has been In .bial glettatrAtnrtpellyriale sreWrit,
his present position for a 'Considerable resulting in a tie of 1 goal each. Tho return
length of time and enjoys the confidence of match was played in 13orlin on Seaforth ()Lyle
hie employers, who have kept advancing i holiday, Monday, when the. Rangers won thus
Thomas Jackson, •jr., who has been giving them the champlonsliip,
him from one position of trust teeenother.
travelling in the West in theinterest of the to9r IV gittismericilnr 4i7litrlfi4dviiP()(Thursday,.
Aug etio and. they met defeat in a wino of iir .
well-known-olothing firm of ;mason Brea. entia, the Mere being 5.1 to 63 at the former
Is expeoted homd next week, in megieebe, place, While defeating the boIlyers of„the Int -ter
where the crops le a p tale' Whim, he 5ilfgptittY4Png s8VeliF ID•ria:sMECIsifif 01 12.4112711J 0 j(317.1:
found businees men and and others a little k Ta n .1, Shaw, Jack -
discouraged, but in the territories crops HOU skin, BleCorvie,Bell, Fair and Harland skip.
tiregoOd, and businee prospects good, Ile Rowenter.--The religion in the imeonddrawing
has been most auccessful in scouring ealarge for the Tisdall trophy has boon hotly eonteste
and very close matches haVe been. played. It
hart dwindled dnwn to the finale now. In the
second round Taylor won from ;Harland, Ken-
nedy from Melorvie, Leckie from Maepherson,
and.Fair frein Ferran, In tlio semi finals Talr-
number of orders for clothing. •
Itenry Cottle and wife, of Itudyard, Mich.
(amain Of Time. and George . Cottle,are
visiting relatives here. It 10 eight 'years kn. and Pair were the winners but in the finals
Since Wet they viaited thia section, Mr Fair was vieterieus. Hollow plays Jobligtgi-
°6 'fir willaratitigircaretttOZPitu(g.iVivj
Cottle gays the crops in northern Michigan
fire splendid thie year. the rainfall laving
totnp°4gentat this auspiolons occasion And
been copious and opportune, The made a witness tho final match.
(pia trip leaving the Soo on Thursday
morning, and landing 'here at 7 &elm* By tint collapne of a ateamboat wharf at
Prklay night. On Tuesday he got a tele- Dile Gros Doi% gtio„ i erowd of exourion.
gram stating that his father wasdangerous- ists were thrown into the river. Only ts.
fy ill, few wore injured.
ew Fall
ress Goods1
Our first 'shipments of
New Fall Dress Goods
are to hand, and we
will be pleased to show
them to you.
Robt. Coats & Son
1110110410011000111100 411•• ONO NI
• to=wearCLOTHING
SHOREY BRAND is the best Clothing being pro-
duced in Canada to -day.
ORLY BRAND has the most style, and the card. in
the pocket is the quality guarantee.
SHOREY BRAND gives absolute satisfaction to the
• wearer.
SHOREY BRAND assortment in Youth's, Boy's and
Men's sizes is most complete, and we will be pleased
to have you look them over carefully, ,and compare
qualities and prices with what is shown elsewhere.
SPECIAL — Men's Dongola, in laced and elastic
sides, at $1.50, sizes 6 to It
mr L. OUIIIIETTE, Londesboro
41404141.4410004110040111110 4101141 MOO ONO