HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-04-23, Page 8Not a drop
of Alcohol
Doctors prescribe very little, if
any, alcohol these days. 'I Hey
prefer strong tonics and altera-
tives. This is all in keeping
with modern medical science.
It explains why Ayer's Sar-
saparilla is now made entirely
free from alcohol. Ask your
doctor. Follow his advice.
Yee pubilol ur formulae
iwr0 L rah alcohol
1(•o u medo0sa,
Wo urge you to
consult your
Unless there is daily action of the bow-
els, poisonous products are absorbed,
causing headache, biliousness, nausea,
dyspepsia. We wish you would ask your
doctor about correcting your constipation
by taking laxative doses of Ayer's Pills.
,made by the J, C, Ayer Co., Lowell, Mus,'.-,
You always pay
too much when
you pay too little
Paradoxical but true,
:Particularly when ;'buying Gro-
Nearly every article or eatables
carr be (ufu1teatLai,
Arany of them often are,
Constant vigilance is required lo
keep undesirable goods from creep-
illg into n. grocery stook,
Ono of the most persistent sfnuore
is Cenn0(1 Goods, 'l'henslunlsand
thousands of them put up every
year, St.niehody sells then].
Somebody buys them.
Somebody eats them,
This grade of ensued goods is very
common, hot this store has neve'
sold It ran of it to a customer in 1IS
lift, (1101 it never 0111,
Our way is firsts or nothing in
everything, always.
Goderich 1 v. 7,00 a,m, 4,50 p. m.
Auburn " 7.22 5,12
Blyth " 7,3:2 " 5.22 "
Walton ....0" 7.40 " 5,35 "
Mi1ve•ton----- " 8.21 " 0,09
Elmira ..... . ' HAI " (1,•(3 "
Guelph " 9.255 " 7,12 ,.
Toronto Ar, 11.10 " 9,15 "
1111038 TO11ONT0,
Toronto , , Irv, - 0,00 a,)(, 5 50 p, 01.
Guelph Ar, 10,00 " 2.50 "
Enntra " 10,25 " 8.14 "
'M.ilvortou " 11,0:3 " 8.50 "
Welton " 11,30 " 11.25 "
Blyth " 1152 " 9.30 "
Auburn " 12,02 " 0.40 `
Goderich " 12.35 p.m. 1910 "
0111 ((ill ant nen
6 40 3 30 Winghutn 11 70 7 tin
0 43 8 3:1 WIngham•Tot. 11 48 7 25
0 52 tl 44 Rclgrave 11 40 7 13
7 031 8 56 Blyth 11 PH 7 151
714 4 61 Londcshoro 11 20 6 52
7 47'423 Clinton 10 15 11 95 0 35
8 05 4 30 Brecefleld 1) 79 6 19
8 15 4 47 Klppen 1) 70 0 11
8 22 4 52 1ic11snn 0 41 31 Oil
8 35 5 05 Exeter 9 :R) 8 71
8 40 5 15 Centralia U 18 5 43
8 59 5 20 Chmdeboyo 9 O9 5 :11
9 05 5 23 Luca!' On:v.0,61g 9 00 5 30
0 12 5 07 De meld 8 55 5 25
9 21' 5 40 lldertnn tt 45 5 15
9 211. 5 54 Ettrii It 8 35 5 07
0 117 5 fib Hyde Park Crossing 8 211 5 02
9 37 0 00 Byde 2011 Jet„ 8 24 5 (0
0 45 O 10 London 8 15 4 50
Conneetlons are made at Winghnnt for
all stations en the Palmerston and Kin•
.eardfue heated!,
Cohneotione aro made at Clinton for all
stations ort the I3ut1'alo and Goderich Cieetleinoll-
branch, and all stations from Stratford to "1 was a martyr to catarrh of the
Toronto, at head, throat and stomach, I was go bug
all stations woSarnia.west tnn Crossing the doctors reared consumption. 1
Connections are made at Louden for all tried many physicians and medicines.
Rt01lons eat aud west on 180 main line, A Friend suggested Psyching, 1 tried
it and it was the only thing ever did
me guy good. 1 am now perfectly well.
PREPARE FOR POSITIONS It is the greatest remedy the world
has ever known. I do nut need it fa'
paying from S1i5 to $100 per month by my health now but I use it as a
attending We popular strengthener for my walking met0hes. I
ELLIOTT 0580 much of my physical endurance to
did//116//1/ EF' d Psyching,"
J.'t:1,[P8 REYNOLDS,
Port Mope, Ont.
This school Is noted far and near for Paychine is the greatest cure for
the superior eddbstion given to the etu- catarrh of the howl, throat or etoru(1c11
(teats and for the remarkable sucoe8s of in the. world. It in a wonderful tonic
its graduate", er,llege 01(00 the 8(111re 1 and strengthener of ram down system,
youtlhld pendent t 1101V. t WrlGlete dway acting directly on all the. vital organs,
foroatalujtue, I _hill youthful vigor and atroogth to
W. J. ELLIOTT, Prig -le lb I the system. At all druggists 50e. and $1,
Coo, Tonga and Alexduuer Sta., Toroa'o,1 or Dr, T. A. Slocum, Limit:A; Toronto,
PAGE Ltop r -THE 13LYT1-i STAANDARD-%fill. 23, 1go8,
' Pian Local Option Campaign Winnham.
in Huron. V, VanNormal hay disposed of Itis
bus and baggage delivery busieess in
An enthusiastic gathering of tem lir, l{•0(11 of liuntuadwe, (rhe In g0te
p010000 woken front ria s te•nl d(0 iu posst011(00
mots of 11 ((roe (aunty nnrt ht rho 1(1rs 1 1 Lloyd has returned home
Ontario Street 510)hldist Chu,oli, tram (aIfoauut whorl 1(0 01(011 0 811
MI mouths tI itut_ With her Mothers.
1liss Lloyd d s many friends aro ple(s d
IU w(I(not her hock k I0 local)
Th() Many friends of W. Henry, (t.
1', It 8;4'0111, rue sorry Io learn that I,'
has heal seriously ill F. i'some days and
Ott Sunday lest. was 1(1(1(1 to 1 he ha: 1-
tal We host Ire stay have a speedy
((go. David 13011 received mrs.ace r11
Delegu,e0 011( 00 present horn Godo, � Tuesday lest conveying the.sa,l ivarlle.
Winmhnul, 01(11100sofotlh, geese (1 the death of his sister, Mrs.
Exeter, Myth, Londeshoro Ooello,�1''..1,'PaMpp, tvhicla took p1(100 111 \Inn
Benmtller, Nile, Auburn, Varna, Col- (10o et Ouwl; nt poksut, 1(Y((sh , 01 1 t
horse, Brussels, Humes Road and a tlrlet unless, Docetsed was the thl-
other places, est daughter of the late John and Mrs.
officers for ;lie casting year were Sell, of \Naos+ham, and "peat hoe
younger days ie this piece, removing
lest 'l'Mustier, a,d tot ued u
association to he known 110-Ilie llurou
Hanoi of the ()uterio Prohibitory A1-
lanee, The changes in the 1 kliegs oe-
0('0,itated 1111: renganlz.,tioI1 of exist
Ing hrooehos aid the committee on or.
'0l 1(.111011 � testa ted in favor of nun Dot
of otlicers for rho county, whit vice-
presidents for 0110)) of the 1111.00 IA -
((Foto nt
((Foton1 (1 asfollows ;-
Pre idt nt 1', Buchanan, 1Yinghatn. to the Mistime States about 20 yeers
1841 ice Pres,, 0, 11. Elliott, (nod.. ,Igo,
rich, Centre 11,1.0(1 (lu Sunda(' 10et It tr,unn 11)t ire hi:
'(ud Vice Pres., Rev, W.;1. 51e •tin, name as TOIO 101;;