HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-08-10, Page 2Augut 10, 1900 t Tile best Is butt er than ever: • .• Canutiat Business College tahathatu. oat. Closed the best yearin the records of the school on June Be and will re•openfor the fait tern, on Tuesday Saps. 4 It wee the best as to attendance. It was the best as to resuits, It was the best M t number of pupils. pieced. 200 securci go ),1 positions in the 10 months conarnettetng I, me and ending June 80 1900, an averag of 25 perenenth as modest 14 per ;tient h (In, boa the pros ions year. • G od beard for gents ete2.60 Per week. else • for tattles at ise We pay ritilwey fare to the extent 1,f ss to etudetts front as dietance, If you have not seen our catalogue yen are net familiar with the best Canada has to-eitet itt the ,ine of Business or shorthand training. Write for it. • LP , D. McLachlan & eo., 4.3h1thant. pot. 144tot *to a FRIDAY,. AUGUST 10, 1900, Political Pointersfrom Various Sources. W. J. Poneore, M. P., for Pontiac has forwarded hie resignation to Speaker Bain. Eta is interested in a Montreal harbour contract Just think of it, here's a good II I which will l'estIfficient to meet, all the ,e expenditure on capital account: and ni .k.. it t•eduction of Ahem. $1,000,000 in lie reihic debt, Vile stall:Ail...0 ree.. t i d, tt Melt meg ely tell:tete emidietone patetit to eve; youe chows that the minion yattli not in need of an elate- ore- eyettein of eneouragentent and stimulation, All that was required w t.1 t ho 011.'4410 removal. of. throbs true - )11 that reg girded the proper devel- bpinent of our great Iteeitite,e palm - al wealth. • C I nik.1 1.;braTON LEW EitA bee is per cent. By a process se- • The tiottp.t Hag fel thy h ilia, been " AOtENTS WAISrferi). edieionsly adhested that it bee initiated leen etrand fi 0111 it we Merit t hat there gaiety upon lie elle. ard so gratinet thitt in the to wnshiP Otti Pere'VaS Whr" buligenw°,tigwe:.111.1?raia'c'ytn-ilnfe sPttsaietrorir he Conserva•ives declared it hes pot Ob. names appear t Ita Ilse Of thtse, parttime. .A.p W Li erred, at all, Wu N.P, lots been stripp- are entil led to viol. at. ith mina 1r10Mi$t,, Idno On, Ont. featutete 11,1141 addlti011 to tile .g.slative Aesentely; 100 are entitled . isl saying of $18,400.000 in cold wish gut t gae at stittaleipal elect•ione only THOltOR RED .1111.1141" Jutyso-3 ed of Its eleat obj.etionable and hurtful uipal eleetions ard elec. ions to the References are being Continually made by the Conseevative press to the loss of German trade which Canada 'suiVered by reaten of rhe dentluncing' of t he Get man nrid Belgian treettes. That there ie. "'tether side w the ehield lieknown of all men, but the opponents of the Liberal Government 'studiously avoid exposing it to view. • Car.adae ? f Properties for Sale or to Let Professional andOtherCartis Hausi—tooit sAira13.— ' e i . I referred to above, the shaekles have been: awl ;43 axe (.11; it 1.qi to vote et electinns Tee eedersige ed has a therobred Durltere to a great extent removed from the trade to the Levigla•ive Asseino I v ontv, belt on bis lot 77. Maitland coa.1 for qerviee I et the ttountry, and thus the Dominion has There ere 402 persons • on the list who Terms Sees at time or service, with prxvitege b.en eines ed to take the greeteet timely° are eligible te efteve to jurors. p r g. .V.0 A. BEDARD. i advanteee of the era, of prosperity Match , • el vet y pie' ty tvethilig wits solemn- ....-- iv,al lit Pout Chapel, Peleteie Road, wo ate teem- enjoying, . • "'I'm,. Sue" Is PERTWIIMIC, ' Itlanchestet Reel Led, by Rev. o. T. • N4 • WI.: litl. ! -- ; It 01 dePola 1.1P°0 ti'l° &tut °I vi"sv Poyn tinge li A., tin At t> 10 it, when Nato° is heroy given that the Council of , being ;shipped trout the Kingeton .. Penton. The Montreel. Star antiouncell the t "An mist: maple m4 taktirrrit., .1,4,4 daughter the Corporation. of the Wag of 0.inton in- I enornous consignment of binder twine is •of Hector ,Mt;•,(.4:1;:srluird.,,Ps4 , tip at t et e, 1 11 in ii•Grna've and tthenadeitaatotaowor attruAcit:rtcsontcritewvidadaeuwaetikentioun4 : . Price just t•ef0.14/ the elections:" The enor- 4 heciiii „ G . • le lee me:item. ewity by her grand- lass the final oasts thereet upon tee propertiee I benefited and. lest exempt by law trete. amass Princess Ste., in the eald teen, and to ass 1 tiary to be sold to the tarrners at the.loweat to J. Cr. Fallis, a Prattlitire Ont. The , g i .). ; 0 t the Wide. • e- - A Court ot Revision will be held o» MondaY," , Mont , 111.3"S eeneignraen 14 *04 '1°11tvY cat 1c4a wide, N it It ate"M endows,in the abeeece i :he esti/1.04d cost of the proceed work Is which ist beitie welt throe:di to Manitiebe , of the tit ide's fat her, ii. Uri -Was at t ended e4.7.74, of which sum eStest AO toile' provided 58 an experiment. 'The me= of the see. by at couein of i he f.t1 mon, 1 hk, hese men ont °tette genera,' tunes of the Municipality • i Aug. 20,1900, at 8 o'clock p ra , at tho Courtin' stantial and eatisfaotory reduction in price ' belt, ft r- a I; . If week, and the plau adoeted ley the Govern- ° a ifoltoes, aePd 713,' died el his home in Ternhei ry 0 ti Friday, 2011) tilt. tisi was folly explained •in this oolumn last has gained immeasurablyemore than meat in advertising the geode and bring. Wen one of he eatliesi ti.tal most re - she hae lost by the denouncing of thuee ing the ins; roved condition at the insrket epected 'lista, ills of 'I tiro berry. He treitlies. Her nreetige in Great Beitain promptly and effeotiyelse before the con - titan& highei Omit eye' i , ' consequence the demand for her pro• • ducts hoe been increased, and attention has been drawn to her vast capabilities as a field for the oriel t aeble employment of British capital, England is by far the most important market for (Jane- dian pi oducts, and to have &eel° ed that mar ket, the policy of the th. eral Government of the Dominion has developed it, is to have done more for conservative getting a centred from this Canada the.n t he retention of the Ger- wioked Liberal goiernment. -- man trade Under the conditions for- • ruerly prevailing could ever have ac - Kit the Mail and Empire says that complished. And • this from the ma - 10 " "ate average young man 'is so Mire- terial stendpolpt only... If we consider , what the Laurier .policer has •dOne to. I... liable that fathers out to. leidothetr .wards strengthening the bends of Eme • daughters." What the average young ' nsan is afraid of is not so ranch that a father will hide his daughtet, but that ' he will hide t he average young man. The agricultural editor of the Toron- to Star writes: "Some kind of a pest, which they call "Canadian thistles," is • destroying agriculture in Texas. • We used to have a thistle of the sante name in this auunttyebut it was vanviehed by the industry of the peopld. ' The Star man has certa,inlv not paid a visit ter his country cousins for some years. , That scientific journal, "Engineer- ing," has% lengthy article in a recent • issue entitled "First Aid to One Struck by Lighte,.." After the kind .of lightning vveZb.ve up this ivay sttikeS • a fellow, aborit the only thing left to • do is to engage an undertaker, • • • . The Conservatives are loudly 'boast= ng that they evhe carte, the cimretrye:- • to . use a sporting phrase -"hands • down" at the next Dominion election. • Wileany of our local conternporaries tell us wby ? Do,they find in the pres- ent prosperous condition of the coun- t ry. a warrant for their pretensions ? Can they prove thecharge of bad•stew- • ardship against the Liberals ?.. can they show evils Present and to eonie, • distress, perils, a misuse of the nation's opportunities and a Wasting of the nation's substance ? ()an they show that things would heve been better if • they had been in power. The Conservative press is saying that the Liheral patty is worrying because so many of its old men in Parliament are retiring. The way they keep harp- ' ing on the subject sum:seers that pos- . they are trying to hint to some of the Conservative party that it quite fashionable this year to retire, • It can not be charged that the Opposition is worrying becattse of any threatened influx cif new blood. In the language • ,of the athletic field, the Coneervative •party know e only too well that it needs to.change its bowline, as they say in • ericket-or cha,nge its battery, as they . sae in baseball, or strengthen its tante • and stiffen itsdefence as they • say in lacrosse, "". The excellent reputation of the On- : t trio Agricultural College appears to I leave extended to the Ai gent•ine ete-‘ , public. 1 he Gover nment of that court- , , •• try has just sent to North America ' twenty students of agriculture, and of• _ 'these seven arrived to take the COW se at the Guelph College, -while the ie.• maining thirteen are scattered among e•• six excellent colleges in the United 'States, at Cornell, Colorado, Massa-• ehusetts and 'elsewhere. The permit - Men extended hy the Ontario Minister • of Agrieulture to these students will ,•• fiat in any way intertere vvith the use of the College by Ontario Men, and May do much towards showing the op-- . -• portunities here to (he Sonth Arreei , cans, as it is intended that these men on their return home will take Up the • profession of eaehers, and. sPreada. • knowledge of the great advantages for .• farming here, 'In the last two years and a half tie 'Liberal Government hashed to provide ifor the eitpenditure Of about three and a quarter millions for the Yukon alone, • it charge unknown to their Conserve.. tive predecessors 13y good manage - talent the Government got back $5,- 867,000, so the Yukon has not caused a direct loss to the people. The Conser- • vative plan Was to abolish the royalty, , in which caie there would have been a charge on the expenditure.= the coon - try. If the Senate had not blocked the cOri at ructi on of the Yekon Railway there would have been a still better shoWing. It is to be noted that Con' •Servetties, in speaking of additional °expenditure under Liberal edtelnistre- tiore. include that for the Yukon\ Maximally, it has inereased the eetpete. dittire upWard of a million a y.ear, but Practically there is a small gain on ac- count of the receipts from the Yukon slightly exeeeditir the expenditure on that district. • the working of the tariff, the reduced tariff " ( 1 AS revieed and operated by the Lattrier • A feature of the Past year's adminixi Govermeent itteded in securing tration is an actual reduction• the the biggest 'retilltvitithtifil public debt of the Dominion. This is PanTteenrigirbie N°yiabfileni.11.14 PvtNrefgYentItille°143411 only the third ifear since Confederation 55° a t*x°4 ilv124 6.11 ':61rkit ."Etlet smorl; which would havti neele°neta8k:Intfloer Ppetibile' that has had a !vault to mewl. rioervdeen.iieltuhig7t11 old tariff remained in The total raiment); lee$4,9,04,551, an in. Dire, the vahle of the, German trade sinks into significance. • The World says that Sir Wilfi id Laiirier at Lindea.y, previus to the last electiOn, stated explicitly, in reply tea question submitted Lnwriting by a Methedist minister, that if returned to power he would have a plebiscite on pieehibition, •and the aticertained Will f • s the people, would be carried Ont. The charge is therefore made that because the Plebiscite was taken, but prohibi- tion not enacted„eleacefote Sir Wilfred Lankier deceieed• the electore. ". The .great trouble With prohi (hatit seems fatet always to -.get ' tangled died op Sunday wee with party politics: Here is the World dragging the cpiestion, not for itsownsa,ke,hut to inquire Sir Wilfeid, if possible. Our contemperary-faile to point out that neither the, Premier -et any other moan cotild have eexpected that; the vote in fever of prohibition. could have been so small. It was not. a large enuagh vote upon which to make a change so revolutionary. At this very moment we. do not believe that the Woad will say that in its ciPiniOn a wise GoVernmentwould have been justified in intredueing prohibion on such a vote; . We do wit believe the World is prepared to endorse a prohibitory lavv,either with or Withrint a plebiecite preceding it, in ' tact, we do not think the World cares a brass betton about prohihitione but •it solely and exclusively coricetned about try. ing to defeat the present .Lib-erai Gov- ernment. -Toronto Star, . Mr Jas. Smart, Depgty Minister of the Interior, speaking of the rumors 1 Chamber, for the purpose of hearing complaint , against tha proposed assessment or emirater of the frontage measurement, and any otbor complaint wheel persons interested may desire to make, and which is by law cognizable by un]er0 e wits horn in GArl'AbOrottgb, Scotland, Itt t'Ucktrentintort this 2nel day.of Aug,. 1900 • , p y t d t which plAce he lived mien lee was Deer- - W. COA.TS, ToWn 'Clerk that would, be adopted by any 'enterptlisino nation" and precancel's exietenee in the In the old days et Stag- , 1r 30 S'efi,t's Of age. Re in trried Jeseie Wileon in the old land, awl emigiated . -- • . business Weise. humiliate during Mateh . of their term of 1 18133, At the ege of wife Notice Is IterebylCg°tvelLiiI:a7 the Council iffthe Corporation a the town of Clinton intends to tO anode neerly Oft y years ago, set. . • . Northwest with *Welt the Tories were • nines .11., et in Halton contits , nes office, a oar load of binder twine raight.have I died irt December, e 02 yeaee, .C' t( d, wee ttete vied ti, cenetruct a concrete sidewalk, along...the north stde of Mar St. between King and worth Ste., bnen . g .t," but its seeone these to, Jauet S. eV:mettle wile in the said own and to assess the Anal costs these days Of rapid deveeopment a care° el ie but a drop in the bucket; :there will 611rYi vett hill) wt 111 one d1 ugh t ti. - Ety thereof uPon the properties benefited and not sample, The Ilfolltteal ' elliretrnrejr= MIST t‘; t he first wife he had a f. tailily of seven , It- -- letT'reposed. work le hardly be enough fee everybody to get a Star should re. beys and blir0 girls,alt of veteran are Ilse 1 /832.50 of whiff), sum $114 is to be providee out of member that thie is the growing time. " ling with lite exeeption of Margaret, the generelfunds of the Mtmicipality. whesdied in Talent() in 1°53, aged two A Court of Revision will .be held on iVfonday, . . Aug. 18, 1900, at 8 eck p.m., at the Counctl ....... , . . . . . Chamber, for the purpose or hearing eomplaiet . . . Jies, Robison died on Mendav merles years. . ' aeain,st the proposed. aseessment, or .accuracy os tee frontage meaeurement, and any other Crisp County Clippings - . • .- - 1111?7* ft,t t he: reSide11CP Of his s. ee. ' Ben; eorapleint which pereons interested may de -sire . . . • ttMin of Woodstock. lit' 'was 71 years. 1.0 1128111', ane which is by law cognizable by the and 10 merit he.old, Deceased wee born, .fi3elti • J. ideverley has decided 10 move his Fvedurt,ou t . furniture and undertaking stock froxn this26th-day of July 1900 In Arno/ glI, Ireil an il, and came ta Oen- 8 ' 8 • 8 .°8,1 ict.. COATS, Tomei Clerk. fiensall tea Exeter and coneinence busi- ada at the age. of 17, • eettling in Bien- i oiess there. - - , ' . , . • NOlICE. : , Wave- He drove the gage between I • D. McNiven. has purchased the livery 1"hlederich and Hamilton Tor his uncle 1 ' ' • ___ . e • lonsiness letely run by J. Medd,. V. S., for seine time and then Conk up fat m- 1 Notice -is hereby given that the Council °Me of Dungannon. • .• - ing on the 10t.h line of East Zerra: Af- Corporation of the town of Clinton intends to ter wards he lived its Torontri an d•Ful- construct acoderete sidewalk slime East eitle ' LucknoW Will lave latid this ,season, f East street, between Trwie and nigh streets - larton, and twte years eg , he went to Iii the said town, aed te assess the anal costs. -31,457 square feet of granolithic walks at it cost of 34,000. • • . , Woodstoek to live Wilk his son. His. thereof upon the properties, benefitted and not . The friends' of .Dan . McCormick, of Wife died five Yee i's "149' ' He 'was a exempt by law from assessment. _great.. reager.,, ant" Well. posted- in the ',.sjoi;OrwtliTeigesilime°i12 (, GP tetef.t.grotliirdicolit Zurich, Will regret to learn of his suds world's hi to a Ile had a phenomen • of the general funds of the Municipality.- den detntse: which occurred 'last week -• a -1', e. in..Zurich. . . , - a) 'memory. He leaves a family or A Courtbf revisien will be held on' Monday'. three. . - - ' . , . Aug. 113 1900 at 8 o'clock pan., at the Council .. ., . . •• ' Chamber, for the purpose of hearing complaint Master Frank Scott, : son of Robert . . • . ees--- - • - • - against the proposed asses.sment,• or accuracy Natere "makes all thinga beautiful • in- ' coat aithpelafiarebnwtigaehmpeerassauarawniaetnarte, satnadd taanayy d•oetailireia. .. ' tt, f H ' rhe , has aseede, very - creditable examination 'Or the high. their time." g v,ery •ano. of hfels Seasons, to make, aud which le by law eognizab e;by the. schoelethlic ugh he is old) 10 yearssoid. . when 'life Moves On Nature's lino, has its owe charm and:. beauty. Witty women !.. Dated at Clinten the's 26th day of July, 1900, salciCoure s . W. COATS, 'Resent:11one. ' A, rein Of JOhn'Seeil,ex-reeve of Hay, . , It at the age of 10. dread that period wawa they must, exper- 1 . ienoe 'change of life. They feu that fate. ; • . - • . . - . .. . • • • that they May: fail to please these whom . NO-TICE... ' • . • . .er aridee a .tesult The young man was caught t in a, eia7- ' o1 the wetting, took and ferne may suffer by. the change, and . pneumonia. • • '• • ' • •- ' they love. ,The value Of De, Pleree'is Ba.ve., caNrpoatireaediasaheatiebttagtaivaimmtahfatotilitnetCaorininlictioluodaf thtae . s The death oacurred on Tuesday Week . Of Matilda; daughter Of the: late „Rein- : orite Preseriptien in thie Crisis Of - woinan's sepestruet a eon** sidewalk' along Atte etaet life lies in the feet -thee it agate% Natare. ' re a 411 street, betweMi Townsend. Ala' • hard Rupp, • of Grey. : She had.beete a , Its nee preeerVes•the- balance and buoyano* ! enaigelt. ee. , in the said town, and to aseiele he suffererfoesOme time With that. dread . ts thereof. upon the properties benefited of the - mind and •stiettiine the physical .and 1101 by lavefrom as.sessment, • disease, consUmptheri, and .hei deieth powers. Many women expressed their 1- The estimated cost of the propos.ed work is . Mr Maha,ffey,Of the 5th cotieRibbeet, ley -Favorite Presoription in thietrying per- A Court of EerisionAll be heal was riot unexpeeted. ' ., , . • • .. .gratittide for the heath and. comfort given,' the emeriti-fund:4 of th Manicipality. ' 8182, of which 1111111 $3Ei iS to be provided out of 4-.92% ireiultrl, , 08 !be' to the bushel- - The croP,wili tly. • ' . . , • Milling Company. there. .;It weighed ,as well its physidal strength,. . - ,IaoPthne4fluitiPgii4iFseael;:msesenst,•m:eanitaranityee- Ortaliceir. Ibis year, placing it with the Stewart. Menent aud conduce to menial. happiness • te • . complaint which persons interested may desire .4ptrilligi,;19000,r eiti 8 • pea cpiocsk °piles, t tn snaft'efralt.Clinten *i.!.1.tIgaieig,,741141°.erk. e hearing coinplabit Look the firit. new wheat to . Seaforth sod. Its benefite are not paresing..buepere and inflicted a • bad cut agrees his.feree etage38 bushels to the neer.. e , head tieing eheitkull bare. A physician , copeeriiing I84beicar.nithy. E 2.,..eo,v, ler . v vv i ii,j4,07.....tiox,., Imp% • 11.1110.0Te, V.• S... fell at the mill deem • , - . .. . ce.Ass G.., .....„ : ___. . • • 'Wednesday at noon Herry,sen Of M. i. . . . : .._____ .. . . .Ltbrary ..ltdoti9,ti. 0.. .; • • • to,malre, and. which.* by .law, e.og_.nisable. b. y the i A Meker of.'NetiOns.:7',(„ettY • - B. erthbY. • ' • • ereven te Pi'rle iC1 . . . . . , • had to pUt ui a number of tit itehere.to i In Connectioe a it h the De W•illough close up the gaping wound. by .01airn. .... ; • . • .... ...F. II, Bannett Municipality Of the Township ef It is reported that limes \VIM ioson, a yveleknown resident Of MOrrie fot Jew 0,1,,t,i.if y • . . Whlit will be de- with it ..L 'id Lytton ' Ilullett, Huron County, Winston Churchill • • - - • • ' ' . • • the past foety years, has disposed of Red Peetage....e..elaes Choluienderey his line 115 acre farm on cell. 4.10 Jas, Handsel:Lindy • ....Oheries Lover ted or denverta to the_persieei .inentreed. ,iii Notice le hereby given that I nave treusnet- and- Rohert 'Nicholson, who have the in "sections 5 tuld. 6, of the votete Lists cts, the seaptain Dieppis: ... Anthony Hope copies required by, sad Act:of alltpersons op- ' adjoininglarnerentedeat $5,000. , •. ' . The Matetee of Belli n teae•R 1...Stevenson . . An interesting event took ' place ;at The Scarlet Wortien...... ,,Jos, floceina , i/iiilactiguifeitigtrii7o beArnt Asa; sl'oQtle'• il. tit the ht,me of Mr and Mrs J. R. Oole, of The Beautifill Wreteh • re'. Black .zried rzgaiTierLtsinietlyeestiiitelornitnerefeiponi 'Tt.OVITbritige, lest vreeh, when their, eld. , Mai 11.111 Of Lags ieeton : ... Annie Swan est daughter. Mies ietta, was married. Adam Bede . e..e .George Elio - to :Rebt, L. Stewart, , youngest sou of Donoean .,........ . .• . : Edna .113%1 )fr and Mrs. Wne.Stetvart, of BlueVale: Cleopatra. . ., IIH.. R. lititzggit'or.ad - J. MeNab, dri er for Wilson & Hide: . BeR11.1" • emanating from Winnipeg in respect, to the laud sales, explained' the reports ha'a come to the department during the last two or enree WeeksAn. Which charges were made a flectingthe action of one of the officets appoint ed • to eon - duct the eale of eehool land, et' two am three pointe. Mr Siefert taro that im- mediately on receipt; irnformation • • k, ihtnesbary Hoitee Mrs Wciod ascertain what ground t here. was for Elections,. and.that said list was filf3st ytiskl up t . ifur,,,....fon,c:nerie:iir.clgitz,vt.t InsAtig3.- of. 1. Electors are celled upon to examine the said. •Iests audit any'.omissions , or any • other errors are found therein to take immediate proceeds Inge to have said errors corrected aecording to • . JAMES CAMPBELL, . . . , Rai : cattle • July 2.tth, 1900. •• . law,,, W • vit e One of tbe wheels . Clerk of Hullett Tp. The Demeter Alice . . - Lord -Lytton , , .. Heir of Redeliffe.... Oharlett 0 ,Yriung . . . . Knight' Errant ' ' - Edna Lyall . VOTEttS" LIST, 1900.. • On the teiteject; Steele: were taken te ardsonidSeafortbrneetrwah-trirneciderrt-4114""d-e-ma4t1"' • • EI, R. • tinagard 011 ' the • cheiges. The whole matter is of his: wagon came ot,. throwing hint . , new heirk investigated, ad, as soon as to the grouud and causing severe inter! thedepert men t is in poesession of the re- "1 injurY? • The egg boxes were seats ports, which has been- otdered, a thoro ' tered .and a, large number •of ek . The , broken, . • ,„ . . .. . . . ievestigntion will ha -Ordered, . Deputy Minister says that so far -as the `The marriage �fJ, L. Hogg, MA,, of returns 'show the sale of school. lands Toron•to, son of jas.tiogge of eicKillop, recently held in Manitoba has been formerly Science master in the Orange. fairly successful, and the prices obtain- vine high school, to I'diss Amy T. Mc - ed we retouch higher than W9,13 anticip Lean, daughter of • Mrs Wm, McLean, ated, the land in most cosies being .sold James street, was -solemnized in St. • to actual settlers. He thioks this is at Andrew's church on Tuesday after - evidence of the faith that the to= people• haVe in Manitnivi, and 10 some x tent- • Rash Wawartosh voters' list has been it may. also Le attributed to the • more .printed and was delivered to the town- -liberal terms, which are nave being -ex- ship Cler•k Porterfield on .Saturday tended to purchasers, The land added last.' The list has a total bf 575 amnia Smart,.*as sold 'at' prices varying ipal voters o•nd 538 Perseus vvho can •froin $5 tre$12 per acre, The highest •Vote at elections to the Legislative As - price obtained Wile near Plum. Oindee. • sembly. • There ars 334. persons quali- in .Southern Manitoba. tied to serve as jorcits; •. : . • J. Thompson, one of the 'tormentors CURED , • • CON,STIPATION, for West Wattanosh, , took • sick. on. Miss Bessie Ne,son, Clover Hill, Thitesclay tor diarrhwe and died on says "4 gladly recommend Laze -Liver Ville, as they cured me completely of con. etipat•ioe before had finielied the third box." • • Ottaiva, Letter, • " Ottawa, july 81.- It is great riaistake to 'emptier) that Governments nothe g to do witlecontrelling the !seasons and the weather. generally. Many of 118 can re. member bow the good crepe whieh Occurred in the early days of the tete regime were the direct =tome of the so. called "Nat. tonal Policy", the Coneervatives said so themselvereand of course it nitist heee been • so, New we have it again at the present time in Manitoba, for no sooner did Hugh John Matedonald get the royal assent tu his prohibition bill than the long -continued drought came to an end, the heavens were opened and there was water in elmndance to refreeh the thirsty land, 13y the seine token a prohibition measure would not be popular just now In this part of Ontario, there bee been toe Much water already in • this ,seetion. Joking aside however, the policy pursued by a Government has vastly more to do with the material condition of the country than its opponents will generally admit, and While the politioiene may not Iwo yet discovered how to mike the sun shine or to bring the rain When it will do the most good, it is gaffe possible for them to accomplieh the achievement which the philosopher' declares is the 'etandard of SUCtleas in tide lite, naraely that of Making two blades of grass grow where only eye grew before Mg VOIR tXMOrta tree of. $4,380.441 over the previous in )8930 $1,80°.0°:0,111411410g9 ws 1111303A". *ear, and turplut of $11,208,108 ov )eet /""ver 1611)°° °D° ,T1/1°°'°°°.' alba * 6 • aettial tereiver betvieen tOtiki1011 ter the period Of n c pa e•ec on on•Iv pe 0 4 .11* Old Middleton's Money... A Border She p pardess... s ..A. B. Barr • /411111C1pality 0 -f -the Town Of The last of the Uncalist ere ..11; E0‘..Bliaaiyr Feet or ty A. E. Barr Clinton, Huron County. Bleak House Charles Dickens Untie Max . Rosa N. Carey gibes in the 13tishRolf•Baldeewood Wine= t Lees. eJ•ohrt A. Stewart t • Siispense ;,. • :Henry S. Merriman ' The Garden of Edeo-Blanehe Hamm cl. Ledy B trberity • • . Notice is hereby given that lite -le transmit- ted or delivered to thespersoes inentioned 111 sections 6 and in the -Voters' Lists Acts, the copies required by said Act of all persons nix - Pealing ,.1)3, laitt revised Assessment Roll of the sald Municipality...to be entitled to vote in the Monieinality at eleetions for mem- bers of the Legislative Asserablk tout at Muni. A Master of Craft W. W. Jacobs eipalElections, and that said list was first ,T O. Smith Three Men onWheels-JeromeK Jerome 28th day of July,1900, and remain there for hispection. posted up in my office at Clinton, on the Joan of the Sword Hand .... °rocket t • Electors are celled upon to eiramine tli e sold . , Lists and if any omissions or any ether wore HIS WONDEDPUL NERVE . are found therein to take immediate proceed- ings to have said errrevecCed aceording to law. re ; • e Alone sustained Editor h', M. Higgins, of • , Clerk of the sale Municipality. , • Seneca, ill, when ail doctors and tuedieines ' . felled to relieve his pain from pile% Then "44*********4-*****4÷++.44-.4-4 Bucklen's Arnica Salvo wholly, cured him. Sunday. Deceased lette a resident of Infallible for injuries, pains or becitly erup this township for the peel :30 yearsetnd done. Curia guaranteed, 01)17 .95o, a box. was a highly reepected and prosperous, Sold by all druggist.% farmer. fle leaves a svidoth, two eons 1 =1......• ' and one daughter. . e .. A Qitelbec grocer was badly vietem- .The remains of W. mda, a, fernier teeel the other day by' two yeatier resident of Wingham, tvere brought sharre, WhO. Walked: lute his: Attire frOM 13rampt on and interred.in Wing.; and sought it gallon of moleeses for ham cemetety on Friday Week, *Mr the pUrpoSe, they said, of deciding Biagi had been living in Dingbanipton, a wager whether the soft felt lint New Tot* stale, but. removed to of one of them iftuicl bold t hat :titian, Bramptoff, Ont, tie returned to Bing. 111 1'. The etot ekeeper agreed to act hal-Tipton last, May to close up his buste as judge and the mole, ;see te its pleat.- bess and while there took ill and died. ed into the, hat, but it did not hold Many will regret, to heftrof the death even half a gallon. Thereupon the of Miss Margaret Mein t'vre, which oc- loser sighed and said, f '1 guess.' lose," ctirred at the borne of her mother on and iintriediately lifted the hat and .the Babylon line Statuley,'on Monday clapped it on the ea b 0 gr, cer, • week. Deceased' had been ruling for and while he was rubbing the Melees:. * on Sept, 4tIL Catalogue I me. some time. She was eo years of age, es out gif his eyes the sharpers tifled , She was highly respected, and the his till, and got aveay with over $40, I Vie, II. SE A.We PrineiPal sympathy of thew many friends is ex- If your child is suffering free& worms, e1-0-44-0-44seteeee,44.4-444-4-4-44.444-0-• tended to her aged MOther and sisters give him Dr, Low's Pleasant Worm Syrup, in their bereayement It is perteetly harmless and contains ite 4 .— own cathartic, SO that there is no need of 1 by accidentallY being drotvned. It are ' (''' A ' -TO R i Recently' (ol. lenfue,• of the tenth of giving a pnrgatiye. Priam e5c. Turribervee Iost his tbree.year-old boy 1.,he 1). 80 tr. iiininisiat ,t cod Liver oat bopears t.here vas it , 1 1 d in I may be taken with mc. '.1. beneficial result's ground . with about eight inches of by those who are run down Or Buffering . 19' Tufo I ,„ ingt aroma e erre aniti et% d (he b 1 d fell • d Davis & Lawrence 0o,, Ltd. h trona after effeete of la grippe. Made by -"- -----'-'41 146 MIL, ex. it es. 1 les fate Water in it. The little fellow was play. first 'and was drowned before any help It is stated that the Canadian Ninths ,timils ealItte ag nO oue thought of the danger Railway will largely reduce its staff on the FOeno. 41' varar, ro•Maaa..• f se zeal. by. ) • Western divisions, owing .to the partial The voters' list of Usborne township failure of the Manitoba crop. . . has been issued and the various stet u. Croups., coughs and col& are all quickie The Bolicavgeon Independent wants , tory copies have been delivered. On cured by ryny.reetoral. it. leseens the oianosincluded in the census as being the list is a total of 845 voters, of ,whom cough, almost instantly, And MOS readily the real evidence of a PeOpleN pros. 892 are eligible to terve RS Jurors, the most obstinate told. fdanaftiotetedehe• parity. Bicycles should also be ins There are (111 persons entitled to vote the proprietbre of Perry -Davis' Pain.ltiner. clnded, It is bet to ask a lady if tit munieipal elections and. elections to The engem% revenue keeps clitribing . she has a bidycle than to. ask how old the Legislative Assembly; 154 MO upwards. The revenue collected for the she ie. Vote at municipal elections only, and meth of July, was $2,414,771, an theme° • s Btatm wmt HEADAagE. , '77 at elections to the Legislati ve "Aro sembly only. , SUMMER; SCHOOL I • ORO* JULY 3rd. •, • • Central Ausinesstoilege - Toronto (MA an exeelletit opportunity for Tettehers and Senior Students to enjoy n stied tent in the Mess, shorthand and perananship depart, merit. Members may miter at any time and spend from two weeks upwards as cleaned, Special terms. Write for particulars. Regular work coati:Mee right along int° the fall term which peens The voters' list for Stephen for this " year le cit hand, ;and from it we glean the following statistics: Taal num- 1101' of voters, J,82,1t persona entitled to vtite at municipal elections and ,elect. ions the Legislative A,asseitbiy, I 001; ertione:e titled to vote at mun. ordinary ed' n. estimated 11878 te teed and from 1894 to 1.500 it wow. titled to vote ill' the Lefidlf. ' this Suit) us thud WO 000 is compared With ills. inar WI (11 44-, lb% felletvn* loth ' tiecOunta tat itX -tome will Tee 11 iffelvie Vetoed* It itie4oner pile' • lithe- Assembly titill101t; 050 Ate' !Pi *8 x ,1 . 5 ------------- - PIPS:1140,9181 over 30ualnYtIdttasteeml°,11eitere ton' could hardly see, ,-)X could get nothing to wati` so baa with headache that the untLooffibthee gDr.eaett Lb.emneefinttshodlet.riiteiefrroorn help roe till / tried Milburn's Sterling Headache rowdere, ma they quickly °tr- eaties of neuralgia, rheumatism, lame batik, me? Joeeeit Aftintirt, pateraid, ,ete. Deng & Lawrence Co., Ltd., _menu. E. I, ftaturort. Whils he wait in Scotland, /Ion. I. 1., plitoteni tree'183ehe/e 66"bew1131""61.11°t?" n Square, T n the b oak ZIA() was the vest, at mime Mose, of .chookinil w°10ithinirvoohivattnatcisrozliteov:ti of otouitinpoat tota sna•Likay Abordeteo,wkointid st Urge Georges ntanber of leading then of, the to unthodisk °botch 61.1(10004 x.440.1, meet the Chknitdhul elettetteliets • " • A.i6maing6„a.st. gorges. "ow hew. The csomfortable and cosy cottageonJoetipit Street, °lintel), reeently occupied:by Jamee eloOlachertyee offered for sale on very reation- able terms. Joins Mcp1,AOugirce PROPERTIES FOR sALE, ' I •• • • • 1, r.? • .11 • ; For sale, 4 lots near the Flax Milt, 2 lots on_ Erie See lots on Milton St , alike a brick c,ottages with frame eitchen,hat d water, good °tabard, on Applying to JOHN BIDOUT, Clinton t• JOHNHENRY,Itoitendale, Manitoba. 1101,7814 for SALE. or to RENT, On Tieteria St., near Organ* Faetere. le 300 will bee a roomy, comfortable house with good lot -the property reoeutly occupied by Emelt Upshali. Apply at onto tet- W,*H.RYDONE, Barrieter &e, Clinton. Rouse and Lot tor Sale. The large and commodioue house pleasantly situated on Huron Street, ocoupied by the un - dersigned is, offered for 8510 00 very reasonable terms. There is eyery accomodation,with feeble, - orchard, &o. W. BOWERS, 'Sept 21,1899. • FOR SALE, • ^^. The GaRifarm,one pf the best 10Orterei farms in Goderiontownship,IluxonCeunty,lot 17,part 18, con. si iniles from Ciodench and 7 from Clinton. The farm contains geed buildings and good fences, well watered and well under. drained., There is a large bearing orchard and garden of small fruits. Terms to suit pur- chaser. Apply to WM. GOULD, on. the pre - Mises, or Ceodermb. P. 0 • ;June 8-11m STORE FOR SALE. • The peemises occupied by R. J. • Chuff, and consisting Oa firs. mass bricksitore, en Albert Street, Clinton, is offered for sale on nese ter n Also Cottage on .A.lbert Street, with two lots, stable., and 'all conviences, Particulars on &Indention to Mrs NV. Robertson, Clinton or Mrs 0, W, McGregor, Constance. ' • • • • BUSINESS PROPERTY S.A.LE . -- That desirable Briak Businees Stand on Al- bert Se, Clinton, occupied •by Mr N. Robson, is •offered for sale, including' rear lot and sta.ble. The location is one of the best In Clinton. The property is free from incumbrance Mid title in- • disputable, Price reasonable and terms to suit purthaser, • Apply to GEO.BTA.NBURY, Low don Rene or address Clinton P. 0 s . • For Sale or to Rent. • , • The choice brick house on the corner of Ful- ton and Joseph streets, belonging to the estate 01 1.110 late Richard Heywood, is offered either for sale or to rent. It coatains room for ordi. narrintuily, is practically a new house, with all conveniences, and tbree-tenths of an acre °fiend, It the property is not sold or rented, part ofet will be re ate& Apply to e. • • W. COATS Exeouter nton. FAR,111 FOR SALE • Sttbseriber offers for sale his earm contain- ing 80 acres, 1o7 83, con. lo;Godersolx township. It is situated le miles from Clinton, allieleared with arst-class buildings, bank barn, tWo story hoese; all under pasture, has 3 acres orchard; also a never-failiniz spring. 'The farm is first- class in every respect. Also, 8e acres of bush, which will be eold either witn the farm or separate. No money required as long as the subsoriber is secured, For particulars apply t) SWITZER, on the premises. or elinton Poet office ' • July 6-tf • , • . . . . . Farm' for Sale Or to 'Rent. . — • • 200 acre farm for sale or to rent; being Lots 29 and 30, eth conceesion og Hullett township; 125 a,cree under cultivation,the rest bush and pasture land; watered by a well supplied river; , school heuse No. 5 deleted on the °farm; good large bank barns, stables, sheds Ina other buildings, , also story house; also good or - Chard; lans all. convenieuces. Terme easY. Apply on the farm to • • ALBERT C. Vr1DDEN, or bv letter to Londesbore P. 0:: Ont. -1m . . A 13,argain in Land. ' JAMES SCOTT Barrister, Solicitor, &o., , CLINTON . Ovinexe-Elliott /31ock, Isaac) Streeit , llittNETeTte LOAN. • BARRISTWER. , IBBROLYIPIT°061R,E41,TOTAItY PUBLIC, ETO, Office—Beaver Block.' Up -stairs, Opposite Foster's Photo Gaiters. - CLINTON CHARLES SEAGER Barrister, Solicitor, Notary aed Conveyance ottice—orpesue Colborne Hotel ' Godergel, • Here's a: Clia,nee. For bale Cheap and On easy terms--peet of Lot 4, Bayfield Concession, Goderich- township ; 6550108. Apply to W. SCOTT, Sept 7.3m. Brecefield, S1)11114 Id Farinto Rent or for Male Subscriber offers either to rent or for his farm of 150 sores. situated on the Huron road, Tuckeremith, half a mile from the town of Clinton. Eels all cleared, with first-elese buil-drags, bank barn 4800, with 'windmill, iMplement hens° 18480,with stone foundation, stone pig house undo. with hott house above. - good frame house, three stereo of YOnalr orch- ard, week running through the place, The farm is first-class one in every respect and to atiy one who either 'wishes to rent or buY reasoisabla tonne will be made. Possession at anztime. ARTHUR COUCH, Ointod, Jannary 20.1000. IIPHOLgTVRING. • The undersigned wishes to announce to the people of Clinton and surrounding country. that helms Marilee in Clinton tine Is Inepar- ell to do all kinds or tpholstering. MtatresS Making, Citepet Sewing awl laying. All orders entrusted tome 1 re (Neve prompt at to/Aloe, Orders left itt leWalker's residence. June 8-2 in W. N. WALKER. Clinton: orrocr. 1.mr. /47jataite6 tl ONT. Le107.4.7!'"'N The best equIpped liustrioSS fillovthand schwa. in Canada, is tit° Verest City Business arid College,Leniion, Ont. Large enrolment and. strong (acuity. Iltuulreds of student; in good ,positions Years rof eecol- lent wo k at its cre•tit. Catalogue et either course free. Corr. spondence 81. 'WESTERVELT. •Prineloil 156 POPULAR SONGS ttratty prided and bound Inoue volume. A granil onitortion lituoloul Com, sent trnontol, ptth- itic Cotlite; it voritublo tfcaolity of the woritl'a pow hi, and boilutiful Immo. Price, 10 (onto, papa. golimproiolittc114,1(inise,71Youge Torouto.:aut. .yoz„.1: PIANO • AND ORGAN At the Clinton Music Store Which is also Clinton headquarters' for the noted MoBurney Beattie • 131e3roles Nil And net ne for 4 bargain in a high, grade, durable and eats running' wiled, • IC;' HOARE. C161 N+0 N • 6 • M.• G, CAMERON • (Formerly:of Cameron Holt & Cameron). BARRISTER Arra SOLICITOR nelleernairoiton St opposite Colborne Ho se ' t• ' s, . GODERIOH. ONT • . ' GARROW & GARROVV • BARRISTERS; SOLICIT0ItS, ETC. °Mee -Comer Ilennilton St. and theesteuear • DodericheOnt. • j GAMOW, Q. 0.• CHAS. Gannovv.L.L.i3 , . • • • BARRISTERS, SOXACIToRS, NOTARIES PCELIC PROCTORS IN TUE ATARITIME COURT, &C, Office. North st next doer toSigeal Mee Private Fundasttioalteenrdeata,t lowest rates • PROUDFOOT. , it. 0. RAYS . • . JOHII• RIDOUT.' . • CONVEYANCER, - COMMISSIONER, ETO. Real Estate and Utterance Agent. Money to lend• oino e rtMcioRr Mortgage g es NoteTa4nEd.T. o sziot et .1 • P.ROUDFOOT & HAYS, DR.. G. ER,AIEST' HOLIVIES -DENTIST • • (Succesior to Dr. TeC: Bruce) Specialist in Crown and Bridge Work ' • LeD. Se -Graduate Revd College Dente' Sur, geons of Oetano, Toronto. D. D. S.-First-olass Boner graduate of Den- tal Department of Toronto University. Special attention _paid to preservation of ehildren'eteesle. Will 'isle Bayfield -every Monday. Office over W. Taylor & Son'eshoe store. • DR. AGNEW,. • . • !DENTIST, CLINTON.. Crown Bridge Work. • A.T ZURICH THE 2ND THBRSDA.T, CV • • EACH' MONTH • °Mee Hours -9 to 5, • , • . . DR. C. W. THOMPSON1. • Phystdan, Surgeon, Etc • Office and Residence- • • ' • ' •-• • itattenbury Street. DR. Wart. GRAHAIVL. Licentiate of the Royal College of Physioittne• London, England. Office and Residenee- • PERRIN'S PLOCK: Ifp Ste/trey • Successor to Dr. Turnbull. W. ,/, R. FOWLER, Gold and Silver Medalist. first -Class' honor graduate of the Catena? Veteeinare College. Mums DISEASES OV ALL ANIMALS Night and day calls answered at offlee-Dr ;Worthington's old atandeopp. Cotronercial Hote • INR. WM. GONE, le at, C. P. e.nd L. R. C. S. st-1 Edinburgh. Office-Onterio area Clinton Nigist cans at front door of residence on Retten temp St., opPosite Presbyterian church. TAR. J. W. SHAW, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON •IseAsetencheur, etc., clice and residence On- * tario St., opposite English cburch, formerly ors cupied by Dr. Appleton, Clinton Ont. STA.MBURY, GRADUATE OF THE Medical Department of Victoria Univer- sity, Toronto, formerly of the Hospitals and Dispensarie_js New York, Coroteer of this County of Huron, Bayfleld. Ont, BLACHALL.VETERINARI SURGEON el • ueneraryGraduateof theOntarloVeterina College. Treats ell diseasesof delueatleated i mats on the moat reedern and aoteatinepriee plea Office- immediately Scutt °atm New Eta Moe. Residence - Alhert St., Clinton. Call night orday attendeato promptly • ?UT ARRIAGIll LICENSE, JAMES SCOTT, 8IL • AL Usurer of Marriage Licensee, Library itecni sed•Residense, Mary Street, Clinton. • , • • • ,oans CAMPBELL, tolonsuono, u • lesuati OF MAItRIAGE LICENSES, • • No witnesses requited 1ST W. VAIUICOSID, MEMBER Or MA% OE .1: • P. L, ter„ Provinetal 'Land Surveyor and Civil Engineer, Leudoe, Ont.-0111de eticle° fitewert's Grocery Store. Clinton. 'HONEY TO LOAN. . PRIVATE FUNDS, Al jow rates on iiret-class mortgagee. Apply to' . Cis I). ItIeTaggart, • :113,1,011SO-el • Clinton. Out. CLINTON MARBLE WORM, COOPER% OLD swam. Next te Cenniberelal Rohe. Tht, estab isnesent is Weill ratititi and an ordsraltee in the mos setts/note y way, COE , tate nd granite, wore iv apecialty. Peewee.. reeenable as Mope of antfteetabliabrati 1' • , B. HOOVER, Clinton MUTUAL. FIRE INSURANCE CO. FARM & ISOLATED- TOWN PROPERTII ONLY INSURED • even:nate 3. ILMotean. President, MOM% P. 0.; Thee tteaser, vice -wee -Merit, Brucefield fre• Thos -e . y a ., e or . • Breadfooe, Inspector of Lessee, aeaforth P. O. nritteTeLB W. te. orindfoot, Seaforthsjohn G. Grieve whabrop 04 George Date, Seeforth; Jahn lionnoweis. Debi A; ;as. Home Beethweed O.; Jahn Watt, ItarleckP. O.; Theinalk Emmet, Ilrueefield r John B, 51eIteete Itipperie Jautett COMIelly, Clinton. Attecleg Robert 8mith,lfarlock; obt. irth; JaMeit Cithittling3 1.• Yee, Ilohnee Ille GOOrge eril e And e Motriiken, ttu Bore. Peetiett &when% te <trot Insurance eitretie:. en sapplication any tb wet offteert WA ether bulkiness Will be Ivor eatteridee to 'addressed to *heir reePeettisie delft r •