HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-08-03, Page 6August 8, 1906
A man
with a
thin head
of hair is
a marked
man. But
the big
bald spot
Is not the
kind of a mark mast
men like.
Too many men in
their twenties are
bald. This is absurd
and all unnecessary.
Healthy hair shows.
man's strength.. To
build up the hair from
the roots, to prevent.
and to
cure Ayer.
ness, mai.
u, e—
It always restores ,
color to faded'oe gray
hair. Notice that
word, "always." And .
it cures dandruff.
$1,00 a bottle. All druggists.
"My business calls me ..nt among
strangers a great deal. 1 would
hammy fee; aebamed every thne
t would take off my 414 my hair
was so ti•in and the bald spots:
showed so plainly. I began the use
of your Bair Vigor less than three
months ago. Today 1 flnd I have as
flue a bead of hair as 1 ever had.
tan everybody what 1 used, and
they say,: t mast be wonderful
remedy. GEO. 1EAILL.
Deo'. 14, mak ' Chicago, Ill.
? We have a book oft The Hair and
Scalp which we will send ffee upon I)
• request. If you do not obtain all the • •
benefits you expected from the use of
the Vigor,write the Doctor about
It, Address. '
De. J. C. AVM
Loweti, Mass.
ir IV V 've
Al sin, Reduced tim. Atlantic voyaxe Maine carries off the palm for the old.
• Vrotit Twenty to Si Q Davi, est coos enumerator, In the person of
Lorenzo E. Butters a East Exeter, aged
The screiv propeller is very slinple 82
prinelple And onstruction, and yeara,
yet it le
to effective that no substitute for it is The tallest man in Maryland lives in
likely to be found for many .4 decade to Carroll county, near the Own of West -
come, In °partition it is the windmill minster, and, with a strange appropriate -
reversed. The propeller consists of a ness, his name is Miles Long.
taiga projecting from the stern et life . David Bennett Hill of New York is an
ship and terminating in a set .of blades, aeeelnelished svsliemer,. and he never
usually three or four in number, all tires a sporting in the 'ocean at New
Placed at the same angle. The shafts Jersey resorts, Just as soon as dog days
are revolved by means a the ship's en- arrive,
glues, and theresistance developed by l• Congressman john Allen of Mississip-
the propeller blades revolving in the wa- pi has Informed some a his intimate
ter drives the vessel fel:Ward, If a ship friends that at the end of .bis present
were firmly fastened so that she could term he *ill retire. He has served 14
not move forward and the engines were consecutive terms,
kept in motion, the movement of the Pro- Nicasio Estrada y Mora,"who- has been
pellers,would develop a powerful current appointed by General WOoel' as acting
In the Waterastern. Where it is a ques- .ma9Cir of Havana, to serve until July 1, Is
tion of the relative' resistance of the likely to he elected to that office. He is a
ship's. bulk and the water that a the lawyer, 87 years old. ,
water is always greater, and, owing to . President McKinley's ' liking for the
the fact that the power is aPplied reet- • •
red carnation seems to be unfailing. He
ly at the stern, there is less ldi
oss of enere has a dozen sent him • from the White
this tru
gy than le the ease of side wheels,nevigation, Es, H •
ouse greenhouses every day and nearly
pecially is e in peon always wears one when out for his daily.
where the rolling of the vessel from- side. drive
to side often caused the old 'fashioned '
wheels to lose their' grip of the water. General Miles and General Cortina have
received commissions for higher ranks.
The adoption of the screw propeller im-
General Miles will hereafter bear the ti -
mediately reduced the time of an Atien-
tle of lieutenant general, and General
tic voyage from 20 days to about 14 dues.
In comparison with the size of ,the
Corbin is made adjutant general -of. the
greet ocean sleather the dimensions of
the propellers which drive her through
the water at the rate of 2a miles dr More
per hour seem hopelessly inadequate
For instance, if one steeds beneath sob
a ship when * she Ilea in ilrydock and
looks up at her great height and along
her Inualteds of feet Of length it seems
impossible that the propellers can: fulfill
their task. As a matter of fact, however,
their- efficiency depends upon the speed
with which they are revolved rather then
upon their size. Nor are they small in
themselves. The propeller's of a' steam-
ship of the largest eize,•together with the
stere tubes in which they are -eittriecl,
weigh close to 100 tons. Moreover, they
are one of the•most expensive portions of
army. . . • •
Maynard .Itayloy,• a blind man, living
' • at Marietta, 0., fell from a raihatad
I. bridge across the Muskingum rivet a few
days .ago and alighted on a,pile of rocks
-45 feet below, Ile escaped with'it eprain-
ed wrist. , .
. Baran , von Cohn, the court banker of
• Emperor William I, died recently in,Ber-
lin, leaving no will:* His fortune Mounts,
to 40,000,000 marks', or $11,500,000,• and
'gees to his ally daughter, who is it child-
less widow. '
, Judge Etigene S.. Elliott of Milwaukee,
well known as the originator et the
.American Whist club, will play no more
* except for an occasienal social game. Ile
has decided that 'his days for match
the ship; The propellers are so essential games are over. • .
to the Ship's .progress that they are wear' .alithmoed Point, 'the sultan's brother -
of the toughest Metal obtainable.' Nick- in-law, has 'turned journalist. ' He has
eled 'steel was formerly. employed for this undertakenthe editorship of the Osamu-
se but at the present' time man- 11, the Tiirkisji organ of the Reform
ganese bronze' is the favorite. material. .party, which.. has for some years been .'
.ktengenesettonze ceets la the neighbor- published et Geneva. . • '
hood of $600 per ton, and this makes the ...Dr. Rafael Uribe Uribe, the Colenthilin
total 'cost of a pair of- three bladedw
-scres -•
refointionarl leader, beghit' his military
amount to $50,000 or $60,009.,-Ainslee's -
. . -career in 1870, and sincelhat time he has
atagazine. • • t• been, in every uprising' againstthe clert.
.. .
A GLASS, EVE. ical party.' In addition to being a pots
.dfer -of some .ffistinction, he is* e,,Itewyer
Compeneatine Advantages For llie of ability. , .
• Man Who Wears It r. , Retest Avery of Vinated, -Conn:, Wlies
. e'Many people think," said 'Mr. 'Lawlor' had. his•-elothei .stolen 'while in bathing,
.. ........„ •
•• • of Kansas 'City., "tbat of all 'the accidents •Wandeted ;inthe woods adjacent to. the
• - that can.-hannen to ti human. hen* the -, streem for We days aad.nights, He wits '
TH ,H OM E NURSgr: , ' loss cifeyesiglitia by far the worst,. This •'' shot at end • chasea idi dogs is .a wild '
V onions freely in diphtheria. .
•• ' . '' ' I I Omit. oti '''-shen eyesight is eotnpletely- man 'whenevet he appeateil, uatil 'finally
'. - :(- gone, bill:•wiln;re 4 man loses a single- e3e•11: ene courageous inait'get•elose enofigh to
' . " • , -' :. ' -. .
Try ginger ale for stomach cramps. ' '. there are compensating adanetages. WO - 'haat his stork arid bring hire sOnte ',cloth -
Try clani broth for' a weali Stomaall know of the inau 'horn the pate*Mg j
. • :.
Try a wet towel at the 'back of the -tored savage was about .to burn at the ., •Fierbert Putnam, librafitin of the' ilbra- !
Ihead when sleepless. . . - • stake. When 'he removed the artificial • ry of congress, who • sailed for Europe, i
Try hard 'eider -ea wineglassful :three eye he .carried, he • was straightway re-, will have a 'busy' trip. He' will i.e pur-
kased, made n .rnighty -medieine man 'of chasing books for the library* .all -the'
. r the tribe and apally .escaped with 'evetY- time, • Will attend seieral:congresSes • of .
thing portable or of .. value belonging- to -., professional . interest to him . in widely
• •s; his captdrs. 'Then there's the man. who' ' separated parts Of Earope• and hopes to.
bet to a 'standstill a large circle of men be present atthe five hundredth miniver .
*tar interest will now switch from who were looking for a gecelthing and antis of the lartleef Gutenberg, to be. eel;
whiskers to cues,.-Sionx*City Journelfound it in themselves. His bet was °that.* ebratea at, ?lain% "Te.' this occasion he
The case of Lord Roberts shows that a he -could, 'stare steadily for five minutes . will go as a delegate from the ' United
great deal also depends upon the man be- with one eye at the aun in the full glate.•• •••
States. . . ,
a day -for ague and rixeumntism.'.-
hind the man behind the gun -Chicago of anithlay and' nos wink.. Ile wen
Tribune. • hands down., PERT PERSONALS..
t Von't go to Cape Nome seeking *geld • "The:* ai•e two.eases where a glass eye - .•
tidiegg yoU hove motley to pat'. Mir way: •WaS'of distinct•naeantage to its owner,' !
,. ,,. 1 . .
back LT-- ts eh-epre• ve -erpfee -.here at • .'and I can 'beer personal 'witness - to P: '.
home. . .- * '''t a hir . t ppetrett-iir tt- poker- geme--I--‘..-
. **- -*'- r - lia.
The °pillion that the ancient and hoit-',. wasein; As is - usuaLin poker games, the , •
arable office of the coroner can just. an jaclt pots did not cOnte often enough, and ,
well be dispensed with, byout edvaaciug , the inevitable suggestion that the services.
civilieation is evidently spreading.- of a Imek be- enlisted Was immediately 1
Brooklyn Citizen. . .." forthceming.' A batik is.some object •
The cause of Woman :suffrage has re- - thrown into the pot, which: goes to the
ceived a bad blow in the Oregon elec- •. Winner, - Whierabe dbal reaches that per- i
tons. . The•.vote ' upon the questien waS ticider man, it is a jack pot, the buck '
overwhelmingly asedest 0.'4m. the* ballot again enters the rieg Mid another jack: -
to women. pot ensues, When that particular winner '
Surgery uter sine,. that a 111411 mae. i' mcileti' and so ou ad infinitum, Mid •
live without a forehead ne- well as with- '. tenTs,r,fittltilly., -to .it portion of the., party ad ,..
out a stomach. It will hardly 'be 'neceig """ ' •
"This particular evening the suggestion .
miry for it in tai nu., 4.1i!d- Ila poin live' with. ..
out „brains et 'with approval, and we were hunting. -'
' .* .1 for something to use as a buck, when oue
We have at last civilized an Income for of our eunkber, extracting Itis artificial
old Geronimo deposited ,
• poker in bank as a provision for
sion for his old won at . orb' put it 211 Ale table in front of him,
5 ' '
with the words, 'Ilow.will ibis do. for a i
-age. -Perhaps the fruit has proved cost::
ly, lite al• Ingot we have now .one 'apace , buck?' It wouldn't do at all, we hastened s
Loa. . to* assure him, but he accomplished his
• :
. . ' ' . 1 object, for bluffed every oim. We. j
New Jersey now has e breed. of snakes ' couldn't s-enarate aur • united 'gaze front.
with feet. It is•understood that the woe- that eye, and when the evening ended
quitoes are all ill from analeria and that . he had to Wren ivitgon to carry his pluu- ,
some new sensation was .necessary to -• der away. There is no doubt," oncluded
call attention in the usual manner to the I Mr. Lawlor, "that the . possession of a
approaching seashore exodus. -New York glass .ore is .no'' ndiollv .Witljoat Its .corra• '
Press. , .
' , , pensations.' .
If the , present complications in China .. .. . . .
. •
and the rivalry between Russia and Ja- ; . Paltry Literature. •
pan are arranged and settled -Without., -It may be doubted whether those who
recourse to war, the world will begin- to • havenot been forced to a liberal reading -
2 fairy stories after they have grown up
.altogether realize the objectioes Which
exist neatest many of them. On the oth-
er hand, it Is quite (WOO to contleinn
them all because so many ,of them carry •
the supernatural to an objectibnable and
harmful extreme. It would be.a loss .0
literature indeed to blot out . altogether
the' romance and chivah•y which are bound ,
up in the time henored stavies of •the
nursery. Those who contemplate any de-
parture so radiettl as this can only be
eetinted gluons- those enthusiasts 'Who are
alway4 In fairer a. wrenie measuree.
While there may be valid objections to
genie of the more Idoodthirsty tato. and
tel.ofiters of a gimstly and growsonM kind,
no .one can reasonably object to the land
of enchantment, peopled • with fanciful
cteations and miraculous• powers, which
any .child delights tohear. about.-Cup'
believe Salisbury was right in saying.the
"concert of Enrrirws Is something' more
than a name.
• John .Kinney tecently drove Chorale
2:08, a half over .the Belmont track in '
1:01%. • •
Lord Vincent, 2:08%, is 100. pounds
heavier than a year ago and is working
tattles around 2:20. Charley Dottie likes
-dun better than ever.
There is a 2-year-o1d pacer in the Ma-
plewood farm string that Tom lilarsh
lays can step a -querter 111 n seconds. )
He is by Ashland Wilkes' 21171/4. '
1 In a matinee free for allPace at Spring- `
leld, Mo., May 80, Opha M, 2:22V2, itep-
ped the first end third heats in 2:103,
Mid 2:1(3 and June, a green mare by Ito- rent Literature,
nadtz, the second 111 2:17, • • .
1/4 syndicate il1intretnase 4I**,IkIII tfi Easitetteilee.
agground at Villsida•s, N. 1., and lay out a "1 don't ate wha there Is all this •opp0-
., w- - •
• .-..e track. Athletica, baseball and oth- sition to icallutit Voting," said a beardless
er sports will be held there. Trotters . young faliNst from his vantage '-round
are to, have a chance also, " / beside the Lyeeutn, watching the etoinea
Ruth C, a green pacing mare without going into the equal suffrage meeting.
ti merle won a matinee race of half utile "It just mons that n nem hue two- votes
heats at Gloversville, al, Y., May 30 In instend of one -his, own and his wife*"
1:10. 1:11 and 1:08, She is owned by 0. coneltided• the youthful sage. .
b'. Allen and has a good prospect. ming man, questioned a gray Veter-
Nelly Bruce, 2:1074. is running to a an Benedict, "are you married?" •
paddock at Jet:ry resin at Lex- "No, no; Pin not nuttried."*
ington and will never he raced again. "Woll. Ahem yon don't* know anything
She Is looking strong ited rugged'and nbout It. It means Oa+ the women will
• has been bred to Chehalia, 2:0474. • have two votes lied the mee weiet bave
The Ontoninn (2:04) filly Ondielieno, any vote al all."
Frank Imhoff's entry in the $5,000 Cham-
ber of Commerce., .purse at Detroit, is . When you call on it friend in the even -
working fast at the Grosse Pointe track. • Ing and he keeps his Angara at the. Place
in the bora: he wits reading, take the
She is now stepping easy miles; in 2:22))a.
The Canadian Derby,11/4 milea, value hint` •
$2,000,' was won easily reeently. at Port
Erie by Carruthers &Shields' Advance •
Of the total area of the Japanese em-
Gutncl, 127 potttida.am globe 110
plre--147,000 solar° miles-liardlY 12
per- cent is cuitivatable,.
ponds, was second and Redford, 102 p •
pounds, third; tithe, 2:08%. Ural rode
Advance Guard.
The fennel% fife finding 1.1111 grant'- lle will tell vett that Seo,t's Ening.
tiopoos (lune A 01,01,0 goopral pert g 111 um PA par ert v of the blood and
lateidenae. All kindo ofgrain suitor.. 9,"11)fy,V, or, tile het.vert.„, Ito will PaY
Fields of bueltwheilt have been des. ;""4 „ " "n,„,%)t "MeaV itl the world
troy( d by there,. as they attack he for delicate chiltlren.
1Pfle sprouts tilt sOon as they come Paul Joly, a street ear conductor, was
ihretrgh the ground. killed by 4 C. It, train at Mile End,
Hobson's craning horno,' bet he isn't in
7ganil• health. .
landePlaisi-Dealer, - - .1
Ann Angel of Archuleta county, Colo.,
got'married• the ether day and ceased to
be one. . • . ,
, Hefty Green says she never made more
than $200;000 in elle day, but then Hetty
is only 65. • • , • •••
Count .0astellane has tried everything
from a 'challenge to a. etump speech and
has., not yet succeeded in gaining. serious
recognitior .1114 anjutitience in French not-
ifies.* •
'William Weldorf Astor is reported- to
'have' added the: letter u t lag name and
now spells it Astons, in accerdatice with
.att old English custom'. This May ben
hint to royalty that he woald like to add,
to Itia no;PiI other letttirs. representing .a
We have heard about Job of course,.
but what's, boils compared with kin?
Wishing seems to have the state affect
on a girl's.,Shirt -waist that marriage`has
on a pretty girl. -
The dearest thild is the one too young
to know that there is' more to a' circus
than tbe parade. ,
• When [(man acts a great deal younger
than he really is, you will find as a re-
sult his wifelopkiffiVery uiuch older
than her years., .
Every*.bride integines that her photo-
graph on her husband's oflice.desk in
spireshim to keep onward and upward,'
like the boy in "Excelsior." .' •
'When•a reel tough man falls In Joyci,.
one of the funniest things is the emit-. I
ner in which he gives up poker to de- '
light in A 'game of old nutid.-Atchison
AcCording to, The School. Review only
41.51 per cent of the pupils In American
high Schools are boys.
Edwin G. Cooley, superintendent of the
Chicago normal school, has been elected
by the trustees of•the board of education
to succeed Dr. Benjamin Andrews as
saspteerm.intendent of Chicago's publietAtool
Professor Eliot of Harvard the other
day received from several Harvard alum
nt now serving in the Philippines a large
and valuable collection of native arms,
ornaments and manuscripts for the uni
vorsity museum.
j. C. Monaghan, who has been am
pointed professor of commerce in the new
School of Commerce to be opened at the
University of Wisconsin this fall, has
recently resigned as consul of the United
States at Chemnitz, Germany, where be
has been stationed for the last seven
years. •
Sleep is said to 'he a great beautifier.
.No wonder St. LOO;r. 3Is rated fee 40
handsome polieentess
St. 'Louis was all right se long us it
confined its energies to the brewing ITV
terests and the Promotion r". A.144 mulo
-the Louisiana eurchas'e exposition is
now an assured success, and 014 whole
stele cif Missouri rejoices with St; Louis
in he triumph,Springteld (tIo.) • Re-
.St. Lours may lay it over Kansas City
playing golf, but Kansas City is . miles
ahead of St..Louis when it comes to deal-
ing with a street ear strike. -Kansas
City Ster. .1
The Parisians expect that 06,000,009
persons will visit their exposition.
There are numerous complaints ,about
the exorbitant charges in Paris 'and, on
the fair grounds. The Parisians are,
evidently determined to make the.'mest
of the opportunity.'
Season tickets to the Paris exhibition
must bear tb... photograph of the- Orions
• to whom they are issued.. The Algerian,
Tunisian and other Moharinnedan exhita
!tore, however, refuse to Wive their pic-
tures taken,- .as It is *contrary to the •
It is•time the Americae woman learned
„that it Is not n feather in her, den to wear
a dead Inra ae her , befinet-Louisville
%:post, . ..
. 'The .fitst thing 'a .-weinan. does •aftei.
three weelta' absence in the country is to
ask for the latest. iSgiloe of the faktlinn,
ruagazinee. ,
Tailless. a Men raises. such. 4 rOw ivnen
his wife „Sella:an' old footstool Iliac the'
neighbors send .for the -pollee she -will
eome .einholdened and sell all ,the
tute the house.-Atehison*Globe. "
SYMPA. th,k , may: .help
a. .wounded heart
but it '-woi:13heal
wounded.:lim.. b...
Russia 'luny spell the peace she wants
Ip (411tina like thie --Ialice.---0editr Rapids r • .
Ittreutiican. _
• •
is feared that .Bussia Is prepared'to t
preserve more order in China than the.
other nowvrk can consistently approve of..
-"Detroit News.
IluSsla li ;() eager, to civilizethe heath -
ii Boxer that she stands ready to tnke
possession of China and •de it rill alone. -
'Chicago Ilecord.
llussla HAY nol, Perhaps, Mei tile op-
portunity for which alto iti waiting this
time, but site is alert ttaa ready und will 1
fixnedwolt. sooner or later.--Itidgew,, ood (N. J.) '
The tonic , qualities of sea air are dile !
to tt third of a grain of salt per ettbie
yard end a trace of iodine.
Sound passes* through air itt the ve-
locity of 1,142 -feet persecond, through
water 4900 feet and through Iron 17,-
500 feet.
A substituted forefinger was shown by
a Itoenigslierg doctor at 'n surgical con- l
gym ih .Iterlin, Ile bad cut oft the pa-
tient's second toe rind sewed it to the
stump of the missing linger. PriniarY
Obion followed, and the new finger could
be moved bY Ito owner.
That feet is se obvious that You won-
der why any toile can offer " sympathy "
as the chief leature.of treatment for the
delicate diseases of women. Yet women
are inaited 'to " Write to a Woman who.
Can sympathize with yvoman," atid the
theme of their correspondence is to
be the delicate' difficult and dangerous
diseases whichundermine a women's
health and strength. It is true that such
offers are combined with an offer of
"medical advice" Bet inedical advice
can' only be given by •a competent pity-
simaie.an(1 no mention Is made in sucli
offers of a physician's oidoctor's advice.
It is net offered because it cannot be
given. The offer is uot being made by
'a qualified. physician.
The offer of free consrltation by letter,
made to ailing. women by D;$or •R. V.
Pierce, has behind it a physi n's abil-
ity. Dr. pierce is consulting physician •
of the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical In-
stitute, Buffalo, N.. Y. Associated with
Dr. Pierce is a staff of nearly a score of
physicians, each man a specialist. In a
'practice of over thirty years Dr. Pierce
and hia staff have treated successfully
More than half a tnilljoti women, who
have been cured of debilitating drains,
inflammations, ulcerations and female
troubles. The age, egperietice and skill
of 1)r. Pierce give him a supreme ad-
vantage in his chosen field of diseases of
You can write to Dr, Pierce without
fear and without fee. Every letter is
read privately and answered confiden-
tially, the answer being sent in a plain
envelope, without any printing upon it.
Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical'
Advisee, free on receipt of stamps to
cover customs and mailing only, 8 ticl
31 one-cetit stamps for the edition in per cover, or so stamps for cloth bowud
• .Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N.
• A Little 3uperstit1ousi
"You know how the gommuter hates
to miss a ferryboat," saki the woman,
"and you also kuow how crowded the
streets are leading toward the ferries et
all hours of the day? Crowds of men
ahd women, too, hurry over the cross -
legs under the' 'Very' wises of horses,
dodging • the trolley cars, pushing and
scpuubIing in that eternal rush to get
a1ot and loee no time about it. But the
otbeb., day .1* saw a regular small 'sized
thron lose a boat in a totally unneees-
sary ma per.
"Just aS 1 reached the curbing op one
'side of a street that lay between we and
the ferry I noticed a little nue of men
and women pausing nonchalantly on the
near side, and in. a moment 1 saw what
was 'file matter -a funeral procession
was passing slowly along, with plenty
of room between •the carriages for folks
to get across, But the folks' thought
differently about it and waited for the
last carting° to get by,"
"Did you go right across?" some one.
asked the woman.
"Oh, well. T inst waited, too,"
she said.
Seed's. Planted In Eggshell.,
Of, course you have read Celia Thee-
ter's: "My Garden," but have you, ama-
teur gardeners. remembered a little plan
of hers for planting seeds, flower seeds;
In eggshells? You know, ,you just fill
half a shell with gond rich earth,. stick
In a seed or titto; stand the shells up in a,
box, of earth, keep them warm and moist,
and thou, when you think you can treat -
the weather out of doors and the seeds
have sprouted, you knook the shell oft
and put the little ball of earth into Moth-
er Earth, and there you are. Not a' root
has been disterbed. and if you choose a
favorable time for trensplanting there
will not be a wilted, lent to rkard the
growing of the plant.'
The Germ of Bid 'Manners.
"Indepondenee is a trait I like in Amer -
Iona," said a girl near Me the other day,'
'Po think that am as good as every
one else' puts a strain of confidence into
me." • . • .
"That sarne reflection, `I am as good ae
every one 'else,' is at the „bottom of 'a.
great ..deal of our 'proverbial bad man-
ners," was the reply. "Would it not be
better to think 'every one else is AR good.
as I am?' " • It certainly is a commend-
able trait to be self reliant. se Inc ER
material,. affairs.,stre .coacereedt, but , thete
is, an 'equality of worth to .he reengeiZed
in others wbicli is abovethe obligations,
to self. --,-Ada. -C.. Sweet In \\Tetuan's
• r
• Idorne companion. -
. . gore -Sign. '
nthelYour sister is 'engagedis-nt she.
W tUtyS -so?'
Playmate-rThoti, beW do, y,oa know?
Little •Ethelle-When the postman.ringe,
' she goes to the 'door het -sell..
Life, Accident, • Plate:Glinisi
eit.seitav bOce..thairrozt
Slater Shoe Leathers
The output a "Slater Shoes" is so large that the makein are able to
control their own tannage in most leathers.
" Canuck Calf," made from the best selected calfskins, in black, light
and medium tau and seal brown.
" Kidduck" in black and seal brown, from selected Patna goatskins.
Both leathers are wear and water resisting, porous and therefore sanitarY.
There are also "Best Prench Pittent," " Prerielt Enamel," "Peerless
Russia'l and l'American Wax Calf."
Slater Shoe Polish only should be e
used on these leathers, retaihs' their .
elasticity and keeps them soft.
The sole leather is the best obtaiu.
able,and on every sole is the makers'
name and price in a slate frame,
wheii the finished shoe has passed
its rigorous examination.
Jackson Bros,/ Sole Agents for Clinton.
For pure blood,
A bright eye and
A clear complexion,
A'keen appetite,
An easy digestion
And refreshing sleep.
• ' Vilk3EC.IM .
1. 1
arsa ari la
rittot s
It arouses the jiver,
.Quickens the cirdulation,
Brightens the spirits and
Generally, makes life Worth living. -
4 4 .
Sixtyseven years trial have proved•It to be beyond question,
the most reliable BLOOD purifier known.- •
All the leadleg Druggists • sell BRISTOL'S SARSAPARIlik.
uggies 1 Wagons
First-class from $65 to $80.1 846.
Clinton. Ont.
G'eneral District Agent for the Quality the Best, Prices Right
Confederation Life insurance Co '
for Stratford and Godeil eh. inclusive. All in
omation relating to ins uterre gtediy fth en
• Money to loan at reasonable rates.
Office in Palace Block '
" normviLLE;
Agent tor :.111a MaCn.r.firks. Fran Assunagen
Co. of Manchester, England, whose fonds and
security are rated at 0.4,500,oue. Also the MC-
farm risks and town property taken
got-oelyast.0 bLeTand Froomnitirs
oent. up. according Trio nature of seouritlr) -
Daily ,mail td Holnesville - postal card '
I fetch him
}All Kmasof Shoes
TO OPithl A COLT) la; ONE BAY.
A.0 good as any"' stuilbetter than wetly
are to be seen by inventing our summer --
amok of Men's, %Vernon's and Children's
Boots and Slime.'
lines of Trunks. Valises.
ete • Single and Double Harness
13, 0. Berl Cedar, White Cedar, and
Pine Slunglee alwaya on hand at
,,, VaitelatUVIVO lirOMO Q01111110 Tablrig, Ali j rifiVIT CETEL .
arnggi•as rot,' il lila 1110I161 if it faits to rare.
Victoria Meek,
dee W 'Grey 'a gnaturo I+ on each. box.
Lake St. Olalr and the Def riot Rivet
have thep 1st, week been fl led with
thousands ofdead fish. Almost all of
them' aro half grown herring, though
there are some perch and bans among
them. Tho cause is unknown.
--Children Cry for
. , uNTS.... AT‘i
For 'Story of SOuth 'Africa"' bv • John Clark
Ridenth, D„ Edward s. Ell s, M. A.. J.
A. Cooper. Managing Editor of tl e 'Canadian
Magazine." Toronto, and J. II. Aiken, of
London. Ont:, who has returned this week
from i2 years' 'travelling ittSmith Africa for
us. We •Itre the only Canadian.Publishers
who have had it branch in South Afi lea for
nineteen years, giving 09 111 immense adviied-
age it procuring t.lit tographs aitd. material.
Our authorship, letterpress and e pavings
are superior, lend CammiiitO end ugents bet.
te: Illustrated than in any rival weIrk. So
sure are w e of this, that we wit mall: free for
comparison our prospectus to an one lioskFs.
ing a rival prospectus. oireautia and terms
free. Apply World Publishing Company,
Guelph.; (mrario
• Jo •
•-• • • • • •-•-•-•-•-•+
Meat Market
Ifaving purchased the butchering
businese of F. II. Powell 1 am pre-
pared to tumid] the people of Olinr
to with 'all kinds :of Fresh and
Oared Meats.. Sausage, bologna,
lard, butter and eggs always kept on
It, Fitzsimons & Son.
ThoLdione 70.
ofdetliovwen.red promptly to •all
MB -Persona having.. hogs for
Shit:grant will onfer a. favor by -
leaving word at the sitop.
The Imperial
The underslened wish to Worm
the wale of C:inton and vleinitY
they have opened tip in the nom
formerly warned by ,b`air & Co„ 1
MacKay Elwell/ 'Ontario
where they will ), tam in docket kindo of
rzehh, Cooked, Cured and
Canned Meati,
nab as are usually carried in a first claga Meat
MONS tOgOthOP With roinattr, Canned, Pongee,
Peet, Piga' Peet,Minee Meat, and alt articlea of
a like nature, which will be delivered to any
pert of the town, . Orders solleited .
3 lio4 good Sattsagetor 25 cents.
0111/ k0,11.1TOlf, Manager
T. R. P.•CJASE....Sz OO
Our store wpacked with new up to date goccis, eymthin„a required to furnish a
well regulated house. From it °lands chair to 'the most eXponsivokilitig 'PAPIOr
Suit, itch/ding Pictures, Curtains, i...bades, etc, Ont Pian
Organs and SeVang Machines are Of the Lest manufacture. Weds thathale
stood the 'test for years. EVE ry article guaranted as represented.
J. Ja. D11EL4LiFW, 131 y tit
'Does not prevent you from wanting the god) we are oft ring for the pleseet
season of the year.
Sugar and fruit jars, are in the front rank, also Raisins and Currants, Prune,
Apricots, Selman, etc., etc. •
The there are Forks, Rakes, Hon; Swaths, Cradles, Scythes, Stones, Oil. and
Oil Cans, Whips, eta, .
Do not forget about Boats era Shoe,. also Hats, Shirte, Collars and Ties.
We alp can supply you with Suits or Pants and Vests, Overalls and jackets.
• ' It would not be out of place to hay Wall Paptr and you on.;fit to see our
'Patent Window BIsn' (1 fixturesTI'. y ate tine. •
Our pricei are correct bill our terms cash or. produce. , We ray cash for butter
and eggs, It will be your gain to trade with eS,
'Emporium, LondesboTO
July 101,12, POO
Clinton Sash, ID oor and
Blind Fa et ory.
• • General Builder and 'Contractor.
This factory, is the largest in the County; and has the very latest ienpreved maa
ahinery, capable of doing work on the shortest 'notice. We carry an extensive •
and reliable stock and prepared plans, and give estimates tor and build all class.
ea of buildings on short notice and on the eloseat priec All work ia supervisi
ed in a mechanical way and satisfaotion guaranteed. Ws sell all kinds of in-
• tericr and exterior matexial..
Lninber Lath, Shingles, Lime, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Eft
Agent for the Celebrated tiat'Alt'1131ht. SCHOOL DE811, manufactured
at -Waterloo. Call and get pricee and eattma!ea before placing you orders;
Headquarters for all kinds Of Hardware,Tinware, Nedle,„Toolohllinges,
Glass, White Lena and One, the celebrated Sherwin Williams ready
mixed paints, Palsy Churn, Screen Doors and Windows, Blue Flame
Wickets° Oil Stovaa, all kinds of Wire Fencing, Agents for the Ameri-
can Yield Fence the beat fence in the world, it is Horse proof, Bel/
proof, Hog prord, Pig and Dog tight, txtreme heat and .,cold does not
draw it out of shar, it stays *bore it's put. .
Call and See it
A few. Royal American Clothes Wringers, at $2.85 .
while they last, a firsttelass ‘1,,ringer. A few odd shades ready
mixed paints at a big diseduntLawn °Mowers at redueAd
prices to dear out. 1 Only Fire Proof Safe for WA.
1.1xpette in Hot Air and llot Water Heating andllrfiblt