HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-08-03, Page 5THE CLINTON NEW ERA , • rXI-1:4 TWO .14.. 47','S t, , Sporting Notes, 1Boys', Youths' and Men's 1N . 118 ew -14tReady Made Clolhin& 13o Many people have been enquiring et our etore for ready made clothing that we thought it would be advisable to put in a stock. We have just received a complete Call and see our new line of men's, youth's and boye' clothing that will fit the boyte from five years old Spring Mats, Easter Ties to a hundred. They were made by Lally, Watson and Bend, the noted ready made 74. ' • • • Wit( beauties. makers of Catutda. They .uee the Wit goods and beet trimminge to be had at the priee and are noted for the out and etyle of theiru! e eu e . you A, J. MORRISEI buy Ore. Onrdered olothing a epeoialty. A. J. IIOLLOWAI I I I August Sale ofFurniture- Means a teauction in prices of from 10 to 25 per cent. Parlor suite worth 325.00 Augurt sale $21.50, Oak extension tablee worth $8.50 A.aguet sale $6 90, set of dieing room ohaira worth $12.50 August sale $10, oak sideboards worth 818 Aeguet sale 314 50, common beds, reattrees, couakies, easy.. chairsonirrors, picture framea, eaaels, baby car- riages, etc. Everything meat go. Prices will do it. Come and share in the bargains. 1. FT. 401E1 IF; IlLt]Li 141 W. 1131.17 -til ITIS.. JUSTRIGHT it the ingredients come from us. - Nothing but the best- can come out of our, store, becesuaa nothing but 'be beet is allowerll to come in. - This is the season when good-thinga • to eat are particularly in demand, and we have made ample prepare.- ' trona All the fr Monday Staples . • • and 'Delicacies are here, carefully selected, wittily bought, and rightly prieed. We can give you royal service end save , you, money. • • ,• When buying FRUITS call and see what we have to offer, as we expect to be able to handle' FRUITS to yonr .satisfaotion, and eters also. We buy direct from the growers, consequently no two profits have to be Agured on. e e, AtiVertbenlatA. 1/5' ANTED. Wanted, male or female, having second class eertificate,for S.S. No. 5, Hullett. Dutins to commence lst ofJan., 1901; Applications received up to Saturday, Sept. 15. Applibants to state salary expected and to eludes° testi- monials. 6. McCOOL , Londesboro, Aug 3-M . • Secretary. • Miss Carol Newcombe, TEACHER FOR PIANO, And ptipits prepared for Ooneervatory • . course, • • • CLINTON. 'ONT. • . NOTICE., -1^ Notice is hereby given that the Council of the Corporation of the town of Canton in- tends to construct a concrete sidewalk along thb east side of .Albert St. bstween Rattenbury and Princess Sts., in the said town, and to as- sess the final costs thereof upon the properties -benefited and not exempt by law from assess- ment • • ' 1 he estimated costof the Proposed work is 8417.75, of which Cum 821,98S is to be provided out of the general funds of the Mural:ape Ity A Court of Ritvision will be held on Menden Aug. 20, 1900, at 8 O'clock p.m., at the Council Chamber, for the purpose of hearing complaint against the ProPeeted assessment or accuraoy of the frontage „measurement, and any other complaint Which persons interested may desire tle, make, and which is by law cognizable by tOsaid Court • . Dated at Clinton thisInd day of Aug.', 1900 • W-. 00A.9S, Town Glee k VOTERS' LIST, 1909. • .• MunidpalitY• of the Town ; of Successor to •• . • rennet -cm George swallow • . • . -leeleavirn elititon,.Buron. County. • . Notice is hereby given thatI have t ansmit- . ted or delivered to the persons moat oned in. •eections 5 and 6 in the Voters* Lists.Acts, the •j the said Municipality, to be entitled to vote peoeaprieins rgesiubyiredby lastre svaisidedAcAtssoefssamileonetrenonoislaopf- in the said Municipality at elections for mem- bers of the Legislative Assembly and at Muni- cipalElections, and that said list was first posted up in my office at Clinton, • on the 28th day of July, and remain there for inspection. . . Electors are ealled upon to examine the said Lists and if any.,omissions or any other errors areloluid therein to take immediate proceed - 'Inge to have eaid errors corrected aceording to law. . W. COATS. , •• . Clerk of the said 11(fanieipa1ity. Photos Photo Special oiter at • Burgess' Studio We are zwing one en -1 larged photo with. every dozen of our fiyo„ dollar cabinet photographs or- dered.. Conte early and avoid the • rush. F. G. Burgess "AAAAAA.w.www.v..~.A Ice Cream Confectionary And Fruits . . • You will find us headquarters ' for Pine Apples, Cocoanuts, Strawberries, Bananas,Oranges and Lemons as we will endeavor to keep on hand estook of fresh' and geasonable fruits. Our Soda Water • Fountain • Is again a up aiaranning iP fine order to supply the wante • of.thirety customers for another season : - Ice Cream and all kin& of cool drinks. First class • Bread cakes and pastry always on band. • Any kind of fancy cakes not * in stook made when ordered. Jas. McOlacherty, • Novelty Bakery •Ay.d Restaurant. Telephone No. 1. /10000111 Cotton Boot Compoutd 10,000 Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask your druggist for Cook's Cotten Rota Com- te euecessinity used monthly by over rein& Take no other, as all Mixture, pilla and imitations are dangerous. Price, No. 1, $1 pier box; No. n, 10 degrees stronger, $8 per box. No. 1 or 2, mailed on receipt of price and two 8 -cent stamps, The Cook tioropaay Win isor, Ont. Nos. I, and 2 sold flea reaommen led by all gesponsible Drugging 111 Canada. - No6.1 and 2 sold in Clinton,by Sydney Jack son, Druggist, Term Opens SEIM 4th WritA.T100 lint °XT. Io lose than eight large businessoollegett foleheir so Ole. As many as five bUsiness applied to es:within the past ilix weeks our graduatee tetake positions as teaehere firma have plied to na in one day for office help. This iS sorely the beet 01611°61 for you xt paya to prepare for profitable, progressive • .f0 ‘,ei/eireil/ii„d ipt11•1Pf..1. • The best equipped business and shorthand School in Canada Is the Forest City Business and Shorthand College, London. Ont. Large enrolment and strong faculty. Hundreds of studentsin good ,positions: years of excel- lent wo-k at Its credft . Catalogue of either eourse free: Correspondence invited. J. W. WESTERVELT, Priucipql CURL WANTED.: . -• , A young nirl wanted to attend to children Apply to NE W .E R4.offide July 20-1 ••• Iron pot For Sale. •• • \ For sale °heath a good iron Pot, suitable for farmer's use. Apply at NEW EttA. OFFICE. 4 July 274f •• . 1101..TSE TO RENT. • Go'od comfortable brick house on Mary street recently occupied by Dr. Bruce. Every scam- modatien for ordinary family. Apply to R. COATS & SON, Clinton. .„.July 274f WANTED. A general servant wanted. Highest wages •to a competent girl Apply to MaRitriSo.W13-1/10.13.- ER TY For Sale,The residence, and lot on Bitten - bury St is offered formic” on reaeonable Alto 5 single wagonS and 8. sets of single bar. ness. For particulate apply to CHAS. WIL- BON on the prendees. • Juno 1-tf. t+00•:•0000.4•04•0004•000+410:4000 •.: .? * 1 ..e. Millinery..j.i IA. $ , 11.• e. , .4 1 Half Price f 1 :f. 2 40•44 During the next few 7.--. A weeks everything will •4 40 A •$: t trimmed hats from 15 go at hall price, un - .t. • to 2504 miss ROSS.el 4. 'Apprentieei *Wanted 4 1,4•44•44,43:•444.S.043,44,44•44•••••••••+04••••••••41.4.0 iPPS• Manitoba w. Excursions Vg, CANADIAN 42-h Pare $28, good for 60 dayil. tleicets and infornuttioh apply to Wi JACKSON, AGENT ond permanent emPlOYment. Catefeene fro, HOY. Edmund Ilounehary, a eppererma. • BOWLING' It is expected that three rinks wilt go to Goderich on Monday next to play a friendly game, The second drawing of the •singles for the Tisdall trophy is novv being contested. A number have yetto play but those to far Who won in the filet round are (the first ot etch set being , the winner) -McCorvie defeated Forr- ester, Kennedy vs Rattenbury, Farran vs. Johnston. 'Fair vs. Spalding, Arm- strong vs. Jackson, Irwin ve. Combe, Taylor vs. Raneford. McTaggart de- fauted to McPhereon and Brydone to Harland. In the second round Taylor beat Irwin. The WesternOntarioB li Aesoc- iation was concluded on last Friday and it wat a big success. In the final round of the consolation4natch E;* p, Coleman, of Seafortb, defeated Re L. Gosnell, of Blenhiem, by 16 to 12. C. 0, Dempsey, of St. Tbonias, carried off the &et prize in the A.ssociation match defeating Col. Dougherty., rif Mitchell; by 18 to 13. The first prize in the sin- gle competition wao won by D. A. Forrester, of Clinton, out of over 60 competitors, while the London men, Edmund Weld and J. A. McDougall, of London, captured the doubles. Mitchell has three riiiks of bowlers on a tour and have played Stratford,L's- towel and Kincardine, defeating all. But, when they came to Clinton they met, their Waterloo, three rinks most- ly colts at that, defeated them. Great credit 'the home players deserve as they played against a club who are no youngsters at the game. The score and players were •- Clinton .• Mitchell. Taylor . Burritt Johnston • Little Harland tuLl Spalding skip 18 Hord Shave Wiseman Macpherson .Forrester Hoover Combe ' Agnew Kennedy • • • Ryan Dunbar Ford thip 22 Campbell • Renders • Davidson Downey skip 24 Hodge al 64 FOOTBALL note to.resuinoe his place in the NEW ERA 011108 Mi and 'Mrs H. Rorke, Miss M. Robb and Miss The Hurons football team, ,of. Seain - forth, has made arrangements with the mithe courseicia aaaPla af weeks' • Cline are among those camping at Burk's, on, Rangers of Berlin to tlay home and cioai8n0 oelzt=tritnwt o? the .relrenaBros. the lake. .0 C crain6 Ana 100;ric • Conlin tend QP:nel• 3. Holmes is visiting in Godelieh, • Mies •A.. McOorVie spent Sunday in Imelniow Dr. Wood, of Bayfteld, was in town. Tut sday. last week • (ico. Levis went on a business trip to London Win, MU, Mitchell, was 4 caller in town on Mrs John NieliolsOn, Auluirn, is visiiing • Dr. j. N. Tomblin, of Goderich, was hero on 1 relutives in town. Wednee lay, , 1•1•••••••M• Lclgitzylora. Ihmean has returned home from • Mi lf, Webb was visiting in Ist ndesboro on Tuesday. Satarcitie, 1 • Mise Ida Harland has been spending a few inWL'aisItteorwSellionno.i lute gone on a visit to frienda days witli friends here • Miss Rumball of Senile°, Mich., is visitina Foy. New York, Was a visitor at J. Sean- • 'like Elite Co.npany- registered at the Claret; 4Idie Holm% of. Jaeldggra drug Wore, don while here. wail off ou holidays, vieiting at London. • ElsIe Miss Luella TanneY was visiting at J. South- 41131tntgh,1:rTwrittuggild8„h°Ine•to combo's, Mullett. K n after Mr Munger was ticketed by F. U Hodgens Geo. T vitchell was visiting friends at Pine • Mrs D. Dickinson was the guest of Mrs H Z. B, Hoover was in Loudon on Friday last on Shafer, Mignon, for several day e last week. 'IV:0.W. business, her grandmother, Dire J, Rudd. la recently • G. T. U. agent, for New York on Saturday, 1: River lielt week, oillgarn e• were t e gues f Miss Rose oe friends in Holmesville. last week. ss Ginnie, of i'leirinehatm:a and Mass Murphy Mrs Rudd and family are holidaying with Airs Owen and son Hareld, of Chicago, have D. Halliday, who has beep attending the Col- been gueste of Mrs Combo. 143giate, is spending his vacation at his home in Mrs Gregg and Aliso Lily Jackson have gone Wingliam. Mies Lulu Hoilfens Toronto, is viSiting her to summer et Pickering. tig Miis,asilstretftLondon, have been the guests $ Men's Blue and Black Serge Suite, regular $4 50 for $3 59 • ites1123:: MeeeUeueicleg in7tr?,hra8vaalgetYlitnit.::erri=inirC $ oti, gat?, $7,5o ena $8 sale price $5.95 • • Men's Fine Black Worsted Suits, lined with fine Denim, new k renoh facings reguliir prices $10, $11,50 and $12, all go at $8.95 . - Boy's Suits, in fine tweed, sizes from 28 to 33, short Pants, regular price $4,50 and $5, for $3.98 •' Boy's Suits, in tweed, serge and fine worsteds, sizes from 22 to .28, at 91,25 81,50, $1.75, $9 and $2,50 • August 3,, IDOC 16/16/4W11,41,• 11011010111,1111164111110400, mazinnon, fir, Co. e 4-yri.„.. Special Clothing SaleS. hayen't your size in one line we have in aluither, end all equali3 pod. Tbia out the tin:minder of our stook at reduced priqua. The stook is all new and the lateet styles, btit in some lima we have not a fulll range of sizes, heti( we sale vvill last two weeksoind we expect the following prices will r ake a clean • We have done a hags trade in Clothing this season, and we intend to clear • $ • Misses Pattee;son and GOodall, of Woodstock, he s le ,.aunt here, Mrs Hollgene, Mrs Agnew aml daughter, Huron street hirve Stepliene and Miss McKinley, Sbaforth, Una and Lacknow. Robt. rwitchell and David Cantelon, Heinle% Mrs Tuffts, Belgrave, has been visiting friends were in town on WedneedaY. ne on a month's visit to friends at Rimer- were visitorshere on -Friday. . • here• she Wad accompanied by her daughter, G. J. Stewart and daughter Mabel were in E. Hart't, who has been residing here for some Mr Elliott, Mitchell, was the guest of his • time, left on Saturday for Chatham, where he cousin, Miss M. Robb, last week, expects to reside in future. Mrs Vele of Winglaam. •Woodstock severaldaye last week, . . • Miss Re nolds was the uest o r e in • Miss Taylor, who bad been attending the del- Miss Ellen,Yi:pianahan, last lifeek nns legiate Institute here, litm returned to her home ' • b. . Goderieh enjoying the lalte breezes. J P Ti t 11 d J R Sunday at essr2iJ itrd A. r7lcraf w %over at Bay- fi un ay spim ng adasy ith Rev an.. Miss Henderson of Seaforth, sp t Tuesday Mrs Deihl, who are summering there. with her friend, Miss Clara Scott. Mies Lily Hostmon leaves next WOE* for Seth- Mrs Hoskin of Toronto' Was the guest of her • t Mi oh, on, ., where. she will make au extended sister, Mrs F ench, for a ew weeks.. • . We have fast closed a big deal for iflen!s Pants, at a low rate on the dot - lar. Ati our stook is larger than ws want, we let them go at following prices: Men's Heavy Tweed Pante, worth $1.20, ter 790 Men's fine Tweed Pants, worth $1,50, for 98o • Men's extra heavy Tweed Pants, all pure wool, will give great wear, worth $2,50 for $1..91 • • Our Clothing Department is on the second floor, but for the con, yeeteeoe of oustomeis who would like to see Ahem, we will have samples on the first floor during our greet sale. visit ivitli her sister, Mrs (Rev) tioover. Pero Cornell, G. L. Parsons and A. H..Miller Miss Gracie Dyke, niece f Miss Dyke, hai of G erich, were in town on Sunday. McKinnon .8i Co 111, th. • 1113 th, 3, iho• S successfully. coming out rat, with a high per passed her exam. at Godetich Collegiate most Jae. Twitchell spent Sunday in Goderich, 4 cent. • . where his family ard livintfor the summer. , • 411.411.40‘11,111114,44/441 ies Mustard, teacher near Brucefield, left • - Mrs Williard, of Mankato WEI. who has been • • visiting in New York, and 6 on her way home, Wednesday morning, for 'a vacation at Ingersoll skip 20 is spending a few days with her brother, B. P, Mrs McKar, of•Seaforth, was the guest of her Sibley, d M •,s L. Kennedy, V. r 40f3w days this . • vv. -e . ••- Dr:.Agnew, of Dayton, Ohio, and Dr. Me0a1- r • ' • . lum, of Creatline, Olio; are the guests of friends Misses Allen, ef Colborne, and Miss Hanlan, . 7 skip 14 , and relatives in Clinton . and neighborhood this of London, were guests of Mrs G, Rorke last on - Week.• •week, • . . Rev j. W. and Mrs Holnies, of South London, Mrs W. Young and two sons, of Getlerich, ,ship 11 (gerfirnftosr ofeeli3iir.GtHoovlemei43,•Jof town,) leave tine spent Wednesday with lur mother, Mrs T. 0„ here they will Cooper. • •• d • k • Miss Taylor, -of 'Myth, tine of -Our model school 46 ' .• Vietor French left OA Tuesday to ;visit friends •teachers, spent Tuesday evening . with friends ' • in the vicinity of -Oshawa,. and. expects to be in town. • . . • • • • • • • blip to TOrgatnon Miss Ide Zealand, who is spending the sum - hem e gamesfor the e ampionship of La oilivaeolnl-mmaeodoiteirvopiawerks osf' mer menths'at Bayfiekl, ;spent Tuesday with Canada. • The first match is to be play- interest:to her. ed on' Aug 8th, and thereturn in Ber- and Mrs Rich. Repolds and family Weft Xi's X: B.0hant. .142..on the lett,. . , .= vieting,ralativem. .eteptax gry„.Yeer,fi W• S. Iialmes, of Lueknow, was town ore companie tir and Airs if. seam au 'Wealli'adirralra-viOlt-tc." hic-rnritireri 'Mrs B: • • - their gueifil',- Mrs H. ( ampkin and Miss E Lee: Holmes, and other relatives, - •, ' LAWN .TENRIS • • ' Dr. Tait, of Myth, leached the semi- Alex. ROBS, Brussels, ' who. rec ntl . 71Sirnccil‘ a the Syndicate Publishing Coi, Toroi3te, is home Miss Hattie Rumba'', who is engaged With position in the CuStomedepartmeleit at finals in the handicaps at •St. Matbewe has been Promoted to Ottawa, wherd he will a fniliesseirinans, of Woodlands ferM,Las. re - tennis ' t.ournarnent. held in 'To; onto . in 'the ,s:atistical dephrtnient of the Onst t has inet wiph d ems tithed home after spending a fewweeks visiting last.week, but had ho return home,and defaulted in the finals. Basra:am, • On Saturday afternoon the heavy weights and their vice versos %again played a game at the park.. One *eek previous to the last match the thin felloivs defeated the fatties. in clOse game, the score being 13 tO-12. Not content with losing they challenged again and again they bit the earth by . losing to a score of 12 to 11. It is said by some of them -"We can beat 'them yet." • The junior and seniors of the town played the remaining four innings ar- ranged by them on last Thursday' eyening. On Monday night the first five innings were played which result: - ed in a tie -3 all. It made the seniors , feel cheap to fan ont by the clever twirling of Tom McRae. Even some old heads who played the genie years ago and taken on to fill in a few vac- ancies, hit at the air again and again, The score resulting & to 6 for the nine innings shosto what an excellent game it was. The younagsters are becoming fast ball pla,yets. It is from • early training that some towns become not- ed in some kind of sport, thus 'Clinton will in a few years have a crack base - hall team. • These same juniors •played a like, team in Goderich on last. Saturday, and came hinne the victors, having de- feated their opponents to the west of xis by.a score of 15 to 11 on their own grounds. It was a splendid game of ball and is a matter of congratulation to know Our boys were the victors. The teatns consisted of :-Clinton-L. Sage, W. Stevenson, Clarridge, J. Doherty, N. Fitzsimons, P. Johnston; B. Dayment, T. McRae and Geo, Twitchell ; Goderich -Algie, McDurg, Smith. Buchanan, McCall, McDurg, McLean, Viyian and Campbell. Score by innings :•-• Clinton -0 0 2 1 5 6 0 0 1-15 Goderich•O 0 0 .3 0 1 1 5 1-11 The standing in the. Huron county baseball league is :- • branch., • • •• friends in Chicago. • • • John A„ CooPer, editor of the Canadian Mag - guests of 0..E..Taiiney, Ontario St. 'Mr Gunn is choir inaster of the.Dundtts street Methodist home hirother here. • • . • ; . accoinpanied l'y his nephew, . • Miss Susie Malloy, of Milton is visiting her Mr and Mre Meltfurclue and: Mrs Court- • relative:4 and friends na this ,'icinity. Slie re-' ice, of Blyth;.attended the wedding of-Brydone cently engaged in business on her own account -.MeMurelhe OR Wednesday, . ;, • . in that place, and we are glad to know that she litre J. W. Irwin. and her daughter 'Agnes church in that fashionable and wealthy. town, E, H. Mc enzie. formerly ef •Scott and Fic- ' and is a noted musician. . •. • • . Kenzie, was a caner .in. town en Wednesday.. goo .success, • wont to St, Tailein.as OR TIMrddak _thOrt4ag to . MipS •DOXIO, had : milliner of Hodgeme Bros: vismitiss her minoni eprtitilzerye, swevhoor ahlaws eebreiii tion. spendpart of her holidaye at ner her sqr, Mrs Dunstnore, in St. Thomas, re-. visiting Palace,- left on _Tuesday morning for her yada- • • me and itiqnds lo tiAl:i! in the Mackinaw tithie ItTip,Wi a par y rien os. or . e,whe have been visit- ni their coasin, ,Tames Cornish, of the base Miss Ode Henderson, of Kincardine, was tfhii". lin. returned to their honie on Friday, gneet of her cousins, the 'Mimes Cooper, o John McGuire went to, Stratford. on_Teesday several days this week- ;0511ss M Peeper accoge. larelier * one of the operators there; W. Briggs, - panted her home on Monclayt and will spend of Winim, is noting here in his absence. several weeks at the lakeside. - . ' . t• li.• .n 1g;,fies, lair itit Gr l'i•Rn. itole Wednesdity,' on their wedding tone • The bride •ard Beach. 1e.: Misses' N. Combo. . Taylor and was Miss Jo.sie . Scott,. imeond daughter of Mr '.Easitwood to Chicoutimi.; Bert Monger to New Hugh Scott, of Winnipeg, formerly Qt•Clinton., satnrcl4and-daughter of mi.. james kicottLmary Mrs Oppell andlefiSei Clara loops; of • Zurich,,' Israel Taylor, of Brampton accorepanied by. , . Were this week the guests of 11' rsJ mi. Ea rleson ; • '•they drove a very handsome pair ot. Iceland pons. ' ' • • ' ... ' G. L. Willialnef one rif the Intl:VP* of tile '7,1,: 1.(: Rand, of one Collegiate staff,at i)resent name shoe nrin, CaMO llp OR b urany to sp no. visiting at hie Immo in Brantford, Wad here Wed - Sunday here, but the latter was suddenly called nesda attending the marriage. of •his. friend ,away on Saturday night . by the death of hie .w.. B4„dene, . wifein Galt. - . .. . , • ' Mr and Mrs Ross A. Rasta accompanied by '. 'Mrs Jelin Sheppard, Mrs. Sinclair and Miss Keine left on Saturday last for Winnipeg, Men. •Mies ,A nine Williams . and Miss' Maud Morris, The former two ladies returned after -visiting • town, droye'down from Goderich on Monday ' °ft GspieindPhth .here, and Miss .Kaine ree,q9,4 lengthy visit. 0 ewdha0y. 7. visiting thern_in the county Mr a re ry o Ofcr d the Mr and Mrs Farley, oftttewa, Were here on f0 01 gOich Fred Ross, of Chieago, 'who has been visiting They were all ticketed troug r by W, Jackson, of the C. P. R. athis hothe here this week, returns tomorrow • ' - . (Saturday) accompanied 13r his sister, Mts.*, Mr W. Robb, Wile has been making a tour of Annie Ross,who will make a lengthy visit . Northern Michigan., returned henna last week: therearaong friends. " be has been an extenswatraveller in Ins tune, Reit Potts returned :home,: on' Monday from buttaKing all things into consideration, has his latetrip to Detroit and. Cleveland, where he not found any place he likesbettor than the Las been enjoying himself for -severe' weeks. .coluity of Huron. . . • . . . He saw some good rime meets at 'these places, Miss Me' tuid four Children, Airs %Buck'. track was fast. .. • , . inghaut and child, Misses McPhersoman three ' other ladies . 'arrived here from Stratford on ' A. party consisting of Mr and Iliii, McQuade thebetter one being at Cleveland, where the • .iiiiinstitaidar, morning for their trip East an Misses Taylor and Combo left on- Thursday d will be • aecom- • Wednesday: to go to Bayfield, • vehere they will ,MofisswDhinitgbmy,n,aolesytragtofortdo, yodrMonitos be guests at the.niver House. ' . • ' where a steamer of the Richelieu and Ontario . ter, Mrs (Dr.) Evans, of Tiverton, en Saturc y • ;train for Ohigontimi. , Thie trip is considered • RON, Mr Newbombe paid a visit to his dune- : Navigation Co. is taken for Montreal then • by and Sueday.• He return_e_ci on Mendez, accent- One of the finest t be had. • - pained by his grandehild, Tanton Woodman, who will shortly leave for his home near Bos- ton, after visiting relatives in "Viriarton.* • ' *• 'BORN. Miss McQueen, ee petrolea, arrived here on: MePADDEN-In Grey, on Tidy 18, the {vife of Saturday. and was the guest of Mrs W. H.. John McFadden, of a son. • Newcombe for several days while on her way to spend holidays with friends in Teeswater. MOFFA.TTI-In ()dross, on July 17, the Wife Her sister- Tuesday after a visit here of several weeks ;her , Miss M. McQueen, left for home on Of W. 0...Moffattiu, ()Acta gEo:. n1). holidays were so pleasant she regretted leaving. WON LOST Clinton • 2 2 Goderich , 3 2 Wiugham 1 2 BICYCLE RACES. -The third race for the bicycle trophy was run 'off on Tuesday evening with three contes- ants, W. Irwin and D. Sours havine drepped out and L. Sage being ill, The course was the same as before but the time made wits not so fast the riders haying to face a strong wind on the home stretch. The handicaps were : Eegleson, scratch; Stevenson, 1 min.; McCaughey, 1* min, The actual times were Eagleson. 2532; Stevenson, 2.136; Maltughy, 24.05. The points for the three races ate :- 1st 2nd 3rd Total McCaughey 4 5 4 '• 13 Stevenson 3 4 3 10 Eagleson 2 2 5 0 , Sage 5 / 3 X 8 Irwin • 1 1 • x 2 , The committee considered the plan to have the remaining races run off in the park and it is altogether likely they will be at least on civic holiday one ot them will be run off there among the eports to be held on this day. • Montreal Cattle Market, • Montreal, July 80, -(Special.) --Over 800 head of butcher's' cattle have been brought to the oity for sale since Saturday morning, and about 700 of thews were offered at the Emit End Abattoir this morning. The over supply of cattle, together with the an - Womble muggy weather, calmed a dull market and a drop of about to per lb in the prices. A large number of cattle will be held .over for o intnre mullet. A, weetern drover, who had a pair of very line steers, for which be had been offered $4,00 per /00 the in Toronto, could not 'get over 5o per lb bete'and he is holding thetn for 5to per lb. Prime grage.fed beeves sold at about 4/4 per lb, pretty good stook at from tigo to 4 -ho and the common dry cows and thrifty young nook brought from 2i -o to and the leaner beside at about 2p, per' 1b. Nivea were rather team and sold at from $3 th $12 each. Shippers paid no per lb for goodiarge eheep, and the butch - ere paid from 8c to flinper lb fertile °there. Mr G Mattel bought eight prime larabs at 114,40 each and 15 othera at 84 eaoh. Com. mon iambi( sold at from $2.75 to $3,50 each. Vet hogs eold at from So to 5go per lb, the latter price being paid for a lot, three. quarterg seleoted, weighed Off the oers. The rebellion in Colombia hee tmex- peotedly collemed,„ and the GOVOttimotit hoe granted amnesty to all robo1a„ ANDERSON-RODGDIS -At the ' resilence Lt.-Col.',7. G. Holmes, of London, who, Witn. f Jus. Se le, R ttenb ry t., Clinton, on Aug. his familnis spi3nding a holiday at Goderieh, 1). liy Revs: Parka, DOUnlaSB A. d rson.. orKin- • was the guest.of his consin, R, Holmes, en Mon- "toss, to Mies Mal garetg. Hodgins,of• Holyrood. day. lie hes been in active military .life for over thirty years, quite a portion of which was L1NDSAY-1,IUR1IAYL-At the residence of . .spent west of the Rockies.. Before Vancouverthe bride's parents;Huron street, in Clinton, nad an existence he "cou. d have -bought the ' • on. Aug. 1. by Rev.' A. Stimwrt„.Thinnas J. • whole Place for little or nothing, and often pets son of jail: Lindsay, ,on, 15, E-6derich town - - Do Yoil, Know • That by using a Sharpies Cream Sep. • enter through theta hot summer , , month, you Can make a pound of butter • per -week ,rom each eow• more than you are no doing. y you ore milking ten cows y our gain per week at preeent prieea would be 50, and bosh:lett this you save valuable time and avoid a lot • of hard work. • • Your young stook will thrlye. on tbe • '• warm milk as it cornea from the separa- • Let us put one in on trial now, while • y ou are' thinking about it ' you are al- lowing a waste of material that would help to pay for •• W. 11, S.• $75.00 - No. 1 90.1)0 • -' W. L. Ouim.ette,. Londesboro. 44444-pewps~ppeopPI44-**** • The -Tonic' for Hot Weather . Our Improved preparation of Beef, Iron and -Wine. • There'a nothing like it in hot weather, to keep up health • c • and strength; sharpens the appetite, „strengthene and in- yigoratee the entire system, pleasant to take. • . One or two bottles of thia excellent tonic will make• a 'woh- • • • derful iniprovement in health and strength Price 76c„ per pint bottle.•• • . E HOVEY Dispensinl. Chemist Clintot ipoPppppPP#44.1PoppPPoPppppi* like (dubbing himself now because didn t• ship, to Miss Mary, daughter of Itir and Itiirs Geo. Itinrrag, . Mr and Mrs Alex. McKenzie, accompanied by their • daughter, Mrs Eagleson, and her little LINDSAY-MITHRAY--,At thet residence of % after a the bride's gare.ate, Huron streein Clinton, S. Dakota, visiting the McKenzie was well pleased with the outlook in ieh township, to Miss Isabelle, daughter of the west on the other side of the line. The crops Mr and Mrs Geo Murray. turned otit excellent, business is good and prices BRYDONE-MalifUltCHIE-At the Como of compare the same. He thinks the west is . a the bride', Ina° Street, b Rev. Stewart on daughter, returned home on Saturd month's absence. They son and daughter. Mr say, M. B., son of Jas. Lindsay, eon • 16, Goder. were over in A erdeet, on Aug. 1, y Rev. A, Stewart, Join C. Lind- - I hi , Many were pleaSed to see' Wm. Little here from Chicago last Week: It IS dbout twenty-two 'NM'S .811100 he left Clinton for the Windy Oity„ last being Ust two years ago. In company makes eriollical visits to his Old horne, his with his old school chum, Walter Coats, he 'made a tour of the county roundabout, taking in Blyth, Goderich and. Bay_field, as Well as other "interesting,' places in El men, and spent a inost enjoyable time. Sorry to part, he was -obliged to return to his post as head shipper for - -Swift & Armour, the great pork Men. • 0has. Wallis came home from, hie Satin trip On Wednesday of last Week. He reports that up there everything is on • the boom, and crops are good. He went as far as He'd Jacket, and his report of things in general is that prosper- ity reigns. The shipping passing ,through the loelte is iinmense, both Saults. being BOCROS of buetling, though the American side is the livelier. As for liviing there permanently, he il edifies. and prefers Clinton The 'milt is a - rough place. . The greater ntirnber of the people • are of the tranelerit neture, and area rough and _ coarse etas% the majority- of them being Swedes, Danes Or Polocks. As a contrast to the ectivity 01 thesailing season, he says it is much quieter„ during winter, - • Mr W. Coven Barron, Principal of the Loudon Conservatory Mi3i3i11in +g7IL+111aHe is the l1of one C17beIc' week.totions in the Dominion. He etnaied for two years In Boston and two years in Leipzig, and Tto establisit local exautiflatio,18 111 n, eonnc0tiofl with the London Conser- vatory, so that pupils hero May be prepared by local teachers, and -take the frame examination itftaingetiattLandlinia TItt xrip. be a /rent sire to lalteli 'ehefiti• .1T111157tlitell?S- are veryinterested, particularly as the above intittion sueh nin excellent name, there - Xis freaT lit iv: ligliiildeedd VA): in lilt:X(111.1X Aug, W.Bry one, barr a er. o ss Mao, Youngest (laughter of the late Alex. MeMar- • dile, both of Clinton, • • BEDFORD-.WESTCO'fr - In London. on July 11, by Rev, Canon Dann, George Bedford, of Greaten. to Bliss Bela G„ eldest daughter of John T Westeett, of Exeter. . • DEED. • • MeINTYRE-LIn Stanley,on julY 30 Merger* et, daughter of Mrs T. moIntyre, 'Babylon, line, and aister of 8, E. Mantyre, of Clinton. ROBEUTON-Irt Etullett, on July 31, Jamas lloberton, father of G. W'. Roberton, Clinton, aged 66 years and 6 months. : w all ress mods. Our first shipments of • New Fall Dress Goods- ' are to hand,' and we will be pleased to show --- them to you. ‘Robt. Coats & Son Parkinson I aged 86 years, 8 months at a 4 days' PAIIMINSON-in Exeter, on. July 23, The's 0400000000009.00 ...••• woo, ROLMES-AiN'ewry, on July 17, W11 Mita! thejaACStilEgralgnedri2tZtZ' 011 'hill' 25, Mar • - Holraes, aged 71years. 24, Miss Sutherland, relict of the late MM. A. SUTHERLAND -At Kerney, Neb,, on July Ready .12° CLOTHING .; to=wear Sut heriand, formerly of Ripley. aged 72 years. 1d220.1a1,2,-Iii Marinette. Wis , on Rib' 22, Joseph Mitehell, yotingest son'Of John Mitch, ell, Last street. SMOREY BRAND is the best Clothing being pro- - In Gederich, on July 13, James dueed in Canada to -day. 1tusk aged CO years and 6 menthe. MoKENZLE-Io Goderich on 1.8 Jane 47113 McKenzie, widow of the late Donald AleMen sic, aged 78 years. CLINTOit MARIMTS Correeted every Thursday afternoon, Thursday, Aug. 2, 1900. rail Wheat 0.68 a 069 Oats 026 a 027 inationwIll he in Febreary. 0 88 it 0 40 Rye . .. .. io ... 6,104.006Y 0 40 it 0 45 lafteliwnoltk, for 11 rurdooytt, boife pbrueltosY0o_rtko, (lour); ahwoinoiii ritt:BleZ. ::::0 57 a 0 60 earned vacation and aloe to bo oneof the family Flour per ()Wt... ... 1 is to witness sun/Menai occurrence -the marriage 0? . /4.15,13,wit 0 /5 a 0 10 . of his two sisters to tWei brothers. Mr Murray .. nutter, loose ' is of the firm of Murray & Roberts, druggists, Bgge per dos 0 10 it 0 11 of New York,aR a is well and •fireorably known, - , ney, .....,8 00 a 8 oa respected and honored in business, and also in tiheops:'.40 Social life. From a letter we received recentlY ...13' In • • • * *blae•E*1 °0 1300° ,wa 2 08.7 from a thorough American we were pleased to No. 1 llreen trim. 0 50 a fi 60 :rig' Ina nal' Tir i fX,'' (21eT) tAIP Cart hors o r the lin TI for er Clint ni n ' Potatoee Ohickene, perayttr .1-0 80 a 0 40 ' ° ;:i 11. A ' 1 T1° g '. g whose father, mother and sisters still residO Duoke,per pair 0 25 o 0 40 here, is loeated on one of the busieet thototigh. Deefie, per lb, ...... , . , .0 05 fares In New York. Ibis a shreVd youtig marl Turkeye, perlb0 08 a. 0 00 mut heabeeoine very,popular among Ms eharp. .... . American follows we hope he may eontibue ' rote, live to prosper and beeome a leading and itiluential Peek, dressed... .. . . . 6 25 it 0 25 1 in se man in the eaet Jag Ittirray of 1 e I L01040111 la ale° twine for the Wedding, and Will ,, reseed hie holtdaye witli hie parente here. 1 vv. 3.:Elliott. Principal. ti,bed Metbodiat Irdniater, died M Nonillion 0 0110V0.11.0 . .. . PP 1,11, Bran, orton ..... ••,12 00 12 00 Shoria per ton 10 0 -4 10 CO • SIIORLY BRAND has the xxiost'style, and the card in ' • the pocket is the quality guarantee. •' SIIOREY ARANO gives absolute . satisfaction to the • wearer. SHOBRAND assortinent in Youth's, Boy's 'and Mens sizes is most complete, and we will be pleased 1 to have you look them over carefully, and. examine qualities and prices with what is slimy n elsewhere. BOPTS- and. SHOES SPECIAL — Men's Dongola, in laced and elastie O sides, at .$1.50, sips 6 to 10. W. L. atTIMVIIE. Loudesboro. ••••04,0404.0400100•4100404104)0 ONO 011 • •