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e 11
LESSON IV, -APRIL s5, igol.
Jesus Teaches 1lurnility, Join nee 1-20.
Print John 131 1-15.
Commentary.. -1. At the supper' t tb10
Ivs, 1-3). 1. Before the Waste -1'151y were
in the upper (001 teltielt had been given
them for the mansion (Luke 22: 12),
but the supper lied not yet been served.
Jeans knowing (11, 1',) ---Ile was fully
coliselous of his approaching agony and
death. Should depart, etc.-I)entli is
referred to 00 though It 5011110 merely
taking a ,journey from this lurid to the
Felber. "110 was conscious not oily
that his hour of agony 111110 come, but
that that hour was the gate to the
olerodl glory with the Father. The light
from beyond shone back even upon this
dreadful hour." `IIis entire passion and
1100ca 1011 are 111440(10d in this departure,
us 1 h mm place in this one ]tour."--
Witedon. Having loved his own- IIis
a symbol of spiritual cleansing, and so
Peter mule •wood Christ's wads 10. 0).
1. Not me, feet, oily--lle gas from
Pare extreme to the other, 11e shrinks
from the possibility of being sundered
from Claret, --Bib 11ns. 11: ppears tba.
Peter entered Into o1(• Lords 111011 'ting,
raid sure that this tens an emblem of a
spirituel cleansing; therefore be ravishes
to les rompietl washedC.lnrke, 10.
He that i', washed -Bathed; for, it was
the euetonn of the Jews to lathe teed,.
in prepa•itg theulseivee fon the p10 11
solemnity. Te are clean -You are up-
right and sincere, But not all -This tray
a rebuke which only Judas could tinder
steed h'. 11),
IV. Christ tenches humility (vs. 12-
1I). 12. Know ye what 1 have Mew -
Consider what 1 have done --tile mealdng
and sienifieance of it. That be intended
H18 disciples to grasp the epirit0al mean-
ing of this act is seen from what fol-
13. -Mater and Lard -One who las
authority, whose example should lx fol-
lowed, and whose 00mmaldsobeyed.
11. if 1 Wien -The :taste' lost 10) dig-
nity, authority or power, by lits (tondes-
c(1eint1dinghe lorestoo. ped tIle utoa0nrc0 strulyat y cre]at, 131 inheritance and huts become an :Aineri-
-- 'MS'�.'3N'°eSimCB"�s�8�w6tt
b? 711E RELATIVE VALUES t7r, i
(A Li1r` AND f'AT
tlletin No. 1:00, from the 11iscot,in
esetteringen, station deseribee ".1 ei
Coins $30,000 in Colorado Copper -Welcomed on (1,. i, for t a Tin in :\ fill , l 1t hc10 )1
to the Duty ludo r At, no, oott,ot
Business Visit to Berlin by all Friends. Loh
500 ec"(1lil say, once fa 011, tinit It seem,
to be another vest! of "1 told poll so."
1'hc conel(rmar; reached by the author
automobile tip Piles Kcal:. Sieh at feat 01 010 lalkliu ill,t 11a 10)111, 1s those
w'. mat 1otivu'd about 15 years ego. This
nems ,mite a long tune to 01(111 beloro
ant's (1(158 on 1111 1(1(111(0ii,o0sliott
are accepted by others, but it 10 et, least
some snlisfnetioit to 1:1101V that 1110 truth
Will 0111 in s01/10 01191S b..100a num
shuffles off this mortal toll. 1) (11( eoulil
see a few mut repenting became o of the
;uunl they took in this controte..,y 111•
teen years ego, we should he reedy to
exclaim, like one of old "Sow let thy
servant dolmen i0 peace, for mug eyes
have seen' etc. The following e(laairts
from 1110 111110/11A0ti011 i1( 1110 littlietiti
nave a more or less familia: look:
Lit the preposition ilett, the per-
centage o1 111 is elso ,t weitzete ,f the
01(1(10 ei ninny all milk; for cheese
111udeetion has not been gnu:ral1,v hc-
Phis clearly shows 111n1 for rhec,e
1n•odoeti"n, the amemts of 11030111 11101
lilt should be koioon to both pt ,dneers-
the nein who owns the cow -and the
mot who hues the milk.
"In the 111ilk of 111(1 dual cows there
i0 ci'tnrly no definite old constant re-
lation between the ailments o. fat 01111
't)1 clei Iasis of , 1(a. of productiou,
11 is n nor assumption that 1t has taus
ed the feeder ns mneh to produce a
pound of ensehi 1(0 11 petted of fat, The
proteirrt to which 11L'0ia lotting, are
uitrogem eeetening bodies, and are the
humot''e const, expensive 1(1(1(11(110. \Viten
the farmer sell; cos 1(r he Is selling ludo -
with his linen). pew, 0lit111 pgunyih10t, Igen; but vrhen l0 sells tat. he s,1111 his
11)0 gn,at"011 e,1 11111111 wa4"('olorado s 'chs:pest source of ttutritede, the air and
Gulden 1;101'100,1 ((1111h depicted in cul"- ',tab, It agtpe1110 that there is soume-
�' r o'tundt, for �in tint
er ti0 Terms the n i ,n app t tbiu};� irrational and unbnlanred
investor, in mine-. 0)01111 attei(ti"u 1 relative commeimal values of then, two
w1(. lad, .',' 11)s (11,1 u,:c.pa11v'.'11 rf I. o;,iducfes,le.ei 1 th, 11r(„ 1(0 rt 11,1‘..the Count's literary' efforts were printed 1111sale of socia represent• t ((01(100
un German, for the communewas de-
eirnns that they should fall into 1110
11nnels of renders in Gla•n11111y, a field
quite reopened,
Stec, was sold on the NOV York curl)
:nal n dividend. of 5 per cent gas gua•-
.1(11((1 on a *11>01it1 issue of sleek. 1
The <pt(ng the Count deterntnud to sail
foe Germany. ills wife and J(ild went
with h101. Ile (tlycd1(t the liaiseb0l
i)i Iteyliui am, 31(, wife rcmuiled with
Denver, Colo., April 20.. ---It has come
to light that h1 Banes City, Fremont
Comity, Colorado, flans Frederic,
Bence is really Count Hans F10/101i.iik
vol Hochberg of the illest0i01s Plcs
family of Germany and a nephew of
Princess Marie von Saxe -Weimar, and
fer many years a playmate of (frown
Prince William. The Count hue given
up his title to wed a shop pi11, and he
has further relinquished all claim to his
irk when ot.hecs refused to X)0 Did c+t1( 1(11110 pronnne•, Ln less than one
own were, those who had chosen hunt as those dieeiples think because they were ;year he has aceuniulated uvea '$30,003
their San101(11 and guide, and whom lie chosen apostles of the Toni Jesus that 10 cash and a fourth interest in a age
had n
hid chasm to carry out his plugs, in tbey�tvere Whore service?, per minima company which is Promotion of- l 1'od;lcing
the worlds -They were to continue in the ten proves the rain of men, Ye nlao 0rc,
world, confronted with its troubles and ought !The servant is not greater Hutu This young scion of (lemma nobility
difl'iellltdrs, rafter he had )eft )tett, bis muster; and you will do well to 1101- treated a sensation i1( court cu•dcssome
Loved them unto the end -1. To the I trate me. "If this lesson has cu(erc(1 your 1111(', 03;0 w11en lee 11111111031 111 1110 1, erase all strife for cun0uis-
uttermost limit of love (17, V., margin). u,derstanding.pos- stmt as First Lieutenant i1( the Royal
2, with a hive without end. "God's love it ion, rand only surpass in sorrier to smell foot t 11(11(1s amt them cam0 this
never changes, never emotes, any 111010 ((1)110." ll1neeforth 110 disciple meld country, where, he was engaged as ch.ntl-
tlam the sun ceases to 0hi1e, although claim to be too great to perform the fear at fatrry sou In, N. 1. and later
10011 may (tide 111 eaves and dungeons most 11010ble and most menial ,service.
from its light." ,Tesus did not institute n rite, but He
2, Supper being ended -'Daring sup, did more, he gave ns n lesson in limn -
per." --.11. V. A better rending is "when hits and service that strikes 1(b the
supper was beginning." -Cram, Bib, It very centre of our being, to actually ,go
was customary to wash the feet before through the form of washing 'feet would
sitting down to a meal. As there was not reach the ease at all, 03'e obey this
101 servant the disciples should have dote 0ommnin1 of Christ's in the fullest sense
married at Dooming, 30. Y„ Louise tear -
ow, whom he had known 10 Genuatty-
as ai shop girl.
The Count with hits - young g g bre e • .0 n
babe', are now living i1( Barites City,
Comet von Hochberg has done that
which to other mine promoter in :1111er-
this for each other as well as' for their when, forgetful of self, we 1)ve for nth- ice has dole --he bas sold stock to (13'r-
(111(1(111 31(0(1er; but 'it appears from cis, serving and helping the sic):, the 1(10,13''0 107111 1111m4, Seveal 01 his
Luke's account that as they tool: their poor tad the, down trodden, "To wash wealthy and titled relatives have in-
r0e!ini1g (teethes at the titbit', a strife one another's feet is, in the deeper mean -
tested in his miudng company, eunou;;
crow for precedency, and by 11110 is ex- lug of the thing, to help one 0not.her em being I'riuc0 ticnry of 1 ens., has
plad the washing of the apostles' feet 1 mut, of the. evil that is in (he, world. to great tock and Duke of Iles, his
67Iesus---0 reproof and n. lesson on' aid one another in the keepi11 of n 011lo It r ,;rid the Uotrn Primer also
inunility :unit pence."-1Vhedon. Devil pure conscience and of a wholesome and Intl 81(153 un tili0 10(4(1.01 It ,nuc 1(„t"-,
having already put (11. 1'.)=Cine plot to
pert lint tide dastardly deed was 110 doubt
formed by .101d:(s at the time of the
supper (:Matt, 2(1: 14), five dnys before
this. 3. Jesus knowing 'J'lne condescen-
sion humility and infinite love of Jesus
is here brought: nut in bold relief. 110
renew he 5.1(0 tile Divine Son of Cod,l at tuee? How did Pott object. ter '01(
possessed with all power and authority, Why? What die Jesus' , c C int r1( now elig,igcd tens rc�5pou-
holy life.° -L 31. Lang,
t is (atinofed tLnt at le.tsst ri0,000
Qnesti0ns,-}int; did ,)esus spend 11(0 in stook has been rapid 113' Iron 11u0h-
week before the Pnesover? Where did berg' to the GP.I'111am nobility, and be
He eat the Passover with IIis disciples?
has another plan on foot, when more
When did Judas bargain to sell plus stcx'11 0111 be talion by the ymrtn3 ((1;ut
Lord? Wlint ledestis to mesh }lis cis- to be offered to his wealthy a:hl 1V111
"1111'0' feet? IInw did II" prcpar0 far sur 8.110 rat
se • •' , The mine promoting 001111010, i1( wide)!
I ; t l esu, answer mean.
1 oib1" i1( some degree to hie renttn0iaime
the. icing of, glory, and h0 knew thatlR'fiot then did Peter say?'ll'hnt dirt
Judas was a 11101 (Join 12: (3) and al Jesus tell trim? How did Peter r0ceive of the name of Hochberg for the. mime
of 1101nes, The story that lends up to
traitor and would 50011 betray bine'With Christ's words. What did Jesus mesh thismiuiu" , r' , :'
e a ttU .m0 begins more Char
a kiss into the hands af•his Murderers; I by Lha alswe• in verse ]f), 1111114 dill !1 roan' „go.'171 ('
,�-0 yet. Jesus did not denounce ,Judas, but IIe any after IIe had finished? Whatc aunt had been 501mit.
m011 (30(ed to him the same kindness . lesson were the disciples to learn? How , ed for amilftn;y 00)00 by his tit the
1 ? -1 5 1111 0.114 ogre i1( 40117 attendance at the
and lecnlnc• did to •the others. Ile even may 500 wash the, fret of others tod;(r7 >,
Lnpertl 1 aluce as au M'ficer e,1 the
'trashes] his feet, an act that should have
Itched the hardest, hen rt. "Well, may
Antic exclaim; 'Jesus rat the feet 'of the
traitor -what 0picture! What Iassona
for us.'" -Dods. Come froth
went to (1011 -By his iucar» ntiof' Jesus
mune from God; by his death and resur-
rection he went to God. --Pentecost.
"Christ tame from heaven to bring Gat
to us. He went to heaven to bring us
to God, That which 001000 from God
ehall go 'co God; they that are born from
heaven aro bound for heaven," 'IIe carne
from God, and let not leaving him; and
he poeth In God, yet not leaving mi."-
Bern rad, "1'11e , m11001011511050 of int -
peed leg
peedleg separation lends 1(a all to try to
put nil our love into a last look, a last
word, a Inst embrace, which will be re-
membered forcer. The, earthquake of
parting lays bare the scants of gold in
PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS. l(oisers pereeua11 bodyguard. However.
Cir i -t our example in 50101110, is 111,' i the Comp's military duties were not 00
i<ey thought of umr lesson. Let its fol. ('101(1(0); obit 11101. ha' on131 ra101dc
1010 P1114 steps, around Berlin. In one of hue ramblings
T. In loving 0011111011. "Having loved
his own which were in the world, he
loved then unto the cud" (v, 1), Be ie-
ftnters of God -and walk in love (Eph,
5. 1, 2). Love is the great incentive to
serri00. God loves an(1 serves (do11n 3,
16). 01111st loves nod serves (leo, 5,f of last year, and preparations wer0 be -
2.). When "his 0011" follow flim thea' 1113 mule for the wedding. Tine father of
motto is. "The love of Christ 0005100h,- I the nobleman became enraged and de-
ed! ns" 12 Co•, 5 14). His lore stops rat maimed to Know what he intended to
i nothing, 1 -le loved "to the uttermost" (e, do, but young Frederick said ealmlyt
1, 11, V.). 4. Whey. motherand child 1 r: ill (0.mr) the girl;'
were caught inn blinding mots-s1orm._ . .1'he Connors 'father then determitncd
They lost their way'. The cold was bit to send him to America to travel.
ter. In the distance was the glimmer He came to Now York City, and then
determined he would no longer accept
the kindness of his father, so he secured
tt place 00 clumffenr with liaao'cll-13ris-
00e at Tarrytown, N. Y,
Ln the following August he cabled to stook In the new contemn' were taken ) )kw1“1"'Int
Louise ('now to Done to him. She came by his relatives and friend:;. It is not 1 pounds int 10,11' m 1 bin »ny-
in September of the 5(.1110 y13811' an4 tdiey kuovcni whet begat step; vice'C r"rained 01(13 110
were married at (Sling. to to scr0'nte Count Frederick from his tutee from 40 to 73 pounds "f emcee'.
fine story of the marriage, of cours0, family mane, but that the remnetati00
1t ]O1(
❑gf 1
spread broadcast i1( Germany' and scan- was made is n)ipar0nt from 1)1,' 103(3 11(11- 1 1 Tadd
blind the court. 3111ne• business offers lion of the ahn ,000h de Gotha.
come to the Count. A playwright quick- After the sleek t0os 0o1d ('0wn(. Fred•
ly wrote n play around the story of (riel: returned to Amnion with his wife
the Count and his shop girl bride, It and child, but. he returned ns 11011
was snbn(ittcd to the Cont with et pre- Vyed(1(0) Barnes, Ilan, Barnes is the eussion ''(11)
t t11c re Ldivm nnwunts of cIIsem
hose] that he t0ke the stellar part, bat :11(51 p000111e'nt citizen. 110 is loved ail :rail fiat IIs cow's' n ilk 1(1 rots itself, and
this Mite was rejected. 110010(1 n (1, e; iC in nutty ,10 1'„ U10d is the 1eletiv0 commercial values of
Soot after an offer 0000 to drive ata shop girl by a )) lie, urine(, it his me•
1 hese two minetituet Both casein end
fat aro important -Mods, ensen belong
self' for n sloe for five yens.. and tt.1', another's tett" (r, 14.1 By lore serve i0;; to that generally more. expensive
tnkcu to Demerara, thnt he might ear- one another (1101, a: 13.) Ileproy', r- doss of nutrient; -the proteids, anal
menially called the flesh-beildere. Tet
he nut Louise Carew, who was working
tri a shop, and became infatuated with
lam. 00111e 11010 elapses!, then a scandal
canto to the cars of. the Counf,5 noble
father. It (1100 intended that the young
Count should marry a Princess in Juno
of n light in p farmhouse, Mother and
1100 i0u13, 1 Alla c,iuld co no farther. The h 05)100(1
11, Jesus washes the discip100' feet (t s, ( 1('emt to seek assistance. When he rr-
4, a),
4, 1'100111 from supper -Bonn after they
had taker their places at the table.
laid aside his garments -His outer gar -
1111111 -a. loose, flowing robe which 50ottld
hinder his action, girded himself -"Tho
girdle represents a .readiness for 000'
vice. Tho towel was to complete the
full dress of a servant or slave. A bold
contest between the haste•, Wino mus
(0)1001 to enter into glory, and the aspir•
weretoo lofty to wash
ing disciples, who un f 1
eoi•h others' feet and were anxious about
their stations in life."
o. began to wash -Washing the feet
o1( entering a house was customary' be-
en110e necessary, 1(5 sand<ls were worn
oud the feet would be soiled. This wash.
in<3 was a symbolical Det. Jesus per-
formed n humble, menial service that
should have beet done by the disciples,
and in so doing taught them 0. lesson
i1( humility and at the sante time tacitly
rebuked them for their strife as to who
ahotld be the greatest (Luke 22;24).
It should be remembered that according
to the custom of that time they reclin-
ed at the table with their feet extended
away from the table and not under it.
111, A conversation with Peter {vs,
0.11). 6. then comellt he -When 11 0110
Peter's turn to be washed. Lord, dost
thou --Dost thou, the Son of God, the
:Messiah, perform this 11001blc office of a
servant toward me? "Peter had often
seen the humility' of his Lord, but never
ns in this 100101nce, and he recoiled with
nn unutterable sense of shame ,and as-
tonishment." The other disciples Seem
to have allowed Jesus to wash their feet
without protest. 7. 1:now'est not now-
•"1'ou do not eee that It is a visible ex -
,0 rssiou of my whole mission, in which
1 laid 'Weide my glory with the Father
and took upon myself the forst of n ser-
vant." shalt know hereafter -A little
better underetending ens gained in the
:taster's words 11( verses 13 and 14; a
still clearer understanding after the
crucifixion; better still after Pentecost;
a 10111 knowledge of all that Jesus did
1011 his own was to be gained 101 0101",
nit'. 8, shalt never -"Not to all eter-
nity shalt thou trash my' feet." wash
thee mot -With the higher washing of
which this 10 only a type. 11 thou wilt
not submit to this thou wilt object to
tamed he found the child living, but the
mother Amid, In the bitter cold she had
stripped 'herself to wrap her own gar-
ments 0100(nd the 011ild4''I'hat mother
loved her own onto the end, Divine h yr
stops nt no cost. 111 refined lad',' went.
to a drunkard's hovel to visit a side
w0m0n. She washed the invalid :raid
cleaned the filthy room. The hilt-rntex-
ieatod husband watched as she eared for
his wife 0nd trade the room elean,1'ears
gathered in his eyes, and 1w was led
to Christ.
11. In loyatl 1RUU, ".leads 1.:opwog
that the Father had given all things told
His hands, attl that Ho ens 00010 from
God, and went; to God . began to
wnsi the disciples' feet" (vs. 3-6), Bete
William 1?. Barton saves; "We wield
understand the r1110rd if it had read.
Jesus remembering that He sons hn»100
and this was Bis horn• of hunilintlon1
Jesus knowing that He was the Sot of
man, n few months ago a village carpen-
ter; Jesus knowing that ns dmnanil("0
representative He 5110. about to bre ern•
eified for sin; •Iesus in His human nat-
ure, ponied water, girded Himself, rand
washed Ills disciples' feet. We can 1(r
0011111 for it on tiro 3r0und of Christ':;
humanity. But it rends, Jesus knowing
(hat the Father had given n1) things
into Ills 11011015 toole basin and n towel,
.Tema 1 cowing that he cane from Goff
became servant of all. Jesus, 1(0canse
Ile went to God, washed. the disciples'
feet. Jesus chose the slave's place rand
eleatscd the soiled feet with His own t» the armee p'ussutg over the
gouda auoulin� to the brat produced is
h013' bends in full 0oneeionseess of Ili: field. x011 at 5'0nnllei) eohie' le leg on Burns` Bonnie Annie. far 15.10 satisfactory. 111 1 As anyone knows,
divine glory. and full nssurau•11 ilmt frac 111(' wetted, yt n„Id yen like inn' to n' the pofa'i,ls 1(r muscle 0 anyone
arc the
was God's representative. God's glory ie. read the Bible?" The on:de'd Imtn sur 't'c 1 1 ..Merry, 1 (hemlock i, las 1
1 an !Mere -ling cuilwell1i( with 11"bcnt most 'xp,n iv,: 1"0111°1(1 land . Thr.
Itis unselfish service, God lives );0 rise, s5eed: "1'm 50 tbusty; 1 mimic r1(•
God loves to serve. Now nod Chet man 110111(0, Born i1( Edinburgh a(10wst nicety'
bis served God. Even' and always God y'enrs ego 1111, -Merry when quite a lad
serves mart God's angels are miulsterine 0veld to ('latent where he was 1ppren-
g 20,2 (iced to the millwright tn'nde and where
spirits (}deb. 1. 14;Pan, 103: 1.):"
11. In lowly se vice, "He rieetll from he lived with his gr(ndmulbe', :hs.
supper' (t, 4,) lie,tlfoug!t it not a Merry. 'Pilin lady was .Amite 1)i(1,iue
thing (o be grospod•at lo,m0111 himself 1 "C and she claimed with 1110 (1erabl' show
g R 1 1 of right to be the. '11nr11 0140 01111.011
eyed with God .(Phil; 2; fi, IT. 1'.) lac ) 1 tl'
with Burns through the "rigs o' barley";
stooped to servo. ".1»d ]raid Weide his
garments" (se 4.) He "emptied 1(30000)1' and by her descendants is ahranys refer -
(Phil. 211 i 1, of the glory he bad with 1 i 11 's 'B Annie." Annie
the Father before the world 0115 (John
17; O.) "And took n. towel and girded
himself" (v'. 4.) IIe took upon him the
form of a 40015nt (Phil, 2; 1'.) Years
that. tin part with me -Because, 1. The ago, 3mm310 } ook, a converted Cb' nese,
first condition of discipleship ens sub- moved with compassion for the 11(011es
2. "
ems mines, les 5 '711•
' win. Lines nn n the South American t r , o] ht
mission to Christ. This s a 1 a
would be 't big advertisement for the
ecanpany, 1501 since it was fraught with
danger the price 01101101 was rent, bet
Ids wife would not consent to this risk
of his life.
Coma Ft -mimed,: 0nitilnul to net as
chauffeur, yet with his bride lie was
very 111111 '.Eben the mining fever seiz-
d the count. It happened in this
way: 3„lait Banes bad read of the me
malts, and :;en-etfo(1l career of Count
con 111, ht erg. Barnes was d tinning
HUN front Cuteredo, and it dawned upon
him that to secure his mule and co-
u)er,ti.I) would mean much for the sue-
eats of his mini 1:. cuuceree, Beetles
visited mei cau1imced. Aron 111l1'hberg,
and w i.e e Berne, retuned to his Color-
ado them the Count leas his sampan
11111 1 r 1:110et 113 the Getman noble.
n• a tam, tierces veins of copper, nhfh
be staked off, and 11 afterward became
the property r f a holding concern. 111'.
L'an0 , an experienced mining roma.
1(r nnzed the Cottonwood (.'reel
('oppe. Company. The company was
0hn1101(1 under the laws of the State
of New York with 0 capital of $300,000.
'Irby Collet wan made Monitory of the
eeneet1 and his in1me and photograph
were displayed prominently on all the
f opowing spt10g the company
v-1(; able (1p pr,t 010(01- on the, market.
Dorb:c t�bo winter tha Cnuul 11110 busy
n3uculter,tl dill 111 t1uu1 00(111 the fat is
sold, and from this. deepoin anon it
would appear (hat these 1500 mill: euu-
sl31tent should at least 11001 a, 1)01,0.r
commercial value."
11'1)11 all 1(f which we heartily .
n sons talking au.i unit•
yet we find p )
1((3 ns if tine value 1(i faille for id) par
Poses dep;inds upon the fate mooned
We trust that the mana,1n c 1(t of our
fairs will not cola de any name. points.s.,
her rthtoyes. those who are continually (larn1u 1g; (1
Hie old ',Rude flocked to sec taint and Inoue value to be placed on milk fast.
the betel was the scene of many brilli-
rant gatherings. Count Frcdarr.l. (idled
to woe his relatives. when he Was kind•
h' rceeira(d except by his father, Count
For better peedeetiuit tat i, rudlobtodly
the etmstiluent of milk which determines
its vuhte, and fur butter 1(t :kiegg, fiat is
rail that we need eon;ister. lint. the utak.
Bniko ton 11 11(1111. Lora of 1 01111stodc m,,,, of. butter is a compa',t1tvely smell
1,110 ail royal director 0i' music at nubtatry in 110' Province of Ontario.'l'ho
Berlin. ; „rent bulk of the 1(1i1)0 is used nieciiy
as e 1:'ood, or is lean fa1tured into
cheese. ;,11 pabl10 tests, based on pro-
duction, should til:e into consideration
Lim fact that the bulk of the mill< pro-
duced le Ontario is used for the matte -
In congeniality several week0 we0
spent. His ft low olf1eees in the nib(;
also called on hint. After lie so sud-
denly' left the army' he teas disgraced,
and f"r a time was threatened with
The day is gentl, .inking to a el
FOIE 101' Mid put more Intim tint,et.tr-
lig)d glows
0 Briehtn s of Thy Father's glory,
Mental Light of light, 'bo with us
Where Thou art pfe;,eat, darkness rut -
not be
Midnight is glorious noon, 0 Lord,
with Thee.
Our changeful lives are ebbing 1e, an
Onward to darkness and to death we
O Conqueror of the grave, be '1h01
OUT guide,
113 'u7rou our light in death's dark
Then in cur mortal hour will be no
1,1) sting in death, no terror in the
'Non who in darkness didst 1104)0ar
Upon the waves, and Thy (lisetples
Come, Lord, in lonesome days when
storms asunil,
And earthly' hopes and human suc-
cors fail;
When all is dark, may we behold Thee
A111 hens Thy V0100, "Fear not,, for
it is 11"
Tie, weary 'odd i,1 monlderinet to
Its glories wane, its pageants' Bass
In that 10 st sunset, when the stars
shall fall,
Ma we arise, awakened by Thy call,
W1Lh 'Thee, 0 Lord, forever to abide
In that blest clay which has no e'en-
--Christopher Wordsworth.
Death and Its Conqueror,
)110)1ert Iladdo0 in Pre.byteriiii )'
Felin5in13' out Iris deliberate and care -
1.011y firmed plant, ,fesus put forte'11
140,00 and more clearly before the 1 e,-
ish leaders Itis claim to be the H1o', 010
and the Sou of (Tod. Blinded by, t, di-
tionolisn( and inflamed by en's•, the
lenders listened to these claims with
(((10.ctta.mg rage 0nd,hatred iknced
t.rgement, 11,heir only r'e'0uru' lay in
„ate, »rad they laid phis to sun•
p,r ns spe0dily as possible, the des -
00.0 'sun of One whom they regarded as
w bleephemtte deems knew their fnti'it-
tlmn, old, Pis hour being not. yet come,
determined to sect safety, for the
meantime, in flight. ,1ecordingly,
mored with His disciples from ,70 rasa•
leu to 1'1r1(en, on the eastern side Of
(111i1e engaged here in a b1tsy'.;iri11
fruitful m001010,1', a message eojte to
Jesus front that laont0 11( 110thaly chine.
hospitality 11e had so often elljoy('dnnd
whose inmates loved and trusted 11(0] 00
mnnrt-murtinl but this embann]05'-a((l(t facture of cheese. '11 place too 100011 well, reign; flint that His friend l.az-
was avoided by Baron Speck von Stern• lu0)1001.1)00 on 1111' fat 01001' us nine'' 1(r wens tuns 8(11)00 3 ill. Tho reply 1(10(11
1 less 01( i1( ttsticc, 1sis i,, trot 0,ritteu in haus sent tuns not Lntended to ruean.
11'asthe German 3mbsus0ded at 1 thall,Lnz:n•ue would recover: IIe lined'
1\u,hingion, who communicated with a' controversial spirit, nor with the 06-
hfs government and straightened nut 011 J''nt of "hitting" anyone, but uruh tb'' indeed t wti the ill»ess vtonld be int!I;
g g hon that those re s yore, u l .c the but plc Knew also that death ryas not
things before the Cnuut ehut0d for (1'11• nstic0 of ih1 for';oing, raid not enter
many. J 6 its c11ie1' 1(r r11ti»rnte purpose; ratther, it
Suddenly the tenant announced i1( Li; any 11(011. r t0 the. f rat cry,
ns designed to afford ern 0pporhtnity'
friends his connection with the now carp-
writer goes 011 to soy: 'One •1('i of revealutgo un. a' marvellous mn0ner11(0
Ina] nnnv yield a milk contain ng ''-'0 P''1' "logy of Uod s bon. The death of Luz-
per company. Ile showed then, theIg
I i rat• 0011010 nut (i per rums, fat, 011(11 taus meet have taken lace soot after
1('e s p eetl sees. A promise was required cc ip.
) p }u n P q another produces a milk 1(t 2.11 per cent.then 0(110 e w'as delivered to Jesus; hat,
of him not to 1(40 the fnmit' name on
I ' g
mining !took lit'r:1tn'o, die agreed to casein and 4 per cent fat; fund still am
thou3h t e Knew tvhel it gccurred, and
do this. lboo,'s'1, $j n,»tNn 'ho 11. of other outil6 carrying S arrtenl 01150111 though His heat went Out in loving
and (1per scut. far. Ispu'•s,d 111 rally sy'nlpath,y to the bereaved sisters, He
deliberately remained for two' days lee -
gee in the piece where Ile was, Then
at 1051 Ile set out for i3etltany.
Within Jewish
n the, stricken tonin the Jt ns
customs connected wit)1 death and
mourning were being observed. 'Che
body, wrapped in spices and linen cloches
hall been 101,1 0510' 31(' the rock -hew(
tomb -Foe the 1'nmily being well-1udu
had their own burial vault -and now
the sisters sot each day in them ea•-
nterts of grief, while friends who lied
cone from Jerusalem on the other side
of the frill, gathered about them pod
s pp
tar dowse - c
c • , h clear that,, )
do.tion, a milkcarrying b every
pounds of fait 73 p(unc s o' c.t;ein, r
c.IwOFe than 000 (0011(10(03
but 40 pounds of casein."
Due mare. quotation; "Another matter
of temsul,rable impedance ie the dis-
ry the gospel to his cnnuttymwI, When 111tl<0. txbort fe "tion. 4; 2.) 11,1 10
ho died he had wee nbime two 1 (0 lied words•,ure a su•ubh11 11(0 h end sh(ild at pret'i1log price, at on (Tellmry at
'oar tf water to 11 never be used, CLil1i(g words arc. fres- 'mend of fat is worth 25 rents while 0
to Chu»t. "lit 1. t 0 11 0 at, h 6
basin, and began to wash the disciples' en water and meet be aveid1d, Scald. pound of en,0ie, as allowed for rium
e o1! 'mg ods are boiling water and will milk, 1(l 30 cents a humped, Is wnrt1t 12
feet" It'. .i.) Ito p puled out his son! i„ Words 1
auto death" (Phil. '2; et 1.;0. 53; 131 burn, 01ofe and ncconyd1ab nothing. Ile- cents. If we allow the sante- value for
From his riven side "crane there out fleshing water is God's ((0(1 0110101 Reel:- fat in cheese 1(0 it 000)11 rands in butter,
blood and trate'" (.1,i 101 1n; 34; 1 John en ie love (1203. 4; 1S.) This 10 the spit- them the casein per pound in cheese 10
worth IS cents. On the theory that the
feeding or nutritive value of these two
cotstitnents depends on the amount of
heat they cum produce„ the fat conic have
:;; 6.1 Bleed stanch (or redemption itnat restoration winch out only be dune
from: sins thrnngh death (1 Pet. 1; 15, in the spirit meekness ess ((la.l, (i; 1-)
1)4: Rev. I; u); water stands for leggin- Readiness for service is ton often Inek-
eretion (lit 3; u) and sanelefi.011,0 Mg i1( man' who prol(1ss to be his dos- n(roinC' dmnbl" the vnhu of resent, but
(11111 a, '13,) "and to wipe then with eiples. The Master sought to uplift 0th- nutritive ehle and heat• enduring eapa. towel wherewith he was girded" (v. ers, and he is oto esnmplc- of true greats t n 1
'r , e a 1d notlti1) to 11 8016,11 city are trot with certainty to be so
-�.) L.0 water typifies elcavitu,;, the 1(e.;. (oust d elne0lp 11.0-reinted."
wiping comfort. We should nu(fkte• to motives. He ever had in mind the 1\.i, s eo•re011la like. 1.0 emphasize the latter
the comfort of others us well as to their ;;tory' e,1 Gid alit tlo worth 01 immort l ort of the preceding sentence. In our
distress, oven at cost to themselves. 111 souls. i
hum110 (pi11i05 the method of 0111111113
chaplain a -
Cher hate a drink of water,- As meek..
ars possible the chaplain luemght the
water. The man Fetid "Could y,o lift
my' bend and put something under it?"
The ebnpinin 101110ved his light raven at,
end tenderly lifting the soldier, put it
as a allow for the, tired head. "Now,"
said the man, "1f 1 only and 00m0 rang
OM' 1(e; Jim so condi" Thele was only
one tilting the chaplain mould do -Ia1 '
his mitt off end coyer the man, end be
slid s1( rile' soldier looked into his face
and said, "If thea is anything in that
13oo1: which 01n1te0 h 0100 do as you
have done, let me hear it."'
TV. In e.x0nnpinry service. "If 1 then,
}rout Lord and Master, have washed
your feet; ye also ought to wash one of oil.
woreinmoo' in (;1(c 1t Britain has found
Canadian cheese rat sixpence n pound the
very c1stpest mulse0-fennel' he eon bey.
He may not know much abode the chen-
1sh•y of food, but be knows that cheese
"keeps up his muscle" bette0 than any
01.1101' food considering cost, hence 110
boys and rats cheese in large quantities.
If he could not get it at sixpence he
would be trilling to pay more, but none
cru ldnue: hint for gutting it as cheaply
rel 1) as 1()n. "Bonnie : 1(u g "Corn
as possible. We look for the time when
died ]n ]843.,1'0 the last she ani 111 farmers will be ready to pay as much
hugs' tush grca0; »post amt always for cheese as for prime eats of beef. It
spoke affectionately re the poet. --Front wnvld pity to have the food value of Can -
the 1F'cshnnnister Ua Attu. adman dairy prndn0ts demnust'ated woe)a
�• • lye 11( such 11 1/1110e 10 the T xehan,le bould-
One hundred cod liver's yield a gallon Mg i1( ,lancdoesto 3113„ and at other
point. --Prof. 11.11. Dean.
spoke of the goodness of the one who
Was OW and the rest into which he had
entered. From time to time, Alary or
Martha would. rise and steal away from
these too obtrusive comforters to weep
and pray beside ler brother's tomb.
As Jesus and His disciples drew (ear
Bethany they paused, while they were
still outside the village, and sonteo:tc
went forward and carried to the mourn-
ing sisters the news of their arrival.
'The word enure first to Martha, and she
went quickly out and met Jesus in the
way. Her greeting tells us of her 3111!,
her faith that if Jesus had iee 'see
He could have healed their brother, end
a deeper faith which, while searee13 dar-
ing to express itself, would set no
bounds to the power and grace of i' -us.
7°11e Master answers stn those goidel1
words which tell of death's discowiltOre
and proclaim the victory of the Lord
of Life; "T am the resurrection and the
life: he that believeth on me though he
die vet shall he live; dull whosoever
Beeth anel believes) on me shall Dever
die," This is the heart and the 1110010
of the whole wonderful story. 'Tile
miracle which followed was but tt repe-
tition in action of Slat Jeans had al-
ready proclaimed. 1n words. Here, thee,
we 1(1ay pose and try to put in order
the 01)0030(10.which our ler,ou is titled
to suggest
in what 40050, th n 1s Christ the 1 )10'
qu0ror of death? F m -o , because Ile
lmlds death under 11i5 Control, .}bo bras
the keys of death and of Hades. Death
mimes to men, not. by chance or accord-
ing to its 05111 Will, but only in mmor-
daree with the will of Quist, our 3iil ..
To those whom llo eho0see, anti 1(t the
time width He lo'os to be best, death
coupes ab His messenger.