HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-07-27, Page 8• 79iller'r'ses7nryW.:. '1•1 July 27, 1900 E1Orp $peolallit glutton 111IPAY* 31314X 27 1900 Fic#*-Saturday,. ‘°-shir'ly 28 THE CLINTON. NEW ERA SPECIAL E9ARD MEETIN4.--The pub. tit (1)IncAelhott%sqllsbyoenyredniipe4p.droartkpee4ritaliitnneept. g • it Pet - ant business transactions. An mon pump for t be new artesian welt was tudertd, to be boug_ht ft ern Jacob Miller • at a cost of 030, MissRobb wae engag. ed as asoistant to irincpa1L h foz goittln „the model terrtrat a solary of $30 per naonth, The account of $110 38 f r th The last of our c\ Three Big Bargain Days Saturday will be the laist of our Midsummer Bargain Days,aind we will have this lot of Special Bargains for that day's' selling.— Every one is •absolutelk money -saving, ur Whichever of obig Bargain Days you yisit this store,.you'll • be well repaid for the coming. See the list in lag we •k's oaper, d- annote the dates, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, July t6-27-28 • SUCCESSETTh. Anutog those w *were successful ab the midsummer e aminations in tbe piano depertment the London Oonservatorvof Music w Miss Oarol Newcombe, of town, in h . first year. Thi e is another one of Ok ton's yourtg ladies tieing to the fore musical circles, . o e ho new well, was paid to A. Paterson, IL" 1 T,TstrvEisiar, OPISIION.-Mrs 11, Bill. of •diem London, fornterly of Bayfield, as writes :-"The NEW ERA, is very wet- er come each week, and keepa. me in full Blinds at one=third their value. There are just- about a dozen blinds leffin stock. When they are sold we are not going to keep blinds again. That's why we will sell at this price. • 15 hstid•tatinted, opaque window shades, deep cream only, heavy cloth. mounted on strong poi leg rollers, all we have 30.0 left of :miler 75 and 90e lines. For Saturday choice Two more bargainstrom he-Mitiniery Flowers at 5c • 30 bunches of assorted- Flowers, roses, violets, &c. • Flowers that . have heen 10, 15, 20c. Choice on Satut d ay., ..... ............. ,eass. Flowers at 10c • 25 bunches of Flowers, assorted sprays, bum hes end foliage, have been 20, 25,350. Choice on Sat- 1 urdav • 10 Mantles at 25c. We *will be perfectly fratik.viith poll.. • These Mantles are not new, but at 256 they. are a bargain. There are blue, black and fawn in the lot, and they will ea make, over 25c into coats for girls. Choice on Barg • ays. • • A BIG CORSET S ECI-AL.. SI 25, $.00 Corsets to sell at 75c We are not going to, carry this Tine in stock after these are _sold._ ;Tha.t'a_the_lreason....ior this_startling _prie reduction.• . • 23 Pairs of the famous P, D. French Corsets. the beet • goods we handle S.i'd at $1.25, $L50, $200 the pair.• .. ee Choice of lot Bargain Days for • • RIMS 30c •• • 1 20 fincy Fans, all very fine pods. black and light colors. Not ofie ; in the lot Woo less than $1 Mr setae wet e nand *250 To clear them all out on Ba,rgain Days, your choice . 50c ... - Rqund, folding tans, in blkck or tan, a good, strong, serviceable fan. For Bargain Days ... . . • ilt; 5t • 'FAT PINS 3 lor Ik • Three dozen fancy gilt, jewelled and enamelled hat pine, regular. 10 and 15c• goods, our cut prices have been 5ii,ed 8c. To clear them out Bargain Days.— eirlOr Joe FANCY COLLARS• .7c Fancy silk stock cellars, assort- ed colore, regular 252. goods, the balance of our big lot ef trevellers samples. Choice Draggle Days• U • WAIST •SILK BARGAIN. We want .t.o make a . clean sweep .Oi all Waist Silks in stook, to make room for the handsom- est lot of Fancy Silks that has ever been shown in Clinton. They are coming to us direct from England, and. will be here some time in Aug- ust. the irteantime shelves must be en3ptiecl. Fancy waist silk, assorted colors , Fancy Waist Silk,assorted cheeks . I and patterns, mostly stripes, eat notmore than one ef a, pattern, make, will not cut, regular 50c. ,s A regular 75 and 80c. To clear on . ., For Bare/tin Days . ............ Ott; Bargain Day •5uo; In • FATAL ACCIDENT.-Thenaany friends of W. Brownlee, formerly of Clinton, will regret to hear of the sad afiltction that bas befallen his family at Web- ster, Texts. His third son, aged about 15 years,. with another boy, grietvled4lbo!l' ed by eating canned salmon ( entif by some foreign substance therein). The accident was fatal in the case of young Brownlee. • NEW MACHINERY. - owing to the steady I uniting of the Fair Bros' tnill it was found necessary to repair and improve part of the machinery around the rollers. A nt w suction and duet collector has been set in by a Mr Dal. eleish, of Galt. This is a great irns proveinent a tI1 as necessity immills where first class flour is turned' out as it is found t he rollers grind much better. • THE Loom, MARKET;-Abo4 t usual shipment was made by Cantel Bios. the past week, but tlley report. the price of eggs on the rise, the quo - rations for dairy being, bullet 14c to 15e, eggs 10c to 11c. --New-patatoesate selling at 400 to 50c per bushel. Green vegetables are in supply and demand at different prices. Small fruitsig sasprices ranged by the quabtity brought• knovyledge of what takes place in my home surroundings." Mrs Joseph Edge, Owen Sound, says; "The visits of the NEW REA are like those of an old friend." Dr. T. (3. Bruce, visiting from Collingwood, gar, .• The Clinton papers are far ahead of those publish- ed at Collingwood," WESTERN F.un OEFICIALS..- From the prize dot of the Western Fair to be held in London, from September 6th to 15th, we see that A. Innes, of the 2nd of Stanley, . who is well up in horse flesh, is judge of imported or Canadian bred Clydesdales and slob for registered English sires. Among thooe on the horse committee are the names of Dr, J, E..Blackall, of town, D. Mac- intosh, :BruCefield, E. 0, Attrill, God- erich, John Murduck, 13rueefield;Thos Russell, Exeter;.is on the cattle com- mittee. BasrmEr...fl Pearrnms.-The past week or so many little picnic patties have be • taken, the desirable 00 over at balmy, bree.zy B. a;e1i)wentedo.me. 011efra Monday a peel/ of twenty was given ID honorof guest; on Tuesday Rev. Mr and •Aire fantilies lire:len-ter; rn:4-`it-eBef'dnatyt e) ening the Saivation • Army , went over • an Wednesday evening Mies Brickenden gave a . party in honor of her wrest. • ATTENDED 01117RCH.-Ror. Mr Lar- kin, of the Presbyterian church in Sea - forth, pretrehed si very eloquent ser- nton to the members of the A. O. F. society on lest Sunday afternoon. There were 20 or so members of Clin- ton lodge,* No. 78631 drove down and , joined in with the brethren, which l made the number close on 100 in line. The visitors Were royally entertained by their brethteir in Seeforth, Those who attended from . here were-.- J. ; Derry, Jas. Dunford, F. W. Watts; W. Blackwell, E Crich, G. Roberton D.B. Kennedy, 0. Uverberry, W;Oarter; W. 'Slomao, A; Sininan, F. Glazier, George, Wm. and 13..Kenop,- W. Macintyre, A. Blackwell, J. Sionuair..M.R.M.COlitChertYs W. Cooper and I. WeaVer. k. of SpEoiti.L MEETING. -A special Court - he cil 'fleeting watecalled for on Wednes- to day. evening, July 25th, for general business. • Petitions had been 'eceived at „h for granolithic walks on Albert street: "is, front Rattenbury to Princess streets, and on Mary street from Higlito Town- send stteets; the court .of • revieion for g• above _walks will be held on Monday, y Ang. 13th. Coon.' Johnston, as cham- p Mae of the strer t csuirnittee, recam- 11. mended 2 new eulVerts at *career of y Fltgk andlink streets,. and one at cor- e. her of °Matto and Huron scrose Ou- rt • Maio ett eet s On motion it was decided e. not. to build a walk &gross the market y,• Oqu ire, but:a crossing .he laid aerobe Rattenbury street near TisdalPs bank, 0 and a walk built across the west side of t the library building, and the market equavi levelled, with other imprOve- men ts. A question asked by Alderman Johnston regarding the suspensien of the night watchman, was answered by tere Mayor, who rep.ied that ,he wag act ing within his au: hority and on the ad s.jce of his Iegni ad i POOR ODTLocx, -The crop prospects are apparently notriery encouraging in certain portions of the west thie year. Mr Henry Murphy, of the 16111 con., Goderiels towfiship, got a letter frimi his son-in-law, Geo. Laithwaite, who is living at Edinbitig, Dakota, who stat- ed that; from 450 acres of crop,he would not harvest 75 bushels, And -Cyrus Teener, of Wellwood, Man , writing n his titre her, said that he turned his (lett- tle on e,•40 acre field of wheat. , • J.J.4.BOzs 'JAY oPORTS - An Alt' I Winn among some of the .sporting frate nity to have Labor Day oelehreted in some way, patticularly by holding hi - cycle championship races for, the county and run them off in the par As well as this several other kinds attiractiong could bebilled. It was t intention prior to the 24th of May foregq the usual celebration. on th day and hold.Lahor Day. Not mu time should be lest if the intention to hold sport. . ,• . • ' •EX6HRSION,ON GIVIC,FICLID/r3b,- A • the 'employees of the Organ ' Factor have come to the conclusion to die) the proposed eicuission on civic. ho day to Kincardine. the C. O. F. *societ at its meeting on Tuesday evenine d cided to run one on this' (Lite to Po Stanley at $1.65 for the return far The Mayor has proclaimed. Thersda • Aug.' Oth,. for the civic holiday; whe this pushing society will endeavor t .ofnia,ukueip.t.be,. ex. cursion.. ts. very please. n .7 .7e •.BUETED tie Orms'rox. -s The remains of Miss Jane Moore were brought -here by her brotherEdwa,cci, on Wednesday, from lerotito, where she had died o Triesday, from' old age, .heisig 70 year(' old. She mat; a daughter of Walter B. Moore, 'ef Cork, It eland, and. was a re- sident of. Clinton tabour 20 years ago, briving lived here a sear h her hro- tiler, Dr:. ltio„sre; then "rentrited to Tor- onto, where she resided with the broo-. titer who accotepanied ttie -bed), -t Chintint, for burial beside. her sister - J. C. Stevenson took' Charge; and •t he in terthent Was madeWednesday after- noon. • • !STA.= !•1141IPMENTE5The Cul -puts for the pat . week have beenlarger than - for s-orne.trioe past; Saturday, double deck of lambs for Toronto; by Thomas' Miterni;". Monday, one of cattle to Tor-. onto by Charles Reid, and two Of hogs from Clinton and Blyth, to the: Don; by Cantelon & Wallis; Tuesday, six carload to Montreal, for export, by E. Watson; Wednesday, one from Olin ton and three front Seafort h. to Toron to• by E. Watson; on Thursday, 2 Oar r '77 •"' e r dAarivigirteMESWEIN. AT.7" BAIA rfgeev odf aOyhtli es al ngeoe, reached bee 13th birthday, and was the recipient of a beautiful birthday pre- sent front her parents,. in the snape of a grand piano. She is a grand -daugh- ter of Mr David Barge. Nos, -The dividends coming from the Mitchell estate (apple packers)were paid. this.week by Op. Lee, of Goderich, assignee. The following is taken from I the Winnipeg Pieces Press: - "Mr and ' Mrs S. T. ilandscombe mourn the loss , of their infant daughter, who died yes- terday morning at the familyresidence, 1 503 William avenue;" Mrs Handscombe is a daughter of Mr and Mrs Silas' Pratt, town. Hirent Hill is building a barn for Melvin Sprung, base line; the I frame work is being done by Donald ' Patterson, of East Wawanosh; Mr Hill I will also do the stonework tor the new I barn of John McIntosh, of Hullett. The hot weather has evidently set in to staYs•this is great weather for the harvest. It is said that there are to be several weddings in town, the mid. of next • week. The farmers are wearing a broad smile these days as binder twine has loweredreorne ordered several weeks ago when pikes Were higher. Two new phones have been added to Clinton's large list; they are W. D. Fair, No. 84, and Dr. E. H. Holmes, No, 21, Mrs W.H.Newcombe entertained a number of friends to a five o'clock tea on Friday of last week, in honor of her guests. .fhe pathmas- ters shonld have the thietles cut on the highways now, as this is the right time; himself as well lie the community, Humphreys took a trip up north with his fishing rod, and--earnhack with '1 , fineshaessaveraglogabouts3-lbs. eache i- t here ate only about a dozen 'anglers of I town who know the "Spots." Hodgens - Bros. are alive to their business, the tsast week they hare been advertising by sending a display waggon around the neighboring villages to remind the people of their' bargain deys. P. B, • Orews has some pretty cut glass dishes • which are attracting the attention of the ladies. 4 cabinet grand piano, of! fine tone axed beautiful case, was sold to Mr J. A. King, by 0. Hoare, from 1 Clinton's music emporium. A court.of • • revision, to deal with the proposed new .Walke on a number of the streets, will he held on Monday eveningrAng, 13th. One of the finest fields of corn to be I been in this vicinity, is en the farm Of Mr Cole, just north of town, VictorC. French has almost. entirely recovered from his recent 11htess, thourh he ifr not yet able to resume his work. At the Paris Exposition the following Salt makers show tramples of their products; R.& J. Ransford, Clinton; Exeter Salt Co., ahd Gray, Young & Sperlino 0o:, • Winghaan. The Elite Uoncert Co.hold the boards to -night, Friday, in a yande- Ville entertainment. • Formerly the water used on the bowling green was aupplied from Fair's mill pond, but now Jacob Miller furnishes it; a connection was made to thewater main from Mil, lees pump. the other day. Fair Bros. have ordered a car load of Kansas wheat for seed, which is considered equal to Manitoba No. 1 bard; it is ex- pected- t,o arrive in a few days, The Mayor was called upon to be a peace- maker in a couple of small grievenees this week. Two transient photograph- ers' were here last week taking town views to sell. •Mr John Ransforri,' the worthy President of the noted Clinton Bowling Club, has been chosen as President of the Western Bowling As- sociation of -Ontario; Mr Ransford has been highly honoredeandso hasClinton Mr James McDc nald, of Porter's- Hill, has bought a fine piano -box carriage from F. Rumball. ewe y one• who sees to his is henefittir,ffl g y se . • • aim wwwwwiwaiwwwwwwwwthw our Business and Our Busines§. You Know whether or not you want gam - mock, or a Croquet Set, or a Fan for this hot wpather and we trust you know that the most advantageous place to buy them is from. us. Afi** We Know we .Lave a complete stock from which to select, made with as good ' material and workinanship as can be crowded into it for the price asked. • 4 We invite your inspection, trusting it will result in • MUTUAL BUSINESS. Tilt W. D. FAIR CO, mon. "Otten the*Cheapest—Always the Best:" • WPMWMA RAMARMANYMA ihrivli,w‘sesilievsolv,"%%ses - 0111 To our t re Great • - Clearing: Sale ef oots and Shpes There is no doubting , quality in our store. Our • stock is from the bestmanufacturers and our prices , .2 are unequalled anywhere. You cannot judge of the. $ great value's we are offering, unless ,you come and , see for yourself We. were kept' very busy all, last• . Saturday. In the afternoon we could not wait �n• , • the crowds without some delay. Come early in the morning and avoid the great rush for up -to date $ 'Footwear, at the old reliable Cheap Cash Store. . • -.0itr motto IlOr Friday and Saturday-4veziy•Blistower • • Satisfied with Genuine Bargains • W.. 7aylor & Son • Cash, and One Price Eggs taken ascUsit instreance office at the store • 4%%110e/VVW4.411#11/%1110,10/1114100% ..trttrt.!!!!...rt ttltirtIlt.ltr!!!!!!.M.Irr.l.trIttItIr!.trIt.ttit!Iltrrt.lt!ttt • N. - d dw-7. appaw' 0*— • 01106,-,: dPi** so—fsb— .ast .61112* - 0%* -a°". I/6* load of beeves for Toronto, by O. Reid. Some more Dress Goods Bargains' _ In the six carload which E. Watson • •• • shipped were 80 exports bought from Two or three Bargain Day specials in Dress Goods' that C. Dale, Hullett, for which he got over . $5330; ot the shipment 18 of them were are worth coming after.7, , • 75 yards fancyl3lackbress Goods Cream Dress Goods, in fancy all wool materials and.lustres, weaves, Main or with silk con- sultable for separate skirts or full •broidered slots, regular 75c and dresses, ends of 50 and 60c lines, ssi, $1. Special for Bargain Days .. ' To clear Bargain Days... • Otte 5k 15c LININGS 11c - We are going to sell a lo dress goods bargain ays • 1Tweed Skirts $2.45 " Here are some-eheaRiblins to go with them. • 200.yards fine and wide English linettette,extra goad goods in Nile green, cardinal, pink, heiliotrope. , ftegular 15c. For Bargain Days, LW TRIMMINGS 66•. • 300 yards silk brad and braid trimmings, blank and assorted • .colcws. Regular 10, 15, 20c. Odd lines and ends we want cleated out. For Bat gein Days ..... BUCKLES'17 and 38c • Fancy belt buckle, pulley and clasp, gilt, silver or enamel. Re- 1,-s, gular 2,5, 30, 85, Bargain Days...J(0 Fancy belt buckles, pulley and s plain clasp,- handsome designs. - Regular 50e. Fox I3argain Days iliac BEAUTY PINS 2, for 5e Beauty pins in gilt, silver, bead attd black. Regular 50. For , Bargain Days • ,. lor Se Black Sateen Waists 75e Good black sateenWaists, tuck. ed front, soft cuff, The balance sew of our 51 line. Batgain Days.... 40e Ladies Waterproofs 50e few only' ladies Waterproof , garments. Bargain day' special 0110 Vine tweed waterproof cireu• lar, small check, extra goed _ Rhode, Regular 05 Bargain aa 111111Y• • a • *6 • • t.• • .4‘6.4.10RODU • Ready-to-wear tweed skirts, all wool dresetweed, lined with good linenette lining, velvet binding • this season's st yles. Special for $62 45 Bargain Dam' .4..x Some CARPET BARGAINS. • 50 yard's carpet, all wool filling fast colors, great geode to wear. Regular 75e, For Bargain Days 5i3C 20 yards heavy Linoleinn, good "'• • .pat tern, suitable for dining room ' or kitchen. Reenter 51.00 For 1.,„„ Bargain Days ........ %YU 40 yards China matting, light color, 'will wear well. For Eat. gain Day 84 e 7 jute Brussels Rugs with fringe 27 x 54 inches. Regular 85c. For ..,.. Bargain Days........... ...... ooe Some CLOTHING Bargains. 2 pairs Men's tweed Pants, all wool, good quality. For Bar- dhir gain Days 2 only Tweed Vests, Odd lines, for Bargain Days 3 Boy's Bummer Suite, small ,„,„, sizes, regular $1,50. Bargain days '44)C 2 men's dark grey summer coats For Bargain Days 80e • 1 light weight simmer coat and arestt size 30, regular $8.75, For Bargain Days, ... $2. 00 MOO double -texture tweed Waterproof ooate, latest styles, all sizes, regular $6,50, rev Bargain days...,, • . .. . Another Hose Bargain BoT'abeavy•ribbed cotton hose . seam ese seet, fast black. Beeu. sot lar 13argain Dam• itue BREIT HERS, (MINION purchased fromW. W. Ferran. They were some choice grassers bought for export, and were fine looking THE NEW VKAras.-High street bee the honor to. be the .firf3t to have the, new granolirhic walks. It was finish- ed huit week and in use on Sunday. • This week several other etreets were opened up and JosephIstreet is finished That of a walk up to the Public Lib vary was started, bur as the Library Board refused to pay for Same and the council had not made provision,' it was allowed to remain. The next street in order to start on is, Mary etettet. It is likely before the summer is over there will be many streets laid with grano- lithic. VVingham is laying down this year A, 043 feet of new walk, and when this yeav's contracts are.over they will have over nine MUSS on • their streets. Goderich is laying down this year 8,043 feet of new walks at an estiMated cost of 514,081, of which the town pave 56,- 84.0, the balance by property holders. Brussels attuned struck a good idea • when they decided to have the names 9f each street stamped in letters large enough to be easily read at, the inter- sections ot streets. It will be found to • be a great tonvenienee awit 18 80 found in Brussels. • SCHOOL ARDITRA:T/ON.-An Adjourn. ed meeting from one held in • June at Summerhill far the reconstruction of two union school sections Was held in She town hall here on last Satinday, Judge Masson presiding with Xitispeo. tors D. Robb and 1 Tom, W. Onate for Goderich township and John Brit- ton for Hullett, hi attendance. The changes were :'-Tobe known as No 4, Goderich township and fitillett eon. stets of 5,557 acres withasseseed value of $143,083 ; No 2, Fluliett and Goderich township conidets of 4,091 acres with assessed value of *157,050; the other section affected is No 5 Bitillett, which now 'consists of 3,003 acres, With assess. ed value bf $151,300. Parte of Nos. 2 and 5, 11til1ett, were added to, No 4 Goderich township and Itulletb, and the southern part of No 4 was added to No 2 Ilullett. This reconstruction of the sections Will be found to be of great benefit to Many of those Whose children had to attend a school four miles away whereby now they 'only have a abort dietenee. The former plan Was an iticonvenienee to the scholars who live near the cemetery on the Goderich side of the grayei road. Revvall take effect in thee° sections on e bor 25th, artmental Store _ ALDIVi ERE. ........ ..... . . .......... - ... . The Latest in EN ollar • 44 • , . ..rqIFBRONT. 21 We. are sole agents in this place for. the Celebrated HEIGH w.GAL . ACK 4 Linen Collat..% and with 1H you see all :tho. latest shapes; in all sizes. • There's a .charm in, having a:collar Jit..you. properly,, and the parti- cular buyer can .be satisfied ;.(,Q1lar..5.: :that . are made fr(43'i pure' linen, without a inixtOre �f eofiton... They: are:: • aollars that will*ear 'well: and collars that: Aviitigh-o,. saltiSfactionln every way. Sizes. from .142. to 18., • 0,1tit'iUnAatindried White .Shirt at 50c. is better value than mt. licinfOre:ed back and front; double back; linen front and bands. •This Shirt at Mc is a surprise to keen buyers.' 12 to 18 in sizes. .1 le -so • --ma/ • --6411, •-•01111 •111 •••41111 ••••• •••010 •••40 ..71111/ rola **el ..,6011P •••411* • ::.424.1:1•, wg1110 **ow ...... „.„...,... ,.. _. ,.• SHOE. DEPARTMENT.- -4 4 '4- :41'40.17-1-r:o:42411.711,0.,":44 . 4 A • -,t . , J • e•l* • ' I AM CALLEEI-1-11E- "CREOLE" :='• . ....... ..... you my shape and style. I am sold for $2 and 1 am the best =gm —.9 ..... = , , This cut (rives People Who have tried me ten the same story, and -7-2 ' ...... ...- iwrnroliwigitHI'smt°r: thJeanick6ls'olTit13‘ ros. are. the only people sellin me in this tow • ='''.- dp. soots &shoes are of the very best quality of solid sole loather; you will lind no paper, no do-,- promptly ots = nu repairs ss other people can show you an imitatisolbul 1)tionwavi do -- Oil Grain, and. will always. rennti.11 :te°rEpil:otof rciii adill'enlitliardolyf Lsahloitidledsys. ttull,(11 inciliinile' ) . y bottoms -.• —se • in my composition. 1 am the best $2 worth ever offered, and in spite of the lig adv.atiee in do. 111b*.- 6 lettther, 1 am still up to the standard a quality, and my price remains the same. E E arAcicsoN BRoosso S tEleChnt0llgirTAL . E▪ * rl "P.111B attmmtmttmmtmtttmrtmtrIttmttotttmmtmrtmmittintrt trtnIttmttrtmtrintE