HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-07-27, Page 64.44, 4:.,• • 4:.• 4)4.4 4.• 4:4. • •„4 4.4 4.4 .• ...Z4•:4.04 40. y v. 4,) 4„.• 4,14 •,,..e„.• •
Jnly 27, 1900,
S 1-0 w -
growth -
of hair .
comes •
from lack'
o°f hair
food. The
Rhair has
no life.
It is starved. It keeps -
coming out, gets
thinner and thinner, _
bald spots appear,
then actual baldness.
The only good hair -
food Nie
you A
c a n
y mai
t VI20
fee s
the roots, stops
starvation, and the
hair grows thick and
long. It cures .dan'
druff • also. Keep a
bottle of it on, your
dressing table.
It always restores —
color to faded or gray .
hair. Mind, .we say. _
$1.00 a bottle. Ail eragirisses.
"I have found your Hair Vfgor
to be .the beet remedy I have e r .
tried for the hair. My hair was
falling out very bad, so 1 thought
I would try a bottle of it.. I had '
- used only one bottle, and my heir
stopped falling out, and it is now ••
real thick and long."
NANCY J. motrastassnak
July 28, 1898. ,. • Yonkera,N.Y.
*Who the Dopler. •
Ile will send you his hook on The•
Bair and Scalp. Ask,him any quos-'
tion you wish about your hair. YOU
. Will receive a prompt' answer freq.
Address, Diu& O. ATER:.
Yes the Laugh That oars or Chill* in
Heard More Often Than stbe Genu,
ine, Spontaneouss Expreassion sat Ilres
Reigned EnJoyment.
Laughter makes good blood.--Itallan Proverb.
It would be a sadder and drearier
world were there no laughter, and yet
the real thing is only too rare among us.
There are the laugh that cheers and the
laugh that ehills, the spontaneous ex-
, pression of unfeigned enjoyment, of
hearty gladness, of real joy, as Opposed
to the faint smile of simulated pleasure,
the hollow, mirthless laugh that tries to
drown the misery of an aching heart, the
biti•sh, grating sound that accompanies
the triumph of malignity, .
What is so joyous', so .inspiriting, as the
happiness of little children, which finds
boisterous expression in their ringing
peals of laughter, and what so sad, so
elailling, as the outbursts of reckless lev-
ity that nightly jar mien the ear in the
streets of our great cities? ,
Nothing is more characteristic 'of ' the
human being than his .laugh. It has been
called "the cipher key wherewith we de-
cipher the whole man," ' The schoolgirl,
in her transition state, whose faulty Man-
ners are mere often than not horn at
nervetisness, is 'given to tittering behind
books and exchanges chuckles in corners
v:-Ith her ' dearest friend over matters.
which are, tte it rule, kept secret.. The
"society miss," whose social standpoint
is open to•question, is far too refined for
. a hearty laugh, even. if her dressmaker
• had alloyfed. room -for it,se she naggers
behind her fan something like the school.'
girl, and her companion Of the • masher•
tribe emits shrill, cacklinso41s, pro-
vided• his collar permits and he ift .not
feeling too languid t� be amused.- -
Perhaps one of. the Most trying laugs
is that of the nervous person. Such a one
greets You with the saine Stereotyped
seund upon, all occasions. Whenever you
meet,' you- know the tervens, mirthlest.
laugh- will be heard 'beforeyou can ex-
eliange 'a word, and, whatever be your
mood, teeut with painful per.
tiatence throughout the interview.. .
There are those who always 'want' to
• laughat the wrong. moment, and what
it ghastly sensation it is when the trage•
ely of a human heart has . been partly
unvelleTbefore you, and, because it con-
tains •that fatal touchof comedy that.
freada So •closely on theheels of tragedy,
-11 is -all you can do to choke:down'. that
•_tried kesterteate_to laugh.
• Tile loncl.guffew of the perpetually•fem-
nY Man, who this announces.. the . feet
. that he has- made -what he calls a 'joke,.
• is apt to- Produce. bed rather than geed'
blood, jest as the meaningless,. ceaseless.
.1.11 ale o some Mane feminine, laughter
geta. On thenerves and .induees morbse
deWre. for .selitude. . . .
There are the! birds .Of evil onten.'Who..
'croak.- their way through' lifethe
filinist, the . hypechrondriae; the ' bored.
and • hlaie 'of 'both sexes -who . are too
eyeiefil to. be ampaed, and those ;.who;
•"po.s.ing.aus.pLefound critics,'featapy show
•of mathestiismi lest it should bemistaken
. for. ignoramo that is easily: pleased.
. • These do not laugh. . !
. .
"Laugb..andgrow fat -V' hays rare Ben
Jenson;•and there is a contagions cheer':
tress in the hearty;somewhat wheezy
laugh of our stout, 'Comfortable. friends..
'• They .seem sto have 'no aWkWard coraers
either in Mind orbody, and their irre-
'pressible, good humer acts as a mental
tonic on' ;their surroundings.. Carlyle
tells,op.•thet "no. than Who, has once
heartily• -'end• Wholly laughed Can be. itt,
• togother,.. irreclaimably bed," and expert.'
Mice teaches ns to trust' those • With .an
hOnest, hearty laugh. • : • • , •
• •Howdifferent is the jeerof intlekery,
the canoes. sneer of -cynicism which turns
•some cold With rage and driv.es others to
the verge of violence, or the rude laugh-
ter reserved for the moment when yell;
.baek. IS :turned and You canno • longer
See, but 'only bear, • and draw your. own
concluSions.. •
• . . A•.
The happy eft of hinter • Can -.soften
:many. a black look ,and .on
.angry word by .a laughing reply that has
an honest ring in it. -Biit it niust.be the
ight sort at Mile'. The lesst touch of
contempt brings home the galling ..faet
that, the angry 'Man* is 'making himself
ridiculous, and at' excessive hilarity be-.•
truya it 'want of sympathy with the cause'
of hif.anger. It is the !ninth that canes
.from a kindly heart, unwilling to give or
take offense, that acts like a charm
restoring equanimity -to tile rained brerist:
•..1Ve know that with 'children unbridled
laughter is.often the forerunner of tears,
and in later life "laughter is 'akin to
weeping, and true.lintium. is 'as closelY-
allied, to pity as it is abhorrent -to deri-
sion."' It softens the heart and quiekent;
the emotions, making them susceptible
I of a 'Smittenrevidslets of feeling if obut a
Word, took, 'a' memory awakenrespon-
sive • chord,
To .the human tate alone hastanghter
-been' isceorded as nu expression of. de-
light, and, though we talk o*. the laugh-
ing hyena and our • dogi . seete to smile
with their eyes to the accompaniment of '
waging tails, we May .listen in :Vain for
anything common to the resref the ant
find creation thatcerrespondi te our ad,
.ceptedmethod of expressing arnegement
mill lightness of heart.
TUC hollow, InOtillliC laugh of ti* pea: -
rot is bat n tnovicery of true mirth. It
is a ri...re imitation, liainfully ilto the
iviligh of some human :beingS in its very
e1nittineii8; It IS Ito exiweSsiell
feeling. It is Mote like tho. tritImpliallt
chuckle of nn evil sephit Otte tli nWe-
sel/1e "laughter that makes good blood." -
it is from the Attend mind in the staled
body that we get true mirth,. the
shine of life,'Itte.oll that eases the
huithin intercourse. It mines fr
thoso who langh mid fIot at
felloW creatures. It is Ito j!
ruasi,'t1,. the- proof of Itillineet,s.
, the joyous notes in the of 1:r0 It ,
t not be eXetssive "•!
it 10" e the , 1zi::.'„, :'•
1wri.0:0 ' it
Ow Utah or ;;
s• A sislaris 111,!„.s. •, e •
Ma 'I. e“ • a :el tstenta 1 ha it,ntt,. • •
1,0104 1term1):1,..
Florence Nightingale 'has completed
her eightieth year. She is an Invalid and
confined to ber room.
Mrs. Frituldin IkleVeagh of Chicago
has the rarest Venetian glass service ever
brought to the United Statee..
A woman is alive in Vienna who sang
s in the chorus at the first performance•of
Beethoven's' Choral symphony. Her
ij name is Frau Grebner, and she is 91
years old, •
Mauti Wiley Towne, wife of the
Vopulist candidate for the vice presi-
,...ney, la a graduate of an eastern wo-
i college mei an accomplished dm -
and French scholar. .
Miss uuth Cord's Long, a itiece of Sec-
: etr sy Tama nf the navy department, has
..tietadeti to become a gospel singer, .emu,
. luting Ira 1), Taziliey, whose vocation
she sitYs she fee s is else 'hers. •, •
:11--Iss Sarah.. Whalen, teacher for the
•Mind tit the tittth State. School Fier the
-Deaf and Blind, expects to deliver an
- 0 t ' the Nationel. Educational as-
sociation meeting. in July at Charleston.
Mrs. Letitia Tyler Semple of Wash-
- ington, a daughter of President Tyler,
hue sent to the efty council of Lynchburg,
Va., a large. and beautiful flag. csf the
*United States. It was made by her own
hands and is of delicate silk exquisitely
Miss May Thorne, Al. D. lecturer on
the theory and practice et vaccihatiOn at
the .London Sehool Afedieinte For Wo-
-mm,. has been appointed terrelzer of vac-
cination by the local government board
and is empowered to give certificates of
profielkkey to qual?..ied
Mrs. Julia 'Ward Howe. poet, Philan-
• thropise end philosopher, whose eighty-
first birthday occurred ou May. 27; was
honored by the Nov England Women's
. chit), of t which she has liven 'president
for more than 20 years, which tendered
her a banquet and receptiouat the Hotel
Vendome, in Boston,
Mrs.' Neve of Rouge finis, Guernsey,
is 105 years old, • She was brought up at
Bristol at a school kept .by the . sister
ef Byron's Amos Cottle and, unlike most
-.centenarians, was acenainted- with many
. celebrated people, including Hannah
'More, Sir 'HuniPhrey Davy and General
Dumouriez, When 00 years old, she.
made a journey to Cracow to visit
.1Coscinsko's temb. .
: .
• -•
' • tbe fumes of burning sulphur
stroy all inothworms in combs not oc-
cupied : by the...bees. . ..*
I • Oir nothing. • Oil bathing is 0 regular instittitiOn
• .
among the IIiadoirm An experieneed
masseur, rulis the oil, on • his patron's,
friends or relatives ' • geperally • once a
week. And it he'll fact that moles, warts
and such faults of the surface. of the
skin are, very rare' aiming them- The
newborn infant gets Abe oil' bath daily
for 40 days. The iuterverls. 'are . then
• gradually lengthened, but he will be con-
sidered a very nu all ty: boy who amine,
- his school days tries to: shirk the oil bath
•". at least once a week: youngster he
'yells all the titne he is being bathed.
Perhaps it is good for..bia lungs. ApyP
how nobody thinks of finding fault with
the uurse.for the hallooing of hercharge,
and, generally- .spettking, it may be: said:
that Indians have better -kings and better
pectorals as compared. to the body weight
than the EuroPeaus. . and the femidine
bust is decidedly fuller and moreperfect.
N. Sahltinha in Lancet.
They All .chsinges • ,
Mrs. Younglove-Oh, dem: '• Such •
-life! Before we got married George was
ageing around after nie all the time, I
!ouldn't get atvaY from him fora minute.
['hat was. thi-ee months ago,
Her Dearest Friend -Thor child! What
ins the wretch done? • • •
"Ile said last nightthitt. he thought
we'd move next month. to some •pace
where he can have a den sons to get by
iimself once in awhile.".*-Cliicago Times -
Herald. ' •
A Dia Arras. •
"It'll trike 10 rents to carry that-med.'
am." 5)1 Id the postal clerk: . "Olt, My!'
Will it?" she exclaimed: "Well, give me
ten 1 cent sot nips. then." "Why not a
10 'cent smiles?" • •"No,''' she said; "I
want to feel that I'M getting my money's
worth."-Philadelphin Record. •
It is better to have loved and lost time
never to linee loved stt all -better for' the
jeweler. the florist, the messenger . bey
and sometimes for the lawyers. -.Ex-
Thankful MOthers...
Hundreds Ot Letters Received
from Grateful Mothers WhOse
nehildren are eured of a ••
enimmon Weakness.- •
---- • '• •
Many ehddren lire troubled With 'weak
kidneys in the form of nocturnal Urinatinfl,
which is ver3 hard to Jreaf, /taebifitaf:
theni, it embarrisees them, and r gives. the
mothers more than ordinary work.' A tern.
•edy that is harmless -but, poeitiye
checking :hie will greatly • interest .thany
mothers. ' • . •
Xrs Ttiorapsoa, lo Oa,.MeGee'St„
• Toronto, says this rif Dr. Pitcher'si BACK,.
aehe Kidney 'Irubletel--.."I gave them to
ono of my children that baa always tett
afflicted with w..ok kidneys, lt was a ease
oi ihe greatsst discooragclnent, yet the
salt was most eatisfaetery,. I mad Dr.
PInsher's Tablets for My own back, t suf..
fere,' frotn pain and lameness, , ilull heed.
anhes, annoyanee from the kidney se,we-
tions,.and an mita listing fecliv c,f worst
ea pa.r, in; 130,4s. 1 "Tala`01 4 rernot d
1111, j“
them t my child. ‘Vti't thm 4 vidtnee
he vs. it; tate...ev it. • 1eet1r0e..1 ri
• Pitcher's $c I, u1,0), ii•
• Ohs b. Unmet., :se 170_1i bee ,
reereets, ,04.• : I hate 11)1)) ti I I ihtst•
f red fro ;i 5 .v •-• ,110<1111 f•Ne thlit
frturi 1 •111,....11)10 s. re it va. 111 or .1 the
e it 'era -men' e,1111.11 lief w,,/. ni• cb Isis
gu neAl depres 51.01. 1 ,4 lit l,l rr, toga,
fr.! nr.14 the r -II .rt ;les inn 14
tlaa r 11 es re eanuCli. 1
a ixit ty A r. 11 t108 iiti iI
d 1111 10 155 115. Pet 111 s'e 1141 e nlie lied-
iy Toth Korn e t• 1 1 I./suf.& 11 (4,1$ -t
•/ 1)1/00 4111-111 HIM llli' 1 r t.
Ire 1s1e a pneijie ur.s. J Ufa pride.
1.,,, 511,1 .1 tm, 1.). 1.1 tea
r out 1 154113 r1 but; b r
11 ...A WI 113 11110 1;c4,a anti Achill,- in thr,
k. O11I1011.0111V e(10) t f1 31.11,0
I 1f Cliff/ °, 13, e; 1'0 Le MOW
trn ..,'Sts , them wit'', Nat( ft. ial
p • 11 ,10 marl, r...1.1
h v. r 3 If at et 11., 14: 'I hi' ift.'
vi end(i o' th.t p*pet ean .CS1 113
As of Dr, Pir.ii. r' i NI( 1MtIlit; F
'I ebb is free. t 3, 11(.101,01.! Iwo . erne pus
t f..r ritAur..e. I r
14ril., i 0,0140. Rene! sin tiff IIA.
s laasio.
The surroundings of" the' hive should
always ,be kept clean, and no 'weeds or
Jitith_altme,C,te„,ge,emptilete. •
So •far as 'can be done a7-cle"aii-,op
sbould be T'id for the bees,
where It •eini 'readily be kept in order.,
.1t is eensitlered *quite an 'advantage at
ways to furnisth a new swoon. with a
- fraiue of young' brood token froin another
°511),billin bees are allow.ed' to swarm at
- vill, we need not look /or mach surplus
honey, because excessive swarmiag will .;
be the rule; • • .
• Swarms May be hived in empty frames
with,success; but When thus hived care
assist be taken to have the hive set : per-
• feetly plumb. ' • ,
, When the breed chamber Of the hive
• beconieh 'se tall of bees that they are
crowded • for • roora, • additional space
Should be added. •
In handling 'swarm's care Must be, tak-
en .to eyelid killing any bees] if possible
and te keep the swarm all together so
ititit.uone ',Wlbe lost. . St. Louis Repub..
• 81'. H ELENA.
— .
St. Helena is distant 1,440 miles from
Africa and 1,800 from America..
The island is ten miles long and eight
miles across, with an area of 47 square
. The only inhabited place in St. Helena
Is Jamestown, which has a poptilation of
about 2,500. ' .
Diana's peak, the highest point in the
Island, near the center, 13 2,700 feet
above the sea. *
• The Wept of the island formsa per-
pendicular wall, or cliff, averaging from
600 feet ,to 2,000 feet, all around. •
On Feb. 7, 18904 at the end "of the Zulu
War, Dinizulu and Undabuko, two Zulu
chieftains, were transported to St, He-
lena. • •, '
' St. Helena was 'discovered by the Por-
tuguese on St. Helena's day, 21.pt of May,
1502, The •Dutch held it until 1600,
when they were expelled by the Eng -
Ladder hill, on which the governifient I
house. is situated, is so called because of 1
the almost precipitous, ladderlike wooden ,
Stairs by .which its acclivity of 000 „feet
has to be scaled. ,
Provision must be made enntially in
the Boston public wheels for 2,500 addl..
tional pupils.
President Eliot of Harvard is to make
'scalwill again be the guest at dinner of
er tour of -the 'west this sunnuer.
Ow various ITarVard alittnni cluks In dif.
ferent cities,
k Atkintion, prin.
elpal of the high school at Springlield,•
APPearanees Are Deceptive.
I've aline notiesed, fellers,
ilit's a risky thing to do
To kaikalate (worsen
To how things looks to you,
The men 'et talks the nicest
Don't he'p you up the bill;
The one 'et prays the loudest ,
Don't anus pay hie bill.
Sometimes the biggest ashes'
Bites the smallest kinds of baits,
An Might,' usrlY witranie
Can make the hest ot mato,
The smart* loolcin teller
• May be a resaar tool;
You're allies kicked the highest
By the meekest Wan mule. ,
-.Leo County (Fia.) Journal.
41.01111rir'm Vp.oice,
oud Father -Always be a good boy
ann mind your tenches', and some day 3'ou
May be Milne minister,
'Johnny --1 don't waut to be prime. min-
- Pisani Father -What do you want to
be? . •
Johnny -I want to be mounted police-
man. -Tit -Bits.
No Inanit,Intenderl.
Reporter -You remind me of'a barrel
of ashes an a windy day. •
Politician -Sir:
Iteportei--Oh, no hatm! 1 Mean that
yen also are In the public eye, -Syracuse
Herald. .
"The 'Useful Rielcer,
liere's to the man whose wrath will mak*
The people round him shiver, .
Who rails until the menials quake
And quite upsets his liver,
or When, forsooth,'nobody jogs
The.laggard to his duty,
Ile goeth straightway t� the dogs.
And lands as hatun's booty. • •
BO hail, good kicker! I .would faiu , .
Wilk :plat:idly :.1.fehind .511)1.•
There's naught which LeMpth MP to complala
Whenever I can find you. • • •
No more tile ehurionve &hid by thee
Talks quick and travels slowly;
Ilia terror bids him inurteous be
E'en to the.meck and lowly, ,
-Washington Star.
Blane,' .°B.v
141lotdeit7 '
he - said he would
-marry me if he were'20 years younger.
Cholly-Twenty years younger? That
would be eXactly my age. •
Blanche -Oh, Choliy, se 'sudden!
-Town Topics. •
• Minn and miiiiimerY. -
These girls and hats, these hat and girls,
Keep my heart and -brain in dizzy whirls.
In violet hat first Phyllis sweet
Wins o'er me conquest all 6omplete:-.
Then Delia. crowned with rases pink,
Enslaves me to proposal's brink.
For sledge, in lilies -white aerial*,
. soul dolt never choice declare.
. But saucy Bell 'neath cherries. red
Drivel all the gthera from my head.
oh, how my fickle fancy '
These girls and hats, these Itati and &1st-
J-Chicaigc. Record.
"Blood tells." But we rarely recog-
nize the fact except in times of stress
and strain. A horse 'which looks like a
ft-scrab " may beat another _licirse which
seems the ideal of a racer, just by that
one quality of good blood. Similarly
men, who seem in the pink of condition
drop down under the racing strain of
business. Why? Blood tells. Men
reckoned perfectly healthy start out for
business, they
make a run
for the train,
and collapse.
"Heart fail-
ure" they
call it. Brood
failure *would
be often the
better name.
Take care of the blood and the body
will take care of itself. It is the blood
which builds the body. The blood in-,
deed is the body. A Sound body must
be based on sound blood.
It is one of the peculiar properties of
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical. Disccivery
that it eliminates from the blood, the ef-
fete and poisonousxuatter which is antag-
onistic to health. It also gives to the
bloed those elements,whickare necessai-y
to its strength and vital*. Thus by
the use of " Golcieu Medical Discovery"
purity �f blood and power of body have
been attained by thousauds of sickly and
scrofulous men and women. •
No other medicine purifies the blood
and builds the body as does the "Dis-
coverY.” Accept no substitute.
It giov_es nte meek pleesure to testify to the
merits f Dr. Pierce'; Golden hltdical Discov-
ery," writes Miss Annie Wells, of FerEassoll'S
Wharf, Isle of yVight CO., Va. "I C1111 say hon.
'gnu: eVedr =414Tel 31 aptulgrArngn is set trot.
I suffered terribly with rheumatism, and phnples
on the akin and swelling in my knees and feet
so that I could not walk. r spent about twenty
dollars paying doctors' bills but received 110 be-
nefit, A year or two ago I was reading one of
your memorandum Books and I decided to try
Pr, Pierce's Golden Medical Didcovery and
write Prescription,' and am entirely eared."
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are grad-
uated to the requiretnetits of woman's
delicate system, regulate the
stomach, liver and havvels.
-A ti *. .
Mf . Shoes
Mass., is sttW
nng the inethetis of the in-. An
il A
.. destrial seiner's; of the south preparittorY
to taking !up ;hie HMV duties as the firat . . .
' Aisierietne super! st temlent of public in-
struetion• in the Philippines. • ' • • '
' ".i.1 11,1,11,141p.)'•unitersity there is prom-
ise of an increased attendance In the
• 'regular departments -Of the smuttier
Wank The number will probably be
near 000, besides ihe Cuban teachers, or
a total of about 2,300 students. The ses-
sion will begin on July 5 ,and close on.
• Aug. 15,
• —
P:.•en 1. tom e '
Mrs, Ilia,•zo T.h te
1'31 1.1.114. et. • •I • s•
I; 'segos. S, en_ ir I, L., 1.01
1 1)113';.1.1,2: 1,•111111,1.1. 111111
•111y dear. tits • eo t ••:ar.:e 1 3 lini 11 0.r1.'
1/011111 t P01 V1104 a Lev.' lionis..t for
hI wife.
MI 4- fay dose, met who
• ws.P? "
Iiintro-.V, ell, you jast •tt ait until soil
se» t,lie belt Sunt1.4-1
is 11:1- e 13. lime of11:11! 0111 if 1.1
11111110V01IT nist I))( if 111 CO 1.;C:1
r At P, l' !tie
!Ambito-, (Lail 5,1011 rio 1,110,
A 1 tt i 1 vo,,, iz ,I., 1] hol,... 11.51004 illet ra
Iust it dith, itrow, ed al Thre.Id.d.
. Ma . refe's Ss 3 iitigh watt eisiWtsed
at. kinmpard. Wittio bai hit L.
Thefe are 708 distinct species of roses. •
either the emnmon potpie or
becouit.. 4111110 dittlita the.
l)l4)1'$'11 4,1
he planted ' tvliere • they
rev to grow null then thine( d ont se' eash. •
t. t1 11) 11' hitS or ilil helms la' room.
in a seney. sit wi It ell the matter 1
p is s. 0.31: 0, 'They nee oriental hymn lest.
N'ers few e'ptiustis will Make wa. 11 n
„ I 43o 1.1unia &Thal lie
.f..:1 ;4111 furnish many ilteweis for eitt•
sit.g, as the vse beim, it is Without 11111114
One 111:1111. 1111IM 1101 1110
.014kciFt 611) 11) rig!it
Matt15 to herd froht...4' au) fiveeziug •
' eerier,
tlit'S "A1/111.. j10111)11,0 01.411111 50rivlims 1110 1:
1.9 ital01111'111 g'11'S 010 .1!1cV • wyll
.1111- .1 I.,
Ivo b ti 111,1 t't• 1 Pr9-1,31" (ql
Vin3-11. NI, 1), ez 1, metihir
it 1.4 v,,. input )y. 1411).1)..
01310'1;i% 1-'11 11E1'11 .111
h('I;$t ho. :‘1' tr
l),ts le
L rivietwe in. '
tti T,,(1,5(1,31 r.c 11.1111111i 1:1) 1-15 14
ri 105(1111(11 dill% 81.11 4 " 'y1 Nzoi td.;
t ti 1011 gilt I,y that f
Watch him earefuny.—On the .
first indication of Diarrhoea
give Dr. Fowler's Extraet of
Wild Strawberry,
Hot weather comes
hard on babies, espe.
cially those euttIng
The little form soon
wastes and fades
away when diarrhosa
or cholera infantum
seizes upon it.
As you love your child, mother, and
Vish to save his life, give him Dr; Fowler's
gxtract otWild Strawberry. "
There is •no other remedy so safe to
give to children and none so effectual. ,
Mrs, Chas, Smith, Shoat Lake, Man, -
says: "I think Dr. Fowler's Extract of
Wild Strawberry is the best meditine that
Ws ever made for diarrhea . dysentery
and summer complaint. It is the best
thing to give children when they are teeth-
ing. I have 'always used it in our own
'family and 11 has ueveryet failed." •
• .
• , Mod,' German.
German should be the first.foreign lan-
guage studied in our schools, Says Wil-
liam Cranston Lawton in The Atlantic.
The tenth year is quite late enough to
begin it. In font. or five years It tould he
really mastered as a working, tool. Nor
-should the best literature be long poste
potted. :The thpremo masterpieces, in-
deed, Faust, Wallenstein, Nathan, are
• ill suited for children. Most of '"Wilhelm
'Pell" or "Hermann and Dorothea" could
be read in grammar schools. But perhaps
the greatest wealth of the German Speech
is in belled and lyric. The vocabulary of
this literature also is very ,elose to the
hearty; homely Saxon English of our
own homes and hearths. Scores, if nof
hundreds, og such lyrics as -IIhlend'a
should be stored in the memory of every
child of 14 "or 15. •
A Stupid Fellow.
' "Blggsby married a little woman be-
-cense he thought he could • overawe her
by •his physical *supremacy."
"The stupid fellow didn't know that
the• bossing proclivity of at Women is al -
most invariably. in inverse ratio to her
size," --Cleveland Plain Dealer. .
' •
Honeymoon Orifelty. •
."Nay, Madam; the day I Married yowl
: gave you the key t my heatt."... •
."-Yes,•and then ou went off and
Lad the,lock nged."-Brooklyn Life.
Fire, • Life, Accident, - Flatesillass.„
(10+mi. •Allaaeir BLoCit. CLINTON
Clinton: - Ont. •
General District Agent for the •
Confederation Life insurance Co
.for Stratford and Goderich, inclusive. All In
ormation relating to insurance gladlrgiven
,Money to loan at reasonable ratetve
• oilleel in Vainest Burk '
Agent tor .110 MAtermsraa FIRE ASSURANCE
Co. of Maneh.ester. England, whose funds and
security are rated at S14,500,000. Also the MC-
farm, risks and town property takena
lowest .rates, First-olass Loan iCompaaies
also represented. Money to be had from 4 per
cent, up, aocording to nature of security -
Daily mail to Holmesville - postal card
fetch him
For "Story of South' Africa,” bv John Clark
Ridpath, L. L. Eflward S. -Ellis, M. A.. J.
A; Cooper, Managing Editor of the “Canadian
Magazine," Toronto, and J. H. Aiken, of
London, Ont., who has returned'this week
from 12 years' travelling in rionth Africa for
us. We are tho only Canadian Publishers
who have had a branch in South Africa for
nineteen years, giving us an imm enso advent-
• age in pressuring Photographs and material.
Our autbOreitin, letterpress and eugravintes
aro superior, and Canadian ontingonts bet-
ter illustrated than in any rival work... So.
sure aro vve of this. that we wil Mail free for
oona parboil our prospectus to anyone possess.
ing_a rival prospectus. Circulars and terms
free. Apply World Publishing Compeny,
Guslph. Ontario
+4 •-5-•5•••44-5 •-+4 4, •••••• • ++++•-•-•••••
1 t.
Meat Market
, .
• 'laving purei•aeed the butoboriog
business of F. 11. Powell tam pre-
tiarea to'furnish • the people of CHM-
ton with all kinds of Irreah end
Cured Meats. &maga, bologna,
lard, butter and ego alwaya kept on
L Pitzsimons tt Son.
Tlephoue 70.• .
Orders delivered promptly to all
parts of tbe town.
N.B.-Pereens hat ing loge for
shipment tyili tour. r A. [...tor by
es leavasg word et tase se 114
• 444 •••• 4 +44.44 • • 4. 44+4 ++ • IP
e inneriu
t004 SSrry toter than mr MEII.RE.
are to 1)0 51 Ik'h. 111,1)4 (1,011:1 sew eustim, r ' " •
s• es.is Meo'ss, ettas'e. atm Cheat es 31
13mu 51,11141 eel).
I'1,1) !Irv.; Err11elre4 VeliPeP,
Ole P,,let2,i I I:: tit, fe' t)ttli le 11.er es s
it, 0, jie 1 r'Ariar, hi' (1.4sr, Alai
Piety f s 0.1U'ip5 011 ilalut 311
:via la tzlinz it,
,:r1,.ii: 1 1,..otitt ilit !. ififoti.,0t.0.01,,. ,
,,, 1111.1110.1 PIMA '041,11 4Pf 111fOrM
P I„f !,. hot 1 it 0:11 II 1', 111 141)0
• * * • 1 • • • • • • • • * * • • • • • • •
"Slater Shoes" have their means
!lotion. citstinguiihing them from tha
. nameless shoes,
A slate frame with the name *ad
prIceir7Tritianded on every sole
by the makers.
Look or: die sole ,for the slme, as volthout it's
Shapes that iit the foot and meet fashion's
requirements. •
Only. leathers, most reliable and colors most
suitable,. Every pair Goodyear welted.
• • 51311541•1114.55 ***it
Of kientl.
hordes of
• • f
R t
Jackson Bros„ Sole Agents for Clinton.
For torpid Liver,
1 A Poor Digestion,
Biliousness and
Sick Head -Ache.
They are -Safe,
Mild, Quick -acting,
Painless, do not weaken,
And always give satisfaction.
They are the most reliable Household Medicine known, and
Can be taken at any season by Adults or Children.
uggies agons
first-class front $65. to $80.
Quality the Best Prices Rijit
Our store is packed with new up to date goods, everything required to furnish ,
well eeplated house. From a childs• chair to the most expensive Bug. Parlor
Suit, including Pictures,. Curtains Shades, etc, Ohr Pianos.
Organs and Sewing Machines are of this best mannfactare. Goode that hays
stood the test for year% Every article parented as represented.
a. II. E0 1-1. IAEA 1E.INcr„ 13 tit
r in China
I Does not prevent you from wanting the goods we are offering for the present
seasen of the year.
Sugar and fruit jare,Are in the front rank, aldo itaisins and Currants, Prunes,
Apricots, Sahnon, etc., eta.
Then there are Forks, Rakes, Hoes, Snaths, Cradlea, Scythes, Stones, Oil and ,
Oil Pans, Whips, eta. • ,
Do not forget about Boots,ard Shoes, also Hats; Shirts, Collars and Ties.
We also can supply you With Suits or Pants and Vests, Overalls] and Jackets.
It would not be out of place to buy Wall Piper and you ought to see our new
patent Window Blind fixtures. They are fine,
Our prices are correct and onr terms cash Or prcance. We pay cash for butter
and eggs, It will be your gain to trade with us.
Emporium, Londesboro R ADAM S
July 10th, 1900 '
Clinton Sash, Door, and
Blind Factory.
- General Builder and Contractor.
This fietory is the lar.gest in the ciOnnty, and has the very latest improved mac
ehinery, capable of doing work On the shortest notice. We carry an extensive
and reliable stock and prepared plane, and give estimate's for and build all class.
es; of buildings on 0160 notice and on the oloaest prima All work he superviss
• ed in a•meobanioal way and satiefeetion guaranteed. We sell all kinds of M.
terior and exterior material.
Lumber Lath, Shingles, Lime, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Etc •
Agent for the Celdbrated GRAYBILL SCHOOL DEM, , ant140ilnad
at Waterloo. Call and. get prices and estimates before placing your. ordersw
r ware
rise dettartets for all ktmla of.liaisiessette,Thewt re, No 12.
(3 Am., j, HMI 014, rho 0. 3, brate.I sat rese %vs) ernes ready
leis.. 11 pe hes, 1/.11.143 11111111, Here( 11(ints c‘1111 pa 5, ji F 4101.1
)‘,11-14j.i.RorLsh,‘..e., iirmirl if yv,, e retitle:1, Agta.is I. r th I A topri-
11411 .1' Id 14rd NM ',full 111 tiles avorld, it Is Mew proof, Bell
pried, p oof, Pia sno I vg 10143, r xtri MS 114:01, alai ,(.01t1 dote, .1s0t1
31 0(3. 03 01101),,, eta3„ 0 Vlien! .11/0 kta,
CalR and oce
tay len.11' a tas. • ,
"e here thay v. ill 1 101: he stork itil Wilda (31
re.t.P.iii CO04441, OSA.
( 91)1.1 1111.1:1,4114,,
I l'y itr' .11,31gilt 031344 38(111
1,1vol1i. I 1.61,80,,, I
hp Pet.1.1,ittv Nin nt.,T rf, Tort, 1
[-A .1 Ii.CAT !TOP, 44' Ili). 01'1 lit ft$ st..y
.11, is the 11, s; ,. PI e0104,10
ft lib.. rood ria 141 to,11,4,
C h 11'1 tory fo r 'I' foN, Mottoes
i... . sr. it J. I iasgE • &
Ct5-11 cra% ri.zo
e'f.rNT.i..N •
A few 14ry1t Allierienn (;1()t1ies Ilrlingers„ trt S2.8:1
.1\ 11110 11)0y last, lir.r.4 -doss1 r;i)gor, A. r,..1kr (aid Shatioi ready
mixod im1otr4 at ti big (iimioirot. LflWl1 ,i\-1 ()V11 Ittrefitiosuit
prices t() eir.s.tr ott.. 1 Only Filo Proofafe for
tem -
Zt17 ajOic
as A _.__11.11.‘lart 9 4,1,46
1.5pe-t1 i Jim Air aiei !lot Wk o' thAting an-'. riImbing