HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-07-27, Page 4July 27, 1900 Now for t Last. Three Days Suca a sweeping out as there has been in this Summer Sale of ours I Such a wreck of lines ! Such a stnashing of assortments ! Such a pile .of re.nnants and left -overs ---odds and ends of this, that and the other 1• Used to think there were a lot of them at any- time, but it takes a sale _like weve had here to help us find out how many there can be. . Now. we only have a few more days left of our "Fifteen Days° Sale," so commencing SATUR DAY utorning, and until the sale closes Tuesday evening, well give you bargains that will make you wonder. • . awasacanoraaGGGIRoaaanataavisasanosataGgiRcancitcriaoG Ladies' Sailors at - •10o ,8cwe Money on a,: *New Dress /. .....„.. 0 only -Dress lengths of Frenth thfise, :::„.:,:, --, ,/ ' --,. Ladies' Sailors niade of good (,:w.."7200' ) quality stin raw, black and Novell y Clouds,- in all the IN „,„ - 4., each, to clear at - white only, regular price 25c I 0 c newest mixed colors of black and red, black atid mauve, priee S5 to $0.50.your choice 2 fill —1, gold nd blue, ete„ regular 11 . if* ,i--- 80c Hats for 19c Misses' Hats made of fine quality, a• till the last of sole at each.. . _ _ • \ Leghornette, nicely trimmed with feather and colored straw our regular NC Ladies' Collars at we price was 80e each, just a few left Ito go at Ladies' Linen -Cellars in plain band and new pointed shape nicely 10: finished,all sizes from Save Money. on Hosiery, 12ci to 1,4c, usuelly sold at 15c, during sale our Und<wear and Corsets price • •,‘ • Stock Collars at 25c • • •• . • Ladies' Stock Centire in the newest, shapes. made of; satin, also muslin and lace insertion in assorted Q ,c colors,regol.ir pricels 45c, to clear at .... Big Snaps in Wash Goods 789 yards of the best Canadian and English Prints, m assoi ted light and dark colors, every piece • naranteed to wash, our regular 10c and. 12ic • nealities, to gc at., • • 15c Muslins and Oinlities at 10c , - 235 yards of this seasOnq'choieest muslin& and 'din& ties in all the neWest colors.of thie,pink, mauve: and white, in stripes and fancy' designs, pur, re- gular 15c Value, all toclear at: .... .. .. . Dimities at 15c. 149 yardsof Danitibe and Piqueein•aesorted dolers of blue and White, navy •.andi..• white, Alio black and white, out regu1ar25c qualities, all to go at L. • I 0 $5'Ready-to-wear White .Muslin.Dress for $3;50 3 only Laclies'White PFelich ' • Organdie M iislin Dresses, made in newest up-todate styles, nicely trimmed • with frills, ete., our. regu- . $5.00 dresses, to go- at' $3.50 . .. Best Standard.§hirtings at 12c 489 Yard's of the very hest Standard Stfietings Witt= ranted Indigo blue, inassorted stripes and ' checks, sold elsewhere at 14c and 15c, during sale I 2 your c•hoice . . 30c cottonade at 190 120 yards of the very heti-blest qnality of cottonade full 28 inches wide.in stripes tind.checks. put, regular values 25c and 30e, to go at... • • Grey Cotton for.74c • • .225 yards of extra heavy grey cotton; full 30 inches wide, very free of specks, -just the thing for sheeting, will bleach nicely, regular 10c quality, . to go n t... • • ....... . • .„• • ee. • • • • • r; I 4.. 12ic and 180 Hosiery to clear at 10c Ladies' and Children's Cotton Hose, warranted fast black, ribbed and plain, our regular 120 and 18c values, all to clear per pair • 121c Ladies' Vests, 3 for -25c Ladies' Fine Ribbed Cotton Vests,' nicely tviturned, • and finished in cream and whiteoregular 10c and 0 12ic qualities,to clear S for. • I0 Good Summer Corsets at.35C Ladies' Summer Corsets made of good strong net, • mcely made and • trimmed, our regular o0c cot, Q ' . sets, to go at • ' u c. • • Attractice Prices in Fanog Parasols $1.25 White ParasOls for. .' s 65c $2.50 Fancy Parasols for . . .. : .$14150 $2.95 " .. $1.75 Children'sfisOc and 50c Pitrasola to .• • Here's a Chaneeto Secure Shirt Waists at a Big Saving , Ladies' Shirt Waists roade • -of good quality. Percale in stripes only, colors of pink and white, mauve and white, also black • and. white,' regnlar prices 75c and 85; all to A 0 go at one price 9'00 • $2,00 Shirtwaists to -go at $100 Ladies' Shirt Waists made of fine Percale and Mus- ., line in assorted colors, in ' stripes onlY, regular $1,50 to 82.50 Waists, all to go at A Big .Bargain in While Pique Skirts Ladies' White Pique Skirts in very fine quality soft finish,:. well • tailored and finished, our regular 7 90 price is $1.25 each, to clear the lastXat • ,s,.1 $2,60 and $3:30 Skirts for $1.95 ,Ladies' Skirts made of best quality Pique, Well tail- ored and tritnnaed with self -trimming and in- ,rn sertion, guaranteed to fitt perfectly, our regular 96 $2,00 and,$3.30 skirts, to go at 1 We have .mark- . . YOUR DIONEY SAC* , ' $2..00 ed all our Liner; . IF TOD WANT 1!.. • ' Skirtr.et prices Wh fte.,P 1 qu a 6'Skitts.: . lik3 this: $1.25 Crash Skirts. • . for 79c to go at $1, $1.85 Linen Skirts 25 for $1.20 $2.53 Linen Skirts they arra per - for $1.80 feet fitting. 4:here,* V;11/11 es. , Ashton. to St. Paul's Sabbath Sehool WHI plcov pastor. at 1110A1(.1., i Ft.l.tirryilf.-,ttr.t.rPt. 1 Mr James Stevens conducted the CLINTON filit the Vaeation term of the . ,. OzeTARio STREET -2 -Tho pienio helcl ori Rouse of Refuge services on Sunuay, •• Thursday of last week, at HON grove, Rev. Richard Service, ,an aged Meth- Stuninerhi i odist minister, "died Ouddenty near tessful an nalaffairs held. The day 'London. an Monday., all.th waft destred, and the child - i Rev. Victor Gilpin; formerlY of Olin- ten erjo a themselves in • different ton, was Married at Tticeville, a few wage. All t e scho1ar't. ' hag days since. to Miss Effie Wed. 1 ; of candies, and the prizes for the races oneisLed of dolls, knives, cup -4 and Rev. S, E. Conch and wife, of Hamilton -' saticere bats 4c. e inners were. — Conference, were made the recipients of two Girls, prim ss—Eiva Lavis,Zeirnit well-filled purees ptoir to their leaving ; Holland, Pea Finch, Elva Yohnstoni Aberfovle for their new field of labor. A. I Claes ,I, Edna Rodaway, Elva Wile:dee Coneh, of town is a brother of the above • IL Rena Finch, Pearl Danford, Vera reverend gentleman. 1 Menmet; III, Jennie Trick, Olive ILO - Rev. R J. M. Perkiest, son of tlie late, land; IV, Hattie Ti ick, May Holland; James Perkins, of Gorrie,ist now curete 1r, jell tile Shipley. May Ito(laway; VI, of the parish of St, Maty Magdalene, in Lizzie Trowhill. Carrie Shipley, 11 tre London, England, The congregation 1 --,primar,v T. Trick, Fred rliadff, M. it 1300, and the Sunday School nett). Wiltsie, D. M. Courtiers: I, Glen Corn - hers 300. . lith, Slimes Lockwood; II,, Willie Tay - Rev. Thomas Crews, a well known lor,.rred WiltRie, LadVeachers, Miss Methodist Minister, died in London a, Turnbull, Mrs W Dawn..: teachers and few days sitice, in his 80th year. He 4 officers, Dr. VV. J. 11, r owler, Charles ' came to this coutVry from England. in 11°11411(1; tug of war—sides captained the year 1840, and settled in Gnderich, by De Gifford and 3' Govet t, was won where he lived for flveyears. °Melia( inc , ebbyon y t:eiefborrnee; ladies' tug of war, sides frequently. as a 'neat preacher durieg Mrs Inner and Mrs Couch, that time. •In 1851 he entered the rnin. I Was a tie. A feature at the picnic was lefty, superannuating 10 years ago.--- r base ball match between the Mettle TP70 children sui rive deeprosa — Rev. , IreasfaJguery Club, the members being A.C. Crews. Toronto, gene, al secretor v N. March, II. Plurnst eel, II. of .Epworth Leagues in oariads, and Al‘iratit)instbiroon, ail, Mpe,r8ohntfpoillanTintign,naeyn,d Itt„,, mReevtilotidistWebit,)e.irs,%,PTabsto(LICeut"1 picked nine corteisting ofWalter Mann- ing, NVflogs, 11. J. Gibbings7, Time. Ita.avrstatninV SIIttarr.--At the tneet - Wheittley,_NV _Downs. De Thompson, ing of the League on Monday night, ,/, 3Taylor, Dr FoWler, .1 T Bremerton; C. Stevenson gave an Interesting and 1.1 it score resulted 15 to 14 hit, the pick. iti8trtietiVe address.—The choir of this ed team. Credit should be forthcom. ebureb purpose holding ta'picnie at the ing tn tbe 'pastor, the superintendent, "iron springs" on the shores of Lake the officers and teachers for the success Huron, eerly in Angust,—Rev, Mr, attained at this gathering. Ashton, who is eupplying (hieing the.. I absenee of the pastor, is a clever, able, WILLIS( 0i -n -Last Sunday -the • and devoted young man, who will rto serviees were conducted by R. S, Laid - i doubt attain prominence in the years law, of Eno* College, who is taking e that are to come. Last Sunday was eharge and supplying while the pastor his second in the pulpit, and at both Rev. 'Alt-. Stewart, is enjoying a much- servi6es hie sertnekle showed thought needed rest of nitE weeks. The deliver - 6 and depth, while his delivery is good, ies of Me Laidlaw have made a favor. The congregation of the ehtwth are able impreesion upon the congregation highly pleased in the selection of Mr and judging from them—his first ser- , . dons irAllintoyi—he Will ba'a leading 1 clergyman in the Presbyterian church. They were practical sermons, full of thought, and interesting; his delivery 1.f, easy and 0(1(11.1004 the ,Congregation will be much pleased with his discour- .1 ism while here.—Miss M: Murray wive l excellestly the sol.o.part Of the anthinA,. I at Sitililli'y . enetillig'S eel vice; in the l mottling W. V. S emitting rendered a I s..lo In his u-ual good voice,—"The !needy at our door," was the topic at Ithe Endeavor meeting Monday even. , tog, taken' by Miss II, McKenzie; the CA' re hialn Wan dealt with byMisa Wil. son, the President, J. McTavish, in the thair.—A.nother S.S. picnic which con - eluded a gt,eat succese, WAS that ofthis church, held on Friday last, at • Pots, ter's grove, near Holniesville. The weather proved hainonious for the event, and it was thoroughly enjoyed , all day. Besides the usual good things and delicacies, amusetnents and games were taken part in by all. The prize winnersin the Deeps were: Boys under 10, Willie Doherty, Charlie Hall; girls under, 10 Jean (Ibidley. Susie Carling;. girls under 10, Mabel Twitchell, L Ste. veneont boystunder 10, Ifenry Swallow; Indiee race, Miss Di, Cooper, Miss Mary Mat hesonrIvalking race foe teachers, t W. Irwin, Mrs (Dr) breaham, In the tug of war between .boyrt on one side. with girls tie their opponents, the form - ('r won. A. baseball match was played by sides capta•ined by Miss Leslie anti Miss A. Iloosion; VV.:1 Paialey umpired the' game as of old when he used to play, t he scoff- standing 23 to 21 La fa- wn', of Miss TIouston'e bell players, -,- The crowd just got home in time to miss the rain. *611 • The ehinese Situation. Stories regarding the foreigners at Pekin are eontradictory. Chinese oF- fleials contend that they are, about to be escorted to Tientsin ; other reports say they are all dead. Lord Salisbury - has refused to consider any proposal for mediation, or other kindred ques- tionp, until such time as the fate of the Ministers at Pekin is settled beyond ve doubt. • • THE CLINTON NEW ERA Aiwwwwwwwwww4A - YOUR HOLIDAY RIP Holiday tripaby land or water, Pleasant, health. giving and inexpensive.. Inforniation frora the , midereigned, Tiokets` lamed anywhere. Next Manitoba %rout - Mon Thursday, July 17. F. R. BODGENS, 'Railway &Steitinsble Agent, Clinton \11ANAAANVVV\11/410A1\10.010VV1AN grew gAtwertiotuttuto Last Three Days—Newcombs " • Page 4 4 Notices—Wt,oats 0. 5 For Sale—New Era , a Rouse to. Rent —W.Coats ". . „.. ... Two Great t3naps—AloKinnon &Co • 5 Mullett Voters' lAist-Jaraes Campbell 5 Canada Business College—D. McLachlan 6 Extra Speclals—Modgens Bros , 8 Latest in Collars—Jackson Bros..... . 8 You aro Invited—VV. Taylor & Son.. , 8 PRIDAY, JULY 27th, 1900. So Sam Hughes was removed because he thought he was the whole shooting match, and would not obey the orders of his superior. That's like him. Five years of Liberal administration have done wonders in the development -of trade and given Canada a standing in Oreae,Britain it never had before. • Conservative speakers who predict a. victory at the next election are simply whistling to keep their courage up, as they have not the faintest anticipation . of such a thing. • It is anticip;tted that the next 'census Showa material increase in the population of the Dominion. As the .Mail Empire said some time ago; "the exodus hatrceased." Hen. Dairid Mills, since the strain of the session has been. reMoved, has been feelingWeals461.' , ill. He wil1. leave as soon as poesible for a thoro rest. He needs tt bedlY, -as he lookp like a used up man; • Pelltleal Pouters from yatelous *mime, It is announced that Sir ,Wilfred Laurier will remain at Ottawa ter look after government business until Aug. 15, when be will leave to attend the Acadian convention at Arichat. With only one-third of tbe reenober. ship of the Canadian House of Com- mons, the Opcloeition members have 'donelon. more than half the talking. This is what has lengthened out the ses- sQ' Mr Tart e has postponed hie depart- ure for Canada, and it is said he will await the arrival of his colleagues, Sir Louis Davies and Messrs Blair and Fielding, in Paris, before taking his departure ' Owing to the unaecouritable failure of Sir Wilfrid Laurier to drop us a postcard inscribed with the exact date of polling day, this journal is unable to say when the general elections will t•ake place, —Toronto Telegram. The Government has not kept tte promise to reduce the tariff taxation?" shriek theOpposition organs. Then they vary the outcry by declaring that "the Government is forcing free trade on the country." Now which, if either, cry is justified by the facts? —Hamilton TiMQS, Hon Mr. Oreenway's- coulee in re- taining for twelve years the Private Secretary of the late Hon. Mr Norquay is in striking contrast with the alacrity with which the Premier, Hugh John Macdonald, set about getting rid of all the Liberal office -holders in -the Pro- vince as soon as he got into office. ' • It is reported that Senator Burpee, Sunbury, N. B., is to resign his seat in the Senate, and that J. V, Ellis, M; P.,. St. John, will be appointed in his place, Mr Ellis had the offer of the senator- ship which was given to Mr Gilmor, but he waived his elaime in favor .of his friend and political associate of many years. - The Liberals are making a huge mis- takiin not advocating the abolition of the Senate. It is N. G., and though it may be improved, itcan never he a useful -piece of legislivilve machinery. Wipe it out. Papers which blame the government for the length of the session are trifling with the truth. and we fear they know it. The Opposition wasted many an hour, when the Gov'ernment had busi- ness on the order paper, and was anx- ious to proceed -With it. For men who fairly revelled in offic- ial wrong doing ibis amusing to hear members of the Opposition bilk of the "corruption", of the "pteSent "iGovern- ment. Where isit ? The Opposition have not been able to fasten one act of corruption, as it is usually understood, on any member of the present admin. •istration. — The Toronto Star suggests that edi- tors exchange work, as well asininis- ters. Tbat Would be fine in some res. pecta. L Imagine, for instance, hove 'much truth and much-needed political light we could infuse into the columns of the Gederich Star, in the course of a couple of weeks exchange editorehip.-- As for Our Ovvh subscribers in the meantime, they are too Wedded. to the right to be easily misled. The Stratford Herald speaks of a. "unique post card" which was recently receiyed from Muskoka, it being a piece of birch bark cut the ordinary size of a post cold, This is not new.— Thirty years ago, when the first Red River exeedition went to Fort Garry, by the Dawson route, many of its members, for lack of writing- paper, used birch bark as a eilbstitute, a pair- • pose it served very well, as the writee happens to know. • One of the greatest possible benefits conferred on the farmers was the re- moval of the duty op corn, by the pre-, sent government. It • has helped the feeders of stock irnmensely. and the de- veloptrient of the cattle and hog teed° iR duet lipart to this fact, Thousands of bnehols a corn have been fed In title County during the past year. The Wit4e farmer is he who sells his coarse grains at the highest pried, and buyaeorn at' a lower one. The NRW Eta .recently pubilabed a paragraph connertfing the , offer' of a lat go SUM of money to Hoti. Mr Tarte. to. induce Ohri to keep Ids month shut 1)(1(40 he disclosed 04 • MeOreeVV. Scandals, and went on to any that "his sense of honer was so great that he woold not, accept it,'! The cam t or changed the word !mime to "humor," which not only deutroyed the sense of the item,- but affonied nom of env ex. hhanges considerable delight. The Goderich Star; ,for instance, thinks. wo have the faculty of finding out a toe of things the other fellow doesn't know. Quite likely, thrit'S our business, but it Ina recent speech at Killarney, Man., Hon. Thos. Greenway eaid:,"If there is a men of whotn Liberals are proud, who has done mote than any other man to weld the country, a Man who stands better than others in the old land; an honest, upright man . against whom no finger can be pointed as having done anything Wrong, it is Sir Wilfrid Laurier" , • The Conservative cirgrinizers are making preparations .for a series of political picnics to be held in Septem ben' Three picnics have already been arranged for, and will be addressed by 'Sir Charles Tupper, Elfon.-G. E. • roeter -end len. Hugh John Macdonald. •Ono will be on an island in • the Detroit River, near Windsor, a,nd will, it is. eir.nected, attract many people frona Elgin. Lsnibton and Essex counties. A W-stistician trills us • that of ill 108 days of the seSsion jug'. . closed 11 seee-1•be,:... ....Aloe Gaya averegtif. over SPVP/3 and a half hours each. Al most 900 solid working Or talkin hours have been passed in the Cram mons. Hansard ran this session abou 10,500 columns. The • session of 1885 was 178 days, and that of 1891 1.05 days antl for each of these an extra hidem ifity'was allowed. , ' • The Ontario government will prob ably have a much greater revenu this Year from :seccession duties tha was anticipated. The estimate. wa $175,000, and already $130,000 bay been collected. The Christie, Hallam and Alcorn estates in Toronto wil yield at least $75,000. In fact, th Succession Duties' Act may be said t have scored a succession of successe ever since it was passed,' - TheRoyal_Eldetoral Conimiseion t . enquire into corrupt practices at elect ions probably will -not do any wor -before 'felt. The first Meeting Wa called for Tuesday morning at Osseciocl Hall,- but Chancellor Boyd received telegram announcing that the comase were not ready and the meeting post poned indefinitely. It is stated the notm single complaint has been re ceived garding improper practices. • • _ 104We have Hammocks ,."" .teleeerit, I 1 10 •1 1 1,1 44 1.1 '1 1 , s to sell at the price you can afford to pay. Small ones at 60 and 76c. Full size at $1; $1.25$1.50 Beautiful ones, with valance, pillow and stretcher,_ $2,. $2 25,' $2.751 $3,75 and $4.75. , Special Prices in BICYCLES. New -Wheels $34: sidz $.6th, . Spponcl. Hand ones $15 an1 $20. W. 000PER & C.(/:,'..0.1inOrt..- • . Coming and Going, eoming and•Going.. a Bert Sedalia was yisiting friends in 5 Goderich. ' -"—EIrs 'Thos. 130120001-7-a-gliiiisiting friends - in town. ' g T. Fisher was called to Loudon on Wed- - nesday on business, t • Miss Ada:ones has been spending holl- &Lye in Wawanosh. , Miss Etnma Green, London b is visiting - Mies Angie Brickenden. • Mrs Forrester of Mitchell, is visiting at her son's, D. A. -Forrester . • . ' Mrs Brown, of Exeter, Was the guest of • Mrs Buldleoembe this week. e , Mise Anderson, of Myth, was the guest - of Miss Campbell this week. Harold Johnston is spending some holi- days at his. uncle's in Zurich, Miss Winifred Sleeth, of Seaforth, was • holidOing in town last week. • ' 8 Mr Geo. Twitehell ier enjoying the lake breezes at Pine River this week. 0' Mims Frazer and her friend, or Wingham, were guests ot D. Fell's last tveek. Mrs R. Reynolds and family are visit- K•ing her brother, Jas: Lee, of Lietowel. s W. 0, Joy, of Ingersoll, was a °guest • e his mother and brother for several days. A. Forrester, R.. McPherson and en Finewill canto with R. Bell at Bayfield. .R. H. Coats, of the Toronto Globe staff, t 'is spending his yacation with his kelatives here. . • Mts Autterson, of St. Clair, Mich.'and Mrs Glazier, are guests of Mrs S. J. And- -rows. Biro A, T. Cooper will -spend a month at n.her Oom! Kincardine and went up on Monday'. Mises Hefferan and liartnett, Detroit, Were visitors at J. Seanlan's for a tew days la°2,26iwsseetillie aunt is yieiting'her. Mende Mies MethWright and lire, Geo. Scott in Seaforth. litre T. S. Weld and daughters, of Lon- don, are thestuest of the fottner's brother, R. Rowland. Miss Mary Twitcheil left on Wednesday to visit friends in Wingham and Brussels for a few weeks. Mrs Mc:Nth= and children, wife of Dr. D. McCallum, of Crestline, 011ie, is visit- ing relatives here. Mrs Chant and children leave in a few days to visit friends at Unionville, Toronto and St. Catharineo. ' Mrs Theo, Brook, of Ottawa, who hat been visiting here for some time, has gone on a visit to Petrolea, • W. R. Treleaven, of the 'collegiatk, re.. turned to his boom itt Lnpkrtow, after - taking week'e stay here. • Mrs J. C, Monteith and child were visit- ing in Winglisin last week, They also spent a few deys in Teesweter. The Toronto World says:—A specie. from Vancouver says; Sir Hibbei Tupper says that if his Pictoti, N. S. constituents are iwilling he will ru against Hen. Mr Siftoh in Brandon, Manitoba. Conservatives say a local man is likely to contest Brandon with Sifton., They are confident of defeat- ing the Minister, and think a strong campaigner like Sir Ribbed Tupper shook' not waste time where a local man could do the work.—[We dqn't believe any man can beat Siftonitt hrs own constituency.] The OppO"sition organs are crying out that the railway subsidies of the year will amount to a dollar a • head for every adult in Canada. Probably; they usually do. But the organs tio not note that the companies getting the subsidies are •requiredto give some- thing. in return —tt reform of Liberal making. Moreover, there was a sur- plus last year of about $2' a head for every adult. in Canada, and for the .year up in which we havo. entered it is likely to be more. . Mr Foster recalls that Sir Richard, was severe upon him in 1805 for vend. ififf $38113,2,005, ond he rails -ac the Lincrals fOi4 apenditig mtich, more in 1890-19(.O. But Mr Foster does not state the entire proposil ion.'Sit Richard objected' to Alr-Voster spend- ing unwisely °Yee V38,000,000, with OVentle leSS than $31,000,000. 'Mr Fielding spetit Mort last year, • be- cause the requirements ' were greater, he got better value tot' the money, and he had a big emplus after it was all done. Vircumstances alter eases.— ' Cam il ton Timee. It hart Amen learned front •an official et meGin 1411%1111dt y that Lieut. I/or- don, who wee killed in South Ahem WU impelled to go to tho front from a Eitinfie of duty, When ex post u tat ed With bY a onetime of his rebinds on the edema he had taken, and when tho d Amore and risks he wasi Notting wet 4, bentight foreibly to his ,attention, he, "Yee, I know (hero is a 'meal tub 111 y t hat •I may never mine back„ but, then. volt know my father itt 1101111- Of the Departleetiti and I think it well hecomee hie Hon to Het tall eXittliple to the yontrit woo of Dallteitt In t *Ward to vain f think It is my duty it go to the front -under the &vont- tancee, and I will go," It P111 speetado foe gode and men vheit roan whojias been disci eilited V his own Party, ptgamptotiiy diu. )(tined from the eretotership, ha8 net Men been eleeted by anybody, and . s 'presentably held in t ba battle alight egard by the eleet t Ira t e W art before, oay sthat the House a tilturnma fa vrong. and that Ite, the leader et the entail tc whit+ he was not elected and rpm which be o cannot. ho ntelled, ight. • It Nina An well Pe glyen t t to you to say whether the ‘vill of he people's representatives shall boo onus mw, as that it ta hall be giVett to le Slackenzie Bowe% The* whole hint), 18 A farce, Sir Mackenzie Rowell the Senate la an obstructionist, AS e was in his nwn Government. Ile one of those people whO should he aken out somewhere and lost, "Doh' Saturday Night would nottrequire nauch perepleacy to a find ottt as ea tt Star knowe, and it's very easy'to find out a lot it don't know. When the Stae speaks about Mr Tarte living in a 630,00 0man- b sion, it is talking through its hat if it tnea,ne the House he liv.ett 111on Met. ti °tate St., Ottawa—and even if it were worth that amount, why cottld not it .r Cabinet., Minister rent a higli-pt Iced t house 11 1)0 wants to, The StArsimply - wanted to convey the idea that Mr 8 Tarte was living extraverrantty, and f must have acquired wealth dishonest. r ly, year ago a number of Goderich 0 P001110 were passing the house weeded t by the Prenaist in Ottawa, when one r of them remarked "wen, that isn't. 8 lunch of a maneion for the Prelliiert t. We have workingmen Goderich WhO it live in housee juat AA gond." So by It the seine -process of inductive reasoning Is the Premier must be exceptionally t poor and honest. in Mire! Bertha McRae vieitingin Detroit Will Guedry;-of- -GmbH* wee nere—fin--• Virednescl&y. ' Miss McKeown aid Miss Cluff are yisit.. ing in Remelt. P. N. Senn --was down to his home in . Brantford on Saturday. • Mrs Wm. Peach, of London,,was visit- ing at her .uncle's P. and H. Kerr. Mrs E. J. Caetelon went over to By on Tuesday fo spend a week's vitae, meth W. MtirraY,'of New Yu*, is here on a vacation.at his home, G. Murray, Huron. • ' , street.Clioton, [Tent . Thursday with Mrs Joe. _H-- ttio.HenstilI. Observer. . Mrs Stephenson, ' Mrs Argus Cole and her daughter, of Wade, Mich., are the guests of Mrs ThOs. Johneton.. . ' . . .Mrs John Allen and her sister, Miss Warner, of Toronto, are visiting at ,their . father's, R. Warner. ' . ". MrsBrown, of Wroxeter, and Miss Grigg, of Exeter, were the guests of Mre 'Biddle- combe for it few Arlo% lloreius Reynolds, Where frarri Minnea- polis visiting at his parents, Mr and Mrs Rich Reynolds, Albert street, F, R. Hodgens G. T. R. agent ticketed Mrei g Andrews to Merriokville, Mrs Gem - mill to Smith's Falls, the past week. . B. 7.,Gibbings went away on Thnreday morning on a trip to Cleveland,. Detroit and other American, points eesinterest. Dr: Cook and Dr. Tait, �f Blyth, 'went " • to Toronto on Saturday to compete in the, 'St. Matthew's tournament at Toronto. Dr. Cook, son of Peter Cook,.now it rep -7 • reeentatiye of a wholesale drug louse in, Michigan; is holidaying here and vicinity. ,Pref. a, Tyndall, Of Philadelphia, will 114 visit his monad tier° in the course of a few days. Mts. Tyndall Villiting near. Guelph. Mies Clare Holmes,. daughter of Rev, T. , W, Holmes, London, is visiting Miss Lucy • Brewer, and is spending tbe holideye over • at Bayfteld. . Misses. E. and S. Tamer went on a • vecatio.n of several week or so on ansong friends in Listowel. Brussels, Winghera. • and other points. E. /3. HAW returned home Thursday- . last Week from Chatham where he has been attending work in conneetion with the Brethern. Mrs W. G. Doherty and child left on Thursday for Thessalon to join her hus- band. She was accompanied by her tnother, Alm tfiewett. Thos. Kertoliie returned to Galt on Mon- day after it brief visit here at his father -in. law's, Mr J. Croll; Mrs Kettchie and P. Matheson went to London on Wed. children remain here for a visit. nudity to play with tile St. -Marys -team.1Nir and Mre H. It Evelio and familY, of against the Londoners in lacrosse, Yonkers, N.Y., who have been visiting [Prod &mi(e= of 3stneE088) who ",,„ here are accompanied by the Misses Cole .o " mia have taken it cottage at Bayfield, • been employed in one of the Chicago ex* In the London • bowling tournament spent Wm. Murray, while on MS way to take press offices for genie tints le home on a ti8Altiao It% ihiompton, ot Lona,n. who .ntonday evening with his friend, J. W. has been the guest of hire D. Ii, Kennedy Irwin, another enthusiast in the game, , for the past week rbturned to lierIlome on Miss Clare H. Mounteristle went to Gotierich where she will engage herself W.12:1(:''t‘lt/71'." nalh'it" t't (Mel", "°. v's"' eels over the lake. Iler sister will SCSOnl". 2 2 2k painting and sketching the beautiful min- ing her sister hero They will in company panrher. with Aline Shirley Perko spend it few weeke ." ilt!",ivit,letkl:mbe, D. A. Forrester, J. Bat.. turned home on Fliday night after an wr- ithe J. W. Irwin and dauehter Agnes re- tettlinre; A. Aleattrve. and W. Fair were tended amotig others Who attended the Seaforth P M .it k Y ' ' (lints ' The spent the pest ssveral weelot stay with relatives. at different in OS 0 S. rarri laet 'week • '1' irsiillk, MO "AlVd .. Loottelsh were v,_isit.' oulflon1":2818:w.e8E; lit" Milt "intr. M" 8"ith* \‘;'-,'"* lUorit, were tbegnetits of Mrs A. T. Cooper lirs Megee'e patents, Mwha4ileeeonalitilh get.7241.‘,14°311 Ing frieudil in tiir viiiiiliil* la° wee4.— font Godertch to visit in Iiincardine at pp mew itentieo , bel‘eilitll v ioNiVilnjg. iitti ttl'ili'ill:tiiil ll(il p(alattl"NlIt :Alt' Altrad8 ti o'Niti sr: 03i Nit.eartuagear: ardaaatTria°8fLth., 13 sl'eaerrt Cgt- Mr John Doan; librarian of the Puhlio at4118:08411tv kt4lettfigtr. wIth b" niiiilier; Mrs- Stratford, spelt it couple of days of this totavy, wbo htle not, tom tooling wou 6,:r week visiting the Huron County Horne of Refuge, %Da friends in Clinton. • Prof. 0, W. TRIltley, of Cliesley,. WW1 .2 , a"1"P "II"' iti talaIN "1,11" ,1011,,(1,4Y .„"%1 visiting Inc son C. E. Tanne,y for it week , Miss Bertha, is!attonding hit the library ktitoda gonekulat4rvvt031.140ytvloio." irlaugtilartot°4 pest.. Many will retnenther the professor in hie Omelet as it was he'who gave the "Queen Esther" A, V. roopor ta touring tio.oauntios of I pivrodo. notion here some tWenty-two years tit Christian thuleavor work, As there are 1). a. Porrestrr, skip, 3. Teylor, ;I. Jebe- 1, P. Tisdall, 4. Bamford, W. &Anon, Essex, Emit aud Bothwell in hie Interest ne eon* sisemistione ill th.086 oleos, he ; Ston, W. P, Sperildiog, J. Harland, skip, t ere thoite of the,Cliotoe Bowling club who' larilt9.°:6".,1,..tistliTI !In:, (41 it (i,rhg.,;11,40 i,trldo. coroinil twzrtx,,,Tenute.ad? and attended he London ada",Pi/"`I 1"I' amh svs"tit It" "" dorkbb b" Among those who ettended the 'Got -leech W14I 00 Von,' aucersiroul. Me A, Moll. Allan, of GoderIA, luta raees an Wednesday werer—Chae. Wilson, II, Davis, Jae. Miro, T. Mason, %Sown% ( hem nppeittted to take therms of the trait o----- 1 B. Warner, L. Cm, T. Wheatley,1P. Ker, exhibit et the Paris EXposition, end will i ri. paim,,y, r.sviittepi,, G. villa. eT. Webb, 1"4" eitm"timn' • kli.-11" -AL ttli"t" ' T. Mefiau,L, Rennedy. of feet Mr Alien was aiiiiointed eeveral ; mentlikego, but it WKS net necessary for 1 -------•----t--: him to Ve earlier. He is the right man for l the position, and will no doubt give the 1 The Suly erop report of the Manitoba Parlaialle it let of useful information about thweenmoltt shows that the imProVe' 0111Thaion fruit. I went was not so great as hoped for.