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July 27, 1900
axereven-v•Je aue- tue 44444* •Yetuf-V-Itle 444
This paragraph fa Irate:flea or
11. 80Q tor.subserlbers who heve not
) i•ttlii ted their subtionption for
this year, and for no °theta .
In adlition to:publishing' a first
ohms leoal paper at the lowest possi-
bie priee-$1 A 'MARIN APIANEE.
w 0.• e giving our metiers an up to-
th,lewarHwvfre az; •geod as given
be den. p titer, whicili costs:us
cuesiderable extm.
We are not asking any extra .
peke or this extva service, but we
do ask that bubsciribsre show their
appreciation by renewing their sub-
scriptions as promptly as possible.
I• unrealionahle and unfair to
mat us t , pay postage on pipers, and
.also rim a credit bosinese from year
..to pew, and we frankly ask our
delinquent subscribers toms° that ar-
rears are paid, and a. year in advanee.
Aud the sooner this is doe° the
,e; • v •v t.1 like it.
RIDAY, JULY 27ch, 1900..
crisp County Clippings
VIE GLUT° 7t:Ni? Etta
Pt out the ithi iLh pItete
. -
gold came ' Wm. Lane, t Belmot P, WHAT THE MAJOR PIP,
aftet• an absence of over I, wo yeare. Ile
left Dawson on the tOth of Ali,v awl
er rived in Tot onto ou ibe 4th of July
which is very fa,st travelling ctoteitier-
ing (he great distance. The fare home
emit him abent $200. B bas seveerei
.peeitrit'n4of nuggets of his own dig-
ging, one fine one worth 140.
•,i Reeye Wrii. Taylor, oa hehalf of tha
00i Oration ot Locknow, was serYed
with a writ for damogek clainaeci by
• Dr, S. Tenant, los injuries eustained
•! by him in falling'on Ole sidewalk in
• froutof t he McGarry house some weeks
ago. The writ wastssued by the doe-
tor'e•solicitor, D. Robertson, of. Walker-
• ton and the corporation 'n g1vezi ten
in which to enter a defence.
Years ol Pajn
The .Experience of- Mr William
Smith, of Hawkesbury, who
. Suffered for marry Years
from Itlduey Trouble. ,
From tho Post, liewkesbury; Ont.
F.erybody in Hawliesbuty knows 'Mr
Smith. He came here when the
town was yet in its village days, as one of '
the lumber company's etaff for meohanies.
In 1881 ifr Smith wag appointed town con -
Stable, and tilled that position uiatil very
• recently. As is Well known to many of
• Mr Smith's friends, he has suffered much
• from kidney trouble for quite a number of
years peed, and at tines the pain in Ms
book was so great that he was almost phy-
sically incapable of exertion. •doctored
n great deal got:nodules getting temporary
relief, but the cause of the trouble was not
removed, end soon the pities, acoomprtnied
alternately by chills- and fever, returned.
At last he came to look upon his condition
" aif one whioh to medicine could permanent-
ly aid. Indeed his condition might still ,
, have been one of mutes suffering bad not
e Airs Smitii ultimately prevailed upon her
busbandtto give D. Williams' Pink.Pills a
trial. "It seemed," said Mr Smith td a re- .
porter'of the Post, "that it was a ageless
experiment, and yet f was willine to teal -
most anything that would bring relief,
had not used the nilis long before*. there
Beatty Brt.s., of Varna, intend build
ing a itew store.
E. liega.u, school teacher, at Zurich
intends spendiog his nulitlays th
old worlo.
Expinnatton o Rentarktailly thieve
Ciareer of III* Regiment.
"There wasn't a arm at the officer
• mess but deapised the maJor,"• said a
d• •
.e SOCiai one of t e temment. He was •
The Strenuous Life.
The house ily lit en a big 'bald heed.
s' Zimmity-buzz-ty•thupt
'lard were the words the owner odd
to he lifted hie tat band up.
old army captain, talking to some filen
• In a down tqwn cafe the other nigh
"We all felt that be distinctly lowere
John Boyd, St. Augustine, has dia• •
posed 1 his farm and cropto Wm
Kernig natl. The pi ice paid maw $3.000
Ed. issen berry, Zotich, has sold
was undoubted relief, more in faot than 1:
his young roadster nankin, "Genera
Roberts," to J. Kelly, of Listowel, for
Jacob Bray has retired from farming
and has sold his line farm, lot, 11, con.
4, to W. J. Alexander, of Elms tp.,
the pi -ice being $0,3000.
Mr and Mrs Magnus Spence, of the
1st line of Morris, celebrated the fiftieth
anniversary of their wedding On Tues-
day evening. July 10.
had obtained from any other "medicine.
• I continued their use and Soon all sputa.
toms of the Zrouble that had made my • life
one of muoh nusery for many years was
gone. I feetthat I am oared, and have no
heshatiori in saying that the mire is due to
- r. lams Pink Pills, end I never lose
an oppotunity of recommending the pills
to neighbors who may be ailing." •
• •Dr. Williams' Fink•Pilla cues by, going
to the root of the disesee. They renew and
tu up t e blood, and strengthen the ner-
ves, thus driving disease from the (velem.
If•youe dealer does not. keep then't, they '
Will he seat poittpaid.at tit) cents a box, or
six. boxes for$2,50, by addressing the Dr.
Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Oiit,
1.. iiav u c er shop.
this leaves Exetec with two butcher
Shops, four havieg.existed here at ,inte
W. C. Davis Is preparing to, erect a
fine new brick block. of stores.hi • Hew
sall 0,1 tne. site t.f hispresentliame one.
Wm Welsh hem the contract...
Many At Wingham will regret to
.heti oi tbe death of Miss Stone .of Ag-
e) 1, for t wo years in • charge of. Miss
Bo id's millinery rooms in Winghatn..•
al e,srs Morley & Cunningham, -who
have tmeti conducting the: Mansion
Henze, Exeter,have .dirisofteripartnev-
Obit?, Mr Cunningham. continuing tbe
W. J. Cameron, of St, Helen's, • re•
cently purchased from McPherson
Bros., of West Wawanoeb.three
year old Steers that weighed 48,00no finds
on an average of 1600 lbs each. • • •
• A. E. Hodgert, Of Exeter,general
agent and instructor of Battle's Thor;
old cement, is itt present building ,a
large pement eiloforJ. Mantokh,,a.
McRill:tp. The size ie 15x30 feet. • .
On Wedneeday,July llth,Chas. Kad-
ing, a popular young matt,- of ••fireen-.•
way, and Miss Emily J.,• daughter. of
the late J. l'enhale, of the Lake Road,.
Stephen, were joined in the . •heirds Of
matrimon y.
A income tie Better Than Nothing.
, "So Miss Primrose has purchased a
• "Yea I presume she thinks she enn
catch_ a man •that way."—Philadelphia
Bulletin. •• . • .
. •
, 'What He Meant.
• "Tour farel" the tail conductor said.
"What? Sire". cried Mistresi Pickle.
• • . "1010 not mean your face;" he said;
"Whitt I meant was your nickel."
.—Baltimore -interfere": -
. •
Before leaving Clifford for Wingham
3. . '
. . .., y ware
:waited on by citizens of Clifford and
presented with mementos of esteem
accompanied by RD addreas, expressive
of the most kindly sentiments.
Last Friday week, Edward Mulligan.
whose home is a sh4..rt distance North
of Jamesday, was stricken withparalys
eta and he passed away, aged 76 years.
He is survived by his wife, who was
a Mies tiammill, and several children.
The trustees of S. S. N„ 0, Greyshave
yeeured the services of Miss Bremner,of
Belgrave, for the balance of the year
as successor to Miss Isbister, who re-
signed to go to the Normal school at
Robt. C. Forest, aged 70 years, • erna
ployed as a farm band by Edward
Medd, fonrth con., Elms, was accident-
ally killed on Saturday week. 8.e
was drawing in hay and fell off the
load, striking his head, death resulting
Before Dungannon school closed for
the holiattys the unpile presented T. Al-
len with a beautiful Morris chair and a -
centre table accompanied by a neatly'
worded address. Mr Allen resigned his
position to look after his grocery bust.
e hlaclismith shop in connecljon
with John Wynn's Carriage Worke,
Brussels, has been leased by Wm.
Philips, who was recently burned Out
•at S. Augustine, losing house, shop
and stable. Mr Philips has taken pos-
On Sunday evening week, there died.
at her home. Gorrie, Sarah A., wife of
W. G. Strong, one of the Canadian Or-
der of Forester Organizere, The be-
reaved husband and twd daughters
have the sy .athy, of their many
Wen& in th r a ;i cam
Hugh R. iott, Brussels, who went'
to Manitc arrived home. He was
as far West as Brandon. He Eittit8 the
crops are very poor indeed, no rain
having fallen from the time he got
there until the last week of June and
the heat was 110 to 112 different times.
The contractor has completed laying
the walk on Josephine street and the
B. Line to the ettilletety, Wingham.
this Witlk makes a. total of 8,953 linear
feet which has been laid this year,coet-
ing in the neighborhood of $4,200.
4,815 linear feet of walk were built last
There were two barn rabsings on the
10th oreY, liitely, one on the farm of
Duncan McKay Where a large barn,
framed by Louis Hickson, of Logan,
was raised. A large barn was vetoed
on the fartn of NV tn. Mann. The frame
w was done by Arch. McLean, con.
Although he had. been sick for the.
• alit two months, and for at lee.et
eeke had not been table Oilfite, 15 was
with it shtick of surprise the people
beard that Ex -Reeve Baelter, of Erus.
eelectelidied,soniewhati suddenly on
TusiMarialth treek4 tat Wttne Writ At
MehritigYille, in Roth county, In 1880/
ft.nd lived thelltatifiTat 11.'10400rd and
Zurich Beforit,IXtoty_tgtOgreuswaL He
*as married MEM te Rebecca Ling*
-Tepac, who autritee him. Three brOth.
• . . „
15 18 well o make choice of a. competent
and qualified drtiegiat tb whom you can
take your doctOrhi preserfptions nue re -Aerie.'
A. correetly and well,fille.1 presnription with
pure arena nes runela todo wi hahe battle
,against siektiese. We dispense drugs and
medidines aecording to'the meet approved
modern methedrf. ' • • ,
Platte's OsLieltr 003IPOUND • :
in the wonder lif the century for 'the cure of
the common ills of life. Thousands of let -
tato from Canada's best people give evid,
Enloe of the mighty power of P;tine's,Celery
Compound over disease. It Yon are sleep.
less, nervous, despond/its, weak 'or. run-
down; one bottle of Paine's rletery Cern-
pound will do good_work for you. Wo sell
the kind that *cures. a. E. 110Va. drug-
gist,Clinton, Oat '
. •
In Turkey any youthand maiden who
can walk properly mad . can understand
the necessary religious service are alien'.
ed ti'marry.
• •
No matter bow; dull trade inaY he le .
. other lines of business the whip manufac-
turer has a snap. -7 -Chicago News. .
• •
Only one person in every four of .the •
inhabitante of London earns more than
$5 a week. • . t
sullen and lout's)) and sloyeuly, with. • ,
the air of a man who bad proved false
In seine crisis and who .had a grudge
against fate for his o'Wn misdeeds. Fje
was full of mean, contemptible nroy
Besides, he drank heavily nnti would lie .
for days at time in a drunken stupor.
"We would have got rid of him ou
charges but fere the fact that he could •
ligt. It wasy dys ot the
campalkir in the Tennessee valley, and '
there was plenty of fighting to .do. In
battle tire major became another man.
The boys forgot ids. ugly, and eoutempti.-
The hoots fly lit on a piste of hash.
What the diner said we write with a dash
At he wildly "shooed" the dish.
S.• (Whishl)
sum -m -m,
nem t
The louse fly lit On a maiden's cheek.
Znamity-buzz-ty-ping I
She slapped herself m it was red for a weeli
Act she called her a horrid thing.
. (zing!)
tile ways, and I guess the major himsel
did. When We got 'a glimpse of -the ma
as he must have been before wine grea
trial a4mailed him. His eyes lest thel
dull, and filmy look and blazed heneat
his shaggy brows, and under ,his. sone
uniform his frame took on the commend
ing lines of the soldier. In the. uois
and smoke his Manhood had a brief an
savage resurrection.
"Somehow, before the' regiment knot
It, On spell occasions it was followin
the • major• liekety split • in a dashin
tiliarge or. taktug his orders as it stem
grimly in line awaiting attack; Th
colonel and lieutenant colonel, good fe
lows though they were, did only a thin'
Ing part. It was the major whO was de
Mg tbe • fighting; and the boys kne
It. • • • •
"After- every' battle would trea
the- Major with respect for a little. while.
Our regiment was winning 'glory. The
colonel got the thanks of congrees, and.
tho• general of the brigade got a' promo -
thin, but we all knew. it was that mean
Mats, the Major, who did it. We tried to
be nice. 'to him, but be always spoiled'
Once We.actually• got up a ban-
: quet in his 'honor after he had led the
regiment - in three successive
days of fightin.g in the weeds. But he
drank himself Under the table and Int
• prolonged debauch; and the next day
the reginieut Went into battle under. tho
celotiel and was on the• rue until, night:
in -in I
t . The house -fly lit on a brandy Ilea
P •
h • ' Said she to the mixer, "This is Ma'
d "Dash, your eyes -VI -said -bee
•' • (noel)
. •Zirnmity•buzz-ty-zummem.
m -m( • .
The house fly ilt and waved her legs., •
Zimmity-buzz-ty-grid I
And. depoeited seventy million' eggs,
And died with her duty did. •
• (Your bid I) '
d • "
zees -men,
• c.,
inent given, pursuant to la o 1897, gap. 129, sec.:811
• --New York Press. and amending nate, that all persons having
• claims a most the estatef T1 .
• of the maid township of Godevielr, yeoman, de-
• ceased, who died. on or about the :lath clay of
Smart Men or wonien wanted for positions
i hi
. p o men steady or
• part time. Apply W BENNETT, 403 Utah -
mond at., London, Ont. July 20-4 1
The undersige ed him a thorobred Durham
' bull on hie lot 77, Maitland con., for service
Terms en ,00 at time Of servioe, with privilege
of returning,
y • .
NOT! .
Notice is hereby given that the Connell of
the Corporation of the ;town- of Otipton in-
tends to construct a concrete sidewallt
the east side Vi t I Stre t b
• amnecle tR
beeneflted and not exempt bylaw from sweeti-
e ss the final costs there el upon the properties
High Streets, in the aid tor, u moo to ato-
he estimated cost of the meti acid work is
$450, of which sum llt0 00 is tube p ovided out
ot the general funds of the Munn- tealitY
, A Court of Revision will be held on Monday,
July 24, 1900, at 8 o'clock p.m, at the Council
Chamber; for the purpose of hearing complaint
aga nst the proposed aesesement. or accuracy
of the frontage measurement, and any other
complaint which persona interested may desire
to make, .aud which is by law cognizable by
the said Court
• Dated at Clinton this 6th day of July,1900
W. COATS, Town Clerk ,
• Notice to Creditors.: •
In the matter of tho estate of Thomas Cook,
• late of the township of Goderie_,11 in the counta•
of Huron yeoman deceased h •
t • Ma , 1900, are required tomend by post' yrelmitl
Attendant m at Service Used to Have a
Very Sociable Sease;o. •
. Six Walter Besaut has Written whina-
sically, giving a .glimpse of churchgoing
a couple of hundred fears'ago. Tie says:
"Did- ion ever go to a church in 1703?
• • I have just come trout a service ,at St.
Stephen's, ..Walbrook, n Sunday Mbrning
service In that year. • The • congregation
began to arrive a quarter of an hour or
So before the service conimenced. Tile la -
o dies were 'dressed fluely„, A footnian or a,
• page or an apprentice walked behind
thein carrying their prayer bOoks, Ile
;Preceded them un :the aisle, Opened the
' door of their pew and plated the books
• "I think we. were all relieved when the
•maJOr disappeared onoe for: • good'. I
made tho officers' mess more congenial
e The _women in the •pew stood up and •
e eirchanged • snliles of greeting with their • resolution aid. acourse in Binituess
. acquaint:throe; with those M the pews be- .and:Shorthand at the
• fo,ke 'and .liehind them conversed openly; ' •
y • the chureli Was 'filled with thebuzzof • •coo—
orLliyor to. the undersigned, soieittit or the
administrators of the said estate on or before
• the &st clay of September, 1900, their names,
•addresses, descriptions and a full statement of
particulars oftheir claims properly verified.,
and the nature of the security (if any) held by
them: And notice is further given that after
the first day of September, 1000, the administra-
st:cl ilveg.271 tIgthttiVliemtirrx 01 the
to, haeing regard only to maims of whieh they
shall then have notice, and that they will not be
r bl f the or any par
• thereof to any person or persona Of any
claims they shall not then have notice. Z:nited
at Clinton, in the County of Buren, this 10th
day' of July, Ism . • . .
W. BAYDONE. Clinton, Ont.,
Solieitor for the Toronto General Trusts Cor-
poration, the Administrators.
July 20-8
= • on the desk before the bents. This don,• ••
t he retired te 8. piece. under the gallery
. where the domestics sat. t- • • s• .
But the regiment. -never: amounted .t
• nalich . after that. While It began th
war 'brilliantly,- it • ended it- in -disgrace,
and our brigadier ia unafficjallyon rec
ord svitli the 'statement that' the onl
good. charge we 'made. in those last year
was once- eq.* sutler's tenni. The -wit
departnient never knew why our recota
was . so uneven; • It Ayesall on ateount o
that heroic old,: scoundrel, the major." -
New York •Mail and Expreas:
lye on
couvereation. When the .service 'began, a
✓ great %Many, to show their devputness„
1 . repented everything out aloud, 'even the
f absolution and the Veeses assigned to, the
Durable, twilled silks of various kind
are 'being revived. They , are used for
waists, ninges underskirts, sash ',draper
ieS and gowus entire.
. The fend' still' eootinues for mime
line .de sgie and • chiffon Yoke d
guirtmes on all sorts of bodices to wear
under tailor made jacket's and waists.
Tiny gold buttons are again used by
French. atelier on gowns of ceremony.1cittned of white cloth, drip d'ete, lace,
tiet chiffon, crepe de chine and Veiling.
Fine sheer nainsOok embroideries, with
Medallions of lace introdeced here and
there. add effective variety to the sea-
son!s, handsome dress trimming, f
wor •tbiti
1'in1 and lihsite.Or'Yiolet andpale-green
pond. lilies trim.'scene. of the large rouud
bats otherwise dec.:Rated with: cholla and.
W.V.' • •'
Properties for Sale or to Let Professional andOtherCares
cornfOrtable frame beide on'the corner of
Qu a, nton, Three-quar- MINTON.
tersaciree of laud; good mohard ; hunt water.
eto„ also stable. Anpiy to Orme-Elliott Block, Isaac Streets+
Nov. Oth-et ?411S. J. TOM WEND elONE1( aro LOAN*
Barrister, Solicitor, Sm.',
The torofortable and oosycottage on Joseph 1
Street,Ctlinton, recently ocoupied:by Jarmo BARRII3TER, SOLICITOR, ,ZIOTABX
ltioUlacherty,ta offered for Bale on vary reason
able tram..
' Joint mcOtacunirry
For'sale, 4 lots near the Flax Mill, 2 lots o
Erie Mee lots On titan St. alio a brick cottage
with frame kiteheu_Jun d water, good orchard
on applying to JOHN RIDulJT: ClInton t
JOHN HENRY, Rosoidale, Manitoba.
. Office -Bearer Mode.
HOUSE for SALE •or to RENT
On Victoria St„ near Organ Factory, 8E0
will buy &roomy, comfortable house with goo
lot, --the property recently occupied by Fran
Upshall. Apply.at once to-
Barrister eze. Clinton
Op -stairs, Opposite Foster% Photo Gallery
Barrister, Solicit() r, Notary and Convedike
OMee-opposite annerne Hetet
d • M. G, CAMERON „
(Poraterly.of Cameron Holt de (a„feeren)
Oillee-itanniton St opposite oieborne House
Honse and Lot for Sale.
orTehhare :rgsreq. and commodious house pleasantly
tonna. There is every aocomodation,with stables
situated on Huron Street, occupied by tits un-
dersigned is offered for sale on very reasonable
pout' 21:1899. . ' Clinton.
,7 • • - ,
• House .and Lot ter Sale
The und,ersige id offers for sale at a. low
figure,. his coyafortable cottage •on Queen St,
containing .eight rooma% hard and -soft. water
In the house, cottage . in. good repair, -
lot contain% over half an acre, and on it. are
. plum, apple and pear trees, For furthee pr
neuters &WY to B. B. Rant, . •
Jane8—lin " • - • Clinton.
Subscriber ff f •
ing ite acres, lo7 89, eon. M. Goderieh township
It is situated Q• miles from Clinton, ail cleared
with first-class buildings, bank barn, two story
louse; all under pasture; has Snores orchard
also& never -failing spring. The farm is firstclass in every respect. Also, acres of bush
willoh will be sold either witn the farm or
separate. No inoney required as long as the
subscriber is eeenred, For particulars apply
t, B. SWITZER, on the premises. or tliutoii
post office . July fl-tf •
°Mee -Owner litimilten St. and the Squat'
•• Coderich, Out.
.I: T. Gannaw, Q. O. °LEAS. GAARow, L
Office! North et,, next door toSigitiar Mince
Private Funde to lend at lowest ratio'
of interest . • .
. ••
• 7..
Real Estate and Insurance Agedt. ' Money to
lend on Mortgage and Note security.
The Gale farm.one of the best 100 acres forms
In Goderioh township,HuronCounty Jot 17,part
18, eon. 8, Ot miles (ram Goderich and '7 from
Clinton The farm t
• • ' • and good fenoes, well Watered and well under-
....Ziesemed drained. There is a large bearing orelsard
and garden of small fruits. Tartest°. suit pur-
• • ohaser, Apply to WM. GOULD, ma the Pro-
misee. or Goderich 2.0 June 8-2m
clergymen. They even.read mit loud' theflIc."'
- lessons of the day end the gospel and LOri
e "During the singing' most of tbe.people
' - talk to each other frbus one pew to the and vvho• shall plat:le
other. -A psalm, not a hymn, was MIS: • l:nibs is eaprrelern civil '
Vetalogue free.
- and only one.
J. W. WES;f. I 'RVELT, .
epistle. Sonia of the people continued to
sat down. After the service was oyer the . .•
churchgoers renewed their civilities to
ward 'each other and their conversation •
- en things of the•most worldly kind. My - WAOVVVNWAWAWAAAAAAA
companion lamented the -ill timed talk of.
thepeople-and the foolish habit a re- .
peating the whole service out loitd; as for
sittings hile the psalm was sung, he said
it was to be excused on tbe ground that
the version was miserable. Besides, It
'was a 'custom en inveterete' that.there
was no hope of getting it altered.
"Yet when 1 Wed to church Ivith Ho-
garth. 30 yetirs later the people all' stood
no for the singing. How and when was
-the4cturtom-ehangeti.?.+Ilety king did the
• pe'liple,continue miffing the service aloud?
And when wore the pittetice of conv.orsa-
don- and the exobane..e of civilities before
the service discontinued V'
Spectecies and Es e Glasses. '
EXPOSING A HOTEL BEAT. , Byes examined fr:ee. .
' •
The Elevator, or, Anther, 118. Red vb A0V~AAAAAAMANNAAANV
Underwear, Bid It.
loops of chiffon or mousseline de sOie and
black velvet ribbon of generous width.
In attempti* to originate somefaing
novel in the shape of evening bodices th
old time corselet models have been cella:.
ed Some of the gored sklrt tops
finished in this form instead of ending at
the belt, They are very little decorated.
One of the most satiefnetory skirt mod.
els for making up light sheer wools for
summer wear is. cut in Circular shape,
with plain panel front, medium wide side
plaits and a shapely brix plait at the
back. The plaits flare gracefully around
the bottom of the skirt, Winch hi cut with
a' slight dip. .
At .tbeir first introduction 'there Were
many doubts and conjectures concerning
the fate of plaited skirts, but the matter
Is settled for the summer season at least,
for among the models in, many many' other
tyles are prominently set fOrth the plait-
ed waists and skirts arranged in 'every
peettible variety.
Among new French jacket and basque
bodice models are those inade with front
dart and side seams at the back that ex;
end to the shoulders. These graeefully
urved lines impart a look of slendernens
and extra length to the forM Inid are
herefore partictilariv deeiralle for wo•
Men of full figure. •
Mr. Oates of thb Steel and Wire com-
any Its not Afraid of earthquaken. It is
ItIre 3. Wethom,of Mount Forest,ontesay:
"For a number of years I have been it suf-
ferer from Asthma. arid during that time I
have toneulted many &atom on nay wile,
and have used many of the so-ealled cures p
aid that he atand 1
Louis Globe-llezneerit.'
for Aistlimei, but never got relief. At times s
I have been so bod that I found itneeessary-
to have all the doors and windows open • to
get my breath; I had given up in despair • h
of ever being oared till I heard of yourpre-
paration-Oatarrhozone, X have nsed it a
end am now perfectly oured-thanke to
'Your wonderful medioine, 1 reootnmend it
as a positively sure oure-for Asthma and t
Bronchitis. Sold by all druggists Trial
outfit gent for 100 In stanips by N. 0. Pel-
son lk Co., Kingston, Ont., Proprietors,
vv nen .
n as as ear from,
e Was trying to think of Some WOAD
-hich he could get his naMe past the cen-
or againe-Denver ?oat. .
A lady up in 'Vermont wants to be none
rutted -for . vice president on the same
icket as Admiral Dewey, But Mr,
Derr hat her eye on that. position, -
Mexican Herald.
jullan. Ralph threaten e to return and •
ecture against Webster- Davis, and the
orst is yet to come. Richard Harding
Avis hasn't •declared what he will lee -
ore on when be takes to. shirt waists
galtt.--St. Paul Dispatch. ° •
If the portions to Wheal Is Intrusted
he selection of a profile to edorn the new
alt cent 'coins have an eye to harmony
rid the eternal fitness of %hinge, they
give Uncle Russell Saga's bee their
areful tonnideratiOn.
orally taken for granted that there se,
are more svolnen than men in the
world yet from the late birth' statistics „
tif Ontario it show e that there were
46599 persona born in the province, of,
whom 23.896 were males and 22,703 fe-
,males. If this holds good in ten years u
there will he a surplus of 11,930 males a
and where will the wives come from. w
An exchange says perhaps Providence e
ie_givingeurplus as an off -set to the.
"New WOO:kW,
Don't let headaehe wear you out and reit-
der you unfit for business or pleasure.
Milburn'a Sterling Beaciaohe Powders will
cure you quickly, and leave no bad after
effeete. They do not depress the heart.
Price 1..0e. and 250.
Ohildren' of Northwest half-breeds born
during their parente' abeenea from the
Territorittriwill reoeiVe Government serip
the same as the native-born, the object
being to finally extinguish the eleims.
The D. St L. Emulsion benelite moat
thosehavinglung trouble with ten d en or
to hemorrhages .A. few bottlos taken
reigulatly_make a wondeifol improve
lilitde by DAVIS & Lawrence Co.
,e'Llk Tribune -Of Stcllyacinthe sari that
.IA1_410414101, *bet the intuition it te undet.,
'010Fel AO Sir Wilfred Laurier will task*
4 tour of the Pfewhiltioef. Qilebee,
panted by Hon.. t,ornler4tr
...0.*etaar.iivoi *mew ekttnins,ahhttavAil
demists refund thomeneyif it ram' to eure
beta Z. W. Grovetelmiature a on each bor.
Living IfixempUlleritIon. of a Theory.
"We aro what we feed on," quoted Mr.
Minton, laying down his book. "'Abel
am willing to Bair the author le right..
For enntriple".-
"1 runfilready* believer," Mrs. 111xson
interrupted. "You will Inelet on 'haying'
lobster for intimer alwaye •
And Mr. Mason,- mortified, grew very
red. -Brooklyn Life.
Ile guar the Value et ik RAU&
4%W" 119 "tineOnseleusly as
he stroked the beireale leatitifal hand,
of have. never before helt,euch leafed
hand-alldiamonds."-Philadelphie North
ithe Weis a riot:
kid wie has tar Mt wile,
.110,bee ahis, itio thirtpinlei
.ma kiumu titled dal Bight tln eaughtt .
,t0/41 roist44t.lat, lila wit* hi thetudit. •
AA**, tiolitt,k. bat bought) '
4114k14201” $ atigatend flirty went
• '. wd meat idiwife, ho tlioutlit,
out ha, mut wasthirtr•eati
..Philidelpkia WO* .
The Premises °coupled by It. J, Clef?, and
teeo:asaisting of a firs °lass brick store,on Albert
Street, Clinton, .is• offered for este on easy
Also Cottage onAlbert Street, with two
Jots, stable, and all conviences. Partioulare
on appieation to Mrs W. Roteirtson„ Clinton
orairs C, W. McGregor, Constance.
• •
- Just Received is lot of new Belts,
Buckles, Pulley Belte,Bangle Brace-
lets, etc. The latest goods **the •
market. • . •
We make specialty of 'fitting
• "I've had a variegated experience With
hotel beats in my time," said a vetetani
baniface who was in Matta On a visit the
other day, "but I believe the funniest in-
cident in that line that ever came tinder
my observation occurred some years ago
when I had charge ef a house at a sister
. city not a thousand miles from New Or -
"One rainy evening shortly: after the
arrival of the eastern trains a tall, good
looking chap walked into ' the °Mee
swathed from neck to heels in a long'
cape mackintosh. It was as handsome a,
• rain coat as I ever saw, and his fashiona-
ble hat and the expensive alligator skin
valise he carried In his hand completed
the outward picture Of A Man of mane.
He wrote his name on the register and,
. remarking that he was thoroughly fa-
tigued and not feeling very welt, asked
to be shown at once to his room. The
clerk assigned him to quarters on the
third floor, and one of the bellboys pick-
ed up his' valise and led the way to the
"When they got out, the elevator man
• slatnreed the door rather suddenly. and,
kept on going up to 'answera call in the
next story.; It so happened that the long:
Skirt of the etranger's nivicklatosh caught
on a slight projection on the ironwork
.of the door, atul• as the car shOt upvvard
it stripped the garment oft his tack, very
much after the • fashion of tr'kinning an
eel, leaving him, to..the amazement
of the bellboy, chid in nothing but a. snit
•ef red flannel underwear.
wa.s comlug down' the hall just as
the accident happened. and I took in tire'
situation at a glance. The fellow had
expected to gain his room without detec-
tion and In the morning would have
claimed that somebody had stolen his.
clothes with heaven only knows hew
much money in the trousers pockets and'
probably a gold Watch In the vest. '
"Anyhow, he was caught 'dead to
rights,' as the saying goes, and he was
taken so completely by surprise that he
couldn't Invent any story to account for
his condition. He begged piteously not
. to be arrested, and I finally' told him
to get out, but before he could leaVe the
hone° he had to havo some clothe., and
he swapped his elegant Valise for a per
ofgreasy overalls and a blue cotton '
Punnet, belonging to the engineer. I
heard afterward that he had caught rev- •
oral big houses on the mime gaine."--
New Orleans Times-Detnocrat.
• niettInt it Down rine. '
"We nee the expression polloquially,
'Ant of Ids head,' " the instructor remark-
ed, "to describe 4 man's ,condition when
he is not in his right mind, or, as we
ilemetimeit say, is 'beside himself.' "
"Ah, yes," bald the foreigner who had
Maetered the language In its plainer
forms and had 'advenced to the study of
Orem* iiglish, "alla WW1 a man ees,
out of hoes head and beside heemself It
mit' at tub- time he Can entail) Up on het*
•Thatdesirable Br—ibk Business Stand On Al:
bert St., Clinton, -occupied by Mr N. Robson, is
offered for sale, including rear lot and •strible.
The location is one of the .best in•Clinton. The
property is free from Ineumbrance and title in-
disputable. Price reasonable and terms to suit
purchaser. Apply to GEO. STANOURY, Lon-
don Road or address Clinton P. 0
For §ale or to Emit. -
- The oboice brick house on the corner of Ful-
ton and Joseph streetsabelonging to the estate
of the late Richard Heywood, is offered either
for sale or to rest. It contains room for ordi-
nary family, is practically is new home, • with
all convenienoes.'apd three -tenths of an acre
eland. If the property is not 8014 02 rented,
• part 0115 will be tooted. Apply. to •
W. COATS thautor 0 uteri.
Penn for Sale or to neat*
200 acre farm for sale Or to rent, being Lots
29 and 30, 8th concession of Hullett township;
• 125 acres under cultivation, the rest bush an
pasture land; watered by a welleupplied river;
school house No. 6 situated on the farm; good
large 'bank barns, stables, sheds. ana other
uildings, also ti story house; also good or -
hard; bas all conveuiences. Terms gasr.
Apply on the farm to
r by letter to Londeaboro P. 0., Oat, lm
• • b
•• .. a
At Return Fares
• • Winnipeg
J.lAntler ... . .;..
Eetevan 28
„a il.msearth .
60 IM'y koosomin
ID • ....so' SwanItiver
lierXeUrS101.1.1S Regina .. . ... th
To the. Iggtior. • 3()
Canadian Eziguw.Aib.,;;t $35
North West Egidng?m,::::1 $40
2631o.intaiiiii:.:110t01;.s. Rely:41z until August
b eCrt °if; Ili
boriGth. (Alt rail OGoing July 1751i. N.'4r.x.grbyterito,'.1` s'!""sn'
For tickets atul ,further information neelr
to any Canadian Pacific., Agent, or to A,11.
NOrMAN, Asst. Gen'l Paesenger Agent,1 King
"St, East, Toronto.. • . 4
ALMA 1.rticiliSi eoLt.zeo,
a'wentiOth yearbogins Sept, 10th. • - s
Broadly planned g
courses of study a
with thoreaghly
competent staff
of teachers. Soho- r
larehip in College it)
Art, Elocution
A Bargain Land.
Here's a Chance.
Por sale cheap shd on easy, terms -=part
of Lot 4, Bayfield Concession, Ooderich
township; 55 acres, Apply to
Sept 7$m Bruotifleld. .
. , . .
• •
Splendid Parin to Rent or for sale
. •
Sidiscriber offers either to . rent or for sale,
his farm. .of ISO mites, situated on the Huron
road, Tnekersmith, halls mile from the town -
of Clinton. It is all cleared, with .fltateilass
ng,. an , arn 48x80, with windmill,
implement house 18x80,with stone foundation,
tone pig houseaftx20ewith -hen house above
ood rams house, three acres of young math -
rd, creek running 'through the place. The
arm is it lirst-olass one in every respect and
°One one who either wishes to rent or buy
estimable- tetras will be made. Ponsession
t any tines. • ARTHUR COUCH,
baton, January 28th, 1000.
"=901.1n.appointments, good board, cheer-
ful rooms, personal ever -sight in habits, wan-
tons, ear° of room. •
• A residental college like Alma affords best I'
conditions for( Young lady s education,
• The constant aim of our °ellen is to cam- 2,
bine the care of the mother with the teachers
guidance and the palters regti,V d.
or ra ksd catalogue, address:
'nestle Saida -Om iiirn ant
UP iti01.441`ERIX44.,
The undersigned wishes to announce to tbe
genie of Clinton and stdroundin country
a e as °tutted in Clinton and le prepar-
d to do all kinds of Upholetering, mattresa
eking, Carpet Sewing and laying. All orders
n trusted to me will receive prompt attention,
' Orders left at B,Walker's residence.
June 8-2 na W. N. WALEER. Clinton.
' beater. in ..entirretial in ttanAll
Nia fikie ybuip,i0=tookii whne
Loley-meows K. 11 **bed *Wart te
Its* 4t. 'IthOuti .darin$
weans* Of It. Aboorbing vitopettiwtv
it Iguanas,
Noy. N. 14warner, AA.,
July 20-0- St, Thomas, Ont.
• IOW •
PROM JULY ard•-•-•
Central BusuiessCollege
• Offers itri excellent opportunity Mr
Tesehere mad Senior -Students to'
enjoy a ehort term in the business,
ithortuna boa 1.periminahip depart -
lifembere may enter at any time
end speed from two *mite upwards
as desired. Spode' term& Write
-for partioularsi
*Oar Work continues tight
, along Into the felt term whieh opens
t on Sept 011, Catalogue Ere%
W. 114 MEIA** Principal
1.1aliia•tamodok.tat '
c L ;
tare lir AaiLi.,
• 'tor.
, •
. .
•with WONDS and mine tome eta.
teeny rioted and bonne in ono enema e
*timid sollactEon of Musical Gen% sontlreettit rads
otto, eluntet tietttablo treasury of the workrepopu.
lite and beoutlfut oohs*. Pflee, 10 cents, poettgild.
eonestee ementataxsat irongeSt., reroute. ow.
,g„! PIANO
At the Minton Muele,*ore
Vilhich le alsoploton headquarters for
the noted
'• thlleatici00I WOW* bargain in & high
grade, datable toad sly rtmnIng wheel, •
(Successor to Dr. T. O. Brno())
Specialist in Crown. and Bridge Work
L. 1). S. --Graduate Royal College Dental Sur-
• geone of Ontario, Toronto, ...., •
D.. D. S.--Firstolass Honor graduate of Den-
tal Department of Toronto 'University. '
epeeist attention- paid th preservation of
elaildren's teesh. Will visit Barfield every
Office over W. Taylor lit Son's shoe store.
• • DR. AGNEW.• •
Crown and Bridge Work. ,
• • EA.01I MONTH
' Ofgee Hours -9 tog'
(Mice and•Residence-
• . . . • • • ••
. Itatienbury'eallset.
LiCentiate of the Royal Collegb of Physiehins 7
• London, England. -
'Office and Residence-
rignniees 11X0(114 Up Stairs,. ,
Summer to Dr. Turnbull.
DR. WM. 0011N,ro. 11.0. P. and L. B. O. S.
Edinburgh. (Mee -Ontario Onset Olinten
Niglat calls at front door of residence on Batten
lam St., opposite Presbyterian church.
.4,,Aseettehenr,..eto., oillee and residence On-
tario St., opposite English church, IermerlY 00 -
envied by Dr. Appleton, Clinton Ont. •
-I-, Medical Department of Victoria Univac-
silty. Toronto. formerly of the Hospitals and
Dispensaries. New York, Coroner of the
County of Huron, Ilayneld, Out. •
W, a, R. FOWLER,
Oold and Silver Medalist, flret-claa's honor
graduate of the Ontarto Veterinary
TREATS' DISEASES pr arindarel
Night and day calls answered at ofllee-Dr •
Worthington's old attuad,orto. Commercial Hotta -
. . .
.5./ • lionoritryGredintteeltileOntarioVeterinsry •
'Oellege. Treathealdiseaseetidemeetioatederi ' • "
male on the most modern and solentille prime -
pies Office- iminediately south of the NewEra .
°Moe, Residence •••.- Albert St., Clinton. Call • • •
• night °Otte attendedth promptly .
• . •
III, Meurer ef Marriage Licenses,•I.ibrary Di •
andClinton:-Residence, Mary stteet, Clinton:
• No svitneeses manned
.w • P. L. S., Provincial Land Surveyor and
Civil Engineer, Lonclob, Ont.-0ffitie at Geo
SteWart's Grocery Stem Clinton.
At low rates on firsteclaes mortgages.
Apply to
G. I), AreTaggarto
March SO-tf Clinton. Ont.
11001111 STAND, •
Next to 00mmerelal Hotel.
This establetiment Is ininil dp iition.ana an
ea:milled in the mos eatisfacto ,y way, Carte -
tory and granite work a speelelty.
resonable as Eloise of any eetablishnte t
3. R. HOOVER, Clinton
rAita & isoLA011081) asTOWN P1101;Tlf
Fraser, vice-preeldent,Brueeneld 11.0.i., . ii '
3.11. %totem), Peal moo P. 0.1 el
.................went Iti • 1
shinanory, seliy-Treas., Seaforth 0.0.: w ots.'af
Hate. bureatarOlDboaamEaToo, hwElaatorth r.o. •
W. O. noweithot, seafortm Sohn ft. Orley
Winthrop 0.0.; GreOrge Dale. iieetierthi Thee,
0.1.Iosn Wolk Harlonk P. 0.: %Tomas grattefo
Brulteilieldi John It.4141140116, Ripped ; Untie
R. !five, fleitforthi :taset,:an_& Beachwood P.
Yea, Homey' i Jbhn GOVeniCkilt Mid .1'01111
oCt 00.rt.:0110;,,011.44411roititt:tuat tHoHatifa.:.k, .ggin vino I j. W. Robert Smith nerlocki Relit. illen,Seei
atiatlitertiat basineelnligits *jute effekopteorn•-lion-sra'ioneatofruter *Ansa
meltat., Ite.04PPliestoutottb!tgottosilitledo.ma.....vony.othe abr.* own
' (• '
• 4 -
• `II
• r
• ;
, •