HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-07-27, Page 1,
* Recommend the New Bra to'.
your friends.
•-..-.•.- Now. Era.
Eseamaraten 1865.
Roma, Euxam, Publisher.
Iderevety home little breaks are
Inuring daily, May be
Table Slivervrare,
Rings, Pins,
Watches or Clocks,
Whatever it is we're anximis it shall
cameo= way. -
We repair our/ things in a satis-
factory manner.
. • „
Our charges are eanoderate - our
services- prompt. •
Whether large or small it receives
&lithe attention it requires.
We are Leaders in our Line.
Jeweler "
And Opticiav •
Ancinarer. - Master Charles Mair
met with a severe accident at W. Brig..
hana last Saturday. He was holding
the twine while the binder was going
andThe be needle was di iven through bis
right hand. He leas losb thereby the
part of the bone opposite the little fin.
ger. •
NOTES. -Mrs Jos. Lyon, 'who for the
past three months bee been seriously
ill, is, we are leased to know, slowly
Iltrs Gracey and daughter
alINTON, ONTARIO/ JUDY 27, 1900,
************************** *************************1 no esvme,
The News of the Neighborhood
Supplied by the •New Era's widegawaie and reliable comespondents
Stanley. • Goderich Townshiv. •
OTES, -John McEwen of the Bay- 1 fAccatimerr.-Hanley Ca,ntelon, con 9,
field road, had a bee shiniling the east happened with an accident the other
Lawrence. Misses Bessie and Maggie
of Comber, is visiting her brother, 1 side of his barn on Monday last. Meagre day, While he was in the act of pull-
tJatley, Mohnt Forest are yisieing Peterson, of Kincardine, are this week ing the hay fork the trip rope brokeat
the home of their utcle, J.Lyon. Miss drilling a well at Geo. Band s; so far and poor Hanley fell on his head rend.
P. Kay, of Detroitsforrnerly of Clinton,
their wink has been confined to bbring e'er* him unconscious for a few sec-
min solid reek. onds.
is a guest of Mies Elva Adams at pees.
ent. Miss Livingstan; of Blyth, is the ACCIDENT. -While returning from • LkAotrE.-- The League at Cole's
Z gueet of Miss Lou Ouimette this week. A. Innes' last Thursday night on his church intends holding a social
4 Masters Bert and George Axton, Lon- wheel Master Tommy Baird had the evening on Tuesday, July 31st, when a
4 *don, are visiting at W. L. Ouitnette's, misfortune to collide with a vehicle first class program will be given con -
1 A car load of coal was distributed going in the opposite direction, which slating of recitations and singing...41y
X among several of the villagers .this mars unnoticed her the wheeler in the the church choir ; cake and coffee will
. i
fullyrecovered. The bridgemen ot the deemed pretty fortunate considering and bring some friend with you. week for winter use. Jae. McLeod is darkness. As a result •be received a also be served ; don't forget the date
able to be out again and hopes to be bruised face and torn coat, which is and come and spend a social evening
G. T. R., are working at the village at the nature of the collision.
MEI& Lier.-The voters het for
present and stopping at the hotel, As Viserolis,-Misses Walker ancILFer- this township, for the cuerept year,
a resultot the different courses of gueon, Detroit, are spending a few'days contains a total of 691 persons entitled
treatment A. "Woodman Is somewhat rusticating among friends and relatives to vote at both Municipal and Legisla-
improved and is in hopes otgreater irn- on the 2nd, Miss Jeanie Gilmour, of tive Elections • 118 who are entitled to
Preveneent still. L. Hill icia, hanitY the growstand Reserve Assa, is at. e
, vote at IVIunimpal elections only, and
rnan this week; an heiress is ecause
The Longman farm west -of this -piece
will soon be offered for sale;it cantatas
50 acres. *
Another of the devoted pioneer preach.
ers of Ontario .Methodiem and one of
the most widely known and esteemed,
the Rev. James -Caswell, formerly ' of
presen,t visiting her parelate here. P. 50who are entitled to vote onl:e at elec.
Oampbell spent, Friday Of list week at tions in the Legislative Assembly.
=Grand Bend, Misses Nettie McRae The number who may be called upon
and Aggie Porter, Clinton, spent Mon- to serve their country as jurors is 433,
day evening at Mrs P. Oampbell's. and 30 are recorded as widows,
ROA. and Will Baird wheeled to Grey v _
last week to renew old acquaintances. M
Mee, Jas. Mustard left for her home in
edreEL Lowery, 16th con, celebrat.
the fifth anniversary of their wedd-
Chicago, after a month's holidays.
ing on Tuesday evening last, by enter-
' this place, of Brampton, died FridaV . A Dalacierreetri. SECTION, -Rey. Mr taming a number of their relatives.
morning at the reeidence.oe his 500 10 Andrews, the popular pastor a thV` The evening was spent in social chat,
law, Mr Williami Bickle, 286 North Varna Methodist church, who ret
ecent- music c, There were presents (wood;
Lisgar street, Toronto., after an illness Jy• returned from a trip to Ottawa, en) galore, We are sure their many
of some monthir duration.. The de- gave expression to his views concern-- friends will be glad if they are spared
ceased clergyman had reached an age ing this part of Ontario, in an address to celebrate even their diamond wecid-
, far beyond the allotted span, heir* in recently. .Mr Andrews, was raised in. ing, and in the meantime wish them
Constance, • 'his 83rel year, and the56thof his mime- Eastern Ontario, and has in the course all the continned happiness- and pros.
• , ' try. lie was born in Shropshire, Eng- of hie ministry, travelled the Province perity possible
NOTES. -The ice ereem social came . land, in 1817, the son of a talented Me- pretty thoroughly. His opinion, bas- • . - •
- off on Tuesday night last and was Two RoAns.-e & party comprising of
thodist local pi eacher,:and in 1844 WWI ed.' on his observance And experience,is
'fairly successful; quite a number wine
ehree persons droves out . to Bayfield
sent out to. Upper (Janada as a mis: that no section of Guthrie can surpass
,in attendance. S. S. Cooper has a sionary by the parent body of the Me. the other day on a' pleasure expedition
tbe county of Huron generally, sa far
number of men busily engaged in and while viewing the town and its
thodist New Connexion church. His as sell and surronndings are concerned,
building the school hoese here., Me gest. circuit, • with headquarters at immense size got bonspletely lest. and
while . he prensiders the township ' of
Willison, of near here, is seriously iti- ads being precarious , which direction
Cavan, id Durham county. extended Stanley, With its *excellent. roads.
disposed, with no hope Of recovery. to take, didn't care if it were panda.
oyer seven townships. He labored rateable farms, beautiful surrourldings
Mrs Wrinn had the misfortune to dis- moniurn and were compelled to let go
With zeal and success and vvitnessed to be an unequalled portion of this fair
locate her ankle, and also broke a tneir loquacious chat to some of the
the rapid growth of his church till in Dominion. In his opinion -And he
sinall bone, but her many: friends here villagers to find the Way out of that
1874 a union was formed with the cannot be far astray -the farmee here
are glad to know she is imprdving as metropolis; pen is tens weak to describe
Wesleyan beady, a move.nent that had should be the happieet and most pros,
fast as can be expected. S. McMichael the gratifying "thank you's" crf the two
his zealous support: He had enjoyed perous of this ol • t f th
ass in any per o e
is erecting a kitchen to his dwelling exquisite nymphs and the fair young
the highest offices in -the -gift -of -his. -Dominion. , e '
house. E. Spooner, who suffered a , conference and in the new ecclesias- •
broken leg,recently, ur able to move ti Ibd ilt w the Method' rtAisiNG. Innes, of the tied,
y CIO XI as NoTEs.--Misses Mabel and Violet COle
church oetlateada, he took at honoredlehad a very successful barn. raising'.011
aroundta0n. Mr Gregory, Yorkton,
_N. VV. reereas the guest of friends in lace bein elected to the first etieral Thursday rof last week, The occaskie, was sweetly refieshed -last Sunday by
non erence. e was one o e com- amed city of Bayfield idly watchin
• the villege last. week. Dr. and Mrs 13 • g f thg ' was the putting up of a large annex f
spending the, a ternoon in that far-
-Cooper are away. on an extended visit, 40x20, to his present barn when there g
to Manitoba and other points; mittee mailed tto compilei the hymn
was a large number attended to assist
the have an enjoyable trip. Miss book inZiv'nse in he Methodietchurch. this genial friend. The cementworkthe vivid waters as they lashed up
against the shore. Miss Tilley is spend-
!, As a preacher the deceased wae earn -
W ieht, of Seaforth, is visiting le•re; est fluent and forceful He served was done by W. McKay, 'inventor a mg a. couple of weeks at Wm. Yeo's,
eis er, BIM Riley, at preeent '
B. Line. Wesley Beacom,. of Harlock,
many the mixing inachine,and was ably assist-
, with great acce%tance on the,
spent Sunday in 'this vicinity • Wes
' tire charges to whic the changing itip- ed by Thos:- Kerr.of Brucefiel ;the stone
looks first class. Geo. Cole of Tor -
work was built by W.Elliott. Mr Innes
enemy carried him, among which were onto, and Norman Wilmot, of London,
recommends these men to all who in-
' • Rshfleld • Cavan. St; Thomas, •A-urora Mit
.Wienenetee-Miss J. A. Reed; of , that Goderich, London, Toronto: Simi :one,t f i rusticated at Peter Cole's last week e
tend building barns. The evening was
-e they both wheeled to London on .Sat -
se apart oren oymein50t and was indeed
Ha.dp't you better put ' a few
township, became Mrs John BoWering LYnden'
'esboro, Aelantre Fullerton and Trow-
Lueknow. Dungannon, Lond. • entered into by over _ _ eyeungepeoritle ,more le li mote strands of wire' on your fence
.on the afternoon Of Thursday, July by a merry dance which lasted
19th, at the residence of her father. bridge. His gifts as an evangelist were ,.o ._eee was a large eelleyedd Ben becausethat little pet ..chip -monk
is laying in a store ' of wheat,forthe
The knot was tied by BM,. F. J. Oaten t especially marked; and he Was conside 'earbelunrie- n
attended from OPlinton who accepted axed one of the most successful revival- winter, Mr and. Mrs Jas. Livermore, .
Ph. B., assisted by Rev. S. M. Whalev' e - • the invitation. Mr Innes was , well.
B. A., in the presence of the im.me ..sts e . g satisfied With the structure and its (2e (Hinton, Sundayed at Geo. Steep's,
iate relatives of the contracting pat, integrity and of intense devotion to
successful ending, while those who 9th con.' Mr F. Tebbuttejr., of Wing -
his Work and at the satire time a "Man hem, wheeled home Friday and spent
ties to the number of about 60. Mist; •were present are of the opinion that he
f large and terider ' sympathy,_ . several days at his home on the 14th
will be much raised. She hast for a' his pastoral work was alwayseffective. Reed was exceedingly popular and is a capital entertainter. . •
• con. Fred is quite a hustler on a
length of time been, the effecrent ore His name is honored in every section wheel: T. Trick has bold his driver at
,ganist of Hackett "s Methodist, church. i 'which h I b d 11 .
n e a ore . , e was super- . Exeter •• t a good figure, and is lookinefor'another
She carries with .her to the distant annueted in 1 1; since which time he . Lieruisifig.e-The lacrosse thatch he. • h ite •
- had resided esuccessively in, Listowel, meet many hearty good wishes. Rev.
John Bowerinee B. A,theteppy.bride. Gritnsby and Brampton.s. He leaves a
groom, is pa,stor of the Methodist Widow. and a family of seVeti daughters
church, Cranbrook, B. U. His talents and three sons -Mrs A. W, Orosth-
and energy assure him success in the waite ot BartOnville; Mrs Wm, Bickle,
ministry. We cheerfully entrust to Mrs Milligan and Mrs! M. Smith of
him one of our brightest girlie Ma. Toronto, Mee Robt. IliscOcks of Bram p•
---37 ton, and two annaarried daughters,
heaven's chcicest blessings Attend
them. Miss jeasie, a stenographer, • engaged
at Victoria, College, and Miss Eliza
• residing at home; Mrs N. F. 'Caswell;
Dungannon publisher of The Endeavor Herald;
NOTES. -A large number 'of ourepeo. airCa,swell of the Metheclist
1espent Tuesday and r Wednesday in Book Room, and Rey. AV. B. Caswell,
.Goderich attending the ',aces' which ,B: A., pastor of the Norwich Avenue
were a good success, Mr and Mrs Bee- Methodist Church in Woodstock,
ker returned to Ileidlbergefeer a week's ea
visit telthe lattees parents. , R. Et 'Varna* : •
Sands is down at Bloomingtop. this NOTEse-Misseis Marie Wilson and
.week OV,eygeeing the censtenction of an Lucie Andrews, Fullerton, are guests
111 tween Seaforth and Exeter en Monday ur . eo. e•
ton and Trick Bens. had each 'a sheep
on-Seaforth grounds resulted in a score worried by doge 9.- few days ago.' Geo.
os 6-4 in favor of Seaforth. Posters Elliott still keeps very poorly; we hope
are out for the match between Clioton to hear of his recovery soon, The Cook
and .e.,xeter to be played here this (Fri- mare bought by S. Woon has been die -
day) evening at ti; o'clock; as it is the posed of by him. to W. Wheatley', town.
last C, L. A. game of the season, a _
. MAUL -One -by one loved ones 'de -
large crowd is expected.
part from our midst our midst the
Norgs,-Revs R. Millyard and W. young as well as the aged are snatch -
M. ,Martin exchanged pulpits last Sab-
ed off just as the nipping of the bud
bath morning. Rev Mr Ramsay and from the beautiful flower. . The first
wife, of Ottawa, have been visiting line of John Middleton's family has
friends here. e'. L, Bishop is reporte been steepped by the icy hand of death.
as recovering favorably after. his ser- His son Bert has ended his short jour-
• us illness AV. Carling, of Se Paul, ney here below at the age of eleven
Minn., 'accompanied by.his :wife, isi vis- years and seven months.' The funeral
Ring his mother, Mrs Tait, Caven took plare on 'Sunday afternoon at
Presbyterian Sabbath school picnicked two o'clock p. me upwards of one hurt -
at Grand Bend on Tuesday.. Dr, Stan-
d h. dred vehicles following the remains to
B fi ld
evaporater. D. McN rven has purchas- of the latter s uncle, Rev J. W. An, b 7oh b T uy b the Ba,yfield cemetery ; the services
,son, r.. n tan ury, er nto, vis -
ed the livery business latelyaun by J. drews. The Epworth League met as ited his son, J. G. Stanbury, barrister,
,Medd, V. S, and mewed it to the north usual on Monday evening, tbe topic, -one day
end of the town, we wish him success, 'The needy at our door," being intro- last Week. J. A. Stewart at-
tended Grand Lodge A. P. & A. M.
which we think he will have, for be duced by Miss May Andrews; next tneeting at London last week. Mr
has some nice out -fits. A. Sproul has Monday evening is the monthly bust. schoellig and Miss Wells, of Zurich,
been very sick•the post week e we hope nr ee meeting. The tuernbet•s of the i i d al 13 • S da Tb
to soon see bim around again.; Dr.
McKee has been confined to .his room
2 or 3 days bet is recovering again.
J. Hiles is away to Detroit this week.
•Rivert 0 rtm.-The off. hand- Rifle
Club bad a shoot on Monday of this
week ;. a •number of new members
shooting made the score a little lower
than usual. They purchased a new
rifle for $28, and think it is a good one,
see 1100 yda • 200 yds Total
Treleaven -7 0 68 0-27 5 8 2 5 5-20- 47
Sproul 0 6 a 5 1-15 0 0 0 010-10- 25
Cuniberlain4 10 7 6 3-30 8 0 10 5 0-18- 48
Oraford 8 7 6 0 5-35 5 7 .5 210-29- 64
2 8 1 0 4-19 5 4 2 , 4 0-15- 84
Biekle ' 810 610 7-41 6 2. 2 4-17-' 58
Russell 7 7 6 4 2-26 0 5 2 5 0-21 47
MeCorM1ck,0 10 10 9 6 44 0 6 610 5 27 71
Elliott 7 2 6 7 0 22 8 5 0 0 0 18 35
Disher 8 8 9 4 7 81 210 9 410 28 59
Davison 8 6 6 38 8 0 4 1 la 28 56
Jones ..... . 5 5 2 10 8 80 0 8 8 0 51, 21 51
leave you tried the new
Washing Compound
A.brolutely no rubbing required. Saves your
timo, Saves your hands, Saves your clothes.
'extraele the dirt without rubbing and its
ingredients are guaranteed to be positively
harmleig. Egg is sold at Se per Package.
• ,Try a package next wash del. Try our 5 o'clock
waferettee, itee per package, 4 flavors,
We have Just °period an impart orate of
Sooteh Month GOeds Ai:Misting of :--Tea Pots,
Coffee Pots, name (*Mee Bowl, Handled
Beakers, Sugar, Cream, llot Water erettles,eto.
'These are all now goods, with quaint Soot&
mOttbs on them. Our stook of china is nearly
an new bought eine° we moved. We have
Just opened up Note Of dinner sots ranging -
en pekes from $6 to $12, and thig week expeet
another;Orrite that WM range in price from S12
to 315 pee set, nearly everyone likes to see Moe
diehee C&Il itild IMO thein whether you Want
to buy or not Plenee note froni May rsth We
Oa' at 7/ during the silininer,monthS, '
00 COOPER tt CO. .1
ii$0141 Sgatio'S Mock.
Pikine Cash tor and Sae
Clench of En.gla,nd intend having a
trden parte, in the near future. Miss
Redman, of Michigan, is visiting at the
b ,me of Thos. Keyes. Airs Austin has
••turned home, . after visiting her
mother in Blyth. Miss Charlotte Dun•
km, London, has been spending a few
cl Lys in our village,. the members of
t he Goshen line Methodist church in-
tend having it garden perry on Tuesday
Silly 31; a good time is expected.
, Westfield. •
Strceletee.-The lawn social at Mc-
, Dowell's, under the anspices of the Up -
worth League on Thursday evening
Met Was a grand success. The ever.hrg
being all that could be desired there
was an exceptionally large crowd. The
solds given by evangelist Coultes, of
Chicago, and MISS Patterson, Auburn,
werelill much appreciated.
isl.OTES.-Walter Wightman, teacher
in S, S, No. 6, left Goderich on Sunday
morning by beat for his home in Essex,
to spend his •vacation. Evangelist
Coultes, of Chicago, conducted the ser-
vice here on Sunday evening. Joseph
Killough and friend spent Sunday in
Clinton, Mrs McGowan, sr., ts ePend-
ing a few days at the home of W.Stack-
house. Mies Smith, late of bouth At-
tica, is at present the guest of Miss L.
Oanipbell, Mi et* Annie Wightman is
the guest of Wingharn friends.
ARBITRATION.—A9 a result of the
adjourned meeting of the arbitration.
re -union !Action here, on Saturday In
the Council Chamber, Clinton, some
changes were made in No 4, Gaderich,
arid Noe 2 and 5, Iltillett, will& will
change materially the boundaries of
the sections above mentioned, but 11 18
!lisped will prove more satisfactory for
convenience of pupils.
' St/come-Our boys did exceedingly
well at, the Orange walk in Seaforth,
capturing the $10 Prize for best flfe and
drittu band. This is not the first time
our boys have succeeded thus; be
ready to do it again boys.
s te toe ears on un y. o5.1.
Trick, of Goderich township, is Vend'
ing a few days with Geo. Samwell.
Mies Alice Haffey, of WoodstOck, is
the guest of Miss C'ora Fowell. Jack
()molts, Clinton, spent Saturday and
Sunda ith friend here la, k's vieits
are beconaing more frequent. Alias
Dawson, London. is the guest of Miss
Enaeline •Howard. Miss •Elsie McCal-
lum left last week on an extended yisit,
to friends in Northern Ontario. Mr
inklaten and wife, of Paris, are yisiting
the latter's mother, Moe Welsh, Thos,
Parkinson, of the village, diedon Mon-
day at the advanced age of 89 yeais,
and was buried at Zion cemetery on
Wednesday. The public school is being
repainted and kalsomined and other -
verse repaired,
, Porter's
Y ; c.
°wester lertikernee-Asa result of a
visit from organizer, S. D. Barnes, ten
new members have all ready been ini-
dated and a number are expected at
the next meeting ; Mr Barnes seems
to be a hustler asthe members thought
they had. the ground well canvassed
before he came
NOTES.- te,oland Waggle spent a
couple of days under the parental roof,
Mr David Coy's, Mr and .Mrs 0, John-
son and daurthter, of Galt, returned to
their home last week.
NOTES, -Miss Lou'Stirling, of Buffa-
lo, is spending her holiday's at her
„home here. Master ,Anson Horton, of
Goderich, is visiting his relatives here.
Mr Harti8011 and daughter Della, of
Goderich township, paid our burg a
short 'visit on'Sundayjina 30s. Smut% bsti
of Dungannon, gave us a call the enure
day, H. Linfield, of Stratford busi-
ness college, is visiting his relatives
here, Mr and Alm McNevin and Mag.
gie, jos, and Alex, spent the 12th of
July at Seaforth. Mrs Walters, of
Carlow, 'Visited our burg on Sunday.
Mr and Mrs jas. McManus are rejoie.
Ing over a bouncing baby boy.
were conducted by the Rev. Mr Jen-
ninge, of Sayfleld. The beteaved fam-
ily haler) the heart felbe sympathy df
the 6n i Po community fer their loss is
keenly felt. We understand that this
is the first break in the family, and no
one, but those who have experienced
like affliction, ran realize What it
means, .
The gentile, fair and •delfeatetl
We love to havO t,lool so; .
.'Aiul. yet for that we love the most, •
They are the first to go. •
• Egoties ofe fairer clime, , •
.., ToToligiseek their native bed -
der for a soil so hard
As earth for them has spread,
• • Nile
NOTES. -Mrs Garnett, of Port Hope;
is visiting her sister, Mrs Stephen
Weller. Mrs C.), Bracknell and little
daughter, of Sault St: Marie, Ont., is
visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs Al-
bert Smith. T. Stewart. of Maganete-
wan, 'Muskoka, visited his brother,
Chutes, op Tuesday; he was ACCOM-
panied by his little grand-daugheer,
Reta Howard; Mr Steseart accompan-
ied the remains of his son -in -la*, Mr
Howard, to Rev/Lek; where he was
tarried on Sunday last. J. McIntyre
is engaged as a barber in Peterboro.
NfasterWillie and George Perkins,_ of
Chiselhurst, has been visiting at 'Wm,
Corey's. Miss Johnston, of Chatham,
is visiting Irer grandfather, Matthew
Johnston. Mrs D. Cook, sr., is visiting
her brother, Jacob Ryan. Masters
Lewis and Willie Rohinson,of Auburn,
visited at Wriu McKnight's. Miss A.
Ferguson, of Auburn., visited at Rev,
Wilson's. Little Miss Marion Glenn
visited her cousin, Miss Nellie Stewart,
lre,t week. D. Cloak, sr,, of Clinton,
spent Sunday in this vicinity. Rev.M.
3. Wilson preached a sermon on Sim -
day evening to the Orangemen; mem-
bets from Dungannon, Auburn, Goder-
ich and Enniskillen dodges:were pres-
ent. Mr an& Mrs Chas, Girvin Visited
Miss T. A. Sprung a,t4Atiburn on Tues-
day. A. Courtice.of Hoimesville,
dayed at Wm. McVittle's. Mrs (Rev.)
E. A. Fear and son Thornton of At.
wood, Visited at S. Duetowfs. Mrs S.
Koine, of Gorrie, is visiting her editor,
Mrs GOO. Sheterd. Mr and Mrs Sas.
Hoover, westfleld, visited at her
parents, Mr and Mr Geo. Ourrie's on
nunday Itutt.
Nores.-elies Emma Reynolds and
Mrs Je J. Kelly and family, • of Cleve-
land. Ohio, has been :yieiting her • fath-
er, D. Reynolds and brother. They re,
turned on the 21st. The trustees of S.
eSr. fNear.1590air.e on the loo. !tout for a. teach-
STietrOlt.-The Watson,ightning struck the
barn of Edward Won the 14th
con., near Blyth, a short time ago, and
as a result he has had rode put up on
his barn and hoose this week. The
barn was only slightly damaged, but
Mr Watson is going to take no more
VOTERS' LIIST.-The voters' list for
this municipality, for this year has
been issued, an contains a total of
808 trainee of persons entitled to vote
at both municipal elections and elec-
tions to the Legislative A.ssernbly ; 144
who can only vote at municipal elec-
tions, and 81 who can only vote Melee.
dons for the legislative -a total of 1033
names. ' The number of. persons quid -
Wed to serve as jurors is 625. There
are 48 widows on the list.
Nov INFECTED. -Dr. Macke!), gov-
ernment veterinary inspector, was or-
dered by the Minister of Agriculture
to inspect a herd of cattle owned by A.
Catitelon, Tuckeremith, . which the
owner thought might be infected by
tubercelosis. Accompanied by Dr 0.•
McGregor, they. made a very careful
and thorough inspection on Mouday
and Tuesday, and. Were able to eepor t
that the cattle bait nothing whatever
more than a little cough, and gave Mr
Cantelon a clean bill of health.
NoTgs.-Mr and the Misses Snell, of
Hul.ett, spent Sunday at A. Elcoates.
Master Russel and Ryerson Hartry, of
Seafortla, are spending their holidays
at T. Townsend's. Miss Annie CeBrien,
of Seaforth, and Miss A. Inglesby, of
Toronto, spent a few days with friends
here last week. Miss Edna Turner is
visiting her aunt, Mrs Ira Johns. Miss
McGregor. of Rmicefield, vent Sun-
day with relatives here, Mr and Mre
A. Seeley, of Clinton, called on friends
here on Sunday last. • '
DEATH. -NileBs Morgan has the sym-
pathy. of every one this week in the
death of his only sister, Miss Berthenia
J., which bad event took place at the
residence of HerirtGovier in East Wa-
ter a few days' illness. The funeral
took place Saturday forenoon to Ball's
cemetery, Hallett., and was attended
by a large concourse , of sorrowing
friends, • Rev, G. McQuillin conducted
the service at the house and the grave.
NOTES. -John B. Kelly and wife, of
-Goderich,were-visitorseintown on Sun-
dayeafr Kelly at one time owned and
operated the electrrc light plant here,
but in due time he sold the business
and he now holds a good position on
the waterworks system in the county
town. Mrs Clark Vance, of Mitchell,
formerly a Blyth resident, was visiting
friends in town on Sunday. Messrs R.
Ashbury and J. Moffatt wheeled over
to Gerrie last week, and from there
they will go to Kincardine to spend a
few days. The milliners of all the mil-
linery establishments are away enjoy-
ing their holidays for a few months.
Rev. AV. IL Irwin and wife, of White
Cloud, Mich., are visiting relatives and
friends' here at present;Mr Irwin atone
time controlled and edited the Blyth
Standard for several, years. Misses
Keith, of Chicago, are visiting their
relatives in town, Mrs S. Dodds and
Mrs Wm. Roberton. E. Livingstone
now runs an elegant dray wagon in
connection with his manufacturrng es.
tablishnsene. Rev.MeJewett, Hensel!,
exchanged pulpits with Rey. Penball
on Sunday, and the above gentleman
was listened to with great earneetnese,
hie theme being of a thrilling nature,
W. Ketnighan and wife, of Detroit, are
visiting at the residence of T. J.' Huck-
stey. Dr Cook, our genial dentistand
Dr Tait az e the Queen city this week..
. Colborne
VOTERS' LIST. -The voters' list for
this township contains the names of
536 persons Who are entitled to vete at
both muniCipal elections and elections
to the'Legislative Asseinbly ; 59 Who
can only vote at, municipal elections,
and 57 who can vote only at elections
to the Legislature. 25 widows are on
the list, and 475 rated as jurors.
wa.nosh on Thera ay evening last at
mism'Iliertin is having a special gale of cheap
trimmed Inas-Sailors at oost-First olass
to Rent in Arley/ hew°,
good high oeilings, extensive, wall shaded
tenets grounds and good locality. Apply to
Dr Agnew, dentist. has rented the vacant
storo aleeinf.lirtriffiegidTfjt p sage oin,eaaoirwhT
he will oeoupy every Viredneseay afternoon.
All operations carefully performed.
G. Ernest lielnies, Dentist, (moos:ewer
it5?r30,31UT,ig..11;.gggrV:Ne'rlfigma Icelltrt
the River Hotel, Bayfield; every Monday,
from 10 aan. tP9 P.M. Specialist in Crown
and tridge. Work._
k'ERSON,A.L.--Mrs Nugent, or Cleve-
land, has rented Mrs Hudie's cottage,
and with her two neices, the Misses
Lashbrook,ofLondon, will take pos.
tession this week. We underetand
that Mrs 'Fiedler has joined a party for
a trip through the Muskoka lakes, dur-
ing the Month of August, and will re-
turn to Bayfield in September, and
either build a residence here or par -
chase one. •
NoTES.-Dr, 11. B. 3%, Staribury, Tor-
onto, with wife mid fatally, is Emending
his vacationat the parental . home.
Miss Simpson's house is fully occupied
by visitors. 3. Fraser has improved
hie store by tbe building.of a new ver-
andah. Mr Whiddon will build a large
addition to his evaporator. Mr and
Mrs Johnston and family, of Clinton,
accompanied by his sister, Mise Lily
Johnston, and her friend Miss Agnew,
are the occupants of L, Thomson's
house. Mr Jowett has purchased a
quantity of logs on the lake shore from
E. R. Schwartz, Goderich, and is now
busily engaged rafting them in with
let•Acitia.-The E L. of 0. E. held its
usual meeting on 1Vfonday evening; ap
excellent address wae given by F. 0,
Elated on "Christian courtesy." Next
Monday the program will be of a liter.
ary character. Everybody welcome.
NOTES. -Mr UcHardy, °Hilton, occu-
pled the pulpit here on Senday• morn:
mg. Fall wheat lutrvest is nearly com-
pleted and that of oats and barley has
begun. The mission band held a very
successful meeting on Wednesday of
I last week.
I STILL BETTER -e-Last week we•noted
that four out ef the five who tried
' from our school were succeeeful at the
recent entrance exam. Two out of
I those four, Saida Uantelon and Edward ;
Badour, not only paased but scored t
The best advertising median)
In thli section.
j honors, which means 60% of the paper '
at least. • •
VISITING, -Misses Ludy Andrews
and M Wilson, Fullerton, wheeled to
our 'burg' on Tuesday, and are the
guests efeMiss Bertha Stanley. Miss
S. Courtice is on an extended visit to
Onondaga. Miss Stella Holmes spent SYDNEY JACKSON'S
a few days in Goderich this week; she .
and daughter Helen, of Galt, are visits phone 2 .
is now in Brussels. Mrs W. Learoyd . .
Drug Store
(Rev) A. K. Birks and children, Len- seet.yegeteeeegyele44114.400...44.1op
ing relatives and friends here. Mrs ., •
. Prescription
don, have arrived at the former's par- van.atter,
e county of Huron; -Pears by J. W.
ents ,' Mr and Mrs II. Elford, for a few t e °
8. Fume, N, McClymont,
been, visiting her. parents, Mr and Mrs
weeks' stay. Mrs Sinclair, who has
'Thos. Harris, H. Horton, H. Curwin,
Rumba, left on Thursday morning Goderich; A, C. McDonald, A. Glen,
for her home in Morden, Man.
COlhorne; pears, plums and tipples by '
y $1 per year in advaner.
$1.60 when not so paid
Kill the
Big Bugs
Our Paris Green is
guaranteed to kill
the big bugs as well
as the $little one% -
If 3 ou wane a,
preparation to kill
this sesames potato
bags secure some of
our Pure "English
Paris Green, 25o
• per pound.
• CHURCH FINANCEs.-The annual re- A. McD, Allan, Goderish; plums by H.
circuitPettet ftehret Methodist
ehecclesiasticaleheeonytehairs, N.
L G. Parsone, Geo. Me -
Street and Jos. 'Wheat ley, Clinton; W.
To. ministerial support, eloimeaville, Goderich; grapes, Yes. Wilkinsoh, God-
showa the following contributions :-- Mullen, 0. G'. HOlt and - IL ea at son,
$492,12 ; Ebenezer, $97 ; Sharon, 687; erich; apples, John Tiffin, Colborne;
to connectional fonds of the church. ' Jess. Breckenridge, Godericti; W. Care
MissinnarY,S173 43; Educational..017.01l ter, Constance; A. U. McDonald, H.
Superannuation. $44; Contingent,44.13; Ourwin, C. "Wells, W. leicClyinont, N.
Church Relief, $8.60 ; Sustentation, ' meth; W. Vanstone, Benroiller; G. W.
General • Cobference, 66 63 .; 'Union • Naftel, G, Fowler, G. W. Salkeld, God.
$4,35 ; Sunday School Aid, 1)2 93 • EP- Andrevvs, Blyth.
,worth League Fund, 61 ; Epworth Lea- - • -
Po NiatiVe CoNennT..-The Elite Concert
. gue for Missions; 214.27 ; Sunday
e Company have completed their two bight
Schools, $88; Epworth League, ' 43 85 , -
engagement at Goderuile and elle :followirig
Wonaen's Missionary Society, $16.65, ;
telegram apeake for itself: -They are with -
Total; $112o07; Quarterly' Board. re- out $O9.47; Truetee Board receipte,
$127,31. . , 1 , " Manager. This company could not be '
. • out dclubt the best concert- Compaby that
. ,, as ever visitedo er o . D. on o,
h Gd ili D M i
. .: • West Mrawanosil. . regular dearion and all lovers of port clean
. . ..: brought to Clinton it any price daring •thli
Cotremen.=Coriticil met according to entertain's:mate should not miss this oppor- ;
eldjournmert, Members all present. tunity which minuet be riapliaated.• Friday
Minutes of last meeting read and 'ap- night at 8 15, tiekete 25o and 35o.
proved. ' Treasureesetatementehowed IN -
LATSTolif COLLECTIONS : -The fellevvi ng
, balence on hand of $26743, 'Mods-. Geo. figures are a statement of the receipts
Stothers was granted the use of the several of the out:inns in this dietriet
township ball while he was working It'of the year enOlpg June 30, 1900
at the Salop' house; he to becenae re-
. G deride. - ... „ .: . .. . . • .... $8,188 81 ' •
sponsable for the building. The. fol- Clinton • ' .. .•1,486 82
Agnew, gravelling. $31 ; 7, Kivetrick, Kincardine.: , • . • ......F g,431. 47 -
.. 01215 •
el 55 ; Given Doe -meetly, grading &c,
bridge, $33 ; ,elikre 'Leddy; brushing,
Seaforth - ' 9,082 59
1)41.50 f•A. Jehriston, grading, gravel-.
ling. dtc, 1)11.1.72 ; Those Roberts, cutting
snow bank, rep cul asc 05. ; D. Rene ' .
Lucknow...e. .. e' .. ;: 15 00
Total' . - g3b,730•63
nedy.eutting hell. N.13. 20. ; Geo. Nay- .
lowing checks:, wet e issued ee-Thos. winggam._.
lor, gravel, ace S5. ; J. Miller. grading Jammer COVET REPORT.- .F1;0111
con 9.10 and 12, 565. ; Thoe. Miller, in- the animal report- of the Inepector of .,
specting wee It $5 50"; Win. Fluelter, Division Courts for the province we •
shovelling gravel, $5 50; Wm. Finni- get a few statistics. In Ontario there
- gan, ptank, $23 94; council adjourned are 321 divisions in 40;363 suite
to meet en Aug, let at 10 o'clock, W. were entered, representing $1,384,943 11
- El. MeOnoseare.Olerk. • amount of claims, 2382 transcripts, 4858
. • judgment summonses issued, 228 trials
„Brucefleid.' ' by jury, and juror? received 197,510.
NOTES.—Rev, E. Sewers 'left Friday ,In Huron the figures ' far the twelve
last to spend his vacation in Muskoka, divisions a' 6:- claims Amount
es Rvioesitsiitengdadtauthgehtehre,Etalela.,01 ifurbetirwn., Claim
Goderich • • ..... • •221, $6 017 56
Berry. Mitre M. Matheson, Sarnia, was , •
last week the guest of Mrs J. Ketchen. L Oitu.................127 4 864 69olinton 130 4 430 52
Mrs Proudfoot, Algoma, is visitine et
the home of her daughter, Mrs A. Mc-r2;tiesels -----------------36 . 9721 9616
Kenzie. Mr Laidlaw, Westminster, eter 66 2 06
Who has been visitingat the manse, Bayfield 20 • 574 91
will preach in Clinton dining Rey. Mr wIng.ham
Stewart's vacation. ASP.Ketchen left Game " 96 8 654 $7
1 623 8o
this week for Kincaadine, Miss Jessie ,er•„rish ro••••••48
Jamieson, who 'was vieitinat the 0.-
1 617 142
horde of her sister, Mrs Long,London, Blyth 40 'editon 25 , 1 809 31
has returned home. Mrs Laird Clin-
ton, is visiting at the home of her
Tota881 US 09675 'l •
brother, Dr.Arrnstrong. Master Earn•
est Rothwell, eloderich, is visiting at OR01:13 UT CANADA. -Dr, W. Saund-
the horde of Mrs W. RattenburY. The ore,: director of experimental farms,
C. B. picnicked at Bayfield on There- has handed in his crop reports for Can -
02 last week, when a pleasant time light. Hay
,They are not favorable on the
was spent. Apple packers are again whole.dHwayHayepe-rteoweGrenteeersatloly,be Ontario,lisrceheetaeonesEaaaainsitdy-
nn their rounds buyieg early apples.
Miss Berl le Gibson visiting relatives
in .Fallwheat in Western Ontar-
Sea for ch.
dear over a large part of Debacle.
. Benmiller. io is ripeninguleeequalvery
li5rrbegueuhhierlelY•to The
laraTES.-We are pleased to hear that crop w
acre. Spring wheatpromises a fair re -
Mrs Ed, Millen is recovering from bet•
turn ; on the whele the total wheat
long illness, "Laurel Shaw has been ill
C109 of the Dominion likely to fall
for a few days. Rey Mr and Mrs Shaw
attended the funeral of the late Win. inuela below the average. In
Ontario oats is healthy and pro -
Parsons, Jas. Dick is home again
from Seaforth races. Petr Jordan- mising,. though the straw will be light.
• Ontario, but
was the guest of R. Jewell on Sunday. Barley is well headed in
the straw is short. Peas will give an
Quite a large number of the Sons of
excellent 'rater n in Ontario. Roots
England turned out to the surprise s •
Party at Ales RobtAllen's on Thursday athl
potatoedare every.
well.backwardPastures In
last Rev. M. j. Wilson, of Nile, pawhere, but will o
Bonn:filler a flying vfsit on Saturday Ontario are looking drier than ever be-'
Fisher was fore. -In Ontario. peach trees
ng '
veill give an
evening last. Mho Nancy
the guest of Miss Lucy Mohrion abundant crop. Apples
..e promise well. ,
. •
Additional. Local News.
ngannou „ ,,, 18
WHERE TO Go, - Wingham races*,
Wednesday, Aug. 1 and 2; Union Sun-
day School excursion to Spderich,Tues-
day,tAug. 71h; Port Stanley excursion
from Clinton, civic holiday, Aug. Oth,
combo's have purchased the millinery
stock and good -will of the Misses Mc-
Donald 4 Smith and intend Omen*
out the entire stock at about one-third
of the regular value. . They will haye
the McDonald & Smith stock naoved.to,
their own iitore and will have every.
thing on sale Saturday morning.
DEATH OP Mir. PAnsomi. - Due to r‘
the injury received in a runaway about
two weeks ago, Win. Parsons, of con.
6. Goderich township, died at the home 10
of his Son.in,lew, John Furry, Clinton,
on Saturday, July 21, at the age of 76
years, It will be remembered that we
mentioned about the aceident which
happened to Mr Parsons and Mr John
Govett, are ()Id schoolmate of his, as
they were driving into town to • return
to London, after visiting at his home.
The horse becoming frightened, both ,
Were thrown out, but the deceased re.
°dyed internal injury, which caused
his death, while his companion re-
ceived a teeter° shaking' up, 11 10 very
Rad the result which developed. The
funeral Was held onMonday, Mid many
were the friends who attended it to
show reaped to deceased.
irtntok FRUIT AT PLUM -Among
ition are the folloivIng moles from --
the fruit on exhibition at Paris Expos.
•0,,,Do,.,o,,o-o-o.000.,,o-n-c• )0
To tbe busy. man an
ate watch Is a beoessity-
not a luxury se some seem
to think. To utilize every
moment of preeioue time,
to meet Veins, keep ap-
pointments, in fact to be
alweye on time one must
have a good watch. Drop
in and let us talk watches
to you; wo are practical
watch repairers and you
can have the benefit of our
20 years' experience with-
out charge. If you have a
watch which beeds clean-
ing, has any. part broken
er loot, or one which hu
been ruined by inconmet-
ent workmen, brindit to rte
. and we will tell you just
will cost you.
caihNvrbirt: wants and what it
andgetio (sorted tirneyhEE of
Wateheeexamined, reolated
A. 3. Grigg
Jeweller and Optician.
Suocesscr to Jos. biddleconaho
. 11111.1i.111111i111111 1