HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-07-20, Page 7Tired Housekeepers.
Disordered Kid.neys bring them
.a multitude of pains and achea,'
!s. •
How ofteewomen
give out before the
day's work is fairly
been and sink into ft
ohm utterly worn
But the honeeworle
=list be done even
though the back does
ache, and the head
feels ready to burst.
These women can't
undaistand why they
are never etrong, why
the night does not
bring rest, why they
•are alwftye tired, have
no Wats and seem to be panus and Ω
Aja rule the real cause of the trouble is
the laet one thotight of;
It all comes from the kidney% These
delicate little filters of the blood get out of
order, and as a result the uric; geld and other
poisons that they ought to carry oft are sent
back into the system.
There'no use trying to get relief until
the kidneys are restored to health.
The easiest, %dee% quiokest way to ac-
complish this is to take -Doan's Kidney Pills
—nature& own remedy for all kidney
diseases and derangements.
Ilfre. Martha S. Frost, Little Riper, Digby
Co., N.B., recently wrote as follows: I
• have much pleasure in abatingthat Doan's
• =nay Pills have wondei
pfulty improvedmy
„ health. I had been suffering with lone
tack for a number of years and at the time
• I began taking Doan's Ms I was almost
unable to do any housework.
' "I have used three boxes and must say
they,have taken the pain out of my bask
and restored my strength. I don't think
there is any other medicine equal to Doan'il
Kidney Pills for kidney troubles."
• ab
"TO Have and to 'Hold" is to be dram-
• Stuart Robson Will use "Oliver gold-
• smithnicext season. • •
A new pastoral comedy bare the title
• f "0 sl' F •rn "
o ow ip
Mme. .11iodieslia is to appear the com-
ing season in a revival. of Shakespeare's
"King John." '
Scalchi, .the .favorite operatic contralto
of the early seventio, is to appear on tile
• vaudeville stage.
The author of "The Iron Thoth" is to
prepare another play, udder the directien
• of Emperor William.
• In "The Bowery After Dark" a part is
now being written for Terry.
• ern, the boxer, who will appear, in it next
Mr. J. B. Jefferson, in speaking of the •
, 'dose of his father's season, Mentioned
• .the fact that Joseph Jefferson is .now 72
Years old. .
Molly Elliot Seawell's new stery, "The
House of Egremont," 10 to bedramatized
• by William Young, author of the Osage'
version of "Ben -Her." *.
, Miss Marie Tempest will appear. as
Nell Gwynn* in Anthony Hope and Ed-
ward Roseni adaptation of Hope's novel,
"Simon Dale,,In London. •
•.; Henry EIADixey has been engaged to
•,., originate Me character of Franeedo in
Langdon dramatization of his
• tather'0 (Dr. S. Weir Mitchell). story,
• ' "The. Adventures of Patna's." '
• The new play, "Her. Majesty," In'
- which Grace George will appear, as
produced for copyright purposes in Lou-
don; but, as the lord. chamberlain .object-
ed to the title, the name was changed to
•• Mark Twain is hard at werk, upon an-
other book. li. does all his writing be-
fore noon, gives the. rest Of the day to
what he is pleased to call "loafing" and •
corrects proofs in the evening.
M. Zola has lett' Paris tor his country
• house at hledan, where he is to apply
himself assiduously to the preparation of
a new work of fiction which is to be a
-sequel- to "Pecondite." The novelist has
• not yet decided upon • the title which he
will give to his new social study. •
• Ivan Constanovitel2 Aivasovski, the fa-
mous Armenian painter, has just died.
For some time he had been a professor
the Imperial Academy of Pine Arts at S.
Petersburg. Born in 1817, he was the
f avorite artist of four czars—Nieholas I,
Alexander II, Alexander III and Nicho-
• las II.
• /alien Story, the artist, has been in
Boston lately, •painting an important-
• portrait of a prominent resident of that
• eity. Be has just left, but will return in
the fall to execute a numbet of commis-
sions. Mr. Story is the Inishand of Um -
=a Eames, the opera singe% and son of
the late Williaro W. Story, the .sculptor,
• The Rev. Dr. George 0. Lorimer, pas-
tor of Tremont Temple, Beaton, has de-
• clined his recent election to the !presi-
:fleecy of Columbian university, Waphing,
• Bishop Thoblire has stirred Methodists
with his scheme to raise an army of 100,-
00 evangelists to convert 2,000,000per-
tOns and incidentally to raise $20,000,000
during the next ten years.
Rev. Dr. C. C. ,Tifeany, archdeacon of
the Protestant Episcopal diocese of New
York, will preach the baecalaureate ser-
sMn.at'Dickineon college tit the coming
.4eenmeneetnent. He was graduated from
Didkluson in the class of '50.
• Bishop Radial) say" that as he was
being whirled along in a luxuriously ap*
pointed ear from New York to Chicago
'he found ,himself thinking about a recent
trek of South Africa. The die*
tante was 700 miles, and the metive pow*
4r was sight ono.
•Dot* (trent Britain remeMber how ,
*hocked it wee to 'see us rejoicing in vie*
tory Weer so mall a rival sot Spaint*-0h1*
•4 *go Record, ' •
• The present Veen& miuistri has ion
In pewee about a year, Which ill a OHM
,Old age es 14'rench cabinets have been go.
hig..alkleiv York Post.
It is stated that the empress dowager
of China 110•Iri a bad temper. That is
,etiough to give a lot of oriental states, -
then a pain In neck.—New York Sun.
Russia, it 11 said, will fall to pieced
After one great defeat hi battle. None
•of h •Critic* Seems inelined, hOweier, to
• Sen rends all. I ;
.tect 6 sr thpien of a great defeet.—.
A Certainly won't be the nutit of !mete
tient Wet '0 ortapoitileite it nalleill and
:APAll atnot led to tile that the only
llgepe ter peat* end eittlet See ts t /Weedy
Sat te *Weise
now rosetftle Inniertalre Watt Pee-
• vented bir aassossy.
"I had a queer experience once with a
burglar," aid a Nebraska merchant on
his way to New York to buy goods. "For
the past 15 years I have been Waking
several trips a year to New York, and
this incident occurred about ten years
ego. I bad met a very intelligent aud in-
teresting woman in the city, a widow, et
an age euitalale for tie, and as I Was a
widower I had made up .my mind if I*
liked her as well when, I saw her again
as I had for the two weeks 1 had lived iu
the same boarding house with. hee I
would begin to talk seriously to her.
• "I knew nothing about her Whatever
exceePt that she iuterested me, and as
elm seemed to be a nice woman and I had
two boys who needed a good woman's
care t. thought she might interest my
Wye as well. She had given Die her
photograph, and I had it with me on the
trip to let her see, if necessary, that I
liked to have her around.
"On my way I stopped over one night
In Chicago with a brother I had there,
and during the night my room was en-
tered by a burglar. He must have beep
a very 'smooth one, for 1 never heard a
thing and only know he had been there
bY finding my money and watch and jew-
elry and papers done up in a package
and left on the buteati, Nothing was
missing as tar as I could discover except
the photograph, which I had left in a
handsome leather frame on the bureau.
Frame and photograph were. gone, and
pinned to the mirror was a Mite in a good,
legible hand which read • as follows:
"Dear Sir—Whoever you may be, pardon the
liberty I have taken in com,ng uninvited into -
your room. I, have taken with me nothing but a
photograph of my mother, Don't tell her.
"Possibly the hand shook' when it wrote
the note, but it it did I could not detect it
• In the writing. Evidently, though, It was
genuine, tor the burglar had lett nearly
$1,000 worth of. stuff that he could have
• taken with the photokraph. In any
event; I did not mention the visit of the .
burglar to ray brother, and he had not
disturbed any other part of the bowie,
my room probably being the first and the
photograph saving all the others.
• "Neither did I say any„hing to the Wid-
ow About the burglar, or about the other
matter, either. I. was 'just as polite as .
ever, but it ended there. Incidentally I
Rieke to her one day about my •boys, and
she said she had e boy. sconew.here in the
world, but he had tun away' from home
when he was. 10, and he had not seen
• him In seven - years. or beard ..ot him.
• There were tears in her eyes when she
spoke, • and 1 telt a little .oda about the
eyee myself, but I kept ray secret. Fiu.
telling ft now because she died' about it
'year ago." •
. •
. The Itention. For Soule Failures., •
• How malty public men have fallen be-
cause they have been discourteous to. sub:.
'ordinates, to newegatherers, to voters '
• titter election! How many, onthe other
hand, have climbed. to great heights ot,
• power and reputation beaus° they paid
attentl�n to the • ire litel Peo."
ple have long memories. Theynever for-
give the slightest ,affront to their
elgnty • • • —
• . The moment a pebile man so far for-
gets the source of, his power as to treat
the humblest individual with 'scant cour-
'tory he places in action an engine for his
own destruction. Per contra, 'let an. oat- •
clal be thoropghly agreeable in manner
and genuinely interested in the welfare,
of .persons whom he may never have oc-
:eitsion to "use," and he places in un-
• mkneorwit: hands,
to preicliiim his
Popular favor is swayed as often by
• the personalmanner of: a candidate as
• bY the -principles he mordent% True
courtesy, however, springs' from the
heart rather"' than from. the head. It
• takes little account of rank .or circum-
stance or benefits tit be ddrived.—Suc-
• Rebecca Gino walked down the. lane.
putting her feet .forward alternately.
There were hedges.9n. both Oda; one on
the lett, • one on*the right. The young
leaYes *ere a pale green. , Overhead ran
the telegraph . wires. The ,poles were
about 85 yards apart. A robin sat oft a
epray of blackthorn, which moved under
its weight, now down, now up. The.red-
dish color of its breest and the gray
• brown -of its plumage contrasted with
the white of Its perch. • Rain had fallen
and the ground as wet, especially in the
nits. The secondhand feather in Rebec-
eit's hat dropped a little over her lett ear,
and the' third button et her off boot was
Wanting.. 'Smoke went up from the chini-
• nevi, taking the direction of the wind,
West with a touch of south. Between the
fleecy clouds the sky suggested a tone of
blue. All these phenomena (including the
feather, which was Out of sight) escaped •
Rebecca's notice. • She was pot gifted
with that grasp of (inertial detail which
is the sign of an artistic nature, nurtured
In the beta echool of rectlism.—Loedon
• Punch. '•
• , Lost lah, rrhninits.
I have reason to remember our visit
to the Andaman% for I lost the' top of
my thum there—bitten off by a parrot
fish. The brute came to the eurfeed after
• some torpedo experiments,. sharciming
death. I incautiously put my thumb in
his mouth, when the .ereature's jaws shut
with a horrid 'snap, taking off the flesh
of my thumb to the lione. Our surgeon
dretieed the wound, • Sly cockswain pick -
4d up the, portion of my thumb andrfol--
lowing me down into my cabin, asked
What he should do with it. I told him
to give it' to a panther cub we had on
board.-L"Hurrall For the Life of a Sail-
or," by Vice Admiral Kennedy.
Custom OffiCer—Miss you will have to
let me know wbat tha .blue trunk con-
Miss Triller—Oh, nonsense!
• Custom Officer—But I demand in the
name of the law. •
• Mies Trifler—Well, didn't 1 jail tell
you the trunlc contains nonsense? It is
packed with' love lettere I received all
over Europe.
usual Vomits; Method's.
"We've got five pounds of moth balls
In the house."
• "How did that happen?"
"Oh, eeerybody forgot to get any, and
then we all got them at once."—Indlatt-
*polls Journal.
Marls Om%
"That Blinkersdort did is the prompt.
est young woman I ever had the Measure
of essortiug."
• "She tomes by It naturally. /lir fa.
littri sear startois.".—Clovoland Plahl
Myren Zell)", a Blenhelm boy, was kill*
• ea by lightohig,
A. Men supposed to be John IL Bend of
Toronto jutopsd from the Pennsylvania
Railway ferry boat In NeW York, And Wei
1111111111 111111 II I II I I 1111' III 1111 I III 1111
a . A Fleshy
A Liondou cable sage William Wal-
. •
Itlishap, 2:17%, bay mare, by William
Red, is the first new 2:20 pacer for 1000. C n
drive Wellahead, 2;14%, hi his early
rgeanna, 2:114, was mimed after
George and Anna Noble, plu•ents of Fred
Noble, her trainer,
Dan Q, 2;07%, repeated a mile in 2;13
in 30% seconds.
recently at Charter Oak, the laid quarter
• Evora. 2:18, vvill be eeen'on the Brook-
'Iya speedway. She showed a trial mile I
Li 2:14 last season.
Ruby, 211114, stepped the thira,quarn
ter in 83 secends at the Point,,Breeze:
track the other del.,
A challedge has been issued at Hart-
ford for a mile dash, heireee to be drive&
to ordinary milk wagon%
• day Willies, by Anderson Willies,
showed three heats recently at Point
Breeze In 2:29, 2;24, 2:22.
Vance Nuckols stepped WU • Nolan,
2:16%, an eighth in 14% seconds, and the
next day the gelding sold tor $1,500. '
Pug, 2;161/4, by Deeinvond, is the first
220 trotter to lower his record this year.
sittarIN.'as 2:18% Prior to his Baltimore
Roommate, by Burglar, who won a
heat In 2:19% at Bfiltimore, is the first
2:20 trotter of the year. His best prey'.
ous record was 2:22. •
At Denvei5' May 8, Robert Smith of
Philadelphia, who is on V' health hunting
trip, drove King 1Iolliday, 2:16% a half
in 1:08%, second quarter in 88 seconds.
General Wayne, a son of Bow Bells, as
a 3 -year-old stepped the Cumberland
.park track, Nashville, in 2:18 and is look-
ed upon to trot a mile in 2:14 this year.
The horse is totally blind.—Horseman.
doff Astor's sudden epature for Ger-
o sumpti• ve nailing the cloee Aif his social career in
• seqeral im Orovemente in the yards and
AU:Inc 1,111.tYbaeecancellingVerrhoeti g bat 1 of
itcli ee :V;
mente are universally regarded as mg-
station at London and to double -track
their line for a distanCe west of the
The Grand Trunk le about to make
Take Laxative Bram Quinine Tablets, All
'druggists refund the moneyif 15 fails to ours
• Soto. E. W. Grove's signature le on each box.
There to a great demand emoting Oa,
toxic, tartar:ire for laborer%
To benefit others Rev. j. T. W. Vernon,
01 Hartwell, Go., writes: "For a long
time I had a running sore on my leg. "I
tried many remedies without benefit, until
Ieuxse4 Be ubeaelttew,
itt,erhe eheur.
ed we sound and well.' Sores, Eruption%
Boils, licama, Tetter, Salt Rheum, show
impure blood. Thousands have found in
Electric, Bitters a grand blood purifier that
• aintolittely oures these troubles. Satiefee,
• tion hi guaranteed or' money refunded 'by
, all druggist% Large bottles only 500.
' Recent' electrical sI Onus did • much
injury to property and crops in eastern
IS YounsoDnA0(70GLEVER.
There are thousands. of Maly schoolgirls
arsgging their way through sol3ool who •
might be enjoying the full vigor of their
youth by taking Soott's Emulsion. •
There is t rate war between the riv-
al steamship companies at he Thous-
, and Islands.•
"Large sores covered the head and lace
ofour ohild," writes 0. D. I b'll, of Mor-
gapton, _Tenn., "that no treetment -helped
till we used Bucklen's Arnica Salve, which
quiokly oured her." _ Infallible in Erup-
tions, Bruises, Awildente and Pilo, •Cure
gualanteed. Only 25o at a'l drugstores,
• Levi Scharf, a boy, shot Vincent;
Homesdead, at Pilot Maund, 'Mar.,
while playing with a gun.
. There is no uncertainty about Pylay-Pec-
torsi. It aura your iambs quickly. AU
bronchial affections give way to it. 25c.of
all druggists. Manufactured by the pre.-
prieter of perry Davie' Pain- Killer,„
Rathbun's lumber wharf at Belle*
'Ville, had a narrow escape. from des-
-tgairicetnieQrnalbdebililCiety, ani -.;Un'-dow—P -state
omits for a general tonic to the system.
Such is The D. &• L, Emulsion. Builds
you api,) increases your weight, giyee health.
At Teherne, Man., Fireman B. axter,
_Of Montreal, had both legticut off .un -
Matt Bibbens has gone to Canada to
A queen will live three or four years:
• Thq average life of a worker bee is 45
night, best time to teed bees Is just at
• Wooden treughs are best in which to
teed bees.
AU , particles of comb should he saved
and melted intO wax.
A Worker bee is hatched in 21 days
after the egg is deposited. •
There is. no economy In wasting time
• With black bees and box hives.
There is no advantage in rushing honey
tin the market as fast as it is obtained.
For contracting the space in hives di-
• vision boards can be used to goo'd advan-
tage. •"
The ground occupied by an apiary is of
no value unless planted to staid' truits'of .
some kind. •
To hive a "warm right is to htve all the
bees It • the queen_ is -thereat all, she
1 will 'likely be in the hive along with the
rest of them ' ' ' • -
Avoid working with bees In cool, cloudy
•days; also avoid handling them very ear-
,ly -in the morning or late in the evening,
. as they are more irritable at such times.
—St. Louis- Republic
There never was a case in which the .
old proverb abut the ounce et preven-
tion being werth a pound et cure was
more strictly applicable than in. dealing '
with the bubonic prague.—Chicago Rec-
The action taken by the health anthorti
• ties,. who are supported by the police, ine
dicates the gravity of the situation. San
• Pranciticei 'as a center ot trade with Asia
• stands in great danger of a visitation -�f .
the plague--Philedelphia, Record. •
. - There is no goodreason for great alarm
over the denier. tindern science has
shown its ability to com at the disease
successfully. The bacillus has been Idea.-
.tified and inoculation -against it has been
practiced., with some .success. — Chicago
Journal. • . •
There is no further room. for doubt.that
• the bubonic plague has broken out in
Chinatown, San Fraticisco: It le to be
noted that the business amnia of the city
are endeavoring to have as much of the
truth as possible suppressed, This may
suggest that the plague has gained 'a
• firmer hold than the rep* would hall-,
cate ••
A typewriter has been patented for
• writing cryptographic letters, the type
• being arranged arouhd the face of a
• :wheel, • .
A new* invention provides for an ar-
rangement by which turning on a faucet
anywhere In the house starts the gas
burning under a coil of pipe, thus pro-
• viditig hot water at any hour,
Eggs can be • tested and cooked i:ry a
new,...deviee having a lamp surrounded by
a metallic tube, with openings opposite
the Sable in which the egg is Inserted for
testing, with a wire frame over the top
on whieh the eggs are pieced for ,cooking.
The path iti front of a bicycle is cleared
of substances which would puncture the
tires by a new attachment, comprring
clamps for 'euspending a small etre ar
• brush ,in front of the forward wheel,, ith
• driving wheels to revolp the brush r p -
idly on the ground. •
.As Many an 4,0511 muscles have been
Counted in the body of a moth. ••
Every square mile of sea is estimated
• to contain some 120,000,000 fish.
IIorses, giraffes and ostriches have the
largest' eyes of all terrestrial animals, but
• among marine animal there aro cephalo-
pods or ink fishes, which have eyes as
large as a plate. •
Silk of the great spider of Madagascar
Is Strong, fine and, elastic It is used by
the natives for fastening' flowers to sun-
shades. "The spiders which produce it are
• busy spinners, and a spider luta been
known to produce two miles of it in 24
hours. ••
John Fiske, the historian, has • been of- '
tered a chair of history in the University
of California. ••
• The average charge for tuition feels In
American colleges is $75 a year, while
the coot to colleges is $115.
• The largest real estate owner of all,
American institutions is the University
of Texas, which beide over 2,000,000
acres of land.
Dr. Marshall Lang, the new principal
,ot the University of Aberdeen, is a cousin
of Andrew • Lang and was a playmdte In
childhood of Robert Louie Stevenieni.
11 10 reported that Mr William King,
D. A. of Toronto wilt. be appointed editor
of ills Governinent4 Labor (limits,
Children Cry for
Did .riu ever see one P -
Did you ever hear of one?
Most certainly not. Con-
sumption is ndisease that
invariably causes ' loss of
If you are light in weight,
even, if your cough is only
, a slight, one, Y9u.,
eertamt take..1, A IA
Scott's EthMofl
. '.."
of co'(1 liver oiregth
phosphlies.--',' No ,remedy •
Is such a perfect prevent-
ive to consumption. Just
the moment your throat
begins to wealteh and you
find you are losing flesh,
you should sbegin to take it.
And no other remedy
has cured so manycases
of consumption., Unless
you are far advanced with
this disease, Scott's Emul-
sion will hold every, I*.
ducement to you for a
perfect cure,. • '
All Drigglate, lac. and tre
!, Scow & OWN
• How ile Cured Her.
A young doctor took his best girl to the
theater. The curtain was late in rising,
and the young lady complained of feeling
faint. •
The doctor smiled sweetly upon her,
took something out of his vest pocket nod
whispered to her to keep "the tablet" in
her naouth, but not to swallow it.
She shyly placed it on her tongue and
tolled it over addfiver, but it would not
dissolve. She feltetter, however.
• When the performance Was 'over, she
slipped the tablet in her glove, being curi-
ous to examine at home this tasteless, In-
dissoluble little substance whieh had giv-
en her such relief.
When alone in her room, she.pulled off
her glove,. and out carat : a mother ef
pearl ehirt button. • - , , • .
Amnia Japanese a daily hot bathis
the rule • When people are too poor to
have a •bath In their own, helms, they
patronize the •publie bathe.,
Some people wear glasses because they
can't believe their own eyes.—Ohicago
lake Eno Navgailou Co., Doted
The quacked and most aired
• route to
via Pt: Stanley.
Thorough fare froni Clinton one way
$3,50, return $6•. Return, ticket valid for
onemonth. '• •
• Special rates going Saturday and return-
ing Monday. •
Boat leaves Pt. Stanley on Sundays,
Tuesdays and •Thursdays at •11 p.m.
and on Saturdays at 1.
For tickets andfurther information apply
G. .11'. R. agents,,or Write' •' •-
Aest. Gen. Poise. Agt. . Illanager,
Walkerville, Ont.
On real estate, first,* amend and third
mortgage or on an annuity bond, insurance
policy or on municipal, company or other
debentures. • •
on chattel mottgage, warehouse receipts,
good patent; to promote a company or
good business or on an interest you have in
an estimate or unaer a will or in on any
similar secarity.Ifyou do and you have
ty anywhere n Ontario, write for
application form to me. •
To invest, I inidie a speoialty of leaping
money and can possibly get you more
money than you are row getting. Large
and small sums taken and hand.led.
• Trustee & Finanoial Broker,
9 Toronto St., Toronto Ont,
. •
gade y Davis Itc Lawrence Cer., Ltd.
der his engine.
Immense increase in the sale of the D.
L. .Menthol Plaster evidences the fact
that it is useful for all rheumatic pains,
lumbago and lame beck, pain in the aides,
etc. Davis & Lawrence Co., Ltd., Manu-
facturers. •
Row glad we all are that the crop
prospects of Manitoba have very much
improved by the late rains. There
may be the faintest ti ace of selfishness
in our gladness ; but it is none the less
genuine. We all admit that as a 'peo-
ple we are mutually dependent, and
Shat one section cannot suffer without
the others being hiju.red,
The old, idea that the body ' sometimes
need a powerful, drastic:, purgative pill has
been exploded ; for Dr, King's New Life
Pills, which are perfectly harmless, gently
stimulate liver and bowls to expel poison.
ous matter, cleanse the system and ab-
solutely core Constipation and Sick Head-
ache. Ouly 25o at all drug stores.
• The Grand Trunk has made a new
running record between Toronto and.
Montreal, the distance, 333 miles, be-
ing covered in 6 hours and 40 minutes
by the second section of the • Chicago
Don't; let headache wear you out and ren-
der you unfit for laminae or pleasure.
Milbutnie Sterling Headache Powders
cure you quickly, and leave no bad . after
effects. They do•not depress the heart.
Price 10o. and 25o.
Sometimes after getting overheated,there
followa °hill, then a severe cold. This
quiekest and best remedy for the worst
kinds of coughs' and colds is Dr. Wood'e
•Norway Pine Syrup.. Try it. Price 2e.
Don't Run Chances by taking whiekey
or brandy to settle the stomach or stop
chill. Pain -Killer in hot water sweetened
will-do-7mi more good. Avoid substituta,
there's but one Pain -Killer, Perry Davis',
25% and 50,3.
Peroblston, agedaboet 24 years,
waikengaged in shovelling bran it Goldic 's
mills, Ayr, when he fell into the bran chute
and was emotherea.
Doctors find
A Good •
Pieserip on
caJS of tad hien), t
bealah pain and pr
virord IVI.P*A•N•ft oo
sea% Oil
AVCWelablOrcAration for theTocdandRegula-
Promotes Digestion,ckerfol-
• ness and fiest,contains neither
ciptuutMorphitte or Mineral.
Redgele Serie •-•
:desire Seed •
Wenn Seed -
Clerrifigel Sepal- .
lifi*OrAfP Nara:
Aperfect Eetnedy for Constipa-
tion, Sour Sfoinacti,Diarrhoea,
Worms ,ConvuIsions,reyeyish-
mess arid LOSS OF SLEEP.
Tac Simile Signature of
July 20, 190
•r.x.4CT 'COPY OF
Castor'a is put up in one-eise bottles only.' Tt.
Is not gold la bula, Don't allow a
loiar°1 that
you anything elseon the plea rpr
is "just as ,good"
and will .oanswer every pie.
pose:, 1 Bee that yoirget•O A T -0 -R -I -A.
Tho fa°.
ItVR/k13PECI d:4110
' • eignitotti
•Z4;e44., eigtra
' wtsrlin.
00011001114114141 41114111.11140 411000001100
irAle..aitcycles: 50
At.Less.Thari #I4nufactOrers' Prices
•While in Toledo last week our buyer purchased • 50 high grad 3 Yales at a
ridiculously low price for spot cash. There is no better wheel maiinfaotured
in,the U. S. than a. Yale.. We have decided to offer them for quick sale at
the extremely low ptige of
These are the cheapest wheels ever offered in Canada, and iris your oppor-
tunity to get a firet-ciase mount, fully guaranteed, for the easel, et 1900 at
lees than manufacturers' prices. • We have in stock a number of Second-
• hand Wheels at from $5 nip. Wheels expressed to a distaece,
with privilege of acumination, on receipt tif $1. 'Come to Gocierieh on Jelly
4th and see our wheels walk, nere.
904/040.11 410111001,11104111110110411111
ugar Sugar Sugar
just to hand, second car, Redpath Extra Standard . granulated and Yellow
.sugar. We eel' in bbl Iota ea than Wholesele sell in 50 bble. Special price in 100 potted
lots and dollars
Black Green Japan
We have best 25c tea in town, extra nice Japan. tea 20o, agents fcr Ram
- Lal's, Appleton, Monsoon and Blue Ribbon teas in packages
, .
Exquisite Dinner, Tea Toilet. 'Glass and Water Sets We expeot this
• week two orates direct from the manufacturers in Staffordshire, England, bought before
the advance of 1550 20%.,, We are selling at old prices, you will 1365% by buying
from us, Call and examine goods Bad prices before you buy. w
J. W. IRWIN. • Clintola.
Exeter ,Flour
All kinds of Small Field Seeds as* Timothy, Rod and
Alsike Clovers. Realattarters for it.trn,ip, Alongold,. 'Car;o
Seeds. Fresh Grocenes and Canned' Goods. -
• . •
Our apecialty is Toe. Tryour 150 Tea. Otber;Varietiee equally as cheaP.
•Highest mi
market price paid n °ash for egge, •
• III 4.•••••••••."
We are selling Buggieslor three 04 the:best Carriage
Companies in Catiada.
and the well known
We are selling twine made by .the very best makers at
reasonable prices.
Also agent for the Alexander and Mallotte Cream
Separator, and -Massey Harris Bicycles. Samplesean be seen
at the shop, Isaac Street
tleaeral itatittaient Dealer, Wats*