HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-07-20, Page 4!iv • .044elles. are. on us .angl oolit $ale.of. Summer Goods t. • . ..• And ,no wonder, You have.to visit our store once and • .you, will not wonder -why •peopleare'talking about the wonder- fa:bargainer:Ave-114'g. . • . •, Mar goods are.exattlresirept,esented The greatest care .has. beeu. talkepin,,theit Weetione. They. are all new and pp -.to- , have ,,traidt.•-•1ff^e,- buy and sell for cash and give •• you the advantage. • . -t•••7.7..777-'-;) THE .CLINTON NEW ERA AWAAMOMAIONtAMMAWA aoed Yukon Thdallatetratleno Cethlag These prices are low enough to please . everybody. si.00 and:gm parasols 75e 25 and 40e Dress Goods t6c Ladies' Parasols wir h el eel rode, some with Pi.ragon frame others with eolid frame, tOp of "Garai* and vein anted fast black, , OW' i egulae, $1 and $1.25 para sole, to clear at each De Ladies' Parasols with paragon franie,. steel end, feney wood handle's, Gloria silk top, our reghlai $1 7.5 erfd $2 parasols to ge at , of our very hest $2,50 and 93., parasols to clear .. CPU • Summer Hats at your Own Price • Misees' Hats, made of hest quid- . ity leghoinette. nicely trimmed '' with assorted colored feathers and ribbon, also fancy straw, nicelylined; our regular price was Sc. each, just a few dozen MIC ci ar , at ....., . • • Snap in Lace Curtain's - Real Nottingham Lace Curtnips.% . ,* yards. long, in a,siorted widths, . • •-very fine quality, heavy and fine designs, ceir regula,r.2.50 and 2.75 nettle. on account of some of . them being slightly soiled- I A a we offer you your choice at ' I 41' 7 ' • • • ^ •50 and 60c Shirt Waists 39e • Ladies Shirt. Waists made • of • fancy Pprcale in.stripes only, colors of pink, green, hlue,gold, • • 'mixed atso White muslin in latest styles, regular 50 and.60e values, to go at., ..... ....... elVe 3 Ends only of Dress Goods, in colors of brown and white,blue and white checks In silk mrx- tur e, also grey and blue term, regular prices were 25 and 40c, to clear during sale at ... . 30e Black Lustre for 180 89 Inches wide, Figured Lustre very tine quality, in neat .designs, extra hard finish, our regular price ,is 30c 150 .yards' to go during sale et' 33c Plaid. Dress Goods 75 Yards, 40 inches wide. Plaid dress godds, in colors ofgarnet and green mixtures, suitable • for children's dresses, our reg- uler price -is 33e, to clear during sale at 60 indY5c BlaiekbressGOods at 39c • 40 to 44 Incheo ''wide, Black Fig- ured -Dress Goode, in large and small designs, extrahardfinish will not hold dust or spot,- 3nst the thing for separate skirte, . our to ClrenaLiTgaellerla5tCP eTlyuaerEa 39e 1,6c 18c YOUR - HOLIDAY Holidery tripe by land or water, plemant, healtb. giving end inexpensive. Information from the undereigned„ Tickets blued anywhere. Next Manitoba excur- sion 'Thursday, jelly 17. P. R. RODGERS. RaILwv gc,Stearaship Agent/ 011awa vookmAmm.40ww•vomotwo, t gew Rey. abhu -.Pringle, Presbyterian. Missionary to the Yukon, hag returned. for a visit, ad in an interview pub* lished in the London Advertiser has the following to say about the admin- . titration of affairs in the 'Yukon. We venture to say not 0enservatiVe • paper will have the manliness to copy Lha following remarks by this gentle- man:- All eyee en Uske-W. Newcombe .........page 4 . Glass gems -00 •_•!_ Lost opportunities-eteen &oar Granite tinware -W Otelmette 5 Lost -New Era 5 Agents wanted -W EL Bennett Wingham-ri EICing 5 Alma Mega -Rev. le' I Warner.... . . 5 Girl wanted -New Era. 5 Notice to creditors:-WBrydone...D5 dtininery-miss Ross 5 Your business -W D Fair 8 Clearing sale -W Taylor 86 Sou 8 Shoe department -Jaokson Brea. .. h. 0 8 Midsummer sale-,HoclgensBros... e „8 • UM "I have had some correspondence with Mr Mulock.'t said Dir Pringle, 'and have been able to aid him with. ,a it information apt): advice[as, to e rtervieeo. Old have oundihim quite willibgto meet more than half -way the needs and wishes of theOruireery ,,neopleeo Wilte OrMIIIIIY in .Whicti took hold of the question. of rinalisioryiers thete.);as.eonvinced Me trlian We an extraiodinailly -efficient -man for his position. He dispensed with red. tape and gave his subordinates at Skaguay and other points Instruct- ions to put things right, and they were put right. The governnient have done well in their administration of the 'Yukon. As to the charges of malad- ministration. I consider them greatly exaggerated. ,A.nythina of the kind that occurred wasonly what was. inse- parable from the circumstances of a new country being,openecl rip and of- ficials being appointed for duties lied conditions which were entirely new. Tlae manner In which order has been FRIDAY, JULY 20th 1990. . kePts and the law administered, has been the admiration of all except the rascals whoseschemes and aims have been frustrated." WhY Mahe., a ehhnge • • • • • • There are people .who are willing to place the intermits of the country be, 20c fore party; people who regard pros- perity and development as. of greater importance than the mere fact that a poneervative or Liberal gOyernreent is • in power. It is important that there, are such, because, influenced by pant - * earl motives, they are Willing to take e. fair and reasonable view Of public. at - fairs. • • • , . 606 Dress Goods lot- 25c • 4 Pieces only, about 74 yards of /Mese Goods in tweeds, -mixed /Oolong of blue and gold, brown : dh't blue and white all re vereible,snitable for childrens dresses, regular prices 45e and 60e, to clear at ........ • • .• .• .. 'WU $3 Dress Lengths for $2.50 16 only French Novelty. dress lengths; no two ,ali e, in mixed . colors of gold and navy, blue, • I. eteen, Ted, etc..1 regular prices $5 and '$6.50, to clear during Sale at, each.. ....... ......... X,QPIP ght Weight "Wait. Fabrics" • • , • 4 at Light Weight Prices. 10 and 12/c -Prints' for ')ic - • OM Yards 'of Prints, 20 to 82 • inches wide, in assort ed 'right . and dark colorawarranted fast• ' colors; in best Canadian and ' English make, .our regular 10e • " and 121c qualities, to clear due. si• ing sale at per yard.; 2U - • 197 'Verde of genuine Scotch • Gingbams and American Zeph., y rs,- all .bright new goods )(nit . • received, in stripes and 'checks •c'the Veil latest novelties for shirt waists, our regular -eriee.. •is 25e, sale price. just holt ,340 Yards of Corded- Lawns. • •—Ogided Dmiities; Silk Lawns,. • Foulards, Swim Muslim, etc., in mixed colors of pink, blue,, purple, royal blue, also black •and.white, were 25,..89.and35c, all to go at one price 149 Yards of. Corded' Z-phyrs, Fancy Piques, Colored Muslins In all the newest shades of Nue • In the course of •re few 'menthe the. •ponainion Government Must appeal to the country, and it is only fair to look it the results of its adminietration and ;Mk ourselves what le to he gained by making a.change, • • ' • On -the 'Oonseriative side . of the House the men who ask bar the :sun - part of the electorate are precisely the same:menoras composed the .1 amoup n "est of traitor a." There ie Sir Charles • Tupper. VC:ister, Wallace, Montague, liaggart and ()von, as the acknowledg• and white, royal and black, .. tie also black and white, etc.; suit- able , for blouses and dresses, they. were good values at 25c, 15c to clear at nearly half price.... 290 Yards of 27 to Winches wide - Dimity Muslin and Turkish Bourett in all the newest sum- mer shades, ot mauve and • 18c white,pink and white, blue and White. etc., also stripe Piques, American Chambrays, in fancy colors, regular prices 15e and In,. . 183 to clear during sale at..... Staples at Reduced Prices: ne -Grey Colton at 7ic 30c Tweed at 19c • 329 Yards of 86 inches wide, grey • 2 ,Ends only, of heavy quality . Cotton, extra heavy qnalit).• , weed, 29 inches wide, small " free of specks, enitable for patterns, dark colors, juet the sheeting, regular 10e quality, wig, thing for bays' wear, regular gn, to go during ,sale days at - • • • I 2vo price 80c,special to clear per yd IVU 11c While -Cotton 'for 8A:c gec Sheeting for 14e. SW Yards of Whit e Cotton,round , . • - Sheeting, 72 even thread, no dark specks. 78 Yards of Grey free of starch, full 86 inches - inches wide, in heavy tvVill,fine wide, well worth 11c sale price ,,.. even round, thread, regular 20c only zste table, to clear at per yard Standard Shirtings at 12c - 15c. and 18e. Vests for Joe. 489 Yards of the very best stand. Ladies' Vesta, made of fine cotton ard shirtings, 29 inches „wide, • ya.t.of short sleeves, nicely trim. in checks arid Stripes, light and reed and finished, our regular dark colors, win ranted best 15c and 18c. values, to go dude* NA, indigo Blue, sold elsewhere at Sale at each • SVC 14 and 15c a yard, oil! sale Price gm • only , 14e 15 it 18e. Hosiery for He 25e and 80e, Cottonade 19c Ladiem' and -Ohildreree black cot. 2bfl Yen de of the very hest Cot- . too hose, ribbed and plain, Unlade, 28 inches' wide, in heavy sole, heel and toe, every Stripes and small checks, in pair warranted feet black, our Medium and dark •colors, regu. selling prices are 12jc, 15c and tar 25 and 80c qualities to go,. „ 18e, to go at one pnce UPC tale days al. , 1pc • • 80c Boys' Hose lOr 19e 50c Towels tor 85e Boys' black ribbed cott err hose, Linen towels,. size 44- x 22, with extra heavy sole. heel and in. white only'', _with heavy toe, in sizes 7 -to regular fringed ettils. extra heavy coal- 'value 80.4 tO clear at per pair 11PC ity linen,. good value at, regular peke 50e. special for eiale days 38 35e e Hose 2 pair for 50e. per pair 70 Toweling at 4e Ladle& black cashmere made of two thread yarn, heavy 200 yards of brown linen toweling, sole, heel and toe, seanaless feet, • 15 inches wide, regular ic value, regular price 18880 each, during dering ..4e Sale 2 pair for • 50e MakingQuick - 50e,t0 60c taloa 4.'-iirpet 39e 96.10th Wide Union Carpet in the • tattat eblot Inge, floral designs, good eesortment to choose from. well Wort 60J per yard, t elpa r in Sale.. ..... olle Carpet Sales. All Wool Carpets at 49e Ali Wool. Carpets in assorted •,cblortr of green, • red and white mixed, full 80 inches wide, very • fine %utility, usually sold at 80e and 85e per yard, to 'deer .. • •our Money Hack •- • .• 0 Ton Want l[f. . . . • CLINTON • 0 J. P. P. Modell is in Torontowthig week. t. Burgess was in Seaforth on Menem... Pitrie Whitehead. Wnfi Groderieh last week. Nies Stella Latta, London, in visiting Mho M. Cook. Bob.Gardner 18 over at Broyileiclto spend a mown. Ti Bolder herefrom London Visiting among friende Miss Grey, Toronto, is the guard of,atisa, E. Modems. • P. B. Crews was on a bueineee trip to London on Tuesday. Mrs McDenald, of ,St Thema% le the guest of Mrs W. Coate, Mimes Blaneheend Mamie Oluff are visiting at A. •Jam Fair wag attendistie a millerte corivention Galt laet Priday. • Miss Lehr. Rowel. le spending holidays with ,frien4e.in efeneell. IL E. Reagens was in Toronto thelatter Wart of the peat week. • Miss A. Stout left Oil Weenesday, afternoon for her home in Kiektent Retry Bell, of Winghamle on a, trip to Grand naelde, Mich., this.week. Teiliflall. and J`v.,Lovetts took train ea Fri4ay XV§ Graham, of Toronto, is visiting her slit- ter -hi -law, Mrs Reagens, Mr and Mrs J. Rattenburv and itimily spent Friday pithioing at Bayeeld. Mise Ida Thomson, of London, is the guest of Piro D. B. Kennedy thie week • Mrs Johnston was the gueet of Miss Alice Campbell, Seaforth, last week. Mr and Mr$ A. T. Cooper are spending a few weeks' vacation in Kinbardine. Miss Atelseson left Kippen on Tuesday for ' airs J. B. Buml3all is spending a few weeks at Daybed Miss Williarairreturned to Goderich after a week's visit with Mrs P. B. Crews. H. Davis an a A. Graham vrent to London, On Saturaayto look after a good horse. MIN Ross was in Seaforth en aforeleq. 'for eir Northwit trip• • Marriage. of Members. • ' • Miss McAlister who has been visiting .her sister in Lucknew is visiting in town. • Mr Aulay Morrison, M. 1).,•of New miss Sleeth of Seaforth, was the est a • Vv estminster, B. 0., • was married at Miss McKenzie for a few days last weeE gues , stone, daughter of Mr J'as. Livingstone, her Sister here for se4eral is this week. Ill• P. Miss Harriett MeCaughey wag visiting at her They tell a story at Ottawa coneern tulekee, Wm. Tighe% Gioderich, last week. ing a couple of well-known Ontario 0.11. Bennett, agent of 0. and N. W., called on erotism). ticket agente here on Friday lase Liberal -.members, who happen to be nces. klutch,of A.ubutn, ;vas ticketed by A.0 widowers. One of them secured a p0- red w, R. agent, for Cleveland, 011ie. Bitten fora charming lady friendip one of the departments, and as time went Mr alit Samue101, of Manitoba were on paid her more than .friendly atten. gnestff ° art Dawns, few IlaYs last 'Wei*. Baden, on Wednesday, to Miss Living- miss M. Lane, of St Marc was the t ef tion. After a time the other -neethber Mr and Mrs B.A.Smellie and son, Ann Atte ed leaders. What special claim have they to recommend them to the favor- able consideration. of the electorate. EverYbody knows that a lot of grave scandals were the outecomnef Mr Bag- gart's administiation, and that the .country was robbed of thousands Of dollars.. . • No one will deny that the country is not immensely more prosperous than. it was at any tirne under the late Con- servative rulministration. During the last four years the trade of the .coun- try has increased by nearly one hiln- dredauillions of dollars - touch more than it increased during the entire 18 years of Conseryative reign, Whether, as our conservative friends claim, the 'ncrease is simply due to continuing e National Policy or not, is a matter of no importance. The fact remains that instead of predicted ruin we have wonderful prosperity. Look at the improvements that have been.made in our postal system. Un- der Conservative rule this department had an annual deficit of about $800,000. Now,notwithstancling the reduction of one-third in the price of postage, and the other improyements taking place, the department is almost self-sustain- ing. Take the Intercolonial as another example. Under Conservative man- agement there was a large deficit al. Blair's able administration, the road is paying Its expenses and has a surplus of 9150,000. Look at the benefits conferred on the people by the removal of the ouaran. tine on the cattle, the free entry of corn, the enlargeniebt of the cold stor- age system, and the other improve- ments made by Mr Fisher, in the De- partment of Agriculture. rhe Opposition say that the expendi- ture has increased, which is true, yet the extra expenditure has not added any extra taxation to theburdens of the people. The completion of the canal system, the Yukon the South African war have added to. the avgregettr3 ex- penditure, but the buoyancy of trade has offset the same. The, taxes of the people hare been very materially reduced by the changes in the tariff And by preferential trade. .The preempt administration is one of which the country inaY well be proud. It has given the country demi:me' hon- est government ;it has not favored con- tractors at the public Expense; it has not allowed stealings from the public chest. Its legislation has been the friterest n f he people. Us • members are free from the scandals which were proved against some of the members of the former government, and after fon- years.of progressive and pure ad- ministration, .when it appeals to the people, is worthy of a renewal of • sup. port, and confidence. nrost every year. To•day' under Mr. After the longest session on record and the windiest, the House of Coin. mons adjourned on Wednesday. • ' • • The Senate, reeponsible to nobody, has again.shown ite partisanship and uselessness by destroying usefulliegia. lation passed by the Commons, . • • is 'Col. Sam Hughes has been relieved of his positiod in South Africa, pre-, stunahlY beeause he had too much. to say. That's his weakness; otherwise • • -Mich., are visiting at .A.. Monteith's, Ontario et gaire her such at • tention that he suc- ceeded. in cutting OUt the first one, and htrefivin,gUsp•voMellennt monantkr.vietsuMithlthricireendse LackY. the repiart current at Ottaiva is -that or;Ltii?i, air= fbeen and move to a town near Lake Huron, resurts L snedni ciya°3•UB. •ehe will likely throw up ber situation ,11°w• • he's a good soldier.. 6• 6 The statement that 10 Liberals voiett against the EmergencyRedone le not correct. y res are Independents, and have often voted • against the gotternment. 01 1 • 'The Stratford Herald ipsaks "pro.' fane swearing in We suppose If a fellow calls another "danged son of.algun" thie is the kind of sweating that not profane, 6 * After shooting in neatly every Nene that "the elections were about to be held," the Toronto World now deelateit that the conwevatiyes have no need to be scared about the election' coming on as several ministers are going to Blighted. , not a thousand Wiles fecim Clinton, uuett. • Ural/all of Oraweville, accompaniedby her Mr J. Foy, of New York,lor. merly Bullett, crease • of $180 000 000 since 1896 Not . Mrs M A Turnbull was in Brussels las week . , • , . • e have Hammocks • daughter tulu, is. siting her sister-in-law, Mrs Qapa.dian. trade returns show an In Shannon. • • • • was thereat bf e for a few days bad. for.a policy that was going to ruin •this wee • • • •. •attending the luzieral of her granddaughter,. 'It is a matter of satisfaction to know , w, W. Farran went on Tuesday to. tho Bhio that in the fruit exhibits at Paris x - position, Canada beat every other. is Florence Bull and Miss Verde Leighton, country in the displaY; • Nova Scotitti' , of Toronto, are visiting Mr and Mrs.W. ostez Quebec, Ontario and, British Columbia at westmount. Montreal. taking first prizes,New Brunswick took Miss Elsie Martin, of Detriot, and Dr. The Americans Bdward Island 8rd_ Turcrewnbsu, Um, otwGedednericesdalsy,were guests at e werebeaten out. • • . • -• Mrs Logan has been visiting here at her fath- ' .• s' . • er's; A Gileluestmeturned to her heintspx...§fket While the OonservatiteS hi the fiornieThu"da. r"rning' • W. R. Latornel was ticketed for Duluth by• were shouting about "the abuse of the agent F. REordja on rl'uesday.ens.slle went per steamer Mon - franking privilege, arch from,ela no One was abus- Mr and Mrs Oke and Master•Oharles, 1n it it tnOre than they, for tons of cam- vain, Man., and Miss A. Grey, of Toronto, were paign literature were sent out under guests of Jas. Stevens this week. • ths frank of some Opposition member, W. D. Fair and A. 3. Rollaway were attend - and it was even said that prorogation ing the grand lodge of A. F. and A. M. in Lon - was delayed for the ante purpose of en, eon onTeesday and Wednesday. abling the tionseevatives to frank a idles 'Shirley Parke returned home last weak after a pleasant visit at Seaforth With her large quantity which had accumulated b . -fr* iend Miss Dot Ilodgins,at the rectory. efore the Moine) adjourned ,Ohas. Wauis went to the Sault on Friday to _ • "thew tEraeleexpng weitthei roombeeabrinay for haenihrne,b! attend Additional Local Neves J. Crooks left WednesdaTifor London. where •• he Will spend part of his ho ears. He NM also W. Coats we learn of the Mimber of Miss Clare Scott returned hpme from Toren - HALF YEAELEBEGISTAATIOrte-Frolyi speed a ew days in Exeter, be eke returning. . n Wednesday her eider, Bertha, who is a births, marriages anddeaths 'register- rtrgre in Waver ei Hospital, New' York, is aim ed for the first six imonths of the home. year :-Births 24, luarriages 12, deaths Rev. W. G. Rows= wag ticketed F. R. f 14. •Reagens, G. T.R. nettng for bis Muskokava- for .Huntevi . He LIORTNING I -COD 43 Alern last Friday met LES -Many o • ea 0 ' the fanners ars having rodsput on miss Biggart, of the Glasgow Rouse Regina, ' their buildings and Senn .84:11ennedY .eame home on Monday evening to spend, her are alwatis kept • busy filling • orders., vacation. Her many Mende here were glad to During the past few weeks sales were see her. • • made to the following :-Stanley Mrs Combe, the Miami Oombeana the Mires township -O. Logan. a. Love, Robert yDoanethlt rvre=d ire:°1.415.114aoltilitiPabio Love, Jae Reid, W. Reid, C. jOhniton; go to tim same place fora few weeks' regt. Middleton, jr., G. athwell, W; Weir, Parker of the L.11.86rj3 is now a nurse in Eroge f head and assistants 042. to sell 'at the pie() you eau afford. to pay.. &nail • , • ones at N and 75e, Full size at $1,.. $1.25 $1.50 " • Beautiful Ones, with valallee. Olio* and stretchert, • '$2, $2,25, $2.75, $3:75 and .$4.75 , • Special' :Prices in BICYCIXS.p. Due. New Wheels at .$25, $3'5 and ‘50. Second Hand ones $15 and $26: . , •• W..Q0OPER 85 CO., Qiinton, Entrance tocaminations. O • • We give beloWthe Timis of those who stemeetled in passing the recent Entrance Examination in East Huron. Those who obtained 6 (04 of the total ruiraber of marks have been awarded honor -standing. Pegs Candidatee must have ob- tained. 50% of the total number of marks and 34% of the marks on each subject. Last year 74% of those who wrote on this examination in Beet Huron passed: This yeir but 5'7104. ••• The diffioult papers this year were Seel - ling, Arithmetic and Grauoriar. Morefail- ed this year on the total than for a num- ber of years. This dhows that the Exam- ination. as emboli), was more difficult than usual. Both lists are arranged erlphabeti- Goderich tovrnshift-G, Chas. Miss Bessie Parke daughter of COnductor Chas. Lovett ;• Hill. mostititi, Port Waynerindira, She holds t e • A Goon SALE. -We are informed D. MeCtilliruday, the genial editor. of Me that the auction sale held by -the ---ad- Goderich Signal. was hate on Saturday with eninistrators of the estate of Thomas his partner,Mr Moore, looking after the lair - chase from an American Arra et a boom of Jogs. Oook, deceased, on • lot • 24, Mayfield con.. Goderich township, on Saturday arreEd Cotton and Bina Jesting, OfDetri t, are here on a visit the latter comes specially fast, was A 'very successful one: Auc.. sold • at• $2.26, wheat $9 •10, tioneer Dickinson wielded the ham.. to see if the air will improve the health of her (liev1.2)digl• ocEagreittriLhoer two children, son, who has been very delicate for some time. mar bringing good prices. Hay was • Oats s awl D'oroth.y barley 8450 per acre each; •the stock Sound, yellers tilyy411. make elf.`4.1I2w)Tek- fore leaving her alter& friends preeented her did not realize as good a price but cal. with g purse of money. . ves went as high as $8 each. Several . The arty comprisinz Mr anakirs D. B. Ken- • bids were made on the farni but did A, ,oach and families, Mr not reaell the reserve.• .•• • abilddyia an m"Miesee‘ M. and A. Coo er, Tarr MAIMETs.-The supply of dairy products are about the same with alricee =varied. Cantelon Bros ship- ped WOO lbs of butter and 4000 dozen eggs since lest weak. New potatoes, small fruit and garden produce are more pjentiful and coMmahd varied prices ; raspherriee, 5 to 8c per ib; tillek. currants, 0 to 7c per quart new potatoes, 20e per peck ; cherries are about over and were a much lighter crop than last year. 1000 baskets were the total output by Cantelon Broil, a great. deal lesser quantity than that shipped from here last year, THE 12,rrr • OP 3nr:ic,-The "orange walk" was as enthusiastically attended as in former years, in this 'vicinity the celebrations being held at Seaforth, Kiheardine and Dungannon. A special train left here for Kincardine aed bore Londeshoro, Blyth, Winghanr„ and other northern, lodges to the lake side town, in all there being over 1000 ex- curaioniste. -A special train also went to Seaforth, about 850 tlekets being sold here. The demonstrations Were a success in every respect, 16 lodges beingeepresented in the proceSsien to Mre Ideatatray and Mrs Oliver johnston Colenran'e grove at Seaforth, Where 10ft On. khiesaity morning's train' for the .1theb. thelmeeking.took,place. • het/band an atin IniV11 Been for several years, The fernier 4: to Weyburn, man., vrher0 her big 44.„ 01"1„Ildte• rogility itiiisdram4413?ntirreetsonittitjirie`w%•2!.0 shite ahaajlothir: v.I e, platelets mweert. w gore- .n ston worm to v m et Winnipeg and other points. the town halt on Friday, l'ulY 27th, by going as far as Int/FAtlItini Wilk • haye ,been ,on the , Copp and M. omson held their annua pima° toBayfield on Tuesday. Chas. Camermt, of Collingwood, who has been nominated as the Conservative candidate for North Shecoe,le a distant relative of the seem. ber for Westilituern. He has plenty of money which may him tbsecereelection. Chas. RAM% Thog. Be/melds, Geleg, L. Kennedy, Dr Shaw, Oliver Johnston, W. Jackgen, Joe. Pattenbury, George Bench, and Jae. MeCooi were among those wits) tookin the Settforththeee thlit Week. Mr and Mrs B. Potts left pet steamer Pitts. burg from Goderich on Sunday for ft trip to De- troit and Cleeland. He will be away a few weeks, but Mtil Potts ant/children make an extended visit ina number of American cities. Thee. Jackson, Ir., traVeller for 'the jitelmott Bros.' clothing es ablishment, left on Tuesday. seething for his annual business trip to the Northwest, asid intends to go aster as Eamon - 'ton. He ig aecompanied by his daughter, Misl Irene. W. Jaelcson, C. P, R. agent ticketed the fol- lowing_this week: -Mrs J. McMurray for Way - burn, ; Mrs R. Moore and Mrs 0..lohnston, for Winnipeg:T. Jackson and daughter/ Irene for EdMonten; John Lovett and Dr. Bali for Moesejew, Thos. MeGillieuddy, of the Agricultural De - pertinent, Toronto, 18 Very proudever the brav- ery, of his eon, Donald, who, while in Goderich, jumped into the lake and reamed a boy about his own Mee from drowning. The Menem) So- ciety Will present the little folloW with a Medal. therplitek. Concert ,Oompany, several rot or comfortably lomatect. boar a. hea t tre -Tort:into: It, is a ptubtlatilliailletiomvittngi (he t • The ehline_s_e Situation. them. They are engaged to appear It is offieially announced that the In Goderici. and Seaforth as well as Mlles iesunted the attack on the Chin - in Clinton and includes Mien Lilian ese quarters at Tientsin on the 14th descriptive vocalist ; Jas, F. and won a complete victory, All the Castle, monologuist and dancer; S, L. .0hinese forts were taken, tte Well Ikt Mbore, baritone ; MSS A. Werke, number of"guns. The allies now hold juvenile comedienne; Harold 'Scott, the forte and allio control the Chinese Impersonator; Master Sydney, boy quarter of the city, The loot artist ; Harvey Lloyd, humorist. nearly 8(X) killed and wounded. No It it One of the lineat eonmories that reliance Is placed on the Chinese re - the. people of Clinton Will have the ports tasting thet the forkolgriers itt pleasure of hearing, and had it been Pekin were holcling Out on the tha in. in the regular sermon the committee staid'. The TimelLsold the London could not Alford to bring them here. Daily Mail state that °hints ham dieter. Admission 26 and 85 cents; reserved ed war on Ramie and that. °Muerte Nate at Jackson tips., plan open* on troops have attacked Hooka* town* Jul 28. and te on the Amur Rim ' c..lhurch Chimee:•• • D. Tiplady conducted' the services at, the House of Refuge on Sunday. Upwards of $700,000 has already beem. subscribed to the'PresbyterianCenturr , Fund. • The Presbyterians have gives $60,000 during the past three months- to,the India Famine Fund. •• • Rev J. T, Kerrin, .of Winity church,. Mitchell, fornierly of Bayfield, has de- cided to leave in a short time for Lon-. don. He has been offered and has ac-. • cepted •the .pastorate of All Saints" church in the Forest City, and will leave to assume his duties there about. the first of ,Bepteraber. - A great event has tan place in, Scotland, it being the union'of the two - great branches of ' the Prryterian the Free Church. The movement bad been going on for eome time. but it, was finally decided on June 1, when, • • 692 voted for union, and only 29agsiflst. •. ONTARIO /STREET Clumionr.-At the character and resources, arid the raise- ionary work done there," vras the topic taken up, and was well discussed by Miss L..Grant and Rev Dr. Gifford. On next Monday evening missionary work at home will be•diseussed, the subject beim" "The needy at our door."' - The Sunday. school picnice of the, two Methodist churches in town were. held, this week, Battenbury itreet. school on Wednesda,y, and Ontario, • • "• HONORS church -the United Presby enema and: Bennet, Elsie. • . • Seett, Katie. Cantelon Saida. Wallace. Xmas - Cooper, *dna. Alextuide ,r . C. Hoover, Lela. • Badour, Edward. •jackson,Lillian. • Grigg, Hugh. - Las,Rattle. • Stewart, Robert. . Mout/uglier, Hattie. Willten, Karl. Potts, Elva. • • PASS LIST. Aelees. Fred. 'Mulholland, Harvey. Brogden, Mary. • Mustard,J. W. Blake, Nora. • Plumstael, Emma, Boyce, Arthur. Pearson, George. • • Campbell, Duncan. Roes, Tons. Cook,;meanie. • Robinson, ,Annie M. Irvein, Leanord. Scott, Frank Mcp. Utiles, Harold.• Taylor, Bella. • Jackson, Irene, D Watts, Hartley. ICetehen, John, • West, Maude. 'Love, George. • Wise, Pearl. Laaxon, Mary. • BLYTH. HONORS • • Fingland, Mary.. Moore, Cornelius. • McDonald, Zella. . Stewart, Robert. Brown, John. • Taylor, John. Fingland, Wm. FASS - • Jackson, Maggie. Henry, Oliver. • Stewart, Nettie. • McLattoblin, tfarvey. Webster, Grace. McMillan, Wm. Campbell, George. \ Redmond; Raymortd. Carter, joseRh. \ Wilson, Sheary. • WINGtH.A.M. RONORS. • Robbs, Laura M. Jackson, Jean S. Linklater, Vina Pearl, Nixon, Maggie. • • Rammond, hauncey. Button, Stewart. Coad Fredrick. Fry, Wilfred. Hogg, Cheater. Jeffrey, Robert 3. Kincaid, Harry. Ohittiek, NeUis May, Otiminins,Bleenter. Deyell, Annie. Gileluest Annie. ' Park, Ariel °miracle.. Conerv, WM. Homuth, Para /females. Reynolds. Millen, Florence M. Pearen, Mina Elva. Pilgrim, Annie. Shiel, Flore.nee J. Wellwood, G. Lena. Whittaker, /roue. Wyma, Peer/ Millie:Sege, Henry O. McCallum, Jameg, Rush, Frederick. Hanna bowie , &Andre% Fred. R. Rood, Maggiel. Sheriff, Herbert H. SEAPileinit HONORS. 'Burke, Luella. Freeman,_Wm Dickson, Norma. Livens, EarrY• PASS. Anderson, Pearl. Sills, Mona. • Cowan, Phemia. Watson, Ida. Carrochan, Gertrude. Wilson, Helen Dickson, Emma. Watson, Gretta • Forbes,. Jennie F. Archibald, Bertie. ' • Friel, neuritis. Ellison. Lawrence, Hedging, Mabel. Gunn, Oerden. Borate Mari .e. Hartry, Russell. Holcombe, Edna. McAllister, Karl Hewitt, Hatietat A. O'Conner, Arehie. Johnston, Lois. Park, Alex. Kneehtel, Lottie E. Reid, John Leslie. McClure, Derrathlea. Roberta, Jack. Rose, Halite. Sproat, Omar, Spain, Merle. lemithent, Toni. • BRUSSELS BON0128. runstrrisctoolne: IEdaua.. 11008900w, nAgd,an..arrar„ McArthur, merrybell. McCall, Willie. • ticirelvey, Berbera. Thompoon, George. PASS. - Howe. Beatrice, Forreet, Robert. • BeendoogieLpuLArtaeuLts. Brown, OW- :wehi:eitoollr:,:mMostragmgi.:a.. MnicehardsoThmaidneDiMam.cart. Spier, °erne. Re131°GynardaViltIrminrrank,.... WORM, MYrtle.': Telfer,,Aggie. Walker /Cverett. , IIINVOIlkni nil:: Se. rah. fW.ROXIiTER. RoNORS 1 AA% Chao. PAM . Brown, Unseen. 0Wrrilawhforlr' aW, Allithibetaris. Own P Oerterer,,Steswtgt. Rettig, Mime. 1) *n, Otter's's. ,_ j eik:41ALMArillite... FORD WIOR i illitrattelesires "j` :ribs, Melia. MoOlynni_llenry. neaten, Edna. 114.60d. Thee. - 14nweeilkMajaegertitit. Smith, Oliver. tie. *denten, etudes PASS Ributoek, Davie P. • Qeekattelyri h. Jenaseettitettler. matehisee. It's'. lei, Mellon Bober% IdeOttira, Mabel J• ttlatas, .044 Wadi, all, iltabeth. Moak twas. •• • - • -I • League on Mondayevening oChinli. its • • street on Thursday, in grove, at Summerhill• The days were most de- ' lightful, and epent in games of various kinds. • Willis church school holds its • annual picnic to -day (Friday) at For - liter's grove, Holniesville, ' WILLIS CEttrami.-11.. S. Laidlaw, of Knoi College, will occupy fpr the pas- tor during his six weeks= vacation, and. on Sunday next will su_pply the pulpit... Last Sunday morning Rev Mr Stewart. preached a thoughtful sermon referring. to his twenty-two years' pastorate in Clinton. At the Endeavor meeting on Mondayevening J. McTavish occupied . the chair and Rev Mr Stewart gave a, bird's eye view of the status of the Presbyterian church throughout the world, which was appreciated by these present. Miss Wilson dealt with the . carliehreishipOrt on 'Sabbath schcOls was presented by Rev John Neil, Toronto, ' at the Presbyterian Astseenbly at Hali- fax, as followst-The committee on Sabbath schoole reported that there were 2,008 ordinary schools, an increase of 260. and 120 home department schools, it total increase of 380 schools, , In 1809!» the, 2,6133 ordinary schools that reported, there were 21.016 officers • and teachers -a gain of 2,025 -and 177.- 798 scholars -a gain of 17,548. Count- ing the 2,782 reported in home depart- • merit 'schools, there were in the report- ed schools 202,400 in attendance, an it - crease of 23,855. Oi 2,1563 schools 037 report 8,777 acholars becoming mem- • bees during 1800. Seemingly from 1,626 • ' schools there were none that could be reported. The contributions received • in response to the appeal made in con. neetion with children's day atnounted to $10,844.05. Deducting the amount for printing and other accounts, $675.- 08„ there remains a balance of $Jt08- 07, which, with interest, i5579, bas been transferred to the century fund. Megan Crossley and Hunter,. ih closing their sixteenth 3reerr in evangeluitio work, have issued the forowiog lettert-“An• other year of health, hammerer, herd work • • end victory in the Master's service hair been graciously given nee of God, Sixteen , years ago July 12th we entered the eyangelistio work, and we gratefully record „ that the peat year has been one of -the most . Incoesefol. During the year we haVo been privileged to conduct campaigne in Dunnville, Tilbury, Stratford (won a• visit, Boston, htass. (fourth vitit), Cheesy, . Minneapolis,. ilitin.(Secend „visit), Phila- delphia, Pa., Toronto (sixth visit), Kenipt- ville, Arnprior and More. Mooing the year in the latter plaoe on Sebhath. 8t.h. We will 601 attempt to give an extended KO+ eetli of the year's work. Suffiois it to say that in the most ot the otirapaigne the heal aurae. =ilea in the tervi eta. Nita!** aria people of the varietal:Zee. •At groat numbers Of Meth women and youth turned to the Lord ihostande of -whom era now 'omitted membersin ths'ohtirohee. We arrived at our island home inMuskoka recently, whirs we eapegt to enjoy Mw weeks in rest, recreation and *Jody, , preparl,g tor the week of mother year." •