HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-07-20, Page 30
A Severe ease Permanently
Cured by
had Salt Rheum in my face and hands
for three years and could not get anything
to oureme till ;need Rurdock SloodBitters„,
"Ontaking the 'first bitttlea there Wenn'
trent change., for the beater/ and.12,y gm
time the settled bottle Wee finished i was
coma/etc:1y cured and have had no return
eithILI*Pfile,stuce, .
"I IniVes great faith In 13.1133. as a Mire.'
. for blood and stentliteases." Mlsa Mand
lime, Shelburne. N.S. ,
Not Apt to Be Popular With' Mkelr'.
• renew Men.
The most selfigh man in the world Is
the one who, is most unselfish-withO WE
sorrows. He does not leave a single mis-
ery of hie untolctOooyou„ge unsuffered'hy
you. Ete gioetOoilretilloof theib, . The'
world becomes to him, a synatcate form-
ed to tad,qtock in his private cares,
worries," d trials. His Jaietake hi In
forming,a syndicate; he ohcnild organize
asotrufif . and control It .all himself:. then
' he could.keep every enistront getting any
• • of his Mieery. .
Autobiography constitutes a large part
• not mall 'N., neersation-if is anOminter.
of the dekt;rlsation of Berne people. ' It Is
•' eating ramie egue. These people stu,dy
their inderidenr Olyeetiith,•itOnticroscope,
and then they threivonnOirltirged vie* of
. their miseries on a ecreen and lecture on
them as a stereopticon man discourses on
• the microbeirin a decin Of Water. They
' tell you that their, "did" not sleep- a wink
all night*" they "heard the "deck strike'
• every, quarter of an hour.". Now, there
is no real caugotor thus ',boasting of, in-
, 101111111O It requires no peculiar taielit".
, cram though it does COMO Olat. to *WO
iWalte people. - • . . •
• If you ask sucha man hew he is feel-
' • ing, he will trace the whole genealogy Of
lille present condition down Item the time
, he had the grip. font ,.,yeitts ogre You
I hope for cOliord; he gives you a treatise..
IOU asked for a sentence; he delivers an
encyclonedia., -His motto is, "Every man
his own Boswell:" Ile is syndicating his
"The womanwhO makes her trials With
her children, her troubles With her serv-
ants, her difficulties with her family, the
,subjects of conversation with her candor
10.-eyndieating-her-serrews.--,•-"Kingehip of
Setf Contied."
Too Prank. . .
clothing.merchant in lower Broad-
. way had a big lot of suits of clothes that
he had bought at a bargain, and by put-
ting a price of $15 on each he thought
they would sell rapidly, for they were of
exceptionallytegood value for the money.
He put one of the suits on a form and
set it In font of his store, with a sign
about Mr neck Which one of hie smart
dens had Painted on a piece of card-
board. this intioenced the price....Then
h. and..hlit clerks prepared to do a rush -
leg business.
.,,the hen*, palmed on, and no one came
• lliAtkhtlY.Alte suits.. This caused the mete
elite wielder, and at length he deter -
411,e to go out and take a look at the
sarnPle suit and the sign. This is what
loofogreb onthe sign: "These Suits $15:
allYt:Nfr-Oret •Iamt Long." Pedestrians
pitesing'by saw the sign and'ainiled at its
frankoese., '
• The merchant tore the sign from the
suit, and the clerk Who designed it 'start-
ed, out too look for another job.-Nitv
Tork Mail and Express.
Th. Janie Inner" Circle.
The Julien Daily Mali said recently:
To eat with chopsticks and sit on mate
' and wear big sleeved coats do not bring
soman any nearer to genuine MOO:tate
Intercourse with the Japanese people.
The language ia also needed. Yet, even
when the latignage.'is added, .something
still remains to be achieved, and what
• that something is we have never been
ante' to. diecover, though we have been
considering the subject for 88 years. No
foidetter erer succeeded in being
alithitted to the inner circle of Japanese
Dad Bargain.
SiumMer.--Your story isnot a *ery
• plausible one.
. 'Street Beggar huationsly)-D'ye .t'ink
im ettick, mister? I paid Pete de Poet
$2 ter writin me. dat etrinto of. talk. -
Brooklyn Life. -
Talking of forestryencouragement,hard-
ly Is there a cut down tree that does not
famish. a stump speaker in its fevor.--.
Phitedelehia Times. •
• ^
THE onAt!_waDEL.
Among other favored colon for the
summer a the tints of the ,primrose form
dainty uote. •
Web collars of mete description -lin.
en, milk, French lime, embroidered Mule
lin or pique, etce-will be worn all MM.
mer pu gown; intended for general IMP.
Toile, the pretty mercerized lima-,
Ten' Winder in Paris an London-,
Makes exceedingly smart summer gowns,
beige, hoacintb blue and ecru being fio
vorite colors.
IThe pleniltul um .of point d'exprIt net
ail a fashionable dreier material help*
greatly in the mimeo sabeme tor trans-
parent effects, an when it Is decorated
vzith litee liPoliques it Makes Very hand.
soma gowns.
LAM lace, le the deader cri everywhere,
both here and abreact. There is hardy
dresio ;WA or hat from Pada that lute
not a touch at least of thie dainty and. re-
fined garniture upon it, laces in applique
form taking MgtpIace' '
One of the French ways of malting the/
newest -blouses to Wear with tailor suite -
Is to tuck thent„with Nolered shim. For
•exemple, k White s1ik blouse it' entirely -
coveted with the tiniest poseible tucks
stitched with, pale green -silk- -•
' .The latest novelty ,breught-out among
lece fancies are the box coats in chantil-
ly, 13rabant, Flemish and renaissance
patterns. Tney are unlined., and, unlike
the cletlz'boX Mitts. the tace modes curve
Ip :consiolerablo at the underarm peente.
_ All of the new full ungored Skirts deo
•signed for slender figures that have thee
far been !sent-oter as models, are either
Ishirred -very closely from the belt to be,
• low the.hips or else laid in fine lingerie
plaits. which . are eften of graduated• •
depth,. forming ,a' pointed yoke effect on
the front and sides of the ekirt.
_ .Tlie Greek, the Gretchen and the.Marie
Antoinette are •three different •names
- given to the increasingly popular -bell
sbaped dress Sieeved that terminate a tit-
• tle below the -elbow end are completed
by full gathered undereleeves, finished at
the wrists with a narrow bind of. em-
broidery ribbon or silkstrap, edged.with
a line of fine gold. braid. -New York
• Poet. • •.."
, ,
. . ,
Under the new conference regulations ,
Methodist minister 'wiU. be permitted to
remain in one comniunity long enough t�
justifynim in sending for ,his
St. Louis Giobe-Deniocrat,
By the coilferenee's action the time .
limit is entirely removed and the great
Methodhat denomination passes into the
domain of congregationalism, where no
te g Pastorate is
• '
When a than has a reasonable atittui
Tim notch and ,Achioese Have Iletto
enghtinte ainee L440.
Singe the first toreigner, in the persou
of a Dutchman, tended on the island or
Sumatra In 1449 the native Achinese
have combated the ueuridtig of their lend
coot by toot.
.&thoUgh whea tbe Dutb gett e
neve get in the open they invariable beat
them, the War continues in a desultory
-Meitner Way and will only end when
the last native of Sumatra has been hill -
ed in action. The number ot Aeliineee
killed nag never bee* known, but the War
has beena very serlotte drain • on the
Manhood of Holland.- and many ot her
hest 'Irtokliers were killed betyteen the
Owe 1$78 and WO. When the etturgie
•Was very tater. ' •• 0 •
.64We 16Q4, when the Perillatni fittrren- '
dered Armenia to Turkey, the trunterOus
eultans. of turkey haee -never .1/heated
• their • swords In regard to the- totraer,
country, save in the flesh ot the lithithit-'
nit 'the beginning of the' nineteenth*
century. Aigiere fitiallY passed Into the
•tamale of Vritate. • Frota that time till the
preeent tne Frendi nation has allays
. kept an irmy°oorpa tor mit less than
propcir troop, garrisoned there,. to
fight theArabs who Infest the hiutetland
and raid the Preiteh possession0 .atleast
once a year. ••
among these are the Touarege,
who fight with one-half ototheir faces
maskedand fight always to the death or
Victery. Never once. has atonareg been
taken alive. , France menet subdue them,
for, it beaten, ' they nee be the desert,
'Where notrained itnie can tallest the*, .
. • The Winans, who are the scourge of
noroetb, resemble the Tiluarego In that
they Woo take and give no quarter:„ but,
instead -Of liriegJit the' heart ot the lato
hero. Oleo fight trent, „tit* mouutain
fortresses and keep the mitten of 1,14trato!
co In conttnual. dread. •
• TO keen. his iteldiens in good fettle the
sultan ,every year gives at least three
months" • fighting, to them by picking it
quarrel with one of the feudal :hotdent et
thenumieous semibrigand stronghelds.
No one knows orlaert the first blood
feud' beganlo Corsica or wnen the first
. brigand set op shop: Nor • 'can any one
tell when. the .lest. will put up :his shut-
ters, . " .- • ••
• HMI in the time or theRomans the in-
habitant!! were ton busy OgOthig one .
' other te care 'whether a foreign garrimn.
was .leit on the island •or:not. •
▪ Net day goes:by without severallivee
.being •eacrifieed: in the pause :of some• ,
vendetta, exid ats eade life .means the Sae-
rifice In atonement of et -IMO two •more
thee Is hardlyonneoCessietinowlime lite
le not wanted ' by a fella* countryman
and Who in running • away le net ..glao
Chasing IMMO other perion '
auction' permanence in hie peshio.n, . he • •
can do better Work than when he it cen. .•. .
taki that he .will litiOe to nioTe within. a
•*few years. It takes time to adcomplish
. big, resultrooettrooklyn: Eagle. •• .
It Is 'asserted, that the new rule . will be .
a great advantage to the talented minis-
oters of the Church by giving them a'
• cleinM to% build themselves up ln com
enuelties that appMciate their ability and
newer., It wiil Mite the standard of the .
Methodist, Pres,
• . The ;removal of the •tine: lintit.On the
service Of Methodist .clergymen .
• stall• new.era intbat derunnination. For
the Dream*it is .On. experiment. •Bat
doubtless.the.plen Will produce relent" as:
acceptable, tuid. as valuable at have fOh
lowed thettaine Method in Other Chrtstian
Bede. • • •• "
Little Liver Pilis.
•RTiffintitt theara$Ittrtettithit Of -
SM Facetlitalle VVratiper newts .
Watt Mein Wadi *1 00*? .
*take:tilts ,,Mittitta
- rot sEADANE-..
FOR somas.
• rot litlitibUlftlks
0004, sjcuir Au0komb
The increase inthe price of Ice .
Springfield is makipg_ the people very* hot.
-oIllinois Skate 'Iciernii. • •,
It Is gob* to be a terribly :hot Sunnier
IA New Terli, with the prim of ice ad-
vanced 100 per cento-13ostan Herald.
. certainlY looks as if the trust prize
dple was going to be preserved when
they put it on Ice.-Philadelphie Times:
The grip of the icemen Is nOw Upon the
consumer in good earnest., falST the Ice
king teigret oupreme, But tea jest as.
well to keep cool about it.-13oston Globe.
• One of the regulations of the new ice
trust in New York will provide that If the '
housegirl is not ,at bend to receive the
• 10 ent lump it will be pushed under the
door.O-Cincinnati CoMmereial Tribune.
It is ,strange that the ice tritst has net.
hastened to secure fin 'injunet lea. restraiti. ,
Sag the people froth "'elutes,
tect themselves froin the rep.avilo et the
ice trust. 'there are p. ecedents
Cot ouch a manie of itme-Omaha
World -Herald. •.
The designs of too many of the Paris
fair buildings look l•ike millinery instead
of architecture. -St. Louis Globe -Demo-
crat. ' "
The American ,exhibit which is attract-
ing the most attention at the Paris ex-
position , the large round dollar dig.
played by the • American visitor.-Mil-
noiukee Sentinel.
The Paris exposition is makihg a vert
bad start. • The part of it that will etand
without propping Is inclined to take fire
• without ' the elightest provocation.o- St.
, 1401 Glebe-Denlocrat,
The coot of geeing 'everything' en the
• grounds of the Paris exposition is esti-
• mated at $120 to $204. France has evi-
dently started in to make a big stake out
of her big showeo-Minnertpolis Tribune.
• Ws. Potter Palmer says that the Paris
exposition is far !Merlin to the Chicago
World's tido But Mrs. Palmer is a Chi-
cago lady and exPeeta to return home
when her ditties tit the exposition -are at
an end.
!"Skirt linings, if not much worn, may be
made almost fresh as new by washing
and starohing with starch in which there
is a little gum arable: • •,
Articles de luxeof glade, goki, silver,
earthen and other wares pan with safety
be washed with borax solution and their
'brilliancy and delicacy restore&
• Keep a steal!, stiff new toothbrush ese
pecially to clean your fancy glassware;
Dust, •etc., eccuunilate in the pattern,
.and the towel does not remove them. •
• Nature bas just one pigment on her pal -
late with whioh she produces, all the mar-
-venous tints of beauty, and that one pig:
!mantle the blood. The shelflike pink be:
,fteath the finger nails, the delicate rose ,of
the cheek, the cherry ripeness of the 'lips,
the irridescent brilliance of the eyes are all
produced by the blood. Juet•ne -the- per-
manence of a beautiful painting will de -
Pend upon the purity of the colors with
which it is painted, tm the permanence of
beauty depends on the purity of the blood.
Pit,powders and coemetioe won't avail
to preserve beeuty. Beauty begins in the
blood. Dr.,Piereeho Galen Medical Dito
mow it a true beautifier, because it pro-
vides for . nature that pure. blood with
which alone she Ofill paint. Tbe use of tine
medicine will cleanse the thin, heigbten
the complexion, brighten the eyes, and
give to face and form that radiance of
health which is the greatest charm of
beauty. Dr. Pieroe's Pleasant Pellets are
very effective in ridding the system of
ologging•residum, which itommulates with
constipated habit.
AnacOncla recentio paced a mile in 2:07,
-*AN AMUSING INCIDENT THAT EXCITED bus.„„t hait. lou.„1,:(4,fi„at."
t000. 4:41/14, W1411 ue raced in the great
. WeStern coma tlite season.
I A, Mystery That Wile !iterated by si half in 1.:00% in Baltimore recently,
Little Tube, 2:19%, trottiog, paced a
1 Bridal couple, Heightened by an Dan Q etepped a Mile in 2i,103‘ last
' Unembareemed Tonna Nan and Val. fouler in JU iJC!Oiid8. the inner day,
'idled by the Elneky Porter. Agnes Huntington, 222lie, showed e ,
mile at Belmont in 2:28 after ao week**
The bridal Mine boarded the train at togging. i
Suspension ,Bridge. Ile wag a smooth • Governor LeedY, a brother to Sally
faced, well eet up young man, anti she Toler, 2:06%, lute trotted a quarter in 84
was a Stveet, pretty girl of a bride. There seconds.
was a large, very hilarious company of Australia, 2:2014, is being aeasoned at
wedding guests to See them off, and aa Belmont and lute shown tetartere in 86%
the pair struggled from their carriage to seconds.
,the .eteepingrcaothey week. atelest keit to Reylight, the "jersey Lightning,"
• view In ithorme, etoelceioputolonno old enowed A, quarter. in 221/4iteconds the
ehotne Ihreit Ufa denmestratiett WA pot 1 „otheie Any. e .
and pound aroma of rice 'over thenf-attal ; 0 Npuritieo.
down their backs until the •tlatinentilled. .„43eesio R, slitter to PedroIo 2;18i -has it,
out, while the crowd op ;hit platforM colt by •Shedemark whielt hes been hem-
yeung, men follinved thellO to. Weirs, •Petite, Oaks. She is entered in 441,009 worth
conwsiledael joody. et dullerg.uate, and a dozen or ee . ' Oliv.a J. 2. 4, has* a" filly by Ogren
' t2CW
• • ecl Mark Snade. • -
The Young ;Couple stand the ordeal With countY farmers have .re,
great courage, end After tbe trein 'had cerredernore thou $40,000 this spring for
started did PO. well thet totore hang the horeee and Mules
rest of the pesaeugem.in the car left off., b.? Frain( R
wateltingthem end began turning . The largest horse In the 2;i0 lit is re.
orted to ' •
The next morning the interest in thein P t` "dk 'Ody R"
le 1 , , aesa.
• grew again, When. tied:ion, after section ofea;Lams lg
the ear was nide up uutil the bridal' The total number of mules purchased
couple's section stood,. olone with its cur- by ROOM agentin Texas up to date is
tains still drawn,. 1This wns. the state et said to be over 15,000.
thiziga at 8,o'clock, and at 8:80 there had Weed comes from Charter Oak that
- been no change. Nine and• a quarter mt. Sagwa trotted a quarter in 81 seconds
came round; and still there was no sign and an eighth IP 14 *monde.
of life .from the bridal section. When At the Paris exposition 689 medals and.
shortly after half past 0 IA slight, myste- 555,000 .fratice 0111,000Y in 'cash prizes
rious olovement• WM apparentbehind the will be -given in the horse department.
curtains,almost it sigh of relief went up - George Van D,yke is . potting. Early
from the rest of the car. • • ' • Bird, • 210, in condition to duet against
The moyenlent continued; increased,. his owe record. • tie is expected to go
:until suddenly, after au especially violent below 2;08.-tiorsentan. -
agitation of- .the 'curtains, . they parted
sufficiently to ..let a young _roan slip be•
tweet, them' into the lisle: His hair , A MoVBER,18 ,opleftoN,
was rumpled and his coat collar turned
up, and he carried a 'tramline bag, and Mrs J. Snelling, .1:Infierwood, Onto ittys
be donned in the washroom., As the orm Syrup in her family for the past
Wbit one has used. Dr. .Low's •Pleasent
various articles of wearieg apparel to
young man berried forward he seemed
somewhat puzzled by the almost smiling
interest :or the rest .of the ear, but; of
embarrassment heshowed net a trace.
. When he had disappeared, the car' tido
tied itself to await the egress of the
bride. But if slut was ebotif to make
her appearance she showed no sighs' of it.
Neither sontad nee Motion was discerni-
ble from themecesses behind the cuttaind.
In a little 'while the young -man • mine
bath showing the freshened, effect . of
Cold Witter and hairbrushes and Inoeed
the bottom Of the cuetains aside suffi-
ciently to shora his bag under the berth.
Ale 42 rose to his feet agent the ear taw
that' he was looking down •reflectively
the cargo of rice which covered the floor.
He gentinged to regard It for some time;
fixedly. Then he raised his eyes and sur -
*eyed the car, tliere was more or less
•unsuppressed smile on every. time, bht
the young -man stili. showed no eother..
regiment. 11i8 eyes traveled dawn One ,
. •
side and 'back the other, and they were: r " • •
filled (MIT with a Calm. thoughtfulness. • SpavinsAlingiioneSFSWIffits
Then he arranged the folds of the heavy . • . cupOS, and AU Forms: Or
curtains OVIth elaborate solicitude and Lameness YieId to
fillallY went forward again ,and -whisper- _
ed something to the Porter.. The car, .to
would probahlphave gladly
paid donble fare to have beard those halt
dozen, whispered words. The Pretty mys-
tery Was assuming .proportions. But the
porter only mid, "Yes,. sub." And then
the youngman went over and sat 'down
gravely In an end seat from where he
looked emetic ihto the face of every soul
in the ear. • • • ' -•
By this time If was no longer Interest
that nidTed the nimates of the car. It 7 4
was palpitation of the heart. The oir• Worsemeirdsaa saMs sluisallii,pEttrbr he
bed breen nridmorseinerf everywhere. e e. lii; abc
was edge with. expectation.' :It seemed- &woo; A" ri4 liniment for fionitruse h Aged,
eertainothat the- bride meet now make i5it..,.0.-xitiOgoAeritier(Tom.ei DritatiOr c'ark. erree.14;181!ik
her appearance. , gootszset.rnifteo.oykeahrimairtithadviototerliquaabt7leshnorgreeeown .whihoeo.0
The next • moment 'the porter . came
pronclunted it Ocean Spnvin and gave me' little hope,
down the aisle '
sle tower& the bridal section. ,dthough he applied a sharp blister. This made Matters '
only worse apdnite horse became so lanie that it could .
He was n fat and very black porter. For
an not statid Atter trying everything in my power
blatant be paused before the talent went 10 a neighbor and told hint about the CAsti.liettave
• me one of your books and I atudied it Carefully and be.
enrLaznn.Then a thrill of horror ran int; resolved to der the Uttnost in favor of inybeast, went
wtharoutgoh :4E/
't.faer*.eta,"W'aietviterivraiolneewnifgt7Mt.haif tfoortel tb :nee flaret i
' (lure& d ap strictly according to directions. Bo.'
bOttle waif used I noticetran impferVernerit,
drug atore and gots, bottle of yeUrlipaviir
inmate he had . pulled the curtains wide haedttee treweltetobeemropeuetnetio After
apart and was themplug and 'nulling, it bwel
oon ben: or
horse.goodcare and did some light veorlc with him,Wild14
ave the
something . within!: Another instant and Mg to waif it had effected a °urea then started to work
horror' had given way' to amazement, for thp hOr0e,harct and, to my entire satiisfaCtion. be nobler'
the inside Of the berth, ifiamediately be-
came visible to all who cared to see. The
porter was making up the eectioe. The
bride had traniehedl
The car turned.,11Wiftly to. the hapless
bridegroom on the 'trent Seat. An expres-
sion of Arcadian eireplicity rested on his
A fevr momenta; later the potter start-
ed toward Iiie linmeelmet, but half Way
down the aide he was held up by half a
dozen male . passengere With wonder
stricken facts.
"What has become of the bride?"' they
demanded. . • •
The porter scratched his head and look-
ed at them uncomprehendingly. Then he
showed his teeth In a grin. • .
"Oh, the bridal couple Vat got on at
Suspension Bridge?" be said, "They
lone left the train late last , night. They
dint' have their motion Made up. That
genunan down In front of the car he had
upper nee; 'n' be kleked fib I' ,thiffed hint
ever soon as the bridal couple bit." •
The car turned again toward the young
Men on the front Reit. The expreesioa
of. Axcadianosimplicity Was still With
him. But for the first time Woes hid
tam there. gliminered it taint, thoughtful
The half dozen Male passengers and
the porter held a Moment's consultation
In the addle of the tatt. '['lien they came
forward, and one • of their number said
'something in a low *dm to the young
toith on the front seat. no young Man
rose to his feet still =Ohl thotightfelly.
"I see," he said so,ftly. "I don't care if
AS the crowd Med toward the btiffet
car some one in the rear of the procession
began to whistle Mendelssohn's "Wed.
ding March." Then tbe oasseurters in the
seats began to laugh,
A. hat d • •
waye England is causing
numerous sunstrokes and prostrations.
In London the thermometer registered
at noon Thursday 129 degrees in the
bun and $8 in the shade,
Can be used externally and taken internal-
ly. It curee cuts, berm, bruins, oontraot-
'ed cords, stiff joints, painful swellinge,
quinsy, acre throat. eta. It is * regular
family medicine chest. °Price 260.
W, F. Fenton, of Beeton, Was stand -
111g• in the office of theGlobe
lingweiod, when suddenly ha sank on
his loneee, and before medical aid could
he secured he was dead. Heart failure
is given as the cause.
Lia2a.layer Pine cure 13ilioustiess, . Sick
Headaches, Dyspepsia, Sour Stomach,
Water Brash, Sallow Complexion,. eto.
They do not gripe, weliken or sicken.
Small end easy to take. Price 260, .
The Canadian Pacific Railway has
notified- the Imperial authorities that
It is prepared to transport from Qtiebee
to Hong Hong as lames, body of troops
'as the latter considers necessary to
send to the seat of the preeent struggle
in China. -
• ."'Voti are in the last etages of Conlitonh-
PITH AND POINT, tion and otinnot live more then t month,
When a man. plans a wicked thing.
circumstances , all shape thetnselvesto
moist him in doing it.
We are forced to respect some temple
who have been in jail more than at lot ol
people who have never been there.
If you feel that you must moist:malty
yield to the tempt:Olen to tell a lie, tell
one go big that no oue will believe it.
So many of the new novela have an
immoral tendene,v that people are :memo
Ing about thetn instead of their neigh.
bort •
Look on the bright side. If a baby
arrives at yotir Weise. it means that you
will have no More trouble in finding safe•
ty pins.
• It is a pity that every one hasn't the
Privilege enjoyed by a lawyer Of wilding
In a bill to those veno insist upon Whig
ida their troublel.e*Atehiliell Gleba.
meituesok••••••••••11•Iii• •••441•10101011•,•0•0
For 1.11‘tht0t mks mistime
Ai floe
Were the words of doom heard by Mrs
Ems Richardson, of Laurel Springs, N. 0„
from her &atom, "but the began to Wet
„ Dr. Ring's New DisoOrery" writes R. L.
YDanghtoti, of Met pleoe, "and Vali wholly
cured by it. She is now a stout, well wo.
. man," Wit the supreme oure for deeperate
diseases thrtlet and woo. Infallible
for CofIghs, Colds, Bronthitle, Asthma,
Croup, Whooping Cough. Guaranteed bet -
thea 60o. and $1.00. Trial battles free at
ali'drug stores,
• le well to make °Mice Of a coMpekeit
twa owned, druggiet to *hem yon can
take your dootor'S prescriptions and orders,
A oorreotly prescription with
pure drugs hits rata& to do with the Wile
sgainit stoktledi. We dispense &Mot and
inedioinet *lording to the Most approved
modern 111db:idea,
,HATtersta Clamart Ocatrotam
• is the wonder of the mania, for the mire of
the common ills of life. Thousands of let-
from Cattatideht beet people give Mid.
mote Of the mighty power of Paine's Celery
tomnoundever dittetele. If you are deep.
netentia, destidident, Weak or run.
down, One beide of Paint* Celery Coto.
pound will do good wotIsforyou, oell
the kind *het cote, J. ROVV, drug,.
gist,Olinion, Out
Oht years,and, she knows nothing to good
'or children who suffer from wormy
Mr M. V. McItin.es, Conadian Gov et -
'lament agent, has just shipped 40 ser -
lees and thr(e carloads of at ock and eft.
e te4 oat h biotin to western Canada.
We, the undersigned, do hereby 'sgreo to
refund tbe money on a twenty fire mot
cede of Dr. Wille' ..kalglisit Pills, if, after
esipg three-fourths of °entente of bottle,
Lilo do not relieve Constipation and. Head.
aohe. We also warrant that four bottles
oill permanently cure themost °licentiate -
•ouie,of C notipation. Satiefaction or ite
:,ay when Wies' Eoglieh.Ptile are used,
H. Centhe, Chemist it Druggist, Olin -
ten ; J. E. Hovey. Disponsieg Chemist,
()Unto!): Watts & Co.; Drugs and Medicines,
Clinton ; Sydney Jackson, Druggist, Ctiti•
"I despise a person who whistlee," said
hfr. Blykins. • "Wehave one in our ofilee.
and he worriee Me tilmeit to death."
"flaVelet Sett an ear for music?"
"Of course 1 hate. There's the diet,
culty. Whenever 1 happen to be whis-
tling to mytelf, he Invariably takes one
the same tune and drowns nie 01AP-4w
Washington Star. ,
Thiry ttert6t•speenc Now..
"When I inerrY," said the rank tf:,_
Knot of adtranced Memo' "I 114,1111 i f"
upofl my husband taking My name."
• would, too," replied the demur.
young WOMap promptly, "if 1 expected
to gat that sort of a man."--ChicaSs
Pout. .
It is reported in London that. at the
tvvannation of the War its South Attica
RI Oht HMI, Sir George Goldie will be
appointedeevertior of tbeCapeColony,
Hie Alfred Milner, tehb USW holds both
the Governorehip and the High (iom-
i a sionerehip, retaining the )attar et.
Oilleifil crop mortis. from all parts of
Canada are not *oryfikvor•ihio,
Tells How Milburn's Heart and
Nerve Pills Cured •Fier Ner.
VOUS Troubles and Strength.'• R°44:EITT4FLUI`11). :12,r00:(46000
ened tier Weak System,
July 20, MC
The .19olsons Bank
Incorporated bv Act of Parliament 1886
. WM, MOWN MAosiniasoxf Pregident
Mipairies Heart and Nerve Pine are en
F. Wooneszee Tnottos, Gen. Manager
Notes discounted, Collections made, Valhi
leaned, Sterling and American exchange
bought and sold. Intereet ;glowed on dee
posits. Somas Rae- Interest allowed on
sums of 1)1 and up. Money Advanced to
farmers on tbeir ownonote, with one On
• more endorsers. Ne'mortgage required
•al, .0, Ella% Musser. Clinton
• inestimable boon to anyone suffering from
any disease or Clerlirlipinent cif the heart
or nerves Orwhose blood is thin and watery.
Mrs. E. Horning, of al is George Street,
Ont., is one of thosewhose experi,
ence with thie retnedy is well worth con-
eideritig. •
It is as follows to -0 am pleased to re -
outfaced Milburas Heart Milt NereetPills
to erlymet stiffering from nolo.: treubboinot.
• nuttier how severe or ofhow king standing.
4'Per yeers my nerves have been in a -
ttoinly weak eondition, °bet Unborn's- GA itz
Geary's Pharmacy, • have strengthened,. . ItAXICHR
• them greatly and invigorated my system;
leaving me no excuse for not making known "
their virtues. ,AL BERT ST.,• -• OLIZsITON
"1 cannot refrain from recom• mending
, these pails to all sufferers Lae a splendid cure A, general 'Banking Business
• for nervousness and weakness," • • transac tett
WV"Wete"464"1641M.W.Alft`• KEEP OR BARD
• Tigki0E IS NO IMO paiii SR
. .
asahlTs. .
"Klondike Gold Fields," a argeohean, vain,
able book, selling like a whirlwind, Beautiful
proopeetus twenty-five cents. Books on Urea,
BRA,may.,0,A bnalTSON 001170=DMTED
' . neENTs
• - "The best life of Rer Majesty I have seen,
rietzla fgarflc. Lorne l fibcrattdogeen Victoria."
•Fere geptitee moner-making. position ; no
books, insurar±ee, Crlake scheme ; every house
oustoraa,r. Particulars free. Write today
TFI el F. B.KAIIN CO., 132 Victoria street, :To-
ronto. Canada. • Feb 23713
?t--- -
No experience neeemsary. Permanept posi-
tion. • Liberal terms. Pay weekly. Stock
eomplete with fast selling speeiaities, incandieg
seed Wheat, Corn. Potatoes, &a, OUTFIT
11.. Secure terr tory now. rite ,
• BROW* agog. (X)..
Nacurrymen, Brown's NurseriesP.O., Ont,,
Ang.24-tf • ; •
011,NTS - Book business Is better than or
--35 years past;also have better aud faster saltine
books. Agmts clear from $10 to SRO wechlY.
few leaders are: "Queen Victoria, "Life of Mr
Gladstone," "My Mother's Bible Stories," "PrO-
gressive Speaker. ' "Klondike Gold.rields,""Wo.
man," "Glimpses of the Uns on. "Breakfast
Dinner and Supper," • Canada, . Ono -dome
dia." Books on 1,1me. OntAts free to canvassers
Toronto _
Drafts Flatted. Interest al ewc d on
• 13AM:0R,
Advencee Made to farmers on their Own
notes at low rates of interest. •
A general Banking Business tranettoted
Interest allowed on deposits.
• Sale Notes beught *
• $eed Corn, seven •varieties, &Oar
Bad, Mangoide, TO ipe, and. all, varieties'
of reeds required for fit Id or garden roe.
Beate; flour always on hand, and geared
mill teed. o• ••••••
WM. - DUNCAN, Clinton.
Licenimi Ataitioneer,
Oats Wanted
• .
allowed any more lameness' throngh ha wholeaummen,
Icftil rdeditunend Kendall`e Bowfin Qv° not only as an• • • . - • .
excellent; but as a sure rerned3r,to any one that 17 may
Concern: Yours truly, SAMUEL TRITT;CN•. , •
4A Treidise off the Horse " the book ftee, addreill I till
• .
Aekyour druggist for Keudalro ['perdu Cure, Moo
110 for 10 Cents
toe book contains. ono hundred lild
tan of the best humorouS recitation',
embracingtho Negro, Yankee. Welland
Dutch dialects, both in Prose and verse.
ei Wen as humorous maw:dhow; of
every kind and chtituctilk P:soti
bo�k altctsiovoleec ities !Or onf;teNenta.
atortireton 41VdficlEsenue
•DETronsesS. 'llutontoevian.
• 4tAll nuteoplirM sOoo"
• When you hire a. wheel
from the Bicycle Livery
loot; at the tires. •
*.lf they are Dunlop Tires .
,then 'you. can rest assured
the wheel has p, good pedi-
gree in its every part.
• Dunlop Tires on all good
• wheels.
" The only tOole."
• The Dunlop TireCo., Limited,
SontreAl, Winnipeg. St..lotuu
leolubsertWir111nrepa5ed tO promptioffit 111 or•
dere for Wood' or Coal, 'which will be sold at
lowtesCrges, OffittefiaLuthe Street, itt LAMS
,Chirfeetettirtiid if we fail. Any one gendlog
liketCh and. description, bf any invention will
promptly -receive -our -opinion free -concerning
the patentability of seine. "How to obtain a
Patent" sent upon` request. Patents secured
. through us advertised for sale at •.'A fr expense._
• Patents taken out through us receive vadat
, riptide, without charge, in Tun Parnser airgOltns
an illustrated and widely circulated .journal,
. consulted, b yllanufacturere and Investors. ,
Bend for sample copy FREE. Addrese,
• VICTOR J. EVANS et 00.
" (Patent eltterneys,)
Dais Building. VirAPHINGTON.
Oats wanted in exchange for Oet
meal and the beat Flour 'in the merke
as follows
11 llas Oatmeal for 1 bushel O&M
15 lbs' Pinny (Manitoba Mixed)
for 1, Bushel Oats.
Silverware Given Away.
Every purchaser, anything th tt we sell,
be the &monist small or large, gee a coupon
and when a certain number is received the
holder will be -entitled to a piece of Silver-
ware of their own •choosing. Come and
set the Silverware. . •
, 0, OLSON.
Good Butter and Emit wanted. -•••
• 0!'
• Wealcand Impure Blood,
Liver glib Kidney Diseases,
Female Cott:plaints, Etc.
•Sat DM Iiski or writs diroot to:
Goderioh, Ont.
• The steady inereabe in our trade le good proof of the feat that One goods 'are righ
out prime lower than those of other dealers in the trade.
We menafaoture furniture on it large more and can afford to sell &esp. If yote'butt
fronette, wa save for you the profit, whioh, in other oases, haa to be added in for
the retail dealer.
Thie week we hays vetoed into stook some ot our nevedesigne. Spaoe :will not perm
us to quote prime, but come and see for youraelf what snaps we have to offer.
Itementher-owe are determined that our prime shall be the lowest in the trado
• In this department our etre% ie complete, and we have undoubtedly the beet tuner*
outfit in the county. Our priest, are as low se the loweet. •'
.1. W. Chi.dley
manager .
TI -1!E VA Olt DIP
For Tryeitty-seireit Years
• P. B. -Night and Sunday calls attended to by calling Ott j. W. Chidletoe, (Fetters
Director) residence
iiirTuin user
EtWiltir leiltateers CAlailda 1:15xlitirgdfanPlaglire al.etlillidrat ire • :t
opid sr PAW Ink* Pht 'free, and lend !midriffs"' of Itikr
pariabalds Porntine 5.tali fifr uf If sou osa. Muni weld, return inerify
a.1Ors Ton 1Fres• _iambs of a krawily plated Ohile Prriletea •.• V '
Losic aid Ian et. 5,1j4Pad bolos, Dirlintay mit -
awd we sod priNS*104Pit *OW or_ lie& Writ.ioday. To:‘, the netting, aer **pay sae di* mom
Orairril"""1,21adk naltiWirer09141:0444 lard lerging=111111103
TOILET goods
• Dainty Gilts tor both Lodi**
Odd odu-Otor Y611110 or Old
• Aaireiremememoesimimme
Oise Perfumes if you'd plow the 611
sex. The choicest kinds are here.ttAlt the
famous makea-all the desirable odors
ittaleeny kiude put up in opeolelly ASSIMOk,
tive„Ohristmas packages.
Our assortment Of„rine 11air Ilt'lls 00.
Idilitert Brushes. Mirrors, iVitbake,, M.
ebony and bandeome woods, it the moo.
°obviate in the town. And the mosiinter.
eating pert ha yeti hi that prices ere tar hew
iovr what yotte 'been itotagitomed to pal
for 1111:04r artielea eleewhere.
Hi EL COWMEN ()MOW Pruggist