HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-07-20, Page 1er vrt 0000;040nd th0 New Era to your friend*. • ilfelfeatetthaaYaNetaY-YeNtifafeterWelteahatteireal liodusrgtruMusufg. I as_ , inton 4161kr. reaks Ie• may home little breake ere cenualog daily. May be • • •arable Silverware, * Rings, Pins, Brooches. Watches or Clocks, • -4C - • -0( Whatever it is we're amine it shall ' -4( come our wee. al We mak snob things in se, slab- ' , factory menner. 0 h ' nr o arges are moderate - on ee services prompt. * Whether lerge or small it receives ec all the ,attention it requires, ',ass . • We are Leaders in our Line. B. CREWS, Jeweler EspertWatchRepairer And Optic), an -Tnekersmitb Ktrzatn, -Curing a thunderstorm laet week a heifer, beloeging to Mr = Pickett, whicli hap:rotted to he on T1 Moore' r farm, Loo on road,was etrnek by lightning and killed. ' Clime= Noans,-Rev. Dr. Gifford took (Marge of the prayer Meeting = here on Thursday evening last. Woh Herten •of Seaforth, addressed the League on Sunday el/Oiling last and. Revs a very interesting as well as fitable active's; the "Good -Neighbor" being the subject ; next Sunday, Mrs i T. Livingston, of Alma, will take the meeting, , • • • VisiTrNO. Misses Evelyn and Emily 'Turner are spendingtheir holi- days visting friepds here. Mr and Mrs Wm. akolnaes, of Lucknow, visit- ed friends -here last week. Miss Mary O'Brien is visiting friends in Hullett, .Mies Jennie Grant .and Miss Sarah Nott, of London Road, purpose lefty. ins this week :on It trip to Algonaa. Mrs J. Townsend, of Clinton, is spend- ing a few days With her daughter, Mrs Ira johns, V. Nott event the "gloriourel2th" in Seaforth. Chas. Layton -called on Me Barley, uf Sea - forth, recently, to have a look at grime of his prize fowl; Charley is getting to beeleite a fowl fancier, • • OLINTON. ONTARIO, JULY 20, -1900, ODOENS' MIDSUMMER BAROAIN DAYS Thursday,, Friday& Saturday, ritampip,A2 seePoneouv.i.TZ4w— • • *****401401444~4.***-140WPF Stanley. • 150ontilier. •.•„ •••. • Londeshoro. _Mr,fl Taylor and daugh- NOans.-fla,ating is done, there waft Noalts.-Dr. Walker left yeeterday ter and Mrs H. Olmetead and dough. a gooa cro this yea,r. Pales Mary Soy. for Wisconsin. Miss Leu Outer:tette • )PPPAPPOPPPI~PPPPPF*VP#44 , 1 The beet adsartiaitte MOM* in this *WWII. 4f-14142PP(4)Pf444-11-1PP~Ms****0 Additional Local News. • OinninDa# OPSRATIOR.-The folloW- ing refers to an operation perforated by Dr. Dewar, of Windsor, a cousin of Mrs joules Fair, jr., of town :-Dr. P WAe” ele.wAubPoeertralrily4eeecirTal e-Ttehraetttlitielertte nose was broken said practically fiat - tend. ' The doetor4 has iaseetett an Ivory bridge in the place of the bone so badly smitehed,and there is every promise that the operation will De a success. This feat has been performed ter, of Sault St Marie, are visiting aa 1 der spent uoday last at the home of and Mr McLeod wheeled up from St. two or three times in Europe and once their cousin's, Mrs Robe Pearson, and I T, Fisher. There wree a poor crop of Marcrven Friday. Miss Lawrie, Young in Detroit. TI Mester Harbly Watts, of Clinton, is cherries this Yettra 'lifr and Mrs Jesse an W: Lyon drove to. Dungannon , spending part of his holiday') with his I Snyder were visiting at the home of on Saturday, and were the ;wets of , PI -manna PRESti Eiacis OR PRATO.- er GePearson. Miss- them daughter, . lara a, Teehote, mars Miss j. Rick over Sunday. Mrs Oliver RED Pewee- "All eall of are uot Of •Ga ah E ft id is t present visiting Stevens, of. Loneeseoro. was visiting has had her brother visiting her daring r e freshest " which e brought into •V -Y ; elver year tra eavanoe• t ;Los when not so paid, r Mil the Mg. . . Our Perils Green le guaranteed to kill the big blue ea wefl air the ;little o�.If s went a sure preparation to kW friencl, Mastorge R, this Season's. potato rele,tives in Port Dover. leobt. Reid, Miss Emma j. Long's new 0 a the past • eek. Mr Pearce, of Lendon, 'town, partic ularly tbis taut) of, the bugs secure some of B. .A.., and wife and child, of Ridge. isolate is rogreasing. We ave pleased was lu the village oil Tuella:14 mise .1 ear' It Was quit° Mrident at 3.- Wr• town are at resent visiting the form. to hear t A. Good is recovering, • Ouimette entertained a lo of Blyth • reall'e grocery the other day. It our pure Englioli er's b'rotber, s WeReld. Mr anci Mrs FATAL yr" friends on Monday evening., Mrs Me. keeps the merchants on the look out a-Oen:owls.- ye e are sorry to e Paris Green. 25e • Bessons, of Stratford. are visiting state that the Itttle two and a, half year Kenzie, of Belgram formerly of this hen handling, to watch for tainted 'friends in this vicinity. Herd Broe. old dan lifer of Hen Me d place, is slatting her Wends here this Nit and while doing this Walter Ir. Saturday last. Rer naother had -a. per pound. raised J. W. Reicl's barn last Friday. ea on g rY w w" drown- week; she has recovered from her ac. la came acisoss one which had a 2ap arm 3nri Nowns.-Mrs Gra- Just returned from visiting a neighbor cident. The pulpit of the Levesbyterlan win to it. Laying it wade in the ham, of Park Hill, is visiting at Mrs D. and the child Was miesedonly ov a church was occupied on Sunday bY 4Uu. next day out came the youngster, L fi d 'I 'S‘ h the sun havin been u, natural incubi.; ea aye a r en of r 8,1131 ton , • SYDNEY JACKSON'S Praser's at present. Miss Simmons, of few minutes when on locating.. around ;rave a, verv oed sermon. r; it. tor. Mr•Irwin buys all the fresh • eggs •Prescription Graham e.- Master ohn a Ram- .short space of time her little girl had iled that in that • -- g• h II h' k ilton, is spendiag his summer ho idrs strayed away' and .had been drowned . _ Toronto is spendin a, few da at W. she was horrified to1 clerk at the Eost office, who has been he can irt bat draws t e ne at c - The races in Seaforth attracted a few s 0 NT s.•v-v-,ppows9PPPPPPPPPPF-W14411-** with his grandmother, Mrs John Mc- in a pail containing but a few inches • : Summerhill. Cowin. Mr Andrews of London is of water. The child must have fallen alter visiting at Mcelowan's, ltirs E, in headforemost and, owing to. her Ow/Rom -p. Hove yof Ojint,on,affaiia' Latta, of Londoreand Mies Robbamese, feeble strength was unable to extricate supplied for Rev. E. B. Smith tin Sun- day last and preached a very fine prate. of New York, are this week- visiting herself -that is the only explanation at M.. alcla wen's. Mr Fraser, teacher that can be given fOe the sail occur - tical m01139,131, -- ---7,----- - --7-- ---- - -frem-Turnberry; was visit -Inv' old ac. rence. The ;flan -14's cries brought Sea- STRUCK,-. The barn of Charles quaints,nces during the latter part Of eral neighbors to he scene, and med- Lovett was struck by lightning and last week; he was the guest of 13. Mc- ical aid was summoned immediately, badly dameged lately. It was fortun- Tavish. A. Innes raised a new barn hut to no avail; for life was,. extinct. ate 'that no hay Was ill it or it, might yesterday. The funeral, which took piece the fol - have been destroyed. It was insured „lowing day, was largely attended, and In the MaKillop Mutual Company, Jas. - ' Seaforth . the family have the !sympathy of the Connolly adjusting the loss. . e , t , • , twohacvileearnitg.hborhood in their Bed NOTEEI.-Miss R tit 9 tlkeld Goderieb be- -NOTES. -Mr Lindsay's new house is returned *home after a short visit with fast nearing completion, aud when fin. Mrs J. Best. • W. Eliott, Gioderich, was - ished will be a. haridsorne and comfort- for a few day e at the home of Mr Mc. , . endetalalla. able dwelling. A good deal of the hay Dougall Egnaondville. Miss Beatriee • is now h us a it number P h 'el T d t I IsIcKeR8.-The steamer Saturn, with lighttliouse supplies, arrived in -port on Mondav night, after delivering her -goodkat this pork she shipped ,a quan- tity of freight for lake Superior and left for Kincardine. The, steamer St. Andrew with 3,800 bushels of wheat - for ,Richardson's elevator, arrived in port from Port William on Monday evening, -unloaded and left for Port Arthur. Mayor Wilson has opened his new dreg store, which is one of the . hest fitted., up Acmes in Western Ontar- io. Goderich is now alive with sum- mer visitors. and the lake shore resorts and Point Farm aucl:Menesetung Park are filling pp rapidly.. The diver intro- duced a few days' since toatccate . the obstructions in the harbor, is doing work, for already three scorelogs.have. been faisetafrom thecheamel all vessels take when en route to the elevators. A show described as "The Pulls" had ,s, good a,wlie ,aa in Victoria hall lasteven- ang; the. 111 of fare was; chiefly mes- merismaad those present say it was excellent The ' new tug. Edna Man left last week for Gore Bay. On Fri- day last a raft coin hinine 0,000,000 feet of Jogs broke up about 50 miles north - cast of this port, and -large numbers of the logs are coming ashore, on Tuesday a Port Huron trig' bacuaht in a part of theboom. W. Tye, W. M., of Mait- land Lodge, left Tuesday morning to - attend the annual session of the Grand Lodge, A. 80-A. ale in London, which opens that day. The schaonerIsabella. -from Olevelamd, with 600 tons of Coal -for F. B Elolines arrived Saturday evening, The steamer Sts, Andrew with 3$,000 bushels of wheat Trout Fort William for Richardson's elevator, en- tered, port on Monday. - • Alma NcYTE8.--Illies Lily Butt, of Summer- hill, was Om_ guest, of Mrs McMichael last week. Mrs S. Bennett of Wing - ham, spent a ccuple of days last week with friends here. Mrs Adarn Scott returned home last week,. after spend- ing a couple of weeks with friends in Bruesels. John Bennett and daugh- ter Minnie, of Walton, spent Sunday with, relatives here. Mies Maggie Henderson. who has been on the sick list fora oouple of weeks, is,t we are to say, improving. Mrs George Dale spent Sunday last with her daughter, Mrs Campbeti, of McKillop. Car- ter and •his sister Emma sent Sun- day with friends in Goderich town- ship. Quite a number of young p00-. ale took in the eodial at Constance on Friday evening list. St. Augustine. pleaeltw event tOok place on Tuesday evening of last week when Eliza, daughter of 0 Robb, was united in matrimony to Vit''m Milner,of this place. The happy °oriole went to their new latinle the next day, carrying with them the beab 'wishes of their many friends.' NOTES.--Mis0 Bintria Craig, Or De. , trek. is at present the guest of her brother, 3'. Craig, of this' place. Miss M. Martin has returned after a long visit With friends in Montreal, Miss A.. -.Tones, of Clinton. assisted the St. Aug- ustine choir oil Sunday last. Miss S. Craig IB at preSeut very sick; we hope soon to hear of her speedy recovery. Mee Mac Lo :Marr, of Chicago, is the guest of her cousin, MPS Robison, of Prosperity. • Eze • 0 eandqu e a nu of unc ealeft.on ues ay o Visit fields of wheat cut. C. A.Tebbutt was sister in London. While two ladies in the village' on Saturday lea. John were driving down, Main street oil Lovett and Dr 'Ball, of Clinton, left on Thursday, the horse took •fright. and . .Pridaylaatfor a trip through Manitoba, ran over two lade, Frank Wright and , PICNIC. -On Wednesday the Sunday Robinson McLeen; both were .slightly School of Battenbary :St. church,. olio, .hurt. A •severe storm occurred on ton, held -theft annual picnic in Geo. Tuesday afternoonswith hail and Very Hill'sgrove heside the Maitland's bonny. high wind, and made the race track banks. Rigs were run frcnn Clinton% unfit for use after two, heat!). . and return. All seemed to eniesetbern- lit- selves to the fullest measure. ThisGoa Boarestrin,-An inter-0E310A place:is becoming quite noted for 'visit- Ile story eomes teem Seaforth. Little Henry, the eight year old eon of • Beg.: ing I:lignites/id will soon be ranking' with Bayfield as a summer resort if we F. al Larkin,'lately .oilled to Seafertli, got hometacktor Chatharn,and .onis day had the cottage, boats, &c. . ' , • while his father- was, away and. his Intended for lest week. Mother down town, he got his father's NOTES. -Miss B. lliellveen, of Cline wheel and started to ride• to that city. ten, visited her uncle, P, Mctiveen - He reached Rensall, about la miles dis- Miss Minnie Wallace, ofClinton, is vis- tatitfrOM Seaforth. There he wentin- Bing her sister, Mrs Woodyard, S. .F1, to a. farmers to stay all night, Henry Lowery spent a few days in Blyth last told the farmer who he was and that week. Mr Cousins is building a silo for s he was wheeling to. Chatham to see it Geo. Hill. Meg Summers and Mrs. nice mails a 'friend of hie, named _Ken - Brownlee, Seaforth, called on friends: lieth Urquhart, The 'farmer thought on Sunday. : . a . that the distance was too long for the • "a " littlefehOWter whiel,and. Cinumnaie.4- ., et:World' Tot/motility. ed with his parents. Mt and Mrs Lar- kin had been.searching high and low LEAGC11.-A. T. Cooper, Clanton, ad- . for Hem y, and the farmer's rnesSage dressed the League at Cole's last !Sun- relieved them greatly. • Henry return - day evening. Next' Sunday Mr Harry ed to.Seaforth in the morning. , Carter and his daughters,. of Tucker- e. smith,. vvilatake charge of the meeting. ' riortSoNAL.---kiss 11'..McDouga,11.Eg- and will render IMMO beautiful music mondyille, returned home from Nova on the violins; evarybody welcome: Scotia last week. 'arts. MeKtilleV• teacher in Parkhill, and Jas. Brownlee, CUT IT ANYWA.X.-A. certain farmer teacher in Stratford, are home for va- of thistosynship had ne mower with cation. Miss Richardson, ,Walkeetan, which to cut his hay crop, and for is the guest of D. D. Wilson. Miss reesons of his oven did not care buy Woods, of Toronto', who has been 'the one, rei he determined to tut it with guest of her uncle, Mit Cash,of Rm. hie etilf-hinder, which be did to his per- borough, has returned honse. The feet satisfaction. It ratist be e good Misses .Milis, of Guelph, are the guests Machine that . will answer either for of D. D.Wilson. Miss Lynch is spend - tutting hay or grain. • . ' ing her holidays at her borne in Ilamil. SALE. -The auction sale last Satur. ton. • Miss Smith and Miss Ella Smith, . , day on the premises of the late Thos. `To Hamilton, are the guests of Mrs Smith, Miss Young is visiting -friends Cook was well attended; John Stewart bought the wheat and barley, 1.5 acres in Ramilton. =Dr. and Mrs Tweddle in all, and Peter Cole bought 20 acres are visiting the latteas parente,Mr and Miss Alice Patter - of oate; theseisentlemen are likely try- ' Mrs D. A ii,.VilFon• , Mg to fill them large new borne, and so an Miss a y, 0 Stratford,s re we believe their granaries will he over. visiting their friend, Miss Jessie van - stone. Miss Ada Beattie is Visiting flowing. The farm was not sold. NOTES. -Chas. Tebbutt Sundayed friends It Niagara Falls. Rev. Rural • with Mende on theBayfleld line. ,Mifel 00alri.tiodgins left Tuesday, for a three Mabel (Muff, Clinton, spent Sunday months' trip to Carbery, Man. • Geo. with her cousin, Mary Cluff, B. line.- .K,illorianavho has been teaching school While using the hay -fork the other, near Uornwallt returned home for his day; John Muff was struck on the back sunarnei vacation Me and Mrs Bacon by a pulley which broke, knocking - are the guests of Mrs F. Case at Maple him about 10 feet; hewever, he is still Hall. Mr and Mrs Wm. Pickard and doing his week. kliSS CIA Toronto farnily leave -rhursday• for their camp has been rusticating at John Cluffq) at Bayfleid. Miss May Duncateatinilph, and eleewhere. A targe crowd of loyal is the guest of her friend, Miss Maude Orangemen and others attended the 'Fowler. Mies Alma Reid, Wellapd, is celebration in Seaforth on i he glorious visiting in town: Chas. Stewart, of 12th of Old Ireland, Sohn Beacom losb New lamer, is visitinv hie father, John a valuable calf the other day by its Stewart-. Miss A. Beattie is the guest of friends in Etariallton. Miss Rartry cutting holt on a scythe which Was hanging in the orchard. The beautiful is errendinghea holidays in Belgeitve. rains that have fallen this week are Mrs F. R. Larkin and. governess are making the toga fanners smile ana, visiting their old home in Chat - laugh with glee. We are glad to learn : haul. • 'Mrs Hick returned Tues. that Councillor Middleton's . youngest day from Toronto, Where she has heed son, Bert, Who was dangerously iii nursing her daughter, Miss Minnie some time age, has taken a turn for i Melo. Mr" Helfman • and her scin. the better; this will relieve their anx- Percy are. the guests of Mee M. Y. Me - church missionitryr -preached-vary ac, IS Visiting her Parents.. Mr and ri D: ceptably last Sunday at the house of ,: Donovan' Alex. Bethune, clerk in the josephazzard. There is eome talk of flolmesville. Som -The Yuri() Make of cheese of this factory was shipped from Clinton' last week. The price realized was th cents. Ballantyne, of Stratford,' was the buyer. . Nmeas.--T. C. Pickard and D. laror. iter spent Sundayin Varna,. &Miller, ,of Stsfle.ens, with his 'neither and sis- ter, of Toronto, spent a fea, days at A. .T. Oourtice's the past week. A 'Will- son . attended the Seaforth races on Tuesday, Geo. Huller has been some-. what Indisposed the last tew days; we hope to see him 'around again soon. Suconesants Once more is our school to the front. At the recent en- trance examination four of the five who passed were successful. This re- flects great credit on the teacher; Mr Treweitha, and the scholarreand more- • so on account of the school being dos- ed for three weeks previous to the ex- amination by the illness of the teacher. The successful eandidates were Saida Cantelon, Edward Badoura liareeY Bedew!, Harvey Mulholland and Feed Airless. Congratulations to all, Westfield, ley greatly. Rev J. E. Bosvers, newaPan" Mi" Minnie Donovan.Salinave O. P. R. freight office, Owen Sound, is kugust weddings. home for atm days' holidays. D. D. Wilson and son, John Aa left on a • : business tripto W h' ton Harold fillif fold Clarkeon, a Iteaeher in Fort McLeod, ASSAM-11r °ABR.- On Monday' Mr has returned home for his vacation. Durnin, postmaster at Lanes, had a Mr Fox, 3rd year student at Wycliffe resident of that place named Prense ' College; and late Hubby, 3rd year stud - before the GoderIch Pelle Ma ist ate ent at Trinity Colle e will fill the ul- Name -Miselennie Cummings of Wingham, spent last week with her friends, A. and P. Densmore. Mr and -Mrs W. R. Carr, V. S., and Willy. : Of Kirkton, and Mr and Mrs R. Water and daughter °eerie, Myth, ' were guests at the home of A. B. Carr a few days this week. ' Jas. Noble, who has been laid up all seeing with inflainnart- tory rheumatism, is able to work again although not fully ' recovered. Har- vey AlcDowell was on the sick list last week. Wm R. Buchanan,- sr., is at Present staying with her daughter. Mrs Aikens, Vaingham. Win. Canals- bell,is laid up at present, heart trouble being the cause. .Mr and Mrs Henry Morrish, Goderich, spent a few days this week with relatives in the neigh- borhood. Harvey McDowell and ens, ter Etta spent Sunday with their aunt, Mrs A. Challenger, Base line. Dungannon NOTEB.-Mi98 M. McKay has return- ed to Blyth. Mrs Thompson andda,ugh- ter Alice are on a trip trarelatives in the lower part of the province. Her- bert Wliyarcl returned to Toronto Junction to resume bis duties as assis- tant druggist. Mrs D. Bickle has re- turned frona. a two weeks' visit with her sister in Ripley, T. Russel had a big catch of speckled beauties on Tues- day, returning wish 30, some measur- ing 12 fn 14 inchee. A tinarher of our. bo • a drove over to the garden party at E. McDovvelas, Westfield. Oarmeristawas-a•The 12th of July demonstration was celebrated here in go el style. The was nicely deco. nit id, there toeing two beautiful arches acrose main street. The "Walks had not been held here for eight years- and by noon a large, crowd had gathered. At 1 o'clock he lodges, heeded hy the Auburn band, .formed a procession and: met -oiled to Mallough's grove, wherwa platform was in readiness for the speakers, Who were: 'Rev Mr "Vallson, Nile. Rev S. At. Whaley, sr. Helene, ant the three home ministers, all of whom delivered able addresses, on vvhat the Orangsernan has done and is doing for the welfare of our Country. A very interesting and well contested game of football was played on the grounds of the driving park from 7 to 8 Taros which resultectan a- tie -score 2..2. It was 0, fast game from start to on a -charge of aggravated aeciault. pit of St. Thomas church during the finish ; Westfield has every reason te After the plaintiff hart given evidence summer menthe. be proud of their teens. rim they a,re • Holt, Q. O., offered to- plead guilty' to very gentlemanly, and on the respect of our citizens. the defendant, through hie counsel, Pta • eornmon assault,. & plea whieb, after a A•uburn. Cllonott.--The follOWing frcim the • Drug Store laid up wit pleurisy, is improvhig. ens t Photo 2 TO It 0 Es.- some very ne parties from here. Fall wheat harvest stock is being delivered here tn. the has begun and the crops will. turn out buyers for shipment, those 1,,t Grants very good all through. M. Brace has for S. Smith being considered choice •Additiona,1 Local News. - got a new threshing engine and will beeves and among the very hest this soon be ready for work. Master Olar- yeer,, aVelsh being kept very busy THE CROPS -The whirr of the aieder__ -enee-Roberts-vetarned to: his home ler at the weigh rendes lately. Some of issbeard, the fall wheat cuttiog having , Haeriston on Monday, So Mcalilla,n, the weights' were ,..---Por S. Smith-- started, Some tell rue the care are lull M. Pa. was calling on a few friends in a.aants, •,...0 head, 24450 the, average and the grain is large and sound; others the village on Wednesday; he stands 1422S; Smith, 18 head. 22880 lbs, aver. say it will not be up to the average - the work. at Ottawa yery well, and Oge 1271; for Ed. Watson -Stanbery, Oats will be far beheld the aver ri,....,,e• seems good foe another five or ten a„_ s ,,,,,,.. „_ t he stalk being very short. Ray him years. Commercial travellers are veil' 61 head, haSlapucr, 271100avlehrsa,gaevle3154eBlr.11371; come sp over early ertitnates, . and a numerous in the village this week, and , Avery 8 head, 10655 lbs, average 1332; . lair - our • mercha• nts are buying in their fall for C. Real -Oarbert, 3 heacl, 8150 attil; and winter suppliers. McGregor. 8 head, 5235 lbs; Aikenhead, COLLEGIATE BOARD, - The .regular Myth. Ohead, 6,915- lbs. , - meeting was held on Monday evening, all the mernbere being peesent huc •GOorAr.,.--,The lawn social given la,st • Riossreiontera- From • the Ottawa, business to bra 1c0,13Sactsgi Was .1 ht, Friday. :evening 'on T..' IL Aehbury's Evening Journal we learn -that -Mrs • The prtiperty committee reported hat : lawn, in connection with the Epee:rah Anna Ross, formerly of here has been the inipplyineaof coal was giver* to League of Methodist Obtirobs was a Ogain.angaged as principal of the Pres-: Berland, nvas at $5.14 per ton driver - grand successsthe event** was .eetnee fiaterian College in that- city. Mrs ed. The sgrcial committee reported thing immense for the °Palmitin, and Ross; as Miss 'Dunce's, was for several that the teecherswerecereultectregard- tbe crowd was. large, many from other Years a successful teacher lit the Gam- ing re-engagment and they were en - villages being present. The program Moo. Ladies'. College rat which she was gaged for another, year ae the "acne . WAS of the very !Rest, it being chiefly 0.; distinguished IP aduate. She went salaries. -Several 'rebates of 'examine - given by Outsiele talent. On the Whole to Ottawa from the hwart MiSsiona Ey - tion fees were asked for but the matter be affair Was a brilliant success; The Training Home • of which she Was was referred 0 111Spedt01". Robb. The• • ' there as sliperinOhdent. Miss :Eliza. _ chairman repot tell- that complain ts proceeds amoanted to $77.35, beds Betts. B. A., an honor' . graduate : had been road& about the • drinking .140TES.--'Wtti.- Phillips" of bhicagre of McGill University, a daughter, has Water supply and after cla criterion the formerly an old Blyth boy, is reneW- ing :old acquaintances fe town at pres- ..ueen engaeed as one of the staff of proph ty ceirernittee was instructed to ratchets. :. . investigate and analize its core:harm ent. A load of • young people drove ' ing and were delightfully entertained sena on augury . of - the 16 day's, sale inh',- and rePPrt at a sited -al meeting to be over to •Londesbaro on Monday even- 15 DAYS' Sai,na-if Saturday ea eda Jhe only accotiot to deal with by Miss LeuieOutmette, ather•fatheras Newcombe began on that day be will was 1:' "i'qgefla 13r" far al,,, . .,. residence. Miss Annie Gray, formerly have the most successfnl torn out of Holten DEALS -Daviis & Davis lia:Ve . a teacher in the public' school here, but dr Y goods since he opened up in Olin- made i number of thallges.with their . now following thee profession in Ter- ton. On Saturday he aid a trernenct. horses in the livery. They made . a - ous busieess end Monnajr was good trade of a baa horse. with 3. Mc - onto, is in town renewing, Old acquain- tances. Wm. ' James, of Cleveland, but Tueeda.y was se•mewhat • quieter 0a,ughey for the Ridoutanare which war; in town this week; Wilt atone owing to the rain ; the remainder of Mr Turnbull, of Seafortb, nought to time served his term &sprinter in town, the week re onnlies to be good. The be sent to South Africa ; Hamra also but changed his IM„Slfirefis and le isse.jorityof goods diefosed of compels- tredea a, brown horse to J Mogen for now engaged in the oculist line. Rev ea sernroer niaterial and. quantities of e.nother Which was exchanged to W. Mr Seweet, of "Jensen, will preach both the other Miter ial as wei Mr New Mason, of Blyth, for a stylish black morning and eveningin the methodist combo expects next week will be a driver; on Saturcley be brought home, busy one for him. He lielieves ns a 5 yeari old driver boright from Mr printer's ink when he went petiole to Praser,„of London, and also added see the snaps offered., This sale lasts handsome light colored buggy to hie until the end of July, .. stock. R. Graham, of town, was ' London and brought beck with hina a THE Lias G. RscarramesaThere died pretty 5 year old chestnut driving. 'at his tate residence George Itentgen, horse. ' church next Sabbath,Rest Wm Pen - hall taking his wort at Henn% Mrs Arthuriaarter left for the Northwest on Tuesday morning; she white. absent for several months. etre James Mc - Murchie was in Wingham on Mondays John McNabb arid Miss Crawford, of Dungannon, were the guests of Mr and Mrs J. Stothers onSunday. Sista gr!,a^ andvicinityaoetenk;taorfe?iiianto°4 BRlietonex OF CONDOLENCE.-- The residence of Richard Irwin, w W in Bavinia, Germany, on March 1.8tn, f011oWinff was unanimously -passed at . dersoil, Kincardine, is visiting -at the 1836, he came to Canada. in nee in a the A. P. lodge at its test regular . Taman was in Goderichon Wednesday. • vessel which left on May 1.5th arraying meethigt-- • . in New York on September 15th -four mesas latarrorw-DZAB, Sin r 'B incefield. months Mans, -Miss Oharlotte bunkin,Lone trade,. but for 16 years was foreman Oil after, He was a miller by, am desired by Court Prosper4y to tender Mrs in the great trial y u have been ailed upon . Dunford. and yOureelf their sincere sympathy don, formerly of Stanley, is visiting the corporation work of Clinton. In endure in losing frOm your famlly circle he_re, friends in the neighborhood: John religious convictions he. was Presby- one of Ra'avon's choicest eifVour little babes McGregor, Mich., visited at the home terian, and an unwavering anti staunch and. daughte%d Me knov=t) en is great, of hie mother, Jars McGregor, Stanley, Reformer in politica He was married ive(Irtssat raj= fr in tile Nairfongr.c= last week. Miss Simons, Toronto, is in Canada, ana leaves behind a dough- trust that you may eeel°Me help in this yokr visiting at the home of W. Graham. ter, Mrs Jacob Becker, and a stepson, hourtlanrirdendd ena-f He point through the Mites Maggie Murdock is visiting at the Jacob Neff, of Stratford, to mourn the Cabrightei- pinetUrte of ylolglittiellaliingruest horou of Geo. Hart Varna. A great loss of a good and kind father. The haesusi arras,waitingfor you in thatBeautiftil Land where parting is unknown and Death number of Orangemen passed through funeral took place >from Erie street on our village on the 12th enroute to Sea- Monday afternoon, Rev A. Stewart gam& Itti)vairento hart)! 4:IvrimArtsss: forth where their celebration was held. officiating, and the pall bearers being Seeretarypourt Prosperg Adb. P., N. 7863, Mas Wm McDonald and brother re- • j Leslie, O. Overberry, W: Coats, F. , . turned to their home in Essex county.' latunball, J. Smith and W. C. Searle, FORTHE NORTHWEST. -Toe pest in every manufatared production is al - A. P. Retched returned from the ' ways to be found in the lead and, in Sault, where he has been for some time DAMMING. HEED WHEAT. -A meet: in the filtered. of the Portland cement. ing of i be millers nt Western Ontario this particular it is the Monarch Sep - Miss Violet Young is visiting at the was held in Galt last week, Mr aae, arators arta Threshing Machines buile home of her aunt, Mrs Re Young. B. Pair, of town, being present. Ono of by the Maapherson et Hovey Co., of ' Mitchell returned here from Senile the questions considered was that of Clintori, By threshere of hang expel.. - this week. Owing ba Mrs Campbell's improyiug the quality of the wheat ience their makes are considered of funeral ther e was , no service 'held in grown in Ontario, and to this end it better material, better a construction y was determined to iniliort a quantity and hotter finish than any other mach. the Methodist church here on bunda last. •of the very best whiter wheat from ine .,Their long don• nection in hi 1' bl th fl k • •• t s rue e a es ei em o eep pace DEATH. - On Friday Mrs Daniel Ka/liras-one of tho best' wheat -pro- ducing states in the Amerman union,' with competitors but assures the pat - Campbell P assed quietly away after a rons that the newest' and best jai - few weeks' illness, which the best of Some fifteen car. loads of a variety Medical skill and loving' care could not wknhoiewhnwaisitTbuerkdeisyttRietedweraemoonrgdertehde, Provements ana•attachments are care- fully watched by them. Their order* cure. She was tr. daughter of the late John 'Reed, Par lines. her mother still various millers, and by them sold to extend to all parts of the Donainion survives her. She leaves a soreowing• whoever wants it for seed, at net and this *eels they Aliened a nurober husband and five motherless children end- It is said that this variety ap. of Monaachs to the Northwest; two were sent to Mamba, Alberta, three to mourn her loss -three boys and two Poaches the closest of any to Manitoba girt), the youngest being about six Igo 1, hard. and as this produces the to Maosejaw, Assinaboia, and sevetal motiths old. Tae funeral was held on very best flower Made, the expectation others to Melita, Mare and British. Sunda, afternoon, and urag very large, is that the farmers will co-operate Oroltimhia. there being over 100 vehicles, showing with the millers in putting on the market a. more saleable and more gamosiew.ssesetimeeeneffisioesseil the high esteem in which the deceased was held. Hee brothel% James. WA- servicable product. Darn and ,George Reed, of Bay City, Meninx' Mame Seetne.-S. 13, batch., attendea.the funeral, returning Rea Mr eawera of Hoover, of the Clinton works, 'has rhinotiee eltunrdenhe was a member ore, juet received a large consignment of clated a,t theruneral. Much Arajpathy stoek including freestene Barrie gran., it ate triad, red ranite,&c., to get calve among some e g for the bereestea friendaas felt by the ei .ne re - whole neighborhood. ready roe the orders he has latela re- • b in :-- hos. on, Hullett, a large red Swede to hayfield be erec`ted in memory of his parent') Earaidied *owns to sent in new home, in Ball's cemetery r Wm. Chapman. food high oellbaffp, exteneivet Well ihlkded Tucketernith, a red Swede for his tootle pomade and goed.i.roillaitArly to family in Iltairs cernetety • au Lear, . Mons you. tried tho now ae.milten will prob. Ilnlie0ittn DePeranzar fca' dough" esa . Washilig-Compound AhirOlti - sri rain/int regkiree. ' Savers tone a ei alma. lea ee veto hinds, VAS 'OW 010 his. 0.13Xtraati ther,clitk withont.rubbra.1 seethtr.dieMe fts • illateerartli'.:11.y. Tr taitrovoili itiere ettrartteettille positively tura never itlatIcage, 4 avow. 'Weikel% just opened an import, crake of )Lotto (400de eolielcitItta of :•-irsa zo .0 pots, Duna GM. BOWL& Media Near* nrcif peso, With igotillb Oootek era Harr. Creararnot Water Nettlerkete, %natal Oh OM. uur Welke/ Chiba Is needs' all new henght *Meer WriJoevad. Woll hare loge opened et. a erste of Mailer stlie reheat . In woes front es to elk sea this week warn:orates that Will range iii,oriee from gil per *Ai& I' krerPOoe Ukaa to see aka '4.. an floe Wen Whether you want yawl. lose poi* from may igh we a se. during the Inintrier Inerothel. — OCUI COOPER4 004 cora* stsrs I* gorges Wok. rigat.* *SOW itatifft. !arm Sne'altaaole. --. Geo. Mann, of aathy n 11t0m I' lur her e. not to Itil)8 Otril powere lett tei SA O. 111/6011 Btio::. __4!ii , held cemetery ; A* :yenning* softy, Mt OS- fitillett; has bort a new ISIonarch. N. ' r) m tia 3. y n all -wise and, I yin Providell Dors large c ° in are grove peratiga, for his daughter, in Parkhill tiondo Wed tied and h rad& a ly 0 t t U ti 3' as • granite or his family, in Blytb ceme- c hoover gas been i. --A gray gran te for bilbriilth-Mrs D. NIchtlI; of the 14th Keith, of Obleago.me visititi at the tolls*, hie sernione being a seriatim led. Everyone n I1& ed con -*me AfezAibinson in Colborne cemetery, conference between the lawyers, wars A•eentinteas-A and and painful acct- Ti bury (00seit 00.) News will be read duly accepted Isy the Magistrate. The dent oceamted here Tuesday:to OliVee teeth Interest heret-ReY Iftr Ire defendant was finial $2 and costs. or Batir. While waiting at the grist and family left On Wednesela4fe eir thirty -days, and bound over oVer tr.) keep Mill for some Chola he OnfortunatailY neva h01130 in Dungannon. , ilren co, Abe peace for one year. Mr LeVele ttp- nt hie hand ton near the tratehinetria Mr MeNaltors farewell' aledotterite hist ter in ath cemetery; J. Elliott, Ash - ably conduet eervices St. Andrew s fiela, a large dark gray, for his datigh- Urch during the buttoner. Mr* Dr, s..ter in Duilegrolon cemetery ; Fred fE4anbury, o Torontol, is visiting her , the Crown • that 11 445.41 to be amoebae& Dr. Rose and ha *peke itleregtea of US dePhit4 TOM11118013, S r11034. a r'gtO red Intro. - . tly returned from a visit to Bel- cemetery ; w. ch temptev , fittroh ilailett. , Hallett - • Atkin. His many friends of thli akin- coin rig modee y he ascribed the meas. t new* park Alia other grotinde, With Iliad eemeitaa; ; G. IL Bali, -Bae, and Lida ofBlyth, the °pea. nre trees thie cipgregatterek eWttlainti Sgs ye. Mr Miller Will light the River roaa an 68,nbreoni poi% willi in Goa. .:4--......, -4-4—. ,, ity extend to him their heartfelt eve- ure of succeett attending his efforts lanterns a* a substitute for the electric an esperanza, for his Child, in Olinton Separator from acaertien & Hovev Cvx"''' MVO a a6., OU .. Makana of Sar, Co f 011 to leh ii th - took intielturonlif Gerd LOcit# tield 34; WI tri: ittcroarecrittrit !wig tglvi.,;1 #ertp: noltalbotrisri; .„ cenutte , Ittotee Nesbitt', 131Ptb• a red neared for theprosecution on behalf of is hand was 40 hoerfbly mutilated Sunday Were ettariest and IIMPreseiVei, pelatives here. Miss hainaltori hae Pee 'Magus, foe hie parents, Terrier's Se Witter on alSe Market. they retiort a good tree. Miss Bessie epirltual welfare of his congregation Fifteen additional boarders strrlyeti at Powell, of 'LondOrt, Virktitier at the and of the comMullitY in general. If. the River Boum 'Set aturday. ry. Among the moutunente erect- provements and attachment& Mr Mahal considers the Metaarch Atte best home of lkir S. OaldWell's. alhe Mideast le 'Man sUrpassingty Tvi° ed durin the past few Week* by Mr elovent of of he Marks' cotittarearenowtoo u • con., and youngest daughter leftOlt honae of ears Arthur* Mrs • Clark 1006 ilese Of "English ntaleilleaa' Vije venience Whale t e two el run" In In ory of his , daughters ; Isles Tuesday on a via to their daughter at lafb Goderich On the * Pittsburg, Wed- Wish him and hie family an incremdll sting here daily, and consequently two of Biy also I ft 0 it tri I D II yr IA of 7 whiadon win prow.my minx in MY of the IMe Mr and Mrs McAlitter, urn sarcophagus erected to the mem- Whitevrood, N. W. T, mrs .A..0arter. netiday, to visit her daughters ' Ill Ale Measure Of prosperity and hoppinesi maga are distributed daily. The return 003. ingtori, ullett, in Lon es cm*. Watch Talk - TO the buoy man an kocair. ' ate Wahrh hi a necessity - not & luxury as some meta to think. To utilize every moment of evident) dna°, to meet triune, keep' ap- pointments, In foot to be , sheets On time Due must have a good watch. ' Drop ein and let us talk watohes eace, seat s we age eraetical whit •tspitirtis and you can have the benefit of our 00 yeeria experiences Withf defltoltallartrghto\lxiinergi"nitiretti. log, has any part broken or lost, Or Otte which has been ruined incempet• eht workmen, bring it to us and Will i611 yOtlittrit what it wants and whit It will cost you, • Wateves exatelied, rNntALtatt octet to correct time rnas or 0,1041e. 4 Litl/66114 the 1 004 B alf raptor ng er ends bee b 1 h the 'rectittf on of tbe brawl 3sweller and Ortolan. of Olinto t monummil b B; herr. bee also boa delivered all the .one t.teleesery.foir the wow Welt of stores washout; in Inyth. • n wast, T, van" wa WWI Iter erk., tilteatatt ttip in their neve 110020 ft uligitrine 411444(4 u. L'Li(4I1 4114(4 M'S to knew that Matt, Ilessels lea 3-, ideleal of Londeshorp hes ye has been papered in 1414.0Wah• after °mediae Tuorri imPre•Ing hie barn We by giving it & Of Pant; Om gen* Orono eyerseeiwgrk: 0$ repel rig of the ,Mits W has re$1Ui1bSntj. sum turned to hee Eltusewisor to ;or, Aomori& w 00.% hew improved health , the contireet• ArrvOlvting &tad parsonage. CLINTON rW44 to AMA that his Wife it hi 4414 psiteotialide tthe Of the day in MO With. litesittgrg mtrtipeted.- etenorttlOon fetwune 'duties as milliner with mime dey tomato •• be Won up 0401,:fittn• Another tO,WiVi eimptug ter% in inentory of btu parent*, DION • r