HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-04-23, Page 5APRiL 23R D 1908 -THE BLYTH STANDARD -PAGE FIVE.' r,,,n,..,..,„...,,,,,,,....,-_,,,,,,,r,,.,,,,-,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„ V ,1 yen H A RELIABLE STORE WITH WORTHY GOODS ON SALE AT MODERATE PRICES GOR CASH AND FARM PRODUCE, THE RIGHT HOUSE Spring Suits Suit Anow complete )rete Our oc in and •s ,w n Sn is i t st k Mons n i Bo New Spring > 1 gt and we are showing a greater and better assortment in ,ill the latest shades and styles than we have ever shown before. It will pay you to 1e0 our 1i, 99, 910 and 911,90 Men's Hats • A full assortment In Hard and Soft Felts, all shades in grey, swn, brown, black, etc, All the newest shapes and prises lowest.. Boots Some special lines to box calf, viol kid, patents, eye. Wn have n blucher, patent dell top, extra strong sole and a beautiful shoe In every respect. Ask to see those, E. BENDER, BLYTH 119 (rive ►v� Highest prices paid for Farm Produce, =��y,�Pr . r..: :: ':7 1:1J"` :.`r:'C: :':'r'SP'7 , .��r ,ri�,r � ,� rw?r:"'K':iY2•,r r.::� `t ,,, ci . . 1ti ., ... a ...... n�r (t 3 4„:„,.,.r. t.1tt1' n..:.R,i�..u, ia.C:::i.t:viC...::..i:..:it:a.Eh.:n,......�.....:h..n.:u.. :r?' NEWS AROUND TOWN 65 cents gets THE S'TANDAAr to the first ofJanuary 1909 to new sub- scribers in Canada. QUIT. a number from here at- tended the temperance convention in Clinton last Thursday. LAs'r Thursday Blyth was visited by both sides, Robert Holmes and 1V,1I. Kerr, Liberal nominees, and • A. Ii, Musgrove and ,Prunes Bowman, Conservative dice viewers. BUY MLLAGAMA TEA. --Mothers' favorite, money in every packtige. Price 30c, 40e and 50e per pound, lead packages. Sold by J. H. Bloot', Blyth. PIooPLit should examine their cherry and plum trees and if black liluck knot is found it should be cut off and burned, The law is strict in this respect if enforced. THE mail service on the G. & Cl. branch 01 the C P. R. commenced on Monday of this week, Mails will bo carried on the 11.52 a. nl, train going west and the 5.22 p. m. train going east. Fun SALE. -Lots 21 and 23, Kel• ly's survey, on this property there is a 1. story frame house with kit- chen attaebed, This is a rare chlanse .for anyone With limited means. Apply to 40 tri CainpbeII, real estate agent, 13lytb, Sun, FOR LARGE SUM, -.11.1 A. Pig- ott & Gu., contractors of Ifamlltov, have begun an action against the ' Guelph & Goderich Railway to re- cover 523,574.75 for work done and material supplied in the con- • strdctiou of the road, EXPIRES oN SLAY IST. --The pres- ent low clubbing late Tin: STAN. norm offer's for 1110 'Weekly Globe nod this journal, and also 0110 Mail • &Emppire, will expire on May 1st. 'All who have net renewed or who desire to be placed uu the lists for '9113 merry widows, and nearly every other woman in town, are chasing the painters and paper- hangers. Ther annual excursion of the lim- o11 Old Boys' Association of 'Toronto will bo run to Goderich and Wing - ham on Saturday, July 4th. Toronto and return $3.851 going Wednesday, April 29th, re- turning tip to Monday, Slay 4th. Ad- mission ticket to "Ilorse Show" given with each ticket by the C. P. 1i. Town Office, CENTRO 1lUto11 CONVENTION. - Last Thursday 11001nool at a meet- ing of the executive of the new Centre Riding of Huron held in 11111308 hall, Blyth, with 1St. 51. Shlelair, of Brussels, i11 the chair and (;, Garrew, Of Goderich, noting as secretary, it was decided to hold an organization meeting and nominat- ing convention in Seaford( on Tues. day, May 12th, at one o'clock. Four delegates are asked from each poll- ing division, A committee was drafted to prepare tt constitution for submission to the convention. SPEARS FOR ITSELF, -During the past year the price of paper has been continually advancing till the dollar weekly looks like a free gilt from the editor, and still a good tunny Of our readers think that we can live on bad acenu111, eaus(11 by the stihsarihers»tiling to renew each year and running back two or three y'ea's, We publish a letter received from the Canada Ready -Print Co., from whleli company we buy our reads -print :- Hamilton, Cam, Apr. 14,'C8 J. Leslie Kerr, Esq., Pub. "Standard," Blyth, Ont. Dean' Sir, -Cutler the present con- ditions of the 111(110 print business the 8111511 sum of $1 :15, ht advance, , with the high price of white paper for one year should do so at 0110e, gold (he inurnitse 1n wages in all de - '.TRE 11ndetsig11rd is offering far pit rumens, we feel 1.011101110(1v e0n1- sale'to wind up the late Hannah pelled to advance our pi'ieesias we Disk Estate, part of Pa'lc Lot No, 8, find It absolutely 1m)pnssiblc 10 cut - situate on (ween street iii the Vil• dime at the present rate without! lake of 1119111. The property eon• conskderabl0 loss. silts o1 a quarter of an acre of land, Under these 0iretimstaaces, and on which there is a frame house beginning with May iso we shall with it quantity of fruit trees. This have to ask you - cents pet' quire property (mist be sold. For fail for your present sleet. pa'tieulars apply to Nut. Campbell, Trusting that this will have your real estate agent, Myth, favorable consideration, we remain, Sttosti or. -Last Thursday morn- 5eru truly yours, Mg its Hebert Wells, of East Wawa- C. A, Murton, Mgr. nosh, was leaving town driving ens This certainly had oar consideration horse and leading another, after and we are still wondering where having had the colt shod, While we tante in en - the deal. At the crossing the C. P. 1.4. track the colt present, we are encroaching on the became playful and got its foet readers' space by having so many caught in the baggy wheel, In advertisements, but that is where freeing the animal the other horse the editor is able to pay for the pap - ran away, the buggy striking the er that is shipped in eveey week, bridge and the shafts were broken We can only do what they want us besides other damage. It was a to do, pay the extra rate, and we ask our renders to loot: up their babel and square olf as soon as poss. ible. Hot cross buns were delivered early last Friday morning. Mum LIt woscern weather -warm m the daytime and freezing at tight. O1 course the never feel the cold. . A LITTLE local advertisement in Trio STANDARD 'Will save lots of trouble when you want to buy 01' sell something. THE STANDARD 10 new subscribers in Canada front now till ,January ist., 1909, for the stun of G5 cents. SuSubsembe now, Como events cast a shadow be- fore them -gut empty house being prepared for a happy couple. h'u1•• thea particulars hater. MAItK ltrr'oIe'r.-Wheat 85-85 ; Barley 50-50 1 Oats 42-42 1 Pets 83-83 ; 13rau1 2d-2:] ; Shorts 24-24 ; Button' 22-23 ; 'Eggs 14-15 , flour r 52,75.-93.00 Tale f'ollow'ing were ticketed to the west by J. McMnrchi0, tip•tnw11 ticket agent of the G P. H -Hiss eerie Cowan to Deloraine lhut,, and return ; George Bruce and Ed. Taman to North Biddeford, Sask. 1. 0. 0. F. SrRtioN,- 0n Sunday evening, 26th inst., rhe members of Blyth Lodge, No. 366, will march to the (Methodist 01111'ch where Re -v. S. Anderson will preach the annual sermon. All members are requested to meat in the Lodge roost at six pm, Volt SAI,0,---Mr. Will floss, 11 1E1111 awe tulles no01h wt this village, is of- fering his property ('or sale, There i, an acre of ground with e0(11 1 malls house and stable WW1 11 tttlnibel' of first class fruit trees, This property will be sold cheap as Sir, Ross Wishes an go west this spring, Apply to W110 Campbell, teal estate agent, Myth, or Box 96, Myth. 500001, is closed fur the. Easter holidays and will reopen fLr the final terns before the exams. on Monday next, except Miss Murray's room which will not open till Tues- day, and Principal Stalker asks that parents, who have children starting to school for the first time, will kindly see that they are at the scho01'Tuesday morning. ANNUAL MEETING. -The Censer- 011010es of BIy th held their animal meeting in industry ]gall bast Thursday evening, and the follow- ing officers were elected ;-Presi- dent, 'Thos. Coed ; vice president, Isaac 13001011 ; secretary, (1. 51. Chambers ; treasurer, R. McGrath mins. Three delegates were ap pointed from each division to (attend the convention at WInghanl to -clay. Noa'rn HUnox LIIE1nLs.-A 00mfnati11g convention for the new riding of North Huron will be held in the 'Town Hall, Winghtun, on 1!'riday, April 240, at 1 p. m. Each [egging sub-drvistonii is entitled to send live delegates. In (iddition to the selection of a candidate a new tiding association will be formed and a constitution adopted. All Liberals are cordially invited to attend the convention, WEDDING BRIA,s.--Last 'Thursday at high tweet an enjoyable event took place at the home of the bride iu town when Miss Ada, Taman, youngest daughter of Joseph 'Taman, was united in the holy bonds 0t matrimony to John Vincent, by Iiev, S. Anderson, paster of the happy (ample. 'They left 01) Idne C. 1'. 1. 5.20 train for a, trip to '0)11), and eastern [mint's. They re- turned this week and have tale( 0p the duties of housekeeping in the residence tit the corner 01 Dram. mond and hill streets 'Their many 1)101)113 no 01 (wishing theta a long and prosperous marriage. Witedxs BEAT C0Nr.nv.-lit de• renting \V'ill Cunery, the (luta MI narrow escape. The horses belong to James Marshall with whom 311', Wells is employed, Children Enjoy It "I has used Ooltsfooto Expectorant with the greatest satisfaction with my children, 11; is a wonderful cine for colds and sore throat. 1 bvliovt it esv ed the life of my little son, who was very sick from a protracted cold on, his lungs." MRS. ANNIE BRAMBLER. Orangeville, March 15, 1907. "i am greatly pleased with the good results we got from Coltsfoote Expec- torant, I get great comfort with it for my children." \d5 WALTER H1.\I B D. 171 Argyle St Toronto. Coltsfoote Expectorant is the great- est home prescription for all throat and chest troubles in the world. No home should be- one hour without it. You can 11100 free sample by sending name to Dr. '1'. A, Slocum, Ltd., 50r01110. All good druggists keep it, Price, 25e. Send for Free Sample To -day. FARMERS desit'il(g sale bills print- ed on short notice cannot do beast' than have them printed at this office, With our improved facilities we eau almost turn them out while you wait Monday night burglars entered iV, A, Mathews' hardware store, Cannington; uncle of the editor, where they seemed to crowbar ,and hatchet. Then they went to 0, 15 Stone's grocery ami shoe store where they got several pairs of boots, and, after helping themselves to some fruit, they went to R. 1. Corlett's dry goods store, where they took several suits of clothes and about S8 in cash out of the till, They lett the hatchet at lir, Corlett's door', and it is sunpe ed, drove out of town. 31r. Stone ti married to a Brussels lMy, ctltecn N('115. Rev. J, R. Siang, of Sturgeon Falls, will conduct the Presbyterian services at Auburn and Smith's 1.1111 on Sunday. On Easter tiny holy Communion was held at 8.30 a. nn, in Trinity church tool (again at the close o1' the evening service. The ladies of die Missionary So- ciety will have charge of the Ep worth League service on Tuesday evening l,ext. A good program is expected, An invitation is given to all. Rev, 8. Anderson delivered two excellent sermons on the Resurrec- tion on Sunday last Next Sunday morning he will spear: on Sabbath Observance, while in the evening he will preach ia sermon to the Odd Fellows. Rev. 'Thomas Wilson, of Walker- ton, will lecture in St. Andrew's chf.reh next Monday evening en the life and work of the late Dr. Paton, ot'the New Hebrides. The lecture will be illustrated with 75 lime. 119111 views, Next weer: is known as ''Sabbath Week" in Canada, and in response -, �b���70�'Q.t0�0, �0,00'�0� Q Zlook .. i'Nall • 0 BETTER THAN EVER 0� 2 0 Bordering, Wall and Ceiling sold at 5 the same price. t r i IO1 1 the roll notb the'ard.���Inotderjn� sols 7y )0 0; Wall Papers at 50. ni O Showing neat patterns of floral, block and fancy designs, 0 double or single borders. (1c) �� Wall Papers at 6c and 70. Y QS Beautiful glimmer and gilt papers in a big assortment of yl'J' t› colorings and patterns, double or single borders. I ii �Wall Papers at ot)Se and 90. �0Lovely gilt, silver and glimmer papers of floral set fgures, fancy stripes, blocks and conventional designs, double or • single borders, ' 10c 121�c and 15c. :� Wall Papers at % 40� heavy embossed gilt papers, also silver' tilted and heavy K.:$0 plain and fancy Ingrains, popular for libraries, dining 0 mous, halls, parlors, one. ( 1 Wall Papers at 150;20c'j•I and 25c. �1 'Tapestry, embossed gilts, orlentals, varnished, Ingrains, (•. 0 silver papers, the best we have yet shown. 0 • 0 T SEE IS TO BUY 0• • i Linoleums in 2, 3 and 4 yards wide. O'recommend. The •® (U• f Bcst Scotch goods, Nah�n's. 'These we con re on y �Q are extra heavy, uniform in quality and stand hard wear, floral aa d ��' • bloom patterns. 1 •K. O Lace Curtains amiarrimaserma i�� • 206 pairs from 26e to 9(1.0(1 per pair. ' , 0(2 O Panama Dress Goods, black and colRA - 0 ored at 50c and 75c per yard. • Have you seen our stock of navys, browns and greens? 1tv) - ()ASB FOR BUTTER AND EGGS, • O (Q POPLESTONE & CARDINER ocoomeio: S0_ eti Ql TEAS! TEAS! TEAS! Try "LIPTON'S" packed only in tins, the Ila'or is kept in. "SALADA" ln7ead packages, 00 request the Lord's Day the best 190 Tea on the market Loose Teas, black and green, mixed to silt the taste. a A!liaoce, Mr. Small will preach on the suhjcct13' the Sabbath, both - Ce1VE US fl CAL1� morning and evening on this coming Sabbath. Morning subject, "Christ's Potatoes wanted. Highest prices paid, teaching in regard to the Sabbath" ; Corner BLYTH eyemng smh;cet, "Christ's Example M. TAYLOR Stere in regard to the Sabbath," The Easter services at St. An. drew's church were very enjoyable. The anthems by the regular choir to the morning and by the male cellon' in the evening were exceed• ingly well rendered, The sermons were appropriato to the clay. At tl e close of the evening' service the Christian Endeavor Society held their meeting at which there was a large attendance. Misses Nettie Stewart and Mary Barr were the leaders and treated the subject of 0ey, at 0uelpb en 'l'ntsday, in a "Sunday, ser weekly Paster; and ten-hour roller skating 91 ind for how to observe it" in a skilful man - the claantpionship of the world, Dan tater, Wiggins, of Gedcrich, covered 163 GON0IOMATION St levlcr.--The Bis - 1 -10 miles. Gentry defeated Gates, hop el }-turtle was present a1Trinity the Austettlitut champion, ou 11w church, liclgrave, on 'Tuesday after - same rink: several wrecks ago by noon last and conducted centime - skating 1199 laps, or 120 miles, !1011 service, Rev. '1, S Boyle, M. makieg a new world's record for A., of 11'ingham, was also present the time, and now this has been ex- and tool: part in the service, Rev. tended by over 40 miles by Wiggins 1V'• 11. Ilartley presented a elites of in slotting 1631 laps without loot'• 14 nor the npostolie rite, all ut whom Mg the floor. Neither skater seq.- WO.° adults, The elt100 was m11!g11e Lask. Friday at Wingham the ped ole instant in the time, The in that 7 were married and 7 wer0 Lakeside Leatgue was reorganized, p010 was set it'v, a hot (ii,p by Wig- single, 7 were 111011 slid 7 were the old teams, Kincardine, Ltlelteow gins from the start, and by 1 o'cleck women, The bishop gave a very and WIngham remaining, while he made his lead '2 miles. Cutlery 11000010)1 rand forcible address, bas• Peeswami dropped out, and two never being able to get away al- Mg' his thoughts on Rev, xxi., 7, new teams entered, Goderich and though ho tried repeatedly, and at "lie that nvercometh shall inherit 131yth, making a league of five the finish he was 27 laps behind, 40 till things," ri large congregation teams this year. miles above his own previous ire- 00118 present, several going over 01100rs elected were :-- cord. - co1'd. Goderich brought down a from Blyth by train or driving. President, ,J, D. 'Miller, Ki1carrline. big bunch of supporters and about Three of the candidates confirmed Sec, -Tress., 11. lie 'McKay, Blyth. one thousand dollars changed glands. were from '1'rielty (dhurcb, Blyth. Executive, T, Watson, Lucknow ; Wiggins Is practically unknown at d After then soviets the bishop took 1V, Britton, Wiughanl ; ,J, C. Tait, has a slow tireless gait all his own, the train: for Ocderfch, where he Goderich. seeming to move without effort, and was to hold service that same even. The umpires appointed were :- finishing in good shape, Mg. Kincardine, Ross, Henry. �i;L�ul r to soda k 14.1 of gporb Lucknow, Johnstone, 1Valsl, Winghant, Moore, Hammond, Blyth, Robinson,; Meitner. Goderich, Fhlwards, Rutland. Blyth has the following home games Saturday, June 13t11, Kincardine at 131y'ih, Thursday, June 18111, GoderichatBlyth, 'Thursday, June 25111, Winghantat Blythe Monday, June 29th, Lucknow at Blyth. Thursday, August 2711), Lucknow at Blyth, '.Thursday, Sept, 3, Kincardine at Myth. Monday, Sept. 14, Wingliam at Blyth. Thursday, Sept. 17. Goderich at 1315t11. The games played away will he las follows ;-- Monday, 5iay 25, 131yth at Goderich, Monday, June 1, 131ytdi at Llekrow. Dominion Day, July 1, Blyth( at Kincardine. Friday, July 24, Illyth at Winghant. '1'llursda y, August 6, Blyth at Lucknow, Tuesday, August 18, 1315th at li.incardile, Thursday, August 20, Blyth at Winghant, Labor Day, Sept. 7, Myth at Goderich,