HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-07-06, Page 8July 0; not amples Of I3nds Sw ss and Nottingham Lace Curtains We will sell ou Saturday July 7t1' over 200 sample ends of S 1 and Nottingham lace curtains. It is only once in a while e we get a chance to get thein . and when we dothey usually sell like hot cakes for they 2 are the biggest kind of bargains 'Each sample is from 14, to yards long and shows the lower end of the curtain complete and many of them are finer goods by fax than are ever carried in stock_ba a town. like Clinton . This is the best lot we .have ever. had, Of many lines there are pairs of a pattern. We'll have thein ready first thing - Saturday morning and the earlier you co w e •the better choice you will have, here's 'a list 20 Sample ends fine white • muslin, nearly ell 1 yard long, hand- some applique patterns, goods that sell for 50o per yard.ohoice of samples each TBE CLINTON NEW ERA 40 Oaly sample ends of fine Swies Curtain net,white or eeru, near- ly all 1 yard long and 27 inches wide, very flue qualfties,sell et 850 501, 76o a yard, ohoie.e of Samples . ; 80 Ends Nottingham Itace Curtains ends 1t and 1i yards long, ail '1 5C enod patterns, samples of qualities that sell at $1 to $1 25, choice 1 71 Ends. Nottingham Lane Citreous, most of them very fixe goods etegant patterns, ends 1 to 1i•yards long, samples of qualities 26 C that sell at $2, $8 and $4, ner pair, choice of lot . 00 Samples ends Swiss Net Curtains, showing the leading lines of one of the largest Swiss nmanufaoturere, handsome designs on fin strong net,1 and 14 yards long, pairs of rearly every pattern, samples of ourtains that sell at from $4 to $10 per pair, choice of 500. Int each ' 2U Only samples of extra Erne Elwin Curtains,the beet goods the manufacturers Makes,. 1•2 to 2 yards. :oog, pairs of each pattern, 65c ainoioe of lot each As we said before it is not often we get a chance like this and as a rule they do not last long so coupe Saturday if you can or if not then as early next week as possible.' 10e' 13e r • flintonJw /10110U grl • FRIDAY, a11713 Gth 1310. LOCAL NOTICES cherries Wanatea-CAIdTEL0 BROS., C1in- tau. leer bate. The uudereigned offers for sale, his license and stook of the Clinton bquor store. L. KENNEDY June 22.-1 q.intol. JI. l'uningBalm e'$ Greer111atrec.-For Bale, fltante-cabbage, tomato oaullflower, #to. owers, verbenas, stators. stooks• all kinds of bedding plants. J, POrtmaktlatglA, Huron street.Nor • C,�oti gapes-' DtuATll o>i' hilts :ll?, Li vu G11Itti lb. -We T., reports that the crops up there are vilin,L(htze wit It .\It•, ;tnd Airs Jainett a failure. The ()rags are around these daaut;ht er,Ekie L , ou Teeedaw ', et • the .parte again and have a very fine camp- y paste waggon with them p Wallace Du dura on the io9s of their little early age t f 11 inunt ile mid 24, days, shipped a double decker of porkers, 105 sole inlet Want on L i,ia day ilia Huss I In a11.to the Don on Monday; the price paid this week was $6 per cwt. The Now ANA. T. O. M. -At the recent I chug store of J. E. Hovey has been examination of the Tort nut Conserva- made to look brighter by being re, tory of Nil in we aau pleased to learn paiittted. G. Laois has aDelaval cream Mi'a Lana Duhert y (daughter of W. separator put in his office on Isaac st Doherty, of tem ), hats passed her final for exhibition ; it is considered to be anti has graduated with .the degree of one•of the beet made. V. 0, French, A. T. C. M. with bottots. Owing •to• of the NEW ERA Staff. who. has been a feluti on her anger she was prevent- of late very ill with iinflatu nration was rd from taking her final on the pipe removed home the latter part of last argon and was vety succeboful in her week ; he is improving and will likely vocal wick. be out in a few weeks. '%hee old side- 'WEDDED.-- A ivarriage recently walks on High and St. Joseph streets Rums, scotch Concert will beat the town hove been removed and being put in f !tall, Clinton, on Monday,.J.ulYtttth, Mr Harm tnow place on Wednesday, June 23� lit 1 shape for the laying of the aranolithic i singe the best aooteh Bongs in iitithla>wi1 mks: Detroit in which the • bride sus well t I, tuaae and ell lovers of a good eeeeert should kuo W r► here and neighborhood, Mise walks. It is geld night prowlers are hoax him. Attie, daughter of the . late Rev. D. reported to be around this neighbor- ac y ti is orfs fresidence rt- it ale and t iso snXe a© en. Mscdonaid, late paster of the Presby hood and some private residences have Also 6 single wagons and 8' seta of single has- . terian church at Seaforth, a ho • after. • been ant, red, The person who enjoys nos. For particularsapply to CHAS Wile , wards removed .to Detroit, was. mar- t warm. weather will surely lye satisfied BO1Q •on the promises. .. Juno 1-tf: tied to Rev. R. W. Dickie, of Orange- ville. Her many friends 'bete extend ' church . Sunday School picnieed at te nwu 4004. their beet wishes to alta d alts Dickie. Mayfield on Tuesday. Street Ittepec- t tor Oarter and L. Scott are' putting in `V. , of HURON OLD BoXs.---A big special ex- . a5 -inch tile drain on' Huron street ; it' VS zTlz HONORS.". -7• NV. his passed his sewed year, sof (torsion t rain with eight coat:hes passed" i will be pput in on Both sides. Mr John fawn through here about 1130 0...... Wedues- ' Govett b.ad the pleasure of entertaining There are very few articles of dress that have grown into popular favor like the Golf Cape. Always Always•handy and convenient) always stylish looking, it is just the wrap forpicnics, cool evenings and in fact, almost all kinds of weather. %Ve'v,3 t opened. ened tis week 'soros new. patterns and colorings .in this .:: just op :w worthseeing. - No o` alike. thatare ortw • stylish garment 1 Ladies' Golf.Capes, newest slut Made in latest sty les, as `shown for . 1./•%,fall, handsome plaids, large hood, very stylish garments, special.. Those �E'.� 1V�US�1t1S If' you are thinking of. having, a new _muslin 'dress yon should see the handsome patterns in American dress Muslins we 'opened last v eek, Quite the prettiest lot of wash . goods we've shown this season, patterns" a, little different from the ordinary and not*nough .of any one for ' it to be.at•alt common. 1. Buoy dress muslins, stripes and small patterns, on light ground, ,,.,i a special line at the price, suitable for waists and dresses > Fancy Dimity •1liuslins'small white,. dots and fiiures, on army blue • 1 n and bladi grounds, fast Colors, will rxtake a cool and stylish dress.. 4ri ' Fano) stripe lawns;, medium and wide broken stripes, army blue `121 rounds, with white ,tri ea and fi ora., ver' st dish material .. .L IG! wash well and make astylish costume, three patterns at ,..�.. C ...• y k p 8 - }' y Very handsome patterns an zephyrs as thin and cool as lawn wilt 1 r `i 'Marlboro :Cloth, 'bright Satin flaisu, looks .like. Foulatrrd Silkat twice the price, . s5i husks handaotrte waists, arany bluegroand, 236 with s ripe and broken patterns, special' vilue•at r New White Blouses o‘ There just dame to hand this week some vy_‘ri,_. I-ew White .Shirt Waists. Newest back, fron S - iii ` collar' and cuffs, light, cool and: stylish hot ,//;-). A weather garments not at all high priced. Esw white shirt waists, latest cut, Very fine quality while loan shirt oft oaffe, plait, back With ,tucks, waists,. newest style, plait back, . sae tucks items frout, made of trimmed,with wide insertioin and'. good quality lawn :.........',,a.t iia 1 tucking, a handsome' garment...qui. 60 ) . T amnn+ttionsuccessfel ai,nd secured schuss day wits, metulterd of Lae 'helm ofd two Canadian pioneers the other day; arship of $65 in phlosoptty thus giving 'Boys to join in the re -union at Godes- one was Mr VanEgrnond, the well' hitri aecund place• in standing fur ,his ich. They were accotupeuted on their known veteran of the Huron road,, who t•hit d year. it bhuwts Frankis at a be trip by the 48th Rijrhlau ieus' Band'uf is aged 88 years, the other was Mr men ,o tzi top among hie class ,nates and when his final exam coarses off he will be sure to• be fatted in the honor list. TEE . MARKET. -- Oaritelon Bros. made their largest shipment of pro• duce Ibis week -them for some time, having sent to. Halifax, ler the eaetetn trade, six time 'of butter. The 'mei market is well eupplied•and pritee'are about the same ;-=butter, tub, 14e to 150. loose, 13.3 to 14c; eggs, 9e. to 10c. Sanall'fruits are freely hrt,ught in but quotations differ according to qua�ity , cherries are going at. from .40e to 60p per 12 quart 'basket ; raspberries 9 to IQ° per quart, • July Millinery There are clearing prices on all Millinery for July, not a dollars worth is to . be :carried over if price will take it out, so you'll be likely to save some money doing your summer Mil- linery buying here. ..Even though we are anx- ious to have the show ' rooms cleared' out by the • end of the month we are . not : letting . the stock suffer for this week we•opened'out New Sailors, New Leghorn?, New White Hats, New Summer Trimmings.. and if you are wanting a new summer hat you'll find an 'up to,date stock here to buy from. ' BADLY HiuRT.•-John 'Parsons,. con. 6, Goderich township, buffered from a runaway he had .on; Tuesday, while driving into town with his. old school mate, a Mr Cornish, of London, who 'had been 'visiting hint • and • who was returning; t he horse became faighteu edanti upset the two •into the ditch. Mr Parsons wae•setiuuoly injured hay- ing struck his head ou the ground.. It appears that he has synyptonts of com- pression of the brats and.at present is ' atthe residence of his son•in:law, , Mf ltutry, in Clinton, where he wee taken atter the' accident, •The it jury. is a eeriuus one to hits and his recovery doubtful, but Me. .furnish only receiv` ed sone face bruises and a baa shaking 4• Trimmed �1 25 Sailors • White sailor /late, floe braid, trimmed with polka dot silk„ navy with white, red withwhite, black with white or white with nay • • dote', quite the newest thing for ti summer bat, very special at each 1 • Men's $2.50 Hats 99c Towyn COUNCIL. -- Council wet. on Tuesday' eveniog,' all mem bele pi own t. A petition.fcn gra'nulithic walk ion Victoria street was ,received. The Oouucil decided not to take any action. the i. ' t'o of a r 1 t n inn 't t ea ct; ding h east >;Pp mot ural society until further infurui't: tion . was for toweling, ' Councillor Johnston reported that work ordered by council Was being aatterded to and Obey necessary •work in the corpora," rbe tion.`" The accounts ordered to aid paid amounted to $333.20, .and the receipt $40.75, By- a vote it was decided to•pait the gt anolit hie walks on theca - side of heant-side:of the trees, Oouncill'or Johnston being the only "member who was . in: favor of having them inside. A Court' of Revision re walk, on. Victoria street, of the ' nosey : letters we receive . at er of Mrs. S. Plummer, has-been re - will be held on Monday, 23rd July,ut 8 times. Rev. Mr Wade recentlyreceiv- nominated by the McCartbyites. H. p, m, - ed a let ter from his sort Ralph Wade, Davis attended the funeral of the late • who has been through the (smutty Miss M. Errina'ton,ofDungannon, on 25Th ANNIVERSARY. -• Rtty W..• Z from Su.ath Dakota to Ox Bow, N. W the 4th. and Mrs Howson celebrated the nth anniversary of their wedding day un _ r' -Friday laast•when� they received trout _ - - three until ntne.o.cloek, assisted by the 4 �• t t>�l f ' trson acid the •were kap tt. tlttttt • tt�ttt. t. tttt�ttt t�tt�t ��tt ���t�tl�ttt t ttt�t t ! Mtsses.Hax ., Y, .. .., ��tt��t�trlltf�tgt�tttt�ttttttr� ���t �� • t t • t very busy during rhe• receiving. btiin- . ► Turman, who gave selectanus as+well , Utow ice, of Victoria county, as t lie pipers, at the depth .here while. Years of age; ' both have endured the the ti tin waited, Aeetit Pattison in- 1 hardships of pioneer life, and are stiil farina ua that about 15J G eketa were vigorous and hearty: Mr Courtice sold at the ticket t #fire•. acid this with j welted Huron' newly 60 years ago, and the large number will, dto%eor wheei. walked alt the way from London Io ed 'over., Clinton added' mato ially by t Goderich; and remembers quite well 309 to [wake the el•ty a grant success, , when Clinton was known es Ratten- In next issue we. will be able .to give . but y's corners, with little in it but the the details of the day's•p&-ograin. • • I tog taverp. George Biggart's friends i will be glad to learn that he has about NOTES. - Miss McLean McKenzie , recovered from a rather serious opera - end Miss Mute MacKay; who support i tion; he has had several dangerous at- tbe B,irn=' outsell, here oh Monday, I tacks of appendicitis during the last July 10, at the Town Iiaail are bothfew years, and nearly' died in some of • high class. artists ; remember the date. thew; as the offending appendix bas There may be a smaller and wore des- been removed, he will likely he ail right. picahle class of meatiness than t hat of uow. Charles Clot ke, barrister, Tit•' a strewing broken ,glass in the street to ' sunhnrg. a former resident of Clinton cause a bicycle puncture and. which in the 60's, was committed for sixty may injure t he feed of the barefoot boys days tot taking part.of his client's mo - bet it heti nut been ci>.tah-gared as yet; uey. Thomas Boyce returned to his perhaps. it was u„t intended as such home at:Brucefield,.on Wednesday; he but it, is just as well to throw ibis kindhas neem at the hospital for. scene weeks • of refuse in the back yards. There *here he had an operation "performed, • will Le nu Orange excuiiuu to .Detriot and has wade••a- fine recovery. -Miss 'Ibis year as fur wel13; on account of Lillie Coats entertained a number of net.esecurir.g euitetale rates it. has been her friends on Monday evening, and a abaasuduued. ,.1) • •Canteluir intends to"fine "program was given; -those taking put.in asset of weigh scales at 'Kippen. part were Misses Jean Chidley, Katie for h6 own ueeiU weighing hugss for and nn, - McCool, Elva. Wil t ehipneut. Leman Bros,, ciscus which ,se, and others. W. C. Darst, of Col= JApitched its teats in many •towns l borne, lost 'a valuable. imare Tuesday,. at•ou..d here, is heir,.g• badly roasted` by by acute indigestion. D.. B. Kennedy the press of i he towns where it visits. • sold a 3 year old driver to J.W.'Hill, at lit parts of Brune county' it is said a good'fi ure; Mr Hill disposed' of bis brocrns have to be placed in front of delivery horse to a clergyman at °red- theengine whet Isinorder.toLouth 'the .-iton.• Wheat :isgradually climbing up careipillars ft urn the rails=; otherwise to a good fig. are; the price. on Toronto the train would slide and come ' to a :Market for:: best' gradesbeing about 75 standst ill. The Ratlenbury House has Cents. Mrs D. B:: Kennedy was the v an repaired of late sufferer from a nail having entered her �• beim' ititp>o ed d . p d r. g having new Biding and repainted.. B. ' foot, and kept her confined to the house Keleer and J,Kennedy.attending to the 'for.sowe days. R. Rowland. of town. brother imam; it is now like a' new house. A. has• received a letter from his Pet:ter•sou. and Alf Able have started in Kimberly, 'stating that he and his woe it; to here an artesian weIl at the family are safe and in gond health, af- 'model school. The -business then of ter their long siege of hoinbardment;: the home wast as h Monday as a Mrs• Oland .i s d town generally observed•.14[or y . • Roland'se hel`iday; anany went to !different local., women'e Jaeger; The friends of Mrs J place• to "pend: the-'lKv."c!mas Gibbings will he pleased to learn that Gr•eeraside, of Fleming,' N. W. T., She is recovering as well as might be in renewinghis` subscript ion. , says expected after the rather serious oyer- theNEW Ett. is just like a lletter from •ation that she •.recently underwent. 'home. it is, always welcome; 'his is one • W. -Stubbs, M.P., for .Catdwell, broth= Ammiwww Your Business and Our Business. You KUOW whether or not youwant a Ham- mock, or a Croquet Set, or a Fan for this hot weather. and we trust you know that the most . advantageous place to buy them is from us. We • Know we have a complete stock from. which to select, made with as good material • and workmanship as can be crowded into jt for the price asked, We invite your inspection, trusting it will result' in MUTUAL BUSINESS. : a The W. D•. 1.AIEr CO, Clinton. *6 Often the Cheapest -Always the BeSt." WM MM 'eVr�Y�il Wl�tiYVAYi� H •S KI • Aird our lowprices must win' We are kept busy and no wonder, Another big purchase-' of first-class, up-to-date Boots & Shoes on sale Fiday at less than whole- sale prices. Not, bankrupt stock. but new goods, this seasons make•directfrom the factory. 1 Just a few prieei3 Girls' Laced Boots, 8 to 10,` worth 85c,going at..:... -, SOc ...• Girls' Buttoned Hoots, plat. tip, worth $1, only,...,.; ,69c Men's Laced Boots, would' be elicit') at $I, for...:. ,;_, 75e Ladies'Genu ine Dongola Kid Strap Slippers,worth $1.7$c ,Ladies' Dongola Kid :Buttoned Boots, worth $1.75..$1.2s Gents' Dongola Kid•Gaiters,' well worth $2, ......:. $1.5O Misses Pebble Buttoned Boots, special for • 79c The choice is immense, the bargains untenable. iiWe .give you it fair warning they willnot last long. tome early rriday4morn ing. • To investigate is to invest at. the Old. Reliable. 111/1. TAYLOR 84 -SON. Cash and One Price. ►Ti' •l ggs taken as Cash INSURANCE OFFICE AT: THE STORE, It dcn't pay to carry men's hate over from one seasonto another. That's the t.; iaon' for the biggest hat bargain that has ooaie your way for many a day. Just )aGcause we have made tip our minds not to carry them over yeti can buy hats that you'll rt 'pry $1.50, $Wand $2.50 for in other stone, for OOo each. Bard Rata and Fedoras, good etiapee, first claw quelitiea. See them in our furnishing department, `]ift n's haul aid fedora hate, bleoks, greys. browns, fawns, all gond ehatpes qualities, that soldat $1.'x..5,.01.60, $2 end $2.50, beoaupe ft) we will not carry them over: ahoioe now ler.. .......... CJ by ire barge niruiher who. paidith wh respects.to •tbcir.pastui•, his wife and ass. - fancily, : The interior ofthe house wag ler-•- decorated for the oenasinrt and an -arch , .+► "1875- H•anpiness---1900"'was erected '.� -• to the drawing roods which was beaurt- i€al.and added to the event. Many - tetters and, were received AP- frona.friends, also anumber of gifts. We trust that Rey, Mr and "Mrs.How- I` l-- sun. may enjoy the blessings of a kind Providence, and that they. to ty Bete brate their weddii g anntve..aaay` for es -- many, many s-rmany,many ears to comp.. The NEw at.•••- ERA joins in.congratulations . with their many friends. • ENTRANCEOANDIDATFS.-`The fol. lowing are the number of .candidate:.' writing on the entrance, exn'ideation in;the inspectorate of 'East Huron :- Bnvs Girls Total. Clinton 22..... Wingham 2�4 " 81 ..68 Blyth 14:: 12......26 60 81 ....141 36 35 :..-.71 • Brussel. ...21 29 50: Wroxeter.. .18 15 33 Fordwich., .. 6.. .6. `1 81...:..85 166 Total..., ..141 :...166 307 ' ,The examiners for the first group of centres, Clinton, Wingharn .and Blyth are Messrs Houston, Laugh and. Robb; those for the second greu, of centra, °Messrs Clarkson,Shillinglau and Robb. The results will be published in the local papers about July 20th. , BrJtGLAa.Y.-Clinton had midnight marauders this week and this. time again got ahold of valuable plunder. Early on Sunday morning Night watchman Herman noticed some tools in the lane at Davis and Rowland'e hardware store and on investigation saw that this store was opened in the rear,the office widdow having been the meansfof entrance. From the inside the windowe are enclosed by means of shut! er brit after the lower window was shoved up this was easily forced. The clothing mtole and furnishing store of Holloway and Morrish. was tried horn the rear bat met failure. By using a brace end bit they had made a hole about 7x4 inches SO as to alow freedom to turn a key which they had evidently thought remained in the. look, as it is generally' eo hut.otjly hap. pened to be taken outs the night before and laid on the safe. it was apparent that this was,the first place tried and meeting failaare the hardware store was the next resort where the tools 'were left and the mission more fruit- ful. Between $90 and $40 worth of articles were taken including all the razors, a quantity' of sciettore and jack knives and some small chane but they were a little considerate and loft a few nickels. On Sunday inveetiga- tien Wan made but no clue was obtain- • Seaforth ed. "Danny,' a tramp tailor, had been talking to the watchmala nt, 2 o'Cloek that morningand a it watt thought he watt ueed to keep ills oifi. cial engaged while others wee other - wise occupied he was placed under at - rest rest by the chief but let go afterwards nclE., Word having been merit to neighbor. • log towns to look out an d "poor Dan. �. , and again ,yet liberty on word nein" rent tram here t ll ev yin1. At present B ,` . , li 4� 1p a Pio alae It here freeh�nta. At Departmental Stare ter: • i IIP ,1• :-s 0-•I albs*Ow- a5•-- rl�. n.►-- atrtt•-- MA".-- at ttr 1101.4. 11110.4. ,atiatr- sits 111110.* atm- 010.4. a1 jackstn Bros. celebrated make of Clothing saving all buyerss the middleniaus prtf&t �.epf'e8011t13 wand giving thein a class of�goods totally different from 'ordinary areal yr -imides. People who have to large family to cloth should see our stock of "Lion" Brand boys clouting. You can buy a meds ;:ium site boys'" coat and pants for $2.60. If you want the vest it will cost Goo more Coats are made single ilii buyers abreasted hen d to realinN our own Ma a that when t yQu can buy from the T e xn ufid ufac� rg sthem zng tt y liable. rnaust save one profit and�D c-, Shrewd l 4 111100.* to ]fir a bu y•ers a g reatt saving. i thele inefitrs g , . g , --.Nr .r r tr a at I0.00 are usually sold fill $ , t,0() but loot mt►nufaeturers we v <)ul Roc ltf Oait:.ler. G suits � �' g cansave this one pl'oflt. r!.'lli�l,Jtlit�is won vitt) for the 1f1011t)y't They sell on bight, In'o well out, well made and well trimmed, Can be had ill single or double breasted,.,. JACXSON tBItOS, Tram ..9lintonjDEPARTMENTAL 3.50 The Famous Sated shoe 3.5`O: A new shipment of ; Slater Shoes brings ' us a celebrated ' shape called the "Rational" designed for gentlemen who apprecaite graceful curves; which' 'respect their corns, tender nails and tenderer bunions. The toe is stiff, full, .round and wide across the curved ball and is higher on the great toe .aide from the instep than on the small toe side' high roomy and curving instep, This shape has great claims to beauty but stronger ones to comfort. Made in Box Calf or. Kidduck. Black or Tau in: color. At $3.50. they stand,. as .the best goods for the !Honey on' the market: •; The elebraated • rc Bela." Shoe for Ladies Wear, .-ter Hardlya day gasses but•we have Customers asking for they "Be11" shoe and when once they become costumers .or this make they will use no other. They cost a trifle more money than aorta. cheapmake but Ze t ey are very much cheaper In the end, They are the perfection of fine . shoemaking and will give theme eatest satisfaction in wear,' ,,, WHAT PARTICULAR SHOE - Is MADE O 'the "Lion Brand" •