HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-04-23, Page 4h;\GE Fo.;r- THE Bi.Y"1'II STA NDARD--APim, 23RD, 3goa,
JAS.McMURCHIElJLRii;titg#a"`ti:b.lTo Keep Young
BANKER, - ,Chicks Healthy
THURSDAY, APR. 20 1095
People We Know Empire
4 p
I3. ,McCannttns was in Listowel P C U !try
for tt few days.
Alr, T. J. 13uckstep was in Gale- •f ( '1 u ate r
rich Gnnd Friday. ✓
Mr. Niles Morgan, of Brussels, was
here for the holidays.
Bliss Mottle Barr, orGodell* was
ltonle for the holidays.
111 r.
James Dodds vva:. home from
Turoutd for the Paster -tide,
Mr. Gordan Cook, of St. Marys,
w'ns in town Good Friday.
Mr, Charles Black, of Goderich,
w'tis here on Good Friday.
Miss Myrtle Bengough spent Good
Friday at her home in Heim II.
Mr. Wm. (3('k, 3)n', of \Vinglmm,
was Blyth visitor this week,
Mr. Ed, Tetuan, of London, was a
visitor in town during the (00031,
Mr. Herbert McElroy, of Listowel,
spelt Good Friday at his home. here,
Mr, D. Tartan spent the holiday
Sale Notes a specialty, Advances nide
to tenure on their ew•n notes. No
additional' security required.
We offer every accommodation eon-
aleteut with safe and eonservative
bankbre principles.
To loan on Real ]:state at lowest rates
of interest.
Persons wishing to sell will do well to
place theh• property on our het fur
sale. Rents colleuted,
03 all kinds promptly attended to,
We represent the leading Fire and
LIfeAssurenoo cmupanleo,aod respect)
fully sollolt your account,
OFFICE HOURS: 10 A,M. to 3 1'.M
Business Cards.
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, lite. Sue-
cesssr to G. P. Blair, 011lue over Stan-
dard Bank, Brussels. Solicitor for Metro-
politan Blink.
Batrlsters, Solicitors, Notarles Public,
Etc, 0311055—Those formerly occupied by
Messrs, Cameron anti Holt, Goderich. NV
Proudfoot, 1(0. ; 10 C, trays, G. F. Blair,
G, E. LONG, LD.S., D.D.S.
Dental Surgeon, Graduate of the Royal
College of Dr--ntal Sergsous, An honor
graduate of 'Toronto University. Office
over James Cult's store, Pretoria block,
Blyth. At Auburn every Moudey 9 a,m,
to 0 p,tn.
NV, .1. 1'IILNE, TLD.C,M,
Physician and Surgeon. M,D.C,M,,
versltyof Trinity College; M.1),, queen's
University; bellow of Trinity Medical
College, and member of the College of
Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Cole
oner for the County of Huron. Moe, one
door north of Commercial hotel, Queen
street, Myth,
Blyth Livery
Sale Stables
o c vO row
I)r. J. N. Perdue, V.S.
Keep away the i)ee, and lice
(amen (female where
in Toronto visiting Oshawa blends.
Alias Woods, of Thames11Ir, w910 prices,
tm Pastor rtsi101' with :Hiss Agnes
Mr. A. li, llusgrove and Dr. Irwin
of Winghnm, were in town last
Messrs, 13, A. Stewart. and 1;. J.
linson were Wilda!' visitors in
Goderich on Alenday.
Air. and Mrs, L. Cree and two
children, of Clinton, visited Mrs,
Cook during the holidays,
Aliso Zella Carder, of London, wits
n visitor at the home of her father,
Dr. Carder, over },aster.
Mrs, Jos. Stothe's and youngest
daughter were away at Dungannon
visiting at Mrs. Stotllers' home,
Miss Jessie Hirons returned to
Brussels Monday after spending the
Easter holidays at her home here,
Mr. Jnines 13ownntn, who is look-
ing for the honor of being the candi-
date for North Huron, was in town
on Thursday last.
Alessrs. A. Robinson and W. Wat-
son were in Winghnm on Good Fri-
day attending the meeting of the
Lakeside Baseball League.
1.)r. A1'. J. Milne was at Goderich
last Thursday attending a meeting
of the Committee to deal lsitll the
re -anion 11 the June session,
Miss GI'lllltlr, of Teeswator, 1e-
eeMpanietl 3)v her liitle, niece, loss
Winnifred Watson, are visiting at
the home el' 3(1r. and Mrs, Allan
Miss Inez and 'Margaret Ilirons, ..f
Brussels, spent Saturday evening at
their lunne Here accompanied hyt 3(1r.
11'tit. IIaycruft, of Hamilton, and N0..
Wil lbee, of Brussels,
Mr, and firs, 1V. J. Dempsey and
Carrie 1'515 at Fergus on hoed 15'i
day visiting' Alr. and sirs. George
Dalvsou, fo110011y of Blyth. 1V'e are
sorry to hear that Air, Dawson's
health is not as good as his friends
would wish,
Samuel McLaughlin, of Blyth, left
h\ the C. 1', H.' on the; 14111 for
Roland, Manitoba, where 3)0 will
work wish his brother on a section
of the C. N. R. iJe secured leis
ticket front lir. spa rrord, of C. P. 11.
'Phase from a distance who were
here last Thursday attending the
Executive meeting of Ceure lltuon
were 1le'srs. C, On rrim(3'i1erich
Rohr.. 10 0005, Clinton ; W, Ji. Sin
tra-orf ` glair- DI 1F,uwick, 10. S. Scots, NV.
1 fit • II. Kerr, Brussels ; 'I'lhts. McMillan,
1. the leading business training school In ll1,1!.' ., Ai. Alurdy, .1. Ale Dowell,
'0entetnOntario. WVe give a thorough Alekillon ; J. McTaggart, (Ire)' ;
raetinel training g on e ,mmerr,[ul nu%,ioc s ,Jas. Young, ,l shorn ; Alex, Yvon;;
Imae Pitmen's Shorthand. 'Pouch 'lyp - 1111(1 AIr, Ross, Colborne,
Writing and in commercial and railroad
oeeratl0rr. l3oelt deeertment is in the
hands Oexperienced Instructors,Wi
aeslhtstefelnstopa.Woes. Our grade.
A Doctor's Statement
otos always (moored for our comsat) are
the bolt. Get our tree eatalogue and
learn mute allout us. You may enter
Is used as directed, "Most
etreotue! exterminator of lice on
the market" say those who have
tried it. Largo paehago', 25 ,
For sale by
Dr. W. J, Milne's
White City Drug Store
Any quantity of Eggs and
Butter at the hilliest cash
0 00 00 00 0
First -ohm Horses and Rigs for hire at
reasonable rates,
Bost of acoontmodatlon to Coritntereial
Travellers and others requiring rlgo.
Veterinary once at livery stable.
Auctioneer for Huron County
Terme ro,Monnbie. Sales arranged for
at the clime of Tim STANnAtm,. Nlyth.
f .lf7t42
Baie St. Paul, C.C., Que,
March 27t0, 1907.
"Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited,
Toronto, Out.
My many thanks for Paychine and
Oxomulatott I have used them with
very great satisfaction both in my own
ease and in that of my friends. T' af-
fords ate much pleasure to recommend
a renedv which is really good in cases
for whichit is intended, I am, yours
very truly,"
Doctors recognize that Psyeltine is
one of the verY best remedies for all
throat, Meng and stomach troubles and
all run down eoaditione, from whatever
eauee. It is the prescription of one of
the world's greatest specialists in dis-
eases of the throat, lungs, and stomach,
and all wasting diseases. Ask your
druggist for it, at 50e and 1,00, or
T. A. Slocum, Limited, Toronto,
NIcl\I I LI, AN t`t CO.
Mrs, .J. G. Moser was a holiday
visitor 1)3 Oil ItviIIe,
A0'. W. A. Garter made a business
trip to Toronto Inst week.
,hiss Murray is spending her
Easter 11011days in 'Toronto.
Air. Albert Robinson spent the
Easter holidays in Lucltnow.
Mr. Leon Scott, of Seal'orth, spent
Good friday at his home here,
Miss Carrie Slater, !teacher at
Allan, is hone for the holidays.
l'tiocipal and Mrs, Hartley, of
Clinton, were visitors in town last
Alias LOU Proctor, of Toronto, was
t) visitor with Mrs. 1t. NI, McKay for
a few days.
51r. E. C. 3(31ilfard, of Toronto
University, wits holidaying at home
for a few days,
Airs. 1Vtu, Henry and hiss Jennie
Il'aldcn, of Kineardfno, spent Easter
with Mr. and Mrs. Chanthero,
Miss Enema Alncd'nlgall, ol'Bolton,
and Miss Eva Macdougall, el' Toron-
to Junction, were. Easter visitors at
the Manse mid at Auburn.
Jlla i Ge! Donsurnptiun
in Spring 111onlns
The System is Generally Run Down and
Lacks Power to Destroy the Germ,
Winter tales the vitality tu,d Snap
oat ul u0 all. Instead of he,ngriclt 1)1-1
healthful, the blood is 011010 be thin
and watery ill the spring. An over-
powering tit "(loess conies upon us—
this is followed I,)• dead lr01l;m•5s, loss
of Jeep, poor eppehe tied del res.ron-
Domors ell say the only hope 1115 iu
snpplyieg lois of now blood weiel,
181151 he briurmiug with vitality and
building material,
The quickest w'ay to get the neces-
sary supply of viiali'ree blood is by
taking F'erro:ono. it establishes it
high stande d of blood, iem'ease5 nerve
force, restores bodily vigor in ea, truly
marvellous wily.
You me ;imply protected from spring.
fever and de ility diseases IIy 08019
Ferrozoue. Thio 18 proved by Mrs. 1l
I.ltichetilaon,01 hlanoti:k.Oot., 0'110
Leila in rlie following wurda haw' eke
gained in health and spirit from Fer-
rezone t ' 1'or 0000) 1100 ynnl01 was
not well, 1 wee 111in end ,mnemic,
Towards spring I fell into a condition
of nervous exlranstio0 (hat, made life
scarcely worse li0iug. Adeed Tired -
(less seemed to hang over me like a
Iced of lead. I simely (meld not do
,• bt
or t olrfnu-hrnl. A 011'0 ,
b r 11 I, , ) ua.in
developed that worded at0 greatly, for
1 thought- it might be tubercular.
VVIIeu 1 liter ,'end 1tbmwt F,'o,nzone 1
MO; r,0myntc, )l it w'n5 gond. I tool: 0,
regnloi'ly for 0bort eight, (('0,0, I110i
the (doing()iuin1' health was wonder-
ful. My cheeks Htied oat and Gamine
elwtr and 1083'. 1 gained eight pontile
in weight 11(111 ani now as sit rotrg and
vigorous tis )nsaible."
13brro'om' feeds and nmrrishrs the
0r lies that rrquire I00iSt0iie. It
seeds the trill and vim of robust
health rrul heats to foot, maks you
feel better et once. 13'on't you use
Perrezone7 Sold everywhere; 50
choc0latgoon ted 1031010 in a box 301.50
06015; or Six boxes for 02,50 at all
Now that housecleaning is at hand
THE STAvoallp hos a great number
of old newspapers tied up in Ilund-
les which we will sell at fie at poodle
or 3 for 1Oc. The papers are 1111
clean and just the thing 39 lay under
the earpet5. Cane early and avoid
the rush.
1f all reports Ire true the Conserve -
live c;uulidntes in North Hurott are
1100 a 1111npy family, The support
should go to James liownau, of .6101'.
ria t.olvuship, 1010 0901(151 odds lust
election ran a, good race u9alnst A.
11islon, M, P. P and now that the
riding is made n Conservative one ho
should he allowed the first chance t0
tri' and become its member. But by
all npnearan005 there are n few 0'50
think (Ir Bowman should step ont,and
rive his support to 11r, Musgrove, cd
From \Vbighorn —At the Liberal
aquvi:miel to bo held here on the 9-111,
Inst„ it is expected that W. H. Kerr,
editor of the Brussels Post, will re-
ceive the noniuniion for the newly -
constituted riding of North Huron,
J,T, Currie, of East Wawanosh, Ia
also an aspirant, it is said. ..511., Cur-
rin, who was warden of Huron Iso)
year, I'ootest03 the Liberal convention
recently held at (}ode'ich, when Aver,
Proudfoot, 1i, C„ received a majority
of -the voles of the delegates,
From Clinton--'l'he New Era says
„It would ben particularly Interesting
eor1) l'st. in North Heron, fur the local,
should both the Liberal 011,1 0011801111t.
live caididnre he tt aeeident. nt ha in. 111' Alasgroy0 will he the Con -
Ser (0)110 Candidate (if previous prom -
res ere e10'ried out), and It, Van stone,
of Wingimom, night happen to be the
Liherol nominee. Should this prove to
be the ease, the contest would bo wi
interesting as to nmke Mr. Musgrove's
)111011555 of election slightly dnnbthli,
W. 11. Kerr. of Brussels, would also
snake thin{ : interesting for Ili'. Mos)
From Goderich—In connection with
the olulidatnee of A, H. Min:grove, of
Winghnm, in the Conservative interest
in the new riding of North Huron, now
beinli; advocated by a nnnlber of the
pa0y papers in the county, it is chnr-
ed in some quarters that Air, Mtn: -
grove mulls 00 ens)' thing. Defeated
iu East Huron, Liberals say that he
refused to place himself need() before
the electors until he could have arid-
iu9 iu which his chances of election
1000111 be more 51.0010. However that
may bo, it is (00reded that lir, Mus-
grove would make it strong camdidnt0
and 0 looks 00 if he (you'd bo selected.
11e is at lr"sent principal of Wiuglaun
Public School, le it good speaker mid
generally populev.
The Immo of Mo (thew Lockhart. is
else mentioned. Air. L0cichnrt's mune
was among the top four of Ilioso voted
at, the last Conoe•vative nominating
convcioinn is West I0100)1, Ile is n
well-known East \3(ln 1(1)055 farmer,
Morris Council.
The Council' Met according to ad
jourumeuton April 1111) ; members all
piesent, the lfeeto iu the chair, ,Alin.
us00 t f last meeting weteleud and con
The matter of, placing new reel
structures over the river at island, east
of the'Powo Hall, was taken on no it
was moved 3)y ML'. Soave, seconded 3)y
1'Ir,'14 ylor, that We build two 81001
truetures, each (35 feet elu,u', tint t"I
outer end abetnlents he built inside of
the present wooden structure, 110
Fridge to 00 raised one foot Wier 111 n
as pr •$)ut, and titan we emeley (lose,
Linginior Paterson to Prepare plu, s
and specifications for cerr0bt abut-
ments, elan to inspect plate, 51)01001ed
(01' 5)101 street ere and fi, ally inspee'
the same,—Carried, Ali, Catnpbe I
voted nay.
Aloved 3),y Mn Campbell, seconded
by (Ir,, 3(lc),0,l (0000, that We ask for
tenders for build) lgoonleetabutments,
tenders to he omitted at oto' next, meet-
ing. —0011101,
Moved by Air, Shaw, seconded 3)y
Mr, Campbell, that 13y.ltlw No. 4 for
construction of Allison 111 itin Ila tion.
read be provisionally adopted, end
that the Conn or Revision on said 03-
lew he held nu the 21011 of slay at 3
o •.i 000 p. nt.— Cdr r sed.
Patlunn0tero were appointed no fol.
low 0 :—
Nardi Beittidilt
—N rh&utLu y A J H
P Fowler, 1011❑ NicCr0r:en, George
ltl)ooald, John Messer, N. Thornton,
R. Messer and P. Melmigull,
Int Ileo -1), 3V. Campbell, 1. D. Me•
Ewan, D. 1I. Campbell, A. McEwan,
John Spa en, \Vm, Thornton, John
.101111,1 on and it. Miller.
2nd line—AVio 1'uultluer, John Per-
due, L. ,le win., .1Sellas, Win. '1')11'.
1 t.y..301118 3100tru d, C. Forrest and L.
mrdline—.I. (1011055, I. 110)')'51', 0.
t;tu'1 150, 3\'. I1. Knox.. J,1,„ Haw.
thorns), C. Campbell. J .11. Sellrs, AV.
Ftu'rom and ;lames Ireland.
40h lice -11. Andel son, It. Proctor,,
Jr. Nicholson, C. \\'heeler, Win, Mc-
Cracken, ,John Shnrrir, John Barr and
A. Crooks.
100liue—Wm, Armstrong, NV. Per.
9n0on, \V. C. Pr0,))01, ,1. Rnsseil,
Martin, 1,11n1 AlcArter. E. Nichol, D,
Sommerville, .10015 Davis, H. Mc-
Arter anti W. R, Mooney,
nth line—E, Word. Jameslielly, J.
FT. Hall. Win. Bird, 10. 13. Ale.nrk, Jas,
Nichol, W. .1. Smith. F. lleCutchco0
and Wur,Thnell,
'71.11 lino -15, Ne bit, J. Phelan, John
Craig, P. Kelly, Thames Pierce, A,
The ladies will all have new hats for Easter.
What about the poor old roan ?
1111ll 5011.55 a now hat ton, we think. Telco n look at your old car. Does It
lock 5553)0)'1 Anyway, your new spring suit won't loop right if you don't have a
new !tat.
\Vs have all the new spring styles In Black Stttr flats and ]stack, Fawn and
Brown Soft Felts,
The Price is Only $2.00 for the Best English Makes
We are agents for Barrington & Co„ Langley C Co. and Jas. 0, Roberts A: Co.,
of London, England, and Granville & Co., of New York.
Long Gloves for the Ladies
Just received a second shipment of Long Gloves In Silk, Lace and Lisle,
White, Cream and Mark Afllanose Silk Gloves—elbow lerglh, ezfra heavy
quality, double tips, only $1.00 per pelt..
Black Lisle Gloves—Just what you have been looking for, ht elbow lengtb, at
50e per pair.
A Special in Long Lace Gloves
Elbow length In white and cream only
A Bargain at 25c per pair.
Howlett, 5, McCall, 10 McDonald and 65090'10 gets THE S'IANDA:ID 1111
H. Beaus. the end of the year for all new suh-
81hlino -}T, 1'ea, ,T, lt,jelunnnd, J, surihere is Canada. 13 1'011 want
Scott, J. AlcCttll, 'I', Nellie, J. Col-
clough, John Ja01150n, G, 3(1,0a31wtn, cheap rct,diug look at 001' Blabbing
Geo. Kelly and A. knight, list.
915 line—John Power, 1'. Longman,
C.K,'1),Ila,'f.Coulter, 1,\\t.S3(le. CHEAP READINGr
teed, D, Laidlaw, T. McCall, P. Me- v
Arthur. W. A. Call and T. Bolger, The 5tandnr1 yl 90
South Boundary—Geo. Grigg.
Nest 33umnlary—James Golit',v, J. The Standard and WeeklyAdver-
The Standard turd Weekly Wit-
ne s 1 00
'1'115 Sttwdard and Weekly Globe 1. 515
The Standard and Family Herald
and Weeltly Stet. 1 70
The Standard and Weekly A1ail
and Empire 1 9:i
The Standard and Hamilton Semi-
wee111,7' Ti e8 1 80
The Standard apt Weekly Prep
Press 1 80
The S(on dord fled Toretto Week-
Seo..,..,.. 180
'Pita Stnothar•(1 and Ha milto0
`.'mice -a -w0011 Speeuttor,.. 1 80
The Standard end Toronto Daily
Star 2 25
'Phe Standard 101(1 Toronto Daily
News . 2 25
The 810011)10(1)18)1 1'arme•'s Advo-
ctaco 2 30
The Standard and Daily Adver-
tisSner 2 50
The ondard and Evening F
P1005 2 75
the t'od have largely been lost sight The Standard and'1'0routo llaily
of in these latter days. \V cold 11 45
ARE you interested in good print- 'L'ha Starndxrd aol Daily' free
lite 7 If you are, an order sent to The Pia Standard nod Evening woke
our job department will em0vinre The Srondard and Evening Alaii
Wtghtmnn, '1'. Goeman tun! J. Coming,
East Boundary—A, Bryans, Wm,
Yonill, 1Vni, Dark end C. Pollard.
Walt* Village—Dr. Menzies.
Belgrave 1'illnee-11', ;i, Geddes.
The Conteh then adjourned to meet
again on May 29th at 10 o'clock n. m.
for Court of Revision and other busi-
❑e Rs,
W. Clark, Clerk.
11.01011 you started your spring
gardening yet 1
Alan is somewhat like a sausage—
Looks all right upon the skin,
But You 1)0001' know extett y
Iltnv m1011 hog there is within,
Stu Wtl,rntn LAUuttta said a wise
thing in the house yesterday when
he declared that Spaulkirg 101)0 the
greatest 1'ctI'dy for the cigarette
evil among boys. The virtues of
1 135
you that we excell in the "art pre -
ser 101ive." The certain trier, in the
arrangement of the type, so marked
in our work, is a sign of art. Let
us fit you ant with business bringing
printing. Cali at Tut: Sias, to
office and get our figures,
and Empire
'l.'le Standard and Daily Mail
And Euy(00
'rho Standard and 1)1tily Globe. , .
Send all Skibscri11ions direct to
8 50
li 50
9 50
4 50
W a have studied your evert' nred in the way of t'eoulifyIng your home at this
store. You get satisfying re, ults with exceptlolally low prices,
Picture Moulding I A Now Rug
at :le, le, 50 end tie per Not. j will imnrove the apeeara1 re of your pm'-
GombAtatiun Plate Rail and Picturefor, We 1111'0 them from $4 to ))21 each,
ALndding, with grooves for plates, 3,l Oor V'nrnlsh and P10110 l'ollah will
Inches wide, Isle per foot, , make old fereltur0 03(1110 litre hew.
We are now offering to the purchasing public. --
at $3.00 per hundred
or $2.90 for cash.
Those having intentions of building fences this spring
should see our stock before going elsewhere. •
Hardware and Tinware