HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-07-06, Page 2• July Of 1900 Stand ? Where do You This paragraph le Intended or those of our subsorltrers wbo b etc not yet remitted tbeir subseription for tide yea**, mid fore) °them , In addition to Ipublisbing a first 01•88 local paper at the lowest pon6t. ble prioe-$I A YEAR In AuvAgtig we are gaideg our reactors tiu up to date War seavice es good as given by Any dell paper, winch mists us coneiderable extra. at We ere not aslitng any extra 4 price or thie extra service, but we et do ask that subserib rs ebow their . ( appreciation by renewing their sub. , .4 scriptions as prouipt-y at possible. • c .... It h unreasonable and unfair to ...a ask us t4 pay postage on papers, and at else run a ore it business from year 4/ to year, and we frankly ask our 4c I delinquent subscribers tosee that ar. 44 rears are paid, and a year la aclyance. AC 4( • And the sooner this is done tbe * b ater wi wt liki it et it . . e-e)e "e. IiItt#1* Are FRIDAY, JUNE 29. 1900 Sir Charted rupper et.eitil.naturciay erone Montreal for England. He will be away for six or eight weeks, rettun.. Ling to Oen „Oa in' the latter part of August or eat ly part of September to commeece an active political campaign in Eastern Ontario. • • • Hon. Mc Mulock inaugurated more reforms in the Postal Service in four • years, thau were en t ro d treed dm in g the - previous 20. He not. only reduced postage to 2 cent, opened extra, offices, increased the routes by hund- reds of miles,bat has almost succeeded in wiping out the former annual defic- it of $800,000, and expects by next year to make the teceipts and expenditures. balance -a record that any Cabinet Minister has reason to be proud of,and for which the Liberals should get cred- it • • • Already the war in South Africa has cost an enormous sum of money, and the end is not yet. has been esti- , mated that up to the end of March the sum of $114,000,000 bad been spent by Great Bricain in the attempt to subdue the unruly Boers. Add to this the, - cost of the Americau war in Cuba, Porto Rica and I he Philippines, and the sum which has .been spent i ri war • by the two moat bighly civilized coun- tries in the worlddin ing the past, two • years will be of astounding proportions. a • • • The Toronto Star well saye:-"The 'most amazingly fr ink thing in the whole political situation is the double- barreled organship in Montreal, where two papers work in differerit ways for :Sir Charles Tupper -the Star appeal- ing to race feeling in Ontario, and Le ..journal to race feelirg In Quebec, both serving the same Master, both 'con- trolled by the same publisher, under. • tees roof, and usienee the same smoke- • stack." r • • • It will be McKinley and Roosevelt, • so far as the Republicansare concerned, next Presidential election in the States, .ee Smile of the party are very &nip y be- • cause the platform builders did not take a whack at,Great Britain and say. • something that wonki attract the Fen- • fans, Bryan's friends are trying that g me, and it will not 'likely hell) hiM • with the mass of trete' alized British • an I Canadians in t he United States. ' • • •'...0113 death of LteCol.Tyrwhitt leaves ' • si x vacancies in the House of Lim- . in ans. There are thtee constituenees •v want through death. two from mem- , • hers accepting office, and one from tesignation. Those who died since the . bession opened are: Berl ram, Toronto Centre; Haley, Hants, N. S.: and Tyr- whitt, South Sitncoe. Sir Henri Joly • and, Mr Bernier have accepted office. Mr McInnes, Nanaioao, B. C., resigned • tn run for I heLegislature. All except South Shnooe were Liberal Seats. There is only one mit issued, and that 1 0 for the election of Mr Bernier on . July II. Letter front South Africa ' The following letter from Pere Uoineen(orotber of 11. Holmes) wr•itte front, Oape Town, South At, Ica, meet TBE MINTON NEW ERA .it Initehrited by J. B. Boucle or $2475: the 87 etre from on the Uuoni end, ptirtiliiietal by. 114 . Downey y for SIX% -The ot bet 00 etre fru tit wne 0 not tohL The wbole tale, including 1 he ferule bObi ltfl*OUflttd tt. ebout ' del e of May 29, contains twine noteso interest "We arrived here yesterdev morn ' lug at nine o'clock, came to endow the bay, and had to wait too it the hat bor eaptain came ofe And saw one ship ping papers betore we couid com ashore. We came on shore about I o'clock and had to hunt around fo about three hems before we Could fin out Whe Was 'the ()Meer in charge 0 the supplies, and where be was to b found; we were edit from one piece t .another then back againsoneesvher else, so you cao see the ainoent o work that is required to be done by captain of a yesset when he comes t any port where war supplies ate bein f $4,700. Many will learn with menet I I the • death of John Duttotts Ortiegi61, Seise n ford, which rrectirrsIdet ritewha,t tele derily on Tuesday week at the honne of - his soft in-law, G. A. Deadnean, a u. e set, ile was over 70 and Waa a native 1 of England'. In 1851 he met reed his Itte, r wife, tieing then propeletc r of a largo. d chemist's store in Sem hatopt c, . he, f following family survied-Mrs Dead O men, Brussels; Aire (Peofe Olarke, o Woodstock; Mrs (Dr.) Browett. ol . e Woodstock and St. Thomas; Mrs etc • f McGillicuddy, Toronto; Mire Klee Les a ' ton, Toronto; Dr. C. Dutt on, Deltot ; o John, of Woodstock:. .Arthineof lee, tcolt brought it. If a ship comes into 1 b harbor and does. not, get entered At tb Custonun. the same.day,' she is Charged 50e per dey for every day she lay there tmentered, Table Bey is quit large but very insecurb . for vessel !, Two youngenee,named David Smith and Wesley Pe ri were before Peeve Mngletrate Bea I ble. Seittin in, Am TON.. day week, abargen With h•tving stolen e two fleeces of wool from J. Geturuilj. when aerfeetheWest ga e ta blowingeif Made to blow very- hard from tha quarter, all vessels that qossibly Can t of riteket•sude b. Both men pireided •, sod were committed to ender • kb jail to stand their itil, They are t about 19. years of age. They Appeared go are ordered outordee The ampule of shipping at present in the harbor is doom:me vessels here ft one all parts of the workeeind ehips of every elite., and description. On the military docks it is a wonderful sight, pract le ally DI un tains of bay, lots of places p led up eighty feet high: boiled mutton trona Australia, tinned 1 eef from Chicago, hay and mete ft ona Saone Aftica, and ale° wheat; and hay, oats sec. from Oanade. A great deal of the teaming work is done by tractiou en- gines, drawing heavy lorries right along the rnain roads; no wonder they haye good streets fur driving it) the city here, which they most. ceetajaelye do. Kaffire do n11 the manual work of unloading' shies, and such like work'. You see hundreds of them around, motitly talking in their own language, %lila sounds very gibberish. There are Zulus, Hottentots, Duteh nod many others. The streets ef Cape Town are very well paved and kept, very few bicycles being used, compat a• tively speAking. The street Cars are by no means what the people of Tote onto or any large Canneian city would fancy, as they are a double deckers, and not upholstered. horses of Oape Town are not worthy the name. or the what we see at home. Some of the horses that came -out wit h the Can- adian Artilleryare in Cape Town being used by the militia, and 'they nee the finest I have seen here. Mules are very much used; you see them in teams, with breast collars.; hardly any person uses the heavy cleawin'g collar; if it is a heavy team you will see two or three teams:demo!l mules all driv- en by one man. Board is very hard to get; neatly all the hotela are full; and in private houses it is next to imps* aible to get; it costs Inc it single room Be 10e, or $31.20 a month; for a room you share with some one else. 51 Mee or e20 40 it month; rather expensive eying. Table Mountain is behind Cape lcwn, is over 8,000 feet high, and on it is a signal statipuethat can sight a ship an immense way off." Cesp County. Clippings South Huron 0ouuter. Orange Ledge will celebrate this year at Seefortb. Competition at Bayfleld has reduced the p.rice of bread to folic cents a loaf. Miss Anna V., daughter Of Mr and Mrs R. dreen, Turnberry, was mar- ried on Wednesdeer to W. A. Mines, of that township. Miss Hester, daughter of W. Moore, Hensallt and T. Shnpson tvere united. in marriage on Wednesday evening of last week. • , The South Heron Fermis'. picnic was held on Thursday week at Hen - hall There was about 250 peopie on the grounds. Everybody had a, very pleasant time. • II. Beck. Hensel!, sold 'his residence to G. Wren, Ciaiselharrit, who purpobee moving there in the fall. The sum paid was $1000. • been e judge Mabson, pleiteed• guilt y, 28 h • the Central t Non,. Tomtit°. • This, ithout a, bolibt. 1$ speedy justice. Ths't.l!ence was committed on Sue deo; lite parties were apprehended nu lttooday. were rent for iriai on • Toe: 7 • day, sled were •firialiy tt•ied and 'sen- tenced on Wecinet-day,• . Magistrates Sulillie and At noid held court, on Saturday afternoon in Cox wOrth's Rail, liensall, The complaint investigated was (use of aetia,ule tout battery made by Henry Elsie against Elizabeth Fullens, wife of Conrad Fle- e , both -of Ray township Mr Elsie 'se ore that on returning home from neighbors, .vviaen he was so um in his own yard by the' defendant, with a • heavy stick, which. niflieted a severe wound oneeis eye. .The -defendinit's evidence was to show that tbe had gone to the eorrplainaut's prethises ter her daughten, writ) waa hired there,a.nd: tiint she merely. struck in -self-defence." Pullens was lined.$1 and costo.. - HAVE YOU ratibt otionh? • Have you elide isboice of a druggist to whom you oan go at all times with a cer- tainty of getting just vihst you require? If • you have. not made it choice, we reripeotful- ly request chat y gni° in it trial. • Our stook of pure drugs, 'perfumea, brushee, combs, entinges end general toilet supp lee is large and varied, and our prices are low- est. MARES SICK PEOPAE WEI4Ta Pame's Celery. Compound, the world's greatest end beet medicine Malted sick . • people well. Thousaecle of testimonial.; • iron) - best people have established the feet the. Paine'e Celery Con.pound is the osly honest and reliable medicine for hot weather ailtnente. Our stook of Paine'e •Celery 'onipound is always fresh; get your • elipply from us. B. CO JIBE, dreggiet, Clinton, On. • • • Pacts about the War. • - Duration of the war . ------------231..days British soldiers engaged ..... .20.000 • ler forces, probably 50,000 'Brit iele losses in edited, wOunded, missieg and invalided home..30,000 - Boer losses ....trokuown GREAT BATTLES.' Dundee, Oct. 20, British )asses 182 lelandslarigte. Oct 21, " . 150 Larlyernit h. Ow. 80 le ...e '1270 Belmont, Noy, 28 e - 231 Graven, Noy. 25 • " 198 MocIder River, Noy. 28 41 e. a d475 Magetsforitein, De 12 "-------832 torne barge Dec.10, Brit isli capt In ed 000 Tugela River, Dec. 15, British looseQ 100 Simon Kort, Jan, 20 10 25 " -1500 Ellen May, second daughter of Joie. Horton Leeburn, was marriedto JW, Farrish;Ashfield, on Wednesday week. Rev. Mr McKay perfor med the eei ntony. Mr and Mrs T. Bagley, West Wawa - nosh, have the sincere sympathy of the community in the death of. their Infant child, Joseph Albert, kern bion- chitis and inflammation ofet he bowels Wm. Hudson, Tuckeremith, pulled a few stalks of fall wheat which inesteme ed 5 feet ni inches,. • He has a field of 10 acres thickly covet ed. •. W. Horn bas purchased the large building on Stauffeestreet, Luckuuw, formerly occupied by Hildree Bros, as re carriage shop, and has opened up a horseshoeing and general blackmeith• ing businese. ' •• . Mr Gourley, of the 2dcl, Ashfida,met with a serums accident lase week. While Working veith his team, which was hitched to a wagon, they becerne unmanageable and started off, knocked Mr Gourley down, the horses and wag- on pass ug over his body, We regree to chronicle the death of R. Jones, Seaforth, age» 83 years. He was a resident of that place for over 85 years, and was a tailor byeeerade. He Was a veteran of '09 and received at nedal this year for service to his conn- try,and was a Presbyterian in teligion. The grim tneseage of death has again entered Egrnotniville, this Ulna calling • • elt away one of the oldest and tlaptit etigh- et respected residents In the person of Mes Stewart, relict of the late Richard Stewart. who predeceased her a num- ber of years. Deeeased was 78 years and 0 months old. Mee (Rev.) Acheson, of Eippen, while attending to household duties, had oc- &sloe to be up on it Windoee putting ip Weide, when by some means she oet her footing and felt to the floor, receiving a bad shaking up, eprairring her ankle and otherwise injuring her. Miss Sidney Elizabeth, who has been iving In Windsor Inc some time, daughter of R, Aiken*, of Winghant Wee married to It Dyer hook.kee I Who the "Boxer's" are. --- 1.11P word "Boxer" is the Anglicised peraphtase of the name and badge of a -Chinese secret society. The meaning f the Chinese name is "The Red -Fist tenelety," and the badge Is a clenched bond. 1 here Is nothing pugilistic about the organization, but the beige is suede- I lowly suggestive to have caused the Dame of the society to bktranslated, IWO English as the "Boxer," The original object of the "Boxer" Movement was to evict. foreignere j " frbrn Chinese soil by a systematized con se of Intimidation. bottle of the "Boxers" have advieed or the Arleen Wire Onnee Cio, to the sea at one great evroop, and to 0 the Elbpre813 to drive the foreigners In. t f. toff, on edoestitty week et the ttt ace Of her father. The ceremony Wag Meer the country a all but Ohinamen, There are otijers who realize the ims po$Ability of such a step without pro. daring friction with European powers, artd their polio has been to MOS a less transparent line of action, having 1. the aattle result as its ultimate aim. The anti -foreign -goctrine has now produced bloodshed,Ntnd it is clear that till the Rtnpire, together with the Vatted States wilt oon be en a ed theprotection of theetrangers n bine. e perfornhol Ib'!, Ilobbs, On Wednesday week, a large number of stair/art mon of Moot Wswitnowit MORI ether Pleinte were assembled on Ii promises of J. Willem, eon, 6, West Wayeanosh, aligilt In raiding his bitrne 4dgfealni 91J ft, in height above • he foundation, it Patterson, East WeWel1001/1, heel the oontreer, for the The -Wide* of Rev Prancie Coleman Old ilathilton fast week. Rer bus. 1 hand, who wait one of the oldest Meth. east minister* In Canada, died Itio, o stwika i,o, hatnewOrk. Olen strinenutoon and Wilyerd, tinsmith, had other conk. tract* • The auction iitle of the property be. tinging to the estate of the late ri,ev, Dean Murphy took plate in Irielitown n Tuer3dav of last week. The' him. red acre tarn), on the 2nd non, of 111tc..0 STAGES OF vicT011Ious ADVANCE OF 13RITISH. Kimberley reliened, Feb. is, • Kronje capt ured, Feb. 2d. • Ladysmith relieved, March I. Bloemfontein erefered. March 12. Mafeking relieved, May 18. John ti nes bur g entered, May 31, Pret oria, enrrenders, .T tine 1. Kruger leported flight, May 30. • . • Peacocks. • Peacocks of the fandliar Ordinary Va- • riety are raised by the breeders of fancy fowls Of one sort or another, and they are not very ostly nor is there much de- mand for them. A pair of such peacocks • might cost from $12 to $20. They tuight • be sold for collections or for public parks, but not often for private parks • or grounds, where the white peacock would be preferred. White peacocks are rarer and more . costly than those et the ordinary kind, ranging in price from $100 to $225 a pain Sorne of these birds are raised in this country, but the greater number are im- ported from Europe. White peacocks are • like ordinary peacocks In their general characteristics, but instead of having plumage of the familiar blue an green and black, their plumage is wiete. Smite - times th '4 " th hit I ' tall are of a creamy tint, giving to the tail when spread the effect of lace, front Width 011611 birds are called white lace ,peneocks. • .The demand for peacocks of any 'varie- ty is small, and no dealer in bird s and an.' idols keeps them itt stock; supplying them °rely on order., ° • ,• .1111e Motive. • • 01 will. flak Yon now,"- the attorney for the prosecution ,snid to the witnees, "if the defendant lir this ease confessed to you his motive sbooting derecteed." "Hold onl" interposed the attornee for the defense, "I object.",• • "I only Want to find out whethereee • abiedo, Legal wrangle of half an •hear. • "The vritnesi may liter:tee ruled the judge. "Now, then, air, I will ask you agtibt. tlid or 'did not the prisoner contest to 0 yea hie matte, in shooting the deceased," • "Fre did." •t "Whitt WO ItV "Re welded to kill hint.".-Obleago Tribune, BOTH TIANDS SEALED. A pecut,,tAg, 91„ImAx INA GAME OF DRAW POKER. The Tariale That Ensued Vraa Grins- ly Complieoted, and Ite Unraveling . -Wait laceitlealy teasattsfactory to , Tlicee interested. "While 1 RES in Louisville recently" said tt New Orleans sPortine Man the lel* night, "1 liad ,sny Attention flailed to a Massive 4dd faehionee pokee table which stands la one corner of the knew- ' lug room at a club much frequented by horsemen. On ehe green baize cloth, at lomat° sides, are a number of curious Attie stains, hi which minute fragments of red sealing waX can be :teen on close Inspeetion. The table Is. never used for ea rd playing at present, and the -story tole in connectionwith it is really re. warkaele. "Goo afternoon several 'seam .ago at party of four turfuien,' all at that time pretty welt known In sportiag circles, kernel e game of poker In one of the lit- tle back room °retie club. They rocked along for several beers without doing mpb. damage, one Way or the other, when suddenly an exciting tussle begau 0Yl ot. "In a few moments the man vrho open- ed it ()rapped out, followed by one of the others, leaving the rein:ening two players to light tor the spoils. One of them was se bookmaker from gbicago, and the other wile a man from Syracuse who used t I be a partner in a famous 'art gal- lery' bar. I don't care to identify them any eloser than. that. The Chicago man began the trouble by betting $100e which the New Yorker saw and raised $250: Tim bookmaker came back with $1,000, couuted. out the money he 'noticed. that he had about exhausted • Ida roll. • " oversizes me,' said the Syra•-• mute man, eI haven't got $1,00.0, or a quarter ,of it, iu my leather,. but if you'll give mo half an hour to ge, out and rustle I'll stay with you till the cows icome. home,' "Well, the proposition, a• s the stay goes, was accepted, and the question then arose as to einit should be done in the meantime with the two hands, It was filially suggested to lay them. face down on the 'table and fasten the= there with sealing wax. The idea -seemed good and Was adopted,. A :lab of melted. wax was • dropped ilt the corners of each ot the pasteboards, and both players stamped the seals with private marks. The New Yorker used a cameo ring, the other.. trimly. making ait impression' With ifia thumb. The money on the table Was .1 e • d he the flake; and both mere-theree rushed out To replenish, agreeing on hour's limit, • e ow .comes the queer part of the ,sto- . ry. • The . boolne ker went straight to a . personal friend was proprietor of a eertain big gemblir ; boase end .borrowed $2,e00. • Re atarte.4 hack no it dead run With the" money: in his •band and . *bile crossing the street was knocked •down by a cab. Ono or the' front. wheels passed over his shoulder, and be was picked up uncOnecions and taken to it hoe:etre. • "Meanwhile the other player had hunt- ed up a wealthy distiller of bia. aequaint. since, told him. In. strict confidence what . he had and Was On the point a securing a loan when constaide walked. up and arrested him on a charge of middling. The ease had. grown out '44 'some race- track transaction, and there: was really nothing to it, but it was enough to give him considemble -annoyance, and it ware •late . at night before, he succeeded in ingem it bond.' • • • "Next. day 'the condition of the book- maker wait still very sedans, and as nei- ther man bad returned • 'Within the libur his friends insisted that the poker affair •should stand just as it was uutil he "got • better. The Syracuse man wanted the stakes taken down, but the others woeld. not agree, stud a week or' olio later he, was obliged to go -home on some business. Meanwhile the 'table Was locked in tha. eardioone and nobode was allowed to go near it. • "Wben the bookmaker was able to talk, he- protested vehemently • agisinst any division of . the money. 'Let that game stand until I an go and play :no hand out,' , he said. But he was"never able to do it. and, after. lingering nearly half a year, he suddenly got pneumonia and dice. Less than it week afterward the Syracuse man was accidentally drowned while out beating with some friends, oft Long Island. That left things In •very pepuliateeituation. "The marmger of the club wanted to divide the -Money in the safe between _the two estates, but the bookmaker's broth- er, wile was his executor, objected vigor- ousty, insisting ehat the last bet bad nev- er been celled, and consequently the New . Yorker Inte lost. Then the distiller, who . had agreed to back his Syracuse friend. offered . to ranee the -call good, and the two original pleyers who had dropped Out and who were still in the city began to clamor. for the return 61 their. Mono, amounting to about 00 apiece; on the ground, that everything. should be de- clared off on generel priticiples. Alto- gether it was the worst mixed. up affair that ever happened. "Finally the matter was left by agree- ment to tt. prominent Louisville business man who knew nothing about carde, but had bi 1 t • common sense. He deelared that the two pleeers who had dropped out had no claim on the pot, and, es nobody could . remember exude? how the preliminary betting had stood, that two-thirds Of the urine SUM go to the represents. titres ot the bookmaker and one-third to he estate of the New Yorker. To pro. vent endlese debates and squabbles. in future he also directed that the eardit Omuta be removed from the clOth, face , delta, autl destroyed without exposure. wrheee instruetious were tarried out to tire letter, although it nearly broke the hearts of untnerouti friend* of both partieg not to get a look at the two hands, The duels were carefully detach. ed one by one mid' burned In the grate without being turned over. After such an experience nobody cared to piny on he obi' titbit again, and It Was relegated o•11,cortler as 4 Cariosity, I'm told there wee a good deal tif wax on the deal riginelly, and, elthough 'moat of it hag Wen dusted away, enough ntill retuning o indicate the poeitlen of every eard."..- New Orleans Times-Demorrat, r a jack p TuattoutRui) The nudereigned hes tliorobred DurhaZa bull on his lot 77, Maltiend eoe., for service Torme111.00 tituo of tamale°, with t?rivilege of returning, A. BEDARD. MONEY TO LOAN. PRIVATE FONDS, At low rotes on arateolaea mortgages. • ' Melee to March 80-4,1 • Geotaor,goaatx..t, Picnic Parties. Beades a beanilful Park and Spacious Beinelng Pavilion, the groves in front of the River House, on the banks of the river have been lilted up tor PIONIO GROUNDS for the use atid tionvenience of guests. Every aecommode.tion eau be given, such as tables, ebaire, swinge, bammocke, boats, oto. Arrangeraente can be made with the proprie- tor for eonveyancee of any number over. No 'charge for use of grounds,' Any pertioulore • for earths), apply to j. O. MILLER, • , • Clarendon Hotel, Clinton, or Riven U0-130, 'Reynold, . Catieftit Man. "They may that fiblekers is It Dre• fesslonel !Minded, hut I 'Were 110Ver hetit'd ..0111140 joke In 0011Verg41101)," 0 041d Mrs Meliride. • "Ob, It's modest Wes of propriety to talk shop," replied Me, Mellride. Detroit Pres Priem Ilk notation. "WhAt is your fitvorlte reeltettent" Milked the Itosieitch "Ontfew Shall Not Mug Tonight," an. wered Me. illyitine with it prompineee Witieli IVA" Aimee dentine "Whet nobody reeltea dint any more.° "Thant why like IV -Washington Star. . . TO BREEDERS The phenomenal well bred standard horse, Tarentons 21794, will stand at W. W. Farran's barn. near Station at Clinton, every Monclay for the nala,nce of the season. Taamertna .21795 has in hie breeding the Mated sires livtng la dead, also 12 of the .grcatest produeing darns living. He has-Ist, uneneetionable breeding , 2nd, extreme speed; 8rd, the po_wer to transynit It. • Tema: To Mere, flo. For extended pedigree BOC large catalog. Address A. CliARLESWORTH, Maple Lod Stook Farm, June 154 Faniondville. Ont. Vive A Youth : : resolution and a course ill Business and Shorthand at the .iktiia>me La* and Was shall place. Welts career Catalogue free. •, Jo W. WfSTERVELT. iwwwwywoo•AsywoNvom RUMBALL'S WATCH AND , .JEWELRY STORE • Just seceived it lot of new Belts., • Bucklete.Pulley Belte,Bangle Brace, • lets, ete. The lateat goods in • the • market. • ' • We make specialty of fitting • Spectacles and Eye Glasses. Eyes examined free. CANADIAN William At Return Fares 60 Day Ektaomustrtain , Honic :DWieengiirosnersa:Priri: . : ..: ... s _ - . ' Seekers' tIttez°Vta $28 ENxoertIIhr-Wsi°ens4st Red Door e r.. .. ' .ui " " ' To the tztioacv. - 34) Canadian rri..., A16.4;t itftg Edmonton$40 °Ina nne 19th. Itetutning until August 20th. (A11 rail or S. S. Alberta) : --Going Ju y 18th . Retcuniug until Septern- ber 121h, (Ali rai only.) Going July 17th, • Returning' until Septem. ber loth All rail SS Alb Fortiokets and further infortnation aprOr to any Canedian Pacific) Agent. or to A. II. N, (YPMANLAsst. Gen% Passenger Agent, 1 Mug St. East, Tcironto. . 4 - Buy Your • AND. °ROAN .• At the ellnton Music Store • Whiehes also Clinton headquarters for the noted McBurne Beattie • Bicycles • Call and see tia fors bargein in it high grade, dursble and easy running wheel. 0. 140ARE0 outvroN SISTERLY CITIES. Dear old Gothamt Sixty cent lee ht :low to be folloived by dollar gas. --Boston Herald, ' New York 'displays preliminary symp- toms of beingeettlons of Chicago's antici- pated two million odd populationeeephilit- delphlit Ledger. Etorstonei Omar Khayyam club is hoe making any better progress than Boston's barreled! club, What's the matter with Ilostonfie-Washiegton Poet, Chicago Is to have a real Greek plies perfortned by real Greeter in the Greek tongue. There le where the Windy City pubs out the light et Boston -14w Yea World. °Mew would do well to atop poking . fun at St. Louie long enough to take a . few lesson* from the letter city on the subject of hop to Wore* law and order. -Cedar Rept& Republican. • Peetotitte serrate* in Landon aro to quirk) to report to thole • truperiee °Meer ri ;MY (1110 Ot sentiot foyer, "hart toyer, chnierts, diphtheria, measles er tyPhold fever occurring I» their 'tonere. 1 The British emplee, if etit into 0, Strip a 1ie widet, would reach retina the World w 440 time., i weilt,-Exekange. boo no appetite. There Is a. sabibsa fa my donut& like a cart on * cobblestone pavement. Slie-Perhaps It's the track you tits for' 1 1111011.01,1„*.*Wilat 40 rat. ' S00% hUalltrail titan fan Walla& they aka thilr dais fooling afar trigs* that hey could blro a boy to *Head to for $11 W.-••••••=Ataeoda. THE CUBAN SCANDAL. The bendier Is another of the Wage that follow tho Ilag.-Detrolt Tribune, fraying shown the Ottawa how to run postal service, let Uncle Sam now sbo* thent how to punish thteves and plundeis 1 Properties for Sale or to Let HOUSE FOR SALE A Comfortable frame house en the corner of OA,. igen stable, AlllY tin Qteuxrii:ae: .rea91:0.1113411ithund8regetd°ollenearira 14RS. J. 'rOWNeEND MONEY TO LOAN. Professional andOthereardS JAMES SCOTT Barrister, Soileitor, Ste., °LINTON, Orrice -Elliott Bleak, 'sae° Street! HOUSE POR SALE, The oodiforteble and cosy pottage on Joseph Street, Clinton, reoently oectiPied:hr Jarccs alanaohertyaii offered for sale on very reason- able toren+, .Youn MoCtraonenee. PROPERTIES FOR SALE, ••••,11•••• For sale, 4 Iota near the Flax Mill, 1 lots on Erie St -,2 Iota on Milton St,alsorcbrlektiattage with frame kitehen,has d water, good orchard. on Applying to JOHN BaDOUT, Clinton to JOHN HENRY, Rosendale. Manitoba.. HOTTSE for.SALE or to RENT. On Viotoria nt."near Organ notary. 300 wM buy eroomy,eotnfortable house with good lot -the property recently °coupled by Foil* Upshell, Apply at once to --- W. BRYDONE, , • Barrister 8so. Clinton. EfitypoNes . , BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, .NOTABY • RUBLIO, ETvi Oifiee—Beaver thi-ssays, Oppoontge Photo Gallery CHARLES SEACIER !Banister, SOlklit0Y. NOPITy and Conveyance Rouse and Lot tor Sale. , The large and commodtein house pleasantly situated on Huron Street, occupied ba OK un- dersigned is offered for sale on yell reasonable terms. There is every accomoclation,with stable, orchard, tais. •W. BOWERS, Sent 21. 1/199. Clinton. Iloase and Lot tor Sale The undersigned effete for sale nt a low figure, his comfortable cottage on Queen SL, eentaining eight rooms, hard and eon water in the house. Cottage in good repair, Tee lot confides over half an sore. and on it are plum, apple and pear trees. For further par-. tionlaricapply to E. B. Mott, Junes -Ins ' Clinton. • • POR SALE. • • The Gale 'sumer= of the best 100 woes; farme in Goderion towiaship,I4uronCeausty,lot17.part 18, con. 8, (la milefrom Goderieh and 1 from Clinton. The farm contains good buildings and good fences, wet lwater e d and wellonder- drained. There is a large bearing orchard and garcleu of mall fruits. Tertas to snit pur- chaser. Apply to WM. GOULD, on ,tbe pro- saism., or Ctodetiolt E. G. June 8,-Im • STORN rot; smx. The premises °counted. by R. 4 Cluff, and cionsistitn of &first class brick etore, ort Alnert Street, Clinton, is offered , for sale on easy term Also Cottage on -Albert Street, with two lots, stable, and all oonvienees. Partioulars on appication to Mrs W. Robertson, •Clinton orMrs 0, W. McGreger,Constanee. , • ., • • • EX/SI-NESS • PROPERTY • FOR • Office -opposite Colborne Hotel • _ e04.11f Ark • M. 0CAMERON -. tFormetly;Of Uaraeron Holt & Career*• 4 "; • BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR, Ofilee--iiainiltemadartgiolborrouse GARROW Of%RROW • BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. Ofnee-Coriter lifamiliton $t, and thie Sonar ooderieb, oat. • T Gamow, Q. C. Orme. Gamow, Tenet PROUDFOOT & HAYS,' - BARRISTERS, SouotTon is NOTARIES PUBLIC • PRooTons 10 TUE MARITIME} COURT, fa). North st., next door toSignali Office Thai desiiable Briok 81181ROSS Stand on .A1- bert St., Clinton, occupied by Mr N. Robson. is • offered for sale, including rear lot and stable. ,The location is one of the best In Clinton. The property is free from 1 noumbranee and title in- disputable. Price reasonable and terms ta suit purchaser. Apply to GEO. STA.NBUIRY, Lon- don Road or dross Clinton 11: O . . • • • • , Por SaIs Or to Rent. •Theolsoice brick hense on the Manor of ton and Joseph streets, belonging •to tho estate "of the late Richard Heywood, is offered either . for sale or to peat. -11 containsroom for ordi- nary family is practically a neW• home, with all conveniences, 'and threetenths of an sore of land. If the property is . not sold or rented, . part 01 ». will be rooted. Apply' to • • . W. ooaTe ./Oxecutor C nton. • • learnt for Sale or to Bent. • 200 acre farm for sale Jr to rent, being Lets 29 and 30, 81h coneeesion of atatett township; 128 acres under cultivation, the rest bush and pasture land; watered by a well supplied river; school house No. 4 situated on the farm; geed 'ergo 'bank barns, -debtors. shed§ ana other buildiuga, also la story boucle; also good or - Chard; bas sU oonveniences. Terms easy. Apply on the teem to • ALBERT C. VODDEN. Or by letter to Londesbore P. O.. Ont. 1m GOOD FARM FOR SALE. dearable farm for sale being lot No. 35, Ilth concession, &ace township of Goderieh, one mile south of Bolmesville, known as the Cole farm, 80 aoree, fall ploughing eta() sores all well done, 10 aoree of fail wheat, 35 sores meadow. balance in pasture, where of choice bearing fruit trees, all tho treat of said farm is a boa utifal row of maple trees , -a, log Weise, atone dairy, bank barn, t offered: for sale on very advantage,rteirowms. T.oD. noimse.avnit; A Bargain" in Land. Here's a Chance. For gale cheap and on easy, terms -.-part of Let 4, Beyeeld Conciessiem, Goderioh township; 55 acres. Apply to • . •• W. SCOTT, Sept 7$m • .13rucefiele. splendid yarnit to Rent or for Sale Subscriber offers either to rent or for sale, his from 01 150 acres, situated on the Huron road, Tuckersmith, half a mile from the town of Clinton. It is ad desired, withfirat-elase buildings, bank burn 48x60, with windmill, implement hone° 1800001th stone foUndationi• ,stqne pig hones 1440, with hen honer above. good frame Weise, three sores of yenta Ore*, ord. tweak running through the place'Tits farm is a itroWlskas on* every eespeet and tout, one who either wishes tarent or bur reasonable tertni will be made. Posseasian at any time. ARTHUR 000011. 0Inton..huularr 2ilth, two. • • . TIPILIOLSTERIN'04 The undersigned wishes ttriinnounee to the people of Clinton and eurrounding country that be has =elated in ClintOn and is prepar- ed to do all kinds ot Upholstering. Mattrese Making, Carpet Setting and laying. All orders trwited tome will reedye prompt attention. Orders left at R.Walker's residence. isms see m W. N. WALKER. Clinton. • *,...444-4444444.4.4 1• SUMMER SCHOOL t IMO WILY 3rd WEr& 4 Central liusinessCoilege Toronto ' Offen an exeellein opportunity for - Teaohtire rind -Senior Stneents te enjee it abort twto in the hteltiefts, • shorthand and (penmanship depart. a' Went, • 1Merutoro may enter at any time and spend from two weeks upward* as dratted. Spatial terms. Write ifor pertionlars, r• Regular. - work tientintief riebt along lute the fall term whielt oven* on Sept. 41h. Oetalogoo I'm. tree-Rocheeter Democrat. . We II. MUM Printiptki 'The Anicliedns who distreeiel their 4•44441144444-64#4064444,44.40b44•4a Outdo by frauds in the Cohan noting •• . Norsk* hos made the United Btetee , rldieulous before the tluben people, and they dilate deserve eertentee 0%114101ot Ohildrert Cry for becalm of the farreohinit effect* 01 tbille . CASTOR IA edifies.* • -0 • Private Funds to•lend itt lowest rates • of intermit. •W. PROUDFOOT. rt.o. Heys. JOHN RIDOUT. CONVEYA.N0ER, COMMISSIONER, ETC.... Real Estate and Insurance Agent. Money to lend on Mortgage and Note security. • • 0200..-HurtoK STREET.' CLINTON 1 DR. G. ER1440' ijoLmEs HENTIST (Snotiestior to Dr. T. O. Bruce) Snedalist In Crown. and Bridge Work T..„ D. S. -Graduate Royal College Dental Sur- geons of Ontario, 'Toronto D. D. S.-First-01(os Honor graduate of Den- tal Department of Toronto Univeraity. S eclat attention paid to preservation of o ildren's tea*. WILI Visit Bayfield every Monday. Office over W Taylor lz Son's shoe store. • !DENTIST. PLINTON • - Crown and Bridge Work. • . . • • AT. g1711167 • Tilit_2ND.• THURSDAY: OR EACH MONTH . 't or ce'Erours79 to 5.: 0.• THOMPSO.N• • •• • Phrsidox, Surgeon, like • Office aed Residence- • • • • . . It• attenburY aireet. . , . DR. WM. •GRAIAM. Lioontil.t. of the Royal CoLNge of POpliolazuo • London, England. 011ice Iteanid,e8onee-uocit,• • , hp StaIrs, Suoi3estior to Dr. l'urnbujl. • nu. WM. titiNN, L. R. O. P. and Z. R. 0. s. AY Edinburgh. Office -Ontario Sreet Clinton Night =Meat front door ot reeklene,e on Rattan bury St., opposite Presbyterian church. • T‘R. J. W. SHAW, PHYSICIAN, 81711GRON •AJA scottohenr, etc., efiee and resideciee tario St., opposite Englieb abureh, formerly oo . . (mined bylOr. Appleton. Cliuton Ont. • • • ran. STA.NBURY, :GRADUATE OF TIM 71-flidedinal Departthent ot Victeria thever- atty. Toronto,- formerly of the 1:Wapiti& and • Dispensaries_, New York, Coroner of tbe County of Huron, Bayfield, Ons, • . • •• W. J. R. FOW‘ER, Gold. and Silver Medealsr, first -Masa honor gradtiate of the On tarto Veterinary .. College, • • , • TREATS tirsgAse,s OF ,ALL ARIMALS1 'Night and day •ealls aisswered offiee-T) . 4Vorthingten's old a cand.00 o. Commercial Hate . • T SLAORALL VETERINARY SURGEON ' tit • efonoraryGreduateCd theQutarioVeteribiry College. Treats alldisesees of domesticated at i - male on the Meet modern and scientific privet - pies Ofiloe- immediately south of the Rewire °Moe, Residence - Albert St., Clinton. Cejl night orday attended to prosevtiv • ayrauntetru ritogNim, /IMES SCOTT, 875. ILL bearer of Marriage Lieenaes, /library Room iced Residence, Mary street. Clinton. rums CAMPBELL, LONDESB0110, 0.0 ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSE/1, No win:mates reetared • It w.ratthtmate, MEMBER OP ASS% 00 • P. L. 13.0 Ptovinclal Lend Surveyor and Mail Engineer.. London, Ont.--ofitee st Gee Stowart'eCirocerv Store, Clinton. • 156 VRALALPSNos compute, iies- tainted and bound in one Velum. A PAW 40012eCtit•I °refueled Rena, sentimental, VA., etle, wale; reritable Resettle), of the WorhYsnopia• towsi.uPlire• 10 cent,. Eat* CLINTON MARBLE WORES; — 0o0rEts'S OLD STANk • Next to Commertna Uotel. This rettb Mutant is intuit op ration and an orclutaled in the toes eattsfacto y way, Ceti e. tety s gratiite work a specialty. Prices as . tesociable tie those litany elitsblishme • .4eir • 3.13. fioovr.ft, Clinton . , MclilLLOP MUTUAL' VIRE INSQUNr,ItTA:sCuyO. .....o......... r WARM le 1.501•ATED Wart; intOPErerg . . -0 • • .,..1• orinotita Veto), Metes% President, Rippen 0.• Thee l'raser. vics.pret.ident, Brutelleld P. 0 'W. J. Shannon-. Ste$.1 rtes.. Seatottlr P. 0 Thee. Er liays. Diameter of latalSOP. Seaforth P. O. Ontscroh. W. O. einetdtrot, neaforth; John O. 0 gar Winthrop l'. 0.1 George Date. Seatenla Thee, E. Ilse*, 13.isfottlit Jao. Eratitt. BeeebnoOd P. 0.; John Watt, Matlock P.O.; Thomas *seer. Unice eld: John 13. IdeLeano 'Mimeo ; James Adissta Itobert Ambit, Tfatiook; llobt. Rrth,_. James Cumming, Egmondrine; J. W. egt. Retanieviite ; John 00101110614 and 30199 Morrison, auditor& Parties dagrous to tftect histrante cir trent Tadtwoolid tAteir 40)41 OM& alt eth bu nOtas kill be prOrnpt/titttottlad impute by he VS Ofiltere • • A 1