The Clinton New Era, 1900-06-29, Page 7f. r:4 • MUSHROOMS AS FOOD. "Otteaatin Oltentists 'Think They Should Be Ciateseet With Hest. gTeat deal has been ettid eongertillitt the iramenee amount et valuable food was daily going to waste in the •shapie of edible tungi. We are teld that le. Me/2y parts ot the world these articles ferta the staple articles of diet of the in- Imbitente. Our attention litte been called -to the natives of Patagonia and Tierra •del Nem who are said to be or gigentic altature and to exist priucipally ou vegeta- ble ItIllai• and to eertain African tribes Who value mushrooms so highly that one sg them, the Polyporus pacer, Is worship- ed AN a god. %elflike have assured us that mush - Mink belong to the animal rather than to the vegetable kingdom, seeing that tie y possess a larger Percentage et nitro - than any other class of vegetable life. Tie e, we are told, essentiany protele in •ctimposition, as much so, pound for vound, as butchers' meat, TWO German chemists, Rolbreusch and Ziegel, stated seine years age, as a result loyestigation, that mush- roonnt deserved to be placed with meat as sourees..,of nitrogenous nutriment One •elan; in Thuringia is saieto have lived upon nothing but Mushrooms for 30 years and to have died a vententuian, Compar- ison has been made between Mushrooms an4. other articles of teed to the dart: • eisent of the latter. ' Thus chemical analysis, has ehowh inutihrooms to contain from 20 to 25 per cent. of protein, while breed only contaies S per cent, oatmeal 10 per cent, pcitatoes 43 per Cent and barley meal 0 per cent•. .A.gainst‘ tine etatement however, we have the oriielen of a Dr. Kitchener, who In 1824 staled in a publication called -"Clooknectracte" that therdid not believe that mushrooms wire nutritious. • Dr. Jeatithan Pereira in Wet "Treatise Food and. Diet," published in 1843, said: "gushreome are difficult of diges- lien and on certain constitutione act ieju- siously. Invalids, dyspeptics and those with delicate stomachs will act prudently In avoiding the use of this doubtful ogder of foods." Other writers nave expressed 'similar opinions, not, however, based on 'experimental work, and therefore not ab- • solutely rellable.-London Family Doc - toe. , SPECIALTIES IN CLOTHING. . Pointer. From a Mon Who Year Aft- er Year Sella Trousers ;Only. • "Ofcourse," said- the drummer in the • amoking eompartment of tlie sleeper to hie traveling acquaintance sitting oPpo- iiite, "there are plenty of houses that • make clothing of all kinds, and then there am: concerns that Make a specialty of sense kind or sort For instance, some .cogeerns make, only summer clothing, .and some make only bicycle clothing, aod that has been a very considerable .business by Itself. And then there are sons that make a specialty of ohildeen's clOthing, and there are Concerns -some of • thine good, hig .houses, too -that make• . aOthing but men's trOosers. ' I 'Alut theugh :these concerns' make and tall only one garment they make that one in :great variety, of different Weights for •..different seasons and in cloths of a great • variety of patterns, and the trousers are • IM ' various sizes and Proportions. •So tha,t a trousers manufaetering concern tures out in the course of the yeat•tron. tars in Minply hundreds of • variettes. Commonly a man on the road selling trousers would carry two trunks of Sam - Vex. 'I have known men to have tour or •five trunks of trousers only. • • "Trousers are 'zenietinies sold as a side • line by men who carry more or less of a • variety, of thilige which theY'sell through some • Comparatively limited •territory • which they work up and cover carefully all the time. For Instance, .4 Man may limit himself tea single state, or perhaps • seirer two states and a man Might take •:through the territory that he thus cover- • ed a line of some manufacturer's trou- item. And then trousers are all sold by • '• men who take the road with them as they would with anything else. I sell trousere - myself, and trousers only, and 1 am at. it • on the road or at home the year round. That's my business, •selling Men's time aers, and 1 fellow that just as you do your • business, right elope, year after year." - New York Sun.. • General Forrerse's Schooling. • Despite the lack of a school education, -contact with business 'nen and constant • reading of newspapers, for he kept him- self thoroughly versed in the records of the day, gave General Fortest an excel- • lent' idea of the use of. words and,the construction of phrases. When after.dic. toting a dispatch it was read over for oorrection, he would Instantly detect' a • grammatical, error or the awkward con- ,struction ot a phrase and would say to • Major Strange or Anderson as the unsat- isfactory paragraph was • eoncluded; "That won't do; it hasn't the 'right • pitch." He would then change the dic- tion and always shaped it into a foreible • expression. There- were, however, a few words . learned in his boyhood days of which he I could not rid himself. Ile always said • "betwixt" and fetch" for the words "be- tween' and "bring." "Tell Bell to inove up and fetch all he's got,". was the fa- mous note at Brice's Crossreads. , He • used the word "mout" for "might" and •"fit" for "fought." ---.1. A.. NVYeth's "Life set General Forrest," THE CLINTON NEW ERA tALKINti OF ICICLES • _ ___TE‘E. MAN WITH THE GINGER BEAR TOLD HIS LITTLE STORY. He Wei Interrupted by the Groner Who Got a Few Incidental Lee tarot. In Return, Which Greati Enlivened the Wonderful Recital, gosh, it's cola!" said the man from Potato Creek one bitter winter day as h Mlle into the grocery, unwrapping abou two yards of green and blue home kni "comforter" from his lean and leather neck. Woman's Welfare, 1 N AGIN& 14r1Mligpm.raws.* • Paine's Celery Compound ' Gives and Maintains a Per- Flealih • foot Condition of Bodily "Middlin," was the comment of th men with the ginger beard in the tone man uses when he is Admitting the othe • fellow's horse may have a few good qual Wes. • "It Was So dere. cold Toady," gentle ued the man frem Potato Creek aggres sively, "that a icicle growed on my barn clean from the ruff to the ground." "Talkie about icicles," said the man with the ginger beeril; "talkie •about idi oles"- • Here the grocer en3itted a dismal groan . and cast on the man from Potato Creek a baleful glare. • "I lteowed you'd start him," said the grocer. "What's the matter with you?" asked the man with the ginger beard, turning on the grocer at once. "I ain't tieerd you groan thataway- seem the time You got religion an owned up to ineasurin in your thumb in ey'ry pint of vinegar an then afterward tryin to make out you had lied teause you was full of quinine an didn't i know what youNras sayiu." I• The grocer only snorted. • "Well, talkie about icicles," sal- the man with the ginger beard, "they may I grow purty fair in Indiana, but New- brasky, Whir it gits so cold that ' the smoke freezes up an has to be •chepped 1 out of the chimbleys, that there is the 1 place fer icicles. Let me tell you a little • sornethin about the; nateral history of the Newbraisky icicle as I seen it with my own eyes." , "Oh, well," said the grocer, closing the •'cheese box, which was dangerously near , the man with the ginger beard, "whether 1 We let you tell it er not, you'll tell it any- how. I s pose if the Lord lets you tell them yarns of yourn it ain't fer a mere sinful wotin of the dust like me to inter- fere. • . "You'd better call yourself -a worm, of the sand, said the man with ,the ginger • beard. "That there sugar you sold my little innocent boy, who 'couldn't protect hisself"--- - . • , • • "Golbat you," cried •the grocer. • "If you don't quit slurrin my goods somethin will happen to you you don't like. Put that in your 'pipe, an tunoke it, will you?" "Well, talkie about icicles," Sind the man with the ginger beard, who saw he had reached the limit of the grocer's en- durance, "thip here experience of mine In Newbrasky was one of the remark - ablest things ever happened, even to me. ' It was in the middle of winter, an cold as it could :git even in Newbrasky. An about three foot of solid snow was on the ruff of the house, an I built up a good roarin lire"- ••• ' "If you built up the fire," said the gro- cer, "this here must have happened be- fore you took a woman. • It's common talk you ain't done a Helot work around the house since you marrit." -"a good rodrin fire an turned in an went to bed to sleep the sleep of a honest alan-who made his livin by the sweat of his brow, 'stead of gougin bis neighbors • in trade. Long about a hour after I was woke up by a poppin sound, but I allow- ed it was just the ground crackin open from the cold an was nigh asleep ag'in, when a sorter cold draft strOck nle, an I got up to see if the winders was 'open 'anywhere. 1 knowed the winders was the only place fer the deaft ter git in, 'cause I built the house myself an made it *ind- proof"- "It had to be windproof," said the gro- ger "if you was goin to live in ft, an • that ain't no lie." . • . • "So. I put on some more. vetted, an the • more wood I put on the bigger the fire, an the bigger the fire •the colder it got • I didn't know but I was takin 8 chill, au I downs a good big snort of whisky an bit- • ters"- "Huh," said the grocer, "of course," • -"whisky an bitters, but I kept gittin colder. So 1 gives it up an goes back to bed, an whet do you think I seen as eoon's I laid 'clown on my back?" • "Green elephants?" asked the grocer. Disdaining the gibe, as usual, the man with the ginger beard continued: "I seen the whole ruff of the house was lifted two feet above the walls an appar- ently supported on pillars of glass about it foot apart, The way it happened was this: The fire bad thawed the snow on the top of the ruff, an then it had run down to the eaves an dropped off as it melted, an then the' cold air had froze. It into icicles. Well, the fire had kep' ou meltin the snow an the icieles had kep' on growin till they hit the ground, an as the ground was froze so durn hard you couldn't of cut it with a diamond drill, they 'wasn't no other way fer them icicles to grote but up, an up they coine am brought the ruff with 'em." '. "Oh, I don't doubt you for a Minute," sald the grocer, with a fine shade of sar- casm in his tones, "but ef it was so dog- gone cold as that I don't see. how the snoW ever melted in the first place." • • "W'Y," said the man with the ginger beard, as he helped bimself to a handful of emekers and made an offensive pre- • tense of dusting theme "the snow, it act- ed as a blanket an kep' the heat in. It is a WO you didn't study enteral philoece phy when you was young. Ef you had, yowivouldn of made the Mistake of tryin to mix *otter wit your coal oil, like you As the route with the ginger beard dis- t did Vitunst. Well, guess I'll go home appeared through the door, the grocer, as soon as he could recover his voice, said to the man from Potato Creek. "I don't Want you to ever say nothin about It, but •that ole, punkin- whiskered cuss some- times make,' me -think rit be one of them • higher criticism Lettere "What's them?" asked the man froin Potato Creek, "ViPy, hellOin just what port of Scrip - Ore Sultieercei an Wavle off the rest. Alt- er I te* how king he's Weil an• *hat * good stout wornen- 1)4 got to -de hie work' it,tialtekte nut itenbt whether Ana, nlattOver woe treated the way they say hkrgraftp.,.. , .f-1 • ,, \„ - .. •• nee Me Aare. "I wetildn't'llIch, to be du one of those expeditions ite the ninth • pole, would you?" • " I prefer the south pole." • Huh! What'a the difference between the two?" "All the difference in the world." - Philadelphia Press. t The great ensoeptibility.ofworaen to ner. t Yotieneas and worry is hetghtened by the fact that' In the majority or asses they lead confined and monotonous lives, ear. • rowed down to the four walla of home the o greeter part of the day. a Paine'e Celery Compound le jut what 'moll nervotla and depreasecl women need to , restore their nerves to energy and to lift ' them oat of their constipated, dyspeptic habit of body, No other remedy known to medioal men • is so rich in flesh•forming and energy -pro. clueing oonstituent; for women as I Peine's - CeleryCompound, It is also a true and • unfailing regulator, keepa the blood pure • and rioh, and maintains an even condition of geed healtb that makes a woman coa- tented and happy. Ara Wilcox, of Clree- mere, Ont„ writes ati follows: • "For years I have suffered from con. • stant sick headache and nervonsnese, At , times I have been so bed that I have been unable to sleep two Imam a night for weeks. I hove tried Many medicines and doom el a great dee!, but never reoeiv• ed a hundredth part of the value from them that I obtained from Paine's Celery Com. potind, After using three bottles I oan sleep well, my headaches have owed Mid I feel healthier and fresher than I have been for years." B so [RUT E ECURITY, Centilne c.arter s LittielwerP it • • ' • Must Eltine-Slatiatura Of Pac-Sinsile Wrapper tido*. . , . • Wry iisesil IAA An now *take as fugue, •• - •-FOR• HEADACHE,. CARTERS FOR DIZZINESS. 1111.10USNESSFOR-TORPID UVER. 'FOR SALLOW SKIN.' FOR TIM COMPLEXION ittiblronyotrt=tiontzro.dou CURE 'NICK tto RiA-AOHIE. I ' • * CASTOR IA Verantezdt end Children. On ft* Melt Itigattur Of tt es "ft7 , Wawa, . • ....___ ............. _ TAKING THE REINS. • The demand for meddle horses has not • been so brisk . for years as it has this • spring. — •' • John Kinney is going to train the Penn A sister to Nicci, 2:0814, was recently 1• Valley stud campaigning string at the Belmont tracks, Philadelphia, this spring. foaled on J. Malcolm Forbes' farm, and • those who have , ,seen her any she is o good one in every way, ' - The trotter Fitz Royal, 2:1314, is being - worked at a pace over the ,Tewettville covered traek and shows great speed. He was formerly in the flamliu stable. Green Morris. of New York, •wno has made numerous entries in English races, says he will take a mann' stable over next. fall, provided his stable races up to ex- - pectationk • . The paver. • Ethel A. whose record of 2:101/4 wad made when she was a 3 -year- old severe) maidens ago, is to be Out this season with the hobbles added' to her equipment. ' natty; Bell, 2:254, by Brown Wilkes,' has A filly of much promise at the Phoe- nix stock farm, sired by. William Penn, 207% •The young things at the farm are now being jogged into form. • The British undersecretary of war • informed the house of commons recently that the standard price paid by the goy.. eminent for.cavalry_horses ranged feom £45 to £50; and in many cases as WO: as f05 las been .paid. •. , • W, 0. Whitiley, atter speeding three days looking over his thoroughbreds at 'La Belle farm, Iateingtee, Ky., reVeutly • returned to New •Vette. • ni... horses are ID splendid conditicm, hut he 'sdys be will bring them neareit home clueing the sum, mer. •• , ......... A childless home is a cheerless :home: Clus maternat instinct exists in every we - man, and wh• n it is ungratified she is . de- Jrived of ranch of the happiness of life. It .ften happens that childlessness is due to orne 'mese which oan be remoyed, and of. 45 ifi xemr.ved by the use of Dr. Pierce'e Fayorite Preaoription. The vigor and vital- ity which this remedy imparts to the deli.- cate womanly organs, puts them in.a con- dition of •normal health, the lack of whioh is often the sole obstruction td maternity.. Every woman should, read Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Vodka Adviser, a book containing 1008 pages and 700 illustrations. • It is eent•eutirely free on reoeipt of stamps t� pii) expense of mailing and cutstoms. Send 31 one -cent stamps for the paper &Mild volume or 50 stamps for cloth cov- ed. Address Dr`, R. V. Pierce, 663 MO St., Buffalo, N.Y, . . • . • Sir William Vernon Hiroourt contra .diote the report that it his intentfon to re- tire from pelitical life at' the time of the next general eleotien. The worst kinds of splitting headatthes . can be relieved in five minutes bylailburn'S Sterling Headache Powders. They deal depress the heart. Prise 10o. and 25o. Dtiriog the course Of a heated argtexient over the strike at St. Louis, Sherman 0, . Patterson, President cf the Street Rail- Waymen's Union, was stabbed in the neok and mortally wounded by Edward Canty. TOOTHACHE CURED.. • Dr & Low's Toothache Gum oures• tooth- aohe promptly, and does. not blister the • guru, lips or cheeks. Price 10o. A deaf mute named Winterberne Was . killed by a freight trAin near Ayr. I oollisiom between an express ttein and ot train fined with Windsor racegoers occurred at Slough, England. Three pas. angers were killed and about twenty in- jured. Mr John R Smith, Lake Stream, N. B., save: "From my own personal experience with them / willingly testify to the good effect!) of Laza-Liver Pille for Sick Head- ache and constipation" . \ The Hong Kong and Shanghai despatches reporting the deetruotion of the1..,egation in .1 Pekinand the murderof /Wen on Est-. Mier are utterly dieoredited at Washington. 'IRE ONLY CURE FOR CA.TAIIREE • ' Miss Lizzie Lanford, of 853 Market St,,. Chicago, Ill., says: 11 have been a cart- - dant sufferer from catarrh for 12: years. During that time I have need moat pf the known remedies) for catarrh but can wifely say that Caiarrhozone is the beet. It has oared me. It la very pleseant and ieffeotive in ite use. I shall recommend it at every opportunity to my friende Oaten/10Mb is a guaranteed cure. Sold by all drugeiate. Trial outfit sent to any Adams for 10 Mate ID stamps. N. 0. Poison de Co., Kingston, Ont proprietor!). . The House of 'Clemmotts will hold morn. ing sittings next week, and the expectation ID that Parliament will be prorogued in three weeks. ALWAYS READY. We are always) reedy and prepared to ester to your wente and requirements. Our dock of drugs is very complete, eneb. ling 118 to fill without any order from year doctor. Our Stook of Toilet Itequieitee ia flneurpasteed in Variety, Quantity and Prieefl. Are you neing Paine's: Celery Compound, nature's great remedy for the cure of then - 'Mailed, rontraigis, nervous diseiseee, diebet- es and 'Poe troubles? If you have not giv• en Nine's Celery Compound a trial for our failing health, do so at once; we re- commend it II, Di Combe,Druggist, Olin - to Ont. Vamp the white arches, down tee temple stair, Where tangled myrtle blossoms in her way, There comes, her golden fillet half saheb priestess of Diana, lithe and fair and slender footed, with warm colored hair ,• That catches close the NMI'S belt burning ray. The tamarisk branches at Inc passing away, .Scenting afresh the incense laden air. Re breathes the spell of slow approaching night The placid sea, the rocks in fastness hurled; The clear, still Marble "Mines behind her bright* And Mystery, Its all but ball unfurled, Lica on her face end leaves a gleaming light - The beauty of the young days of the world. --Charlotte Decker in ainslee's Mariaains, SCHOOLS AND EPIDEMICS, rayon so 0, Vendor in Spreadinig la. feet loam Diseases, The reassertion of the theory of (school influence as an active factor in the spread of infectious disease vfhieh has lately 'been made makes it desirable to inquire under what circumstanees "Clo- auto" should be employed, All seems to depend upon whether the assembly et the children in the lichee] In question is the mein cause by which the disease is being disseminated. •In it country district, for example, with a sparsely scattered pope- lation,.,where children rarely meet except • In eehool, closing the schools at the com- mencement of an epidemic may effectual- ly check its course, each infected center working out its own milvation Independ- ently, and the one link between the dif- ferent parts of the distriet being for the time broken. Again, it may be discovered that in consequence of defectige drains or other insanitary arrangements the school is itself actually a cause of disease, or it least that its condition favors the spread of lofection among those who attend its classes, and le such a case the lichee' should certainly be closed 'while the nec- essary repairs and reconstructions are be- ing carried out. But apart from these two circum- stances it must very rarely happen that ID is justifiable to cloge a school and thus break into the educational progress of • the scholars merely because a large num- ber of them hapneo to be .attacked by an epidemic, for when an epidemic has ob- tained complete hold fin a populous dis- trict the school is but one of a dozen ways in which Infection is being epread, and it may be far better to keep the school open and thus insure the continu- ance of that regularity and orderliness of life which attendance at school involves than by closure to throw all the children to play together in the streets or to hud- dle together in their homes. , It must always be remembered that the Pert Played by schools in spreading infect - Bon is propertionately greatee in the country than in towns,. since In the coun- try it is practically in the schools Alone that children from different homes come ID contact with each other, while in towns .the schools are onlY one out of many centers teem which infection may radiate. -Hospital. Taking It Out In Trade. • "The advertising business would -be all •night," said the head, of one of the big advertising companies, "if the people you did -business for would pay their bills in eaph. ' You though t they did, did you? Well, some of them do, but a goodi many ot them don't, and then you get loaded up with.!truek that you have to dispose of at -the best figures yon can get. . "In the last year I've had to take mer- chandise enough to stock a department store. I've had tons and tons of 'stuff. have had three tons of candy alone. I've had groceries, dry •goods, novelties, clothes and about everything you can think et We latigh when we read in the 0°111111-y papers that wood and coal and freshvegetables and the like will be talc - en in 'payment for subscriptions and ad- vertising, but right here in New York city that 'sort of thing is going on, only on a larger scale, and it's no laughing matter either. Wouldn't it jar you ?"- New york Sun, • Hie Hardware Hog • He strolled into .the corridor of the • ,Waldorf:Astoria. • At his heels trotted, or rather slunk,:a fairly good looking fox terrier. It' was plain that the dog knew • he had no business there. A uniformed attendant touched the men on the arm. "Beg pardon, sir," said he; "you must pot bring that deg in here." • "Dog dog," exclaimed the men; "the dog. I told him to stay Out," and he made as if to kick the deg, which darted out of the place. "That's my hardware, dog," paid the • "Hardware dog?" said a bystander. "Queer name; why do yea call hi that?" ' • "Why? Why, every time I kick at him, he makee a bolt for the door," and lie hurriedat .and was lost in the orowd before the bystander had a chance to hit • him. -New York Sun, ' • In Mir Mind. When, early in September, 1897, Rich- ard Croke: was returning to the United States or the municipal campaign, there were lots* if would be politicians on board the New York with him. The same ridiculous offers of assistance were made to him on .the steamer, One man who said his mime Was Gross told the Tam- many boss that he controlled no less than 10,000 votes it: New York city. "I have them right here in the palm of. my hand," he .said. "They are all yours for the mere asking." Mr. Croker gravely thniiked the man. • "Will you keep thea 10,000 votes In 'flied ?" persisted Gross. • "Yes," replied Mr. Croker, with a twin- kle a his eye and a wink at •a friend; "I'll ha re those 10,000 votes in my mind jitet where you have them now.". ---NOW York World. "Gentlemen of the jury," said the - A* IntpokusIble Charge. at- torney tor the defenee, "we will mew Iti- troduee our star witness. After hesu.ing her teetiMeny you Will never have the heart. to convict my unfortunate client of burning his barn. Speak up, MadaMi" • "For 43 years," said the witnese, "I've lived with the defendant, an. comraehcin With the day atter we wus married I've built the fires reg'lar every Month', Start a firel Why, that :nen couldn't start a fire in a powder Magazine!" Whereupon the Jury aceuitted him without lea 111(f their eeattio--Cleyeland J POLITIGAL QUIPS. • To the Device politics seems rotten, but to the cultivated taste merely gamy. - Detroit Journal. • Bo who helps to hariamize labor and cepital does more for humanity than a whale army a talking Politiciates.-511n- neapolle Tribune. Practical philosophy, A0 we advance in life, we learn the limits of our abilities.-FrOude. hen are as old as they feel, and women as they look.-Italien Proverb. No woman an be handsome by the force of features alone, any more than she eon be witty only by the help of speeoh."-Ilughes• Adversity is sortiotiniee hard upon a man; but for dile man who can stand prosperity, there are a hundred that will stand adversity. -Carlyle, I look for power in the man ; he affirms the dignity of the , mw; but ' the woman rules, told she will con- tinue to rule, through grace alone, - Schiller. A traveler at Sparta, standing long upon one leg, said to ' a ' tace44„,alpen, ian: "I do not believe you can do as much," "True," said he, "but every goose can. "-Plutarch, No nobler feeling than thie, of ad- miration for one higher than himself, dwells in the breast of man. It ii to this hour, and at all hours, the vivi- fying influents in .man's life. -Car- lyle. PICKING Te1111 NOSE - a 0010m01/ SyMptom of wornas • dren. Mothers who seeped their child is troubled with worms Rhould administer Dr. • L )w'a Pleasant Werra Syrup. It is simple, safe and effeotual. Prioe 25o. The people of Dawson City have sub- • scribed 58,678.25 for the immediate benefit 0 the Fire Sufferers' Fund at Ottawa. CARD We, the undersigned; de hereby agree to refund the money on a tiventy.five cent bottle of Dr. Wills' hinglish•Pills, if, after using three-fourths of contents of bottle, they do not relieve Constipation and Head. eolle. We also warrant that four bottles will permanently cure the most obstimate base of Constipation. Satisfaction or no pay when Wills' English Pills are used. H. B. Combe, Chemist & Druggist, Olin - ten J. E. Hovey. DisPeneing Jammed, Clin'ton; Watts & Co., Drugsalid Medic:Mee, Clinton ; Sydney Jackson, Druggiet, Ciin• oret,Guess At Results. liENDALCS SPAM CURE Tills man knows wbat be did • and how be did it.- 13...ch. 'endorsements as the follotying ere are a quillmeet proof of its merits.• . Oehowt. Minn., Peb,22,113DS. Dear Sint -Please sendmo one of your Treatise en the Horse, your new book as advertised on your bottles, English mint. have cured two,Spervfne nod one Curb with two bottles of your Kendall* • pavin Cure In four weeks, - FRANZ MEMEL Price, et; six tor. es. 'a a linknent for family use it has no eget Ask your druggist for KENDALL'S SPAVIN CORE. also "A Treat.ise on the Horse," book free. or address L KENDALL CO.. ENOSOUR0 FALLS, VT. " All Dunlop Tires in x9oo" When'you hire a wheel • from the Bicycle i,ivery look at the tires. If they 'are Dunlop Tires then you pan rest assured the wheel has a. good pedi- gree in its every part. • Dunlop Til•es on all good wheels. • "The Only tools." The Dunlop Tire Co, Limited, Toronto. Montreal... Winnipeg. John. • CLINTON WOOD and COAL YARD. These pills are a specific for all diseases arising from disordered • , nerves, weak heart or watery blood, ci * They cure palpitation, dizziness, W. I•). Ifir el A filGttitt smothering, faint •and weak spells, shortness of breath, swelling of feet BAIMER . and ankles, nervousness, sleeples.,s. ness, anmsnia, hysteria, St. Vitas' ALBERT ST - OLINTO.N" 4; dance, partial paralysis, brain log; a. • June. 29, 1900 BANKS. .The olsons Bank IllgOrp trotted by Act (A Pnrilernent lettft OA FIT A - 52,000,00 ' ugs.r FIND $1,050,004 ' . HEAD OFFICE .moNrREAL. • Wss. Motece! ttaitOrirgitsON, Presitieek F, Woranaterse Tneeets, Gen. Maneeer Notes diecounted, Clulleottorin made, Drays homed, Sterling and American excheege bought and sold. Interest allowed made - peens. EIAVIS013 BANK-- Interest kilowatt on ems of 41 and up. Alouey advanced tp farmers on their own note, with 000 more endorsers, No morteage required EL 0, BILE% UK, Manager, Olinton , 4- general Banking female complaints, general delmhty, . transacted. and lack 01:vitality. P4coQC) a box. • • I01/11111.11W114110,61~111,1& ALWAYS KEEP ON HAND THERE IS KO KIND OF PAIN OR AHE, INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL, THAT PAIN -KILLER WILL NOT RE - LI EVE. . LOOK OUT FOR IMITATIONS AND SUB- STITUTES. THE GENUINE BOTTLE BEAFIS THE NAME, PERRy DAVISSON. 646041114011":441111A111,44VOiltftwat iteEnris. nKiondike Gold Fieldsr a arge, cheap, valln. able book, selling like a whirlwind. Beautiful trmatrenty-Ilveooleatis)it pee k s on thn, Toronto. 'AGENTS "The best fife of Her 'Majesty .have seen, writes Lord Lorne about "Queen ;Victoria." Agents make five dollars daily. • BRADLEY-GAItRICTEON COMPANY, Lamm, • 'Toronto. AGENTS WANTED. • For &genuine money -making position ; no books, insurance, or fake scheme," every herd& a customer. Particulars free. Write today THE F. &KAM CO.,432 Victoria street, :To- ronto, Canada. Feb 2g -i3 7 AGENTS WANTED. No experience necessary. Permanent posi- tion. Liberal terms. Pay weekly. Stock complete with fast selling specialties, including Seed Wheat, Corn, Potatoes, &e. OUTFIT FEEL. Secure territory now. Write • BROWN BROS. CO.. Nurserymen,Brown's Nurseries P.O., Ont. Aug.24-tf - • 4 (.41iNTS Book bOsiness is better than in La years pasttalso have better and faster. sellini hooks. Agnde clear from 510 to $10 woody. .4 _ few leaders are: "Queen Victoria, "Life_ of Mt' ' Gladstone," "My itiether's Bible Stories," "Pro- eressiyy Speaker. "Klondllte Gold Fieids,'"'Wo• man,' 'Glimpses of the Uns en." "Breakfast Dinner and Supper," ' Cane da , Et leyelopae, dia." Books on time.. Orders free to canvassers. The BRADLRY-EARRUS.ON Co.. Limited. • . ., A Toronto 110 for Cents. This book contains ono hundred and ton Of the best humorous recitation* Dmuntcbracit dthiaglotclitee,11.boegrth°m` Tparnoks? anigavhcarenda, as Mill btunorons compositions of FlIc1); tidnd iltir I gittregra, ekaii15,;i novem. for only tonkents. Johnston .St MerarInne 11 Yonne at.. . Toronto. Can.' Our fee returned if we fail. Anyone pending sketch and description of any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning tbe patentability of same. "Row to Obtain a • Patent" sent. upou reqttest. Parents secured tprough us ads ertised for sale at .t, tr expense. Patents taken out through us receive special notice, without charge, in TUE. PATENT /income an illustrated and widely circulated journal, Consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. . • Send for sample copy FREE. Address, VICTOR d. EVANs & CO. • (Patent Attorneys,) • Beans Building. WASHINGTON. De sunset4ter is prepared tO promptly *11 all or- ders tot Wood or Mel, which will besold Ct lowest_rittes. 0E06 on Base Street dal LAVIS. IMPLEMENT ROOMEL. WMEATItli)Y • • ROOM M 1101940W S I VT Plain Deal . • THC V49.1.1c1 Or Damatictie is said to be the oldest city In the world, dating bank 4,000 yeers. Ito present population •is 200,000, a tenth being Chrietians. The morgues are nu- merous, there being more than 50, • Take pattern of the umbrella, my son. The umbrella it a useful article, but it never *roads itself&e-aosten Transcript! A Rein:Ant Paystotatt,*-That's what you could rightly !tell Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablete-fOr after all hoe, few aro the fam- ily eomploAnts that eannot ID reedhed and treated direetly through the !stomach, Theee wonderful little phyeielane - GO of them in hot -35 cents -heal ell esomaeb disorder!) in old or young- incipient eftildri or &roots CaSON-they are pure and paled - able.' Sold by Sydney Jackson. (jDAWOMAN5BALM 0 it PAT* itlOcittE. Business "4"ROTES rusCOMITED Drafte med. Interest alloyied-ep • deuesits. • J. • P. TISDALL. HANKER, CLANTON, ONT. , /advances made to farmers on their can • notes at low rates of interest. 751 1 general Banking Bueinees be:motel Interest allowed on detente. Sale Notes bought hoice eeds • Seed 'Cern, seven varieties, Sugar Beet, Mangold'', Turnips, and all varieties of seeds required for field or garden. nee. Exeter flour always on band, and general mill fee& • wm. DUNCAN, Clinton. Licensed AuCtioneer, Oats 'Wanted nlOaetasi liWridanthteedbeisTroixocuhr.animstge hammfor Orkeet; as 'followi:- 11 lb.:Oatmeal for 1 bushel Oats 1-5- lbs du r (Manitoba nixed) for 1 Bushel' Oafs. •Silvorwar Given Away. Every. purchaser, anything that we sell, be the -amount small or large, gets a coupon and when a certain number is received the holder will be entitled Soli piece of Silver- ware of their own choosing.. Come and -pee the Silverware. • • O. OLSON. Good 13utter and Eggs wanted. •• 111 _TUT TOUCHES•Pe SPOT • MeLLOWS SEM REVATOR 0 • Weak and Impure Blood, Liver kidney Diseases, Fit:male Cen:plaints, Etc. at. frig ILaL sr write direct to: J. MoLEOD, GOilerioh; Ont. rURNITUEM BROADFOOT, BOX & CO. The 'Andy increase in our trade ID good proof a the feet Bat our good!) 'are righ our prices lower than those of other dealer° in the trade. We nuerafactuto furniture on a large scale and oan afford to sell cheap. If youllitiy • from us, we save for you the prat, which, in other oases, has to be added injfes the retail dealer. Thie week we have palmed into stook some ot-our neW"designa. Space !will not perm us to quotle prices, but ochres and see for yourself what temps we have to offer. Remember -we are determined thet our prices shall be the lowest in the trade. trNDERTAKING. In this department our stook is &deplete, and we have undoubtedly • the beat lutists Outfit in the county. Our moot are as low as the loweet. BROADFOOT, BOX & CO. &it Chidlel P. Manager S. -Night and Sunday mills ettended to by calling at J. W. Chidley's, (Ftinera bireotor) residence IF•gig wheats Antis las• reknit 1 assed-int is ohniuleitte, shaulittre Ord or Leo ISNk Pia Biro°, tad Whd II Tomtit fr. CgrAtLisre Moen brae IS yeti . W 5.,.. woos, • tholes et le ,hetiviir plated Jodi tireedet wIth yrs*, awl we moil seta eMatmet treseeTir ado, ,Write . TON galtwateth lAgic eat asy, et Men! Ordd *bell 16.444trtIniajr, Rhst. r. Vila =rile" trAtankarri.m... *or.: 1....,e4 Christmas , For Twenty-seven Years PERFUMES and • UNNV TOILET goods KIN 0 DER • ntiolcialiEralte Dainty Gifts tor both Ladies nod hien-tor Iroutig or Old Hi EL COMBEN Give Perfumes if you'd please the fad sex. The ohoiceot kinds *rebore. All the tedious makes -.all the desirable °dere- and many kinds put np in epeoially atinso- vive:Ohristanes pegkages. • 'Our aseortment of Fine Heir ttrueee Military Bruabes, Mirror!), Whisks, ha ebony stud handsome woods, -is the most • complete in the town. And te mostinter. eating part to you 101 that price!: are ter be. ISW what you ve been acoustotr.ed to pay for similar articles eleewhere. Chemist et brup.gist