HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-06-29, Page 4June 29, 1900 Cap V°\\2You')Ts zyack Dress frrintrimitiffntiffrrntrt millin!_turoctuar?'44"" V" Goods THE CLINTON nw Baia DOMINION - DAY' EXCURSIONS Going Settleday June 30th, • - Additional Local News the public mind tO the Curebillty, - the coptitgeon and the prevention of r••1 1-3.1 consuneption, as well ay in providing re Proneet1011i in GlInten 'School, means for the maintenance the hoes se pltal fot the poor, A. number of quee- MISS O'NEte's Promoted tions were asked sod answered, after as to 4th clef/se-Davie Bessie. Revers, which the election of officers and coni- Vera,Forter,11., Flin'toff, Idabel, Rode- mittees wee preceeded with. R. Rene- wed way, Roy, johmion, Bert, teach. Gif- ford .watt appointee chairman, I.P. Tis - far d, Olson; Belva Danford, Mabel, dall treariurete and D. Le Macpherson _ Doherty, Helen, Manning, Willie. secretary; additional members of the MISS MACKAY'S DIVISION-Pion:Mt- executive comMittee are as followes•-•' ea to 3rd class-Herraan, Gladys. Mac- Rev. A. Stewart, Rev. T. J. Murdoch, Intyre, Me.Perdue, Nellie, Webb,Maye Messrs .R. Rowland, J. O. Stevenson, Asdreves, Clifford, Dunford, Pearl, We W. Ferrero, 11. O. Brewer, W. IL Andrews, Amy, Managha,n, Ruby,0a,r- Newcombe and W. Brydone. The an- I di ter, Eddie, Noble, Flossie, Oopp, tear. anal fee of Members is payable on or I Ie ence, Furey, Beery, Sage, ROY, Doher- before Sept.30th each year. A number ty, fieGreiseh, Nellie, MoIlveen, Wil- have paid already. those desiring to , bert. become members and pay annual fee Miss Ocitemes DivisIoN,-- Promote may call upon Mr Tisdale the local " ed to Sr, 2nd-Wilken, Laura, Fora Treasurer. Clete, Foster, Mamie, Johnson, Etta, Cooper Lucy, leer,. Hazel, Steep; Ed- LBAdien Getran.-Goderich iincl Olin" I die, MuMball, Ray, Walkinshaw.Ruth, ton will play a leigue match here to - Macpherson, Chrrlie, Butledge,Jeanet, dee' (Friday) at Recreation park at 4 , Feenelin, Mildred, Fisher John, Wil- o'clock, It will be a good close game son, illis, Ford, Wray,' Tenney, L., sand every person invited to be pres- lewd', M., Hall, Charlie, Hall, Mor- ent. In the club Clinton, Goderich ley, East, Sadie, Ransford, M. G., Hey- anti Wingliam have each won and it wood, Wilfred. one game - MISS Turusna's Drvrembe-Promot. ed to 2nd class.-- 'Mennel. Dollie, O'Neil, Hazel, Chant, Gertie. Grigg, • Roy, °deltas, Electa McCaughey, Rome, Stewart, Pearl,' West Arthus, Mitchell, Emerson, Finch. Della. lor, Greisch, Harold, We s Clinton cw Bezzo, Willie, Stevene, Lois. The other classes will be arranged after &ow Lorne, 'Wilts% Elva, Crich, Vacation.. NondaY July 2nd, Return Tuesday July 3r0 SINGLE FRE. To all points in Canada. Thereto and all information V, R. RODGERS, Railway 86 Steamship Agent, Clinton, Page Fashions may come and goone color may he popular° Eri=n2imTu9s...,. , Dollars you can siveet ewcorabe' " this se ison and another one next, but Van ever heard of a lady XaNeasitieetri-garnmiersonnon a os being 'out af style" attired in a Black Dress. Every lady sessicirle, frezrew ishould have one or two in her wardrobe. There are times r Dimisgmor—w_Tg iwznette it. is not useful. Everything that' e nevE, ko3144-Dreas Goods feiga131J-Neigonu70;t::::.:.::: .. .. • American dress muslins-Hodgens Bros when a Black Dress is indispeusible and there in no time when will be found in,,our stoek awl everyone fully guaranteed. we have too many high-priced Dress Goode and for Satlir44y, June 30th • 4I the last day Of the month, Will make the following substantial reductions. Come and See the beauty and wearing 'worth of these high class goods and save the diffirense between proper values and these' Cut prices :-- 4 -yard Skirt Length of tuir be Silk and Mohair Orepons $ 6.50 Skirts for $8.95. 7.00 . . " ' ' 4.00 . ,8.00 . . 5.00 12.00 . • • . - •7,00 Dress Lengths of 6 yards each and no. two alike : . .... $ 8.25 Dress for $5.50 • . 4 • . 8.95 ' ' . 6.25 12.00 : " 800. . If you wish to share in these bargains be on handliright. and early Saturday morning. . , . Satur4a3r..: -dayuin June and in order to Make . Sat rday being .the last 'bargain Bargaitis iinonth•we will place on sale in ad - t rounsl. upthe, largest o! the • dition to the Black Goods the great- est bargains we have ever offered. Note the saving on the following : . . • Genuine Scotch Ping- ,taetles and logintelous members. X 'hams, mmonof no general interest or i cuport- 256,for 1 2%C 1 ' beets seen the entire day up to 12 at 2)0 yards of apron gingharns 35% 7 pieces only of :genuine -Scotenight Wasted in some profitlessdiscus h . , inches wide, with and witliont ginghatris, ixed cheoks ot blue mice, and then.from 12 to 2 a. 63bust- borders, in colors of light and . . and pink,blaek, pink and whips ,,,. neEis involving the expenditure of mil - dark blue, red, etc., in checks, ' and • black arid white, also " • • lions would pass without 'difficulty. heavy quality, our 9c goods, stripes of bine and white,, full , to clear on Saturdoy a 28 , 28 and BO inches wide,will tand the hardest was .onr rgular • pried is 25c,to cleat on Saturday 7c To•weling at •iliic. . . 250 yards of brown linen toWeling 15. inches wide, fine soft ; finish, C+ownsa,ta0c '• . well worth 7c, to clear on Sat- Ladies' gowns made of fine white urday at ,i6 C" cotton, with yrike of tucks and • -• etnbroidery, sleeves and collar 250 and 350 Towels nicely.trimmed, seams all over - Stitched, covered buttons,regu- at 19e tar 76c, to .eleateon•Saturday, at 151 towels made of extra heavy each 1500 linen, sizes 18x36 and 20x40,.. . fringed ends and fast coloredSnap in Men's borders, regular 25e and 35c .I e Overalls, . towels, to clear on Saturday at Men's overalls mad') of Ware hea- vy quality ofijean:in grey Only, all sewn With best linen thread., will not rip, 'usually sok) at taper pair,to clear on - Saturday at •per pair • 50c BargaAuln Cot- tonades 28 inch veide cottenades m extra . heaVy quality all dark colors, stripes and checks, regular 25c and 30c values, to go Saturday et 20e Sheeting for 14c .. 1 piece only of unbleached twill , sheeting, fell 2 yards wide,very ' fine even thread, made of goed strong cotton yarn, if bought to -day would sell at25c, special s .for Saturday -only , .........14 3 75e Umbrellas at 39e . . Men's umbrellas with coveting of $2.25 Shut 'Waists.' gooi alpaca, strong frame, car- ved wood ha,ndlestregular price ° 75c each to clear on Saturday each — . . . .. . . : .09c • colors arid size, our regular. $2 Ginghams at 41/c 2 , -, Saturday at,........... ... . . ..*1-1115 and $2•25 Waists, to clear on 41/yards of ginghancts,;25 ineheS' • ' ' ' wide, in small and laege checks.A Ribbon Chance, • assorted colors, worth nearly• double what ve4 II,Sk for them, 50e Ribbon for 25e Saturdayetour choice at ellec • - 150 yarcls of fine silk ribbons, in. • 300 Caps. for 19e...-- - checks awe plain eolors of blue, 'duck, in cadet blue ana white, n1 agold,uvNe, i lel I; ofawn,blackg, ertece11" ., four nin y': . ' Children's outing caps made of nicely made and lined, our tecees wide, hest quality. taffeta gulat 30e caps.to elear,on Setae- talk, regular 40e, See and 60c day ,..., ...osie qualities, to clear at per yerd...25c e.. ... I . • Bla,ek-Velvet Ribbons with • Satin. back in assorted widths 44344-99110e " 90 Apron Giagham at6%o FIRIDAY JUNE 29, 1900. Ottawa Letter. GETTING TIRED. ENTRANCE Er -Ante -The examination of candidates for •entrance to the Col- legiate institute were held on Nteednes- day,Thereday and Friday ofthismeeki ThePublic School Leaving and Peet I Now that warns weather -hags set in, Junior examination will lee held on July 3 and 4. These papers will he ex - the m'embers rnenifest a disposition to amined this year by the department at facilitate biistness and get away to their homes, . The session, has lasted Toiontos. instead of by the Connty 13,Sat de air heretofore. ' five montheet large portion of the time . A RELIGIOUS PuneecAerene.-DreW, having been taken up with matters to Briggs, publisher, Toronto, has just a large extent buncombe • Being so near a general election it was quitena.t- issued te pamphlet by Rev. A. Miller, of ural that the metpbers of • the Oppose Elute% on Plyrnouthiem and The tion should endeavor to find out weak Modern Churches or Life, Light, Law; ham?, And Learhing. The bock centime 184 spots of the Government and capital thereon. But. in my opinion pages. and in it some of the cardinal think the Government has come' doctrines of the Oheistia:n faith are set . • thriangh the Session unusually well and forth. and expleeneaand contrasted strong. Investigate and search as they with the eeliefs of the Brethren. The may, the Oppeentiop have not been book may be had from W. Cooper,. able to lay their finger Ligon solit- bookseller, price 50 cants. • ery traneaction of a corrupt nature or • Tut aoith Peeese-The Pelle etre'COns the iniproner expenditure of it single ing I Who are the Pulls? They ate the defier. Natwithstandiug all unsup- World's Favorities and Kings Of Hypnoe, ported assertions to the contre,ryenot a tisni. Tb people who possess the highest .solitary boantial has been fastened up-. moult powers, who carry Meir suggestions on the administration. . Sir triharles out in the most feruss. Their • work :is Hibbert 'Lipper's "scandals!" have been marvellous: • Prof. Theo. Pull is assisted laughed at by his Own friends; they by Mr Joseph N. Pull... They have a paw, and SOtne of them privately ad- . novelty this year in using •very elaborate Mit, that they are political fireworks, contnnies for different scenes; It is an• fee effect only. The Governtriene bas. original ideaof the Pelle and something, a record for administrative ability, in- never attempted by any other Hypnotists. tegrity and business -like. management They .will be beta on July 5th, Oth and 7th. that shows wonderful capability and AdmistiOn 10o; 20e and 80o; reserved seats adaptation to circtimstanees. 1 start- at.Jackson Bros. " • ed this paragraph ..in reference to the - .JunelerBerr iei.0o. tonne CASES. lerigth of the session, but drifted away :From the Signal Honor .. Judge from- that point: The actual work MessOn• on -Tuesday morning gave might be transacted eny year in three' - judgment in two actions . tried before ratintlis,asere it .not for Obstruction hin. at the tiounty Court last week.• .1e Gardner vs, Cooper, in which' there was atlispute ai to the amount to be .paid by defendant to plaintiff for his WOrkl'as it plasterer, Me 1.10nor 'gave j udg men t for the plaintiff for $70.37 and fell County °pert costs. In But- ler vs. elcelicken, • in which plaintiff sued .an Old judgment, indgment was given.for plaintiff for .0283,32 with Oeunty Court costs of action. Church Chimes. Japan.ez' e China and Wedding Presents elt% eeee Daring the lastfew years thederoand for Japanese Ohina has been steadily iuereasing, and almost every wholesale house is making a specialty of it. The reason is, we presume, because the goods are prettier and more tastily decorated than other lines and more reasonable in price. VVc have just opened up . 5 cases of these goods direct treat one of the late gest importing houses, which, we secured at a Very close figure. The line comprises Salad .Bowls, Chocolate Set, Flower Pots, Plates, Cups and Saucers, Omani eat, Sugars, • Butters, Mustards. Five o'clock Tea Sete, etc. Rev. G. F. Salton, pastor'of You wffi find the prices very 10w. Centers- Rattenbury St., Olintore left on Mon- ary church, Hamilton, and foraierly of day on a three months' trip to the old country. He goes alone. Rev. Dr. Gifford, the incornieg •pas- tor of Ontario St. church, arrived in town last (Thursday) evening, and en- ters on his duties on Sunday next. 'He- witt vender good service. ' ' Rev. F. H. Larkin, late pastor of the First Presbyterian chureh, Chatham, was presented with a gold watch by the congregation, and Mrs Larkin with a purse of money,on their leaving for Seaforth. Croseleyand Hunters the evangelists, are conducting services in Elora; a spirit of. unity preyails among the churches, the Presbyterian, Methodist and Episcopal churches all uniting heartily ip, theee meetings. The Christian Guardian announces the death of Rev. Francis Colensateone of the pioneer ministers Of the Metho- dist church, at Hanailton,whsre he has been 'residing. for several 'years. He was an uncle of Mrs Robt. Holmes,. rif Olintono . - We notice in a June dumber of the Boston Lights a paper from the pen of letre M. L,Ashley, Londe -shore, written and read by request•of the graduation exercises of the • Gordon Missienare Training School of that city, of weed) Phe is a recent graduate. The paper may appear later., per pair 10c Scrim for 7c 25 yards only of 0 scrim, $8 ipches wide, in cream only, fine open design, our regular 10c quality, to clear at • 7c 100 Victoria Lawn 61c 200 yards only of flee even quality Victoria, lawn, 40 inches wide, regular 10c value. special for • Saturday only at .... .... Gge O $1.25 Parasol for 75c Ladies' parasols with top of gloria and warra,nted not to turngrey, steel rod, fancy wood handle', regular value 1.25,to go Sat- urday. each . 0715 f; A CABINET OHANGR. The Government; wisely or c thee - wise, asked Lieut, -Governor Meinness, of British Columbia; ' for his resigna- tion, 'and have appointed Sir Henry Joly as his successor. Mr Jolle is Min- ister of Inland ttevenue, and is 5 yeiy amiable and genii:Li' person. 'Conserve- tiyes.say be is a most honest and candid member of the Cabinet; there mind& be the slightest doubt as to hjs honesty, but Lain surprised that he is willing to endure, at his age, the incid- ental hardships of moving to British Columbia; especially as he is in a Wei - thin to take life easy.. It is, however, • much, to his credit, that he winds up •political Career of many years' duration without the slightest taint of dishonor or reproach. Tie is 'succeeded in the Cabinet by Mr E. Bernier, M. P., of St, Hyacinthe, W130 is a French3Canadian Liberal of the old school, very highly spoken of as a successful business man, said to be one of the best platfor m men in the Dominion, arid yet 1 have not • heard him say one word during 'the two sessions I have been here. The French Canadians are well pleased at the selection. THE EM'ESGENCTT nimorrs. A good deal is being said about the etnergenry mittens ea condensed food) sent out to South Africa with the second contingent, and the charges of Mr Monk are before a committee of in- vestigation.• The charge is • that the Goverrunent wai imnosed liptin by a Dr. Devlin, who substituted a -prepara- tion ot his own for one prepared by it Prof. Hatch. The Government does not, pretend that Hatch's food was pee - chased; it bought Deelinet, which test- ed 16 per eent of protelds, and that fur. nished the Government tested1.6 8 per tent. The investigate -3n has brought out a. number of 'opinions"' but not mueh actual evidence, beyond the fact that the Conservative Collector of Customs grossly neglected his duty hi /Mowing it to come in free of duty. When the report of the Investigating, Committee is made, we venture Mite assertion that the bottom will have falleii"esdkettliedearges, so far as they , affect any wrongeloing or neglect on, the part of the Government. • • • Canadians are not. great beer drink - ere as compared With our heiebbore. Last year it was 2.0 gallons per capita ae compeseedwith-12.00 venom COnautla- ed in the 'United States. for $1.15 . • • Ladies' shirt waists of' gingham • with fancy stripe, in assorted • 5=ting=;zt=;cf4IF;t4p=itt=;.,45::bc= Special 760 Corsets for 500 Ladiee,tSumm,or Corsets,' made of good strong Th net, well made and trimmed,warrauted to give Al wear and made to sell at 75o, choice on Saturday at 60e t=ittittl!=*:tgOlc:V:=Plc=g/!=:01!=lt • Your lioney Ham You Want It . CLINTON . • • 1 At it meeting of the Conservative Union of Ontario, in Terme), on Sat. tirday, 3. T. Thompson, (son of the late Premier) and S. Greer were appointed seeretaties in place of •Itobert Birtnig. nem. It if; said the latter's claims for salary were nob considered, but if any one is innocent enough to think they evil) not be satisfied in f(111. they are Yerdent indeed. • 1r An Ottawa despatch nom -There is great dissatisfaction among the (lonaer. vettee members at Ottawa over Sir Charles Tupper'e tuition in going into Haldimend Comity to speak for Dr, Montague, and it is not unlikely that the Oppoeition chief. tain will be made aware of the faot when he returns, The dissatisfaction existo mainly among the Clarke Wallace fattion 1 • • AT 'IBE CONVENT10N.-Among those who attended from Clinton at the S. S. anat. E. Oonvetition held in Sertforth on. Wednesday afternoon last week were : -Rev. W. G. and Mrs Howson, Rev. J. T.' and Mrs•Murduck, Mr and Mrs A. T. Cooper, Mr and Mrs Hugh Rorke, Mrs . (Dr) Thompson, Mrs D. Stephenson, MisSe$ Turner, 'Redd, Ounninghtime, Washington, Elba Howson, M. Davis, Mabel Howson'D. Doherty, B. Shepherd, Robb, B. Mc- Ewen,1111. and Amelia Harland. A. Ir- ving, Ross, Mary Chant, Dolly and Pearl Oantelon, Vera Rogers, Della Wilken, Nellie and Sadie Holmes, Ed- na Jackson, Jennie Fisher, Annie and Minnie Cook, E. Coultes, Fred Chant, Arthur Hall, Ray Rumball, Walter Holmes, W. Townsend,Messre A. 'Ts:n- (1a% L. Doherty, and 0. Shaw. Fon POOR CONSUMPTIVES. The meeting held on Friday evening, the 22nd inst., ter perfect the organization of a local association in aid of the Free Hospital for Consumptives, was not very largely attended,. but the results •are very satiefectory. Forty-eight of our people have given their names as members. Resolutions were peered adopting the nbject. Terms of mern• berehip, methods and rules recom- mended for such associations, Mr Watson. representing the National Sanitai him Association of O; nada, made a general statement as to the or- ganization of said association atid the work it has undertaken. Mr Gage, of Toronto, was the prime mover,who of- fered 025000 towards the establishment of a hospital for consumptives, The' .late Mr Massey offered a similar amount. The National Sanitarium As- sociation of England was the model up- on which this Canadian Association was formed. . A charter has been ob- tained from the Dominion Parliament, Lord Strathcona and Mount Royal is its President; Sir William Meedith, :lenight, and Chief Justice of Ontario, is its vice president; Mr Gage is its treasurer, and Dr. Powell, of Toronto, its secretary. in addition to these of- ficers there are trustees, among whom are Edward Gurney, Esq, Hon. Senat. -or Oox, and Home+. W.eReser, Premier ot.Ontario. This society was formed Without anythought of Making money; it is entirely philanthropic. Muskoka was decided upon tte the place for the hospital. A high altitude and conse- quently light atmosphere are advan- tageous to weak or diseased lungs; too great an altitude and ligheat mosphere are depressing upon the heart aetion. Muskoka, was found to come as near to the extieb rOrtuireMent •fte any place in the world, and was therefore chosen, The Mahe hospital building was corn. Weed and opened to receive patents on Ocelat 1807. The record it has made since that date le very encooraw- Ing and satisfactory. About 15% of all the patients treated during the first year were believed to be thoroughly cured, and a large number of partial euresi in Which cases the health and strength of many were *teetered. and utiefuI lives saved for a time. Over 1000 applications for admission RS pat- ients have been refused, many of them because of lack of means. The Parent Association is now putting up and equipping it hospital especially for that class, leinancial movision has already es. W.Cooper IS Co., CLINTON. , • Coming and Going. *Ingham. Wanted -500 tubs of butter by July 16th,eggs• • Mrs Isatto Jackson is visiting in Buffalo. 13o, butter 18e. We what have iluo quantity W. Irvvin wase caller in Brussels on Sunday oash or trade. Gr. E KING, Wingham. WeEek.R. , Brewer and family spent Sunday at , Bayfield. KENNEDY -In VVingham on • Srino 16, the BORN. ' Miss Cavan of Paris, was visiting the Misses wife of Dr K,eniiedy, of a daughter. O 0. Joy and his mother, Mrs Joy, spout Sun- Robert Brein, of a sun, • day at Bayfield.. 0 PEPPER -In Morris, on June 17,"the wife of Miss M. Lewis, of Detroit, is the guest of WS L. Pepper, of a daughter. • WII.LIS-In Howiek, on Tune 13, the wife or W., R. Newcombe. Miss E. Staubm7, Detreit, is the goest of her Am" Willis' af a son' Uncle, N. Robson • . • MARRIED. • • Fair this week. BREIN-In Curless on June 19, the wife of Before reeving for' London the ni'ena- bers of the Women's Auxiliary of Witt- erlo6 St. Methodist chinch hi Strat- ford presehtecl Mrs (Rev) A. IC Birks with an adclresteregeetting the depart- ure of thh3 esteemed lady, and also a life membership certiecate :of the Women' r Misslone.ry Society. BATTENDURY ST; -••• Next Sunday 'morning Mr Howson will speak on "The preacher's commision;" tne evening, !The geography of a land not marked en any map." Love feastwill be -held at 10 a. m. in gee:lecture roem. Strangers welcome to all these services, ' which will be •bright and helpful: - Miss Maud Goodwin is now otganist �f the Sunday School. • ' The statiecice of the Presbyterian church in Canada show remarkable prosperity. Out of population of M- I le more than five millions, it has a total membership of 212,026:six synods, fifty•three Preibyterieli, 1,013 ministers in active work in various`departments, 108 on the retired reit or without charge, 227 ordained missionaries, and 233 students in tlle theological classes. • The executive coMmittee of the Dio- cese of Huron Met in London last week. The Incoroe and. Investment Committee reported that the work of the financial agent, Rev F. E. Roy, had been vigorously prosecuted. The total amount subscribed to date was $24,261,- 55, of which $1fe300.08 was in cash. The amount raised during the pase year was e4,659.79; while the expenses amounted to only $81 36. Mr Roy was cordially thanked for bis services and re -appointed. Rev. R. Hobbs, Wingham, annotinced to his congregation recently, that he thought the time had arrived; when preparations 'should be begun tor the building of a now church. He purposes galling on the mem- bership and ascertaining their willingness to aid.. Whether the congregation will' take bold 91 the matter energetically or not remains to be seem Certainly a new edifice is a necessity,. and Mr Hobbs is willing to take his share of the work and responsibility if the congregation heartily support the project. The house•to-house census otToron. to shows the population to be 161,280. It is probanie •that This is not within several thousands of the actual figure. The enumeration was made for pur- poses of religious etaesification, and omitting nearly 2;000 of the iniscellan- eous classes the showing is 3— Church of England, 44,S48; Methodist, 89,440;. Presbyterian, 34337; Roman Catholic, 19,885; Baptist, 10,658; Congregational, 4,462; Hebrew, 1,660, Plymouth Breth- ren, 1,005; Salvation Arney, :636; Die- eiplese'544; Christian Smolt:fete, fl29; Christian Workers, .530: -Lutheran ,100; Other denominations, 2,288; total.;101,- • The •War. WOODMAN-PRINGLE-At the parsonage. - Mrs Fake, of Petroha, is visiting her daugh- ter, Mrs R. Tiplady. Relgrave, on 3 nne13, by Rev, F. J !Oaten, Ph. Miss Bessie Kennedy,,Is visiting her uncle, Be of Londesboro. 13, Samuel Woodman, to Mrs M. Pringle, all Miss Lizzie Twitchellis Visiting her sister miss church, Clinton, on June 27, by Rev. A. Stew- OLUCAS-FAIR- At Willis Presbyterian McKay, in Seaforth. Alice Twitchell, Laurier . art, W. L. Chums, of St. Louis, Mo te Mies, Dolly Fair, youngest daughter of ' the late Mrs R. K. Logan, Bay City. Mich., is . Visiting Thos. Fair.• _ at her father's,G. D.`Gilchrist. SWALLOW-PHIPPS-In .Holmesville on grandmother's, Mrs J. Fair. Toronto, to Miss Aggie Phipps, of Holmes. Cempbell; of Detroit, i8. visiting at his June27,'by Rev. J. Green, Frank Swallow, of .F. Macpherson was down aroand Hensall EVANS-ROWELL-At-Waterford, on Julie onWednesday, en a business trip. 20, by Rev. 0, Porto*, Ct. A. Evans, Toronto.: , *London, Dresden and other points. Miss Mary Murray has been viiiting friends formerly of Holmesville, to MISEt O. F. .ff Waterford. • • r W. Cudinore, the Yea known hay exporter of 20th, by Bev M. Mellay. of Goderich, John .D. , FARRIIII--At-At Leeburn, on June. i Kippen, "WaEl a caller in town on Friday • Farrish, of Ashfield, to Miss Mary Rlleniyotaig- the home of her sister, Airs D. MeRwan. , RAMILTON-licNBIL-At tbe reeid.enc.e of est daughter of James Horton, of Colborne. Mrs Jas. Mustard, of chicago, is visiting at the bride's parents,. Grey, on June 13, ey nev. Mr and Mrs:Burgess, Mitchell, were guests of Albauy, New York, has returned home. Mr and Mrs Chowan for several days last'week. here fora week past in the interests 0 the or, digeri.ss Dilly Spooner, of the oity hospital, 3. F. Miller, organizer of the W. 0. W, was • • A. Peterson, of Kineardine, was here en Fri- daylastookmg after contracts for artesian 'MAL5iss Phimer, of Clinton was the guest of the Misses Agnew for a few'days-Wirigham. Ad-. vance. • • E..H. Drake,. of Chatham, • representing the Lake Erie Navigation 00., was in town on Tues; day in its interests. Dr, Holmes was in London on Saturday at- tending the silver wedding of his parents, Rev arid Mrs J. W, Holmes. Jas, Lee and wife,of Listowel, were this week the guests of R. Reynolds,. Mr Lee and Mrs Rey- nolds being brother and, sister. ' • Miss Alder, of -Tara, accompanied Miss 'Lue Stevens to Seitforth to attead the 8.8. and MD. Cony° tion held there last Week. • O Alex. Penner, of Kincardine, and Herb. J. Davidson, of Goderich,, Were guests at the home of Jas. Stevens, base line, last week. The Strathcona Horse have covered themselves with glory, by practically bottling large force of Boers, -To- getber with the gold taken by Kruger. Pres, Itrager's sons, who surrendered to Gen. Baden-Powell, are back on their Wins, working peacefully. ' Gen, eteyres forces in the Orange River Colony are for the time drawing most of the attention of LordRoberte. Severance betWeen theColony and the Transvaal was gonopleted on Friday, and the wide net around the 0,000 or 8,000 men under Steyn will now con- tract. Adroit manoeuvertng and brisk O fightleg will likely take place. • This speaks Well for .the Laurier GovernMent-"The past yearbabeen the noose prosperous in the history of ourcountry."-B. B. Walker, general manager of the bank of Commerce. At the recent 'fight at Zs,nd River it le reported the Boors captured 2,000 gall begs, containing a Three weeks' acouraulas tion of letters for Lord Roberts' army and £4.000 worth of stamps intended' for the use of the troope, I Sherritt, reeve of Stephenhas been (selected as the Conservative candidate Lor North Middlesex, for the Domini - Mr and Mrs Crape, (nee Miss May Foster, for- merly of Stapleton) of Londen, spent Monday with Clinton friends and relatives. , A. E. M. Thomson, who has been supplying at Turner's church Tuekersmith,. return to his home in Goderich,last week. Mrs W. W. Barran and daughter, Mrs H. T. Rance, Blyth, returned home on Friday even- ing after a few week's visit in London. Elliott arid Miss Clara Dayment spent Sun- day at Dungannon visiting their friend, Miss Mary Errington, who is very ill at present, Courties and daughter. of Mariposa, are visiting at the Mines of j,Govett, town, and W. Hardy, base line, the latter being a son -in law. The Misses Acheson, daughters of 31rVirilliani Acheson, Goderich, left yesterday morning for tthhreshe•tmrinplittho sP.arip Exhibition; they willbe gone Miss Maud Kemie, who is in the office of Dr. Terabull, of Goderieh, is home for afewweeks' holidays. Pier sister, Miss Lucy, is supplying ,in kter place during her absence., . , . Rev, B. Clement lett for Kingsville on Wed. tesday morning, a number of his friends were at the depot to bid him_good bye and Godspeed, Mrs Clement went on Thursday and the family go this week. John Agnew, formerly a student of the Col- legiate, was in town for a feve days last week on A visit. He is now studying at his home in Wingham in the office of his brother, Dr. Thos. AgriCheasZ. Pennington and four children were ticketed by F. R. Hodgens, G T 11 agent, for .Liverpool, Eng. They will sail from Montreal on Saturday by the steamship Thili$1811, of the Allen line. ' Mrs W. Robb, who has been in delicate health for.soine time, expects to leave in a few days for Manitoulin Island., where she will remain for some time in tbe hope that it will restore her to health. Mr Robb 'will . take a trip to Michigan, returning by Manitoulin. Miss :feimie 'Miller, of Ann st., who has been 111 for some time underweht an operation 'olio day recently. The operation was successfull3r porfermed by Drs. Brawn, of Wroxeter, Tuck, of Gerrie, and Gunn, of Cliuton. We aro piens. ed to say the patient le improving nieely-Gor, rie Vidette. D. B. McRae, W. Hamilton, of Coalfields, N. W. T., to Miss Ella. daughter of L, McNeil, of Grey. _.' • • SPARLING-BA,RDING-At the residence ' of the bride's parent% Fordwich, on June 20, by Rev. R. I Boating, Mr John S. Snarling', of Howiek,.to Miss Agnes 'larding, of Ford- wbe01110-TURNRULL-At theresidenee of the bride', parents, Grey, on June 20, by Rev. 3. Ross, B. A, J. Doig, of Howlek, to Agnes AL. Turnbull. of EGarthym-At the.h oree of the 'bride,. on Tune 13, by Rev. D. Perna, of Wingbam, assisted by Rev, John Ross, B. A., of Brussels, Jas. Grant, to Miss , Maggie Perm, both ot. Grey. GlBSON-BERNICKAt" the residence of the bride's father, on June 20. hy Rev. Jewitt, Andrew Gibson, to Miss flelenill' erniek, all of the Thames Road. -Osborne MeLEAN-JOHNSON -At the 4.0sidonoe of the bride's mother, Seaforth. on Mine 12, W,„ D. -McLean, of the Huron Expositor, to Miss Florence Mary Johnson, of Seaforth. • GAUDRY-NAFTEL-At Toronto. on June 12, by Rev. It 3, Moore, Prof, A. 0, Gaudry, of Teto.rLoonntdoo, of -London. Adelaile A: _Nate% daughter of the late John T, Naftel, of Le Vrangue, Ged- Rbe rvioil3cd:heatirdpr parents billyRITev.J S. Fisher, Lambeth, ram to Mies Mary E. Foeter, bot,, At the residence of iheg CART.E11,-LEPPING-TON - In Clinton, on • Jane 22, by Bev. J. F. Parke, John Albert Car. ter, to MistrAnnie, eldest 9011 01 Wm. Lepping- toRmAamllimofrOoNliltwonA,T,r_At the residence a Miss Jennie Watt. - • the bride'slather, on June 20, by Rev. J. A. Hamilton, James Hamilton, of Hallett to Fall Term Opens SEPT 1th• -66A— r -7 -A 4-4 , STRATFORD, ONT No less than eight large business colleges; have applied to us)within. the past six weeks for our graduates to telt e positions as teachers in their schools. As many as live business. firms ha•ve applied to us in one day for office help. phis is surety the best school for ,you. It paye to prepare for profitable, progressive and permanent ezeployment. Catalogue free, • W. J 'krineinal.' Oook'a Cotton Root Componni IS successfully used monthly by over 10,000 Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask _your druggist for Cook's Cotton Root Com- sportietnasizidop.p:i.;:agitt:T9eishnpotoruec:::,,elsonicupoRna:ix:touNtvrei 11s:dos:rig" Oanntd, imitations are de.nge ous. P ice, No. 1, $1 pee box', No. 2,10 degrees tro r, $3 per box. No., t or 2, mailed on receipt o price and two s-eent, re -Nos. by msyedn:eidl:aalLat. 1•4•4:4•0444u1'••:“:4461:44400+41444+:4 ,..... ../.• A. ?* * Regardless .s. t .t. t Of CoSt. k, ;r. 0. MeLagan, publisher of the Vancouver so• World, whose name was mentioned in contuse- :I: .... amble, is an eld Clintontan, he having publish- a tion with theLieut-Governsliip of Ilritish 001- s. At I am intending to sell out 1 tho Pacific coast, but has enjoyed the jughantl- 1 io I TelgaspnapisentrilisenrfetihnetmlionsetairulritinaniXttilseistlisyrseisI011 S it: ontIlliletilenahrlienrgyetnetgneitycueensetireet stookoeet "st: vette, Anyone WhO is looking I led fate of many newspaper nten of doing , .. ,l' heavy ivork for his party while °tiler fellowg I to. .,,efehreneilaiernapekgeoeondseeirnlytehaligi alinnde .14... • 4 I . . 1 tt :Oa: Co twil il f te3 11 10, :etndreo rila oni afdt T 1 irt °owl afin ni(s 11 9d: 1 0 ,t) *.n. t, ,r) ) I 1 01 it 0 1 & fr poi et/ g tt i .yx .tgveetar! Yous eleeotaionn;ftorbargauaminms.er .1; fire and has lost altogether mum. Ile had two , A s-. Stores and a printing office, and they were coin- t. pleteIT destroyed by the eonflagration. This is ..t, Apprentkie the third. time thatIir Cliffe has been made the 1 e. Wanted • MSS ROSS. its': victim of fire Ile met With n similar mister- , „t„ 4,o his ft 1 ill the Bandon fire. e ee aro a 0 • .3.-...--- tt301\ill. Brandon, Manitobagual row 114 tests ! „1,.:44,0404,44:44,044.:444:44.4.4*......:..) accumulating property for the &et° Num. Ho , hes been working all his life Or the purpose of 1 - -...- Whore, it is sakl.hiellabilities were in excess nailed a paper at St, catharines,sorm years ago, i. • Photos, Photos. atarted the Wingbant Advance, and also pab• ' ..... of his Assets. , P0WELL-1u Illytb oh June 17, only daugh- ter of George Powell, aged 15 years- ane 0 months, W/LEIRSON-In Pelgrave, on june 12, Thos. Wilkinson, aged 74,yeers,, THISBE-In Wetaskiwle, Alberta, on eerie 12, Jennie Blanch, infant daughter of 1VIr and hire WM. Thirsk, formerly ef 131ako, Enron county, aged 0 menthe and 2 days. MeTAVX811-ht Tuokersmith, orj lune 17, David ItoTavish, aged 20 leers and,3 =tenths. TONElt--In Rowlek. on June 10, John W, Toner, aged 20 years, 5 mouths and18 clays. •JEWITT-In !Unless, on Juno 10, Denier:alai 8. JeWott, aged* 70109. SIE41M-T0' Grey. on June lt Rattle DielbY, aged 22 years and 4 months who would like to met*. hforitagee dropp- miegbett bm, boob. sir outrust anode. tenance in caring for the poor,the pub* will likely again be the Liberal Oandre formerly ofasderich. ed in the Ethole way that ter 'Robert Bit- equipment. For its obritinued maim. ion. As V. Raiz, the setting atembell been tnacie fm' t e building and its Mfbriiin BramPtr " Thini,,.(11 Itlanc• ; L We do sit Wade of photo entelleing Ank-' ie Amalie?, w fe W. eare Hoe with Dr, Montague Ito modelle often. lie generally are asked to aid in riro- date, and is also 0, resident Of Stephen, eieseteere (soeoreee weenoseeeenee ge, opeepitenifea,t,piyeturee 111 0r4Voi M414 ink sive to Mr Clarke Wallace. who hes bon viding, and in order that all the people the contest will be interesting:0. The . Margaret; flionett, widow of the late George ----- ----e, ettatell. Oall and get our at tlAggere drawn with tho doctor ever may be advised Of the need for and the Plattg. is, in reality, Conservative, and Moto, aged agyearg, 11 months and 10 dal% PriellA before giving your order to an agent. opportunity to help in this gOod Work has had the honor of electing five Of 11(0AVOlt-en Gods:title on Satarcleo. June We frame pictures and ahvays keep a nice Um, Joseph is.1101.Yor, aged 22 year. since the romcdiel oeseion of 1896. teild boo chneag of tee eerie is levee to be associations tire being formenin all the its former rooves to _parliament, Viz-. , lino of frames in stook, the various rival factions. ttee0eilltiOne may do good in educating ,Couglin, V. Batn and IL Hilber, cities arid toWns, it is believed such Meseta.. J. Carling, T Greenntay, P, tovryr-rn Merge Tyner, on Jute) 20th, John 1.ovett, sr 1 Agee* rearm. Mille% at the residence of mri• p • 0 3E1 • i • obarseterized by violent entbreakt between , 4 •') l' •