HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-06-29, Page 2Juno 29,1900 St,thi#4****41-04404444-44-44-400$.1(44 Where do You 1, Stand? • • This paragraph is Intended or those of our subscribers who have not • yet remitted- their subtomption or this Year, and thr no others. •.‘ ' It/addition to hitibilshing a first class local paper atthe lowest possl- • pie price -BA A TEAR IN ADVANCE ws are giving our reactorsalt erto- date war service us gotal as elven by any dell' paper, which costs us cousiderable extra. We aro net asking any extra price for this 'extra service, but we do ask that subseribers show their appreciation by renewing thee• sub- scriptions as promptly as possible. . - It is unreasonable and =fair to ask ti tl pay postage on paperi3, and also run a credit business from year to year, and we frankly ask our delinquent subscribers to see that ar- rears are paid, and a year in advance. A...tithe sooner this is done the ,..better we will like it. 1 num jtva • FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 1900 I Great Record.: The Work of the Laurier Gov ernment. and provided for the payment IC%f standard wages on all worke aided by grants Of public money. I: has suceesfully Imposed and vol. !Wed gold royalties in the Yo kon, and made the natural reenurces of that remote territory roeet the neeeesarilY heavy cost of the admintst eat ion of its ni'fairs and the preservation of law and order Under very exceptional condi. Mons, \ It (fought to est ahlish an all•Can eaten route to the'Ynkon, and if the, Senate, 1 Hoene db A 1 bb h d not blocked the project, we would LIOW hold a much stronger positiou =nego- tiating with the United States for an adjustment of the Alaskan houndat y It hae made a contract with a strong transportation syndicate by which great grain elevators will be establish- ed at Montreal and Port Colborne, a fleet of -modern -grain-carriers put on the lakes and a vastly greater Volumt. of the precincts of the west carried through Canadia,o channels, to the west advantage of Canadian shipping centers. It has, by the plan adopted for the const tiction of the Crow's Nest Rail- way.secured a reduction in gram rattle for the western farmer, and other freight concessions from the Canadian Pacific RailwaY, equal in all to from $700,000 to $800.000 a year; held control of the Crow's Nest Peps; reserved for compel iDg roads thextraittnofaise of the ,OrOVert-Neet Tails through the moun• tains. provided for cheap coal for Brit- ish Columbia smelteie, to the great ad- vantage of the mining industry; taken over 50,000acres of coal lands as a guar. antes against monopoly itt coal pro- ducts; power to iegulate freight rates on all traffic pi iginatieg on the Crow's Nest road, or destined ,for points on the Crow's Nest system. and made it impossible for the „Canadian Pacific Railway to increase the rates on many staple articles beyond the prices fixed ' by the Crow's Nest bargain. [The Globe.] The Liberal Government haeredrieed imperial postage from 5 cents to 2 cent a nd'cloutestic postage from 3 cente to tents. It has stopped the exodus. It has provided tot the free carriage - of mails on subsidized railways. - It has made provision for termina elevators at St, John and Halifax. It has perfected a 14 foot canal sys- tem from the lakes to Montreal. • • •s It has constructed a government telegraph line in the Yukon country. It has admitted' the West Indies to the advantaires of the preferential tar- iff. It has provided for the construction of a bridge across the St, Lavirence'at Quebec. ' It is legislating to remove the eleya- tor grievance in Manitoba and the ter - r:tories. It has replaced "the nest of traitors" On June 12 Prot'. A.. U. Gannilry, of Toronto, and Miss A.. A. Nobel, G +rich, 'wet e married in St. Margaret's church , Toro n L. by a strong, harmonious and united government, has guaranteed Canada's full share of the cost of the construction bf the Pacific cattle. Crisp County Clippings Drs, Jerome & Holloway, Wingham, have lately purchased - the PraeLice uf Dr. Bsil, Arthur. Herbert, on of Mrs Robt. Haley, Goderich,died Saturday of typhoid. pneumonia, aged 10 years. Hattie .L, second daitgliter of Thos Bielby, ef con. 11, Grey, died very sud. denly on Sunday, June 17. Jas. Grant, irey, • and Miss -Maggie • Perrie were married at the residence of her brother Alex. on June 13. James.; son of Arch, Sands, Colborne, died at Guelph last week, where he had gone for treatment, fee paralysis, '.A very pretty wedding took place on Wednesday at the residenee of 'Thos, Archer, 5th con.,flnI ett, when his daughter:Jliss Merdia, was warried to Jas. MoDonald, jr., 'of Grey. , Last Vseek•Messrs McConnel & Stew. ate. Varna, met with a heavy lose by the death of their imported stallion Prince of Campsie, valued at $1000. On Wednesday week .Marg•tret, • widow cf. the late,Geo. Goder. min passed peacerully away itta he age of 88:yeare. Old age was the 'cause of 'death, , • Last Sabbath evening, Thos. Wilkin- son, art old and highly esteemed resi• : deo; of Belgrave; passed away to his rewardquite suddeniy •at the age of•74 It has settled the school question, without resort to the hateful policy of fedet•al toe. cion. -It has pot a necessary check upon the participation of public officia,is in election contests. It has sent out contingents of Cana- dian troops to tight the battles ot the empire in South Africa. • It has made provision fin necessary iMproven:ents and enlargements Of the harbor farlities at Montreal, • It has improved and develiiped the system of cold storage for Canadian shipments tc British markets. _ . It has extended the Intercolonial from Levis to Montreal, and abolished deficits on the national raii way. • It has improved the relations between Canada and Great Britain and between. Canada and the United States. It has a bill before Parliament to prevellt new . Y g 'sting towas op the line of celiacz uc. tion. It has before Parliament an improv- ed law of copyright which will promote and protect tbe publishing interest in Canada. • It has Secured fielm the Bi itish Gov- ernment authority for trustees in Brit- ain to invest trust funds in Canadian securities. Et is constructing branch railways in P, :nee Edward Island, to Which the country was pledged and which are sadly needed. It has hueheu the cry ' of settlers' g, ieyances in the west, and is titling' the prairies with a prosperous and con. tented people. It has introduced ' the postal note system, to the great -convenience Of all persons who have to remit, money iri smell amounts. It has incremed the population, arid: by adding to the number of the bur - d -e -hearers, lightened the load of the dividuai taxpayer It has set an example to all future itavernments by proposing that the constituencies shall be delimited by High Court judges. It has improved and energized the C•tnadian immigratina ageneies in the IThited States, in the British Islands aari on the.contibent. • It has given us fur the 1894-1:0 dee " &its of 115,691,000, surpluses for 1898-99 of 58,560,000 and 13rornises a surplus of ' $7,500,000 for 1900. le has given us the growing tine for the blowing Lime, and prosperity in farms and factories for prosperity in etatistics and adjectives. • It has lowered unperial and cloniestic postal eharges, and yertshas reduced • the deficit in the Poston:Ice Departs merit from 5180.000 to $880000 • It has ordered the railroads to aban- don diecriniinating rtes In favor of a corporation which for. years controlled the railways of the United States. _ Dims liberalized and idiprOVed the qu irantine relations between Canada andthe Uni(en States, twthe great ad - van tage of Canadian stockbreeders. • it it had not been obstructed bv a partisan Striate it *mild have abolish- ed the ace.ndblonsgerryntanderof 1882 anitthe unfair, redistrIbUtiort Ineatiure . of 1302. ' It.has arranged for the eonetruction . (he Itainy River Railway, and for other branchee in another great. tall. Weraystent fterri the,Great Lakes tr. tb ,Patifie. Diluter eedirdd the-denUnditttiOn of the,GerMail ebild the Belgian treaties, , under which Britieh colonies could not make preferential triode, areacteeintente with tbe mother coUntry. • ' it,has seen the trade Of Canada ilitOW fr. ro $224,000,006 In 1807, to 11321,000,000. in 1W9, and has promoted all ate trade Interwar; by timely and syrelN„ pathetic legislation. it has 'leen general trade eondttione zmproved, many old factories enlarged many new factories opened, employ. rnent become plenty and wages in- creased in many industries. It has given us tariff Which re. duees the takee on many of the beeeso sitinee of life, cheapette the raw rriater a • !eMany manufaeturere, and gives a preference of 83 1.3 per cent to the mother country. It has legislated against the sweat. Ing Oyetern on GOVetalltient, °entracte, A. young daughter of Sam Vans:tune., Turn berry. bas a painful wt,und iti one: foot. She stepped on a, garden rake ; One tooth of .the rake was driven through her foot. • D. R, McIntosh sold his splendid driving mare to Mr Berry, of Hensall, f . . D. ui ay, s eld, also Solii to t he same gentleman & team of heavy hersee for $440. . The contract has been let for the Steel bridge on the outskirts of Wing. hart, to the Stratford Bridge Co. for. • $1,394. P. auteridge is to build the abotraerits at $5 per cubic yard. A pretty wedding was qtrietly cele- lirsited at the residence Of Mrs Isaac Bowinanvillre, on the 13th inst., when her eldest daughter, Irene. was married to Nelson B, Cobbledirk, of axe( er. Word has been received cf the death at -Wetaskiwin, Alberta, on -lime 121h, of Jennie Blanche, infant dau liter f Mr and Mrs Wm.`Thiralc, formerly of Blake, aged nine numbs. Cause of death was indigestion. " Joseph Mahood, Lakelet, met With an cm en near Amber PS t hat will lay bine aside for some tune; his horse backed over the bridge, tell on its back and kicked Mahood in the face, besides breaktrig two of his ribs. A very' pleasant evening was spent on june 13th, at 'Rowan Tree Place,' Grey, the residence of Alex., Perrie, when Miss Maggie Verne, his Sister, Was married to Jas. 'Grant. Guests to the number of about '70 Were aseerre. bled, A serious accident happened to Wm. Bond while working in the Union fae- tory in Winghatn. ne was running the sander and stopped to temp the belt when his arm was quickly drawn', around the pulley, and broken in two places. Many WM regret to hear �f • the. be- reavement that has come to the family of Rev. 3. Moorehouse, of London, foe- Merly rector of St. Paul's chtitcb, P . TI10 black •with Shi)0, Wilklia Ii,r) NOT WHOLLY A COWARD; arid resiiienve /if Wm. Phillips, ° Angnstine, were burned on June le fiying embers and was itleo berned, Patmk Oarnisy'e bat n ceught fire from Wednescl re found an interested cotnpany at Reeve Torn boll's cons mod - loos residence f -tis coo.. Gies' lo nett s the t•N fid ceremony of ma t • , Hags, nor eni'llied by Rev, Jno Boss, B. A 4 of 13ruseels,' between John Dole,a Well k Mown young nien of trie Howick eitenidet y, and Mistii Aggie M., yonne• est &righter of the hoot and hostess.' Yesterday. ^ (By S. Percy Cole,Goderiolo Township.) Time's messseger, but lately horn, Stood tiptoe on the hills of morn, His little span was but a dory • Awl now the t If has stipped;ews.y. His obming lighted up our ephere, He must have heard the hell and. sheer, Of those who sought high hopes to crown Before his sue went ewiftly-down. Be came a siren whispering joy, But serrow fobewed to annoy, •And, with the parting of a breath, Brought life to some, to others death. With jeyous /tepee, what bitter pain . ' Datui thiokattendMloe in hia rain, Youth come with dreams-tbe Very old Looked forth as to 0 story telci. Oh little pilerite, purple clad, • Could thy retina again be_ha, rl goivberingitbalseilkleo-nehliosswt y"eisleartylisayy; A. JUSTIPIABLELDBEIIRS. The •lare. to-ticrity et people very natut ally have a jistititible desire that the pby pretioriO4i0O SbOUld be Ailed by eenapetent druggist,. Our long •experieuc and our ample facilities for dispensing ar at your command at all hours. If , you. !ewe wisely decided to Mak Paine's Celery Compound, that king of inedicines, we .are always prepared to sup ply your wan.s. Our stook of this populer medieine is Always fresh and pure. We rool)am3MCI ir. S.B. Hovey, Deus. hist, Otintoe, Ont. t • curiosities of the ['Paris Expoe Sit1011. The cosnoorama, showing the earth atm, moon and stars. Giant, telescope, that • makes the ' Moon look sully a mile off, ' • The mai eorama, a mimic sea voyage taken on dry land. An-actiee"Volcano, with daily erup- b Untie and :it thq %lakes. The cloud gallery. where t. visitors a vralk above the clouds. • Thesn'oterraneart world, showing .‘ hoer iicheet gold and silver MitIPS look' and how they;are worked. Paltiee of light, with walls of glass ' g and co SIAL. etudtIed with diamond and nisi per•ies of pearls: Panne. ia the sky, a hugh house shaped airehip that raises 2,000 feet. • Great."Litth t• of in bet lesodiamond worth $2.000,090. Biggest in th win . The enchanted hnuee.in which everv thing is upside down, and, peoPti Walk on the ceiling like . • ' v A ItatIronderte ctooa Steelton For No A-este/low Wen lat Robber*. "Whew I hear people boast what the woule, •or wouldn't du under the pertea Won ota six shooter," said an old passe ger conduttor, "1 am always reminded THOROEIRk.113 BULL -- 6 The endethigned has a thorobred Durham bull on his lot 77, Maitland con., for service Terme $1.00 at time of eervioe, with privilege Y of returning. 4. 13EDARD. of MI Oxperlence ot mine years age ou tit Iron Mountain railroad. "I was stntion ageut at the time at little town near Texareane and WI bee summoned to Little .Rock on seem bus ness that has nothing to do with this at rY. I was in the first des, coach, well is to the front, and in the next seat Was express 'Uteeeenger who had attracted.. good deal of attention from the tact that • he wore his bale long and had a pair 0 eensotrnotofust4reateconivreillivaestne: h In his belt. T r ell filled with Mixed crowd, -including perhaps a doze wenien. At about 9 o'clock at nigh while we were going over a very des bite Dartor the road, the, train sloWe down suddenly, and before we could in mitre- what svas• wrong the front doe flew open and,e riessionl man stepped in side witha ' eawed off .shotgun at hi shoulder; 'Sit atilt' lieyelled. TII tut loose if airy soul moves a finger!' As h spoke another masked man steppe around him With a oinked reltelver M hand and started down the aisle, lootin the passengers as he vent. When h tante to the express anessenger, he burs out laughing. "You ecarecro.wr h • MONEY TO LOIN. PAIVATE PLUIDe. • At low rates on first -clam mortgages.: APply to 0. P •Marcia 30-tf G. 'ItIeTaggart, , Clinton, Ont, Picnic Parties. • e Beeldeli a beautiful Petit and Spacious ' Dancing Paviliou, the groves in front of the 3, River House, on the banks of the viva have been fitted up for PICNIC GROUNDS for *the t, uhe and convenience of guests. • tvery aticommodation can be given Emelt as Arrangements ean e . tor for conveyances of any number over. No eliarge for use of grounds. Any particulars for parties, apply to 'J. O. MILLER, Clarendon Hotel, Clinton, or River House, Sarileict, d *a les, °halve, swirr macteavith the erderie hammoolts, boitts etc. s said, 'what are you doing with them - guns?' And he snatched •one or the pis- ton. out of his belt and hit him over the hour. with the bott. Then he took the . other. made him hand over his wetchand money and passed . on. The messenger • wiped the blood off bis face and said no`t'Alilitge.r it was all over ritd the robber • - had .disappeared the messenger. was - target for numerous sneering remark? a '111 bad made e .break,' he said to e quietly, ithat feller at the door vroul e have blazed away with hie sawed '• -o • gun and killed half the women Wks I e the car.' At the next stopphig plaCe h TO BREEDERS The phenoinepal well bract Standard home, Ca,rentum 21795, will stand At W. W. Ferrates am. near Stitt on at Clinton, every Monday or e balance o eaeason, Tartionens 21795 has In his breeding tbe 4roatest sires living or dead, also 12 of the ereatest produong darns living. He has -10, enquestionable breeding; and, extreme opted; tho power (0 transrnth it Ague; To insure, $15. For ;mit muted pedigree see large catalog. Address . A. CRARLBSWORTIL fune'154f • - Maple Lea& stook Parra. Famondville Ont • • a. Give A Youth : e : resolution and a course in Business d • and Shortha d t th • eon got off, and one of the women stuck her lead out of tbe window and ,ocrentae Coward!' • "Tun days later that same nieseenge walked up t� a little cable in the moun ains, kicked' in the door, shat two of th •obbers dead in their ti•acke and capture lithe others, all single handed. I ofth vondered whether the woman who hol ered 'Coward!'heard of that Incident," - Now. Orleans TimesieDemoorat DOORKNOBS OF...TODAY.. d AtOvea&tee The undersigned offers for sale_ at a low figure, his comfortable cottage on' Queen St., • it Oarvo contioning,eight rooms, hard and soft water r Ap0,-',.............._ in the house. Cottage in good repair, The - Lor • ,- - lot contains over half an gore, and on ft are __ plum, apple and pear trees. For further par- e Properties for Sale or to Let Professional andOtherCares HOUSE FOR, SALE A comfortable franie house on the corner ot Queen and John streete, Clinton. Three-quar- ters acres of land; good orchard.; hard weter, etc.. also stable, APply to Nov. Oth--4t MRS. T. TOWNSEND HOUSE FOR slum. The comfortable and oosyeettage oe +kneels Street, ennton, recently ocoupiecl;by James MoUlaoherty,ls afforest for sale on Yore reason. Able terms, Joint lifcCrAcenare. PROPERTIES FOR SALE. For sale, iota near the Flax Mill, 2 tote 00 ffrie St„s lots on Milton St. alOott brick cottage` with frame kitOben•hat d water, good Orchard, °emptying to JOHN RIDOUT% Clinton to JOHN HENRY ,Rosendale, Manitoba. FOR SALE. , • A large deuble brick house, built by the late W. H. Manning, on Albert street. The house Is in an excellent state et. repair and is suitable for the aceommodation of two families. b'or Partiouiars apply to.T. P. 'RISDALE Clinton, Ont. Mare 9-tf HOUSE for SALE or to RENT. o vi St, naarOrgan will buy a roomy, comfortable house wrtii good lot -the property recently °coupled by Frank Upshot!. Apply at once to-- • Bar;ister (to. 011; ton. • 'House and Lot tor Sale. • The large and commodiouS house please:41Y situated on Huron Street, occupied by tht un- • dersigned is offer‘d for tele on very reasonable terms. There is every accomodation,witb stable, orchard, &o. Sept 21. 1899. " CliW. nton House and. Lot tor Sale • . . toularsapply to E: B. Hata, d ari4 wee shay .place limits is career.• Junes -lin Clanton. uanuogne tree.• n _ J. W. WESTERVELT, Prinekr1 . , FOR SALE. • 2:21.1.1 ofnea42i nia.i.,?! the a pnoftagallatt. ANyvvvwwwwwwwwwy% ?s, eon.li, kIllies 'rerZtederich ;ind 7 from • Clinton. _the farm contains good buildings ••• ' • ' RIJIIIBILL'S ' • and good fences, well watered and well under - drained. There is a large bearing orchard and garden of small fruits. Terms to suit pur chaser. Apply to WM. GOULD, on the Pre wises, or Goderieh P. 0, • •• June 8-slin They Come In Hundred,. of Shapes nod Most of Then* Are Bronze. - . The doorknob of 51/ Years -ego was of rass., Then mime into use the mineral nob, which plenty of people of middle. go will be able to recall. Mineral knobs vere made of clays of 'different colour ' nd sometimes of clays of different colons mixed. the 'knobs beitig baked -with a lazed surface. 'A common and familiar form .Uf the mineral knob was about the dolor of dark mahogany. In their day . • mineral knobs were nighty esteemed, and • some of them, cost as much as $12 doz- • ett pairs. Now there are mineral knobs!. ' that eau be bought for--75-eset* * pairs. . Mineral knobs are still used • After the mineral the bronze knob • came into fashion,. and after the bronze ' the Wooden knob came into more or less extended use. The prevailing doorknob or today as used in cities Is made of • bronze. The 'first bronze knob put on the market cost 57 or $8 a pair. Many bronze knobs in one form and nother are now produced very cheaply, 'but it might easily -be that fine, handsome bronze knobs would cOst from $2.50 to $6 • CURTAIN RAISERS. • Minute •Palmer is playing In London In her old success, "My Sweetheart." • • Mrs, Felix Morris to go on the vaudeville stage as A fiNtt nslinia , Augustus Thomas was at one time a ticket seller In the Olympic theater, St. Louis. • Denman Thompson, and • George; W. Ryer • have'. written a play called "The New Minister." Zanies J. 'Jeffries will take the' phfrief Arliona sheriff in the new PlaY Clay M. Greene is writing ter him. . ' • t Charles Hoyt has a neiv play well In hand tor next seation. The title is -to be "A Bunch of Blue Ribbon." Mme. Sarah Bernhardt' and U. Coque_: lin, .it Is announced, will make a tour of the :United States to last six mouths. • • Sir Arthur Sullivan's new opera, '",,,The Rose of Persia," is to be produced in ew York by the original London company. , 'Mme. Pan has for sonae time held the record for the higbest sum that has been earned in a year by a woman, her hi /hest total for the 12 months being 8350,090. Elite Proctor Otis; now playing -the leading role in Woman and Wine," is considering an offer to star in David Be- lasco's "Zaza" in Australia next season. The. first role of any length Della Fox assumed was Blithe in Augustus Thom- as' "Bditha's Burglar," which was the first of Mr. Thomas' plays produeed. This was In 1884. WATCH AND JEWELRY*. STORE. just seeeived a lot of new Belts, Buckles, Belts,Bangle Brace. lets, eto. -The latest goods in the market.' . ' • We make specialty of fitting Spectacles and Bye (*lasses.Eyes examined free. • wn/ • CANADIAN Petkciri a pain More or less brass 'knobs arec, Will run striolinzemdaedsefgnsb.ut m nowadays ostly in seekers, flomi, Doorknobs are now made of Iron, and '•they are still made in considerable vtiri- • • TOWN TOPICS. Boston has an Omar Khayyam club. Has Boston gone back Browning? - Washington Post. Chicago is looking for a public school superintendent who is as vvise as a ger- pent and • witla no Ettore politics than deye.-MInneapolis.Journal. Philadelphia has made up her mind to iMend $12,000,000 in filtering her water supply. Chicago' spent $80.000,000 Ur Ve St' Louie soMething filter. -Sts Ilia Star. She Voted, hat was the topic ot debate in our club today" asked one mother ot the em nit* et:safety. "The,,, topic of debate? was the re. "Whyeser--let me itee4 can't eniember what the topie was. But I Toted oti either the positive or negative ide of the question. r forget Which."-- "Vashingtoti Star. Potato bread lit used by the native!' of Thuringle to .teed their horses, especially, when they are worked hard in very cold weather. The animal* thrite on it, Atte tlleir health and strength are ereellent. Iliad kart In Life. 'Twills- ought to • he .careful- what nines they give their children." ' "Yee, indeed; teeny a boy who &end AV* been a inieceseful merchant has been ruined by having battle given him filch made hint think he! ought to' tre 0 write poetry."--,Chicage Record. PunstOne-See here, Old 4111113, what do ou Mean by taking my Jokes anti pass. tie them off as your own? leunston-Well, you mee, les thie way. nai 0 geed natured ;sort of (AIM and on't mind taking a Joke from a friend.- xchange. The original shamrock of Ireland has ong been extinct. '1'1)0 plant ealled the hainroek is the white clover. Between dyspepsia anti table manner* here is no tun ih eating any moro.-De. reit Sournal. Winghalts His only daughter, Mabel, •, died from diphtheeetie croup, tater e four day& illness. • r On Wednesday, June 18th, Join 7, Sellers of Morrie township, was miss- 4(rd'm his bachelor quarters ai3 when the mystery was solved it wa learned that be had taken a, quiet win t� Windeor, Ontoevrbere hd was Milt. ed in the holy bondk of matrimony with Gfarnies,of Detroit-4er* • nrierly.et Atorris. Morris knit one of its aged, respect- ed reteidente ViYednesday of last .week in the person of Mrs ktelklejohn, eelitt of the late - Sinclair Aleaklejohn. 1:teceasett' And - her • hneband *ere n among the early settlers of Colborne. tntinehiP but eagle to Iiitdegle tome w' tontftetn years' ago. ' • The .etquiry' into the circumstances surrounding the death of the young man whose body was found on the y railway track near Blyth on the Ord Inet., was COpeleded. On Friday. Noth- ing further Watt brought out to throw I .1Itght on the Manner in which deceased d .met hie death. The jury brought in g itit open verdict m accordance with the evidence before them. Very sad was the surprise of many I on Sunday week as the news spread 8 that Hattie second daughter of Thos. and Otevut llth COIL. Grey, had paid natiire's dept early that t morning. Deceased was born in null. t ett township and was 22 years of age. She was a bright young wornanc_ pat. fent and light itearted uith a COnliding trust in the Saviour. Ast Explatiation. Children Cry for CASTOR (A ety of shapes and sizes of various kinds of wood. There are also . made door- knobs of glass. • These are now 'produced in greater variety than tormerly. Thor are made In smooth and in cut Ones, and some of them simple in design as they may be, are beautiful. Glass doorknobs cost up to $4 a main But while door- knobs are naade' tend sold in all those va- rious material, yet the prevailing knob in city use and the •one that would be found in one grade and quality or anoth- er in most ,of the city's dwellings would be one of breeze. • Among the hintdeeds or varieties in which doorknobs are made there may be found not only knobs in various conven- tional forms, but knobs made in con- formity with architectural styles and bis- torical periods. Vol. all that, doorknobs are not infrequently made to order for single 'wipes from designs furnished by tbe architect. -New York Sun. % Almost Insulted. Amid the lace bargains in one of .the targe dePartrnent stores the other -day a shopper engrossed in thought set her lit - tie japanese spaniel on the counter. One of the salesgirls, not seeing the little dog, ew a remnant of reduced lace over hint ntirely submerged him.. When the woman ent to look for her pet, he was net to be foiled, but several shrill yelps accompanied by an upheaval of the lace betrayed Ws presence. Ete was quickly rescued from his predicament, and the woman, showering kisses upon his moist, upturned nee% said, "1)1d they cover mamma's precioua with cheap 50 ct nt lace7" The salesgirl, who evidently had dultis vitted .diplomacy, Assured the dog's mis- tress that th* lace had. been reduced front $1 to 50 cents, and the woman took her pet away inollified.--Philadelphia Record, ' Got All Ile Asked rots. • Another "meanest man" has been found. Be lives in the city and conducta thriving buelnerse. The other dee 4 seedy Individual approaehed hiin and "aid: "Say, nister, I'm hungry and would like to get a nickel to get of coffee and a roil. I have tour penidelland only need orle,More.' Pleas� give nie a penny." The man, after searthinrhimseir, bald: "I haven't got It venni'. LIf 1 have hi a nickel. Give Mc your !fele' centit;In change, ittd 1 Will- give yolt the nickel." The beggar requhstretbat his ewe be not mentiedied in efintiedtion With the itermseCittelitatilA Enquirer. • . hr14 iflotrimerelsti Illrillittetrk. Merchant -Mie. Marnuoluke Plingfirons toe *Me r seems to be a perfeti lade. ming Women Clerk -Indeed the lel Y. al, never asks the price of a thing buyi.-Trellanapolls Journal. • Spelled Rix WheOr7r. Mr. /Cnoweit---Red hair always decent. pantos great strength. It is natiiral- •Wunder-Get nett yy evAr frivi redhonded elephant?* 13a timer, Amerleatt. Insoritentons. An urchin in a eountry parish In Snetland, having been told by hie par - rude to read a newspaper cloud te them, began to do no hi the UMW drawling manner of the parish school Re had not proceeded far when his mother stopped him short, exclaiming: "You reseal! Boo dere ye road 4, nevrepaper wr the Bible twangi",.. London Telegraph. • • 60 Day •1 Exeuriions To the winnipeg ....^ • At Bottum Fares Deloraine .• . • ' Antler • ,. Estevan iiinscarth Hamlets Swan River Regine. ..... . - s„"n Yorkton . - . Meoseie.w .. 4Seall i Canadian . North West Calgary. es Prince Aln'ert . re35 1 Red. Dem, o All ) Going Tune 10th. tdzu ro nnt oi ling . . until.iPA:gusv t , 2001.. (Ail rail. or 5.3. Alberta). t Going; July 13th. Returning until Septem- ') erh'X171`°natg 1• e.nm ine until Septem. iber Han, (All rail or 3.8. Alberta.) For tickets and further information apply ' to SOY Canadian Paretic Agent, or to A. H. NOTMAN, Asst. Gen"! Passenger Agent,' King St, East, Termite. 4 R • 28 The Morning Post HAMILTON. A New One Cent Daily. • Independent in Politiciiit Will Printall the News for all the PeOple. Will be mit about June 1st, 190e. Sent to any eddress for 4 Months for $1.00 or one • Year tor $3.00. THE MOE MING POST nowium., 13 uir Yotir PIANO AND oRa4 At the elintOn Music Store Which is aled Olittteri headquartere for the noted !MeBurne3r ,Beattie Morass ind seem' f01 is bargain in a high grade, durable and eitey running wheel. 0. !HOARE, ousrrotki Close& -Harrison, of Norwood, and his young son were drstivnted while fishing at at Trent Reidge. Census olliohils are novr Analog honored(' o f Chicago eitifisne who were overleoked h y the enumsratore, • Titthroey *Mil will send front New York 400 representetivee to the Damooretio con- ventiOn t Itetlatta Oily, The Government of arnaios 16 0011filder. 'Ing a petition for the establishment of direct line of steamere between Canada and Ja90a1001 Southern port*, ' STORE 'FOR SALE. • The premises occupied by It. 3. Muff, and consisting of a firs elan brick store, on Albert • Street, Clinton, is offered for sale on easy term • Also .Cottage on Albert Street, with twe lots, stable, and all conviences. Particulars • on ape/cation to Mrs W. Robertson, Clinton orriirs 0, W. McGregor, Constance. • BUSINESS PROPERTY POE That dedirable Brick Business Stand on Al- bert St., Clinton, occupied by Mr N. Robson, is offered for sale, including rear 101 and arable. The location's one of.the best in Clinton. The property is free from inouinbranoeand title in- disputable. Price reasonable and terms to suit purchaser. Apply to GEO. STANBURY, Lon- don Road or address Clinton P. 0 For Sale or to Rent. • The 'choice brick house on the corner of Fel- ten arid Joseph streets, belonging to the estate g"l:1L:rfgif (:=1tagereaePr for ale e.7;sriiferta• nary family, is practically a new house, with • all conveniences, and three -tenths of an acre of land. If the property is not sold or reeled, parIOt it. 'will be rooted. Apply to W. COATS Executor 0 nton. • - Fenn for Sale or to Rent. • 203 acre farm for sale or to rent, being Lots 29 and 80, 8111 concession of Hullett township; 125 acres under cultivation, the rest bush and pasture land; watered by a well supplied river; school house NO, 5 situated on the 'farm; good large batik barns, stables, sheds ana other buildings, also lt story house; else good or- chard; iuts all conveniences. Terms easy. Apply on the farm to _ • ALBERT C. 'ODDER', or by letter to Totidesboro P. O.. Ont. 1m . . JAMES SCOTT Rarrister, Solicitor, Ste.; CLINTON. Orrics-Pdliott Mock, Isatea Street, itIONEIK WO EGAN. Wo BRYDONE• BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ,:illoTART puBrAzo, swo. 00Ipe—Beaver 1310eit • Up -stairs, Doreen° Pestera. Photo etellere °LIMON CHAR LES SEAGER Barrister, Solicitor, Votary and Conveyance •• Oillee-Opposite Colborne Motel Embark% • M..G CAMERON WetteerlY of Cameron Holt & Cameron) • BARRISTER, AND S0LICIT9kt, Mop -Hamilton St opposite Colborne Home GODERICH, CoNT OARROW 84 OARROW BARRISTERS; SOLICITORS, ETO. Oince-Corner lramilton St and the Saner floderich, Out, 3. T. GAMOW. 0, 0. 'Vitas. Gennow,L.L.13 PROUD FOOT 84 HAS. BARR reTzlis, SouorroRs, NOTARrEE; PUBIII0 • PROOTORS ttr erne Kum= Conan, &Si Orrice: North st., next door toSignal Office Private Fundosttoiniteenrdest,at lowest rates •11,0. HAYS. PROUDFOOT. ' • ; OIPHN. RIDOUT• CONVEYANCER, COMMISSIONER, ETO. Real•Estate and Insurance Agent. Nonfat' to ' lend. on Mortgage and Note security. _ . Office -HURON STREET, CLINTON DR. G. ERNEST HOLMES' DENTIST . (Successor to pr. T. C. .Bruce) Erpeesaist 11 crown and Bridge Work L. D. S. -Graduate Royal College Dental Sur- geons of Ontario, Toronto, _ D. D. S. -First-class Honor graduate of Den. talDepartment of Toronto iluiversite. Special attention paicl to preservation of children's teesh. Will visit Bayiteld every Monday. Meeover W. Taylor & Son's shoe store. , • On. AGNE,i1V. 'DENTIST, CLINTON Crown and Bridge Work. AT. ZURICH THE 2ND THURSDAY og • • EMIR MONTH Office Hours -9 to 5. DR.; C. W. THOMPSON Physician, Surgeon; bite Office and Residence-, .Rattenburi Street, *X • DR: WM. GR AFIONI Licentiate of the Royal College Of PhYsiolans • • Lendon, England, Office and Residence- • - rEnnws mark, lip Stairs, Successor to Dr..Turnbull. 1111. WM. GUNN, L. 0. P. and L. R. 0. 13, • A.7 Edinbtirgh.• 0010.3 -Ontario Skeet Clinton NisLtesibett-fronedeer ei residence on Rattan bury St., opposite Presbyterian church. GOOD FAUX FOR SALE, • A climbable farm for sale being Jet No. 95, lith concession, of tho township of Goderich, one nnlle south 'of Boluiesville, known as the Cole farm, 80 mires, fall ploughieg Of 40 acres all well done, 10 acres of fall wheat, 16 •acires meadow, balance in pasture, orchard of choice bearing fruit trees, all the front of said farm • isa boa natal row of maple trees, a log house, • stone dairy, bank barn, offered; for sale on very advantage terms. T. 13. PICKARD. Ilelmeireille P.O. A• Bargaidri and. '• Here's a Chance. • Por safe cheap and on easy terms -part of Lot 4, Bayfield Comiession, Goderieh township; 55 acres. • Apply to W. SCOTT, Sept 7.3m Brueelield. Splendid rail11 to Rent or foreale Subseriber offers either to rent or for his farm of 140 acres, eituated On the Huron road, Teekersmith, half a mile from the time of Clinton. It hi all Cleared, with Aniteilass buildings, bank barn 000, With windmill, implement house tezse,with stone foluidetiOn, atone oie house -Mae, With hen hoes* above, geed frame hot's, three aorta el Faunal Groh* ard, creek running through the piece; The farm is It first -Cling one in eVery respect and to any .ohe who take/Nesbit to rent or buy reasonable tering will las roadie ,-Pouesidon at any thee. (fintoti, Jisillikit 26th, Lem • • ee•-•-•44444-41-eas 60 seeolies make &minute 00 manatee make ti hour, but 60TypCivriting Machines mot. the tineo equipment in Mende frsf piOliaing expert operator.. *The bakoplt egalgrattn‘and..besideg nois loor„rt vtor OM* 111 .4411et. 7 NV ‘4411iiidiatt Atitaingt00 T_IklitOellege to open Siery ra-ontii So in4he yam° and studente may enter any time end etudity for bei11130110 positions on ebott notice. • Speoird strInnater term from July Clatakigne tree. • W. 11 SHAW, Principal • 1111)11 OLSTVAINGs • The undersigned wishes to Minottnee te the people of Olinten Mid surrounding eonntry that he had Teemed in (Minton and li proper. ell to de kinds of tJeltelatering, Mattress Metkilig, Carpet Sewing Mid laring. All orderS 8,garm.toximitzi:gativk attentiot. nr Ttelli 64 M W. N. WALKER. Canto oleo. DR. a. W. EfilaW, PERMIAN, SURGEON ascoucheur, etc., clic.) and residence On. Mee St., opposite English church, formerly oo oupied by 111, Appleton, Clinton Ont. D. STANBURY, GRADUATE OF THE Medical Department of Victoria Cayce- sity, Toronto, formerly of the Hospitals and Lispensarie_s, New York, Coroner of the County of Huron, Baylield, Ont. • . ,d. - R. FOWLER, Gold and Silver Medalist, first-ciess honor graduate of the ontarto Veterinary College. TREATS DISMASM3 Or. Ara• ANERALS. Night and day oats %towered at ofIlee-Dr Worthington's cad stand,00n. Commercial Rot e • j31.BLAORALL VETERINARY SURGEON .11(inoraryGradeate of the OntarloVeterintry College. Treats alldisesses ot domesticated at 1, inale on the rnost raodern and solentino pies • Office- itnmediately south of the New Et a Mice, Beddow:* - Albert $t., Clinton. Ca/1 eight orday attended to preraPtke IVEARRIAGE Lit/ENbE, JAMES SCOTT, OE. Au. % Asurer of trarriage Licensee, Library Room and Residence, Mary street Clinton. jrAMESEAMPIIELI.i, LONDES/30110, ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, No witneilees rooked . 1 1 W. irARNCOMR, hturtinta &sell or 41'. L. O., Provincial Land Surveyor and Olvit Engineer, London Ont.-omoe at Geo ' fameares Grocery store. dunton. 156 bEMIL'S .PAP94adly pfntd and bound in 01.Voldme. .lgrahd soUtetion of those treekv;-rentimentar. bidb• otiatbmkt I a Wolfablo treasury' of.the world'apopu• az 'and beautital sonna' Ma, 10 coma wawa Soiatreirateatoragramdi reeves,. Toreate, ma. 01,4INTPII IVIARBLE WORICB,, cousivirom fiziNn. • Next to Commeratha This este) tenrdelit Is wadi op Mien end an Order:Med in the mot eatisfeeto /4/14,Tpften e- tery sett granite work a epecialtf• loot as re /outwit as them °tatty eigablisliree I. It, HOOVER, Clinton MeKILLOP MUTUAL OMB INSIIIIANCE CO. raltid 1#101,AtElY Istrp PitoPERTII ONLY ortinetszte W. IL liteneati. President. Itipeen F. O.: Thor 1, raser. Vietenreeident, Breeched P. 0 . W. J• Shannon, Seey-Teears..Seeferth P.0.1 Thee, Si BnYe. Inspector of Losses, Seater% P.0, ninzereive W. G. anatifoot, etwiforth; /An 0. Grier, W uthrop O.; George Dale. &Worth; Thee, E. nets, fieaforth; Benentoed P. 0.; John Watt, Iletlock 1). TliOnisAl Frain*. Itreeelleld ; John 13, MeLeen, Xippon jamas ammo,. Porter Hill. OUTS ltobort Smith, ITarlotk; Itobts Mdtelan, forth; Jamee Cumming, Egniondvinnt Yoe., Flohneeville ; John Goveulock and John m o. ermen. *editor. Puttee desirous to effect /nsurtince or trafee act other business will be promptly attended to on applioation to any or the abetOrnoerit adargila 18 their retteeettet elittai• ,