HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-06-29, Page 1RiscoMislead the New Bra to • VOW' friends. ESTAbLISITED 1885. ROBERT HOLMES, Publisher. Little reaks In mil home little breaks ere °earring daily. Mey be Table Silverware, Rings, Pins, , Brooches. • Watches or Clocks, Whatever ft is were anahnis it shall come our way. We reeair ensile thinge in a settle. • e factory manner. • Our charges are moderate - our services prompt. Whether large or small it reeeives all the attention it requires. . • WO are Leaders in our Line. B. CREWS, Jeweler •'" EXpertWatchRepairer And Optician he elinton New Era. Hayfield beviniteepeoial sale of cheap trimmed hate-Sallors at ooet--Eirst class dress making. soining Dr. Pallister's office and will Acrew. dentist, hes rented the variant tore ift up he ,an for a dental office whicdi he will occupy every Wedneseey efterneon. All operatione carotene performed. Dr. G. Ernest Holmes, Dentist, (eueeessor to Dr, T. O. Bruce, 011uton,) First Oleos Honor Graduate, of Toronto Deiverelty; will be ,at the River Hotel, Bayfield ; every • Monday, from 10 axe. tee p.m. Specialist in Crown and Bridge..work. OLINTQN, ONTARIO/ JICTNE 29; 1,900, eintt karlonnekkanrAanie The i\Tevvsof the Neighborhoo e 1 *****AustAPPAAW4444 The beet advertising **edits* ; in this section. _ **************************e kannknktininfrkkai Varna NoTne.-Rev. J. W. Andrews went to Ottawa this week to attend the Grand Lodge of the I. 0. (3. T. While on his way to Granton, Rev. Mr Hut Aton celled at the Methodiet narsonage on Tuesday evening, On Sunda n even- ing taut Rev. J. W. Andrews preached to the Forresters,• the Church was filled to overflowing Miss Minnie Andrews is visiting friends le Stratbrov. On Monday, July 2nd, the Methodists will CHURCH NoTits.-Rev Mr Conway, Ontracif.-Rev. Mr Shaw preached RETORNI4D.-I. D. Pickard, who has hold their annual picnic Bayfield. Supplied by the New Era,* widegawake and reliable correspondents Nappluopovepeptuppppi44-y-rpt-witvf lArestfield. Goderich Townshils. Rohnesville. M Alti• d Au - here on Sunday neat; Rev Mr Kennedy Oole's congregation; we are sorry to Dakota for the past 18 months, return- IN SOUTH ASIZICA.- re e Er Narifs,-Rev Mr Hamilton is again • Fullerton, will preach in the church his farewell sermon last Sunday to the been teaching the young natives of church. Rev Mr Shaw is busily en- ; is to preach allaiVersary. services at lose Mr Shaw and his main:table wile. ed home last week, looking as if be tin has received a letter - Om her brother. Mr Seeley, whohas been fight - conducting services in St. Andrew s , gaged in preparation for moving to ' Fullerton. Wm. Anderson, late of Rev. Ma Yelland emcee& Mr Shaw, had not suffered Much physically by ing in the war in South Africa since .Berinriller; Mr Shaw is excellent in his i South Africa, ,will deliver his lecture and we should continue to prosper un- his absence. He likes the country very the arst of November; and who Ilea position, and the people of each denomel "'Mission work be Africa" in the church del' bie direetion, becatkle lie is highly even and comes home only because the 'been in snanY battles; ,he has been all 'nation are sorry to see him leave, as here on Wednesday °timing next. ' spoken of both as a preacher and pas. family wish it: through the Orange Pelee State. helped Loodesboro who has been spending a, I NoTaa-The stone rilasons are busy A. Evans, druggist of Toronto, termer - he leaves friend y with all. Geo. Lind: NOTES.-Misi3 Lavine Brigham, of tor. • to capture Cronje, was. in thinfighte ;. • • mberley, Bloomfontein, Kroonsted say gives a favorable account of his WEDDED AT WA.TERFORD -George Kt $1 per year in advance. t $1,50 when not so paid. OUR BLOOI) BUILDING IRON PILLS Are a combinatiOn of rani • drugs properly comeounded. If run down trona isny cause they cannot be equalled es health buildere, They tone • up the eerie centres, in - creme the appetite, restore vigor, am anemia, fencale atmess, pine and willow • and Pretoria. He has had the best of mml'hedeh' health daring that time, and has been )6. Thera pills are guaranteed, brought safely through these hard * thet a it they are not as battled. He belongs to tit h Battalion * represented we will refund Mounted Infantry, B. Co., and had the money. been a soldier for a number of years in * England. May his life be spared that * he may return to England to his Com- rn, ' SYDNEY JACKSON'S panions in the life.which he left babied. re ' Prescription Goderren. • Phone 2 Drug Store MARINE.-- The steamer Pittsburg made heacall on the downward trip on Saturday lase. Fier passenger list numbered e a2 7110 0, na hperre upward tpywlaaridx et r inpu wber for the first Voyage this se won. us that a few articles of the goods std. - RECOVERED. -Mr Twitchell informs Tuesday, and her downward. trip on en from his store a few months ago Friday evenings. . were recovered the other das 3.. Liver - WEDDED. - Miss Grace Cameron, more having found a satcheland two daughter of the late Lieut -Governor pairs of boys boots (No 5) in the hay M. O. Cameron. and Dr. A. O. Hunter mow at W. W. Farran's farm. were married last Wednesday after- noon in Knox church. The marriage WHAT WE anan.-The exams. are was private, only. invited guests being on. School vacation starts next week. present. Dr. and Mee Hunter left by These are the longest days. - The 1st the afternool train on the honeymoon and Ma are near at hand. River fish are said to be bad. Wild •raspberriee truip.uno Bove' Association, formed in Toronto That the citizens of Clinton should.. will be a littge crop. That there will be N Oneet BOIre.-The Huron Old a big crowd at Goderich on the 4th. last winter, will paysan official visit to. hold the 4th instead of the and, and no Goderich, an July 4th, running a spec- to the Old Boys,. Reunion. That the The big straw hat and the Khaki suite are Jai train from there and back. train arrives here at 11 o'clock and all the rage .. will leave for Toronto at 8 the same evening. Great preparations are in THE MARKET. -The supply has been making for the reception avidentertain- as usual good in dairy products, Lula meat of the Olcl Bolt -The town has vegetables have been largely in de- voted a holiday, and meny from the ma,nd. Strawberries are in large quan- other towns. of the connter are expect. titles while cherries are commencing ed, as well as from Toronto. With the to arrive and of which large shipments Highlanders' Sandia attendance every- are expected. Cantelon Bros. shipped. thing promises a racist enjoyable trip, to the eastern market the 'past week. . 8,000 lbs. of butter and 5,000 dozen of eggs; they made their first ehipment of cherries on Wednesday, grown by W. Robb. The ruling prices are: butter. . loose, 13e. to 14c., t ub, ftc. to leiceegge. 9o. to 10c ; strawberi•ies, 8c. and 90. per . pborroes.or 12 for Si; chet•riesea no fixed trip to Scotland. Mr Jewett has re- week with tier cousin, Miss Stackhouse, i putting a stone foundation uuder lame erly of Clinton and Holmeeville, was • cen tly erected a turning pay to returned home on Sunday evening. the element the amusement Can enter- Miss Florence Garrett, of Clinton, is at tain; Mr Jowett has also enclosed his . rsent the guest of Mrs Henry Mc- . property with a new fence of net wire. ittie. Mrs E. McDowell and detach - .A number of Londoners are encamped and Miss Y. Armstrong took • on Mr • Thomson's, fiats opposite the, in 'Etta,' in the excursion to Detroit last week. h' Mr If. Dinsmore and daughter Annie , River Park, and are spending the leisure hours in boatuig and fishing. are visiting Mrs M. Whitrner, of Eg• A number of yeung people took in the mondville. Mr and Mrs J. H. .M.cOlin• excursion on the fast eteamer "City of ton spent Sunday at Goderich. Mre Toledo."' The schooner Cornet has J. Anderson left on Tuesday last for againreturned with another load of Manitoba, to meet her husband, yvho pla,nking for the pier. ; John Carahoff is in business there; she was presented, has left on a visit nettle friends in Ohio. before leaving, with a handsome silver W. Miller, formerly of this place, is tea set by her friends and neighbore. granting a vieit to his friends. J. S. Mr and Mrs J. Sowler are on an ex - Miller has extended' the limit of the tended trip to friends in Wiarton and park and is also -adding other improve- other points. Mrs W. Killough is at • meets for the benefit of the visitors. resent the guest of her sister, Mrs Stanley. ,Cole's farm this week; W. Elliott has married at Waterford, on Wednesday the contract. T. Rathwell, of Luck- laet, to Mise G. F, Howell. The, cere- now, is down in our neighborhood mony was performed at the residence looking for a farm to buy; he disposed of, the bride's parents, by the Rey. of his own up north with the intention Charles Deacon, Ph, B., Mae Porter of going West, but has since given up and Mr John Hancock, of Galt, support - the idea. T. Barnwell, of Kincardine, ing the bride and groom tespectivelye visited his brother Dominie Wesley The union was a happy .one in every last week. We undexetand that Mae- respect, the guests being mainly tar- ter Bert Middleton has a slight attack mediate friends of the contracting of typboi I fever. this dieeaee is still parties. creeping in. The fence in front of Mid. A SOOcESS.-Of course that la what dletone church looks more tasteful since it received a beautiful coat of we and everybody expected, the straw- berry festival was a decided success. paint. 0. Middleton; jr., has erected e. Front Wdbd wedge fence in front of The evening could not have been more pleasant. The crowd was the his premises, which adds Considerable largest ever witnessed at a gathering to the appearance of the property; a in Holrnesville; the Clinton band did little bird whispered that some Leanne good service. Davie rigs brought out between 40 and 50 passengers. The strawberries were delicjous; they were grown by H. II. Howell, of Onondaga and were delivered at Holmesville sta- tion for 7a per basket. The Proceeds amounted to $110, and will be used in the purchase of an organ for • the League and Sunday School. NoTtis.-Mies Ballard, of Listowel, is visiting this week at W. Crooks, Rev. 3: Green was present at • the lay- ing of the, -corner stone of the new Methodist church, at Mt. Pleasant, on Fullerton circuit. Monday last, The many friends of Mrs Geo. Tebbutt will be glad to know that she had a very safe and pleasant voyage across the Atlantic; she did not experience any sea sickness whatever. At , a special meeting of the board of the Methodist church it was decided to seek the ser- vicee of Rev. W. Ayers for the anni- versary. The lee cream freezer that wag led astray the night df the garden party, was found the other day by a dearch party. Miss B.Pickard is learn: in' temanave a new Massey -Etat rid wheel, purchased from G. Lavie. Mrs J. Holdsworth entertained 10 Detroit guests last Thursday, who came on the lake excursion; we suppose partially for -the lawn social which tLey took in. niith, Brussels. • Mr and Mrs Mathis, fill young lady will become resident •of Morris, spent Sunday at W. Mc. of the Bayfield line. The excursion to _ Clarty's. Mr and .Mrs JeBlackbrough, Detroit was well patronized last.Thure- • &en AND aret CON. NOTES. -J. Wylie •who have been hying for a number of day. A certain young man of the Bo- iled wife, of. Turnberry, are visitin years in the States returned last week field line while making one of his reg. here. J. Dunbar and wife, of Ashfiel are visiting at r. Baird's sw . man. of Goclerich Collegiate, spent Miss Woe% of Goderich townsh• ip„is Sunday at home. Westfield football the guest of Miss Marv Jane MoOnnY team will play Dungannon team attire • on an extended visit •Herman Wight- , ' bi eek • a Dunlop. • • this week. J,' McEwen is busy' thie •Donnybrook picnic on Wider next NOTEs.-Robt. McDonald, Detroit, week atm a concrete foundation Miss Phoebe Densmore taught school 13 g, J m G °b. , for Mita Ella Patterson last week, she ander his barn . c regnr, lingo • Jandble nrother-in-la.w, Chat Hawkins, son 'of G. MoGregor is home at present • • • t being dl with measles; 'Windsor, paid •their Mende bere• a - • on a _ visit last week, coming oh the "inty of T,uckerdmith milkman on his morning round. II. "Toledo." Master Bertie Roach, Dim: • NOTES.- 'Miss wag& Forgie, of ular calls one evening to a neighbor e hoirse,fell into a snooze, the BeIrdidn't happen to wake him, so he slumbered on till the anrotet of morning was il- luminating the horizon, then to his amazement found he had slept a little too long, then he wended bie frighten- ed steps homeward, and the joke was that he was jest in time to meet the Graham and wife and daughter-in-law r.a.nripn, spent a daye •boliday bete Winghent who has been visiting re. Carraog-Rev Mr Thomson, preached Deed child,are visiting at his brother's, with hie aunt, Mrs Hillary Horton. latives in this vicinity, has returned his farewell sermon on Sanday last to , James Graham, John Woon lost a home. Miss Sarah.E. Reid SupdaYed a large congregation, and left for his FESTIVAL.- The eittavvberry social at home, Miss Clara Webster, who home in Goderich an Sunday evening. valuable mare on Tuesday; he has been neeld on the lawn of David Lawson, on- Unfortunate of late having lost several. has been spending a few weeks with NoTnal.-A large number, of people •Joseph Izzard has built an addition to 'der the auspices of the °facers and friends here, has gone home. • Miss teachers of the Sabbath school at Lee- from this part picniced at Bayfield on his barn. Mrs King and daughter, ,burn, in aid of a library, was wait at. Eliza Reid, of Loudon; is at present Saturday last, and an enjoyable time men pinion of Whitechurcb, have been visiting at home. Miss 'Martha A. was spent. Mrs Lloyd and Mita Stew- visiting at her brother's, James Cart - tended. The nighVws,s pleasant and Richardson hi at present visiting her . art visited Mrs Laytoa last week. Mr . wright, Hullett. , ,all seemed to enjoy themselves. Re- sisters, Misses R. C. and M. E . of Wy- efreshments consisted of strawberries and Mrs Sidney Johns visited friends• . .and cream, coffee, sandwiches and oming. .Mrs Wm. Clarke, ere is visit - near Exeter on Sunday. Miss X . ing her daughter. Mrs .T. Armstrong. Benmilier. . -stakes.. The program was short, caving Holmes- entertained a. member of leer 1:1v. .....gszorArrox.-Quite a large number of ef Tuckersmith We are pleased to re - to the absence of several who were to friends on Monday and Tuesday even. the members of the Junior Epworth port that Miss Janie' Johnston, who take part. Rev Jas. Hamilton was ings. John Layton, of the Brumfield League _met last Saturday afternoon it chairman, and gave a short speech; Mr underwent operation last week, is Creamery, spent Sunday at his home being the last meeting of the League with recovering. Hera Bros. raised J. 0. -Young, Carlow, also made an address; Reid's barn last Saturday and are now here. • ., • selections, and Miss Brown and Mrs . i busy finishing it off. Roy M. J. Willem, betore his removal to Mr Campbell, Goderich, gave two piano • . •Mullett "Thomson, Goderich, .gave solos. The Courrone-Clouncil met on alonday, the Nile. After the usual meraio.es of the •League an interesting program was given • se follows -Reading by Mies Pearl Jewell social closed igth God Save the Queen. June 25th, all the•memners 't A presen . MARE DIED. -Chas. Peacock, of the Vo by Miss Belle Saddle,. recitation by by-law was passed thangireg the -hour 2n • d conenlost a •ver y f • ine heavy mare ise Lucy Mohring, singing by Pesirl talons from ee t - ' • Jewell and Mabel Mohring, solo bv Rev 10 o'clock. the other der • • ''11 Leebtern. for holding nomin '. . noon to 1 p. m. F. W. Farneomb was rLD -We are sorry to learn that Mrs Ti!. J., Wileornewhich were all well rendered NOTES. -Mr Fotherdigham and his appointed engineer under the Ditches' • ' Quigley, sr., of the 4th con. 1 I -5 serletlelY the'aecompanists were Mrs. Wilson and i &nWatercourses Act, and J, .I. Mc- il . Matt Hesselwoocl, sr., one of the Lacy Mobring. The following address -daughter Magpie, of Brucefield, paid a i short visit here this week, being the Ken la rem ed from saidh011ice. A hest known fa -A there irf the townshiP, Wan read by Mimi Lucy Molaring : ' :guest of his da.ughter, Mrs A. Clutton. • _grant of $108Teas made to te, r oad.on is also on the sick list, we regret to say. Mn. Wirsolf, DitAlt PAsTon-=We, the Junior . The W.F.M. Society. held its. monthly South Boundary through the big •,-, ' . . ti • e,t. - Epworth League0 desire to take this as an op- x-ERSONAL.-arre I./owe, Oh 1. ,,e reuron portunity to express our appreciation of your .tneeting last. week; a b the hems of Mrs swamp,. providing Hay Council will Mrs James Clark, sr; a quilt was put in grant an equaiamount. Th-e-eawo-earake -road, hnd daughter, ha.ve been back on services in our League, feehng that your loss the frames, and a splendid time was a vieitto her sons in gest Wawanosh; Mtrflitesaillarbees exv% rattier% i;; gi‘irliele; accounts were paid: -A.. Mustard, for spent while quilting, and when tbe. we are sorry to learn that her son Many times in your seemingly snort stay with cedar and elm, 427935; News Record, ,meeting was going 00, which was led has been suffering with us, we have been helped. by your loving smile ng ri ge an . urn a mg rna eria $19 still '014 94 ; As ateBeath cover. Janiee, who pur hearty handshake and your wise conneel, by Mrs James Taelor. Mr and Mrs H Frinhtinln, d f 1 h' t' ' 1 f 1 acute rbeeniatism- singe Jaouary, is eeides being a faithful'worker in our League. ,Chisholm are visiting their daughter. same., $15.20; i meArthur, ir,ope, si. 5; still unable to do any work. : By your example you have won many of us to Mrs Bacheler, of Port Huron. .Fut our trust in Jesus Christ as our Saviour, Municipal World, collector's roll and i Aimritsin .InttE Wiennitect ---* On WEDDED, -The home of Jas. Horton stationery, $3 81; • Dr. Armstrong, at- Wednesday, June 201b, at the borne of 1;1.71ATZ,Vuri ZVI Znethihainacn was the scene of a very guiet wedding.' tendence on Mr Tomlinson, as directed the bride's parents, Hallett, Mise Mil- &egging will go with you, that you may contin- raintfelarzet, silhillvil ganio 1 voe aLltrliattili The contracting parties were his by the I3oard of Health, $001 V..Wild, , He Archer was married to Mr McDon- ue to sow the good seed that wiu youngest daughter, Miss Ellen, and gravelling on Bayfield boundary, 135, ald,of Walton. A large number of John Ferri, Ashfield, who were united Next meeting of Uouneil will be held friends were present at the- ceremcny. 1 ever lingenn youi:mgemory, we agree trae- in the holy bo»cle of matrimony bY on Monday, Aug. Mies They will reside in Walton 8,nd coni- °apt this present as a very small remembrance Rev Murdock McKay, Godench. The . bride and groom nave the best wishes of the whole community for a long, joyoue and prosperous life. • Summerhill. WEDDED -- A . Ine namber were suitable Feely. The present being a hand- ' • l' of our League. Signed on behalf of the League, rnence err • .Lroy Momenta .with the beet wishes of a large circle Jewura, • of friends in which the NEW ERA joins.. After wheal Mt Wilson made .s,! very • • some toilet case, and was presented by CHURCH. --Mr ,Saunders preached his last sermon here, for a time at least, rhered at the reel ence of Mr and • rs G. Watt on Wednesday, teams'? Miss Pearl Jewell. , Nile Nonns.-Among thosawho took Ad- vantage of the cheap excursion to troit were Mrs J. Dustow.and son Clar- ence Messrs David Girvin, Chas. lir. .vin, 'D. Mellwain sr,. .D. MCIlwain jr., J. Hetherington; Wm. McPhee, Misses K. McPhee, M. McIlwain, Sara Mc- Knight, M. Johneton. A large. utim ber from here attended the ice cream social and entertainment at Ztori ou Tuesday evening: The orchestra took part in a box socird at Ebenezer ap- pointment on Wednesday night of last week. Tires. Elliott, jr, and. Miss Bertie Smith surprised their many friends by driving to Golierich last Fri day afternoon and getting married; long lite and prosperity to theirs. Messrs Innhring and McGregor, of De- troit, Are visitin with Mr McGee oes WEDDING: -A very pleasant event took place at the home of •Mrs Phipps, on Wednesday, the 27th inst., vi hen her daughter, Aggia. was united in Matrimony to F. Swallow; at Toronto. The nuptial knot was tied at 12 a. in., by Rev. J. Greene; in the presence of a large number of relatives and friends of the contracting partite, .after which all sat down to a very ta,stilyarranged dinner. The bride was beamingly at-. Urea in a mauve colored dress trimmed' With white. The numerous Useful and costly presents testified to the popular- ity of the bride. The groom by his genial good nature and gentlemanly manner created a very favorable lee- preesion while here, be • occupies a re. ufactory establleb ment of the city. Ile beat a pair of local stars in a series of and the outfit was found Inc followin .seotesible position in e prominent man - is' also a nephew orai, Swallow, of the has taken the position of chief banter tennis games. J, Blasdell, Wingham, 14th con. The happy cdupleleft on the at Cobbledick's mill. P. L. Bishop is . having Wen et/tilled. add the rig put in 7,5`:„ . day at the Commercial hotel, the horse...en. 3 p.m trainfor their bailee home in the shed. It is enpposed to have been ' Toronto, amid showers of floivers, rice ' laid up with a light attack of fever. taken by. tWo suspicions looking. and old shoes and accorn panted by the - been visiting GeenSamwelt. We con - Thos. Trick, Goderich township, has tramps, who were seen In the village ens best wishes of all few a long and haniPY LC BC 00 h i • the same day. Mr McArthur is much life. giatulate our esteemed pubn pleased o have his outfit restored to tion which 1. he Board conferred on hirp e e to tra,velled a great many principal . Upon . the Mark of apprechte;it mileaio search of it besides telephon- Exeter NoTas.-Rev W. M. Martin, B. D and Rev Mr AylwardneParkhill, ex- changed pulpits on Sa,bbittle: Miss W. Bali, public school teacher, hes resigned. in order to Attend Normal. James Walters and 'Sohn Spackpan.jr4 have gone to Devonshire and Paris Expo- sition.. Seaforth and Exeter lacrosse teams crossed sticks on Friday; score, 1175 in favor of visitors. , J. P. :Rosa has returned from Halifax General As- sembly. BarristernDicktion and Stan - bury were at Hemmen Set iir day on an assault case. . On Saturday 41 horses were sbipped. from here for South Af- rica, Mise ROA Stanbury, of BaYfield, returned home Tuesday after spending the week with her brother here; she took part in a concert Lea week and fairly captivated the audience with her excellent recitations; Mrs Ellis and daughter, Sault Ste Marie, ate.guests of the forneees eister,.Mrs R. EL Collins. Messrs Tremaine anti Malysr d wheeled to Hensall Saturday afternaen, and • A. VOLliNTE144 AFRIcA.-Mrs w4 Macieer, of town has a nephew, A. Maciver, in 1st V. B. S. H. (Fortroso Compaily) who is in Africa at -the front with. this Highland regimeet The young man lute been connected with the at my for three years and is becom- ing advanced in the ranks.' The Peo- ple's Journal, a Scottish publication, • handed us, has a biography, of the „. young .soldier which Speaks " ly of his training and, cairdities as an • , officer. Auld'Scotia,'s eons are cowed= • ered to be the pick in the Qireen's • HORSE. AND RIG • STOLEN -JasMc Arthur, fanner, • near Exeter, had oi valuable mare, buggy and harness stol ' en from bia remises On •Stinclay viT3k on Sunday evening last; his discourses to witness the• marriage of their Blyth. . during the month have been enjoyed daughter, Miss Jennie, to Jas. Remit ' , " very nnich. The regular Ineetera of ton, of Hullett, Rev, J, A. Hamilton • Itilittnery.-Greiti reductions in Millinery at the Women's Auxiliary was hod at performing the ceremony. The bride Mrs. M. Graham's. was plettangly Attired and the pees, ofLpoeotArnoisf..-4.arirrisveluororarvoaeonddadya,ouvgehotierirg, Mrs 0, Lovett's on Thursday at 2 p. m. ArtnrritaTione-Abont forty inter-; ents were many as well as valuable and le on a prolonged visit, to -ber estea ratepayers and trustees from 1 The bride is a popular young lady ,ni daughter, Mrs. Thoma s Wanless. Miss Secfions No. 4, Goderich townshipetnd ',Hallett, 8,nd we congratulate Mr Rant - No; -.2 and No. 5, litIllettr met in the , ilton on securing Ruch an estimable" M. Shnnions, of Toronto, is the guest of ber aunt, Miss S. Btown. Miss May school here on Saturday last. After i wife; They go to tneir new borne with McElroy is the guest of Wingliam hearing the4 evidence of e number of 1 the best wishes of a large circle of . friends. this week. Rev Coueland, of ratepeyeis and trustees, theaneeting i friends. Londesboro, exchanged polpits with adjourned. Another meeting will be rt ...,EATH OF A Fonares SETTLER.- Rev Penh:411;1st Sunday. Service will, held in the Council Chamber, Clinton* John Lovett, et, who thirty years ago be vet hdra,wn next Sunday morning, at 10 a. m. on Saturday, May 31st, to was a resident of HuIlett for a great in the Presbyterian church, and in the hear any further evidence aria to puke number of years, but late of Port .Aus. evening Jai,. Hall, of Belgrave. will awards if necessary. MI interested tin, Mich., died at the residence of his ., preach. Rev C. 0. Kaine,of Pine River, - nephew, G, A. Tyner, BOB line, agea was in town that week. Master Crispin may attend. . NoTee.--Mrs John Colburn, con, 10. • 88 years, 'on Tuesday, June 20th, after Hammond, went to London on Monday has been quite ill, but is, we are pleased - an illness of about two months. About morning to work in McOlary's mantle t reeoverin Mrs Brownlee of six years ago he lost. his wife, and his facturing esta,bilehment. A large grandmother, rs S. Motile. An revt Sealmitb, was a caller in the village only child, a, daughter, passed away at troop of gypsies are camped north of last week. ' 0, Lovett lost a the age of 12 years. • The late gentle- the village this week. Me. W. II. trait, are visiting his brother, D. Mc-' McIlwairt and daughter, Mary, of De- 1 one env valuable horse last week. School closes mati Was Anative of Ireland, and for- Finnernote shipped a car of flour to Dwain sr., of this . rsiting her friend, place. Miss Etta to -day (Fridays) to open on Monday, needy owned the tarot his nephew lives Montreal on Monday. Mr. Ernest Halls Clinton, is P . Stewart Rev. M. J. and. Mrs Aug' 20' Hisnee" Judge Masson on in guile"' He also was owner Jamieson who bas been in Sarnia, for Miss J and. Inspector Tom, Goderich, were some years ago. of the Shipley farm, the past month at the barbering bust Wileon moved into the parsonage on guests of O. A. Tebbutt at j. H. Low- about a neile from Stapleton. The fun- hest is home at present, he haying Wedoesda . Ernest Willis, Goderieb, erjne on Saturda, evening. bare F. eral was held on Wednesday to the aric6 ted a similar ' position on the . by the lerge increase made. in his sal- . ' Londeaboro. ing and telegraphing to a great many SOCIAL GATHERINGS. =The porno in . . . ary; Mr Boyd deserves it all. , Rev Mr Bell, Kirkton, will preach in Main St. . points to discover its whereabouts. • success. • The lawn croetal in S. S. No. 5 Methodist church next Sabbath: The• Went' OP Tns P. ft, 1. -On Tuesday, S. S No. 4 on Friday was a decided masons are progressing rapidly with i A ea. Campbell, Provincial Road In - on Tuesday .evening was excellent in Bert Knight's new brick tailor shopstructor, paid Clinton an official visit • ial in connection with Knox aluirch is James Street Methedist eheIrch beld every way -all pleased. The lawn sm. a and conferred with the town council successful ett awberx v festival Mopaay, regardin0 road making for the town. to be on Monday evening, July 2nd, . • The Minister of the stteet, cemmittea not Tuesday, as appeared in can issue a a • • 0. Johnston, had him look arouod the last weekv a, good time is expected- Adqtional Local News !greets with the view of ascertainiug conle with that object in Ariew and you ,, A irtelen'io ARTY.- las. Fair, Ed. the proper construction and care and will not be disappointed. The Metho. r,tr,...,„.,*g. dist Sunday school intend holding their an' t'f"il piciVic in Wm. Brighatrns bush on Ju.? Li- ...,..,' 2nd.• a good time is expected as a bard jiri`ing. will 'be present to discourse sweet,plus• ' umb ic; gamee, &c,; parents are expee t . success be present with their baskees. "., ..n. may Nils. -Geo. Midden, snensititig • j friends at Eden (xrclVe. . )111 en, Brucefield, was in the ial Tuesday and Wednesday, in ,t4rer est of Queenston cement. Gratzteor• 'On London, was a caller on M qdreae le is James Woodman% turn t enesle4 week. a daughter teethe se. Mrs (D Mich is, Kellar and Geo. DeWer, was of the same opinion as the chair- ent Tuesday and Wed. Man, that macadamized is the prdper tad enjigingt benaselves way ter have streets made, crushed e o not Wow exactly the state was the necessary Reticle. He oked, but ey were each ant was of the opinion that a till drain in hay'. it good ,mess. on both sides of Huron street was .UCC - ties are on e go these days essary. Ammo' Oiler things consider - if nenet tet• this sport. ed, Alderman Johnston reccignizes Mr •o • ' Campbell as the right man in the right Wast.'to Detroit, bee special train to • Dirrporr Exriorierox.- Those whman in the right plane -he is a men of r of Toledo, practical experience in road construe - back on Satarda,y morning about elicit and steanier City tion and the opiniorls set forth .by yen a.m. aft r act pleasant trip both will betted upon aseicon as possible s. In abou800 - so as to ensure the citizens of properly anislet e were t tas ters from' derich, the bulk being made highways. H. Bell, of Montgomery , la n the county town, It proved a Webb, at present. We aro exc it Abe inenalgrnantisger tells us it will G• financial eucceps to the VVhite Star ing at the borne of het lathe ly sorry to stete thet W. J. Whit y ainda I,. s awe -a -1401m each year about this spent, San ay afternoon at, Chas. Ste*. McIlveeri sustainei quite a nasty fall Clinton cemetery, and was atteride Yan ee side, to which place he sval go not improving. Thos. J. Bell returnetita..enne art's. Par and Mrs Walter Knight, of f bi I 1 k ' from his Manitoba trip on Saturdays— 14 7 , rom a eye e aril wee . by a large number of friends In a doll* 0 weeks evening; e came y y Godeefeh, Sun aye a os. mg s, Ed. Christlave is having a cellar ermine- ORANGE Proszo.-*The Orange picnic BARN RAOSING. -There was ated and intends building a house. on Wednesday of last week was a de. time at the barn raising on the far cided success. The day being all that Thos. Staples, con. 10, on•MOnda could be desired, large numbers liegan The barn is -Meal the contractor to file in during the morning, to par- Matt Mains for the frame, and . • Witsjung Compoun big IlAvE TARTED.-A. Graham, the 01 • of 'pewee and two colts, whichslieietn oven contractor from London for the new • lithic walks has started work on Brucefield. island, and brought from there a adi NeTS0.-Mr -Watson is enlarging his street. On Wednesaay the hoard barn, the etore work is completed, A offering fOr Rale. John Manning, 'ivite and child, Woodstock, are visiting hie being was removed and the preliminar. number from our village attended the father Thoe Mannincn of theaplace. ies begPhe un to la/ cement early next St J s h's OCCaet011. Tbe.nleilenta brass band fur- captains. %he men went to work with. Re • R• S • v a ere and Mies E. Sewers at ween1 take of the sumptuous repast prepared for the stonework. Quite a large in- Orden Par Mrs Newton, Winghann is attending ttat Mr Grassicks ou Mon - by the ladies. In the afternoon all ber were present, and after all the pre- (inn fiu t t e Zurich. band was in et. her mother, Mrs Smith, this week; the streetwere o e rs o ave e t b ft t t h the new ten twee. Miss Bider o vv.md, latter is linproving nicely, and is likely twalke in town but Owing to a disagree - who enjoyed dancing had good oppose liminariee had been arranged, R. Arm. Eld f Stratford tunity on the platform ereeted for the strong and J. .Dodds Were chosen se the guest of her aunt Inrs ur oe to 800n be out again. should be laid inside or outside the ment with the council whether they Have you tried ihe new niehed mune to make the Woods lively, a -Will, ea& aide deterrained to win, trees alone the istreet,Iligh street is be- - After tea a football match was played but Arnitaronf a came off victorious, tended a social at Motherwell on Fri. RETralerafTEA‘oanneeann Thursday day last, Mt -Sewers geve an a es . inch afternoon o las., week quite a large ing attended to. However it will no suiting in a tie, neither side scoring; nailing. While the WOrk Was going good will pros Mrs iNiude, Detriot who attended the gathering of ratepayers of S'. S. No. 8 be long before bOth streets will feel funeral of David McTavish 'returned assembled at the school to do honor to proud of the innovation for Olintone between Auburn and SumMerhill, re- the best of fee ing and tour handa, Saves YOUr on, Rev Mr inoupland took a couple of home on Monday 'eat, Tim posb office Miss J. Kirk, the assistant teacher.tvho iv irleVrtrots5 the dirt withont rubbing and its Dxam0.-The promotion rmaintine. Photo views of the raiding, copies of changed heeds on Tuesday, Mr McIn. in,to the rettret of all, about to end her PnESENTATIONS1.-Prior to leaving 1 Absolutely no. rubbing teetered. Saves Yettr proceeds about $00, tAt of leo inspector were withheld for te at S. In. Stapleer store, Constance. tosh heti fitted op a place for it in his teaehing sc ool her. An excellent pro. for Kingsville where they will reside harmless. Eze is sold at Se per package. office. "Mr Jae, Baird who has lately green was prepared, and, With Mr in ftxture, the sOcieties in connection inS. S. No. 4, which by consent which may be procured in anew claes engredietito are guatinteed to be positively tines Try I packagenext wash day. Try our 5 °Week time, were held last week, and below SCHOOL, -Following is the stem:111f be • completed his studies in Montreal Mc. Braithwaite as chairman, was greatly With Ontario street Methodise char& wisferettes, mie per package, 4 Savors. rates are given the results: Sr. III to Jr. IV of the pupils in S. S. No. a Hu - edical College, is now a full admired by all present. The program , veere not forgetful to the members of Wo have just opened an im ort orate of -Marks obtainable 780, to pass 890: lett for thie neontb of June d' pledged M. D., he has taken a position was interspersed with speeches by the their late pastorse family, who have n Victorie hospital, Montreal; we trustees and others presenkall of whom been very energetic in doing every - 1. Best Family Flour, 8130 ver cwt. 0 ing -Scotch Motto Goods ooneisting o :-Toa Pots, Coffee rote, Barna Grace Rawls, Handled Beaker), Sugar, Oream, Ilot Water Kettles.ote. Theo are ali new Iris, with 8titant scothh 0 than tir stock Of meals nearly Another drete that Will range in price from to Sr, I/ to Jr. 111. --Marks obtainable 005, Biggin, Dorcas Churchill, j. Glew, TAly were sorry that she is about to sever with a set of a lver knives and forks. n prices trona 0 to EtS, and th s wee expect E'rnest Challenger 414, Carrie Batt 400, Ethel Govier, blow. McNeil, Wilfredhg‘ . Helgrave to $15 per set, nearly evetyone likes hi see ii es to pass 303i Edna, Reedy 412, Ando Reid; Sr, 2 -John Miller, 4Prank Tyn- 'STRAWritcrtnit FESTIVAL. -The choir way in vrhich her pupils performed League gaVe her e beautiful clock, and i her connections With her work, The to Miss Freeman the junior Bpworth , to buy or not. Pleaee notetrom May I5th we D. of the lowave IVIethodiet ehurch in• their part in the progi.ant waq self Miss Clement wee presented with a sit- ' aloes Witted see thorn Whetiter yoli want Oh (tenger 392, Lena Jordan 871, Ide dell, Anthony Vanegmond, Glen Cote, all near bought Ainee Wo moved. We have Russel Neal 228, Knox Mair 521 Melvin on the t, e name. are Hill 496, Alun Beacom 406, Ethel Smith order of Merit: -Sr, IV -Eva, PLIdrOWn0 congratulate htm On his success. The wet e 459, Ethel Lovetb 450. Ir. to Sr. Ida Gamin* Evrt• Miller, Rosa East, Sehbath School. will hold its annual Miss Kirlea noble work during her ties of which they were identified. To III -marks obtainable 165, to pass 38.1i Clara Diggln; Sr. II1-George Bayley,. lenic tomorroir' Bayfield. num. three and one-half years teaching here, show their appreciation of the valuable Eer of farmers here have begun, their and each one voiced the feeling of the services rendered in titnea past the 'd th Ladies' Aid resented Mrs Clement of thing to further the respeetiVe socie- Caryl Draper 504, Lottie Sinclair 430. Charles eat, r. -Lyall r . el i Vet Opened Up,a OW of din br setskrangeig• w 0 e He loge at 7 p,m, during the Demme* menthe. i Colblirti 310, LOrne Butt 814. Jr. II to 0180; ,Jr. It -JelloicHrownt Addle GleWi tend ho cling a strawberry festival at evklent that. there wren Iitinnst, nOnfid. Per berry set and stand. This Within ' A Ball la33, Eddie Farquhar 1.11:i.yvntiTimo, 011,nrcnill; Pt, I :-Ted,d,y ' Morris, on Tuesday evening, July Cled tion are sorry to loose so fait fill a set,- in work all etl.to .thie chore i. They OW A COOPER & CO. I223: notil, . . IA Gertie Oakes 205, pt. li te Jr. Ii-,. weir, (Amster 4 atlinitalli Attivw (Xi- Other refreshmente will be on the 'ant, yet she has the good wishes of were very enthusiastic while here &tut , . corner store In Searle's Mock* Willie Sinclair, Murray Draper, Ken- elotigh, Wilfred rareitharenT, MtntOfir ' ground, A good progettin iii provided all that her influenee may be felt they go to their new home with the ' Cash for Butter and EMI neth Moly, Ba,r1. Mason, Grant Archer. Teacher, , I chiefly music, everybody invited. whereveroshe may go in the future, best wiahes of the cangregation, . „ ritouel3 ., 1 . Sr. It -marks obtainable 585, to pass James McNeil, Myrtle Tipladiv, Mabe . 4.4 Pn (..-e•-•001-; 0- ..-11 m enee in the teacher. Althotift the see- able faint will be greati?r missed 1 •0,0<>0000"0:,0•70c70,0,C.),70,,0 Watch Talk To tbe buoy man an Moue, ate watch is a noceesity- not a luxury as eorae seals to think, To utilize every moment of ereoious time, to meet trains, keep apo pointments, in foot to be &limeys op time one moat have a good Watch. Drop In and let us talk ritehee , to you; vre are aaetioal watch repairers ,d you can have the brume of our 20 yearie experience lat- ent charge. If you • ve watch which nee.. clean- ing, has any t broken or lost, whieh hes been tuined by incompet- ent workmen, brined to us and we will tell you filet what it wants and whet It will oost you, , Watehea examined, rortittted outset to correct time .8 RED of charge. • A. J. Grigg ;Mellor and Optician. Successor to htt. Siiidleetnnba, CLINTON