HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-04-23, Page 2N. Y. WOMAN STRANGLED. Stranger Found In }louse With His Throat Cut Open. Husband Attacked Also But Is Now Held by the Police. Now York, April 20.- In a dingy little four -roost flat in the Tenderloin yesterday afternoon there occurred a three cornered tragedy tangled as the police of New York have not had to deal with in a long time. The net results of the mystery are a little Swedish woman, dead from strangulation, a stranger with his throat cut and a second man with three big gashes in his side. For two years Charles Berger, a young tunnel worker has lived on the first floor at No. 125 West 28th street with his common-law wife, Kate Pal- ter. Three weeks ago he got smashed up in an accident in the McAdoo tun- nel and since has been laying off. That was why he came back to his flat in the middle of the afternoon in- stead of staying away until dark. A tall man was Mending at the dresser in the trout room, with his back to the door, working ata drawer. According to his story, the intruder leaped about and then mule straight at hint and brandishing a big bread knife, which has subsequently been identified as one of the kitchen fur- nishings of Berger's own apartment. Berger tried to back away but the attaok came too suddenly. Before he could break free from his murderous assailant and tumble backward out into the hall he had been cut three times in the left side. Yelling at every step Berger ran and notified Policeman Houston who went band to the apartment. Houston, pulled his gun and pushed into the darkened first floor flat, Looking through the vista of half opened doors he saw a dark shape sprawled on the floor across the thres- hold of the kitchen. It was the mysterious stranger, gasping and unconscioue with his throat ripped wide open. A little bit of a bedroom, opening off to one side of a front room, hall on and half off the bed was Kate Paulter hall dress- ed and dead. A dampened towel was twisted so tightly''about her throat that it had bcoma hand roe that bit through into the swollen ile h. Her eyes were staring, wide open, her face was dis- torted and purple,. She had been strangled slowly. The interior of the flat was a mixed up mess of confusion. P-wo of the beds had been pulled to pieces and the mattresses had been torn apart as if hurried, eager fingers had search- ed between them for hidden wealth. Every corner had been ransacked. Berger claimed he had never seen the man with the slit throat before. The supposed murderer was a dark man of medium height, apparently about fifty years old and fairly well dressed. Berger who went along in the same ambulance to have his wounds dressed, was put under arrest 'there by order .of Captain Farrell. THE UNDER WORLD. Detroit Police Blame Canada for City Outcasts.t Detroit, Mich,, April 20. --rhe police, acting for tine local Immigration Office, last night arrested four women of the Tenderloin district on the ground tint they were aliens. brought into this coon. try for immoral purposes. Warrants are out for eight more of the same class, and the polos are looking for the iron. nn, . The twelve are known to have come from Canada within the past three year's. Following an itu'ectagation of Detroit maternity hospitals two months ago by the local immigration officers, and the deporting of the alien imnates, mol the warning of the proprietors that no more alien patients must be admit- ted, the department turned its attention to the underworld, with the result that in has been learned that nearly ten per cent. of the female outeasts of the city are aliens. A crusade tuts been begun to deport ell of these women, the new law making it passible to deport any person found to be 1111,11 halle within three years of his "r her arrival in the coofifty. she reached Now Mexico, in the Santa Fe yards, at a place called Demi*. She was lying face downward in a small ditch, and no money was found upon her person. A small bottle of laude nue was found near her, but it is claimed there could be nothing to the suicide theory, as she had been accused of taking the drag in small quantities. The murder theory is held by her friends, as a man who was seen leave ing the train with her the night before is mi.esing. The last news friends here had of the case was that an in• quest, was being held at Deming, N, M. WIDOW' WAS MURDERED. Mrs, Robert Redding Found Dead in New Mexico. St. Thomas, April 20.--A strange story has reached here of the finding dead in New Mexico of a woman who left Aylmer, near here, a few weeks ago after visiting with friends and rel ativee. .The victim of the apparent Murder is Mrs. Robert Redding, 64 years old, sister of Mrs. Willison, of this city, and of Mrs. H. L. Balcbmb, of Aylmer, She was also an aunt of ;Mrs:' Chas. Breakenbury, of this city, and Was thejwidow of a New Mexico miner. She was reputed to be well en here she deposited $600 in (M raders Bank at Aylmer, and On Earning south withdrew a balance bout 6f1OO. ler demi body was found soon after FATALLY BURNED. Woman's Hair Catches Fire From Gasoline. Erie, Pa., April 20, --Mos. William Rollins, an equestrienne in the employ of Cole Brothers' circus, died at St. Vin- cent's Restate 1 at about 11 o'clock yes- terday morning, following fearful burns received yesterday, Mrs. Rollins and a sister, who is also connected with the circus, were hoard- ers at the home of Pete' Burnett in Bather Creek, where the winter quar- ters of the show are located. The wo- man washed her hair the previous even- ing, and then to dry it the more quick- ly, applied gasoline. Thee was an open fire in the room and a short time later this ignited Mrs. Rollins' hair. Almost instantly the room was n mass of flames and the sister leaped out of the window to the ground, injuring herself quite se- verely in so doing. When, finally, mem- hers of the Burnett household rushed to Mrs. Rolling' aid, she had been bayed from head to foot. ••• KILLED GOVERNOR. And the Ruthinians Rejoice and Say It Is a Necessity. Vienne. April 20.—The whole of Gal- neia is in a slate of feverish excitement over the cnssansination at Lemberg on April 12, or Count Andreas Poloeki, the governor of that province, by a Rnthin- iarn student named Mierstap Sjzynski, while the count was giving 811 111111i01100 to a delegation of students. The "Young Ilwtahinians" in the Austrian Parliament declare that shell (ablate are of nation• el necessity in order to put a stop to Polish oppression, while the Ruthenian students of Vierra openly rejoice over the assassination. '..tat nightthousands of Poles partici- pated in anti-ltulhiniaa donoiatnttioms, 4"4 MONTREAL BARBER SHOT. , Two Men Attempt to Rob Alphonse Martineau. Montreal despatch: Another shooting affair bilk place to -night nt 31 St. An- toine street, when Mr. Al2h0n5e Mar- tineau was held up in his, store, Mr. Martineau, who keeps a tobacco and barber .hop, teas closing up for 1 -he night When two mean came a and :asked for a packet et cigarettes, 110 was counting his cash at the tante, and was alone in the shop. Sir, Martineau gave tine man the cigarettes, but he refused to lay for them, and while a dispute was going on the other man went behind the counter and trled to rob the till. Mr. Martineau picked up it hammer and threw to strike the robber. The other man then drew; a revolver and fired, the bullet hitting Mr, 1bn'tineat in the right breast, Both Wren escapetl, leaving the contents of the till behind. Mr. Martineau, who will recover, was taken to the who Hospital, Be states that one of the men is known to him, • e-► CRUSHED BY ICE -FLOES. Sealing Steamer Grand Lake Sent to the Bottom. St. John's, Nfld„ April 20.—Bringing tiding of the sinking of the steamer Grand Lake of the sealing fleet and the serious injury to several others by ice floes, the steam sealer Newfound- land limped into port today, leaking badly. Pine Newfoundlander's bows and stern were crushed by ice, and her crew of two hundred men were forced to stand by for many hours, pumping and bailing, The Grand Lake met with disaster last Sunday. She was shut up be- tween two great ice floes until her sides caved in and even her engines crushed. She fleeted only three hours, but her crew of 214 escaped to the steamer Vanguard, which was close by. A Catch of 20,000 seals went down with the Grand Lake. This cargo was valued at $130,000 and was in- sured. REFORMS 114 CONGO STATE, A GRAND TABLEAU. Great Spectacular Event at the Plains of Abraham. Quebec, April 20, --Nearly four thou- sand performers will be required for the grand pageant on the Plains of Abraham next July to r1preseet the leading heroic events in Canadian hbetory. 'Che grand stand, from which the pageant, with its background of river and battleships and distant hills, will be viewed, will accom- modate 15,0011 people, To enable all who desire to see the pageant, to do so, sev- crn.l performances will be given, At the state representation before the Prince of Wales, the tickets will prole ably run frons $1 to $l 11 each, for ibis intended to secure as large a return as possible of the cost for the benefit of the battlefields project, 'rhe public will be able to see other performances for 10 to 50 eent1 each. Mr. Lascelles, master of the pageant, has given out the lint of scenes to he produced. It includes Jacques Cartier planting the cross near the banks of the St. Charles; his carrying away of the Indian chief, Dounac0na; the court of Francis 1., when Cartier, by command of the King. relates his discovery of the western country; Chanlpla in receiving hie commission at the court of Henry IV,: other recites in the life of Cham- plain nt Quebec; Mother Marie Incarna- tion teaching the Indian children; Mgr. Laval receiving the Marquis'I'rac„v and his lirillinnt suite; Dmmnont de, St. Luoeoi taking possession of the western country for the King of France; Frnn- tenao receiving the messenger of Sir William Phipps at the Chnteaf St. 5,018; 'Donned and Ills sixteen followers defending themselves egninst the Iro- quois, requois, and, finally, 1 grand tableful of all tine historical personages, troops, etc., with warships of <litferret nations In tine bnekgronnd sainting the whole, and mak- ing what \h'- 'ascent's declares will be such an assemblage as neither the old 180011 no the nevi' has e'er seen. If Belgium Fails by June Britain Will Take Action. Liverpool, April 20,-1f by June next Belgium has not annexed the Congo In- dependent State on acceptable terms, the British Government is determined, with the co•operation of the American Government, to take measures which will compel the Congo Government to ob- serve its treaty rights, witch have been openly and persistently violated, was the announcement made this afternoon by E. D, Morel, secretary of the Congo Reform Association, at a meeting of that body. SIr, Morel hag been in close touch with the British Government, and has had recent conferences on this subset, GOOD TIMES. British Expert Says U. S. Will Soon be Prosperous. London. April 20. --Seymour Bell. 00111- mercinl British agent in the United States, iu a report for 1007, which has been isaned by the Board of '''rade, takes a hopeful view of the future. Tie gays that the farmers, 18110 form the back- bone of American prosperity, have not been affected by the finaneinl crisis, and tlw country is expected to yield crops '11111811 at early 47,500,000.000. The country, Ab'. Bell thinks, is not likely long to suffer fpm- 1111111 5281A1 stagnation. Ht predicts a quietbusiness in 1008, and thinks the return to the normal condition of affairs will depend upon the crops. CABINET COMPLETE. Asquith Announces Several Important Appointments. London. April 20 --Premier Asquith to -day completed the reorganization of the Ministry es follows: C. F. H liobhouse, int prc'yent Perna.- eentnry Secretary of the Indian Of- fice, heeemes t'inateial Secretary of tate Tr'eoslrt'. C. F. G. \btatermun Liberal member of Parliament for Vest 11011, 100antes Parliamentary Secretary of the Local Government, and Thomas: :11,Kitun'm Wood, Liberal menthe'. of Parliament for Glasgow, be0omes Parliamentary Secretary of the Board of 'Trade, The Marquis of Ripon remains Lord Privy Seal, but at his request the Earl of Crowe, Lord President of the Conn- oil, will be the leader in the House of Lords. T. J. McNema'a, now Parliamentary Secretary of the Local Goeeutmnd Beard, becomes Parliamentary Secretary of the Admiralty. ••i ig ?4aly. At least, they do not exist as organized bodies with rules, a hie- rarchy, and defined objects, as the ima• ginatioll of novelists or tradition de- picts them, Likewise, suppoeing the 1311tek Band to bo en emanation from the Camorra or Mafia is absurd. The Black llaa1d is merely a gang of detached malefactors whieh hnppees to form l'Hong Italians us it has in the past atone of 1101. 1111 ionn1it 11,4. 811c11 oeeur rences are as highly regretted here as they are in America, as they oast dis- credit on a large body of reepeetable and hard-working emigrants." se s CAPT. HARBOTTLE. Late Secretary of Toronto Club Found In Havana. Toronto despatch: Capt. Ilarbottle, the absconding secretary of the Toneisio Club, was arrestett on Sunday at Mt- 011/11. la- ('ul' . Since it was reperted some weeks age that the captain had been scan nt 'eve Orleans playing the races and generally enjoying himself, the police authorities of 'Toronto have been busy tracking him. The services of the Pink- erton agency were invoked, and the chase hue been a stern one. Photographs and descriptions of the defaulter were freely distributed, and it was thought at one time that he had heeded for the City of 'Mexico. Switch there, however, revealed no trace of hits, and the detectives had to take up the trail again at New Or- leans. The replant has covered a good deal of ground since he left 'Comte, but (100113' he was located in Havana, and his arrest, as stated, took place on Sunday, The Toronto authorities were immediately notified • and Atlern ey- General Foy was asked to secure the necessary extradition papers. $20,000,000 WILL. How Young Wanamaker's Estate Is to be Apportioned. Philadelphia, Aphil 20. --The will of Thomas B. IVanaumker, who died in Paris several weeks ago, has been ad - minted to probate. With the exception of a feu bequests to household employ- ees, the estate is bequeathed to kis widow, Mrs. Lowber Waith Wananw,ker, his mother, Mrs. Mary B. Wanamaker, and his two sisters las, Mary B, War- burton and Mrs. Elizabeth McLeod, and his brother, Rodman, The statement filed by the executors apprises the value of the personal pew party 00 $100,000 and upwards, with no appraisement of the 'real estate, It is understood that the total value of the estate may reach $20,000000, DETACHED MALEFACTORS Make Up the Black Hand, Says Italy's King, Rome, April 20.—King Victor Eman- uel to -day received Messrs, Watchorn and Bowland, immigration contn0ssion- ere from New York, and chatted plea- aaantly with them for sone time ,-Al- luding to the Black Hand and similar alleged organizations, the King frank- ly declared his belief that they were mostly mythical. "I wish you would oonvinee the people of Amerfoa," he said, -"that emelt things as the Gomorra and Mafia do,not exist HIT BY HAMMER. "Scotty" Fatally Hurt at a Hammer Throwing Contest. Philadelphia, .41)811 20: -William Rets wick, popularly known as "Seetfy," the ground keeper at the 'Mivcrsity of Pennsylvania, was struck on the head by' a sixteen'pound hammer 0c Franklin field yesterday and probably fatally. iajured. Daniel F. Luby, of Peabody, Mass., threw the hammer down the field to. ward "Scotty," who either did lot see the throw or Met sight of the weight in the sun. The heavy iron struck him on the side of the head, knocking Lint sev- eral feet. Ile was picked up unconscious and removed to the hospital, 1011ere it wee found he was suffering from a se- vere fracture. Renwick wee operated on Inst night and it is stilted that his condition is truncal, •-r NOT BADLY HURT. Boy Shoots Stepfather in Defence of Mother. New York, April 20.—William Fes, a boy 15 years old, ekot his etopfathsr, John Stulky, 31 years old, u longshore- man, tinder the rtgkt eye et their home in Brooklyn this morning. Stulky leas taken to the Long Tslancl cottage hos- pital, ire is not believed to be'serioaa- ly hurt, The boy (Reappeared and has net been located, According to the story told the pollee, Stulky arrived home yesterday afternoon in it quarrelsome mood and had some w'e'ds with his wife. He grew excited and his wife hid 1110 re- volve'. Things quieted down a little during the might, but Stulky arose and went out. Returning lie resumed the quarrel. Fearing for his mother, it was alleged, 2110 hoy found the revolver and shot Stulky, TERRORIZE CITY. Masked Men Hold Police of Dalton, Ga., Prisoner. Dalton. GaApril 20.—Betwveen mid - Mehl. and 3 o'clock this morning 0011011 was in control of a hand of night riders, numbering over 100 men. ''Phe night rid- ers, nuiskcd and wearing long robes, en- tered the town at a gallop. They pro- ceeded first to the power house of the electric light plant and forced the au- perinteudent to turn off all the lights. They then fond the policemen on duty and marched them to the public square, where they were left under guard. The riders then searched many houses, saying they were looking for wrong- doer's, but it seems 21103, slid not injure anyone. Finally the band called at the ]ware of the Rev; Mr. Sims, of the Pres. byterian Church, and told him that they were with ]tint in Ills efforts to stop wrongdoing and urged hire to continue his eus:tele. After the talk with the preacher the brand disappeared. There has been much lawlessness here recently, and several attempts at arson. It is supposed that the night riders in- vaded the 20011 a1 a warning to wrong- doers, •-• SHE WILL DIE. Shoots Paramour In Fit of Jealous Rage. WOMAN'S THROAT CUT, Screams Follow Appearance of Man at Home at Unusual, Hour. New York, April 20.—Mrs, I. Liber- man, the wife of a shirt waist manu- facturer who Inas a small factory in the Bronx Borough, was found nm%. Mired in Ler apartments at 706 Court. lench avenue to -day. Her husband was taken into custody pending an investi- gation by the coroner, Mrs, Liberman's throat was eat and there was a great wound in her left aide. Liberman left his home this morning to go to his factory, but soon returned, telling the 35 (110ese of the apartment house that he had forgotten the keys to his factory. A few minutes after he watt to his apartment the jani- tress heard screams sand found Liber - mann in the halt with a blood-stained knife in his hand, Saturday Liberman applied to a law- yer to secure a summons for his wife accusing her of infidelity, but the sum- mons was refused, •-r PROBE FOR WALL STREET. Commission of Nine to investigate Speculation. Albany, N. Y., April 20,A bill pro- viding fur the appointment of a eons mission of nine to investigate Wall street speculation, as recommended last week by Governor ilughes, was intro- duced in the Semite to -night by Sen- ator Davie, of Buffalo. 1t provides for the appointment of three members by the Governor, three by the President pro tem. of the Senate, and three by the Speaker of the Assembly. The'ap- pointments must be made within twenty days after the passage of the bill. The commission must report to the next Legislature, and $20,000 is ap- propriated to carry on the work. The bill was referred to the Finance Com- mittee, Albany, April 20. ----William Robinson, of Old Norge, Po,, aged abort 27, this afternoon ehot and probably fatally wounded Ellen Moore, aged 26, a native of Scranton, Pa. The woman was re- moved to a local hospital, where it is reported she cannot recover. Robinson wits placed under arrest. Jealousy is given as the cause for the shooting. h is said by 1110 police that the eouplo have lived together here for some time. Last night they quarreled and this after- noon when Robinson met her in the south end of the city he is alleged to have fired two shots, both of which struck the 5vernen in the stomach, HISTORIC CHURCH BURNED. Kaiser's Favorite Place of Worship in Berlin Destroyed. Berlin, April 20. --The historic Gerrit son Church, which was built in 1705, and which was the Kaiser's favorite place of worship, was completely burned this evening. '1'l,e Crown Prince hastened to the scene and co-operated with the chief of the fire brigade in attempting to rescue numerous military trophioa, in- cluding many regimental flogs, from the time of Freolerick the Great onward, but nll except one were destroyed. An ad- jacent warehouse was also burned. The firemen saved the other buildings whose proximity endangered then, and through them the Royal Castle, the new cathedral, the Stock Exgehnnge and the City Ball: Immense crowds witnessed the. fire, It is rumored that it was of incen- diary origin. There have been numerous cases of incendiary fires in Berlin lately, The culprits have aiwa.ys escaped. DEATH SENTENCE For Man Who Attempted to Assns. sinate Alfonso. Barcelona, April 20, --,title Rall and three of his accomplices, who had been on trial here for complicity in the recent aeries of bomb explosions and anarchist outrages, were yesterday found guilty. The evidence adduced showed that Rutl and his associates were authors of the attempt to assassinate King Alfonso at Madrid and Paris, and of various out- rages in different parts of Spain. Bull 5800 SellIfn(ed to death, and the others to imprisonment. HALF THE CROP SOWED, Everything Looks Well at Swift Cur- rent, Sask.-Seed Grain a Benefit. Swift Current, Seek.. April 20. -Sigh• ty-flue ears of settlers' effects have been unloaded here since March 1, About 50 per east. of the trop is in this dis- trict, and the weather for the farmers is ideal. One prominent man who has been in the district for a number of years and who has taken a great inter- est in farming says he los never seen the land in better condition at this time of year than it is et present. The farmers say there is nothing but praise coming to the (Incontinent for furnishing seed grain, and tine C. 1'. R. for the way in which the grain has been handled. The furnishing of seed grain has certainly been n great help to many in this district. STRIKE TO BE CALLED OFF. Over Hundred Thousand Miners Will Return -to Work. A Wheeling, W. Va.., despatch: All contracts between the United Mine Workers and Operatore, with the pos- sible exception of Illinois, will be signed by the let of May," said Pres- ident Lewis of the Miners' Union, who was in the city to -day. "Mate tern will have progressed to such an extent," said Mr. Lewis, "by Thurs- day of this week that 105,000 miners in Ohio. Indiana and Pennsylvania will return to work pending district settlemeelts later." DIG JOB FOR RAILWAYS. They Are Arranging to Carry Troops to Quebec Celebration. \loll rale 11011 m, --1t a lrreesing_nf the (1(111 0 lerceetenary Comeittsien, held here to -day. the gnesiion of trans. pmt8tuni Iva con:idercl, The g11,001io) ire o Outdate of carrying. the military fe -eat Outdate e, was first dientssel, and it was resolved that the connnissiott should ask the Fed- eral Government thattroops to be sent. ft) the eelebruti nn should leave from their reepectrve gunners two shays earlier lima haul ,et first, hem (1 0au5011, in order. Uit. limy' shinnld all let in Quebec' by `; tt,I d ry, .1111,v 11. The 1enneeortntimt reeneanie; 1111 great stress un 1 111 1.001 Ilml they will not only he called meet to bring '255,11110 soldiers to (jotter, Ind they will also have to ship mi they hoses, annuunition amt also heavy pie,es of artillery. This nudtilfeat100 M what is practically nn 11 1 11y corps is .0 big tuldertaking, ;tad Elie. companies do not; wish to be caught napping, Of the 20,000 troops that will be sent to cleehu' for the 1(8 011ten,uy 0014111u- nit:1, ;LINO still nem. from the Ahtritime Provinces, and will be taken care of by the. Tntercolonml llnihruy. The remain- ing 10,11011 wall conte from other pro. rumce. mostly !!.elate and Ontario, ;ed trill be handled by the (band Trunk and Canadian I'neifu' Railways. 111 estinurl0 furnished by the h'ne- putntion rompauues twinge the amount of people they will he wale to carry to Quebec to 10,000 a day. TWO STORIES. Bank Officials and Detectives on Thornhill Bank Robbery. A Toronto drsontrh Officials of the Sterling Bank, in company with thins live otfiee-., yesterday visited the Thornhill branch -of tib bank and laude a thorough investigation into the story of the attempted burglary as narrated by 210nagcl-1603' Henry. As a result of the enquiry the offi- cials were satisfied dont his narrative is correct and ere satisfied that the halm r90ri.0' ed court ;'eoesly ill def owe 01 the prpe'ty', The question of offering a:rew'a.rd for til cupturc of the' burglars 18 now 110- du consfd00(11i00, No Attempt at Robbery. Crown Attorney Drayton yesterday, under permission front the Crown auth- orities, made a statement covering the reasons why This department concluded to drop any- further investigation into t' the recent, alleged burglary at the Thornhill.branch of the Sterling Rank. As 'examination of the muddy ground in the- ,vicinity showed no traces et footmarks in the doorways or on the wundoh sills, A thick deposit of dust nn tine transom of the front door f:nl- light was untouched, showing that no one had tried to pct in by the fan- light, '1'lo cartridges found in sin] around the premises, which were said to have been the property of the burg- lars, were found to lo' similar to those belonging to Hen','. In addition, Ah'. Hector Wright, nu assistant of Air. Henry's, who was passing at the time the shot was fired, said he heard nm footsteps and saw no one running away.. neither did he .see any ladder or other article which woeld enable a mall to mach the foithgd1t. The line of the bullet hole, u,tide the bank shows also that it was filed at short range from inside the1 ' and could not have been fired front "f mashie to fanlight. "The detectives del not advance nes- t hooey nvtheory os to how henry received his injuries," said the Crown, "but Henry. himself admitted to Detective 'Alfih'i' that the idea ,f the burglary might have originated 1u a dream and we etre inclined to take that view of it, "There is no evidence whatever against Lhe three men now fn ,custody.> Air. Drayton said the Crowtf did not purpose 10 pa hsecnte henry. THE STUDENT ASSASSIN. Sziozynski Was Known to Many Win• nipeg Ruthenians, 1', uufipre, -April 20. ---The. Ruth rti.urs here ,re mounting Snc03nski, the as• hissin of !,cruor Potocki' of t elieLl, r u great 11(111onal patriot, 1G- was y� known pers0un11y to many residents v4t here, curd 1ho editor of the Gitlici;ut paper in 'Winnipeg was it fellow student af. Itis in tat university. Sziezynski's brother wah at one time priest of the (.reek Church here, and his sister is the wife of another Greek Church mis- sionary who has hero heated here The nsessiu is spu1ee of 05 a mai of nobility, of character, loved by all the common people, whee:tic Potocki was brutal in his oppression, surpassing even Russian tyranny in his efforts to stamp tut liberal sentinu'ut. Tlfotfgh the Ru- thenie.us of Winnipeg condemn this method of self -denotes yet they t2 out hesitate to put Graf Potocki on the sante level with !Ile tyrant„ of Russia, and Sziczyneki ea a national hero, suited for that. period of national development. <-• ESCAPED FROM GUARDHOUSE. ‘s, Wolseley Barracks Deserter Makes a Successful Break, London, Ont, despatch: Private h:d- weeds, of Wolseley Barracks, who was tried Inst weer: by court-martial for de- sertion and yesterday sentenced to sir months' imprisonment, escaped from the guard house at tate barracks to -night in some way unknown to the authorities. Edwards belongs to the engineer carps and was apprehended last week by the Windsor police 0101 returned to the city last Thursday.