HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-06-15, Page 7Tired Housekeepers, THE CLINTON NEW ERA Disordered Kidneys bring them *multitude of pains and aches, Row often women gtvs out before the day's work is fairly begun and sink bite ft Chair utterly worn out. " But the housework mot be done even though the back doe aolui, and the head feele ready to burse. These women can't Understand wily they are never stroug, why the night does not bring rest, why they are a wept tired, have Vo appetdte and seem to be patio and aches *11 Over. As ..Ito ,., rule Pie real cause a the trouble is eine le tie thought of. lk tomee from the kidneye. These elelioate little filters of the blood get out of order, and as a remit the urio sold and other. poisons Ant they ought to carry off are sent oir hate the system. . There's/10 use trying to get relief until 'the Maniere are restored to health, The edidest, safest, quiekest way to ea icoraplish. this is to take DOan's Kidney Pills -nature s' own remedy for all kidney 'dismantle Mid dekangements. I* Mai. Martha S. Frost, Little River, Digby Co., N.B., recently wrote am follows: "1 lave mnoli pleasure in statingthat Doan's Sidney Pilli s have wonderfully mproved ray imalth. Is had been offering with lame tack for a number of yore arid at the time I began taking Doan' s Pills I was almost Amiable to do any housework. "I have used three boxes and must my They have taken the pain out of my back and restored my strength. I don't think Jhere is any other medenne equal to Donee Kidney Ellie for kidney troubles." • • COSTLY TOOTHBRUSH. TIIINGS IN STORAGE,' kORTUNES L.00KE0 UP IN FIREPROOF BUILDINGS. The *lima Big 'Warehouse Fire In New York anti Jt m Treat° Conieot qv:esteem...The Movilnig of Family Belongings Reduced to lt Potence. clvireproof storage buildinge in New _York are of comparatively modern ori• gin," said the proprietor of a large stets age warehouse to a Nftew York Mail and Express reporter. "The first storage house in the city which I can recollect was erected in 1867 by John H. Itiorrell at the corner ot Fourth avenue and Tbir* ty-seconel street, adjoining the stables of the Fourth avenue railway. line. When Morrell's busiuess had reached a flour - Wittig condition, an immense fire destroy- ed the car stables and Morrell'e establieh. meat, relniug him finaucially. Inarnedi. ately the public set up a great howl against storage houses, and the men who had followed Morrell into the business 'mitered severely. "One Mnae. Desgairens had stored sev- eral trunks in Slorrell'e establishraent. She had come to America to claim a part of the estate of her granduncle, a rich planter of Louisiana. On the very day of Mme. Desgarrees' arrival In this conn t17 she received notificetion set- the dan- gerous Illness of another American rela- tive who lived in Boston, and after leav- ing directions that her trunks should be stored at hlorrell's she immediately net out for the Massaohusetts capital. •"On her return to New York she sent an order to Morrell charging him to for-' ward her trunks to her betel.The an-- swee came back that during her absence the storage house, with all Its contents, had been destroyed by fire. "Mine: Desgarrens was in her room when the note informing her of the loss was brought. by a servant. She read It partly through and, suddenly uttering a shriek, fell to the floor senseless. On re- covering onsciousness she was found to be violently Insane and died three weeks later in ber room at the hotel. - "The very evening of her death worken who were clearing away the mini of Morrell's establishment discovered one of her trunks -a little, square, black leather one. It had become wedged In among a mass of bricks wlien the walls had fallen and, excepting that it was scorched, had suffered no injury. "In this trunk were found all of the pa- perssidentifying her as the grandniece of the planter, and in e little box, tiedswith *Triteenatiti-i•lbiethiire golden curls, a tiny pair of baby shoes and a large gold ring. Wrapped about the 'ring was a slip Of paper on which was written in Freneh, 'AU that is left* of my darling childand husband, who were humed to death at sea, April 23, .1860.' I was with the man who found the trunk, and both a us 0,120 tears as we looked over the things. • t • "But there need be no danger of such fire, nowadays, when the first class stor- age houses are as nearly fireproof as buildings can'be People with'up to date ideas recognize that their household ef- fects are far safer in our hands then un- der their own eyes, as a: properly, con- ducted storage house does not know ;what theft, breakage and fire mean. It would be impossible to say what is the value ot a storage house and its contents during the busy season, but when one knows that 12 trunks in one of our compart- ments are insured for .$20,500 and that there are 299 other compartments in the building it is apparent that the contents represent a fortune." • It is not generally known, but a man in this city may' at any time he has a mind -to, without a moment's hoticer send orders to a first class storage and pack. Lug concern to have the entire furnishings of his hattie•moved from 203 Blank ave- - nue, New York, to 46 Dash street, Lon- don, or any other place of consequence, for that matter, and he can walk off to the first transatlantic steamship, his wife on his arm, with the positive assurance that as soon as space .and time will per-, Anil Yet She Bought It at * Great . Bargain sale. , • 4 • "And so you really believe your sloop - 'ping expeditions -I mean particularly your enes to the specie) sales -are in a atrict line with economy?" he asked as Ire settled back In the chair and watched Ater. "Of course," she answered, smoothing. • out the fettle she .iter ,dress, .. "of ..course . sthey -are. Didn't -l• buy -a-50- cenflootg- ' brush yesterday for 39 cents?" . "You saved exactly 11 cents," he•said , atter a pause. "But now let us look at . this. matter iti all its lights. As I said; you saved 11. cents. But we will com- mence at the beginning. You pusb your way into the crowded store. You see the. -special sale counter and fight your Nay • to it, make your purchases and are hap- PY. our. hair le emend, . your 'skirt is . tom in two or three places and entirely -disarranged when you finally get your' . ohangeond board the car. When you get . tome, you are cross to the baby and this servant, and you go to bed with a bad -tette In your mouth. In the morning eon are tired, aching and sore. Then you , ' Tent yinir spite on me, and all for II i 4.ents." • • . • "But 11. cents saved is 11 Cents earn-: , ed," she exclaimed triumphantly. "True," he said, "but what do , you I need with another toothbrush? I believe , ' I have noticed several around,the house." She looked 'bewildered for e moment. , "I thought perhaps you Would need IV 1 she explained. • . He laughed. "PerhapsIsntiDi-some day. But just ' ; at the present time t am also well sup- • plied." fillie His words werebecoming cruet, and ber lips were quivering. He knew it and. , approached her. Then she cried. Her bead was on his shoulder: • "Don't mind me, dear," he said. "I'm a brute. Shop wherever you please. Buy all the toothbrushes you wish"-, But her subeholted voice interrupted. "It isn't that," she sobbed, "but, oh, Jack, I just remembered that I left my pocketbook attheAtere!" „.. He milr a egain.-IndirniiR.. is Finn. Ms Railroad Paso. The following is the history of, a rail- road pass which, if true, Is very good of . Its kitid. When R. N. Rice, who was aft- ; orward president of•the Michigan Central i • railroad, was the general manager of the: ' New York Central, he received by mail on expired pass, across the back of which the holder had written in red ink: Blew my stars! No more on the cars Al a deadhead NI ride on the rail, • Wen Mr. Rice should take my advice And send' me a past by the nail. Without a moment's hesitation Mr. : Rice turned the pass over and traced in ,.: red ink on Its face the following: , 1 The. conductor will pass this bundle of gas ' From July tin the middle of Lent; . Like any Other deadhead, without paying a red, ' Let him ride to his heart's content. The pass was never taken up and Is to- day kept In tbe family of tbe holder.- Troy Times. . • By the release of the British prisoners at Waterval a fall brigade will be added to She army of Lord Roberts, tie thee& Were 177 officer and 4,182 privates among thtm. ABSOLUTE CUBIT Carter's 4.: ; • • : .i.eriemsme Cetittlne Little Liver Nis. Malt Odor Signs:thee of See ParoSimili5 Whipper Belo* Yds, omen ana as siert to take ma sugar. - ip,orrriti toRIVADACIIE, • win' Eno FOR DIZZINESS. riTue FOR DILIODSKESS. co, FOR TORPID LIVER,. LL r"cONSTIPAT1016 FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THECOMPLEXION osEsT.iouN tallanivs h rite SWAY YetelebIll. A fOk ittiiA' OHL Watch the Skin and Eyes! They Are 'llufaillug Thermometers of Health : The skin and eyes are two unfailing then, ammeters of belittle If the skin has spine, ' eruptions, an unearthly pallor or a yellow • appeereno, and the eves a glazed lOok,with yeilowieh whites, it is high time to purify • and oleanse the blood and regulate the liv. er and kidneys, Paine's Celery Compound makes pure bright red blood and relieves the nor and kidneys of the strain that is , brought upon them whenever impure bleed Governor Denver Suggested the TI., tie pouring through their substance. tie to Stephen. A. Douala's. It has been tully proved by eminent med- feel men that Paine's Oelery • Compound P. hOl ie efenger, a lawyer of Mining - supplies that needed and appropriate food ton, O., in an. interesting letter tells how that over-worked nerves are too feebletoex- Montana WAS named. Ile says: sass= ss nom, food token into see "In the year 1888 I was a law student a °mach. Paine's -Celery CoMpound in- in the law office of the late General J. D. ()restos the appetite and puts the digestive Denver in Washinitten and also occupied organs into shape to pass the food over to the position of confidential clerk to him. the blood in such a perfectly prepared oon- Miring a conversation between us about dition that the changeinto nerve, brain Montalta territory the general Belted me and theme aubstani oe s easily and fully if I.knew how the territory got its mime. brought About without Waste ofnervous en. I answered in the negative, and he re- ergy or wear upon the liver, kidneys or *marked. 'I am the only person living stomach. , • who knows,' and proceeded in bin modest In a word, Paine's Celery Compound way to relate the incident to me. builds up the weak, wasting and diseatied "Denver had been the much loved ter - body ; it wee all the oonditions of health ritorial governor of Kansas, which at that guarantee a long and happy life. No that time included the greater part, if. other remedy in the world has ever done not all, of the present state of Colorado. anobst true and noble work for suffering He was very Intimate with Stephen A. humanity. Douglas. I cannot remember the exact Make Wel of one bottle, dear reader ; time of this Incident as given me by: Gen - it will convince von that, yon. have found eral Denver, but it was after Denver had what yon most need to make you well and been governor of Kansas territory and strong. • before Douglas ceased to be a senator. Douglas sent for Denver to come to his house, which was in Washington, both tHE MASTER'S FRIEND. rho mister neat to * distant and, With s foreign toe to tight, Ana the mitres wite was glad of It, But she hid her false delight And came to him with a tearful OKI And begged of him to sive nut the matter'. hound was sorry, • Mal it went and bid it *way. The master's ship, from the harbor's Mouth, . Beat out to the atormy tem And his vete staid late at my lady's ball, Rejoicing te be free, nos odd she shone like a jewel there, And she heard it with delight, But he could not elcep tor the meeter's hounL, For It howled through the livelong- plilbt. The master died -he was shot to death Id/e n lybrought. $b at Land h nid. thoedynni- Anome to lie • In n grave by the cypress tree. And the master's widow ilid.ber lace. ------- And made believe she cried, But the master's hound staid by his grave Till it starved to death-_chaod iineaegdo. Itecori, HOW MONTANA WAS NAMED. limm•••••••.ma , being there at the time. During the even - .When Borrow Comes. ' ing's conversation Douglas said that he , All is well as bong as tbe sun. shines. 'Was going to introduce a hill to form some ' and the fair breath of heaven gently new,° territories and wanted Denver to, wafts us to our own purposes But if give him an appropriate name, He had you will try the excellency and feel the Colo - Works of faith. place the man in a pets& a map of the country before him. Colo- rado was the first name suggested, but melon; let him ride in a storm; let his Douglas replied, 'I have suggested thati bones be broken with sorrow and his eye- name for. this one,' pointing on the map lids looted with sickness; hit his bread be to what is now the state of Colerado. 'I dipped with tears and all his daughters •want a name for a territory I•ara going of tinisic be bioug t bow, et us eome to., , ttLmArk, out neStere in ..the.mountams."..-- - - elf dtien-th-e-fiiiillefil-Sr our grave, and "Denver's life in the west and service let a tyrant lean hard mi.= our fortunes in the Merlon war made hira familiar n. and dwell upoour wrong; let the storm with many , Spanish words, and he M- eese and the keels toss till the cordage masked, 'Why not call it Montana?' creek or that all our hopes bulge under "Douglas immediately said, 'What does ' . us and descend into the hollowness of it mean?' Denver replied, It -is a Span - sad mistortunes.-Jerethy Taylorish word and means a mountainous coun• svvbat is an A.heisookoevni,p tte-a ?” . ' trY).' ouglas' tvife was one of the most • noted linguists of the capital, and he, III f erytnzng, troun pins ano neeclles to carpets •and sideboards, will be transfer- red from New Yeek to London without a loss 0 a tack or the breakage of a Wineglass. This is not conjecture, but fact. It 'has been done time 'and again. The larger storage warehouses, by means of. 'their perfect organization of professional pack- ers and movers, have reduced, the hot- ness to a science. . When an order is received at the office, an inspector is immediately sent to make au estimate, "who can telt by simply walking through a house how many 'vans tvill be necessary to remove the furnish- ings and how much to the penny will be charged for the storage. After the In- spector follows the large vans, with train d packer's and movers. The pack- ers ale • divided into two classes -those who p ck the wagons and those who pre- pare the contents of the house for the wegons. The latter class is subdivided again Into sthose who handle delicate china and btien-brac and the packers of the heavy furniture and carpets. Special men, also, are kept whose exclusive duty Is to take care of pianos and organs. • When the gods are In the wagons, they. are moved to the storage house, where iraraense elevators, 'capable of tak. ing vane without unloading, run from the basement to the top of the building. Rome are set apart on each door foe the Unlocking and examination of baggage. After each article Ibla' been • examined to make sure that it has not suffered In transit the goods are carefully stored away .in the apartments allotted to thent and the keys of the apartments placed in the office safe. If a packer discovers an Imperfection in any article he is handling, he immediate- ly .reports the fact to the inspector, who makesa memorandum of it on the spot. Thie is to prevent any misunderstanding with the owner In the future. When a packer or mover breaks anything acci- dentally, he must immediately report It When he does this and shows the Injury to have resulted from an accident„uo do- ductbon s m4de from his ea try, but should he neglect to report the matter on the that Oectulion he is docked for the amouist, and On the second oceurrenee of the kihd Weld diecharga • Cosh Denotaitors. One Small Boy -My papa puts the Mon- ey he don't give to mother In a coffeepot. Other Small Boy -Mine don't. He puts It in a jack pot. I beard mother say so, --Detroit Free Prose. Ovet7 matt who. practices hypocrisy -should know that he ie not fooline 1113Y Ono. Other people know he Is a hypocrite o • well as he knows It hineself.-Atehietia Globe. • Well, it s all that old Mehioned jewel- doubting Denver's knowledge of Spanish; ton. . • . • ry your mother bought before I knew walked out into the hall and cailed to hie ' her."--Ohlogo Record. dear, do you know' any such word Many a young man would gladly per-• "Montana ?" to, which she readily re- nait a girl to be a sister to him if she pled, It is a Spanishword and means a would.only lend him money occasionally. mountainous country, . - -Chicago News. - ."Douglas returned and said, 'Governor, • • • it's just the word, and I will adopt it.' A It is believed that a diet of corn breed- • bin wed in a few days which makes bigger men physically than, bread • 'Montana, atmeared. The hill did not made frotuTitheat flour. CURTAIN RAISERS Eyrie Bellew la about to desert London for Australia. Aim W. Renew will star next season tzt a piece to he called "The Politician." Ilachte "Matthew" minion hi to be given at the Venice flonservatatio tor the first time In Italian Ole yeer. W. 3. tielVernan' the author ef "Thee Gunner's Mate," iswriting a romantic play for Melbourne Nitta:towel', "The Greatest Puritan" is the title of a ziew play by an English' author, with Oliver Cromwell tut the male character. Thirteen' snare ago Saint Sous' "Sam- son and Delilah" was hissed in Berlin. It is to be elms there again, and a better reception Is expected. ' john a. McNally le writing a stellar piece for Sam Bernard. Reginald De Koran Is at work on a "Foxy Quiller" opera for Jerome /Sykes. Frederic/I Robert Sipp, in Ms day a viollast and teacher of note and at one time Richard, Wagner's teacher, recently died at the age of 93 years. The Frohiaans' "At the White Horse Tavern" company will be .continued next rear, but the unfortunate "Twelve Menthe Later" will not figure largely in the bill.• William Seymour,. the veteran stage manager and brotheelneaw to the late Fanny Davenport, has been engaged to ante° several of the ieiportant Liebier productions next fall, Mies Fanny Rice 'expects to play a metropolitan engagement next season, Presenting "A Double Lesson," "The Circus Rider" and "My Milliner's Bill" in one evening's programme. , . Prances Drake, well known as 'both actress and writer, has decided that an engagement in "The Adventures of Lady Ursula" is preferable to a trip to South Africa for war material for magazines. PICKING TilE Non Is a common symptom of worms in chil- a :en. Mothers who snepeot their child is troubled with wornss 'Mould administer Dt. Low's Pleasant Worm Syrup. It is simple, safe and effectual. Prioe 25o, Albert Holden, a young farmer liv- ing on the Holden road, in Sandwich Sauth, was climbing a fenee with a gun in his hand. • The gun event off and kis breast, left lung, and shoulder 'a ere ahettered. - We, the undereigned, do hereby agree to refund the tnoney on, a twenty five cent bottle ef-Dr. Willelaiglieh Pills, if, Atte* tieing three-fourtha of contents of bottle, they do not relieve Constipation and Head- ache. Wtt aleo warrant that four bottles Will permanently cure the most obethilitte osse of Constipation. 'Satisfaction or pay when 'Wills' English Pills are used. H. kr. Clombe, Chemist & Druggist, Olin - ten, ; J. E. Hovey. Dispensing Oheinist, OlintOm Watts & Co.,Drugsand Medicines, •Olinton ;Sydney Jaoksou Druggist ' Ciin • . .wile, who . was up stairs, and said, 'My • • • • • • pass at that time and it I correctly re - Member the story not in the lifetime of Douglas, but the name stuck, and front that incident Montana got its nanie, The tetnperanoe press is misphasizing the "General Denver was'a very modest roan danger to the home in the nee medi- and rarely even to intimate friends spoke of o oines".which are loaded with whiskeyor of events with which he was bonneted, and as he is now dead I may be the only alcohol. In this reaped, as well as M the• person who knows of the incident. 1 remarkable charaoter of their cures, Dr, •ood have given it to you as related to me'b7 Pierce's Golden :Medical Dint:1aq 'Favorae Preeeription contain no alcohol, t'hiegigtajbeeinre orailielnidt_eId nottbonlygnw tyiou kr npoeoipnlg the story, but in preserving it " -Chicago e whiskey or other intoxicant, andate eqaal- ni '- . ly free from opium, cocaine and other nar- ' otitis. Every family should Wye a copy InMr Ocean. of the People's CommOn Sense Medical Ad- • viser, sent absolutely free on receipt of Electric rich 01 the Nile. steams to pat optima of mailing and send Professor Francis Gotch describes the 31 oneloent stamps..for the book in paper electric •fisli of the Nile, of which the cover, or 50 stamps for 1310th binding. , Egyptians made pictures thousands of • dress De. R. V, Pierce, Buffalo, N.Y. , years ago aed which still Inhabits the wie ters of that river, as being provided with an electnzcal organ that incloses the whole • New York kV es bare taken the flint body. It is situated in the skin, an pria� at Paris„ when viewed with a microscope is seen •te be composed of about 2,000,000 boatel - The by law authorizing a,s'bbeiRilit$21, fully formed little disks superposed upon 000 to the Pott Dover, Brantford, Galt & connected rows of minute compartments Berlin Electric Railway carried at Berlin, in whieh are the terminals of nerves. The .waislin7 MEDICINES. • • Th kinds f splitting headaches ' The •wors o shock is ,produced by an intense current catibe relieved in,fivisininates by Milburn's which traverses the entire organ from • 'Sterling.Eteadaohe Powders. They don't the head to the tail of the fish, returning . - depress the bort. Price 10. and 250. through the -surroundings. It stuns Olen ” A Warrant has been issued for ex Goon. . fish in the neighborhood. Professor Gotch .nor Taylor, Kentucky, charged with being likens its action t that Of a self loaditig an accessory to the. assassination of and Self discharging gun. 'The eleetromo- • William Goebel. tive force of .the organ in -n fish only eight • inches bong Can, he asserts, attain the • tooTH4s.cau CURED. surprising makimuns 01 200 'Veils. A Wri- Dr, Low's Toothache Glen tures tooth- ' gle giant nerve con at the bead of the . s . Oho promptly, and 'does not blister the 1 ePinal eolunin is the source of theIme ' game, lips or cheeks; Price. 10o. • pulses which discharge the , organ.— • Youth's Coinpaelons • 'Forest firee are (tang a ,great deal of damage in different parts of New Bruns- • •A !oung Barbarian. wiok Sixty.five buildings Wpre hernia . • Theydon't have ,falitily prayers in the at St. blartin'e Village. .household 01 0 certain yea o . r o n Sm 1 , 0 e ream, • -t - Thereby hangs a entry of an embarrass. rays: "Faun my own personal experience leg episode. . The minister called the. oth- wet Guess t Results. KENDA115 SPAVIN CURE This man knows .what he did and how he did it. 'Such endorseinenta se• 110 • fb the following are are a sufficient proof of its raerits. • I roe.- „•,-. The Old Reliable Remedy for Diarrhcea aild Dysentery. Grandma Mrs. Thos. Sherlock, Ara - Med It • Fri"' Ont.,recently wrote; 'My little girl, three years of age, was taken very bad artith diarrhoea, and we thought we were going to lose her, When I remembered that my grandmother always useciPm Fowler's Extact of Wild Strawberry, and ofien said thatit saved her life. I got a bottle and gave it to my child, and after the third dose she began to get better and slept well that night. She im- proved right along and was soon com- pletely cured." ,Wil'elieit ALWAYS KEEP ON fillnEy I. 1 g;s gier THERE 15 NO Kirin OF PAIN OR AMIE, INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL, 1 THAT PAIN-MUER WILL NOT RE- LIEVE, LOOK OUT FOR IMITATIONS AND SU El- STITUTES. THE GENUINE BOTTLE. BEARS THE NAME, PERRY DAVIS & SON. ma0.111,1h/t.41116.11.41.11ADARAMOAVILOP AGENTS. "Klondike Gold blade," a arge: cheap; vale - Able book, seliinglike a whirlwind: Beautiful prospeetus twenty-flve eenta. Books on time. 13BADLEY-GARBETSOIS COMPANY:14=ft • .. Toronto. • HeEtwrs. "The beet life. of Her Modesty .1 have "seer,' sirites Lord Lorne about "Queen Victoria." Agents make ftre dollars daily, . . BRADLEYeeteRnieTsON COMPANY, ListiTs% Toronto. AGENTS' W ANTED, . For a genuine money-malxing position no books, ineurance, or fake seherae; everyhouse .a customer. Particulars free. Writetoday TKE P. R.KARN• 00032 Victoria street, ;To - rent°, Canada.• Fob -23-13 AGENTS -WANTED. No experience necessary. Permanent pose tion, _ • Liberal' terms. Pay. weekly. Stook complete -with fast selling specialties, including Heed Wheat, Corn; POtatoes, &a. OUTFIT FREL. Seizure territory now. Write , BROWN BROS. 00.. Nurgerynasnarown's Nurseries P.O., Ont. Aug.24-tf . • - Book business Is better than ot years past;also have bettor and faster sellinc .books. AgJntS clear from $10 to $40 weekly. A row leaders aro: "Queen Vitoria, "Life of Mr Gladstone," "My Betimes Bible Stories," "Pio. eressIve Speaker. ' "Klondike Gold rields.""M man, '"GlimpseS of the I" nA on.' "Breakfast Dinner knd Supper,"' Canada, . iiIncyclopae *dia." Books on time. Outfits free PI canvassers, The BRADLEVGARRETSON 0o.. Limited. '2116Cli1,aws. Minn.. Feb.27,1293. _Dear flirst—Pleetie bend ine oneaf your Treatise on the Horse, yobx new book as advertised On your belga, English print. I bave cured two sparing and one Curb with twa bottles ot your Kendall% Spann Cure in four weeks. FitAgit inBERTEN. fai:rilictstiii tilt tor $5. ... for t for ANDALus sn'it'iri ORB, alsog - Treatise on the Horse," book free. or address DE. J. B. KENDALL CO., ENOSBURO FALLS. VT. 44+44 • • • • • With them 1 Willingly testify to tile good er day end at the close of his call offered ache and conatipation." prayer. 1 he next day' the 5-yieigahrt-ooldt • ariiresnitl. the bright. and -shining The Postmaster -General hag awarded the homtehold where the prayers were•of-. • the 000traot for the ereotiort of a new pest- • fFred. entertained her mother's callers aline at Su% Hon.-Mrlidubok has placed with•an at:count of the nastor's visit. In the contract stipulations which will . ".1 ml they aid an awful queer thing," • • have the the effot of pu rotecting the rights snid the youngster. "They never did that . effects of Laza-Liver Pilhe for Sick Rend - • "All Dunlop Tires in socio" When you .hire a wheel front the Bicycle Livery look at the tires. If they are Dunlop Tire; then you can rest assured the wheel has a good pedi- gree in its every part. Dunlop Tires on all good wheels. ' of labor. . . . . . at or Ilese before." • "And vinit wile that?" grackitiely asked VERY HARD INDEED • .. one or the tethers. "Why, just before tbe minister got • There are so many things thet appear titi. really to go he read u little out of re book, neceesary, and whi3h for the life of ue we and then they all got down and smelled on Nee neither purpose nor end. It may of the chairs." -Lewiston Journat. be corns are inst one of those thorns in the fiseh the why and the wherefore of which • we cannot gee. Nevertheless they are the The Rise of the Cranberry. The criniberry is a product of the conn - P kind that are easily removed. Putnina's try's development, coming forward in the ainless Corn Extractor mikes short Work• of them, Tey it and see how nitiely it last 60 years -from a email, hard, bitter • oosscoo 01001.00. traa noes, other sego berry to a handsomely shaped and good Putnem's Painless Cern Extractor iaold sized trult. As the quality has improved by druggists. the berries hat* increased in popularity "The -only tools.“ Tiatinalorairee.o..Zimittd,„ . 'Toronto. vvairsl. Wlindsca. at. John - With COnSutoet11 tIntll supplies tire hardly The cominan ing oflieer of this Wale sufficient to eatisfy normal elemandis.-. National FruleGrower, Kingston to pity or the flag torn down by it' town, N. Y,, company has sent a check to of the company on May 24. s, member outstrinpeat It. Dr. Belden, Minister of Militia, states +tax / pecan things, you come had a taw the fle, John bariquet was sent out. Ile iiyes,” replied the fate tosed man, • that ail iucorrerit report of hie epeenh at ture before you," said the old friend. . CLINTON • WOOD and COAL YARD. , Subsod_ber is prepared Um prooMtlY Eli all Or- ders for Weed or Coal. which will be sold at towest tato. Office on Isaac Street, at LAWS IMPLBMENT ROOMS. W. WEIRATLET made no soh lithottleni th" the militia "but, you see, I lived ao fast that I got of Canada Wield be converteO into a ahead of •it." --,Chicago Post. • motinted force. California. rectwOod contains practically ALWAYS SEAM. *aresin, but a large amount of water. We tire aiwsiya ready caanand rtirepared meatsto hey heavy that often the lower log of a ter to• your wants d equire. w Our stook of drugs iill oink in water. s very complete, enab. isaa Wh token the green wood toeXceed- • doctor. Our Stock of Toilet Begnieitett is prevented had the patient with stomach CASTOR IA Per Infante and Children. Out fts• sinus SWUM* Of k ba 4136k. Us to fill without an order from onr • CATARRH or 'MS STOMA011-..-Ned often be orm•••••••1.411. Ilnetapitesed iti Veriety, and 'digestive organs predisposed to weak. Quantity and Priced, loess, been etiatufated by some ant& pure, Are you using re.inigs Calmly Compound, ,;(41c,iegonie power as contitinca in the pmet. nature's great remedy for the cur of rhou- able pepsin otib of whioh Dr, Ven Sten's matiemt neuralgia, horst:Ulla diseases, diabet- Pineapple Tablets are prepared. But the as and lives troubles/ It you have not 5bV. world is Audios is out_ niediotit tolierid,y in en refile'S Celor, Oompound & trial 1°1: 'makthg rapid strides -Ana the sufferers aro iour failing health, ad to at onca; we re- , uot haying their nookets "bled" for e eure. cOmmend it 11,P, combegtoroggist, 011u. CO tablets, 05 cents. sou by Sydney Jaok. ton, Ont. on, Milton* EVERYWISFAOTHeKtMWS THE VAL.Ble or )NDIANWOMANSBALik ,ASA A II Etipirilt For Twenty-seven Years DUNN'S BAKINO POWDERp.. TIIouICSBESTAE June 1t, 1900 ° SANK% • The itiolsons it%tsik Incorporated by Alit 4? Parliaraent not CA.PITAL 02,000,000 REST STNI.) • 01,050,000 BEAD OFFICE , MON VILE AL. Wit. Morelos litlOPITSM011, Weddell* F, Wougusres Tu .1Lts, Oen. Manager Hates disoonnted, Collections made, Drafts Issued, Sterling and American excheree bought and told. lutereat alioweii on des points. denims BANK— ititereei t dewed on sums of 01 and up. Mont* advanced to tart:130re en their own note, with one or more endorser& No mortgage required H. 0, BREW UR. Manager, Clinton, „ G. 0. ma 4.Gritturrt BAKER ALBERT ST., - aLina A general Banking • fillailtetatit transtaoted. NOTES Dlio0OUNTED Drafts med. IPterest allowed on denosite. , J. P, nsDALL BANKER, • canrrorr, ONT, Advanees made to farmers on their own note', at tow rates of interest. A. general Ranking Business trannoted Intereet allowed on deposits. Sale Notes bought • ' 3. P, TIM/ALL. hoice eeds Seed Corn, seven varieties, Sugar Beet, Aleagolds, Turnips, and all varieties of seed e required for field or garden use. Esete. flour always on halal, and general mill feed.. • :DU.NCAN,.... Licensed Auotioneer.• • • 0 ats Wanted Cate wanted in exohange for 04- . ' meal and the be•st Flour in the market as follows : - • 11 11,4 for I OR,tS • 15 Ibg prottr ( a,ttste.ba !nixed) ' rot --1 -Bushel oats. • Silverware Given Away. • Every puratiser, anything that we sell, be the amount Small or /erre,. els A coupon and when a certain mambo. um received the holder will be entitled to a piece of Silver- ware of their own choosing: Come and Toronto see the Silverware - O. OLSON. 110br10 cents Good Butter and Eges.wanted, This book contains one hundred end ten of the -best human:eau rcoltatIOna embracing the Negro, Yankee, Dutch dialectr, both in prose and versa 80well as humorous compositions. of every kind and character. F3ent, poste paid, with our illustrated catalogue of books and novelties tor only ten cents. Johnston dc itterartane,: 7x visage se. grore#t(4 Can. 4311 Our fee returned if we fail. Any one sending sketch and description of 'any invention Nvili promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patentability of same. "How to- Obtain a -Patent" sent upon request, Patents secured through us advertised for sale at am expense. Patents taken out through us receive special aotice, without charge, in ¶rnEPATENT RECORD. an illustrated and widely circulated journal, Consulted byMattufacturers and InV mestors. Bend for sample copy FREE. Address, VICTOR J. EVANS & CO. (Patent Atforzicys,) • &tag Building. WASH INRUSH. O. & IN THAT TOUCHES SPOT • 0 HeLEOD'S SYSTE1 IIENOVATOR 0 Weak and Impuie,Blood, - • Liver &Kidney Diseases, Female Cer.a.plaints, Ete. Dreg11.11, or write direct to: --4;M PdoLEOD, Goderioh, Ora. FirRNITMELE BROADFOOT, BOX & 005. The stes5y inereage in our *ride is good Proof of the faot -that our gooda 'are nigh ottr prices lower than thosenf other dealers in the trade. We menefacture furniture on a large Bole and eau. afford to sell cheap. If yotilbly from tie, we save for you the profit, which, in other oboe, has to be added heifer the retail doter. This week we have passed into stook some of our hew* designEl. Space will opt perm ne to quo/ovules, but come and see for younielf what snaps we have to offer. Remember -we are determined that our prices shell be the loweet in the trade. • UNDEItTANG RI. ' In this department our stock 001ziplete, mind we have taidoubtedly the beet tuner* . outfit in the ()aunty. Our Prime are as low as the lotveste BROADFOOT, BOX & CO. J. 'glade)* P. S.—Night and Sunday calls attended to by 'calling mit J. W. Chidlers, (Fame Direetorl tesidenne EVaitlf ONE WM amend la as Delay_Putsis 3 Irrear-mark aud return tit ki.404' en Alt *wish* nrtany.strie sinunsura - 4., linby Stleic Puri Frio% and mad 12 'rea.real, roasting of Do- twe hie Neu** to soil or hi it friit rek, When 1111. Vture, Motley rive you I. cute et s. leerily plated Main breeelet with , and X_.,,_ 611' ROI% 0404 BbellM , lieleber rthdAY: Pin* liketdr Venn area prise 'mean haeisey a ptiod. Writ* todayyou rier 581515.5. 85 in Day lbw eekr gai MM SOP 06.114114 m011.11$11 delivery absolntelyiree,_tind 8,5811 reeds us returesimix ., ••• zurgyiessa. onter-xx -o... diode Weitt Larne* alum metros. Nelda Christmas . •PERFUMES and • • • • TOILET goods Dainty alit* for both Ladies and men -tor Young or Old • Ho Bo C:01MBEi Clive Perfumed if you'd please the tat sex. The ohoicest kinds where. All the fernetia makeol–all the desirable odors -- and many kinds put up in allegedly antic* sire Christmas packages. assortment Of Pane Nair Dina ea. Military Brushes, Mirrors, Whisk& in ebony And handsets:to woods, is the most complete in the town. And the mostinter. eating part to you *0 that prices aro far be, love whet yon en been accustomed to pay for similar articles- elsewhere: !Chemist & Druggist