HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-06-15, Page 6I Julie 15, 1900 ih.:4644111.21016:, *Wily let . all your neigh- bors and friends think you must be ' twenty. - ye ar s older than you are? Yet it's impossible to. look young with the color of 70 years in . the hair. It's sad to see young persons look prematurely old in this way. Sad be- cause it's all unneces- sary; for gray hair may always be res - t o its nat- stored -Awar uralcolor pat vner For over half a cen- tury this.has been the standard hair prepara- tion. It is an elegant dressing; stops fall- ing of the hair; makes.. the hair grow;. and cleanses • t h e from dandruff. • , slim a bottle. All druggists.: "E have been using Ayer's Bair Vigor for over 20 years and I can larticinersetegi=eitiifetX1rit=g' MIS. G. L. ALDERSON, Api ill 24, ups. Einar, Ta r. If you do not obtain all the helmets you expected from the Vigor wote the Donor about it. Address, Da. J. 0. AYER. Lowe% mass. • V •At THE CLINTON NEW nERA INVENTOR OF "LOG ROLLING." Dreaded Meal Time senator sawyer grilisinateel 'Mat Illfe feetive Forth of Legistittion. Senator Philetus Sawyer was the in. venter of that form of legislation known as "log rolling." It was the practical re- sult of his ability to accomplish things. Ile never cared for show. Ile never made a speech in his life, bin no man enjoyed the sensation of success more keenly. What he undertook he carried out, and if be couldn't do it in one way he did it in There is An Intimetti Donneation Between another. He had a large share of that faculty the Yankees call "eoutrivauce," Good Healtb,Bappiness and Good Diges- wbieb enabled him to devise means for accomplishing his purpose that would not tion -Dr, Williams' Pink Pills Bring have suggested themselves to au other About Theee Conditions'. man. The "log rolling" Method. of legis- lation was suggested to hint by the fa- From the Tribtme, Deseronto.- miller habits of the lumbermen in his own Witheut good digestion there can be country, who help each other roll the logs neither good health nor happinese. More from the winter camp to the banks of depends upon the perfeat working of the di - the nearest stream, where they eau be /Native Organs than mo et people imagine, caught by the spring rise. It was the ap- and even slight functional disturbance/I of lineation of this neighborly praetice which the stomach leaves the victim irritable,mel- enabled Mr. Sawyer to secure legislation .„ anohdly and apethetio. In such oases that could not otherwise have been pass- most people resort to laxative medioines, ed, and he gave the method its ntune. but thee° only further aggravate the troub- Wisconsin needed a good deal of legja• le. What hi needed is a tonfo ; something lation when he first came to congress, and that will build up the system, instead of Mr. Sawyer secured more than any 40 weakening it as purgative medicines do., other men could have done. He let hie For thia purpose there is no inediaine, bills •accuMulate uatil toward the end a equal to Dr. Williams' Pink ()Ills. They the erasion, when he would take up the ; enrioh the blood and strengthen and °time calendar and make Memorandums of va-, elate the digestive tract from first dose' to rious measures in which influential men Itifat in proof of this• aspertinn the ease .in the house and 'senate were interested. o Mr Thomas A. Stewait, the utell known Then he would call them together at his and genial proprietor of the Os iental Hotel, d T RECENT INVENTIONS, For cutting cheeee a new .device bee The StOrY:of a B.yspept'e a cireidar table on Which the cheese re. , valves, .with a horizontal bar Supported who has Pound , on Ma poste secured to •the counter to.. eure• carry the cutting bar, ,whieh Is mounted on a lever to descend and cut the cheese. - There has been pateuted by • a w,otnan the combination of a chair and table, the back of the chair being pivoted on two, arms attached to the front *he seat, with adjustable legs to supp' . be back vehen, it is swung into a horizental posi- +ion. • • There has been designed a rotary black. ing brush which can be -held In one hand. to black the shoes without moving the ' arm, the handle consisting of two pivoted members, on one of which is mounted a revolving shaft carrying the brusrh, while the other has a.'toothed head to revolve the brush as the handles are gripped to - gather. . SCRAPS•OF SCIENCE. • ,••••••,. esemanto, may e quote ,. o a repor er 'house or at his coMmittee room and say: of the Tribune who raenti ned the faot "Boys, we've- got to do a little log roll- that he was suffering from dyspepsia, Mr , ing if We get our timber to the mill this Stewart said :-.-“Why.don't you take Dr. session." The result would be an agree- William& Pink Pills ?" Asked why he ment to stend by each other and throw gave this advice Mr Stewart continued : all their combined influence in favor of a list of bills:which he 'had made out and handed•to members of the combine. The werk was conducted in secret and wits al- - most always supcessful; so that the hab- its of the Wisconsin lumberman now pre- vail' in -every legislative body in the world: • The river and harbor appropriation bill: originated in that way. • Formerly. a sep- arate meesure- would be passed for each river , or harbor that required improve- ment. but under Mr. Sawyer's log rolling' eyetern the nienibers of Congress interest- ed in' such appropriations organized a "Simply because they are the best wed, Mine for that complaint know of. For years I was a great sufferer from indi- gestion, and,during that time I think I tried tracore of medicines. In some caw &- I got ten- pl ary relief, but not a m re, fairly dreaded meal times and the food that late gave me but little nourishment, On the recommendatien of a friend I be- an using Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a little over e year ago. I soon eoerienced re- lief an I no longer dreaded' meal time, but as I was determined that the cure should be permanent if possible, I continued tak-. ing the pills in light doses for several trust, which finally grew pto it regular mouths. The result is every vestige of atiproPriatitin, -arid a opeeitie the trouble left me -and -I -have -es- goocl an • committee to frame it. -Washington Let- appetite now as any -boarder in the house, ter in Chicago Record. and my digestive organs worklike ir • • • • charm. I may ale() add that my general • - health was greatly improved as a .resi4t of PARSON, FOX AND HOUND; • The Nan Who Was Short a. Round • "Do you object to my pnbliehing this in . ' using the pills," . • • made. the Pavilion Own Up. Tribune-?" asked tbe reporter. • The politician told me this story after I have no desire for publieitY;" 'aye had concluded the interView. He told said Mr Stewart. "but if you hilt* it will . it to illustrate a point in his interview, hpt'ipaiatabylolineef%blichio,ss„uffre atvl did, you. may No matter what the point.was, the story Dr. Williams Pink Pith cure hy going will apply to a great many points. " t the rct o: the 41 easei They renew HOW. A PLANT FEEDS. "Our minister ° said he, "supplies for a • • 'church over in 6ie back. part of the town and etild np the blod4, eirengthen the Digestive Processee :Are carried on In its laving Cells:. • " It is more than 2,000 'years since phi losophers began to ,speeulate. about the food of 'plants and what. we may term . their "digestive" processee. hut -it is : only; durieg the last half century that retilly',, clear and definite notious. concerning fhe food supplies of the vegetable world. have been generally accepted. by acie.ntitic mini. As •far as is known, the first • botanical experiment ever periorined was conduct- ed by Vim-Helinant. He placed Iiin not,' 200 pounds of dried earth, iind,in it die planted a willow branch which Weighed. . five pounds. He .kept the whole . cov,ereil ,, up and daily watered the earth with reel - water. After five years'. gronth the vil- . L • • low was taken up- and- again -,iv'ettil ecl--.: and was found to have gained•104 pole./ s. , The earth in the pot was dried. •aad , • • -weighed and had lost oely .two ouaces. . Knowledge was, not yet stifliciently ad- ' vanced to enable Van Helment to inter-. pret these striking. results correctly,' mail.' he came to the erroneous conelusien that the increased weight of the plant.Was due to the water which had been supplied, to the roots. He therefore leoked upon tis. experiment as supporting. the theory . which he h -ad advanced -viz, that .plants required no food but water. : • . • : Stephen Hales advanced the subject m great step by indicathig that...much of -the. • increase in weight of plants was derived from -carbon dioxide in the air., - • ' • • • Vegetable cells contain a liquid kaolin-. as "cell sap," which is Water holding in., ' solution various nuiterials . which have ' been taken up from without by- the roots,: . and leaves. These materials are thus . . brought in contact with the protoplasm,. which causes them to undergo changes in . • • composition which prepare them. to be . added to the substance of the plant.--, ;,- Thus it is in the protoplasm of the living ' • cells of the plant that those "digestive" procesaes are carried on which A.ristotle • believed to occur .in the soil. We "See, then, that the Iiving cells %are iniera. • scopic laboratories in which the digestion.. of the food of the plant is carried' on, - Knowledge. . _ . • . SUbSlitUtIOP, is the -Fraud . . •• • of the Day. • . • • . --Horne Substitute Anything fOtt Or .• • Pitcher's Backaclie McNair Tabiets Because They Know about the Idocal Testirtioney of People -- in Winton rured by the Medicines. Mrs E Soutlicombe, Kant/011re ' Clinten, save.- "For eome years I have suffered with a kidney trouble saoniated with a masonlar and articular theme- ttsm. The kidney did not act at all well. My age, seventy-two, fa age,itiat me, I was told or Dr. Piteherle rbviliaehe nap Tiblets and got a bottle at IL B. COmbe's drug store and / am able to say that tboir effect on the hidney Was eta:cl- ient, I have no idea of complete recovery at my age, but am very well pleased with the rtlief giver' me by the tablets. They are of rteinly may and gentle in notion." Mrs Ffetry Routledge; Rattenbury 1131inton, saysi-t‘Ever since wag it toung Airl I have had it lot of trouble with my back and keineye. *Every time T waelted or made any exertion the pelt] was terrible triad many thinge, even tried a dotter in Portland, Wine, 8 , with no effect. Mr father got me a bottle ef Dr. Pitaher's 11.1.0almobe Kidney Tab'ete at tr.n. eteribe'" drug store, and tIumgli bawl not taken but two thirds of the bottle, tbe treuble is (Tom', Thla IP Certainly remarkable heverthelese true, t am glad indeed to recommend them to °there," if you have the nlighteet symptom of idney Bladdeetrouble, you ears test tine great mediaine free. Arrangementa have been made whereby every reader of title paper eon obtain rt trial package of Dr. Piteberla Backstche Kidney Tablete Ith3otutely free be etteloaing two ear ntantp for ponteee to Tho Pitcher Co., Torooto Ont. When giving addrean mention thin paper. If you aro eonvinced Pitcher's Tabletn are what you want, von Gan per. -abase regular size for 50 canto pa brittle, /f not obtainable at druggiatewailed free, lifeltsgo on reeelpt of price, ' • nerves, thua driving disease from e sp- end drives over there every forenoon. tem. If your dealer does not keep them, The other day, in the course of his ser- they will sent postpaid at 50 cents a mon in the back pait of the town, he use box or six hoses for $2.•00, by addressing this Illustration ; . ' the 'Dr Williams' Medicine Co., Brook- • " -ke 1 was driving here this morning, ville, On+. ' brethren,' he said, `I heard the deep bay . of a hound on the hillside near,. and, look- • ing up,.I beheld a little fox running. "But though the fox was running hard and fast the hound . wae making great plunges through the snow and was gain. -'ing With every leap, and at last the hound overtook the little fox, and that was the "'Thus, .hrethren, does sin With horrid b.ayings pursue mankind, ready to slay and devour and destroy,' etc. "At the conclusion of the sermon there :maths -one *to the pulpit.' and -twirled-his- hat in his hand and asked if he might have a few 'moments' conversation With the person. So they retreated to one's* e. " `You spoke of seeing a bound. is morning, elder,' said the Mart; IWo id you mind telliag me how that hound ail marked?' ".+1 can't say that noticed,' replied he • niiniater, hemming and hawing. : -"'You see, elder,,l' have lost a hound,' • continued the man, 'and I thought you • might be able to help me a little in find- ing ' , "'My dear man,' said the elder, straightening himself and patting the. other's; shOtlicler, 'that was an imaginary hound for the purpose of Illustration.' continued the politician "I know something about these imaginary hounds' ' ' . I' 11 Id • Wallet many tinies to buy meat for 'em." -Lewiston Journal. - . • . ' , The botanical curiosities of the 'island of,Ceylon are replete with varied interest. One of them is "the forbidden fruit," or "Evers apple tree." Its; .native :name is . Diwi Kadurti, Kaduri'sirnifying "forbid- den' and ..Diwi "tigers.' The flower' of this .eitraordinary production is said to init'a fine scent. The Color of the fruit,. • eculiar and striking manner, iti Very ' hich hangs from the branches in a very. beautiful, being orange on the outside and sl deep • crimson within. The fruit itself . presentg JIM appearance of having had a piece bitten tut of It. : ' Thla eireutnetanee, together' with the faet of its being a deadly poison, led the 'Mohnen:marine 00 their Ora discovery or .ceylon, Web they anoletted ito the elte of ' -Partulitterkeveurreestr-it-tuethse forindriver ' flint of the garnen of Ellen, for although the •finest ti rid most temptiug in. apposite attest of tiny . it had tiPlolf ilt1011.1104.41) filial ..W111‘• tholt, idea, with the mark of Moen -having Wit en it to warn Mini from men. 41114 with a eulettitisee. posteesaing ouch . noxione peeperi les,-.. ' _ ........._ . • A 'free That Yleide illioetefeltre ., . A German nuthority reeently sumounte, ed the dineotery of il. tree In the fotnattl of eenfral India willeit luta moat en rimus eitartteterietiett, 'rile leavee of Ilut tree are of a highly sensitive nntnre and f$0 full ef eleetrieity that whoever timeliest one.of them revolves an elnetrie ahoelt, rt has a very ningnIttr. effeet upon a magnet. le needle end will hilluenee It At ft Ma - tatter Of even 70 feet. The electrieal strength of the tree varies necording to ,the time of any, it being strongest at midday and weakest at midnight, In wet weather its powers disappear altogether. - Birds never approach the tree,. nor have inseete ever Neat upon it. ' The Proreseor Knew, "Profeegor," the seeker after know'. edge inquired of the great toxicologist, "if it tarantula were to bite you what would be the find thing' you'd 'do?" • "Yellr replied the scientist protnptly.- 'Philadelphia Prese. . field Blandon , . . "Whey sat ttnd held hands all the even Ing," iilIow silly!" . "Oh, 1 don't know, Yon hate to in • whIst."--rhiladelphia Bulletin, .0- Mro .Tacepit Pertm, of tilde Ilrltaln WAR burning worm. front acnile apple tepee with it coal oil trn eh, • when hcr elothes eftnght, fit es 81I� ran to her neighbou'e, eartI ing fourteet • olootliN' And, before nho seemed any assistance,. Iler injuries proved fatal. children Ory for CASTOR IA. , . •TRIOK OF A SHREWD oist-nER. Bow Be -Saved 1135'diany-Toor flank by Prompt Action. • A caehier einployed in a large western citY recently went over the collateral held by his loan clerk Simply by way of !pre, caution. He noticed that one or the bank's best customers had over 850,000 out...on ladiug,of_nattle on -the wai north. As the house in question had an abattoir this was- not surprising. 'rhe firm was rated at over $500000, and its transactions were on a large Seale. Sud- denly it occurred to him that the way •bilis looked very ranch alike. Compari- son showed that they were written by the same hand. He took one to the railroad which wait supposed to have issued it and found that it vvas a .forgery. The Mund. writing on the bills was that of a Member of the firm Which 'was borrowing the money. This could mean but one thihg- the firm was in desperate 'finenciardifil- • culties and about to go under. ; , It was now too 'late do anything in • the Matter that day. The cashier did not say anything ta anybody, but- wenthome He did not sleep that night, but planned out his campaign for the next morning. • The loans were all sabject to call at any time. He waited until after the Clearing hose returns were in for the day to ex- cite no suspicion. Then he had the guilty partner in the cattle, firm rung up on the telephone. - • '. "Very sorry,," he said ta thgptt1onan nonehalantly,„: Init We are debtors la the clearing house today. Money „is -a little. scarce. -Guess we'll -have to ask you to repay that 00,000 worth of. loans today Sorry to inconvenience you, and If you want the money a littlelater Will be glad to have you:cell aromid." . "Very well,"• came the reply. "Will you I've cheek on onr•itecount 'in your hank or on one other bank?" . "Better draw on: the • other bank, as that ell/nom/try," replied the cashier, • . 10 a few minutes the cheek, duly cent. fled by the eastilie- of the rival Institution, Was /tent In; The cashier tool:the precatt. Jo'...ften d. it reiltal-ta..tke- other . lei ilk. tO make • ettre that the Certhiente was no The Milne- Of. life in a man of regular habits and sound constitution is from 30. to 85 years of age; of a vvoman,-frorn 24 or 25 to about 40 years of age. One of the most fascinating results of the Ilse of the microseope was the • covery of Professor Ehrenberg that a certain earth. or rock in the Barbados is literally composed of minute and beau tiful "skeletons." . • . Du Belittler, a French physician, re- cently described before the Paris Acade- my of Medicine a new Method. bf testiO8 deafness -namely, by:. applying a tuning fork to the knee or .soine -other ,part of the boay structure,. He eaid that a sound ear could not hear, the note of :the - fork, but ..an ear in 'which disease had already made inroads could perceiro it distinctly, POLITICAL 'QUIPS., The Presidential' office may be easy• to . , fill, but nobody' will deny that it is rather hard. to get.-4toehester• Demo- crat. The candidate frequently' fixes ;his fences, but i variably it is the voter who doe's. the 'rail plitting.-Atlanta Consti- tution, People 'shoal be careful abent tfinfi*- • ,ing stones ; promiseueusly. • ' They might hit a vice presidential 'candidate.-Chica, t,rbe Voters of the *United States are growing ineryasingly itelependent at • 'if? nicipal 'elections, • The disease isn't one that should be cured.-I1artford Post. . . . . :••• LAUNDRY LINES. • • borax is especially: excellent for-Use:in' 'washin,g •linent Inableg ft • beautifully White. • " • It is. claimed hat phosphate of ammo- nia mixed with • starch used' the laun- • nry Will reeder the fabric treated with It comparatively -fireproof., . you do lip' your..own Shirr waists,. you - will find a 'shirt , waist 'board' a con- vemence. such a :hoard the sleeves!: may , be trotted without leaving. creases. • It should be covered with at least. two th' ,5 of • fl and then With., • clean white cotton. • • • " . • ;" „' • "NOV, ' lut, litt my money, orul 1 min 'eptetk plainle. I want Irpo to taffe emir Heitman: out of this bank. "Whitt do you Monti?". dentnnded the en 1 tie den ler, • ' • . CURIOUS -CUCKOOS. . ,i • The cuckoo is generally -known only as a bird with a very monotonous; note: a continuous cry. of "cuckoo, cuckoo" over and over again. Among naturalists, however, the cuckoo is known as a bird that never builds•a nest for • itself, but takes advantage of bne already built by some more industrious bird. There is a geod deal of the cuckoo about These advertisers who, instead .of making a success of their own, seek to profit by the success which some one else has made with much effort and labor. It is so with those imitations of Dr. Pierce's methods, by which free -medical advice is offered, although those who make the offer are without qualified medical ability or experience. And the cry raised in some cases of "woman, wcnnan, woman Write to woman" 'makes the resemblance to the cuckoo even stronger. There is as far as known no qualified , woman physician connected' with any. proprietary medicine establishme and ' none therefore competent to giv edi- cal advice. It is certain that there is no one, man or woman„ who can offer free medical advice backed by such knowl- edge and experience, as m possessed by Dr. R. V. Pierce, chief consulting phy- sician to the World's Dispensary,'Buffalo, N. Y. Por over thirty years Dr. Pierce has tnade a specialty of the treatment ' of diseases peculiar to women. In that time he has treated over half -a -million women, ninety-eight per cent. of wilt= have been ,perfectly cured. Every sick wOman ill invited to consult Dr. Pierce by letter absolutely withotit charge or cost. Every letter is held as strictly' pri- vate and sacredly cotifidential, and all il ati wers are mailed securely sealed in . _per ectly iolttin envelopes beariug no pri ting wharever upon than; ' : Dr. Pierce's Favorite . a 11 - BONNER'S FIRST HORSE. lionwht tar mg Doctor to elate tits Vublirliees Dire.. 44.1 remember well the first driving horse that Robert Bonner purchased," said Dr, 11all of New York; "To be more accurate, it was I ‘vho purchased the an- iMal for Mr. Bonner. was his family physician during the fifties, and one hot ; summer day I met him on. 13roadwaY. Ile had fieen so hueily engaged with the New York Ledger, which he purchased i In 1851, that 1 bud not seen him for some time. When I met him, I was ec. tually startled by the Allan's appearance, Re was well nigh unrecognizable. Dark lines ehowed under his eyes, and his BUM was pale and drawn, lilre the alit of a cansuraptive 'Bonner,' I cried, 'what likve yott been doing to yourself? Here, come into the shadow. 'You're in an excellent condition to auffer a sunstroke.' • 'Oh, there's ninhing much the mat- ter ' he ansWered, Tar simply worked .••• irrer..21rANtalnyetitairmOlree+4.84,041,41KWAotjA/lagy42, ORIGIN OF TRADEMARKS the 16th Century:. Trade. marks were useci as fax back as They originated frorn the signs that, in the early ages, were hung over the shops telling of the wares inside. • To -day the trade mark is branded on the goods them'. selves, enabling the purcha,ser to identify the good • 4 from the bad and indifferent. • On a Slater 'Shoe the name and prim -appear on the 1sole in a slate frame, $3,5o and $5.oa, fEvery pair , Goodyear welted. 171 oui trying to make this paper oemine a. I 4L•v41/4rA'''4"1.-A*4-24.424646.41114rA'42.""ae"JeA.442ri'‘ei go. That's all,' ' • "'That's all!' -said I, 'Well, that's nearly enough to put you in your grave. I Here, jump into this oronibus and get a breath of air: "'Can't do it, doetorl" he replied. 'I must baenkeimptpirtant engagement which • "Bonner,' I persisted, gripping him by the ann and detaining him, 'it's my duty to tell you that you are killing yourself. You must 'take a rest.' But In spite of the most direful warnings and strongest pleas the Scotch -Irish in him insisted on havink its own way, and he left rae, not, however, until I had .made him promise to drive regularly in the 'country at least once a week. "To make sure that he would keep his, promise, I bought an excellent roadster, tvhieh cost, I remembers, SW, and sent 1111111113Ers30 the animal to Mr. Bonner. Shortly aft - 'Doctor, I want to thank you. I n'ever cheeks were aglow, and on recognizing me he pulled-up alongside and, reaching his hand to me, said in great enthusiasm: RISTOL',S n. ILLS erward met. him out , driving. His would have known, the joy of sitting be- •, . hind a good horse had it not been for Prescription makes Weak • Women Strong and Sick linow-perfeetly-well what 1 VVOtifielfl - 111119110," wan 11101901', "Yon May Unto • yonr neettunt out id this bank and keep it md. We have no tine for lt," The 1119911111t W119 wilielenivn. Within , lees Ginn :10 daps the tenure of the cattle Ne Bettuties Om was . announced. .;-• ()Wage Inter . sorrarrarr...varrremrer ° SALT RIIEU111. A Severe case Permanently Cured by 411 hnd Salt Rheum In my, feet and hands (or three years and could not get Anything to cure me till ',used Burdock Blood Bitter& "On taking the first bottle there warts great ehangelor the better and by the titna the second bottle was detailed I WAS completely eared and have bad no rebid* Of the disease since, "1 have great faith in DAM At a cara for blood and Am (Weasels.° Miss Maud Sow, Shelburne, N.S. • lespieurionesookossesie,04400 • Jackson Bros„ SoleAgents for Clinton. -14 For torpid Liver A Poor Digestion, Flatulence, Constipation, 1 Biliousness and Sick Head -Ache. , yo4wo or three months later he bought a span of Iron gray'horses, for which he "From the time of parabeie until his, death Mr. Bonner was the best 'known strictly nmateur horseman In this country. • To gratify his taste for fast' horses he parchased some of the mast celebrated trotters in the world, but ,withdrew them from the race course: Probably his greatest horses were Peer- less; Dexter and Maud 8, marking, as they did, three distinct epochs in the his- tory of trotting .horses in this country. - New York Mail and Express. • They are Safe, Mild! Quick-acting- Pamless, do not, weaken,4. And always ,give satisfaction. :4 They are the most reliable Household Medicine known, and can be taken at any season by Adults or Childrep. • ' .ALL 'TILE LIAIIII(C" DRUGGISTS SELL BRISTOL'S PI1151 • 61016V10""1"6"A"*"..."61b,""146"1"*%"1""1"8"411.44"116614116166"i The Oreusote, Kru pps and famous "Long impregnable, hese been taken east l o the Buggies 1Wngons Toms," which were to render Pretoria mountains by the Boers. • ' • • First-class from $65 to, $80.1• • ID. L. MitCPIIERSON FRED RUMBALL,* Clinton. • iISUKACE- " Fire, • Life, - Accident, ; riate:Glass. - MacKay BLOCK, exams FANCY. FURNITURE AT FINE FIGURES •JACOB TAYLOR • - . ant . ' general District Agent :for the Confederation Life Insluranee. Ce tor Stratford and Goderi cb, fuelusite. All in °motion relating .te insurance gladly given money to.loadi at reasonable rates. , OnIce .in,Palace Block • -41 . Just, arrived - A large assortment of new styles. Parlorsnits .. . .. .. ..., ...518.00 to $50.00 1 Sideboards$4,411 to $25 00 Conches ............,.. 4.00 to 15.00 High back there ..,..... 40 to 1.50 Cobbler Rookers........ 1 50 to 0.50 Good mattress. ' ., .. 2t10 to 0.00 Extension Tables... ,,, . . . 1,00 to 10.00 Bed springs .. • • . • .. 1,25 to 8.50 Window shades,-pictus a frames, mirrors, room mouldings, baby cab, etc.. Everything at reekbottom prices. , • .11. _R. 40 ULU IA X.A FINV, Blyth • •, • . ' • JOHN W..YEO Do. You Deal With Us.? ucLisiEsvx.rait, . If Not Why Not' ' On. of Manebester,,England, whose funds and Agetit for ItI0 MatlIZATICA Enna Assuaexca • We are here to supply your wants to a certain extent. •We carry (in stock n great varietyof goods and sell them on a very close margin of profit, • We give 16 oz to the pound and 86 inches.to the yard • 1) d a not take more, We have a supply of field seeds viz. -Timothy, Red, Alike and Lucerne Clover, Orchard Grass, Flax, Rape, MilietI, 6 Rowed Russian Barley, Banner and New Zealand Oats. White Beans and no end of garden seeds, We have Spade'', Shovel/I, Forks, eta., Wire both plain and barbed, Nails, Glass, eta. We are making a speoial sale of ready made Clothing and Tweeds, very cheap. We have Wall Paper, Brushes, Brooms Soap, Carpets, eto. for spring. Our Millinery always pleases the eye awns not hard on the purse. Our terms are cash or produce for which we always pay the highest prices._ •• Consult your own interests and you will give us a fair trial. seenrityare rated at *14,500,000. Also the Mc-. KILLOP MUTUAL INstIRANCE Co, All classes of farm risks and town property taken a lowest rates. First-class Loan Companies also represented. Money to be had from 4 per cent up, according to nature of security Daily mail to Roimesville postal card w fetch him. • • AGENTS NITA.BITEu. For "Story of South Africa," by John Clark Ridpath, L. L. D., Edwai d S. Ellis, M. A.,, J. A. Cooper, Managing 'Editor of tbe "Canadian nt., returnethis week Magazine," Toronto, and J. H. Aiken, of mporium, Londesboro R DA M London, Owho has d from 12 years, travelling in South erica for April 17th, 1899 us. We are the only Canadian ublishert who have had it branch in Mouth Africa for nineteen yeare, giving us an imm enso advant- age in procuring photographs and material. Our authorship, letterprese ,and ergravings aro superior, and Canadian anti agents bet- ter illustrated than in any rival work. to sure ere we of this, that we wil mail free for comparison ourprospeetne to anyone nossese- ing it rival prospeotuet Circulars and terms free. Apply Wend Publishing Company, Cluslph. Ontario • • •, 444-044-•4444-4 4 .444444444444. 4, Central . /itio.werned promptly to all pa?trArtbee • • Meat Market Baying purehesed the butchering binineas of F. II. Powell I am tire - pared to furnieh therpeople of Olin - ton with all kinds of Fresh and Cured Meats. Sattee.ge, bologna, lard, butter and egge always kept on hand, • II. • Fitzsimons & Son. Tlephone ?O, •s •leohai ran nwt ;:t.;{ ial foto r! favor by N.B.-Persona hating hega fOr 'Miss% what the spring footwear We ar° allowing is like, We can give comfort, beauty, style and flnloh at reanoneble prices. • Oen and nee a full atonic, ' Vull linen t,f Trunks, Valises, etc ,' Single and Double Harness J. TWITCHELL 'Merle, meek. +++4•••-•+0-4+0444-.44•444-4-01-4. Tile Imperial MEAT MARKET. Ira re.S. The underaianed wish to inform the people of Canton and vicinity they have opened up 1» the Ater° formerly aeonmed by Fair ite Do, MaeKax.Illock, Ontario S;.., „Valor° they will 'keen in stOolc all kinds of Preva, Cooked, Cured and Canned Meats, no are usually carried in a first dogs meat more, together with Poultry, Minted 'Pommel lied, Pia 8oet,Ilince Meat, and all orticles or allkenvitre, which will be (Tolivered to any part of the town, Orders goIleited albs, geed SainingefOrna cents. 30111 SCRUTOM, ManAdalr T. E. F. oAsE '& oo. crANToil Clinton-Sask-Door,._and Blind Factory.. S. S. COOPER PROPRIETOR, General Builder and Contractor. This factory le the largest in the county, and has the very latest improvedma- ehinery, eapable of -doing work on the.tihOrteet notice, „ We carry an extensive and reliable stook and prepared plans, and give estimates for end build all dad& ' es Of buildings on short notice and on the closest prices All work its anpervis • ed in it mechanical way and satisfaction guaranteed. We sell all kinds of in. terior and exterior material. Lumber Lath, Shingles,__Lime; Sash, Doors, Blinds, Ete Agent for the Celebrated GRATIBILI, SCHOOL DESK, manufacturer - - at Waterloo. Call and get prices and (estimates before placing your orders' ••• • ardware Headquarters for all kinds of Helrdware,TinWare, Looke,Binges, - Glass, White Lead tuurOile the celebrated Sherwin Williams ready mixed paints, Daisy Churn:Screen Doors and Windows, Blue Mame Wiokless Oil Stoves, all kinds of Wire rencing, Agents for the Ameri- • can Field Vence the best fence in the world, it is /Three proof, Ball proof, Hog proof, Pig and Dog tight, extreme heat and cold does nob draw it out of shape, it stars where it's put. • Call and See it • A, few 'Royal American Clothes Wringers, at $2.85 ' while they last, a first-class wringer. A. few odd shades ready mixed paints at a big discount. Lawn Mowers' at reduced prices to clear out. 1 Only Fire Proof Safve for $27.00. .0e Nt. , r . Harland Bros Stoves,Tinware '' 0 Hardware, tte • Experts in lIet Mr and Ea Water Heeting and Plumbing. CLINTON