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The Clinton New Era, 1900-06-15, Page 5
ittoketibiowykiiiii.,44.%%wh • McKinnon 49E Co -Specials � i tThis Week The pointy of this store le to give our oustomere the benefit of all our under.pricod purohasee. We are constantly on the alert for new lines of,,, goode,,uo matter how large the quantity, provided they oan be bought under le price. The many unusual values whioh we are now offering show the groat saving to you through our methods, This announoement forme an extraor- dinary list of exceptional values, Organdie Muslims, new patterns, worth 20o for 15o. Fanny Musifne, in beautiful effects, worth 15o for 12}o, Prints, in light grounds, fast colors, worth 10ofor 5o. Ladies' Claehmere Hese, fast black, worth 25o for 18o, Women's Cotton Hose; fast blank, worth 8o for 5o. Women's Heavy Ribbed Bose, great value,2 pairs -for 25e. Men's Cotton Sooke, seamless, 4 pairs for 25o," Men's Union Socks, very speoial, 2. pairs for 25o. • Grey Cotton, yard wide, now worth 5o for 30. i Bleached Cotton, yard wide, worth 83 for 5o Ladies' Summer Vests in great variety; at So;8o;70oY5o,20c,25e,35c, 60., . Cottonades, in stripes and cheeks, worth 15o, for 120. Extra heavy Cottonades, now worth 30o for 25o, Oheok Ginghame, fast.colore, worth 8o for 5o. New Parasols, fanny handles, worth 75u for 50o. The best. Cotton Shirting at old prices, 10o and inc. GASH AND ORR PRIOR. . - THE WANTON NEW ERA 011011'0O >t>ti>Inexl I the congregation faithfully and well, ,,......,. and they were fortunate in securing The Anglican synod of the diocese of his services. Ile has lost none of hisa lluror� will meet at Lott non Tues• old•finis pulpit power and eloquence. day, Junta 10th. and notwithstanding his advanced Bey. H. IL' Herbert, late of Walter's years and his long i etirernent from the Falls, Greycounty, has been offered keptactive fulwoly k of the ministry, he hh, kept fully abreast ot the times, which, the appoiutwent of the English church no doubt, accounts in a large nwasuro at Lucknow, for • his continued pn ul:luny. Hie Thos. Bell, of Wingham, offered to many old-time friends here, as well as . lessen• the debt of $1250 on the Angli- 'those shoes friendship he has formed °' can church there by subscribing $150, during his present sojourn among us, ; - if the congregation v ould raise the, re- will be glad to have the opportunucy of aming $800• We have learnt that it seeing and hearing hint awn, and i Planting nearly all subscribed and will be by hope that. he will be long sparedtta I the given time is up•continuo in the.good work to which i The following are statieties of the hie long life has been so earnestly di - ' Methodist churches in Goderich dis- voted. trict:—MPrnbership, 3,858; raised for rYellowleesthe new generelsecre- t Miseiouary Fund, $2,722; for circuit • t of Sunday Schools for Ontario has and local purposes, $13,461; for salary, been secured to give two or three, ad- ' $11,017; for connexional funds, inctud dresses at the County Convention to ing the Missionary Fund, $4,4=13; total be held in Seaforth, on Tuesday and monies raised on the district, $28,812. , Wednesday next, lilt h and 20th, The various Sunday Schools and Young Earned Owing to St. Me arys the pulps its ofcon- the, Peoples' societiee, of town, have ap two Methodist . churches nn Sunday 'P Dunes we lgarran s eatand. The pro were occupied by three teachers and g good tirnei an ex -teacher. At Rattetibury J. Mc.' it assured, . . Hardy and W.R, Lough conducted the In the sinal draft• of the Methodist services, respectively, while at Ontario clergy Rev B. Clement, the popular St. D, Murch and J. Houston attended pastor of Ontario St. church, is down •to the services for the day.. for Kingsville, whereby he will only The financial report for the Metho- be Here for two • more Sundays, as the dist churches of the Bluevale circuit change takes illace the Eitel $tinday' sto in has been published, We . glean the this •po We lastor lel he ave sour mtdete following figures: .MissionaryFund, p P bis removal will ,be. also i e reti4ed by ,; superannuation, $42; trustee hie • ministerial brethren. During, his board, $171,08; 20th century fund, $222,• sojourn here be not. only endeared him - 25, and each of the connexional• funds self to his congregation, but made a shows an increase, The Quarterly. large circle of friends in this neighbor - Boar are'$705. •hood, Ile was foremost'in all religious RATTENBURY CHURCH. -Rev. W. G. • and philanthro is work, and, was a ' Howson°may be expected to preach at power for good in the community. both services 'next Sunday. • Ip the The Methodists of Ontario St, church evening he will take for his subject • had a faithful servant, a. pastor who "Beeping the fire in the fire piece": was broad and tolerant in his views, the ushers will be pleased to show . and one possessing" rare qualities soc- strangers to seats.—T. McNeil took the hilly, He is an earnest, educative and E. Do You •. _ _ subject "Lives that lift" at the League *thoughtful preacher,' who possesses a seon Monday; evening. good, fluent delivery and excellent • • McKinnon l Co., Blyth 'Mt *Y -Y• *K ;< 1. Need B ing up Now is t time your system needs a good tonic. Blood. gets pluggish and •laden wi impurities, appetite is not good and yon.feelall played out, if you want to feel strong try our, . • , COMPOUND IRON PILLS They.contain in a condensed form all the elements' necessary to Warne new; rich blood and nerve tissues.. Two or three boxes will producea marvellous improve- ment in health and strength: 25o, a box 5"for 81. 3. E.RO VEY ::.Dispensing Chemist, Clinton Ice Crete Confectionary And Fruits You will find ueheadquarters for Pine Apples, Cocoanuts, Strawberries, Benanae,Oranges and Lemons as we will endeavor" to keep on hand.a-stook of fresh and•aeasonable fruits. Our Soda Water Fountain Is again s up and running in fine order to supplythe wants of thirsty customers for another season. Ice Cream ands all kinds of cool liodrinks. First 'class. Bread cakes and pastry always on: hand. Any kind of,fancy takes not in stock made when ordered. a McClacb.ert y J s Y9 Novelty. Bakery And Restaurant, Telephone No. 1. W. JACKSON, AGENT CANADiAN F1C ''�AC l CLINTON Through tickets issued to all points in the state, Manitoba; • the North. West. and British Columbia. Trav- eller$ to anylpoint will consult their interests by consulting eboxe—. .. ONTARIO S.T. .Cannon. — At the voice, and will be a iyery acceptit,ble League meeting on Monday night a minister to the congregation of'Kings- very . profitable paper was read by Mies ville, to which place he goes. We feel Mary Nott, on the subject"The Lifting assured. that. Rev Mr Clement will suit Life." On Monday , evening,. 'June the tastes of hisnew charge,• fund hope 25th, a literary meeting will be held, that he maty be. 'abund�btly blessed w when it is expected that the program the Master. s vvnrk " wherreyer his lot will be furnished be the young people may be cast, Mrs Clement andher of "Willi$ Prep0ytertan chuich. s sister, Mise Freeman, and the family, Tne. 6'1900" feast" for S. S. and C. E. who have aslws.ys taken an active part estimable workers will this .year be held in Sea-. fn church work, 'will leave stimal forth on June 19th and 20th, the first hard to fill. They are an eee drt ein taken•u •in discussing$. S..: family, " Rev Dr. rind tord .is tbe:new topics, and' the• second -0;E. The Sea- "pastor- appointed; ttnd as he'fiers been heard here, is looked upon as a worthy forth local committee extends a cordial clergymen. one who will keep this pros. invitation to all who can attend, and gressive church up to its usual stern- Bard. We welcanie the Doctor and his fancily to: our town ' CLINTON MARKETS Corrected every Thursday afternoon. Thursday, • June 14, 1900. the station agent, which, when pro. -ting returned from' London Uonservai- Fall Wheat • . 0' 64 a 0 64 periy signed, will entitle the delegate . tory of music, is now. ready •to resume Oats . 0.20- a 0 27 • toreduced fsr;re"home her alusic • class. In the list of erasd- Rye :-: . 040 a 0 •••.., . Rev..F. E. Roy Lias born 'vera ever nates of. McGill University. we see the Barley .. 0 38, a 0 4,, genic of late in soliciting subscriptions nani.e" of James Baird, of Brueedeld,' Peas .. 0 57.' a,' 1 e0 towards: the. liquidation of the klebt of among those who. secured the degree of Flour per cwt, �•'- 1 50. a 1 70" 'Huron diocese, amounting to $32,587, M:D.with honors; we eonggratulate our Butter, p,.looae 12-13;p'k'd..0 11 ' a 0 12 which includes the cost for the See young friend on his brilliant success. Eggs per doz. 010 a "0 11 • Hiuse and Mission Fund. Already The Grand Jury inspected the H.;use Hay; 8 00 a 8 00 • there is Over $23,(X10 subscribed. The of Refuge on Thursday.. Sheepskins 0 60 'a .0-07 : following. Were the amounts" given:— No. 1 Green. trim. hides 006 a 0 07• _„ St.Paul •s.. Clinton $210;crashes of " " Sporting 1�Totes. Potatoes, • „ 0 30 a 0 25 Gerrie, 8459, Winuham, $22.1, Dungan• Chickens, per pair .....0 30 a 0 40 inn, $243; .Holmesvtlle, . '$153• , Blyth," 'Ducks,per pair" .. 0 25 a .. 0 .. - Geese, per lb. ......., 0 05 a 0 06 qq�;2�7a; 13ensa1l,. $315; 93ayfield, $153 75. A matched race will He pulled off on ,Re 'M Mr Roy has not;yet completed his the Wingham track on June 22nd be- Porklir perib•. 45 15. a' 5 15 ; cglivas in Glinton,and the amount giv. tween"JohnE. Sweets' Dr.Jint, a"horse Pork, live s s e. t..:..... en above will likely be increased. Re- "recently purchased from" John Gentles,. Pork. dressed 6: 25 ' a 0 25 cently he went: to canvass the con-. of Kincardine, 'and a Lucknow mare; Dried apples per lb: 0 05 a 0 05 r;regations at the parishes. of':Ripley, e , y Bran, per ton 12 00, a• 12 00 p •Pine River and Atuber•Iev. Shorts, per ton...-... , .16 00 a 16 CO. • a r representatives are expected from' every Young People's Society find S: S. throughout the county . Delegates .travelling. by rail will ouy single ticket and get a convention certificate from BRIEF:. -Miss Carol Newcombe hair- Tuesd> y was are important day in connection with. Whitechurch, •and MontrealOattle. Market, .Langside Presbyterian: congregations. 'Montreal, June-IL—There' were about • 226 bead of butcher's' cattle, 150 calves and 250 sheep and lambs offered for sale at the East End Abattoir to -day. "The ~butchers were out in considerable numbers, but went rather disappointed at the "very • small cup, plies of good cattleand(the high price asked by the drovers. Really prime beeves sold a from 5o to 5j per ib; pretty.good animaist brongbt from -'o to, 41,o and the half - fatted rough beast sold at from no to 32o per ib. Calves brought better prices' than on Last Thursday," ranging from $2' to $10 each.. Shippers paid from 4o to 4so per lb • for good large sheep and the, butchers paid from 3?Ia to 4}o.per lb for the othere. Lambe ere a lithe higher in than on Thursday, and sold sat from $2 25 to $4.25 each. Good straight lots of fat . hogs ' sold at from 52c to 6o per lb, weighed off the care. Kingham. Wanted—100tubs of butter weekly. Wing' ham markets are not surpassed,. Everybody , pays tic cash for eggs and 15c for butter. tf G. E. KING. Wingham. For some time they have been without a settled pastor, but having dhosen" Rev Geo: Miller. Dunn; his, ordination' and induction. took place last Tuesday. when and where the Maitland Presby- - tery, met for this purpose. Ordination • and induction" took place in the after- noon-. Rev A. Miller, moderator, pre- sided, •Rev A. U. StetCietrtpreached, Rev Dr.. Murray' addressed the minis- ter, and Rey T. Hall the" congregation. in the evening a reeeption was tend.eted Mr Dunn, after which addt eases were given by Rev Dr. Murray, Revs S. M. Whaley, W. Morrie, B. A., and A. I, Brown, Ph. B., besides music by Miss i h and Mr McGill Chisholm, Wing am, , Hensel!. w g price. team was aye a etre p E. M. McLean vs. •Among the' on to be'diecussed at the meetingon' the 10th inet: of the synod of the diocese of Huron, accord- ing to the dircular' issued, are: A inn- 6 4; Treleaven (0) beat: Ferguson (H)' tion to amend the Canons so as to ad• 3-6, 6 3, 8-6; Miller (G) vs. Karn (H) 7 5, mit feralee oil well ae males'to be 0.0, unflntshed. members of the. Vestry; also member's' BASEBALL. (not necessarily • communicants). to be.i On Saturdayafteri)oon theflret game lay representatives. Another ..impor taut matter to be .discussed is the mo- in the Huron Lague for the Clinton p1 d " t Recreation ark between the town and V4irham Ameba, owned b • P.. McDevitt; both are youngsters, but $200 a side" are the stakes. LACROSSE. The junior lacrosse club went to'Sea- forth ou,Tuesdaey, and played .a game there.._but .the . Seaforth team was.com- posed of nearly all senior players. Con- sidering on• sidering!:he standing of -.the two teams the score,5 to 0 in .favor' of Seaforth, shows it was: a good game. • LAWN TENNIS, The tennisers'played theirfirstrnatch of the season' •on,Tuesday ..afternoon, the Hensel] . club- having driven up to contest the locale. Some of Clinton's strongest players are away or were un- able to play.. but 'however the " borne players were"victorious.,. having won 3 events out of 5. The score was: Gen- tlemen's doubles—Smith' and Karn (N) beat Treleaven and FFair..(0)2-6, 6 4, 0 4; Henderson and Sellery (H.) beat Tindall and Brewer (C) 6.4, 6 4; .gentlemen's singles—Broder (0) beat Sellery (H) 6 4, 6 4; Fair (0) beat Smith (R) 2-6, 7-5, June 15, 1900 r'd�1t'�`'r1�Y�hi1�i,'l�i 0 ° DETROI T: AND RETURN The Fast Steamer' CITU (W` TOLEDO will leaye Codericlt on Thursday., 3U�1R2r8t 8,00 a.m, Eastern Time, arrive at Port Huron 12,00, coon, Detroit 4.00 p.m.. Returning leave Detroit, Friday, June 22, at 2.00 p.m., Port Hnrnn 6.30 p.m,, arriving at Goderioh at 10:30 p.m:, and leave for Detroit, Saturday, Jane 23,at 5.00 atm„ Eastern Time— the fare on this trip will be $1.00 Single THIE: SRIEGI IL TRAIN � . Will leave Stradwd at 6:30 a.m., Clinton. at 7,40 sap for • Clonerich, on Thursday, June 21,st,at.d return from aodeiiuh on arriyal Of the beat ou the''28od. i:�. F RiELMAN Tii'r. Inge•':,. White Star Line • clttr. won by 4 points. The players and ecores'were: , • CLINTON' SEArORTH. Taylor Henderson Leckie Holmestead , Spaulding Coleman Harland skip 22 • Roberta skip 15 • Kennedy MoMichaol • Rattenbury , :Reed" Fair..: • . Bright .• Jackson slip 15 Weir' sldpl8 McCorvio ltifnty Macpherson Scott Johnston .. Jackson Tindall. skfp16 Pierce skip 16. ,Total li8 • 49• IMPARAMMIk „ ..,..... .4p , • • $io s', 1f nt K.:8I1(1 MI'ell'S Ready ilalle.Clotlying ' " po teeny people hive been enquiring at 'our store tui ready made Clothing that we rthougbt it would be advisab'o.- tc rut in • es Call ranch. We hove just . rec.ived a� complete ' Call aid • see a)rrr r➢4 line of men's,: 3 ouih'e in d boys clothing .that will fit ;he boys' fr• ni five years old Sprits*. lllit, `Easter Ties to a hundred, They were made•by Lally, Bowling on,the new lawn• is, now in t, • • i .•• • Watson and •Bond,•the noted ready made makers of Canada. They use the best full swing;; every spare moment• ie be- arC bC�lllti(xs. ince taken up. The ground and. sur- roundings present a fine appearance, the;neat club house giving the' place a finished semblance.• Great interest is being taken by the "new ones".' as well• as by 1 he older players .. J. P. Tisdal1" has don:kted several silver trophies to' be contested for among the members tobe•played for in singles,consisting cf two rounds of 13 point games, eaph. dull to beto Uthe se 2 eferee, bowls, iMr Tie - drawings are:—• ▪ • • . goods and best"trimmings to be had at thee price and are noted for the out and style of ,• their garments. - Yen'11 be'snited if yon. buy .here. Ordered clothing a arpsrofalty.. A.. iiidIt�i� A. J. IIOLLOWAI� . JIInf• Saecia/s Smolt. (70N'1'EeT ' vs. D.A. Forrester J. Taylor vs• J. Eattenbuty. vs: D. Macpherson vs. J. 71'air, vs. W. P. Spalding vs.• /T. T. Leckie' vs.. T r in vs. g Jo n$ an e Jimuon 0 e .W.x w • G. D. McTafggart .. , D. McC'orvio W. Jackson L. Kennedy 6 Pieces Dress. Goods, •gcot W. W. Farran 'J. Harhsna colors, good patterns, sea- A. Armstron ,r, it :111:cl Boilable goods, were 15 to. b : si ttaYne 25c Clearintr at 10c yard 1 a A. Porter • Range' of colored Sti;teei s, sky, Dr, ARianw A,MeGitt'V pink,: cream, cardinal, and n J:. iseimnu Cerise, . at 15c yard:"--, d:�. -- a. Jackson - J, W. Treleaven Parasols, 25e to $2.50 each Williams (� dv erthu �,etuo. tion" by His Honor Judge. Ermatinger, to approve in each parish a select yes- N. Fair vs, try, to consist of not less than three or teams. The several ses ragged. exhibition J. B. Hoover, vs. more than eight members; these shall of ball, but several times The H• E•Halee s.„ vs. hold office for a year; this seleet vestry features were the splendid pitching by . A. . anoner' - ve. shall meet quarterly, and shall possess Finan, and the timely hitting o the s, smith vs. Clinton t The score 16' to 9 TO. ,DENT Three fine toned organs to' rent or sill on very June 15b 1 terms, ,Apply at NgivEltA all power and privileges now possessed in on ram. , .13y -church wardens theins church war-- wnuld_haveeat down Wingham s to 5, Those who nave won their singles in Bruce's Selected Purple. Top. dens shall be subject to the direction •had not Clinton made A costly error. the first round are J.Johnston, J.Har• 'Tl'i11Jy and Oxford Shoes, $1 i r p . " and control of such vestry. The garne was called at the end of the land and J. Taylor.• 1 Swede Turnip Seed 8th innings, on acenunt of the visiting The two days race meet of the Sea- vl'1 WILLIE Band bel H. - The Excelsior 'team having to catch the evening train forth Turf Cluh, on Tuesday and W ed - on Band held their monthly meet- •north. The score was:- nesday, July 18th and 10ih,prornises to Ready^t0-Weill.' Clothing- in 'Steele, 131,ig .,s CO. selected tut , ing Tuesday, Juno 5th, Miss Maude CLThT ON be a great success, and everything large_ variety. nip seed; pa. packages Dowzer gave t: very iIda V ting paper Ag . BH pp E Hints to a big crowd on both days, on liegit►a, ane: Miss Ida .Walkinshaw Iiarhsnd rf .... 5 2 2 0 0 0 pl . ' ave a paper on File .hills, HazelThe track is now to first-class hearo condition , ` - Spades, S11Oirels • 11-oes, PDr j g p pMcConnell cf I] .i 0 1 0. The,,".grand stand will be at:flne covered. C XId $. x811111 ;r�ll]ts,-_.. .... 1 i , O'Neil favored the .band with a,: sweet Doherty,W. G.; es +...6 ••2" 2 0• -1 0 Sprink101'8 little solo. t dialogue was given"Why Spakling,2b 6 8. 4 0 4 1 +one, with"a capacity• to•,seat from (3(t , 1h 6 2 8 6 1 I to 800 people and. willhave refreshment .Child 8 Vested SLUts Screen door, spring hinges 1 and . pull for $1 and $140' • Window Screens adjustable, • • "25c, 30c, 35c each Pare Paris Green Ready -mixed Paints, Sherwin. Dining Room Girls. WANTED—2 Dining room girls, one for f�N�404,,44444.444:• 4M�N4N�+•�M�+.�.404N�N�M�N� 0 Itiv��er. Souse, Bayideld; will gpayy� 9 and y�10 per -'A • Hotel,Clinton�Ont. 0..rrnit 5-4 Clarendon ,A t The ._. man t Lie• I will 3. ; Yau eare I offer from now totbe �r tone _ 24th beg reduat in a .. st, kinds of black hats trim-. _. • med and untrimmed. 't• Come and see oor bargains se on Saturday in all kinds ,;o of hate. . ++ Apprentice • MISS ROSS. _• ot,Wanted• .. •❖ v. ._. ♦ N N+N� .�N�N•M:�M+M;M:M�N�N,..•N:M� �N•i.+NDN+N,+ • it were not so, ti U l' convention Clinton 8 0. 8 0 BATES-811AW-At the residence of Mr GtedrgePateraon on Juno C. by troy. enrol 4, Dean Hodatics, Geori:e hates, of Bayfield, to Good fruits is what everybody looking to loinwiththem attheir meetig ori Rae; S•base 'hit --Hill; base on balls-- mistier•C1iA?tltli>:1tw--in Toronto on fee now and good fruits is the only kind wo the 251 h. The arrangements for a pro- . Hammond. Doyle, L. Dohert 2, Mc• lunoC by Iter or t,, Ped1ey, l3 •A + it, Ii• keepto sell; before buying it would bo to y Bonnett . K. CI, r Flank of IIamtiveg Blyt'i, interest y g ram for this meeting was left in the Rae 2: bit by pitcher•—Linklater, Pier- to plea';. K. Climmbora. of v<inntpog. year uren to drop in and see which ands of a committee, • son, Harland, struck out—by Ethan 11, LAriiONT� I.ANCi On tune n, at the resat tally our entrants and raisins which are • b Angus 2 by Skates 3; parsed balls— donee cf the bride 9 faihn ((Irnx, by tiov. IL. bought before the raise consequently we the pastorate• of the First Presbyterian Wi l urn' 1 Umpire - Ii Johnson• all cf Orey • If you have forgotten, just walk 1n and buy anything you think your wife may need, The quantity will be so good things will be so satisfactory that she can't help but be pleased, We know perfectly well nk y that will buy groceries scu that the will for rely o ad. • where at most be purely goad. Wowing tea a paper on"Lives•that Give,"after Angus, p. • this wo wouldn't be foolish enough to tell d you we keep the best at the Icwest prion if is / // /(/Zt`i x-/' STRATFORD,:'ONTT Young men and women '&Bound exorcise great care in choosing a school. Money is not easy to get therefore it should not be spent foolishly. before yon decide le spend a dollar let ns correspond with yen. Our catalogue tells you about our superior advan- tages. Commence your course now. Our at- tendanoo is increasing year by year. A large din at©ons. Students inntattevndancepthie yeAi' from Canada, United Statoa and Newfound• land, ; .3.I:1lxott.'Principal, Cook'13 Cotton foot Compound t;s O1 tdl sf. t;aftwee effect tui. Lacii & a4k your l tidies: 8 your dru " slat for Cooke Colica tta:st Com• Ther as all Mixtures, t,illra anti iposed. Take no n mitotfens aro dangerous. Prise, No, 1, $1 icer hors , roof ,.1 on receipt of price$aiel pot tree ri d ior2,inaite i019..elvaale et: nape The CooEx Connp:tny Win "mot. Y tvEallog. l aria 9 hold and rceontnten ic4 all r sN itis__��ppenable Druggists in Canada, fitiCCCsaa,r t0 • �, wxiiO(i h kDrliggiet I end sold in Mitten by Sydney Jeer gt;orgee braf:0ow • W • 7, • 0 I i 0 4 0 Andrew Knight, eta daughter. ti 1 0 1 0 0 CAItNO in flea , :: 8..0 0 '1 1: 02 ... 8 1 0 6 0 I - gates t0 attend t e O. L. CO 1 held In Seafortb,on June 10th an 120th. Wiughnin :::0 .1 2 0 0 5 1 0-. SOrrletlring -About Fruit • `The Lnde voters accepted an invite Summary stolen bases Clinton t' from th Ontario St church society W'ngh stn 5.2 base bit -Harland Mc- Miss J;iltShaw,, of Seaforth, to very top notch in quality, They were The induction 0i Rev Mr Lair. kin into Clinton 1 'wild throws—Clinton 2, Paul Jahn NvflLamont to h as Matilda Jane, can sell them right. Wo try to have our church,'Seaforth, took place on Wed- scorergU. J. Gibbin s, HOWELL -In Bowden, North Dakota, on ;;teen vegetable stock complete especially needs afternoon. The service was Juno S, the wife of Ur. HotvolC, (non kfiss yr Gibbing •-- .+- BOR 1.1Ntt. Atolieson,daughter of Cl•, Atoboson,of Holmes• preached by iter Mr flawers, of Bruce• villa),ot a dangeter. disappointments tm b t - ,.lwaye field, Rev,ilir Fletcher, Thames d, Th p inauguration, as it we nest isa ointments ut wo a wa s r ha ea Rsia a Auspicious tnatlgur , DIED. do the best we oan in order to please our addressed' the people, and Iter Mr Mus• may be retried was the opening of • oustomexs; from this out we • expect to be grave McKillop, addressed the minis• the new howling lawn, when We D a in:0 es yoara e . ' the Sea- DEANS-InWintliam, on Juno 4, Peters of bein "the east first outsiders to pleas here, on Monday bio to guarantee strawborrien and other ter; Iter A. Stewart, Clinton, .presided. fur th elute had the honor g yOM1 USTT--•in Brussels, en Jnne"2, Wm. seasonable fruits At the close of the induction service a rete ]tion was held b the ladies, at afternoon when three rinks contested Somerdot, ET -Tri Brats. 9Ve aro n ;r groat •oc ins'. e n specs 'which addresses were a vers and music t against, a like number of Otintrn howl. (J•tt,AIO-min tforriceon Time 5, Agnes C.Ithsa, 1 d wife of Janna Craig' asci 20 yoara, curse is pastoral duties and will preach hie sera were far ahead of their worthy on drew Forrester, anted to years and 8 months. (We ol03o at 7 o'clock. it ret pertrtott ori Sunday neer, 'Trine 17 pntietita bat, they slowly crept and 1 tTlerl DA"Vl Y' Tn Berlin. for0talty ilnf the 200 line. 'Ca I aid inspect resided, Mr Larkin entered upon Vers. At the beginning glthe lion play- FOIlltP,ST :lt-in Mitchell, on Juno 4' An- y 1 on.,runra lo, Mrs 3. W no. tior.ici►, formerly of and li mouthy. »la, on .Itttto 9, Stuart A. f rho Hmtnlm t/anadlan, icer, (ladorialt, asci C., r T. e Toronto, w1 c has nearl won, still 1latrlaau s rink lit t Iden pp ying th pulpt who i yDt vey,,biurtbtnr or it been supplying the pulpit for the Iasi the ,other two to victory. rift nap. Wliitnii, attea;l95oaro three months:, will preach hie last per'- land feet: tumid that hie won the hon- Auton, r.i .Iu gar mon on Sunday evening next. The drat cif the oc04a,ion, having 7 up while , Manviear, liteshero I+:xpositer thuya speaks of this reverend Jaelis We was .3 =down, and 1'asdall s father of Wnn. Maov gontletnan:•--•Mr Goldsmith. haat:er sed tied with hiscipponent, tltus the home a years, .9 Farmers! If you aro an up-to-date dairyman you will know that a rVHlA SEPARATOR would bo the most profitable machine on your farm, The only question With you will bo, which one would be best for you to bey. We think "Thu Sharpies Separator" ls.:saptrior to" any other cream separator 021 tilt) market.. If you drop ns a post card we will send you a booklet explaining why itis better than other mattes. We ein give yon the ad- drees of people in your locality who are using fi The Sharples " We can give you Hundreds of testinion- iale, and bettor still we are willing , to give you a ten day trial of the t iaohino free of charge. Let ire put one in 0n trial,and then you will know all about it W. L. Ottimette, Londcsboro .