HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-06-15, Page 4:Tune 1t ffOO
hi Waist
it A
Are settled, and those who
select from the charming line ot Waists
showii here will be in style now and all
through the season. Our collection represents many varieties, colors and designs,
and prices add not a little to their attrac
Ladies-. •Shirt --WnieteTerontle of
good quality Percale in assort-
eti et Nees and ebeeks, detach-
able self collar, ttll sizes. ape-
' .
dal value at
t. Waist of line goal ty Anieri.
icon Percale tit stripes . only,
colove of blue, pink, etc., self
(eaters end 1,11 tfs, made le new-
est styles, specie' et 60c .& 75e
Ladies Shirt "Waist. Made • of
white Muslin wir h linen collet's
at d cols, a real barg;tin lier • n 0
Ladies' Shirt Waists. made of .
Pr -reale in black, arid White
st tares out y, de, 2 tehtti?le OA- g
s, all, sizes at erieb . ... Sa
. .
Lridies Shirt Waists, merle of
fine quality Madras cloth in
eseorted colons filet, lila en iteal
white stripes, tneked front,
extra value at • •
Wiiite Pique Shirt Waists, in
fancy designs, made in latest ,
up-to-date styles, all sizes. anti. .•
cm! at 1.1150, $11.60, $2.00
'Ladies' Fine Shirt Waists,. of
Marlberough eloth, in stripes
oely,in aolors of Wee and pink,
I 1 0
mat efsed back, vet y stY111„
at each . .
in colors ot' navy and Itght bine,
Shirt Woists, Of Corded Zephyr
with fancy stripe, looks like
• ineertion stripes twitched, V
shape at back, ohe of the very-
* letest novelties, special at I 50
Ladies' Shirt Waist made of .•
Aanerican Foulards in navy,
.pink, green, white, fancy
." stripe, else blue and white fig -
ere, plain hack, new front, I •
very stylish, place only..... 1
4uFi-TThe Hosiery
1 with two or three In- that the doctor was formerly a rest-
. • • ,.
Larewmnittseeficaiste_i-LolArinessownilme-ao.a.0.1; ..... PO' ge 1. seryareves seven,
, tirotetigs-S. Oacfrioe, . ,,-. . 5'. depenclente and labor men. Following
es yeti outlaw cooper es Co..., 1. is a reasonable .elassilicailon of the 88
1 Plietes-10 Li, laurees •
1 shirtwaist sty_les-aleyeetrsdbite .7%411nea 5
.. 4
' Excursion to Detroit Te.
To rent-inewEna. 5
Dining room girls -a u Miller ....... .... . 8
Do eou.--JE Idovey. . .
apeeiats-moKinnon & Co .... . ... ,. , 8
Don't you. eare-n Melville. .
.arotice-New Bea....
Purchase -W D Fair & Co .
Nothing eueceees-w Taylor 4 Bon
Serge suits -hew= nros --ea ....
eanore-Hodgens Bros
Harlin is Beale% Additional Local News
CO -Day
To the itastlian Northwest'
Winnipeg Regina
Delereane mooeolaw - 30
Antler Yorktou
1 ittritt ieseertZags rrixaoe Albert .$35
,, Roulet& Bee veer ak
swan Myer Edmonton n
Goitre June le, nem% trip to bo oompletea
on or before A.uguet 20
Going July return trip to be completed
on or before september 12,
collie July is, return trip to be eonspleted
on or before September ie.
infermetion arid tiokete from
P„ 1.BonetENS,
Railway es Steamship Agents Olinton
ftlinton tuiftit
Has Mold Supporter* In the DIED IN TOR011T0.-01) lklaY 2ardr
tis 0. niections.
Charles Rayson, brother-in-law ot Mrs
Rayson, of town, died in Toronto at
the ropected pia age of 72 years, a-
JO:sough returns in the British Cul. ter a hang illness and- painful inner
wale, election contest of Saturday are, trouble.
hardly complete, sufficient are avail. FINE CATTial.-S. Smith made a
able to indicate that the Martha 00y. large shipment of stock on Menday,
ernment has met with a crushing de. 1 Among the bunch were 32 head, aver -
feat, Cot of 08 -seats OnIy 7 have gone age weight 1200 lbs.. purchased from
there being silt carloads for Toronto,
for the GeVernMerit, although W. W. I weight 1320 Ihs.:houghtfrom Fair Bros.
head, ,g
H. McInnes may reasonably be classed Last week j'as, Cowan, of sessasth.
- the and P,•Fof Sutherland
, Iowa
as a Government man, sw e nrt
I bought four thotobreds for H. Cowan
number to eight. The Government ranchmen ; li1ullet50 'was paid. for a c0Wart4
also claims Wells. Independent in N. calf and $100 a piece for two yearling
theifers. Recently R. McDonald, of . Kootenay, and Munro he provire,
del party candidate in Clailliwack, 9,2,070 lbs, on an average of Ma each
both of whom, hoWever, were opposed bringing the seller 61100 at $4.00 per
by straight Governmentmen. Giving Cwt.
the GoVernment all these, however, Hit Suomi) Wiai -The nomination
, y
FRIDAY JUNE 1L 1.0.00; they could not have a dozen members. of DrHorsey, bthe Libehals of
On the other hand, the COPooltiQh wl1.1 next Dominion Election has special
Oulross, sold 17 head which weighed
North Grey, as their candidate at the
• gow g,itorttotounto have seventeen end the straight Con- interest for Clintonians, in the fact
Clamors for: spAce in print . Can, -
- only quote.y4011 five or six Of thf, fifty good
things awaiting your approval,
Ladies' Extra Heavy Cottrin .
Hose, in ribbed and plaimsizes
fn, a. teal bargain at, n
per parr. 2'
. .
Boys' Extra HertvyRibned Cot- -
ton Hose guaranteed at alp- I g
. less dye,A 1 value at per littirl
Ladies Fast Black Cotton. Hose .
seemless feet, spliced heenand • •
toe, double sole, gu a eau teed g
real mato, special value at
Boys' Extra Heavy Ribbed pot- -
•ton • }lose, with double sole, .
heel and. toe, warranted faet
. tly.e, will givegood wear, sizes
7-to9, regular 30c quali t la to c
. neat 25e pair or gpitir for
•• •
Children'y l3leck Cotton Hose,. ,
at-. .
.;,. . , , 15c.25,c
' all ftstb1ack4M A 1 value.
•Bo vs' Extra Floe 'Ribbed Cot- .
tint Hoses heavy sole, heel and •
• tty, Herrnalorf dye„ sizes 8,
8, 0 only, for beat wear, sOo-30C
clad at, ,
„ .
• • • STORE NOTES • • '
• *
fi Just arrived—Tuckered Lawrs in two widths • • . • •
• Summer corsets all sizes at 32c • . • •
• Fancy Parasols lair ladies and ehildreno Have.ymi seen them ?
a. Scarce good -All ovev Lace* in Black and White -we nave them. •
ji Embroidery Insertions 8c to 23c •• • ' •
• : , . • •
Saturday.satlirdn,y, and Monday -are
.alwa)s busy dayS.,t t4is
store, in order to ao'diAi-
'ble -our Ilene business, we
bave marked many lines below-wholeSale,prices't for two
days only. "Eight -o'clock :will be none too Soonfor first
choice. •
$1.0 :WrappeT., for .
• •
Unibrellas at 490
25 only urn brellas with beet solid '
frame,covet mg of hatd finish-
ed sateen, fast -black, faney.
wood handles, will inak,e good • '
school urnbrelles. regular yen . .
tie ts 75; special for two days.
each ace9c
A Snap in Cottons
350 yards of pure white cottoii,
free of specks, full. 86 inches •
wide, heavy make, supetior •
finish, well worth lle, special
for two days at So
400 yards of unbleached cotton, • . a
extra -heavy quality, no dark
specks, will bleach nicely, re-
gular 7c quality, Saturday or .
.Monday to yards for 80c.
. .
3.0c Muslin at 50
3011 yards of fancy dress muslina-'s
assorted colors and designs,.
wart Anted fast colors,just the
I hing for childrennt Wenr, re-
gular price 100, to clear at , 56
500 Table Linens 29c •
1 end only of red and green table .
linen, reversible, extrit heavy.. '
quality, warranted fast colors,
regular 50c, to clear at 29e
30c Tweed for '19c
50'y:seder of heavy tweed 20 tiro
ches wide,mnall patterne,dark
colors,suitahle for boys school
pants, regular 80c yalue, sped -
lid for two days 19c:
60c Lunch Cloth 200
20 only Lunch Cloths, size 28x30
nicely henistitcheenguaranteed
all linen, well worth 50; .spe-
cial to clear at 20 ,C
lanatitaa (1Watzi,
• -- 1'j8( 105'
in the new-
est up-to-
date style,
frills over .
waist • all .
lined, skirt -
120 inches •
wide, regu-
lap prices
were $1.50
) -
.each, spec. e.
Jai to clear
.11.eacti LOO
only stood covers. made of
80c 8tandCoversize
White cluck with fast color fan- .
cy borders,regular 30e each, to
• clear at... . .. Ise
A Silk Bargain,
_1700,,yar.ds of silkaita.colors-.4 red-
•and white,blueand white, pur-
ple and white, gold and white,
nistripee rinlysregulite45eq1181-
11.37, to dear at 29e
$8 Table Sets '$196
nye only Table SOI5,consisting.
of table:cloth and ldozen nap-
kins to tnatch, ingeld and.
white, aed all white, with
fringe all ground, wa,rrantocl
ail prffe Linen, regular $f3.50,
to dear at per set ....451.88,
ars& Ce •
A Bargain in
Misses' Suininer Hats
Misses' Hats made of fine quality; Leghornette, ti
nicely tt•itionied with Feather, Steel Beckle
and Ribbon, in assorted colors and shapes,
the very latest New York Goods, sold in oth-
er places at $1.00 and$1,26 each, no
epecsal for two -days each.. 0.... loud
a:ar.;•)".s.rb?ttitezrritMgaa.lialita' C.:48g1:$'),T288tt*.:D
Voltr MOIICy Haelf
it You Want It
seats:— •• •
Government -Oliver, Delta, 'Smith,
S. E. Kootenay; Curtis, Roseland;
Brown, Westminster; Rowan. Rich-
.raond; Martin and Gilmour, Vancou-
yer; McInnes, N. Nanaimo-8. •
.• 8 Opposition'-Meunce Conaox; Irving,
8 .
• Sassier; Dickle, Cowiehan; Pooley and
8 Hayward, Eequirnault; ..Pr.entice, E.
, Lillooet;.•Stnitb, • W. Lillooet; Duns.
' mutt', S. Nanasmo; Het meken, Turner,
OTTAWA LETTER. Hail and McPhillips, Victories Rooth;
phy, Yale W.; ElisLon, Yale E , and
HARD UP FOR GMEVANOES. Fulton, Yale N.-17,
" Conservatives - Clifford, Classier;
The Manner in which the Opposition Rogers and Hunter, Cariboo; Mel3ride,
hunt for•grievances against the govern. • Dewdney; Ttuv ler, Revelstoke; Garden
meat was ehown in the House the othet and latlow, Vancouver -7.
day. Mr Taylor, the officious Conser- Provincial way - Neill, Alberni;
votive whip, asked why it was that the Munro, Chilliwack; Green, Slocan;
American Bank Note uo. was not fly. Houston, Nelson -4.
ing a flag in honor of the relief of Pre- Independent -Willis, N. E. ICoote.
torts,. Mr Fielding replied that it was nay -1, _
none of the Government's buainess Labor -Smith, Nanainao-1,
why this company was not flying a
fleg. Still, the 00-nservatives tried, to Speaker Bain Will Retire;
make political whet out of the cir-
cunastence, notwithstanding the fact Hon. Thos. Bain has announced that
that the Aanerica,n Bank Note- bo, is he will not again be a candidate for
simply it private concerti doing busi-
ness.ete e. But, as a matter ee eacathe political honors in South Wentworth
-flag Was 'flying, an a was 6 naply a after the term of the present Parlia-
ment. This announcement was re -
piece ot impertinence in calling atten-
tion to it.
N. Victorier Eberts S, Victoria; Mur-
. • •
ceived with greet regret in political
A 13/4•11 GAIWEN' circlesat the capital. Mr Bain's with.
vO Stedrewal frern political life will be a 'die -
During my.tirma in CetaVva I ° . • • •
bave seen some pretty stormy Scenes tinct less to the Liberal party, br whose
in the House uf Commons, but for ranks he has occupied an honored
'disregard of Parliamentary reles, and place for many Years,, He is a man of
down rignt dor det lines§ isstud ugliness,
refusal to be governed by the Speaker," wide knowledge, geetil patliatnentary
the toW which took place on VVednes- experience and geriiel Personality. Mr
day caps them ells - It' arose over a ..
matter introduced by Mr Monk, Bain has always been recognized as
M. P. for,-.11arques Cartier, who one of the most: successful speakers in
read an article aitegipg that certain the Liberal Party:his style being calm;
emergency food supplied the Canadian •
contingent was not the. same as thedelberate and convincing. Wherever
samples first submitted. The political' he appeared an -the political plattriese
11001105 peeped out of every phrase he he left to splendd impression. • His rel-
.nttered and vvhethet he is, ae the Min- • ations with his fella w-inembers of the-
istee of Militiasaid, a friend of sorrie• ,Liberal party have been of the hap -
interested patty, or not, or Whetherhe piest cbaracter, and be enjoys the res-
siroply:accepted apartisan brief from l'ect..°f 0:1`)8e w•ht) differ irt'm likaln
some of his political friends, before he politics: • In the position which he now '
got through the. Member for Jaccoes fills be hasdisplayed dignity, impar -
Cartier • En ust •have felt*Storry be did iaa lialitys and a thoronoh acquaintance
His pretnisee were wrong, and his con. with the rules of parliamentary pro-
eltasions, after the ministerial exPlanit- cedine. Ms understood that Mr teams:
tions were given, had also to go by the desire to retire from polities is due to
board. Not a single direct charge the fact, that his eyesight has been
against the department was mede and -somewhat impaired, and will in the
the challenge to Wake one br,so at once fot ure need extreme care onhis part.
Obtain a conimittee of investigatfon, flis present duties are somewhat try -
%%tarot taken up._. _A, More ,paltry or ing.en : than. accotint, and. he avant
unfair attenipt to harm it ,depar tment hirnselt of every opportunity to be in
of Mate which has,'In connection with Lhs.°P" Mr' -
the despatch of the contingents, worn- - _ as, — ' •
ed so well and successfully accomplish-Fromlla- -4114-**-411-oilitteas9•e!s .Peft-
A good many members took part in Many of our townspeople who were
the discussion- in faet several tried to not at, the town ' hall on the eyening
take part at once; and amid the babel •of Match 1st to veitnesS the cletnonstra.
of toogues, cries of 'order"; shouts of tion made there on learning of there-
"sit defeerea and ,general disturbance, ',. lief of Ladysmith and whose Curiosity
stood the Speaker, vainly :trying te was raised .to the highest tension , to
bring order out of chaos, -and control a know, what our ant horees aud artist;
mob that did not want to be contt idled. Miss Clara H. Mounteastle, reek -
The atmosphere was hot outside, and ed that she received such an ova -
hotter in; bad tempered Conservatives, tion ;on that (suasion, can now have
threatened to "knock-the,stuffingn out their enriOsitY gratified. We re -
of equally (16.1cl1empered Liberals. nrOducei the eetee but we cannot
For four hours Parliament lost its dig- the expression and 'clear voice
nitV and was a veritable bear garden, which Was so noticeahle, especially in
all because a Conservative member the encore "Canada," The au th.oress
made an unwarranted attack on the had only two hours ba which to pie.
Minister of Militia, on the strength of pare the poern which was so eotlausia,s-
a newspaper paragraph. tocally received as was the encorellAso,
.All MenstrAL saBilet. Baum On LADYSMITH.
On Thursday the Premier introduced Near the ZleVie /rOM Africal
a resolution, seconded by tbe leader of I Spread. the tidings near and far :
the Opposition; that a message be sent Bp 161,3orurscniliaautuli,..;;hastete ariv intim right ;
the Queen, congratulating her on the Lotufletbispraisee ring, g' [the right.
success of British arms in South Af- • He who for weeka and. months has battled for
rice', and the probable eatly ter -mina- itio7419liettgalatreitia Itlieil'
tion of the war. Mr Boutlassa in a nisei inyour patriotic power,
somewhat heated and very iejudicions
speech, took exception to the resolti- In Mannino let all creation
ke a glorious demonstration. a
tion, during which he Was loudly hiss- 13 li.
u tri The ehampiont The liero.of the hour!
-ed, and he deserved to tie, and he no Hight IlIghl 'Your banners raise,
sooner sat cloven than some one.propoe- s Strout in the vietores praise; • ,
uller,the conqueror mph
luts triued once again;
ed three cheers for the Queen; instant- Drums, loud rejoleing beat,
ly the Vvhole /louse was on its feet, Breathe, cornets, wild. and s ; •
Bnorth year
cheering wildly, members throwing ed fmelody across theraging main,
Shout for Buller! Ili I Harralii
their hats in the air, while some one
else struck the National Anthem,
When the House resumed its normal
condition, Sir Wilfrid Lauda, and Air
John Chariton made short _patriotic
eneerhes„ both. eonderiatibeg Mr Beer.
atom, arid, what Is very unusual, both
sides cheered them to the echo, It is
surprising how unanimous the House
becomes when the peppier etiordie
touched, and -petty spirit is ell Itt inated.
It would,be very much nicer if such oc-
currences were tnore freq sten t. The
Conserve( ive papal s are trying to melte
cepital becanse several Liberale re.
Omitted on their seats while the Na-
tional Anthem wasbeirer sung; sup.
posing they (lid; when the Natiooal
flitilhem was sung in reference to the
Preferentiel tart% every Conservative
in the House remained seated.
Organizer 13irminghain's silence Was
golden, at least begot paid for keeping
Ste John Boyd, Chancellor of On.
tatio, and Sustiees McTavish and Fal-
conbritige are the commissioners ,ap.
pointed by the Dominion Parliament
to inVestigate the alleged election
• it •
The lilyceter Advocate, under the able
management of lilditor Sanders, has
finished its thirteenth year of publics,.
don, In this tine it has served the •
wants of .Exeter, and ranks tO day as a "
bright, newsy weekly„ We congratu.. At °Inaba, etwoy 0..11, Wools of the
late Bro, Sanderson the fineeeS41 he has Orange Pico Mate wee giten an official
Hero of South. Africa f.
All the praise is thine! All thine to -day,
Thine and the army with thee;
Men of courage!' Men of bmvoy! twenty,
Men who have borne, the brunt of .hattle's fierce
. Citizene, one and all.
High or low, great or email,
Come forth in myriade,and make a loud acclaim;
• Conte'in your, gay attire, • •
Como with your hearts on.flre, [name.
Burning with patriot zeal to bless his lamer -ed.
Shout for Bullerl--Hip•hurrithl .
Hero of South Africa!
Ladysmith, in looliing unto thee
In her direst tribalation, •
Tamed her eyes to Sure salvation;
Buller 'twas set that tortured city free.
Hurried oft by foes unseen,
Foes who showed their vouometl spleen
By !their savage disregard of honest warfareTa
Lacking guns of equal power [taws.
With the Boers in that hour fa cause
Who shall say tly losses were ettstaincd.without
ShOut for VIA tor! Hip! Hurrah!
Hero of South Africa ;
Shout for Bobs and all our valiant men,
Then, before your spirits ebb,
Otie more cheer, Hurrah for Webb!*
May he be a general %viten he coulee home again.
'Trivet° Benjamin Webb, a young man, and
auutows ono vOltUlteor.
rairest land beneath the sun,
Brightest gem by Britain won, . .
O'ek• herhomes from sea to. Sea
Moats the banner of the freer.
Canada! Canada! '
Shout! Hurrah! for Canada.
Come and see her, 31atioXiRt Comer
How her wheels of co»nneree Muni
View her landscape spreading wide,
kenning seenee on every Aide.
show Hurrah! Hie
Hip hurrah! for Canada.
Peorlese (Minato of the West(
Lana in wealth and beauty &posed;
Bweetest country ever iteowni
-Canada! our loved! Our own!
• Hip hurrahl. Mei Hurrah!
Hermit! Hurriart for 1 militia,
met with, and hope we may claim him l'eccPti°In'i J. 1311(126)11 War3 pent,
on anal. eon). tag aut„onco -expresso.
as a 'confrere for some time to come sympathy for the republics,
dent here. For several years he has
been a representative of the Sun Life
Insurance (Jo., his field ofoperations
being chiefly in China, but his wife
and family lived at Owen Sound, and
he is said to have made considerable
nioney bY his operations. He is a
son in•law of Dr. Macdonald, AL P.,
one of the best platform speakers in
the Dominion, and his old friends here
-Liberal and Denser votive alike -look
for his election by a good majority.
A STAR Er.0oUTIONIST.- At this ex-
ereises held by the gradorites of the
Fargo'Dak., Grammar School at thee
opera house in that, place,' Miss Oath -
alone McMorchy, youngest daughter
of Wm. McMin cby, who was former-
ly a citizen of Clinton foe a number ot
years, was a star of those who took
Part in the evening "program'. The
Fargo For and Daily Republican seas
this in flattering terms of her nunahers
whieh speaks for itself :- "Another
one, who .could•altnost be termed the
star in the aggregation of class elocu-
tinniats was Catharine Florence Mc-
Murchy, who gave a, haunorolis selec-
tion entitled 'The Judgement. Day."
She fairly leaped. Into the hearts of
audience who showed delight in deaf-
ening applause."
. AN *APPLE 0.4-sne-A. very important
case was tried in Godericb on Wednes-
day which will be found interesting to
all flutters and eepecially to those lat
this locality it was ari apple case be-
tween Jas, Steep, of Clinton, mod .11.
•Werren, of flullett, the former haying
entered it as test caee, claiming, that
cull apples were putin barrels for good
and thereby lost considerable when'
selling them for first or seeptida. Three
witnesses -were celled for the plaini•iff
--alos.Wheatley, P.Kerr and 3 McGill;
eleven were called for the defence- D.
Centelon, A.Cook. .7 Fair,
B. Cole; Jas. Southcornhe and others.
Evidence was taken in which it
was shown 131aintrif had lost'heavily on
his export, having proved a bill of loss
on 64 barrels and claimed :More, • The
jury returned it verdict- in plaintiff's
fever and Mi -Steep got $100 with costs.
Garrote & Garrow acted for plff., E.
Campion for deft. This is a case which
should be very tmpertant to those deal-
ing in apples as the apple men lose,
heavily last year in exporting apples
whichhecame rotten and unfit for Use.
It has injured the export trade to the
old country'of Canedian apples. -None
but thebest should be packed and the
buyers should see to it. It is to their
own advantage, '
An' OLD StreLtn.-alr A.. Forres-
ter, father of D. A. Forrester of town,
passed away at the respected age of
four score yeare at hie home in Mit-
on Wednesday of last week. He
had lived in that town for over twen-
ty years and. -was engaged in the. fl
/rosiness. ' The funeral took place
Friday afternnon Mr and Mrs Ferree-
teratnd their SODS, Sohn and Andrew,
of town, being among the relatives
who attended. The Mitchell Recorder
thus'refers to the late gentlemen :-
"By the death of Mr Andrew Forres-
ter, of thaeouth ward, which occur-
red ,on 'Wednesday afternoon, one of
the:earliest settlers of the county has
been rernovtal. Mr Forrester came to
the county and settled at St. Mary's
in 1843; when there were only two log
cabins in that settlement. He estab-
lished the flaX mills there and contin-
ued runeing them till 1870, wnen , he
came to Mitchell and started the flax
will here. He was very successful in
his operations and gave ettiployment
to a large number of men and boys in
connection with his business. When
he ceased to operate his flax mills a
few years ego, owing to poor markets
for his products, the loss was keenly
felt by the town and immediate vicin-
ity, Mr Forrester was always an hon-
orable, straightforward and fair deal-
ing man, strongly opposed to shows,
shams and false pretenses. In his
business operations he accumulated
considerable wealthsathil baiiides being
one of the oldest, he wits coneeded to.
be the wealthiest citizen of the town.
He leaves a Widow, two sons and tvvo
daughters, David A., of Clinton, and
William, at home ; Mrs Jas. Dougher-
ty and Mrs W.. Elliott. of the town."
Man' here will regret to learn of tbe
death o„f Mrs W. Davey, who died
in Guelph on Sunday, 3dhe 10th, at
the age of 30 years awl 11 niontbe,
The deceased lady WAS a daughter of a
former tovensmate George •Gordon,
whe retnoved from Clinton to Berlin
-clueing the past year. The family were
Well known and highly reePeeted iti
Clinton, oral we join with tbeir many
friends in extending Syinpatily, The
Berlin Record of /tine lith thus refers
in part to her derniseo--"It is one sad
duty to chronicle the death of Mrs J.
VV. Davey, which occurred at the
Guelph Genera' Hospital on Sunday
everting. Very few of her Mende in
Berlin knew that she Wag 111, and wn.
sequently could hardly credit the in-
telligence When it reached thern. She
went to the hospital to undergo an
operation for caucer of the bowels.
The opera( ien was performed till Fri-
day, and elle appeared te Withstand
the strain well, but on Saturday even-
ing tool( a turn for the werse, and by
Midnight was uneonscious, The bus -
band and family were eummorsed, bat
she never revived sufficiently to recog.
nize them, lind on Sunday evening
quietly passed away. The remains
were taken to Berlin for interment,
Mrs'Davey WaS the eldest of five child.
rem and when 12 years of age her
Mother died, and upon her yourig
thoulders devolved the 'chief labor of
ming for he) young brothers and els-
tete. This heavy task RIM lifiVOIVed
faithfully, and her beother; and isters
regarded her as dearly as a Maher,
She was of a cheetbful, yet earnest na.
t tire, fuel tippet ently healthy and
etrong; a faithful ntentbee of the Aletin
mint, elem.!). A loving hoeband end
tree ebildren are lett br
fly death, a little girl having died
some years ago,"
: Pape
11%**Ii1frik1I'111%%%111% %%-
Sometimes You Can
Other Times You Can't
Bu i this is the month that YOU CAN buy Wall
Paper and Window. Shades below regular prices.
You should know the reason, as we have been telt
ing you for three' weeks about our good fortune in
seouring a large stock of Window' Shades—just
think about it
40c and 45c Shades selling for 30c '
65c Ones for 50e
And others in proportion
We are also quoting special prices on Wall
15c Pppers at Sc
10c Papers at 5c
•All Paper trimmed free
Curtain Poles .
The regular 350 Pole, with Wood or .brass 1
iriraniings, comiblete, with brakketl..._and. pins, for
25c. Better lines at 40c 50c 7.5e $1 and $1:50
eooper eo
Vito ItoAtoitv%%1V410%%% 10011%
COMing and dBolan. ole. Monelsaviltluxe andadyOni. Alba. es wheeled. to Russel-
. I f ,
Miss Beatonis the gm of Mrs Isaac PrOut. paid Inepector McKay, othe customs, 'Wingaane Clinton a visit on ThersdaY.
Nissfelelifurehie iS tang in Toronto Shia 8' 800P01.11.°Pres64ting the Girehlie 4t Me"
Oulloch Co:, Galt, gave it a call onday
Miss Sills was the guest of Miss Doyle . for Dr and Mrs Gregg. of Toronto, are the guest's '
Sunday. ' 0f th ir daughter,M Bev. St owert, a
Mrs Geo. Coate 4s the guest Of Mrs,Wila. Ball,
.13,ase Line. •
• Mr and Mrs ,Jas. Malkteth .spent Sunday in
±0?agulaDiti.Shaw took a run up., from London
The Misses Stout were home visiting at. Hirk-
ton last year. • •
*Mrs Capt. Rance was inLonclon for
the past week. • . • -
- Jas. McMurchie Was down' from 33Iyth on
Monday evening. -
Wilbur Manning was in Toronto on a business
1 trip on Wednesday. . • 1 •
H. Bell mil. Doyle, 'of Wingbam, were .in
town for over Sunday.
.Tas. Scott, barrister, was Up to Goclerieli on
Tuesday on it buainess trip; '
A. Graham, Inglewood, was here .for several
days this week, on business,
Mrs (Ilev.i Deihl and children are visiting at
Mr J. BleGarva's, Ontario street.
The Seaforth curlers were registered. at the
Battenburry while here on Monday.
Mrs W. CooperWas in Toronto on Tuesday
and attended the convocation.at VarsitY.
H. B. Chant was up its Goderich this week
acting as a grand juryman at the assizes. .
Miss L. johnston, who has been teaching.
school neer Brampton, has returned home.
A. R. Williams, of the Williams' Shoe Co.,
Brampton, was here on business on Saturday,
Mr end Mrs Murney, Goderimith, spent Sim -
day in town, the guests of Xr and Mrs 3. • Dm-
merton, •
.1libes F. 'Xing was home frem Dashwood for
Sunday, aceompaniedby her friend, Mrs :Kel-
Mrs R. Sellery, of Hineardine, was this guest
of her daughter, Mrs A. T. Cooperi •for several
days last Week, .
. y t for Owen Sound on MondaY
Where he has accepted a situation in the biscuit
manufactory Of McLaughlia & Co.
Miss CarolNewcombe, who has' been attena-
ing the conservatory of Alusic in .London for
the poet three menthe, returned Wednesday.
Gow, a student of McGill University',
Montreal, lent town for a while and Will take
orders fora work entitled 'TOth Century Vac ts:"
Thos. Johnston, of Zurich, accompanied by
his two daughters drove up on Saturday and
were the guests of Alderman Johnston for over
Conductor Algie, of the division; was
hiking a few days off this week. He went to•
Alton to vialt his father, who has been very ill
of late,
Mra .1. S. Artnetrong and child arrived at her
liormyhere fromOntario, _geoid a
lengthy tinie visiting at her motherat mon W.
• arra Masson accompanied Judge Unseen from
Goderieli on Tuesday while he was presiding
over it court of arbitration between the G. T. It.
3. Taylor was in Hamilton on Vredneaday
looking after tut auction sale a boon; end sheet'
which he intende to purchase and give the bene -
of cheap goods to the
B. 11. Ayer, representing the White-fitarLine
which will Oman excursion from Goderieli to
Detroit,on Julie 21,wita here oft Monday Malt-
ing all the necessary arrangements.
Edgely•, Men., cerrespondent thus refers
to a former Iltironian:-Mr P. G. Whittingliam
lattow recovering from a severe attnek of stele.
/MEW All W111 be pleased to hear oafs c 'nya1-
Alnong the number. of !county eOmmission
who were in town forIl few hours along wit
Our friend, Jas. Snell, were B. S. Coolc,*of Pord•
wich, .T. Bownum,of Brussela,and H..Ohantbers,
of Ashfleld,
Miss Nottnteastle, whohas beeti. visiting
frieude in Toronto forthe VIVA s.Ix Weekre.
turned home on Wednesday oyof ng. She says
Toronto has well earned the name of the Qiieen
CIty-it is beautiful.
Mrs ,T. P. Sheppard, of Winnipeg, arrived at -
her father's home,on the lgtheoncession ()POW-
erieh township,on Tuesday night. 1111%Bhep
d will make an extended .visit in thie local-
ity before returning- to her home in Winnipeg El G B
manse. • .
Mr Dick Herberts, of Seaforth, was in' town
Sunday. Ho prefers the Lilies or Clinton, to
Seaforth.• •
Chas Smith, of Clinton foundry spent Sint -
day' at his home hl Seaforth. I da no doub
that he likes Clinton. best. • •
Mrs Aselu'hald and MrsTear, of Lucknow,,
Were visiting at Mralt. Me mina 's and also.
at Mrs Baird's, Brucetleld, last k.
1 Mr andltirs 1 W. Irwin and ughter Agnea
left on Monday fora few weeks' visit among
frlcndsatOrlllia,Penetang and othar p
1. Jas. Howson, of Sintainta,St W. T. was au "
his home here for several days this week. He
left on Thursday morning with a carload a
i horses for the west.
' J. Swartz was down from Whighant on Thurs-
day vrith two new buggies manufactured by
Swartz &Done, to be delivered to buyers in
W. L. Laub° was in town the other day mak-
ing arrangements to hav_e. his family appear
here in July. There ' ard seven of them, all
good musicians and it Is their intention to pay
a visit among the neighboring Places.
SHIPPED TO LoNDON.—An 1tineran0 .
vagrant, who was rendered unable . to
use his lower limbs from paralysis and
was obliged to be carried around on a
seat of Ins own struck town on Satur-
day. He said he hailed from the
States and wanted to go back,disgust-
ed with the Union Jack, and was as
great sympathizer of the Beers, from;
Which the boa s made the appellation of -
calling him a "Boeh". On Sunday
morning he seated himself at New-
combe's corner selling lead pencils but
Chief Meetly aoon put him out of
sight by placing htni in the council
chamber until Monday morning when
the best thing to do was to ship the-
idle wanderer, to London via to the
State e from whence he came. A tick --
et was procured for him and Conduct-
or Quirk had him safely landed at the
end of his run, Happily he could do
no harm physically hat his tongue was
vile and he used ,it too freely. No
wonder he was not a desirable being
to succonr by charity, • •
Special offer for two weeks at
Burgess' Studio.
We are giving one 'en-
larged photo with every
dozen of our four dollar
cabinet photogrnAs
aered. .
Come early and avoid the
Joe. Watson, of Toronte, wee in in teW/1 thiN
Week emmeetion with the National smitten • urgestat
th„ oileer or kis visit being to
, ,
trent men 11 foul eure of persOta affected with
pulmmary disease.
• Were' After' Vooll's Eltotatodinio
mn.,11:04.Ntrogm, who lids bet% nruliftw. The Cmf Mwelv? nmedy.
steer, ItIva J. It. Worge__ill of oreterieli, returned , Sold and n eteemended ty sli
unne last week. Mrs worsell a severe at. drtigglets in tint/rens
tacit of typhoid fevee,and for a time Tier life
wag•drspaircd. of, lira her, nurse inieten friends able inedienie diL,cov'eren.
reales guarmitrea to turn al
will's, :Ilea to know that she hag fully rt. •
establish it publin tution for the ieeettion •
ed. tliereirein.
0 moo exua ealmens all t, iarta of rs ut-a
Mr IL Viisjer 'wee in town on Thuralav re -
!lowing itefemintaneci:lio and steetanprinivil Mrs •
I, o;ter ape/ daughter en ThurAlay to Brampton
whure tit( gt, to resole. We were pleased to
have Mr Fo..ter aka 8,4 (tea% The family will
ilia many warns lwarts In Clinton Whenever
they pay ilea vitet.
sr execto, Mentat 'Worry, ieereeve Irk) Of TO:
ince.e.Opinst or etiontlaote, ilTattA %Tenn
al 13,triae! "4;•d•trtra oin. C3. ea vett sena
ca .
re, f toe o env idroLIA
The Wler reenieente, Windeor,pat
W 'ePholphoilinn nob' itt C1lntii1tnns*
nay eloion,Drugglut, . `t,