HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-06-15, Page 2TBE CLINTON nvir ERA mmoommomm.moom asesseeseesse. a 34************************* Prison Statistics. 41)111SP WHAT (11111/P111g4 F01.1.0WED BY PICTURE EYE% Ti10801.381g0 BULL Where do The report of the Minieter of Justice, • which has jut been leid before Parlia- . meat, gives the interestingrporte as to e condition of tbe criminal popula• don in the penetentiaries for last year. You Stand? 4c The number of prisoners at the close of • r es the year was as tollows * Penetentary 1899, 1898 • .g Kin ton 570 605 Vincent e au 417 418 D rchester 226 225 Manitoba . 112 88 British ..... 90 110 There were 16 deaths in the institie tions -not a high mortality, consider- ing the lives which many of the con- victs have led. .No prisonereeecaped during the yea,r, though several made 9. big effort to get away. The average daily population for the past five years was 1894-5 . • • • 1,250 1895 0 ........ .... . ......... 1,314 18007 1,853 1897 8 1,415 18089 1,447 Of the convicts in custody lase year 154 were under 20yeare of age, and "28 over 60, but almost one-half (or '659) were between 20 and 30 years of age. Two, three, five and seven years' terms seem to te the most popular with the convicting judges, but there are &con- victs serving fourteen years; 25, fifteen years ; 16, twenty -Live years ; 1, thirty years,and 59 are serving life sentences. Marriage is deterrent from crinie. 949 of the prisoners were single, -while eight Were widowed. The social hab• its of the convicts are thus given : i Abstainers 151 Temperate - 842 Intemperate 449 Of the prisoners, 1,081 can read and write, 110 Canread only and 2451 -can neitherread nor write. The following is a gomparative state - Anent of the cost of keepleg thetas:elms for the years 1895-6 and 1898.9 ; Grose expendi- • ' • . Lure $389,281 88 $393,02e 48. Net expendi- ture . 345.120 78 344,967 68 Actual cost ' 292.286 00 288,469 00 Cost per capita• 222 44 192 51 Cost perdiern 70 0 53 It will be observed that with increas- ed population the cost of maintenance has been materially decreased. There has been a greet improvement in the management of the institution in the last four years. This Par. agranit s intendefi or those of our subscribers who h coronet yet retratted thelesubooription for this year;and for no others. In addition to 'publishing a first daps local paper at the lowest possi- ble pr1ce-1st A. WEAN IN ADVANCE wo are giving 4;14T remora an up to. date war service ss good as given by any doll plper, which, costs us considerable extra. We are not asking. any extra price for this extra service, but we do ask that subsoribm show their al &met:dation by renewing their sub- seriptions as promptly as possible. It is unreasonable and unfair to ask us t.) pay postage on pipers, and also run a oredit business from year to year, and we frankly ask.. our delinquent subscribers to see that ar- rears are paid, and a year in adVance, And the sooner this Is deue the better we will llke it. to • Sseei FRIDAY. JUNE 15, 1900 • These are moving days for Kruger. • There .are no knots in the tail of the lion to -day. . • • The first trek of the Li iers was made in ex -wagons now they are treking in fast trains. • • • The Canadians had to be at the front in South Africa end Lerd Bobs, could not keep them back. • • • it is vaster than ever. So far the trade of Canada has this year been $48,000,000 -better than in 1899. • • • Canada is well satisfied with Lautier • and Sir Wilfrid hi well satisfied with Sir Charles Tupper as leader of .the Op- position. • • • The Palmerston Reporter has change ed bands, the new proprietor being Percy Sinith, son a Rev. J. T. Smith, formerly of Tara. • • • The Onta,aio Government has placed $500 in the supplementary estimates to aid in the cnnstruction of a road through Grist noak swamp. • • • *There is a pretty family rumpus in .-tbe Conser vative camp. "Wh tck up or I'll confess" says Birmingham to Sir ealiarlea and now there is consternation. • • • 'Hon. J.I.Tarte is a man hard to bea t • In anything he undertakes and hp has succeeded in having the Canadian ex-- - hibit at the Paris Fair closed on Sun. •„days. • • • • •• • The Boer's jonab is "Bobs" and Mr R. Birmingham now discovers thet his salary is not PO easily forthcoming • since Sir Charles has no Red Parlor to • draw from. . • • • • ak The customs receipts for the Domin- • ion during the m inth of Me:, lathe last two years have been: -May, 1899, $2,- • 162,657.18; May. 1909, $2,261,18344;att in- crease of $98,526 26. • • • Sir Charles Turner's announcement that be v ill stay in the fight until af- ter the elections Is a mild way of say- ing he cannot see anyone else tapable of leading decently the Conservative - party who may as web be said to be -without a lehder. • • • • In the three corned fight between sSir Charles Tupper and W. F. McLean, M. P., of the Toronto World; and tobert Birmingham Conservative or- ganizer, there is not much danger of etther of them hitting him very littrd. • The latter might go off like dynamite and blow the party up. Huron Diotese. The seventh annual convention of the Sunday school teachers and lay 'workers of the deanery of Huron was held in Myth on May 29th. Nearly 100 delegates were present. The convention was opened in Trin- itychurch. with a celebration of the oly Communion, after which reports tributions, and from them the winner eseere-reeeived-fram. all-theeschools.an -tireaechosen.--Ameng-4 he -best -eentrise the deanery, showing them to be in excellent condition. Nearly every school contribeted largely during the year to the support of riaissions. At the afternoon sessionlRev Rural Dean Hodgins presided, and the fol. lowing papers were read and discussed: "The necessity of the Sunday school as a means for the religious education of the young," by Miss James, Gorrie; "The necessity of training children in , the matter of giving." Rev E. C. Jen- nings, Bayfield; "The pastor. in the Sunday school," Rey M. Goldberg, Dungannon; "How to secure And train Sunday school teachers," by the rural dean. The papers were of a very high , order, and Were listened to with pleas- ure by a large audience After adjournment a ehort meeting of the deanery chapter was held, and at the game time the ladies forhied a branch Association of the W. A. M. A. mems.PRI • Mrs las, liugill, et Seaforth. died on The utidersigned hasa, tit robred Durlialu — Pronhe e 'tWall the tease Seemed t Friday week. She had reached the age Follow With mains Light. o bull on his lot M Maitland eon., for seryies Tonne $1.00 at time of eervice. with Priviloge of returning. A.. BRO4.R1). of 81 yeare. '^"I taw a clever window lithograph Or Dr. Holmes, county treasurer of i elan, "whieh represented a soldier with Goderich, has sold a tlftla of an acre of! • knapsack on his back and a gun at wry land to Mrs T. McGregor, otber day," said a New Orleans physi a .• shoulder poieted etraight ahead, 0 "The totture of toothaehe is quickly course the weapon Was so foreshortene relieved by Low's Toothache Gura. that all you could see of it was the metal Price 104. Refuse substitutes, lie circle of the muzzle, and It seemed t O. II, Bennett agent of the Bank of be aimed directly at the speaker. NO asee ten, Blyth,wiismarrierl on Tees. matter in what directiou you moved you day evening at Toronto, to Miss Chainwere still apparently 'covered.' Th 'hers, of Winnipeg. Same optieal lIlusion Was employed From time ago by a famous detective agency, Mrs Jas. Grieve has sold her fkrea which sent out large photographs of Harpurhey to Jae, Litwin, who intends, to rehide it. T fcontains highwayman holeing a cocked revolver in atraut. thirty acres and was sold for ratilusz outstretched hand, The yawning zle followed me about the room In a *1175:Aber Of the oldest pioneers of way tbat was distinctly diequieting, and these two clever trick advertisements re• otepnen t 11* h d t hi ward, in the'person of Gem Walrond, mind me of curious case I once encoun I310 in My monthpractice. I at the advanced age of 25 yeare and 2 % • a lady who was sneering from an obscure "r was called in some years since to see John Walker, of Roxboro, has juet nervous trouble that for awhile complete - received word from Lillooet, British ly battled dirignosis. She had lost tier Oolornbia, announcing the death of his husband a few menthe before, and, know- son,Thonms, on May 23rd, as the result ing the couple to have been deeply at of an accident. tached; I thought at first that breodin Another of the eldest residents of over her afilictiou had indueed incipien Goderich passed away last week in the melancholia. It wire by ne miens a typ person of .E!‘,McIrica,r, who died on May teal ease of melancholia, however, and 20rh, at the age of eighty•fatir years finally, after much questioning, she con. and five months. reseed to me that she wits suffering from an extraordinary hellgeleation and was W. J. Shannon died at his residence ay in mortal dread of becoming insane. She • on the 5, h o f K'll , M 27th. Be wasprostratedby an attack said she had recently had an artist pain of paralysis about a yeav ago, from ' ' a large oil portrait of her husband, an which he never fully recovered. 'Whenever she entered the parlor where i •,hung the eyes turned in their sockets an The grim reaper has taken away Mrs looked at her, Ferrie, of Whitechurch, aged 81 years. '1,1 went down steers at onee to %spec She passed away on Wednesday morn- the picture, and, just as I anticipated, ing, and leaves a husband, four sons found that the painter had introduced the and six daughters to mourn their lose. trick effect which I have described: No Jas. Iravis, of le*rey, has purchased matter where I stood the gaze of the painted face seemed to be fastened di - the 50 aore farm of Wil -son McKey, for rectly mein me, Next day I called again the suns of $2,100. Mr McKay will re - and brought with me an artist friend, move to Maryhoro township next • PA.ENT114 Any parties wanting any Painting done, In- d side or outside, if they will let me know I will . I be glad to do it, House Debiting and finishing O a opeoiettcard le .Kindly iet me know or drop me illYaVititinao.Loolsilovhhint amsalall1 will bo giol to °1in4ostAlly._7110171:11:014. ^ MONEY TO LOAN. PRIVATE ruNDso 4.1 low rates on first-class mortgages. Applyao G., D. DieTaggart, May13118042 Clinton, Oct. " UPHOLSTERING. The undersigned wishea to announce to the People of Clantonand surrounding country that he has located in Minton and is 'proper. ed to do all kinds of Upholstering. Mattress Making, Carpet Sewing and laying. All orders entrusted to me will receiveprompt attention. Orders left at Broadfoot lk Box's store or at It • Walker s residence. W. Al, WALKER. June 8-2 .m' Clinton. Picnic Parties. ..• Besides a beautiful Park find Spacious Dancing Payllion, the groves in front kit the itivor House, on the banks of the river have t been fitted up for PICNIC GROUNDS for the ▪ 1uLe n d convenience of guests. ••• Every accommodation can be given, snoh as t tables, chairs, swings, hammer:1N, boats, etc, d Arrangements eau be made with the proprie- tor for conveyances of any number over. No charge for use of grounds. Any particulars t for parties, apply to Clarendon Hotel, Clinton, or River lioase, Barfield. Whom I left in the parlor while I went fall, where he has hourht anot her fin m. •up stairs to seeny patient. Presently I • On Monday last there passed away spggested that we go down and look at one of Wingh un's early and respected tbe painting together. She consented re - settlers, P. Deane, sr. at the ripe age luctantly, but as mon as she saw it she ot 80 years. Deceased'wter horn in Her- drew a deep breath of relief. It no Ion - deo, It oxburgshire, Scotlandon April ger Stared fixedly at her. While he was 20, 1820. left lone the artist had painted in two • Last • week Wixi, Somerset Passed • little spots of light that gave the eyes an - entirely different direction." -New Or - away _on Saturday afternoon in his 80th Or - year. He was a native of 'Ireland and -• leans Timea-Demearat. before going to Brussels, where he-liv- . • • ed for the last eight years, resided at Thornbury. PeriodiCala.. • 4: very interestiqgwpdding Tom's edig- - -7.-- = brated on the. evetnog of Jane fith; at -MCaIt MrugaIne for RAY' hand, and contains the usual array of Budget. • the borne of B.Lang,in Grey* township, C. E. Provincial Editor's intereeting matter for women as is hen hisdauglater, Miss Matilda Jane, was united in marriage teJ.N.Lainont, Shown by the table of conlente which of the eame township. • •• folloWsf-The very latest gossip of fashion, feds andlancies ' smart Street "I purchased a bottle of Dr. Low's costumes, the11 iael , i f Worm Syrup for me little girl .24 years these fashionable gowns, huw to be old and gave her the medicine. The , mes for Mime palmier, summer costu s result wee she - paased fifteen round, .and chil :trete the etiquette cf . little worms in:five clays." • ' . things, a Chinese vredding. about cele. s MRS B. ROY, Kiiinanagh, Ont. . brities, the eeason's parasols, the latest The Goderich Lumber Co.. of which in millinery,. suggestions for dress or G. Thomson,- formerly of &fiend, is namentation, artistic photographs manager, has purchased the Peter that Clever Mrs Arlington (story) Scott propeety. at Swim Lake, Bruce ' mothers' column, who first used som county, . acres o famous.phrieses, lobster recipes, how pesture land, resAence and 'barns. to make good cake, queer stories, core It:J .Tanaieson, of , Ford wich, was reepoedence, prenalum pages. faihrin rnarriedeen Vtrednesday week to Mies pages, &c. We note, too, -that each Sarah; daughter of Wm.. Finlay, of su becriber receives a free patternof 'Maple Grove Farm, 'non. 14, Ilewick. ,her. OWn;selection, . Published at 56 a Rev.Mr Stewart,Presbyterian minister copy -50c a, year• -43Y the McCall 0o. • Rey. Dr. Dickson, Balt ANOTHER BANNER. Dr, Wm. Malcolmof the Presby- terian Mission, Elonen, (ihina;. has mat to Dr, Dialson a handsome. banner to be used in some chpartment of the • work'of the Provincial Union. It will be giyee at a naeeting in Guelph for some distinctive service in which a number are doiug the same kind of Work - but of course to those who ex- cel. CONVENTIONS OF SUNDAyS011001,SAND E. IN COUNTIES. At ;he Inst Meeting of the executive of the Provincial C. E. it was given, at their lugnient, that.s it was nft-eri difficult if net impossible to hold suc- cessful conventions. of .S. S. or 0. E. alone, that they should he amalgamat- ed. This had been tried in more than one instance, and had been eminently successful. • One day wasgiven to the S.11. inter- ests.. It is well know.n that t best workers in 0,E.are also Sunday School workers; abd viceVersa, so pl,t It is just doing two things at one time in. Stead of at two times. Eve' y Endeav- or should be made to keep both the S. S. and the 0. E. in good, thrifty, vighr- ous Condition, and for. this a large - gathering to discuss questions and r e- ceive stimular and. awaken enthusiasm it; needed. . ' OUR enowsmai.. ooNvgerrearr IN OC- TOBER IN GUELPH: For thie, great preparation is being made. The friends in Guelph are very busy and sots the provincial executive. Guelph being so central we expect a large gathering. From the East and West and North and South endeavorers will gather in the city On the highest point in Ontario. Let every society see that it is represented by a good delegation of its members. All are welcome. Wins the Faris Trip. Early in the season tbe Dunlop Tire Co. offered a prize of a cabin passage to Paris for the best 200 -word composi- tion, based on experience, setting forth the advantages and points of superiority of the Dunlop detachable tires oyer those of other make, Beyer - al hundred contributions were receiv- ed from all parts of Canada. The company named the following jttrors to determine the winners: G. M. Keeley, Toronto,. barrister; Alfred Wood, of the Evening Telegram, To- ronto, and J, W.estree, manager of the Dunlop Tire Co. These jurors have gone carefully through all the contrt- butions submitted, and have selected as best that, of F. B. it member of the Galt Daily Reporter, Personal experience and opinion based thereon were the determining factors in selecting commended. con. buttons were some which perhaps showed mote literary ability than that of Mr Utlfiy, but the 3 u rot s telt that his contribution expressed rriu-ch "Dunlop" sense in a nutshell, and made their award accordingly. The jurors wish to eoinmend the con- tribittions from Geo. Jacoby, Montreal; Rev M. E. Fletcher, Halifax, and E.W. N. Flock, London. • , • See my Writing “I revel in my freedom. Compare it with the first ,you saw from my pen." So writes a teacher froirt Sirncoe who spent a term with us last slum - Mer. We vin develop good business Writet a because we have Iwo of the bestpenmen in the country ' on our staff. We are quite as strong -handed in every other depattment. Enter forthe deanery, to assist in bringing any time. No vacations, Special together the Members of that useful Summer Term from July 3rd, Our a orgriniaation In the rural parishes *nu circulars exclen ; write f4r them. find impossible to ttend the annual • • 11. SITA.W, Toronto, rzteetitig in London, , PrincIpM Central BusineesCollege, The following officers were elected for the coming year:-flon. Pro., the Rural' DOM Presoittev E. O• Jennings; The Turkish Government hat; signed Vice Pres., Miss James; Our. Sec., Miss a contract with the AnsaIdo , 00.1 of Galbraith; Xtee, See„ F. Rodgers. Genoa, for the rettervMion of eight In the eyening divine service was trenciads, and is negotiating with the, held in Trinity church, Rey M. Gold- Orupp Co. for rearming them. 'berg preeching an able and instructive sermon from the text "Seareh the - Children Cry for fileriptueee." The fleXt Meeting , of the deanery, CASTO R IA WOrkere Will be held in littyfleld. TO BREEDERS The phenomenal well bred standard horse,. Tarantula elm will stand at W. W. Ferrates - barn, near Station at Clinttin, every Monday' for the balance of the season. . • TARENTUM 21795 has in his breeding the greatest sires livipg ur dead, also 12 of the go atest producing dents Mille'. Bo has -1st, , unquestionable breeding ; 2nd, extreme Wee: , ard, the power to transmit it. • . I Tents: To insure, $15. For extended pedigree , 000 iarge catalog. Address Junoti A. CapflAie.RLLea,87,0001tkIrEfarm, " . , Ermondville. Ont. Give A Youth : ' • resblution and a couree in Business and.Shorl hand at the • roil -try, ..10.4fwete • ' pori,t)rtr. and who shall place limits is career Catalogue free. . • • W. WESTERVELT, • Principca ' • • • • • •• 4 owyvvvvvv•ime0AAAAA at Belnrore, made them men and wife, 188 t.o 146 West 14th St., New York, • In the list a successful candidates in *- • ' The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul the law examinations at Otagoode hall, Railway is issuing a series of booklets Toronto, we find the name of G. E. - Buchanan, son of Dr. Buchanan, of sand f iregardingipointe of interest along its you are interested, in the Zurich. who passed his third yearq ex- . W. A. Kerr, of McKillop, has passed special .publication desired, enclosing the pass wirseern—co-unt 113; arni.nation, standing first in trip, write Geo. 'Hnacaltdrillein'egraa 1 II" . Passenger Agent, Chigago, Ill., for -the his final examination before. the Col- four cents in stamps for postage for lege of Physicians and -Sturgeons of each one:. The Ploneer .Limited, The Ontario. H, P. ,Ross, of Exeter, has Land of Bread and Butter, The Fox nestled his intermediate. examination, Lake Country. Fishing in the Great and A. Murdock, of Brucedeld, his North Wood, The Lake Superior primary. Country, Cape Nome Gold Digginge, . SUMMER 00T.IGHS ' Summer Days in the Lake. Country, • Sumnier Homes, 1900, The game of Are often the hardest to shake off, and Skat; Milwaukee -The Convention frequently lead to consumption. Bet- City, A Farm in the Tinaber ClountrY. ter have thern cured promptly by Dr, Stock Raising in the Sunshine State, Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, the best Hunting and Fishing. • remedy for healing the lungs and cur- ' ing all kinde of coughs and colds. The June Magazine. number of the Miss Ella Shaw, of Seaforth, was Outlook is the llth annual illustrated recreation nnintier. In this issue, as usual, much space is given to illustrated art icles dealing with Out-of-door and vacation topics. Among the writers for this issue are:- Hem y Van Dyke, who talks in a poetic and picturesque vein; Frank Spearman, the author of the best railway tales recently publish- ed; Wm; Gillette, the actor, Rev J. IL Twitchell, Hartford, who has a unigtie paper on the out door life of the &m- ous theologian, Dr, Horace Bushnell; Dr. S. D. McGonnell; Jane Barlow,Iffif famous Winter of Irish stories; Ernest Ingersoll has also an illustrated review, There are other articles, dealing with Paris Exposition, coming conventions, travelling abroad, and, in addition, the usual editorial review of the week and comment on current affair's and new books. $3 a year, The . Outlook Oci., We learn of the death of Wm. Ridd, New York. V. S. of Binghampton, New York, formerly of Winghatn. Mr Ridd mov- ed to Wingham in the early seventies conduetincr a large practice until he re. moved to Binghamton 8 years age, He The evellidcnoWn proprietary Med; is married to a sister of R. A.nderson, mine firm of the J. 0. Arm 00., Delmore. • Lowell, Mem., has recentlY opened an On June 1s1, B. S. Robertson bar- -office in the Bell Telephone Building, deter, of Stratford, son of W. le Rob. fiaontreal, in order toglye closer Wen- ertson, Godericb. and Miss Laura O. tion to their Canadian bueineee, It Is Segsvvorth, third daughter of Me and riot generally known that they, already Mrs S.Segsworth.of TornOtn...vtlail niart , ..hrtsart large , laboratory Mon treale tid in tile lifetrop-Olittin ehurcb, Tor. having manufactured there for several onto, by Rev. G. It. Turk, formerly,of years. The intention is to make the Goderich. •• busitierse thoroughly Canadian and to strengthen their faellitiett so as to keep imeewit h & constantly vrowingdemand. For sixty years the leaders in regard to family medicines, they are more in eyidence to -day that atter before. They intend that every bottle of the Ayer remedies shall be prepared as carefully as a druggist cornpoundit a medicine by prescription, and in reorganising their Oantulian facilities they anticipate irt advance a largelyincreased business. married on Wednesday, June Oth, to Mr Bates of the Bayfield road,Stanley. The nutrAage took place at the /midence of Geo. Paterson. and the officiat- ing clergyman was Rev, Rural Dean Hodgins, The marriage is announced of Mies Marie McQiiarrie, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs 1-1.McQuarrie, Grey town- ship, to G. EL Faille, of Manchestere• England. The ceremony was perfoi ru- ed in one of the Methodist churchee in Hugh Alexander; who some years ago owned a farm near Broadfoot's bridge, in Tuckeremith.and now by H. Crick), but who for several years has resided in the Shoal Lake dietrict,Man- Robe, died there about a, monthe ago. ?Is death was the result of pneumonia. . The :House of flyer. Word Was received of the death of R. T. Srnale, formerly of Exeter,who died , in California of consumption. The de- cemed's home was in Chicago until a few weeks previous to his death, when he left for California in hopes to better his condition'but his ease was a hope- less one, and he soon passed away,aged 82 years. • A PAINFUL SCALD Mrs T. Wanntimaker, Frankford, Ont., says: melded my hand very badly, then took cold in it. It swelled and was ,very buthalf a bottle of Hagyard'e Yet, low Oil (lured it completely, The assessment roll of 2900 for West Wawanosh gives the yalne of real property ae $1,128,500, an increase af about, $4,209 over 1899; population, 2- 055; •head of cattle, 4,220; horeeti, 1,108: sheep, 2,387; how'. 1,53t. There were no appeals at the court of revieion, which epeaks well for asseeor, W. A. Wilson. He has been assessing the township for eleven yeare, Many were surprised to learn of the Sent right to your home presents for death of Samuel Broridfook Tucker- friende and loved onus, Sena 01;$2, $3 or smith, which took place on Monday, $10 for order for tees or coffeee, e000tte,pep- Tune Ord. He had !Alen ill with an. persanustards,&e.,&oefedies' or gents' gold pertdicitie for about two weeks. Ile wetchee, 'Warranted beet quality, lowest was a man in the POMO Of life, being price, prompt shipment, malI Order or 50 years of age and was the third son of write(enclosing stemp)for prize net, Agents the late A liroadfoot, and brnther of wanted. 810601 and caalraiatlion. 3. 11, liroadfook Seaforth. Ile was GEEAT PA.CIPIO TEA. CO., horn on the old homestead farm in 0 1404 Br. Catherine Rt, Tuckersmith, Montreal, Qua, RIIMBALL'S WATOM- AND JEWELRY STORE just seceived a lotof new Belts, • Buckles, Pulley Belts,Bengle Brace- lets, etc. The latest gods in the • market', Wemake specialty of fitting Spectacles and Eye Glasses, „: -Eyes-examined-free.•- . vt• CANADIAN PACIFIC WllIyun 1111111f. ce (en 60 Day Excursion To the Canadian North West , At Rao= Pares. -$28 Winnipeg ....` Deloraine Antler Estevan Rinscarth Moasonain Ramlota bWSfl t .Reglna • • . .. Moosehtw Yorkton CaAlbert". Re Deer .... Red1Y. Edmonton . ... • $30 $35 $40 Going June1Oth. Returning until August 20th., (All rail or S. S. Alberta) ' bactioart Jitizelliii.oult;lurning until SePtem- --ablint*Ittly 17th. Rotarians'. until &retain - bet llith. (All rail or S.S. Alberta.) • _o ft N. -I, 0 - 0 A. • iriffte,"I'AIWP Igirlth131 •111:111r11:4tif it IP NOTMAN.L.Aset, Genii Paseonger Ago t„1. Kim; St: Seat, 'Potent°. 4 1 'The China Gezette has i he highest authority for stating that, the do weger Empress has ordered the Tsang Li ' Yarrien to faee ail Europe rather th 1.11 to interfere with the Boxer movetneut, The War Office has inforroatton that one of the first. things done by Lord Roberts after Inc occupation of Pre- toria WAS 10 direct Oen. French to re - three the British prisoners confined at Waterval. GIVEN FREE The Morning Post HAMILTON. A Sew . (hie (lent Daily. • •Liddp.lidokiiin IN1111.0e. Will Print -ail ihe I*45wri -re ali-tho PeoPic . win bu ont dem. MOM illiti12410, Rent to, buy Address for . 4 Months for *1.00 or one / . TUE MORNING. POST I ‘ Tear for igloo°. . • Ihtmelton. .11AsaletertAANAAIV4taiaNYekra01,4V10SMO BitY PIANO . Your •4444.4-.4144414: AND ORGAN 2 00 seconds make a minute t10 minutes make a hour,but 60 Typewriting Machines make the finest equipment in Caned& for 'Dreaming etrairt operetora The Central Busutesseollege Toronto • has that equirment, end beeides hes the largest otaff of expeot teachere employed in tory-Canadian Badness School, Thie College is open every month in the year and students may enter ' any time and quality for businese positions on short notice. 46°14 summer term from July trd. Catalogue free. W. lf, Prirreibal 222.2. Properties for Sale or to Let HOVSE FOR SA,LE 2.2222.22.2.11 A comfortable frame house on the corner of Queen andslohn iereetie_Olintori. Three-quar- ters acres Of land; good orchard; hard water, etc.. also Stable, .Apply to - Nov. Oth-rit DIRS. J. . TOWNSEND 1 Housn OR SALE. The 00nifertahle and (WRY Oettage oil Joseph Street, Clinton, recently ocoupied:by James MoClaeliertylis offered for Sale on very reason able terms. Jams McCILAnnuarY, PRO.PERTIES FOE, SALE. ••••• ••••• For -sale, 4 lots near the Flax Mill, 2 lots on Erie St.,8 lots op Milton:it 'elope brick cottage+ with frame kitelien_lhat d water, good orchard. NRIDOUT, Oli to t ca% itilitnticA'y 'TR di M " o oseu a e, an toba. 00.R. SALE. A large double brick Muse; built by the lati3 W. H. Manning, on Albert street. The house I e in an excellet.t state of repair sod is suitable for the accemmodation of two families. For Perla/Mare apply to .1". P, TISDALE, Clinton, Ont. 'Marche -11 HOUSE for SALE or to RENT. On Victoria St.,, near Organ Factory. $300 will buy a roomy, comfortable house with good lot -the property reoently occupied by Frank Upshall. Apply at once to,. W. IIRYDONEI, Barrister fo. Clinton. Honse and Lot.tor Sale. The large and. Commodious house pleasantly, situated on Huron Street, occupied by thc un- dersigned is offerd for sale oa very reasonable terms. There la every accomodation,with stable, orchard, itc. W. BOWERS, Sept 21. 1899. - Clinton. -House and Lot tor Sale The undersigned offers for sale at a low figure, his comfortable cottage on Queen St., containing eight roomal hard and soft water in the house. Cottage in good repair, The lot contains over Milian acre, and on it are plum, apple and pear trees. For farther par - touters apply to g. R. Rant, , June 8-1m . Canton. FOR, SA.LE. The Gale farm, one of else best farms in Goderion township, Huron County, lot 17. Part 18, con. 8, 6 Milthi from Goderioh alt? from Clinton. The farm contains good buildings and good fences, weilwatered and well under - drained. There ia a large 'bearing orchard and garden of small fruits. Terms to suit pur- chaser. Apply to WM. GOULD, on the pre- mises. or Goderieb 2.0. June 8-3in • STORE FOR SALE. The premises occtipled by 11. ,T Olaf, and consisting of a first class brick store, on Albert Street, Clinton, is offered for sale -on easy term• Also Cottage on Albert Streetcwith two lots, stable, andall conviences. Particulars on appication to Mrs W. Robertson, Clinton or Mrs C, W. McGregor, Constance. BUSINESS .PROPERTY FOR , SALE • That desirable Brisk B118111088 Stand on Al- bert St., Clinton, occupied 0,y Mr N. Robsminis offered for sale, including rear lot and stable. The location is one of the best in Clinton. The property is free from incumbrance and title in- disputable. Price reasonable and terms to suit perchaser. Apply to GEO. STANBURY, Lon- don Road or address Clinton P. 0 For Sale or to Rent: The choice brick house on the corner of Ful- ton and Joseph streets, belonging to the estate of the late Richard. Heywood, is offered either for sale or to rest.- It contains roomfor ordi- nary family, is practically a new house, with all conveniences,. and three -tenths of an acre of land. If the property is not sold or rented, part of it will be mated. Apply to • • W. COATS Exeoutor C uton. . . , Faim for Sal.e.or to Rent. 1 200 acre farm for sale or to rent, being Lots 29 c.nd SO, 8th concesiion of Rullett township; 125 acres under cultivation, the rest bush and pasture land; watered by a well supplied river; school home No. 5 situated on the farm; good large bank barns, stables. sheds another buildings, also story house; also good or- Aelipsodi orst.1;e stip! eotonveniences. Terms easy, ral ALBERT C. VADDEN, or bv letter to Londesboro R 0., Ont. lm • • GOOD FARM FOIL SALE. _- A. desirable farm for sale being It No. 85, llth concession, of tho township of Goderich, one mile south of liolmesville, known as the Cole farm, 80 acres, fall ploughing of 40 acres all well done, 10 acres of fell wheat, 15 acres meadow, baanice in pasture, orchard of choice bearing fruit trees, all the front of said farm is glee utiful row of maple trees, a log house, stone dairy, bank bora, offered, for sale on very advantage terms. , T. C. PICKARD. Holrnesville P.O. 1:101LE FOR SALE. On Pattenbury St., opposite Airs Combo's, a 11 story frame house, containing woodshed and summer kitchen and '7 rooms. viz: parlor, dining room, kitchen, 1 bedroom downstairs and three up -stairs; bard and soft water, I acre corner ler, with evergreen, rose and other hedges. Gooaeborries, raspberries, currants, apple and plura trees, good vegetable garden, eta. A most desirable property and will be sold well within Its Value. Apply eo the premises or at the organ factory. Aid 20 -tf W. G. DOHERTY. A..13argau2_Hfn Land. • nere s For aide cheap and on easy terms -part of Lot 4, Bitylleld Concemion, Goderiob toweehip; 55 amts. Apply to W. SCOTT, . Sept 7-8m Brumfield. Splendid Farm to Rent Or for sale Subrorlber offers either to rent or for sale, hie farm of 15() aerie, 'innate& on the Huron road, Tnekersinith; half a Mho from the town of Clinton. It is all °leered, with first -ohm buildings, bank barn 48:00, with windmill, inn:dement hoUse 18X20,wIth stone foundation, stone pig hones 10120' with hen house above, good frame hoes', three stores Of riling orch- ard. creek running through the pima The faros la a *steelier one in every respect and twiny ona whO either wishee to lent or bur r.asortabie terms will be Made. Poeseesien at any time. ARTHUR COU011, Onion. diuntarY 26th,11000. ftt the Slintou Niusie store Which is alao Clinton headquertere for the noroi McBurney Beattie Bio3roles Call and see us for & heroin in a high grade, Mirada Ana early running *heel, C. HOARE, ()LINTON. !att•edett+911,44.$+.4141rItitie., 1 Office -Beaver Block. 1 try -raid% Oeite ppoLINTON Foster's Photo Geller, C rofessionalandOthereards • JAMES SCOTT &arbiter, Solicitor, &rat °maw. OrrEft--Elliott Block, Team St'reet, MONEntro LOAN. Wit BRYDONE. BARRISTER, SOLIOITOli, MOZART PUBLIC, ETC, I CHARLES SEAGEIR Barrliter, Solicitor, Notary and Cenveyanoe- Oince-Opposite Colborne, Motel Clederich M. GO CAMERON wormeny of Oanieran Halt A eamPrCur BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR, Oillce-llamilte&SlugtosblIgolborue,HoUtie GARROW &. DARROW. BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS,' ETC. .0filee-4o'iner Nonillion St. and the Sgnar Goderleh, Out. J. T Ciamow, 9.0. CHAS. GARROW, tabs PROUDFOOT & HAYS, ,SAitaserxite, SOLICITORS, NOTARIES PUBLIO PRIX/TORS IN THE MARITZA:US COIIRTI &O. . 011100: North st., next door toldgual wilco Private Funds to lend at lowest rates • of interest. • W. PROUDFOOT. • • R. 0. -HAYS . • . JOHN .RIDOUT. CONVEYANCER, COMMTSSIONER, ETC, Real Estate and .Insurance Agent, Money be • lend on Mortgage and Note sectulitY. Office -HURON STREET.. CLINTON DR. G. EftNEST . Hot.mes MOTIFS/A' .(SucceilSor to Dr. T. 0, Bruce) ,..'" specialist in CrOVrp. And Bridge Work KI/Dnda. Sy.-. Graduate Royal College Dental her- ' goons of Ontario, Toronto. . D. D. S. -.First-class Honor graduate of Den- tal Department of Toronto University. Special attention paid to preservation of children's teesh. Will visit RaYdeld every Offiee over W. Taylor lit Son's shoe store. • . .• • DR. AGNEW. IDEptrisTZtarrtitill ()rover:earl& 13ridge Work. ZUHICH. at THE 2ND Trasitair are,on MONTH °Flee Hours -9 to 6, DR. C. W. THOMPSON Physician, Surgeon, 1(10Office and Residence- ' " Mattenbnry Street. OF DR. VVIVI. GRAHAM Licentiate of the Royal Collegdof Physicians London, England. Office and Residence- . -vitt PERRIN'S IlLOCK; Up Stalrii_A, Successor to Dr. Turnbull, TIE. WM. WINN, L. R. O. P. and L. IL 0. EL Edinburgh. Office -Ontario Sreet Clinton Night cans at front doer of residence on .Batten bury Eft., oppoeite.Presbyterian church. • . . D, J. W. SHAW, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON .1.3conoheur, etc., cface and residence On- tario St., opposite English church, formerly .oci enpied by Dr. App)eton, Clinton Ont. . DR. STAN -BURY, GRADUATE OF THE Medical Departmeat of Victoria Univer- sity, Toronto, formerly of the Hospitals . and Dispensarie ,s New York, Coroner of the County of Huron, Ba,511eId, Ont. W. JR. FOWLER, ---- Gold and Silver Medalist, first-class honor graduate of the Oa tart° Veterinary TREATS DISEATEISleg; ALL ANTALALSI. Night and day calls answered at offitte-Dr Worthington's old stand,otm. Commercial Hot e T FL BLACIKALL VETERINARY SURGEON EY • HonoraryGraduatc of theontarloVeterina College. Treats alldiseases ol domesticated an male on the most modern and ecientitleprinc plea Office- immediately south of theNewEve Office. Reeldeziee - Albert Bt., Clinton, Cal night ordav attended to promptly flArARR/AGIE LICENSE, dAMES SCOTT, 812. IV- !Bearer of Marriage Licenses, Library Room and Reaidence.Mary street, Clinton. TAMES CAMPBELL, LONDESBORO, V ISSUER OP MARRIAGE LICENSES, , No witnesses reanired Iji W. rAilletaotiB, MEMBER or ASS'S OP J. • le L. S., Provincial Land Surveyor and 0411 Engliner, London, Ont....Moe it dee Stewart's Grocery Store. Clinton. 156 ER144141411 Ittietollophit De:Ideigeosor mr.r2CA41.=nei.t rata. on cern).;.Yetitable'treastuy of the wond'000pto, itAnd berfthsongsree„ 1° 0.0)!, p01 10. CLINTON MARBLE WORKS. 0000 En% MX S, Next to Commerciwamal Betel. This nstib ishinerti t Intel) op ration and an 04- ordlted in the eatisfamo y way, Oen e- tery find granite work a specialty. Prices as resonable as Cum, of ally eetablioffinie t J. B. HO )VER, Clinton lickILLOP MUTUAL itia INSURANCE 'CO. FARM Es. ISOLATED TOWN PEOPERTif ONLY INSURED Ottrintne. I. B. Motoo.n, President, Klemm P. O.; Thos. Fraser. vies•1,re4clent, Brit 01161 P1) • J. :Shannon, :11ey-lreas.. Searetth P. 0 • Thee. Et Iraye. Tnapretor Lesse,, ntaforth 1). O. 1010.0% 'W. 0. 1:10).-tdfeet, Seeforlh: John G. Grier Winthrop P. O.; George Dalt Eearortin Thee, 1,, Heys, Seaforthi Jes._Evams, Seehcwoed P. O.; John Watt, Ilarlook P. 0.; Thomas Eraser,- Brucefield_t John R. McLean, Rippee ; James Connolly, Porter Hill, A0811111 Hobert Smith, liarlotki Itebt, Memiliriat forth; jan0$ ("tumbling, EgniondVillet J. W Yee, irolineavIne ; John Govenleek and John O. lworritton, &What& Parties desirete4 to effect /neer/trice or tifl- ant other bodiless will be pfeMptly attend to •"+$. on appliration to any ot the abOVIt addretieed 10 their retreat,* Weed.