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" OBERT. littnarES, Publisher,
Ih evilly bane' little breaks are
murring daily.. My be
Table Silverare,
Rings, Pins
Brooches "
Watches or elocks,
Whatever it is ive're anxious it shall
come our way.
We mar suoh things in a eat's-
. factory manner.
Our charges are moderate - our
services prompt.
Whether Weiser moll it mceivei
all the attention it requires.
We are Leaders In our Line.
And Op Lielan
THE RAIN, -There is nothing that
sounds better, as I lie in bed at night,
than to hear (he rain •a -pelting, when
I know the farm is right, than to hear
the lukewarm splashes that would fair.
ly sprout a stone, and 1 get lop in the
morning, just to see how things have
grown. .
we beard the other dity.runs this way;
Seven years ago &farmer hung his vest Godericn.
• •
The News of the Neighborhood
Supplied.by the New Era's widesawnlie and reliable correspondents
in the barn yard; a calf chewed the Sermons -The ladies of St. Peter's
pocket in the garment, in which waata churcb, Goderich, will hold their an-
gora. weed), One day the animal, a nual garden party in the harbor park
!held old cow, was butchered for beef, on Tueeda,y, June Nth,. when special
and the watch was found in such a pre attractions will be the feature.
sition between the lungs of the cow I Liman -Tile Mitchell brothers who
. , ,
.4 that the process of respiration -the were committed for trial a few months
ar closing in and filling of the lunge-kePb since, on a, charge of defrauding their
' the stem winder wound up, and the oreditore, were charged with perjury
watch had lost but four minutes in the before Mr justice MacMahon; consul -
seven yetil id e a submitted and at
era e ev en w ,
4.--3 And Cream . .
Erass Band
LAWN SOMAL. -Though the weather the close a committal order Was made.
Bohnesvme, June 21
was cool the lawn social under the aus- The June sessions of the °minty Court
pices of Ebenezer a S., held at john opened on Tuesday before His Honor
Tebbatt's on Fridayevening last, was Judge Masson, with a long list of cases.
Darern,-Stuart A. Macvicar, one of
lly proved the cooking ability of the
ladies of the church, amd ice cream, pKirkton. of James Lindsay, base line, was re-
fu$500, on account of his dwelling
the publishers of the Sarnia Canadian. duced
and a prominent citizen ot Sarnia for
house having been destroyed by fire
made things go off nicely, . After all many veers, died there on Saturday in CHURCH. -The corner stone of new fall; Vir. T 131 lot 20 12,
June 7, by His Lordehips Bishop Bald. laetad ThomasamYr' a c°1131t, 0
had fared well a varied program, con- his 69th year. Wm. Macvicarg railway
slating of music by the orchestra, solos mail clerk, is a son of deopa,sed. The St. Paul's, Kirkton, was laid Thursday
by Miss M. McVittie, of Nile, and Will tete gentleman was an ablff writer, and win, In the morning Hely Commun. - t °t
Pp°131 rTle, con 14, and aTITS3., Newcomb
Brydges, of Goderich; and % recitations a man of fine character, and his death ion was administered, after which the struck off, Arthur . Style, Int 5, con
14, M. F. A number f notices of
by Miss L. Brydges,' of Goderich, was is almM
s to Sarnia. He was a ajor of seuil-annual deanery rneeting of the
enjoyed by all Proceeds amounted to
count3r of Perth was held in the • old consichange, were receiveddered at this sittiong, too late to and t hbee
over $26. ' the 27th Battalion.. Mrs Macvicar and
a family of sone and dautzhteis euryive
• a success. An excellent tea, which
(SEE 1111611,S4
ilnikett •
BARN Boutairr.-D. Stevens, who
had the farm on the 13th con. rented.
on which he • is living, has bought it
from Alex Smith, the proprietor, who
resides across the road. it is a good
farm, containing 75 acres, with splen.
did buildings, the figure paid being
$307°Clon'ter OP Ravasion.---.1,:h& first sitt.
ing of the court of revision for the
!township of Hullett washed in Londes-
boro,on Monday, May 28th; members
all present; Wm. Moon elected chair-
man. Several -uppeeds were received
and the following changes andsorrec-
tions made in the roll; -The assessment
chuh. At the time appointed for the
. court adjourned Until Saturday, June
PosTranian. -. The grand •garden COUNTY Councils -The June session layicg of the stone a procession of ten fhl, when the following changes were
party which was advertise,d to begiven closed on Saturday morning, and on cleygyrnen, headed by the B"°13, all then made: -The assessment of R. & J.
on the lawn of George 0o9per, con. 9, ,Friday eveninr, by 8 votes to 6, it in their official robes, marched out of Ransford on lots.14 15 16, con 5, were
Goderich township, on Wednesday a reed to hold the December sitting in the old building and around to the site each reduced $200; Geo. & Henry Stur-
dy, Manchester, were raised $50; John
.Kennedy, tenant,- lotS, Man., and G.
Yungblut struck off; John Nichol-
son, owner. lot 5. .Man., and John Ken-
nedy struck off; R. M. Cuming, tenant,
lots 82x92, Man.; John Taman, owner,
lot 45, con. 14, value $2600, and Wris.
Bawden struck off; Wm. Patterson,
owner, pt let 45, value $100; Jai. Fleuk.
er, lot 93, Man., M. F.; John Bullard,
owner, B. S., Sumrnerhill, lots 18-19,
value 11250, and L Brownlee struck off;
Thomas pollard, lot 5, Kinburn, struck
off. The assessment roll was passed
and court of revision closed. Council'
held a meeting the same day, after
court of regime, and made some
changes in the appointment .of path -
masters; a petition from B. Morritt and
6 other ratepaa era, requiring authority
to proceed with the construction of a
ditch to a sufficient outlet, under the
rovisions of the Ditches and Water-
courses Act, instead of the Drainage
Act, was granted„ and a resolution •Fluron Farmers' Institute was held in
was passed accordingly, persuarit to Scott's Hall, Hensel!, on MoriaiiY last
Sect. 5, D. & W. C. Act. Several ac- week. There was a fair representation
evening, was postponed on account of
the wet weather, to Monday evening,
June 18th. An excellent program wall.
be -furnished% to Which the following
are expected to contribute: Clinton
Maple 1.ata11O. O. F. Bond, Clinton Or-
chestra, Cole's Orchestra assisted by
R. Worthington and B. linvey, Cole's
Choir. Messrs A. Erwin and Dr. PaIlh
Exeter ter, of Bayfield. Refreshments will
NoTES.-Rev V. McDonough, . re- be served trona 6 to 8. Admission' 20e;
' tired minister of Stratford, occupied children 15c. _ • .
Inain street Methodist pulpit last Salo- NoTEs,---Thos. Cowan, Ohio, culled
bath. Mrs -R. Elworthy Is visiting on his old friends ' in this vicinity last
, friends at Strathroy this week.. Messrs week; Mr •Oostran lived onthe Bayfield•
• sTa.. H. Dickson and J. G. Sta,nbury,. line some 20,years ago; since that time
la:misters, were at Goderich on Satur- he has been a resident of the States;
day on legal business. Main street his occupation is that of a. butcher. J.
ohutch property has been improved by Marshall spent a few days at Lucknow
- the erection of a fancy iron fence. The last week visiting relatives, and called
'store of H. Bishop 85 Son was entered on a special lady friend. Sohn Cluff,
1 by means of a ladder through a rear Beyfreld line, has been erecting a page
; window on Friday night, and a small wire fence along the front of his place.
' quntiti
y of goods taken. L. U. Dick- Statute labor s on jest now, and opr
; son has sold his pony and cart to R. roads are being ' treated to a generous
, Samuel, of the Molson's Bank. W. J.. coat•cf gravelonuch to the discomfort
Heaman wheeled to London on Satnr- of wheelmen. Dondinie Harnwell per.
day evening, and visited at his home forrhed the duties of clergyman last
ever Sunday. J. A, Moir, of Stratford, Sunday on the Tuckersmith circuit, in
spent several days last week the guest the absence of 'Rev Thompson, who
.oi 5..J. A. Boyd, principal of the public was at. Conference. The Misses Jen -
school. The ies' Aid of the Presby- kine, of Hallett, are *visiting at•George
tense church aTh giving a strawberry Cooper's. The congregation of Cole's
festival at t church on 'Tuesday even- church Was much pleased with W.
ing next. Tbe lacrosse boys. played Blair's discourse heat Sunday. which
their first league match at Mitchell on WAS of -ad hoer and a quarter's duras:
Friday', when they were defeated 6-4; tion; the League meeting in the even -
they put up 5, fine game. The excae ing was very interesting; the choir No.
voting for the line of water pipes from 2 did remarkably well, and we must
the river for are purposes is now corn. say the young fry have good talent.
Dieted. Rey Mr Blatchford, who has. Mrs J. Simms, of Blyth. is the guest
been visiting friends in town, preached of her sister, Mrs John • Stewart.
in James St. Methodist church on Sate- A. Wise has bought a tine • two -year -
'bath. " W. T. Goodison, barrister, San., old colt from W. Diehl. W. Elliott
nia, spent Sunday with J. G. Stanbury. lost a good milch cow lately) • Edward
Messrs Wm. and Alex. McNevin have Glenn is riot improving a eir as his
severed their connection with Cobble- many friends would wish. Invitations
431 ck's mill, -the ferrner going West and are out for the wedding of Miss Millie
the latter to Seaforth; they are first- Archer, daughter of Thos. Archer,Hul-
class workmenand citizens, and Exam lett, to Mr McDonald. of Brussels.
is sorty to lose them. ' Baytleld
Miss Martin ishavinga special sale of cheap
almatrimmed- hat -Sailors at cost -First alas
dress making.
NOTES.- Miss Alice Dale spent a nr. Annew den st haserrrtotethe vicant
couple of days last week with friends store it -aka -nine .or!IPialist
at Egirondville. Mr N. Carter and his et up the swam for a dental officrwhvilli
sisters spent Sunday last with friends he vvill occupy
All operations c:
rveegnyWedneseay afternoon.
iti Kippen. Mr and Mrs R. Yellow, of t G. Enirst Ifolmes, Dentist, (Successor
Ester, spent a 'Couple of days last 0 of rcrec,litlIntreVeTiiirtit Olcuis Honor
Week with friends here. Mr and MPS Gradiattg.
Coetes, of Constance visited re. the River. Rotel, onaylield; leIer7 ittond4.6
A. quite a from 16 son. to 6 p.m. Specialist in Crown
latives•bere on Sunday IOTA-. andBridge work.
intimber from here intend taking in
the annual picnic to Bayfleld on Sat- NoTns.-Rev Mr Stoddart will °c-
is busy cupy St. Andrew's pulpit next Sabbath
•urday next. Mr N. Carter 'Blies in Mr Hamilton's absence, the tatter
• shingling his barn this week. attending the Assembly. Miss Arm.
Alice Taylor, of Kippen, was visiting
strong now occupies the position as
, her brother here this week. Sunday,
in. organist lately vacated by Miss Whid-
' ; June 17th, will be floyver Sunday don. Sohn McLeod has returned to•
_ss. cur churn when the pastor will preach
Carter addressed the prayer•meeting Huntsville. The piet is again a scene
of busy workmen, a small vessel having
delivered the plank necesile,ry for the
--"Fa, special sermon to the children, alt
are cordially invited, Miss Emma
s covering, Miss Rathwell has left for
t on Wednesdav evening taking for bar
Detroit to take further instruction in
subjectway of the Trans -
music. Miss Simpson has completed
1 , greseor." • the work on her house 'by having it ter Hannab, o ensa , a e
painted. Mr Halstead's feather reno- c u y c. mgr Walter Mair hits !Rivera! team! 'busy
Varna • Mlle week at Mr :Joseph M 0 11 ' drawing lumber from Sprung's mill for
at has started business in Mr Thom.
son's snap on Main St. Edward Glen has his barn raised,'pre• his new !souse in Clinton Mr and Mrs
NOTES.-Iiiiss Maggie McIntrye, who v -°r .
• ' ill • fl ed to he paratory to placing a stone foundation Vodden, of .11ullett, called on S. 11.
under it; Jobn McEwen and A. Whit- er one eyeniri last week
tineham are also raisinctheir barns L ..
thisaweek; Mr McEwen ts putting a
cement foundation, under his. Aloe.. St. Augustine. °
Bibetriii itigh"lidEtiiiietiplirneWbiiiitling m'NOTIdir•Ittlitifi ' TriiitirMi ::W.'''Ur.'
ith a cement foundation. P. Camp. Lau hlin. of Ashfield, were the guest!'
Mightier. A deputation of the enter- of the new one, followed by the choir,.
tainment • committee waited on .the who. opened the service by among
Clounalsartorsesited for asg'rane to bets!: -"The Chitral's 0 ne,Foundation."- The
entertain the Limon Old Boys. when rector then made &snort, intioductory
they visit Goderich on july 04; after address, atter which •Ilis Lordiship pro -
some cliscuseipm. $100. was granted, ceeded with the ceremony, during
. , which he was presented : with' a hand -
though not unarnmensly. .
souse silver trowel. appropriately en-
NOTES. -The committee for ce.ebrat-•
Dominion Day will call lotia was
cgt:rvetiedw: niAlinteedr tthrueicyoirenider, IstahdeheBeinodne;
merchants for subscriptions;
settled by public :meeting the other ',made a short speech, . expressing • his
night that this day should be celebrated ipolnetesaurrteetawndhieshatRisefavc.twiomn .insttehnetoeiceansd-
not on the 2nd this year, but on the
4th, when the Huron Old Boys from An interesting. account of the progress
of the church to Eirkton ghee the year
Toronto . and other points alongathe
1861, and read the names of the • sub -
line visit the old county town, The
scribers to . the building fund, which
first picnic of the • meson was held in
the Harbor Park on the 6th; the, party aniountetToaoyelenrr,$38,000t..mReervyse.; English,
came from the adjorning townships.
Mitchell; Ball, ..Methodist •minister of
The schooner Mary S.- Gordon left on
Kirkton, and Messrs N. Monteith and
Monday morning with a. cargo of salt
for Georgian Bay. The steamer Sr, H. Loner, M. P.P.'s, also gaveaddress.
a Mitchell,eenr"hsang
Andrew arrived ,early.. on Saturday sesn.i.diMetre.0Biltocs4
from Fort Williain with 37,000 bushels
of' wheat for Richardson'selevator, rid' quest, and the speeches were inter-
spersed with music by the choir. At 5
left for the same place shortly a ter'
midnight with apart cargo of hey, oats p. in aid'sustoesperietwsta.s insertvheed btynwthne Lhaaidji-.
and pbtatoes. The C. 0 F. will attend
divine service in North St. Methodist which was largely attended, over $60
being realized. Divine service was
church next Sunday morning. Several
held in the old church at 8p. me in
families who OW11 summer residences
which several of the visiting clergy
here have arrived for the summer.
took part, and the Bishop'deliveied an
Ross Rastall has left for Algoma on a
admira.ble disconree from the text "The
ten days' Visit. Bet; Smith, St. Louis,
. stone which the builders rejected has
is visiting his mother, Mrs R. B. Sn3ith
, . . become the head stone of the corner."
Myth. • Altogether .the day Was a deaded•suc-
cess, and one. which will long be re-
. membered by . those present, pro-
. • This week's • wising much. forthe advancement of
NoTtas.-Mr Graham, London, who true religion and the prosperity .of St.
has thecontract for laying the ,grano- Paul's ehurch,'Kirkton, •
lithic sidewalks, commenced work on . • • .
Tuesday morning; he expects to take ' Siiminerhill
about two in.onttes laying them. The
bricklayers 'have commenced on the Ontuton.-Chas. Saunders preached
a strong, practical- sermon in St.
Pretoria bloat. Several business places
Peter's ehterch on Sunday evening
are wearinv a. fresh coat of paint.
which adds greatly to their appearance.
Miss Amelia Andersen, a member of
the C. E. S >day, was appointed dele-
gate to the S. S. and C. E. Convention
m •Seaforth next week. ' Miss Gertrude
Clarks of the Epworth League, will. al. will be furnished by Auburn Blass
so attend the Cohvention as a delegate. Band and Summerhill Fife and Drum
' Intend,ed for last week. Band. A dancing platform will' be ,
. es erected for those interested in the pass
NOTES.- Misses Lucy and. "mma - time. A football' match will also be
Stevens, of Clinton, visited friends in 1 d. Add • ses r t bd 1' ered
Lown on Sunday. Herb. Ashbury,who 13)7,s axl ttt,e6. ma; I. Iti:fr 11?"P. P.C.
has been engaged as hook -keeper in a 111 W cG eS lb ID Ad % m •
• . JD G. all i ' D. II, an apt -
large flouring mill in Thorold, is home B ' •
. The War.
Kitchener and Methuen Gain
tir1111.4nt Victories. ---- •
The driblets of news filtering from
the Transvaal fail to throw web light
lin the situation in andaround Pretoria.
Public interest centres largely in the
fate of the British prisoners but it
seems probable that about 3,600 have
been reeovered. including 189 officers.
The Federate, therefore, ba,ve removed.
about a thousand as hostages. A des-
patch from Ca,pe Town announces that
the work of organizing the Govern-.
ment of the Transvaal is proceeding.
A portion of Sir Alfred Milner's staff
has gone to Pretoria to start the ma-
chinery, so that the proclamation of
annexation of the Transvaal mity be,
speedily executed. •
'General' ,Warren, with a strong
force, including Canadian artillery, is
reaching north through Griqualand
west. Numbers Of •the rebels are
handing in their arms to the British
"Bobs" has turned up smiling with
tidings of two Victories. His own etc -
tory was won Monday over General'
Botha fifteen miles east of Pretoria.
The honors of the second victory
Were shared by Lord alethenn and
Lord Kitchener, who had been ordered
to restore communications with
Kroonstad. They met on Sunday
night anVredefort station and broke
up Dewet's.*. '
General Buller • has received orders
frau Lord Robert which are not re-
Yealed, but can readily be forecast.
One.division. will probably be required
for guarding Laing's Nek and com-
in'unications, hut. the remaining two
are available for operations in the Free
State from Standerton• against Viede:
President Kruger,according to a des -
path from Loereuzo Marques, keeps a
locomotive with steam up • attached to
the car in which he concentrates the
executiye offices of the government,
and establish the Transvaal capital at
Nele.pruit, in the mountains, a fine de-
fennve region. The state printing,
press le producing 'leaf:late containing
war newt!, tor disttibution among the
The best advertising medical"
in this Seaton: .
South Huron Farmers'
. Institute.
. .
'rhe annual meeting of the 'South '
counts were passed arid ordered to be
paid. Council adjourned nntia Satur-
day, June 30th, at 10 aan.-ffes. CAMP-
BELL; Clerk,
present, and several from coneiderahle
distances. The Pyesident, 11t, B. Mc-
Lean; occupied the chair, and Robert
Gardiner was in his usual 'pleas as
Secretary. The auditors' reprirt ehow-
Londesboro. ed the ;
• estapte fo he in a gond posi-
tion a balance of abont 0230 being in
Loom.s.--sta: meeting of the members
the treasury. This balance is due prin•
of. KnoX church on„Monday evening it,
was decided to have a strawberry fest- aridly to the proceed* of the exctirsion
ival a.nd entertainment on July 1st. to the Experimental Farm. at Guelph,
last year. The membership. however,
Miss Elva Adams is in Stratford this
week attending the. wedding of her was smelt. Only about 30, whereas m
district like South Huron, it should he
friend, Miss Lilly Fitzgerald. Straw-
berries Will be for sale in the village the it least 300. The ' inrrnhershiP fee is
only 20c and this entit tea the member
aid of this week. Flour has taken. a
tumble down -price is now only $1.70
per cwt. Mrs Smith, sr., has been very
eick for a few days but is on the way
to recovery at present. There is no
$1 per year in advance.
Z $1,60 when not so paid.
Are a combination Of Meat
drugs properly compounded.
If run down from any muse
they cannot be equalled as
health builders. They tone
up the nerve centres, in-
crease the appetite, restore
vigor, Imre anemia, female
weeknees, pale and sallow
Theses Ptlle are guaranteed,
that is if tbey are not as
repri seined we will gerund
• the money.
1 . Prescription
ph.one e • ' Drug Store
Conference Notes.
On Monday evening the temperance
anniversary .in connection with the
Conference was held. A crowded
thurch greeted. R. Haines', M.P.; of
*Anton, the Rev. R. Miliyard, of Exe-
ter; and the Rev. Richard Hobbs, of •
Wingham, the speakers of the even-
ing. The Rev. Mr Rigsby; ex-Presic
dent, occupied the chair. The Rev. R.
Flebbs dealt with , some -arguments
against the, liquor • traffic, While the
Rev. R. Miliyard spoke of the justice
and necessity of a prohibitory low to it
powerful addtess; in which he severely
denounced the liquor traffic. Mr R.
Holmes followed with a discussion of
the temperance question frond . a poll- '
tician's point of view. He refer' ed .
the growing temperance sentiment; in
he House of Commons, and showed
the present condition of the 'temper-
ance legislat tor.
The following chairmen of districts! '
and secretaries were; appointed: -Sec.
retaries- London district, Geo, • Jack-
son, John Morrison; Stratford, W. G.
Henderson, E. A. Fear; Wingham, D.
Rogers, A. G. Harrison; Goderich, J.
'Wilson; G. 'A. Gifford; _Exeter, ,T. E.
Ford. R 'Millyer,d; Strathroy; Je R.
Gundy, G. H., McAlister; Sarnia, W.
Da.niela, W. Ay.ers; Windsor, James
Liaingstone, J. B Tellwin; (thathein,
Dr. Hannon, J. S. Cook; Ridgetown,
J. G Kerr, T. Is George; St. Thothae,
0. T. Scot t, W. Godwiti.
The following are arbon g some of the
changes made learn thestiret draftn- •
London district:- Lopcloin Colborne
street, A. It Birks; "Strathird district -
Stratford. Waterlon street, A. H.
Going, Fullerton, R. Hicks. Wing -
ham district -Ethel and Fienfryrt, sup-
erannuated, 11. E. Currie, Gederich
district - Goderich, Victoria street,
J: W. Robinson; Clinton, Ontario
street. G.A.. Gifford Exeter distria ,
to all the agricultural teports and Klmville, W. A. Weldon; Sylvan, R.
bulletins issued by the Government. A. Miller; Granton, L. Flutter.'
Seve al interesting and practical enb. VVindsor district --Windsor West, G.
jects were discussed and the regalia- A: Wilkinson; Kingsville, B. Clement.
less Lan three wagons gathering up tions p seed at the Set annua meeting
asking the Legislature to pass legi.
last. * h The temprance report recommended
. Tees around the yilliage. Mr Thomas 'la' that the president and secretary be
the auspices of the L. 0. L. here to be Li stle has had his barn jacked up ready . tion giving ro municipal councile pnWer
Conference the petition for the PrOhi-
MEI°. -The patriotic picnic under authorized to sign on behalf of the
held in G. Hill's grove on June 20t112 to put a foundation under it. The 1 to pass a by law to give a rebate on
bition of the manufacture and sale of
promises t.o be a very large one. Music Forresters are haying a new chimney taxes te, every fa,rmer who uses a wide
built on their hall. The school gees- tired wagon, (not less than 4 inches), cigarettes, and Riot the last Sunday in
tion has received a quietus for a few also to extend the time for the retutn November be appointed as temperance
months by the action of the county, of pathmasters lists until the end of Sunday; that, theajonference strongly
council. Mrs Barwell has returned to November. were Again adopted and urge the prohibition of the sale of oleo -
her daughter's, Mrs VVin. Hiles, for the ordered to be forwarded to the Minis- hone drinks in any premises used for
sumo:tett she was accompa,nied by Mr ter of Agriculture. A resolution was military purposes or under military
Geo. 11. Neal, Wabash despatcher, and also passed commending Dr. _ Mills, control; also, the enforcement of the
wife, who are taking it two months' Principal of the Agricultural College, regulations forbidding the sale of in -
visit to London, Eng„and other plc cese forbhis services in behalf of agriculture toxicants at summer encampments of
John Harvey has purchased a very in Ole Province. . military instruction. .
fine pig from Brethour & Co., Burford; A circular from the director of Foam- Rea. T. E. Harrison reported for the
it will be a fine addition to his stock. ers'Institutes asking the Institute to General Conference, showing $1,214
take etepe to organize !Monism's fist'. used for the Conference.
Brucenem. tute in South Huron was discusaed a,nd A change is made in the pastorate of
. the matter was not deale with definite- Waterloo St. Methodist church, Strat-
NoTas.-Beyetley Ketchen, theolo- '
ly but, recommended that an experiene- ford, to which Rev A. K. Birks, B, D.,
gical student, will take charge of•Rey ed lady speaker be procured for each (son in-law of H. Elford, Holmesvilled
Mr Shaw's congregation for seveial has been invited to return for a fourth
Inetitute meeting in order to secure a
'weeks; Mr Shaw leaves (his week for large attendance of ladies'. It wag year; he has been located at Colborne
lialifast, to attend the Presbyterian also decided to hold a grand farmers' St, church, London., his sitecessor being
Assembly. Jas. Aikenheed and Wm. Picnic at some suitable point, near Rev A. H. Going, B. A„ Port Stanley.
reheat returned trout Scotland last HensalI, and it ennoinittee was eppoint- The statistical report showed only a
eek; they. visited at the,horne of Rev ed to carry out the necessary arrange- very small increase in membership,
Walter Muir, 'fornierly Of Brumfield, but an enlarged increase in finance, an
andsfonnd him comfortably located in ments.
The following directora were op. increase in oonnexional funds of 111,808,
it country congregatioin among friends • pointed t -R.. Delbriclge, Donald Me- and an increase for all purposes of over
and relatives. Wm. Murduck and Jae.
McLean, Kippen, are attending Paris Innes and IL Gardiner, Usbnrine • S, 0,000.
for a, few months; he take!! a similar
position in the Toronto office of the
firm in September, Mrs F. P. Dens
!Atilt and Mrs Howard Alexander left
last.week to join their husbands in the
far west; Mrs Denstedt goes to Bran-
don and Mrs Alexander to Winnipeg.
NOTESeaThe promotion and review
examinations which have been with-
held by permission of the Inspector%
were held Wednesday, Thursday and
Friday of this week; results of this will
be published later. The arbitration re -
Miss Edith Lowe left this week for garchng the proposed Union School sec -
London, where she intends to engage tion here will be argued before Judge
in the dress -making business. Mrs J. Masson here on Saturday, June 23rd,
Sims is visiting her parents in Stanley at 2 p, all ratepayers and interes-
toWnship for a few weeks. ted should attend. Road work is the
order of the day just now among farm -
Stanley,. . parties from this vicinity
ers. Some
delivered• hogs to Clinton bnYers
NOTES. -Mrs Craig and her daugh-
. Monday to receive the high price.
'VMS Berm y , 15
bed; Mies S. McIntyre is home from CELEBRATION. -The fall of Pretoria
eliiitofi nursing her. B. A. Higgins is was duly etilebrated by our citizens it
adding to the appearance. of his pro. general. Both young and oldparaded
per by !raking. *Are*, , fence put tint the street!! in militaly style, bearing
A -Wilda' -riatifilfire' thse toad- the•natirmat -cokoand-sitigtng-tlits
"Lives thatillft,".wits intrOduced by IL national songs, while the whist es
' E, Fair, who gave it very instructive blowing: bells ringing, and guns firing bell visited ftiends in Kincardine last of r J. Flynn on Sunday last. Miss
paper; next mender evening there will created -intense excitement, the leading week;on hisreturn he was accomPartied X. McGuire returned home 8 week
be a song -service fel' the nrat half hour* feitnre of tbe day being the firing of by his counts, D. Campbell, 'of !Lorne; ago, after a visit with hen aunt. Mrs
miss maguire will nave wage of tiu'a the big gun. A pair of experts at bar-. he also returned to laks horns daring Troy, orGoderich. lira T. Wallace
, topic. Next -Sunday evening Rev J. bean and butchering undertook to the first of the week. Wm. Blair, at and daughter, Miss Martha, are the
W. Andrews will preach the Forresters' be gunners, and, overbalancing their Kincardine, was visiting on Monday guests of friends neat Stratford. Miss
, annualserulen in the blethodistchttrch, charge of powder by ten pounds, let it at Airs OampbelPs. Mrs Craig, of Hen- M.11artin is the guest of her sister.
: owing to the absence Of Rev J. W. off by fuse and ran to a distance of 100 sail, and her daughtersilannah,rettirn• Mrs Miller, of Montreal. Mr J. Cum.
,-AildreYrd the serViee list &Mail even- yards. The cannon was lifted 14 feet ed home on Tuesday, after it Week's mins,of Winghan],was visiting friends
fog WOO conducted by E. A. Wanless. from its resting place, while the report visit at S. McLully's. W. Baird wheel- in tke village on • Sunday last. P.
The Miseea air ha're vetrlrned to Was louder than thunder, and most ed to Stratford on Friday last to visit Walsh is improving his farm by a new
. artillerymena who stood rooted to the is at present visiting at her father s,
wearing it Very light complexion.
their home in yfield. deafening to the ears of the terrified his brother Robert. Mrs Sims, Blyth, page Wire fence. A. number from this
part attended the petrty at Haile.
hen's, of East Wawanoeh, on Tuesday
evening of loot week. Mr and Mrs T.
Haw° yon tried the new
ground, an who hone since been
ConStance. .
NOTES. -Myra Brown and Lillie Col.
clough have returned after visiting
frittrals Goderich townehit. Owing
to e ng c
W. Graham.
St. Joseph's.
Bmix Itaisirtm-Saturday was the
day appointed for the raising of Henry
Rau's barn, arid the Weather was, ex.
ceptionally favorable. About 100 per
service here last Sunday. Mrs Cook, sons were present; sides were chosen
Vashing CompOund of Winthrop, ix pitying her eon W., B. With 3'. Laporte and Air Elliott as cap.
Abroluteir no rubbing required. Sowed your CoOk, it AAR at present. Or. and Mrs tablet the result was an easy victory
Hothara spent Sunday last vrith friends. for the former. The barn is 46186 feet.
r Imes Saves yonashandrs Saves yonr c othes.
it ettreste the ant without rubbing and its at Staffa. Henry Taylor le having an NOTES. -Mrs G. Denomtrie, acorn -
ingredients are gUarenteea W be poshAvely pulled by her son Alex, has gone for
tonne's. Oro is sold at ge per package. addition built to Isis dvvelling.
an extensive visit to Courtright. L.
Try ti neckarce next Wash day, Try our 5 o'clock AnotrintiTS.-We are Berry 0 learn
voostog,iiks pet package, 4 strvors, Vales that Elliott Spooner of near here had and P. Gravelle were in the vicinity
on Saturday and, Sunday last, Mrs
nest Penury Flour, We net cwt.
WO have Just openeian 1111001,E orate of the nsisfortune to have his leg broken ,
Simon Bedard purchased an organ the
'Scones Motto Goods consignee of ;-Tee Potli Monday morning by being kicked • by other, day. Perch fish•ng • the rd
coffee rots, Bares Mace BoWlik Handle . . d . 1 IS 0 0 er
velem, sugar, cream, Mot Water One:Leto, a not se, It appears that he went out o the ay. rho other day' as the tut
These are all neW iroOds, With nuaint Scotch to fetch in the horses from the field and z
was coming for the fish b the pond-
-- -
mottos on them. tour stocker ohnut is nearir when he Wag watching the other horses
i a t th nets, it ran ashore in the dense fo ,
Exposition. Miss Burgess, Egmcnd- J3rockenshlre, J. Shapton and Were On motion it was decided to hold the
Oliver, Stephen; W. Basvden and Dr. Conference next • year in Crossley and
ville, is the guest of her sister, Mrs J.Hunter's church, SI. Thomas.
Ross, Miss Edith Hunt visited in Rollins Exeter; Henry Smith, Ernest,
Wingham last week. Rev Mr'Fletch- Gies and Robert McMOrdie, Hay; John
Ketchen. S. A. Moffatt, and W. W. ,
er, Thames Road, will preach in the. 11000eg,stactuya.. iLsvitaxim,aria.ti___
Thu' Mintettieetifeterlit -Ctitiaritnia- --
Praibyterien chirrehnon-Sabbartristrirt;
has resulted unfavorably to Premier
Rev E. Salvers will take his place, the Y. McLean, Seatorth; A. G. Smillie, R.
Schreiner, only ten Supporting him, and
Kirktori anniversary being an that day. ,B. McLean and Robert CharteraTtunc.
Jas. Aikenhead, Goderich, was a visitor ersmith: J. Middleton and Alexander Mr Sohriener has given notice ot hie in -
Jas. Goderich township: S.. Smillie, entiou to resign.
in this neighborhood last week. Hensall; R. Snowden, Bayfleid,
.......Ata.rneeting of the directors subtle.
qtrently held, Mr, S. AelVfoffatt,Varna,
was appointed President; Major J. A.
The Camp.
Wileone Beefed% vice-president, and
in camp, counting the divisional and tery-treasurer. Wears Alex. Duncan.
Robert Gardiner. Varquahar. mere -
The parade slate of the several corps
brigade staffs, and the Wolseley Bar- tTeborne, and D. Urquhart. Renee%
racks force, totals mire than 2,900, were appointed auditors. It was de.
The &St brigade includes 1,381 officers - cided to hold the regular Institute
and men, and the second britrade 1.160. Meetings tat urinal at Exeter and truce.
Piret Hes- . field. and supplementary meetinge at
The firearm are as folloWe
Bars 1'77 officers and men ; 21st, 221: Seaforth. Verna, Remelt, Dashwood.
St. Helens, Airs teddy ra the guest 26th, 808 ; 27th, /143 ; 82nd, 801 •, 83rd, Shipka and novelties This will be six
Leddy Sundayed at Mr J. Toren is, of
of her brother,A. AlcOabe,ofEbenezer, ang,
248; 22nd, 881; 28tn, 208;20th, 165; 80th, meetings, one More than has usually
a present Mies M. Craig spent Sun- The following are the officers of the been held.
cleY ets her het" here" different companies' of the 83rd Hee. Holmesville.
A shtleld ' menti -NO 1, Goderich. Capt. Maya,
NOTES. -a. Johneton,oherisegne.ker,of
, Lieut. Dunlop; NO 2, Wingharn.Capt.
No'rEs.-The prospects of a YerY lair Johnston, Lieut Vanittone ; No 3, Sea. ' Bright, %vomiting on F. Leonard last
crop are good; the recent rains have forth, Cant. Wilson, Lieut. Jackson; Week. Salesman Connolly sold the
Made it decided improvement. Rev E. , No, 4, Olinttin, (lot, Combo, Lieut. May cheetre for op. to the Ingersoll
Olivant, of the Ashileld. circuit, has de- Miller ; No 5, Brussels Capt. AlcTag. Packing Co.; the price is 2e. higher
cided to leave this conference Year; Bev gad (Olinton),Lieut. &rant; No 6.Eitet. than was obtained for the May make
F. j. Oaten will likely succeed hint; he er, Capt. itanee(1110111, Lieut. Boyd; last, year, i
is a good Preacher, a capital worker, NO 7, Porter Hill. Capt. Shaw, Lieut. GRAND GAItntste PeatTY.-Ileinem.
and will prove very acceptable, The McPhail; No 8, Gordis, ()apt. Haine ; ber this great annual event to be,,, held I
members of ti, O. L. No. 1044 have de. No 9 Dungannon, tient& Varcoe and on Elford' s Lawn Holmesville, on the
cided to celebrate the 12th of July in ,Johnson. - evening of Thurssday, June 21st. Re.
Kincardine. The boys at camp are finding life no. fillfehments consisting of Strawberries
der canyasanore agreeable than in for- and Cream. (Jake and, ()offer, errved
FOrteers 111114 rner years being allowed to wear blous. from 5 to 8, /ea cream, nananumnit,
a Price° frwa "nd girlp
I horse he was cm and he received the ema
kick just above the ankle but under Corriveau, who has been away for a INA at Hincardine last week. Mr andt outfit gives them the appearance Of an The Clinton Brats I3and will be in at.
NOTUS.-Air and Mrs Alex, .00% via. oes and strata hate, We. are told the oto., ear! be procured on the growl a,
pulled out after day s Wor .
anot1344f,prate t atiWievgt acno info to see n 06
Plot norigibrugg gout? oWfadin iteskrairin colt. t was
the care of Dr, Ilothani he is progres. eoh010 weeke r ort With"! re'• Aire W. Lobb spent Sunday at Goy. any of llods, tendance. Everybody C01116 and enjoy
418 6.8ing favorably. Whrle George Ilugill threed_vecentlY.
" t'inGeiietrinc nnlY Whether VOtt Want
• rie. Mrs Itobt. Elliott and two (laugh- 01 nton s Newspaper, The NEW Mut • yourselvee, Rigs will be run from the
ti buy or no. Please notefroin Mey 15th Wo a riding
hig wheel Sunday
It COed a severe ash on his . - ..
a rld he recei g Nuns. Ails Geo. MeEtty left this sister, Mrs O. W,
'1." - knee; he is now under the doetnee eare week for her home in Philadelphia. nah lvison is Spending a few days at i ter many of them said and WO 11,00110W,
Potter. MIAS an- , enjoyed by therm. trotter than a let" as a load is toady.
and will be laid un for SoMe dine 10 W. O. Landesboro and wife visited in Kippen. Mr Anderson, 'Chinon, called ledFm their many thanks as well as John Driscoll W68 killed et 'Marton
Corner stern in Searle's Mock. i . i
Cash for nutter ana Itsgs .come. .
tree ett
t 7 p na during' the summer months. was Tuckersmith ters are visiting' her mother near Ithl. of which we sent a bundle for the Town Ilall, Clinton, return ticket, 10e,
400 a Met he had the "rniefortune to fall off cardine. Miss Werry is visitimhher boys white at carnp, was thoroughlY to start any time after 6 and as often
BIyth this week. , from the Captains. Whrle driving to:Irma the re !way.
at our village laSt Week,
To tbe busy man an scour -
ate watoh is it necessity -
not a !Artery as some atiOn2
to think, To utilize every
moment c4preeione time,
to meet trains, keep rm..
pointments, id foot to be
always on time one must
have it good wateh. Drop
in and let us talk watches
to you ; We are practical
watch repairers and you
can have the benefit of our
20 yaw& experietum with.
out eharge. If you have a
watoh whieh needs olefins
ing, has any pert broken
or lot, or one which has
been ruined by ineonmet.
era workmen, bring it to us
and we will tell yon hot
what it wants and, what it
will cott you.
Watches repiated ;
outset to cornet time hltEk. of
A. 3.0rigg
Jeweller and Optician.
Successor to JOS. 13iddlecombe
0.(:),„0„0-0.0, „,