HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-04-23, Page 1VoL. XXI. BLYTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1908. No. 36. Spent Eighteen Dollars '(Gentlemen, -I have pleasure in stating that I have used $10,00 worth of Psych ne, and as a result was cured of very serious throat and Tung trouble. My ease was 0 most difficult one, and the doctors had practically said that I oonld not got well. T tried Psychino, and it did me so much good that t eon - tinned its uao until I hurl taken $1890 worth, with the result that I am now a DOW mon physically. I have gaited thirty-five pounds, "It is with the greatest confidence that I recommend Ysychino to all who are afflicted with throat or hung trouble, Yours truly, 0. A. PINKIIAM. Scotstown, Que., Sept., '07. This man speaks from experience. Psychine curds all throat, chest, lung and stomach troubles and gives renewed strength and vitality to run-down pee- ple. At all druggists, 50e and $1,00, or Dr, T. A. Slocum, Limited, Toronto. Were City Drug Stare Spring Talk The season of the year to here when everyone turns their attention to clean- ing up the wrecks of winter and getting In shape for the busy time. We are right on the job with a fresh etcek of- Formaldodyde 05% (Monied Lenolemun Copperas Chloride of Lime Moth Balls Carbone Acid Sootob Snuff Don't forget that we are Bole agents for Blatohford'e Calf Meal and Empire Poul- try Duster. GPT OUR PRICES, Dr. W. J. MILNE Londosboro. A number of mon have commenced hoilding the new (l,'1'. It. station hero this week tvhiclt will be much more convenient than the oh1 one. ltev, 7!e, Brown, of Vrt'no, preached two excellent sermons here on Sunday last. Misses L. and R. Young and A. Jacltsen, of Brantford, were hone for their Easter vacation. Misses E. Maims, P. Lyon and R. i17ley were home from London over St7nday, • E, Robertson, of A1111 1.1 was rho guest of friends here of Sunday Mrs, McKenzie, of Belgrave, is spend- ing this week with her sister, Mrs, Thonuis 7lanning. Miss 0. Brigham, Blyt't, and Miss E, Jamieson. of Porter's .Hill, 510 Millie f01' the vocation. Vias Huston and Mr. Beaton are taking their holidays this week, 71re, Noel, of St. Thomas, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Hiles. It Rings in Your Ears, The stone cough is everywhere yon go. deep and hollow because consump- tive, First it was ontlt•rh which could have been cured by Cata'rhozone. It's instant death to .olds, curds then in 0 few minnres. 'Throat trouble and ca- tarrh disappear as if by magic, Ca- tarrhorone is the great throat, nose and bronchial remedy to day. Thous. and use it, doctors prescribe it -why, because it does relieve quickly and cure thoronuhly. Two sizes, 25c and 51, at all dealers, Exeter. John Cookson, Exeter North, is con- fined to his hone as a result of a bili from the top of aspile driver, Ho was 0008iderabiy shaken up but no hones were broken. Lawrie Hagan, who for the past year has been cledlcieg for W. S, Howey, left Tnesdsy evening for Moose.1aw where lie has a brother practising medicine, Go11(011, the three-year-old son of O >, nY s. .. W SUPERIORITY thoroughness, progressiveness, utility, enthusiasm, expertness aro our watchwords. Commer- cial, Stenography, Telegraphy. Mall courses in any subject. Nn vacation. WInghamhlusiness College Geo. Spotton, Pring 44.1...-11140.41.1141141- The € Cl) Year Oki Cough Cure If the throat is "raw," -chest sore -bad cough -and you 0(1110 "all over "--take Ecle's Preparation of h 'k 's Cough Balsam nest Wing you ever tried. It macs tl:it throat -Leola the longs -breaks up a cold - Mid cures a cough in no time Preps red by the larretA wholetaic drug house le the ,vo,1.1 from the formula in ase for over n century. nig battle 25c. At druggists. NATIONAL DRUG & Ctt0MICAI. CO , 0070n • 11111.1191.1.1.4411.410111-141144.11.4.414104314410114.1.4 tai LOrlooN, ONT Some one has saki put a good hat on a man's head and a good pair of shoos on his feet and it does not make any diff- erence ifference about the balance of his dress. Be that as it may a man's hat is the most conspicuous feature of his entire outfit.: The spring styles are ready, We have the soft and stiff hats in several blocks. Hats for men of all ages. We fit faces as well as heads with hats, we're experts at it.' $1,50, $2.00, 32.50 and $3:00 We think we're safe in saying that there's not another such a showing of correct hats in the vicinity. Just received a big consignment of Gents' Fine Shoes Call in and see then!. S. 1® POPULAR CLOTHING HOUSE 1 13]L, ¥TIT -t- Robert and Mrs, Mt::Donald, Themes ]toad, who arts operated on for throat and other trolbles a1 0110 )101110 of Peter and Mrs. 13(1 vde11, (10(1(0 thr0ng11 the operation nicely and tit, able to be re- moved to his home lost !week. Several young lads 00011 11d town who like to play jokes 'e a cleverly ea11.- tured on Wednesday night of last week, just because they attempted) their tl'1111(0 011 the a'l'ong 1)51'5011 1(1(1 one who can sprint. jnsl as wall es they can, Just after dusk on that evening:, James Grieve was sitting downread- ing his evening newspaper when he heard footsteps on the front walk and soon after the door bell rang. Jim went to the door, expecting to receive a Ostler, when an effigy of stuffed clothes fell in the doorway. IIo Sale the joke 111 at moment gulf els0 saw 1 lin (toys "skidooing" as fast as they 00111d, Ile 1o01r 11 Fin. 011e111 011d 511c000i1Cd 111 rounding them up before they had gone far, The lode begged to he lot go, but 'Mr. Grieve gave Mem the alterna- tive of either apologizing' to Mrs. Grieve or feeling uncomfortable when inn sitting posture for several dm's. They accepted the former 'proposition and apologized. Steel Knife in the Flesh, That's the sensation experienced by Robert Price, of 11001011, Get, He knew it wits sciatica and of course used Ne'viliue. As usual it cured, and he says : "No liniment, ea) excel Poison's Ne'vi11110, Severe pains made any side lame. 1t wile lilts a steel knife run- ning through the flesh, I rubbed in lois of Nerviline anis was completely cured," A regular sung for Nerviline to ease s0iatfca and rheumatism. It sinks into the core of the pain, cures it in short; order. Large 25c bottles at all dealers, Morris. Telford Sellars, 2nd line, has lensed the Sia none 10001 known ass the Hodd(a' proper frotn Mrs. Joel Sellers and will work it this year. A straw shed, 40x00 feet with stab- ling, will ho built on Chas. Pol'reat'5 tine, 2701 line, this season, 11r. 11e011 e,y, of Blu0(010, Inns the emu root, Saturday afternoon of this !week at 2 o'clock the NO of Lot of 27 in the 8111 con, of Morris will he offered Ter sale by sale by public auction at the Cen- ral Hotel, Brussels, Last Monday evening an old and highly esteemed resident of the 131.1 line, in the person of Allies Miller, passed away from the earthly 1101110, He had Lace ill for some time and was in his 87th year. Doceased wits born in England; was an industrious, thrifty man who 1005 respected by all who knew hint, Ole leaves a wife and adult family to mourn his demise. The funeral took place on Wednesday at- te000011 to the Brandon cemetery': NIr. Aline' had resided in Morris for over 50 years. A meeting of Morris Cannon was held hast Saturday with the Reeve and Councillor present, The building of new steel bridges on the 501i line was discussed and it was decided to put up 0 two span bridge of R0, feet each 5,jth cement, abutments. The two toners for the steel work we returned to the respective companies for amendment and will he dealt with at the next meeting when tenders will also he opened for rhe cement The date of sleeting will be Priday, 'Many 29111, Like a New Disease. New to the mal who never had corns is the pain relieved by Putnani's Corn Extractor. Old corn0 and new 01155 cured quickly by Putnan's. Sold everywhere. Walton, We are sorry t0 record the death of Wm, Oirdwood, eldest son of Jos. 11, and Margaret ColeIorlgh, of lot 21., can. 17, Grey. Death came 05 rho end of long illness, anti was not unexpected, The deceased had been for six years a member of Dal't's0hnreh, and for some wars 0Iso a member of the Young Peoples' Guild, The funeral took place 011 Thursday last to Brussels Cemetery, the service being conducted by his pastor. Rev, A. I11acNtth, M. A, The deceased was ready and waiting for taw call of the Master when it come, He is now safe from temptation ; safe from sin's pollution, Ile lives, whom we call deed. The bereaved family hese the sympathy of the community, Always unfortunate. Here I stand within the hall ; For the elevator bawl With a frown "Going un 1" I kindly e'v. And the urchin makes reply : "Going down." Isere you see me buying stocks, Hoping to acquire both rocks And re110011, "Going up 1" I solidly say ; Bnt my broker answers ; "Nay ; Going down." When old Charon I shall meet, Looking mystical, but nett, In his grown- "Goine up?" I'll murmur low And he'll doubtless answer "No : Going down," SS GOODS Bigger, better, brighter than ever is our spring stock of beautiful and stylish Dress Fabrics. Every week incoming shipments have been added to the display till now there is a wealth of new weaves clamoring for your inspection. New Spring Gloves - Good Hosiery New Skirts and Spring Coats `Now Ribbons I and Corsets 11111441141.1111111.4.11.41. Stylish Shoes Elegant Blouses in Silk, Organdie and Muslin White Lingerie and Moreen Underskirts New Mullins Wash Goods and Delatnes Also many special lines that are bargains in every department. Conte and see us. C. M. CHAMBERS & CO Cash for ■ 1'arnt Yrotluce BIYTf . Brussels, Ail Eltster Pral so 5a111l05 was given in the Methodist churclt last Sunday evening, The Base Ball season opened on (=odd Friday with an exciting g1110 011 Vic- toria Iu'1: between the juniors Sud tito old timers, 'I'ho Old Boys w011 0111 in al (1111511111111gs 0011te81 by it 50010 ef 12- H. L. Jackson was the umpire. Business has been very quiet during the past few moths, Mrs, (Dr.)'P. Holmes end daughter, of Detroit, are renewing old friendships le town, Alex, Brock, of Owen Sound, the old., time catcher of the famous Brusselsl Clippers, was calling 011 old friends in. I.0w11 this ween:, H, Gilroy, manager of the Metro- politan Bank here, bus gone Feet for' 511 Easter outing, On Monday, 277th inst., an Assembly will he held in the town 111(1, The. London Harpers will supply the musi- cal program. Mrs. Jessie Kerr has been appointed. Librarian for the Public. Library as successor to Miss Minnie McNaughton, who term expires on May 1st. The salary is $85.00 per /1111111111. The Eckhardt Bell ringers are to in- here 5here on Thursday, June 10111 under 1110,' auspices of the 11, Agricultural Society, Eat Wiiat You Want But Find the Way to Digest What had a sign painter, 11.:1. McGinley, of Brantford, painting a large sign giving the name of the company and its mu. pet having been painted on the builds - rugs of ewh of the above named firms, 051,11' Wale was appointed permanent liquidator of the Clinton Thresher Cont. party of Clinton, Ont, Ho is iustrneted to go into the company's affairs with a view of seeing whether o' not the directorate had acted always wisely 00 he company's behalf. Tho liquidation order was dated March 10, The assets amount to about 585,000 and the liabi- lities to 581,000. The Sovereign Batik is interested in the 0onlpltly, .44.444.4 • Westfield. The following is a list of the pupils who wore successful at, the recent, pro- motion examinations in S, S. No, 1, East wawaiosll -,Jr.; [V to Sr. IV- Afurltsobtainable 750 -Haggle Farrow 503, May Cook 495, Nelson Itobiuson 481 i:e9lie BuOhnntlu 400, Jennie Tan- ney 409. 71', 111 to Sr. 111., marks ob- tainable 700 -May Ta1111e,4' 421, Colin Campbell 1175, Sr. 17 to 7r. Ill, marks obtainable 9711 -Violet Bitehannall 442, 11. L Clark, Teacher, The 1V. 11, S. had a very successful open meeting in the basement of the church on Thursday evening. The people of the Westfield church ere very proud of as ha0lsomely made and artistically finished Ilett' 1)1111111, the gift. of James McGill and node by him in his own workshop. You Do Eat i ___ - - - - 'Phe first thing to do in the case of i Indigestion or 51011mch weal:1150:s is to strengthen the muscular walls of t0 50011011)11 (1119 intestines, so that I he.f-1 will caro for the food that is 0111011. ln:, 110 other way can this he done so welt ' as by taking a Ali -o -alt tablet before oath meal. This restores strength 11. (1)5 500),11001i muscles and stimulates., the pouring out of gastric juices, 1)10m the food digests readily aunt you begin to get the full benefit frau what, you. eat.. Use 11 i-o•na whenever you have sick headache, heItburn, bad t,acle in the t mouth, coated tongue, spots before the eyes, sloepessnsss and many other - symptoms that are the direct result of indigestion. J. 11, Hamilton gives with every 50+1 cent Irnx of y11-o-ona guarantee to Ire-, rued the money carless the remedy arc.,, 0000 0$000000000 400 0044000, •• • T, lflllitto the • •• STANDARD 4 • •• • ••••••••••••••••••••••••• While the Public Is invited to make use of this column for the expression of personal views on public matters and in public all men, personalities s itabilityaofarred the com- munication for publication is a matter to be decided by the Editor. Without differences of opinion there would, of course, be no correspondence, and for the 051111511 of out' correspondents and their differences with our own '1'1111 STANDARD must disclaim responsibility, :00000000 40040000000 4440, e • I•. SPRING TERM • from April lith merges into mar 0 4 summer terns from July (119, 10n- + ter now and be ready for good • a situation in the early autumn, `4' . O New catalogue free, write for it. • i Central Business College # •• 1'onge and Gerrard Sts., Toronto. • 7fir, 11, Shaw, Principal, P •4 • ••00000000000000 004$0044# 4-41411141.4 Clinton. 'fie Oildfefows will :diem/ service ata St, Paul's church of Sumlay Incung,.' April 211t17 The Baud Stand on the Square under- went a few repairs lest week. H, Spnclnnan, of Exeter, sent 1 h in- mates of the Rouse of 11,e111)0, a foir gallon eau tri' maplr, syrug). Jt was. mord) apideniat01. ,lese911 Il,01eullnry hats installed an. electric 1110101' i11 1 h0.105110.111101'7 1101181t, for suppilring titter, and 1111s a L n fitted. Itis stable with a water winds. .1aco0'l'avMr, insnraureItosol., was the recipient of two hnuilst ma• ,011101, chairs, from Innlll'11110e C'mtlp .sake Ilett he reptesent'.. 41 )1) 11 PnittingGo , mitt the I'oherty 0,15111 and Piano. ti;o,, 'h ivo Hamilton, aI 4s 10 GG' gO GOOAL GOO'o1p a I 1 -' HEAD rat- - f t,6 9p © 0 UIpp3 O It111CL AA.:` "tl_le-" '? 3,egg... p : .,, ,1911 d3[f90 Bduuu' U. 'Ili 1 'l' .j OFFi e6: Oanaa gda "j @'.r BOARD OF DIRECTORS : Hon. Wm. Gibson President J. Turnbull Vice -President and Gen. Mgr, John Proctor George Rutherford Son. J. S. Hendrie, C.V.O. Cyrus A. BiKa C. C. Dalton eq4 T1{I ZI 111 a Oi l - Apnt - BliTrg