HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1908-04-16, Page 8East Wawanosh. The followitlgis arepo't of the stand ing of the pupils "1 U. 8. 8. No, IL East W amines)) and Hallett, for the month of \larch; -31(14 class -May Cowan 81 per cent. Sr. 4th -Terence Tierney 82, Pearl Tann) 59, Wesley 'Paulen 71. Jr, 4th --Arthur Tierney 85, Ella Glousher 72, Earl (Barr 44, El- dridge Johnston 35, Harvey Barr 82. Sr, 4th, total 165 -Dolly Cowen 129, lames Raeho 163, Willie '1'nman Sit, Della Potter SO. Jr. 3rd, total 144 -- Helen Cu mine 114, Gordni' Groos 113. 211d -John ;Nelson, Lizzie Glonsher. Pt 2nd -Vera Tierney, Olive Cowan, FAB. Groos. Pt. 1st -John Cowan, Metro Glousher,-May .10, Hogg, Tenci,er. Printed by Request. Mix the following by shaking well in a bottle, and take in teaspoonful "doses after each meal and at bedtime : Field Extract Dandelion, one -hal( 01(11ce ; Compound ]{argon, one 011n00 i Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three ounces. A 10001 druggist is the au- tilo •it,y that these simple, harmless in- gredients tau he 01)telued et numi1101 cost from our home druggists, 'Phe mixture is said to cleanse and strengthen the clogged end inactive Free from Alcohol Since May, 1906, Ayer's Sar- saparilla has been entirely free from alcohol. If you are in poor health, weak, pale, nerv- ous, ask your doctor abouttak- ing this non-alcoholic tonic and alterative. If he has a better medicine, take his. Get the best always. This is our advice. A We publishmadlla 'WemLaalceol nheeeI tiers '°onauttyour orae Ton to doctor kidneys, overcooling beam he, bled - ler weaktlecs end urinary trouble of ti{ kinds, if taken before the stltge of Bright's disease. 'Those who have ried it sa,y it positively overcomes lain in the back, deers the urine of sediment and regulates urination, es- pecially at night, during even the worst (orals of Madder w'eekuess, Every man or women here who feels that the kidneys ere not strong or sot• 'nein a healthy topper should mix this preseription at home and give it a trial, ns it Is said to do wo del s for many persons, The Scranton (Pe.) Times was first to Print this retrialkahle prereriptiO%' lu October of 1900. ai11Ce when all the leading papers of New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Pittsburg and other cities have made many ttenotntcements of it to their readers. A sluggish liver means a coated tongue, a bad breath, and constipated bowels. The question is "What is the best thin to do under such circumstances P " Ask your doctor if this is not a good answer: "Take laxative doses of Ayer's Pills." aley the J, 0, ser Co., Lowell. \tau, - You always pay too much when you pay too little Paradoxical but true. Particularly when baying Gro- ceries, Nearly every article of eatables can be adulterated, Many of them often are. Constant vigilance is required to keep undesirable goods from creep- ing into 11 grocery .stock. One of the most persistent sinners is Canned Goods. Thousands and thousands of them put up every Year, S,meboly Belle them. Somebody buys thein. Somebody eats them, This grade of canned goods is very common, but this store 11110 never sold a can of it to 11 customer ill iIS life, and it never will. Our Ivey is firsts or nothing in everything, always, • GAS1i FOR ALL RINDS OF PRODUCE JAMES CUTT CANADIAN PACIFIC n,It0AY Time Table TO TORONTO Goderloh I v, 7.0)8.tn, 4.310 p, m. Auburn " 7 02 " 5.12 " Blyth " 7.33 " 5.22 " Walton " 7.40 " 5.38 Milverton " 8121 " 6,00 Elmira ..... " 8,50 " 6.45 Guelph " 9.20 " 7.12 Toronto Ar, 11.10 " 0.15 FROM TORONTO. Toronto Lv. 8.008.m. 5 50 p, m, Guelph An 10.00 " 7.50 " \Elmira " 10.25 " 8.14 11111vertou " 11,03 " 8.50 " Walton ' " 11,30 " 0.25 " Blyth ..,,,..," 1152 " 0,30 ,. Auburn " 12:02 " 9.44 " Goderich " 1.2.30 p,m. 10.10 " PREPARE FOR POSITIONS paying from 935 to 1)'300 per month by attending the popular ELLIOTT This school is noted far and near for the superior education given to the Stu- dents and for the remarkable success of Its graduates, college open the entire year. Begin now. Our training will make you independent. Write today for catalogue. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Cor, Yonge and Alexander Ste„ Toronto, Walton. A, E. Calvert took a flying business trip 00'Poronto last week, 'lhle sale mill here has finished this season's cut of lumber and will now start on the heading. miss Currie, of Toronto, who hes beet) visiting her brother, Rev, Mr. Currie, returned home, J. W. Nlorrison hes left for Listowel to start work again on the en,0)00 's staff of the construction work of the Lin woo 1 -Listowel branch of the C. P, R. Mrs, John McPherson and plaster Carrel left last 'Tuesday morning for Heywrd, Saak., wlterethey purpose oinking their home, Mr. McPherson lett two weeks previous end hes pur- chased a farm near Heyward, We Irish them success. Spring Tiredness Cured bra harmless Rernedg. PAGE' EIGHT-TIiE I')LYTII STANDARD -APRIL 6, 1905, Morrie. George Keys, who event'West with a car of horses, sold out his consignment Old arrived hone hist week, Cou,iclllor Arthur Shaw has been on the sick fist for a few weeks, but we lope he will soon be we well as ever. A flue Durham hull calf has been porcease 1 by David Badgle,y, ,travel rood, front Robert McDonald, 0th con., Grey, at a good price. He is bred from the prize winning bull owned by Donald Robertson, of Grey, that won the silver Inedel at East Hut on Fall hal' 8113 is a (land y. The Irate Mics Henna!' McCutcheon, of the 0tII line of Morris, was the eldest daughter of the late John McCntcheoi, who passed away about, 8 yeere ago. She was born in tithe township enJ was well and favorably known in the coat mlmity. Henn failure was the cause of her deeease, passing away quite suddenly at 4 9, no. Wednesday, She was a faithful metnherof the Episcopa- lian church. The funere1 took place of Sunday afternoon, ltev, H, M. Langhbrd conducting the eerviee, Pallbearers were Dougald McDonald, \Vm, Itobh, Robert Scott, Ii.ohert Nichol, Wm. Keys and Mo. Hands, Four brothers of the deceased are resi- dents of the West, Prank beim; the only one in Morris, 'there are also three sisters, Mrs. Buell 0114 Mrs. Simon Forsyth in the \Vest, Iain Sire, Thompson, of Breese's, who is at pres- ent visiting her daughter, Mrs, Henry 51cArter in Manitoba. MANY ARE USING IT AND RECEIVING BENEFITS FROM ITS 'STRENGTH - GIVING POWER. All winter long you worked hard, This look lots of nerve force, Itlested so fur, but now it's all gone and you feel half dead. Somehow you must get new vitality lied more nerve force. 'l'bo water in your blood midst be turned into strength and building material. Your fretful appetite must he braced up. Some new power must be imparted to your weak body. This is just what happens in using Ferrozoue, which IS all Distant blood maker, blood enricher and nerve builder, Ferrozoto not only creates keen ap- petite, it goes further, improves diges- tion end assimilation, so that every particle of food is converted into nerve and muscle fibres, By building up new nerve fo•celend making each organ do the work that nature expects of it, Ferrozono qt) ckly increases your weight and instils a re- t beery 0 vigor i r r. 1 into he •atom that 1 g ay def es weariness, exhaustion, siring debility or sickness of any kind. To prove the enormous strengthen- ing power of Ferrozone w'8 quote the following letter from Mrs. Cecil P. Gon•melly, well known in Middle• ville ; "Lost March I nvas very ('un down and thin. I had no tppetite and scarcely felt like eating et ell, Sly face was pallid and haggard and I had dark circles under my eyes My weight was seven pounds meter nor- mal and day by ds,y that awful spring weariness) drnggetl me down, The 01181190 Ferl'ozonn wrought W1113 stir - Prising. It must eertaiuly couhl1a Wonderful building and strengthening properties boas I gained etrength, flesh and appetite from the day started ir, 1 speedily comp back to vigorous bonynnt health with Ferro 0011e and recommend it as the hest medicine any person in weak health can tet Ice.'' Ferrozono sh'engtheesthe weak, re- stores Ilse anleml0, soothes the ner- vous, assists men, women and children to hotter health. Try it. 50c per box or six for 92.50 at all dealers, READ the ads. it) Mg STANDARD Preacher's Opinions Rev. T. K. McRae, Forks Bedded, uke.to Remedies there n aye• Lave ant my city," visited it. n, I of the tie all es, It acting y and dnpted 0. B.: "I always count it a pleas recommend the Dr, Slocum to my parishioners, I believe is nothing better for throat and lung' troubles or weakness or run•dow tent. For apeaker's sore throat I found Psychlne very beneficial." Rev. W. H. Stevens, Paisley, Ont.: "Pgycbtne seemed just the stimulant system needed. 1 ,hull add my testimony as to its efficacy at every opportu Rev, R. M. Browne, Amherst Head, N.8., "I have often recommended Psychlne since taking it myself, Por it is a cure for the troubles you specify." Rev. Chas. Stirling, Bath, N.B.: "I have used Psychlne in my family; the results were marvelous. I have people who state that they never used its equal. I strongly recommendRev, J. S. L Wilson, Markdale, Ont.: "I have taken two bottles of Pgychtne and am pleased to say that I am greatly improved in health. I was troubled with toy throat, but now I find it about restored to Be normal conditio find my work very much less taxing. I believe Psychine is all claimed for it." These are earnest preachers gospel of Psychlne. They know where• of they speak, . Psychino cur throat, lung and stomach troubl is a great voice strengthener, directly on the vocal, respirator digestive organs, thus specially a to public apeakers, At all druggists, 500 and $1.00, or Dr. T, A. Slocum, Ltd,, Toronto, Doctors Change Their Methods. Years ago they fought catarrh by interne! dosing. They saw this ruined the stomach and changed to 1110 ozo- nated air cure, better known as Ua- tm'rhozone. This treatment is sure to cure, It goes to the heart of the di• sense i it destroys the 0)4000s that maintain catarrh aid even in the worst cases permanent cure is guaran- teed. Failure with Catturhozone is impossible. Antiseptic, healing end far-rea`ohint,, it's bound to cure even{' time. Endorsed by more that) twenty thousand physicians in America alone and sold in 25e and 91 sizes by ail dealers. Annual transfer of Methodist (Ministers. Hon : luno 20th -- A. 51. 11,09-10.15-- 1)) 2b -11,40- P. 11, 1.80 -2,45 -Geography. 2.55-1.10 (1.89-4.00.) June 30th - A. 51.9.05-11.110-x Ari thmode, P. M. grtimmar. The transfer committee of the Metho- dist church of Canada and Newfound- land stet last Thursday afternoon in Toronto and arranged for the entitled t ulster of ministers from one confer - encs to the other, The following were the changes ef- fecting tete London conference : Rev, G. W, Dewey, from Davenport, Toronto conference to Empress Avenue Methodist church, London, Rev. I. B. Wallwio, from London, to Meridiem, Toronto conference. Rev. Hugh Locke, Kincardine, Lon- don conference to Toronto. Rev. Harry Ferguson, Toronto to Kincardine,I,olul01) cot) (tweeze, Rev, II, 9. Dugall. Walkerton, Ham - Ron confo'ene. , to Goderich, London conference, Rev, Martin ,l, \Vilsoe, Goderich, London conference to Walkerton, HA Milton conference, The trenefer committee 61111 only transfer front Oolfw'ence to eon(Prenrn• not from charge to charge, but it is pr. - bahle Gott the stationing committee of each conference will sanction the al- lomttious. Why Chest Colds are Dangerous, They lead to pleurisy end wont- monie, Follow the advice of W. H. Potvles, of Puwles' Corners, who 011y0 : "1 used 10 be subject to at tacks sad atl- 1h0n0h I used must everything noth- ing relieved quickly till 1 di.covered Norvilir,e. 1 have used it for pleurisy fwd sore chest au , found it, just the proper thing. For lumbago or 11001401 'tin it's quick as lig1)teiug. I cheer. fully recommend Ne) vilinc" Strong est, cleanest, most pail) destroying liniment on 001111 is Pulsol's Nervi - line, 25c bottles sold everywhere. • Educational Notes of interest, Following is the time -table of the examinations that are to Le held this summer : 1110(1 SCHOOL ENTRANCE \Vednecdll,y, June 2,11h - A, M. 8.45 -9.00 -heading instructions (cirouhtr 57). 9.00 -11.09 -Composition. 11,10 -U.55 -Snelling. P. NI, 1.30-3,30-0eography, 'I'hnrsday, Joie 25t11 - A, M. 0.00 -11.80 -Arlt hetet ie. P. M. 1.30-4.00- Written reading. Friday, June 20th - A. 111. 9.00 -11.00 -English grimmer, 11.14--12.00-Writing. P. M. -Oral reading may be t 13,044 either Friday afternoon or at such other )lours as are 6011 veil iemt, ENTRANCE TO 5(00101, (011000,5, (District Certificate) J (nue 23rd - A. M. 11.10 -12.40 -Elementary science P. M. 2,00 -4.00 -Algebra and geomet- ry. June 240i - A. 11.0,00 -11.00 -English composition and within. 11.10-12 40 - Booklieeping and business papers. P, 51.2,00 -4,00 -Geography. June 25111- A., N. 9,00-11.00-Arithtnetie and men- 5111'a11C 11, 11,10 -12.40 -Spelling, P. NI. 2.00 -IMO -English literature, June 201h - A. SI, 9.00 -11.00 -English grammar. 11.10 -12,40 -Art, P. M. 2 00 -4.00 -History (British and Canadian). July 2nd - A, M. 9 00 -11.30 -Algebra, P, NI 1.130 -4,00 -English composition. July Rrd- A. SI. 9,00.11.80 -Physics, P. M. 1.30 -4.00 -History. A B & C. Silly 71h - A. Sl. 9.00 -11.30 -Chemistry, P, M. 1,49(01,00- ,Tnly Sth- A, 1)1. 0.00-11 3 --Latin authors, P. NI, 1.30 -2,00 -Latin composition. papers t G o ra l ' Arith- metic pope iply, e u , A metic ail English 0rammer, under the head of Normal School Entrance, are special papers fbr 11)008 Model School graduates of 1900 and 1907 who have not yet secured their new profes- slonal standing for Ihird•class certifi• OM es. The above items should be clipped from THE STANDARD and pasted rap for convenient refereece, Time -table of Normal School En- trance or 3 uuior'reachers' Examine-, DO YOU FEEL THE PINCH ? Not of poverty, but of corns, aching turns, that can bo cured by Putnam's Corn Extractor 'I' Don't suffer, use Putnaln's-sold everywhere in 25c bottles, Londosboro. Mr. and hers. Green, our tailor and fi1)0r00b learn this week for Millbank. Their Many friends will miss them Ilel'e. A1101ller tailor has rented the slop and will continue the work, NI iss Turner is visiting at the home of Mrs. Jetties Hill rat present. Rev, Mr, Brown, of Varna, will preach Easter se) 10098 hereon Sunday next in the Methodist church. In the morning his sermon will he to the Sun- day School, The following Sunday Rev. ,11r, Curry will preach in Auhurn W11011 the services here will bo conduct- ed by locals. Misses Wiseman mid Chidley, of Clinton, visited friends here over Sun. day. The new tabeeno bill passed the Com - 1110110. Earl Grey has subscribed 91000 to the Quebec btu tlefiolds fund. If, N. Warren. a prominent business sten of Barrie,' 10 dead. The steel plant at Sault Ste, Marie has clpsed down again for hack of pig - iron. 65 CENTS gets TEE STANDACD till the end 00 the year for all new sub- scribers in Canada. 1f you want cheap reading look at our clubbing list. FARMERS desiring sale bills print- ed on short notice cannot do better ' than have them printed rl t this othee, With our improved facilities we can almost turn them out while you wait. HOMESEENENS' CANADIAN, PACIFIC RAILWAY 2N0 CLASS Round -Trip Excursions TO MANITOBA SASKATCHEWAN ALBERTA GOING DATES April 14, 28 June 9, 28 Aug. 4, 18 May 12, 26 July 1, 21 Sept. 1, 16, 20 Ticket. good to return within 00 day, VERY LOW RATES from all point, in Ontario. Ranging Winnipeg and return 532.00 between I Edmonton and return $42.50 Tickets issued to all North-west points. TOURIST SLEEPERS A limited number of Tourist Sleeping Cors will be run on each excursion, fully equipped with bedding, etc, Berths should be secured and paid for through local agent at least six days before excursion leaves. Rates and lull information contained In free Ileme,oekers' pamphlet. Ask near • est C.P1t, agent for copy, or write to C. R, FOSTER, Oidrlcl Pm, AIR, 6,P,R., Tomei For eOets and lull iutormatton se,' 2, McMt1RC11,I'1 Agent BLY'lll DONT FORCET Metcalf's Retiring Sale There are Bargains for EverUt odg All lines of Jewelry, Wall Paper, Crock- ery, Fancy Goods, Toys, Sleighs, Games, Bibles, Prayer Books, Etc., 25 per cent off. Watches 15 per cent off, Many odd lines 35 to 5o per cent clf. Everything meet go. Come and see. FRANK METCALF Jewelry and Stationery. Furniture J* i, Fu rniture House-cleaning is near at hand and we have been busy during the' quiet month of February getting everything ready for a Bumper Spring Trade. We have the best stock of Furniture, the best selected for the least money of any store in the. County. We also carry a full line of House furnishings such as Carpets * Rugs * Oil Cloths * Curtains, Pianos, Organs * Sewing Machines * Furniture * coverings and draperies * In max i. A.mg rt Vr In this branch we handle the latest goods and the prices are low. We have the best outfit in the County and no extra charge. WALKER & ROSS Furniture Dealers & Undertakers, - - Clinton Your Expenses paid bath ways, 'Phone 28 ************************** Liberal Clubbing Offer. The Canadian Pictorial and the Blyth Stnudard one year each, worth 92.00, for only $1.00. This is a genuine bar- gain. Don't miss it. Cull end see Samples at this office and leave sow' R ll bso'iptioll, ROBERT H. GARNISS BLUEVALE - - ONTAIR10 Auctioneer for Huron Co. Terme reasonable. Sales arranged for at DIE STANDARD 06100, Blyth. Our Big Offer . . ■ We are endeavoring to increase our circulation and in so doing we offer The Standard to all new subscribers from now till the first of January, 1909, for INT in Canada only. If you want to send it to the United States postage must be added. If you require any city papers see our clubbing list below or call on us and we will show you how cheap they arc by leaving your order at this office, CHEAP READING The Standard 01 00 The Standard tied Weekly Adver- tiser1 05 The Standard and Weekly \Vit - nems The Standard and Weekly Globe The Standard and Family herald and Weekly Star The Standw'd and Weekly Mail and Empire The Standard and Hamilton Semi- weekly 'Fillies ' The Stollard end \\'eeltly Free Press The Standard and Toronto Week- ly Sun 11)0 Standard end Hamilton Twice -at -week Spectator The Standard and Toronto Daily Star 1 60 1 115 1 70 1 35 1 80 1 80 1 80 1 SO 2 25 The Standard and 'Toronto Daily News . 2 25 'Pim Standard and L'armel's Advo- cate 2 30 ' The S'audard told Daily Ath'er- tiser2 50 !'!18S.auelartl and Evening Free Press 2 75 The Standeu'd Red 'Peron Doily World .,.. . 3 25 The Standard and Daily Free Press ... . 3 50 The Standard and Evening Globe 8 50 The Standard and Evening Snail and Empire 3 51) The Standard and Daily SLti1 and Empire 4 50 Tho Snwdard and Daily Globe-4 50 Send all subso'iptions direct to THE STANDARD, BLY1'H, ONT. We are else ready to turn Out .lob Wolk its 91)10019 110 possible end we en- deavor to use only the Moat materital that can be had. 1f y ou tied any'Ihiiig in the line of Envelopes, Letter or Nolo Heads, Statements of 11111 Beads, cell fwd inspect our stock, An Advertisement in The Standard Will help yon dispose of any article around the farm or in the store by using the printer's ink. THE STANDARD - BLYTH Phone 1'i o. 4.