HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-05-25, Page 9TEACHERS' TROUBLES
"Cooperage is one ofethe tradee that
Mariner Barrela,
BM Teachers May Prevent the
Break(Town °Me Nervous $37stero
Which often TbreatenS.
The worry and work, the ;Amin end
Sionalety of a teacher' e life are such es to tell
SeVerety-on the temente etietene, Time and
*Phi teatibere have had to Ole up good
InoeitiOns oa account. of run down up
eitiO shattered nerve. To Finch we eon.
ildently recommend Milburn's Heart and
Nerve P1Io, and in doing, eo we are sup
rotted by the testimony of Mrs. Reilly,
Idolborne Street, Chatham, Ont., ;who made
the following statement: - "Milburn'
neat and Nerve PiRe are, beyond question.
the beet remedy for nervousness and all
exhausted conditions of the system I know
of. My daughter, as a result of over stud,
sled oleo application to her duties as school
teacher, became much run down and. de.
Ibilitated and was very nervous. TWO
artonthe ago she began taking Dlilburn's
Moart and. Nerve Pills. They acted quickly.
and effectually in her case, peaking her
'strong and building up her entire system,"
Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills cure
Palpitation, Nervousness, Sleeplessness,
Anaemia, Female Troubles, After Effecte.
of Grippe, Debility, or any condition arising
trom Disordered, Nerves, Weak Heart or
'Watery Blood. Price 60o. a box.
SO Wild and Woolly West.
Easterners have an erroneous- !merest -
!lion about the vast plains country that
7ttsathes eastward from the. flanks of
-the Itnkles to the wbeatfields of the -
Dakotas. t IS a region where crimeaare
Thr less numerous in proportion to pop -
:Illation than they are in the densely
settled regions of the eastern and mid-
dle states.
It the sombreroed ruffians. with pis-
tols and knives in their boots and ear-
. tridge belts around their waists are not
in the cattle country, where, Plea, ere
they to be found? Where are those
Alkali Ikess Lariat Bills, et 'als;.
who fire at the decanters in barremns
and at the silk hats of tenderfoot stra,u-
gers-the 'villainous desperadoes whose
lynching bees and ether harrowing an-
•ecdotes make up Zonsidera,ble of the
stock in trade of our eastern comic
illustrators? I do not know.
For many years .1 have wandered
through the great northwest on horse-
back, stagecoach and in canoes, as veell
as in the palatial Pullmansleeper of
the great transcontinental lines, and
have never discovered any of ths fierce,
bewhiskered dimd"novel heroes. Dur-
ing all my 'tregals in the Dakotas, Mon.
• tana, Idaho, -Washington, Oregon and
British Columbia I have i3ever Seen a
man hurt or witnessed any sort of-rovt,'
and I would feel much safer to strike
across the mountains or plainsalone
on a broncho and unarmed than I
would to walk up Clerk street at night
In Chicago -
Infant Baptisms In Roissia,
"I was fortunate enough," writes
Trumbull White, "to visit the -Chtirch
of St. David, In Tiflis, Russia, just in
• time to attend a baptismal ceremony.
'According to the -rites of the Greek
•eh'urch, as practiced in •this ,ancient
eorgian temple, the youngster in
question, a fine boy 4 or 5 weeks old,
had to be immersed three times In a
baptismal font filled with water, each
time to be completely covered, in ad-
dition to various blessings and anoint-
• ings with holy oil and several long
• prayers.
"The benevolent looking •old priest
• proved bimself a man of kindlY
thoughtfulness. While the familygroup
around the baby was getting him prop• -
erly unclad, for the ceremony requires
that the child shall be naked,the priest
surreptitiously dipped his finger into •
the font, and I saw by his face that it
• was too cold. Then he stepped behind
a screen, where his samovar was
steaming, emptied the bot Water into
a pitcher, and while the family still
kept busy over the baby be poured
enough to temper the pool that had ,
been provided for the shOrti lamb. The
result was that the little ,fellow took -
his plunges without a murmur and
thereby distinguished himself."-Chi-
eago Record.
SM. •
K(ngliton paper credits Mr S. oes
liabereten with be statement that he will
drop oat of plinks after this eission.
Little Liver Pills.
Must Boar Signature of
SeePae*Simile Wrapper Oda*.
Toils and as elny
to tetIte as tragal.•.
Alk° • rAft reL3:11M.
FOR SALLOW SKIS. For Wants and. Mahon,
sito ausIsAvgji., at* ,
ttrIce I *Oro* Yeifetelblevig&mii-We.706 _thane
....../...0-,—.••••••••...„ 000060- EttlitOS otritlilot
no one thought of improviug matt with-
in recent years," Fghtil a manufacturer,
"but then the !two:nays and expert ma-
chinitats started in with suetl. a rush
. that it takes a good deal of our time
1 keeping abreast of the lumrovements
that are coining into tbe market every
"The work used to be done entirely
by hand, and the coopers often had to
buy their hoops from a firm that made
nothing else. The coopers were not
well enough equipped to make all the
different parts of a barrel themselves,
and often they boue,lit everything out-
side and nierely put the barrels togeth-
er.• It used to tatitg,„Dye or six tuento
do the work properly, and an hour's
time Would 'perhaps turn out ten bar
"As the system is now, all the differ-
ent . parts are made by . one machine,
• and only one man Is needed to attend
It, After I
staves and hooPis and braces by it the
pleeee are ruu through another section
of it and come out almost inunedlatelY ..
• a finished barrel, ready to be leaded
and shipped to our cuatoinera.
. "On a regular average about SO bar-
rels can- be turned out in an hour.. You .
can see' what the saving Is over the old
way. Employing Aix men for one hour,
ais they used to dot we calf get.I00 bar- .
rels, where by the old system they
were only able 0 get ten.". -Pittsburg
Chronlele-Telegraph. "
Nod and Drop Asleep,
Dr. Pardial of Turin claluis that he
bits discovered that the heat method of
treatingobstinate insomnia is to make
his patients imitate the drowsy nod-
• dings of a tired num wbile eltting In a
chair. ' .
Every one 'Who lIaa ever Watebed a
• sleepy man. in a trainhaft.. probably
been amused by the neck ' distorting '
nods which -herald the approach of ,
sleep. If the observer his given any
theught tothe subject .at all, he has.
. Probably...decided that the .C.Mateetions
_are due to the sleeper's unconscious ef-
• forts to preserve his balance. :Dr. Par;
dint says that the, balance . has nothing
to de With it.: He declares that • nod-
ding is patholegle; that it Is nature's
own Method ef pigmies sleep. . .
. Tills. If properly carried' out, brings
the. head 'of. the patientLalmost, upon-
lilasright . shoulder. .The body is then
• to be: inclined to the leit•and the bead .
allowed to toll In that direction, still
uncontrolled by the • Muicles. Ass• Soon
• as the head has reeenect the left•slacell-e
der Muscular' control is to he resumed •
and the head raised tileirly until it is In
the san3e position as at the beginning
• of the exercise, Then the whole Meth- .
ed is to be repeated atelong as needful.
. .
. . . , , .
Chinese Arithmetic,
The,• Chinese . rejoice in. a • wonderfiui.
talents for inaacuracy..in every .debill.
For instance a pound Cr a 'pint Varies
as it sults the merchant's fancy.' In
some part you get.' half • or a. quetter:
as much: as Yen 'de in .'others for. the
same Mice and, Measure. -
Then,.again, theliWaty of •calcillating
distance does not. at all 'taffy with Eu-
did. • For Instance, you are told. from •
A to Bis fair miles, but from 13. to A •
Is eight mites. •If you ask heti this In
tictseible", you are told it depends from
which 'end you start; if you start from
A, it is' (WWII hill, so nnich easier to
Walk; whereas, tftarting krom. Bi you
have to' walk tinhill, which is Innen
itiore exerting • and fatiguing -4n feet,
it Is the seine asi.w.alking a longer dis.
• tance on even'giound.
..This form of argument always4ms-
ed iDe nearly as much as theway' the
Chinese have of counting a person's
.tige by tens, "My mother." .they Will
tell you, "is 607 or 40). • When she
leaves 80, she is gettlag • near 40.
Should we all like to be told that,. I
• wonder? -Leslie's Weekly. •
• . Literary Consols.
It Is one of the curiosities of litera-
ture, says George F Parker in The At-
lantic, that, although the consular serv..,
ice has not produced reports of either..
economic or inferming value; many
writers have done conspieuous work
before and dtiriug service and after re-
tirement. W. D. Howells . wrote some
delightful books on Italy. Besides his
"Lite of Peter the .Greet," Eugene
Schuyler Wrote acceptable.. sheet
history of Araerican diplomacy, and
translated some. of Turgeneff'S hov-
els. flawthorfle Elibo Burritte Under -
Wood, Bret Mute; Penfield, Richman -
to mention only it few -have done not-
able work in literature, but not hn offi.
dal report of value. • In the one ease
there was something to say,'.,,united
with freedom. of view end opiniOn;. in
the other there:was„nothimte say and:
red tane.wae too strong !or thein. The
fault Is In the system, not In' the men.
COokinix and Bating. . •
If we ate .properly, the physician
would lose his occtipation. Aud we
On eat for whatever We want -to get
fat, to get lean, to be nervous or
• phlegmatic or to otop or encourage the
ravages of disease. An "open door"
awaits them all. Is It too mud) to hope
that the twentieth eentury will see a
law compelling cooks to takemedical
Almost There Already.
Miss Portee-Yes, dear, %ve lien been
• engaged for a king time, but what bas
prevented me from taking the irrevoca.
ble step has always been the fateful
question, "Wilt he love me when 1:
grow old?" •
Miss Tenny-Don't worry, darling;
you'll soon know now. -Stray Stories.
IllaY Be Made Useful.
Mcjigger-Iirusty IS suffering from
dyspepsia now.
Thingumbob-Ab, that's a blessing
In disguiser
llaigger-A blessing?
Thingumboly-Sure. He cau blame
that hereafter tor his horrible dispost.
It Never Fails
Pane's Celery Compound
Is a Great Physician's
• rrescription,
• It Possesses Life -Giving Vir-
• tues Iinkadvfn to Other
HIt Classes of Our People Speak
1 of Its M.arvellons ares.
The hest blessing of life -good healtia,de-
panda upon the perfect action of the ner-
vous currents and the vigor of the detail*.
Con and the quality oI the blood.
.I you are rundown, feel vvithout energy,
lifeless, useless, fretful and despondent, one
or two bottles of Paine's Celery Compound
will effeot a wonderful change Constipa-
tion will no longer give you disquieting
thoughts; your appetite will come baok;lhe
blood will be made pure;sleeplessness,tierv-
ousnese and beadachea will be things of the
pest. This is the happy experience of tene
of thousands of mar and women in Canada.
The great mad ever increasing demand for
Paine's Celery Compound as aholth build
er tells the esory of the continued ocnticr"
once aua /aids placed in it by our people.
Paine's Celery Compound must not for
at instant be classed with the ordinary
patented the dem ; it is an eminent 'physi-
elan's prescription that gives new life, vig-
or and strength when all other remedies
reit. The use of one bottle is sufficient to
convince the most hardened and skeptical.
.1n escaping from a flre 61•&71, or. craWI
along the room with year face close to.
the floor. ••
fiit ht nrato tia citniaters 'add -
one teaspoonful of brown • sugar to one :
quart of Paste.
'Washingbronze thrindeliers removes
the bronze. Duet . with •a feather brush
and a•soft cloth. • . • •• • • •
• • When •swing• at . night, • something
• white . shoe Id be 'throw n over the-- ta ble be-
neath thelight to relievethe eyes, • •
• Aetittes :of old thruiture are sometimes.
Made to appear neW by • washing- them
'With limewcter and then .applylug a coat
Of oil,' •
Iglpftaphtt In a Tyrolean Churchyard.
A Glerman travi;ler has discovered
eoine qbaint epitaphs in a Tyrolean
I;)n a tombstone in the valley of Tux
was this inscription, "In plous remem-
brance' of the !lomat WitletV Anna
Hrlecll, 40 years long." A Miller le
thus remembered, "In Christian nlein-
ory of —, who departed thle lite with-
out bunaan assistance." •
A farmer whose Initials only are
Oren and appenrit to have been the
author of his own epitaph has this
meniorial; "Here rests in God V', K.
HO lived 20 year as nian and 87 yeare
as husband."
On the tomb of a man who fell from
a roof and was killed are these words,
"ere fell Jacob Ilosentrnopf from the
roof Into eternity,"
This wall of a desolate husband caps
the Climax, "Tear e cannot bring thee
back to life, therefore I weep."
To put, the brake on the wagon going
dain the hill is a tulip to the home, when
the wagon is heavily loaded. But what
driver woeld think of applying the brake
to a loaded wagon going up hill? If he did
bit sensible horses would prebably balk
Slimy a man is in the condition of pulling
e load up a hill wieh the brake set agsins
him. When his stomach is out of order
end the allied . i
ergan_s et digestion and Sant -
Mum impaired n them motions, a fric-
tion to set up which hae to be overcome in
iddition to the performance of doily datieas
foul stomach makes a foggy brain and
the man with a disordered otomaoh has of-
-ten to grope his Ivey' through theday's bud -
"leo like a man in a fog. He forgets ap-
oointtnents. Problem seem presented to
hie mind "wrong end to." This condaion
is entirely remedied by the u$e of D.
Pierce's Golden Mediol Diecoyery. It
pets the stomech and digestive and nutri-
tive system into a condition of perfect
health, and gives a dear brain,. a steady
hand and a light step for the day's duties.
Whenconstipation clogs the channels of
tile body, D. Piero's Pleasant PulletsWill
work an effeobual cure of that disastrous
We, the inalereigned, do hereby agree to
refund the money on a twenty fl ite cent
lottle of Dr. Wills' ltnglieh Pills, if; after
nsing three-foarths of contents • of bottle,
they do ncit relieve Constipation and Head.
ache. We aleb warrant that four 'bottles -
will permanently core the most obstimate
dase of Constipation. Batidatition or no
pay when Wills' English Pills are Used..
H. B. Combe, Chemist & Druggist, Olin;
E. BoveY. Dispensing ,Ohernist,
Clinton; Watts di Co., Drugeand Medicines,
"itinon; Sydney jadtson, Druggist, CHO -
;larded Jewhard, aninmate of the Kent
County House of Refuge, ehoked to death,
while eating hie dinner.
• Worms, these pests of childhoo 1 on les
• readily destroyed and expelled by the use
.of Dr. Low's Worm Syrup. • It is easy to
take and contains tio purgatit e.
- At Port Dalhousie a Bailor walked out..
"of the Wellington Hotel Window in his sleep;
He fell three stories to a board Welk, but
was apparently uninjured,
Mrs Chse Miller, Bowling Green, Ont,.
says: "I have suffered greatly from inflam-
matory rheumatism for two years. My
joints would swell and the pain was most
severe; Could not get out of bed. Milburn's
.Rheumatio Pills hare Cured me.
Much satisfaceion is felt in British oirolee
in Pekin at the admirable coolness and
discipline of the soldiere of the Chinese
Regiment in the Wei Hai Wei houndry
incident, which proves how complete is the
success of the experiinent of forniieg
Chinese force under Ntleh offieere,
DY SPE I'M kilcitiT YEARS.
Nine bottles of Laxa-Liver-Pills Teraina
of dyspepsia and nitinsin the donut& lifter
1 had suffired 8 years and could get uothing
to dome any good.
MnS As HAMILTON, Bear Rive:, N.B.
Moro Polmanty. • •
Polygamy is the kloro's by religion
and divine right. A Moro ,must give a
separate house to each wife, in whioh
she.10 supposed to set up housekeeping,
with a sufficient number ofWomen
slaves to wait upon her. She May own
thatn..intner oave...right„.intt, more often
be 'Moro husband must purciiiisellierre
.for her. As women staves bribg a
higher price in the market than nia,'
the drain on the husband's exchequer
is immense. -Cincinnati linquiver.
• A Different Cat.
"I hyuh de white young lady say dat
she was gwinter cut de yuthub young
lady dat made huh so mad," said Miss
Mittel I Brown.
"It's scan'Ions de way clese white
folks Is actin," answered Mr. Erastus
Pinkley, • "PITA dey sings coon songs,
den dey does cake walks, an.now day's
• gwine In fob carryin razors." -Wash.
ington Star.
i . .
Crafty men contemn studies, simple
• men admire them And wise men use
1 them, for they teach not their own use;
but that is a wisdom without them and
above them, won by observation. -Lord
• There are a great many caves Anil
orehlateric meunds in lowa.
• Catarrh Bei:malice Cost Ulm Ifundrede and
No Ore -Two Bottles of Dr, Agnew'
()atarrhal powder Cured Eire,
reed 11. Ilelb, jr„ dietiller, Railroad,
York Co., Pa., on January Sid tacit, wrote
of Dr, manes catarrhal Powder like Me:
11,1 had Catarrh qf the bead and stoma&
for two yearesand had it in the worot form..
epent severeI hundred dollars in remedies
and might as weir have thrown my money
in the street. I was recommended to try
Dr. Agnew'e Catarrhal ro,vder, and two
bottles of it have already cured me, / ant
it Well man, tool wish ite makers the great-
est of tiaeceeff." Sold by Watts and
Stole Watch to Get Square.
"Great Scott, but that's a hue wretch!"
came from the clients. "Where'd you
ever get it?" "Stole it,"'ausWered its
possessor calmly. "You don't believe
me, do you?" he went on, "Well,
tell You bow It happened. I was on a
western district widen enjoyed the rep-
utation of being the tougliest one &V -
°red by the house. I bad some time to
kill and so went luto one 'of the gam-
bling. joints. It Isn't necessary to go
into details as to what happened. As
luck would have it, there were a bait
. dozen others in the place besidee
self who might° be considered as possi-
file victims.
"When the time came, the tights were
. put out suddenly, and then we had
• 'rough house' for about tens minutes.
In the middle of It I felt taotnebodY
grab my watch and reached after him.
I caught some one. and felt that be Was
Just putting a wateb In his trousers
poeket. I gave his. wrist a hard wrench
and got the timepiece. • 'Then I broke
• away, When I got to the light,- I fond
the watch watelbis 'one Andas 1 neve
er beard from the owner I have kept
It to compensate for the, loss of mine.""
-Philadelphia Inquirer. ' •
• Getting Itid of. Etiquette. .
• -trigs caned at Cambridge cottage
to take the princess': directions on a
,parisli matter mud waS astonished to
find 'h.. in the gardeuning i-�und
the newer beds as hard as she could
go. ,
"Why are you. running so..fitst, plan.
:.eeeS?" Miss.-- ventured to 'Inquire.
• 'To ' get . of the etiquette," was.
the rents,. ..."We hnye. just had a visit.
'from t he. emperor of
enforiai of -.the Duchess of Teets."
Catching- Rabbits. , .
'Boys In. Nebraska. a ferretless COW" -
try,' carry witly tbemwhen hunting a
.0011 of nose about an inch ite :diameters
which they pay out down a rabbit hole!
-Until the bottOm. is. reached. Meauwhile
• drawing tbe mouth 01 a sack oyer the
heile, A cheerful shut down elle hese
brings the rabbitout at his best pace.
plump into the sack. The hose • evi-
dently doesthe business as quickly. as
, the ferret, With •no vexatious delays. -
Zan Francisco 'Argot:tent'
No' Bargain'. • .
, "And now," said the minlater, "we'
will sing 'Old Hundredth.' " -I, •
. Just as ,the announcement was Made'
• a' -brother, In. Ithe Semen earner" eonis
menced . singing. : "The Ninety. and:
' "
. "Hold on. there. brother," . said; the
• ministers "You ain't In the 'store now.
•Thore's no I per coot off on theee.
goodst"-4tiatita. Constitution. .
• Her Beat Time,
kin-ee-You're not really -going
to -ask. him for yournew. hat before
he's had hiS dinner?' •
Mrs. P1ibxY-1 am Indeed.
• Mrs. Nute.-.-1should think you'd find
year husband in' better humor after his
dinner. rmiib always is.• ' '
• Mre. Phoxy-Yes, but I'd have to
contend with tny husband's Indigeatien.
sent Freeby mall.
Many weans are in condition to invite
Pneumonia or Coneumption, by meson of
• inherited tendency or other caustic They
Ada cold easily -find it Moult to get rid
an ordinary cough or cold. We would
idyls.) all soh people to use Dr, Weed's
•iorway Pine Syrup.
It is a wonderful 'strengthener and healer
A the breathing organs, and fortifies the
ritige against eerious pulmonary diseases,
MiseOlara Marshall, Moore, Ont., writea:
have euffered several years witla weak
hinge and could- get no oure so became
discouraged. If I caught ooldit was hard
• 13 get rid of it. I started using Dr. Wood'a
lorway Pine Syr-rp, and 50 e result my
mugh bag been cured and, my lungs greatly
° ttrengthened."
Om Wood's
Norway Pine
soo. and 80e, a bottie. All druggists.
' Both Told the ',peons.
"Truth con3pels me to state," said
the presidiag officer of a medical eon-
gress, "that upop the list fif Phisidlana •
. preeent just read there Is one that Is no.
gentleman." . ..
A' stir of Surprise ,passed overthe as-
semblage at this, and one man upon
whose foot, teethe presiding officer said
afterward, the slioe seemed to he a per -
..feet fit -half rose from .his seat .But In
another moment a woman's Voice from
the back . part. of the hall made itself
! heard. •• .• . .• .
- "I -quite agree with Dr. Blank," said
the. voice, "for.I•em that physician. In
• !iv turn I must say, 'however, that Dr.
. Blank is no lady."
A Boon to Horsemen
- Liniment removes all hard, soft or.E0SenPlgrolviai8enli.
ad Lumps and • Blemishes from hirees,
Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bine,
Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains end Sore and
owollen -Throst,Coughe,eto, The use of one
• tiottle may make you $50. Warranted the
• east wonderful Blemish Cure ever known.
Ladies' or gents' superb ivory handled
knife, or gold plated chain, or boutiful
platee soiseors, or latest pocket books, Or
aux= hinter knife or sugar spoon, or five
sheete of ?Wed mimic and hundredof
beautiful novelties of.inerit (no space to
mention here) free with one dollar mail or-
der of oar famous any prie' teas or• coffees,
locoas, baking-powdee, chocolate, pepper,
=steed, ginger, do, at 26e, 80o., 85e, and
40o. a pound.
A $2 00 order by nttil gets you any two
articles in the $1.00 I et or 4 doz.heevy plat.
ed silver forks, or tea, table, dessert spoons
or a- do z granite pie plates, or -large sauce
dish, preserving kettle, or splendid large
tea or coffee potatilDavidson's famous gran-
siteware. Ynur eboiee,
Trial'ordvrwilttcrervince-yenof the eav,..
ing and exceptional quality; agents wanted.
8tamplor big prize list. Write to us, Se-
lect your prize or we will for you; 3 and 4
ihe order of anything $1 00, 6 lbs. arid Sibs.
order: 5200. Mention what you want,
teas or coffees, or some of each.
' 1464 St. Gatharine St., Montreal, Q tut
To Paris -on Dunlop*,
A Cabin Passage
• to Paris
Itegiriter your name at once.
The Dunlop Tire Company,
Limited, will give free a steam.
obip, ticket to Paris and return
to the vAiter .giving the best
q`oo•word descuption of an ex-
perience with Dunlop Tires.
All you have to do is to tend
lt postai card, registering your
name for competition and ask -
big for the 14 Dunlop' Tire An -
twat "—which contains all par.
tictilart, and much valuable
data, *bout "Dunlop Tires.4
' fkkelia aldr Wig yea% ated,*
Pain -Killer.
A Medicine Chest in ltsolf.
Simple, Safe and Quick .Cure for
1 25'‘and po cent Bottles.
. • . .
Subscriber is prepared to promptly 511 �1l or
lora for Wood or Coal, whit% will be sold at
owest ,ates. Oillee on -Isaac Street, at LAVIP_
• l'Itlondike Gold Fields," arae, °hear. Yak'
--- . -- .
dile book, selling 'Ikea whirlwind: Beautifni
,rospeetue twenty-ftve cents. Book. on time
Don't Guess 1 ADI,EY-GARRERSON COMPANy,Lairrao -
At Real:sifts,
• This man knOWs WI -lit he did and.
how he did it. S`ach endorsementeas
t .
t the following are are a sufficient laroof
of Its merits. • ' •
P_ oseawersen.,Vee.42,1898,
ear Sirs t—Piertse !end me "meet your Treatire on
• Oe Horse; your new bodk 5sthertItedon your
bottles, Englishpribt. 1 have cured two Apnvine
And One Curb with two bottlets of your Keaditilk
Spavin Cure in four weeks.
, Price, At; six. for $s. 'a a liniment for
, family nse it beano emu .. _Ask your druggist
•for KENDALL'S •EPAVIN, CIJRfii also "A. •
Treatithon the Rorse,” book.free. Or address
DR. J. 8. KENDAII, CO.1 EN081111110 PALLS. Yr.
Oats • wanted in exchange for 0.t.
• meal and•the best Flour hills° market.
followd.:- •
11 1b4i Oatmeal for 1 basbel Oats
15 lbs Flour (ilanitoba, Nixed)
for 1 Bush vl Oats. ' •
Silverware Given Away.
Every purchaier, anything that we sell,
be the anionnt small or large,gets a coupon
and when a certain number s received the
holder tvill be entitled to a plea( of Silver-
ware of their own .choosing. Come and
see the Silverware.
0. OLSON.-
Geod Butter and Eggs wanted.
No exogamic° neeessaryT—Pernlanent post -
tion. Liberal terms. Pay weekly. Stook
notnelete with fast selling specialties, including
*sea Wheat, Com, Potatoes, 8co. OUTFIT
PREI14. Secure territory now. Write
Norgerym sn,,Bro WU'S Nurser les P.O., OM.
110 for le tient'
,..„.. ...,:.,4. ,...4.....,....: , .
.,..,,„... ,..„, ten of the best humorous reed:Wont
xWs book conialeu ono bemired. lei,/
vs ,,,,,,V1h1:4 - embracing the Negro, 'Yankee, Melte&
1 Dutch dialeCtli, both in,prone and von,,. - as wart no Mituototto corimocitione of
every kind Ana' charactor. Sent, post,
..4, Inwith 00 illitstrated Orttelegue et
k% Ft Woke and inetelbiter for enly ton cent,.
fikadtilettio I Johnston itti itleVariane
A Tiltoitugaiii.• liCoraato.taa.
our fee returned if we fail. Aiig one sending
sketch and descriptioa of any invention will
promptly receive our opinion free concerning
the patentability of same. "now to Obtain a
Patent,' seat upon request. Parente eeeuted
through Us ads erased for sale 'tit etr expense.
Patents taken out through us receive epeela4
nolieelwithout charge,. in Tim re.TKNT RECORD,
an illustrated and widely circulated journal,
consulted by Manufacturers and Investors.
Send for sem pie copy roes. Address,
VicrOtt J.• EVANS/it CO.
(Patent Attoracyq,)
Evans Betiding. wasHINGION. DID
rieENTs' :
• '"The best life of Her.ilitiesty1 have aeon,
vrites Lord Lorne about "Queen Victoria."
igents make ffre dollars daily.
For Twenty-seven Years ,
•'Forage mine izione:•-making posiEion
hooka, inenronee, or fake eater -us ,• every htxuse
a customer. Particulars free. Write to day
iii41 F E.1AL4N 00., 182 Vietoria street, To-
ronto, Canada. • •Feb 2448
May 25, 1900
The Molsons Wink.
Incorporated he 4.et of ParliatoOlt 18e1i
0AP1TM .. 1$2,000,000
BEST FUND - 01,040,000
ust,p-OFF'op MON f8rIA1.4.
NieLsoN Munn:8430N, rtheident
WoLVicitarIN Timms, Gen. Manager
Notes diecounted, Colleotione made, Draft*
issued, Sterling and American exchanee
bought and old._ interest allowed en de -
Feats. litivoies BANK- littered eilewed on
sumo of 11 and up. Money adeemed to
farmers on their owu note, With °lie or
more endorsers. No triortgage required
EL C. DAB% 12R, Mauager, Clinton
1. D 1111.a. <14414%47r. •
.I;13EErr ST., - CILINrON
• A. general Banking Ensine is
Drafts fined. Interest allowed on
• A.dvances made to farmers an their own.
•notes at low rates of interest.
A general Banking Basineee t ,aneabtel
• Interest allowed on dopos
• Sale Notes boaght
• J. P. TISDALL, Manager.
Weak and Iiiipnre Blood, ,
• Liver. & 11.1thiey Diseasei,
E7einale Ceglplaints,, Etc,
f.),rugiLali sr write direct tp:.
J. H. 7aeLnoD,
,Goderaih, Ont. .
rpt-RNIT ultE
The steady increase in our trade is Cond proof of the fact that cur geode are righ
our panes lower than those of other dealers in the trade.
We Mumfacture furniture oil a large scale ani van afford to sell oheap. If you bay
frnm no. We gave for you the profit; which, in other oases, bag to be sided inkr
. the retail dealer. ' "
Phis week we have passed into Mock Some of our new designs. St ace 'will not perni
us to quoteprices, hut come and see for yeurself whet snaps we have to offer,
lemeraber-we are determieed that out tidos shall be the lowest in the tr.tici.
Eis this department our stook is complete, and we have undoubtedly the be 1 Inners
outfit in the county. Our prices are as low as the lowest, •
BRO.ADFOOT, BOX. & CO. J. 111,212'11ff
P. S. -Might and Sunday one attended to by calling at S: W. Chidley's, (Funera
Director) residerme
. 11 i
• rrl
11`0 EVEli.111 ONE who can find in the Dewey Natio 2 Paces—pmrk
, • thent and return to us—we give an exoithite 'tiffany style simuletive
Opal or Ruby Rick Pin Frhe, and send l2Tentent pnekages of Imo
. 4%.:" perishable Perfume to sell for us it yell cam When sold, roturn money
I.._, and we give you Free choice of is lleallly plated Ptak. Premier with
"11R7i4ktroiZif ND. Lock and Key, or sone Gold Shell lieleher Birthday' Ring, Simply
mterpret puszle and we send price Without money or. price, Write to -day. Ton risk nothing, as we pay the inky owl
tee., on an Perfume Matilda 0.1,151. making it, delivery absolutely tree owl unsold goods arc returnable.
=Mut WI parer NATIONAL siurrLy co.. sc••56 West Lamed hl. Dairen. Kier
, . .
E Give Perfumes if you'd please the fat
sex. The choicest kinds are here. All the
famous roakes-all the desirable odors--
• and many kinds put tip in specially attrac-
tive Christmas packages.
TOILET . goods'
e Our assor ont of Fene HOro 05,
AliiiMry Ez‘
shee, Mirrors, Whisks. ic
ebohy and ha &erne woods, is the mod
complete in the town. And•the mod inter.
,seititt2parltO,iOU14 that Prloos aro far be-
"accmitinieTtrici- "'
Dainty Gifts for both Laills-s l'w what you ve
and Men - for oung or Old
for similar articles elsewhere, .
H, 13. CONISE .CheinistA
Painting is part or it--jtst as nuich as soap -
Ing and scrubbing. There are spots that water
cannot remove, and discolorations that scouring
win not take away, *Erse thc,, paint brush in $110.11 *AM
In !limit can.q, 14 !natio to meat tit -d ittoseit
one dcitiauiR for a little Pain: abotv dve Wolk. SR
13 ready to use.. Mitt quickly iinne.044$41110
Can be Washed.
Iron and Hardware
Stoves and l'Inw,tt-