The Clinton New Era, 1900-05-25, Page 6P #4. HOW itIFEKING WAS 111.101[0, The Work of Mahon' s Rapidly, . Moving Force. •• HOW BIN WAS TRAPPED Pte. elesberry Dangeriniely Ill -Two Cetitulians Missing-Bece Womeet 'Denounce the lerltielt-Cenadlans at Netley-MeKinley Will Net Interfere. London, May 22. -There sun ais yet only a few accounus or CM. Malion's mestelt to the relief of &Welting, 'and they bee dlejointed, bat they (Mow that; until the fightleg en May 18t1, the pregress of the e,olumn was un - that evou the capital of tho Tam*. val ie likely to be evacuated. 111 and Missing. Loudon, May 21.e.A despatch ete tee War Office, dated Kroonetad, May 15th, reports that two mem- bore of the ltoYet Canadian Regiment of Intantry are nearing. They are: Pte. D. 11. Atkinson, 13 Co., former- ly of the 26th Midelesex Light Infan. tree Pte. W. ,West, 13 Co., tormerly of tlie 7th leuelliere, London. Pte. J. Raeberry,. of the 77th, eVentworth Battalion, 0 fionspanee le dangerouely 111 at- West Bloemfontein Hospital. • Within 40 Mlles of Johannesburg, Loon, May horse. Men, aceording to a despateh from Lomas() elarquet, ate now close to the Vaal Rtver, within 40 miles of eolienuesburg. 'Tee agetitioe Mom Pratorie has begwa. Women and children are be- ing (seat en train,/ to iNfachadadOrp, ontee way to Lecletneurg, Tratne are arriving at Lorenzo elaequez, fined with paseemeae, among whom are many Germane who are bound- for Europe. ' 21 Corresponeents Dead. Londoe, .May 22,-Twenteane war corresPondeats balm been killed 'or died of disease during the wax. IIn thes ',aspect the Daily Mail has been particularly unfortunate, ten of its eventful.Leaving learkly: West on, eorresporelen.te haelsig been Put out • eileteer. e May 4th, with secret orders, the Col - of ervloe by (teeth or I in adva,need at the average •rate of • • • Women Arrleed With Rifles. sPeeteor 25 nales A day, notwithetance - Ina the fact that It was encumbered Cal* 'l'own, May 21.-T1 latest with 20 wagons with stores. copy. of the Standard and Diggaria' Reaching Vryburg on May 10th, it New remixed here contains a report was foetid that 'the Boers were in of tee nesettag of the women o/ Jo forceeen the right flank. Then, eecord- eannestente. at which 850 women;` ing to otie account, followed a race on repoesarAing all gried.ee of stmlete, parallel lines for Koodoosrand, the were pressed. Boers -alining to head off the column -MM. Meetharig demented the Brit - there, The Boers arrived first, bat. lsh as an Impeteable, vindictive and' Wend. Mahon, finding _that he had powerful foe. alit said tab format:on been outdietanced, made a aotgur to of the priasoeed corp e of AmaL0113 re; the weft In the night, The Boers, quIred censideration. hoetever, were alert. They followed Irs. Mathey said Lei, busband's in tile. British closely, and on May 18th nocent blooe lied been shed, and it, was (hotly attacked. the British, as record- eer fluty to avenge him. but the time ▪ Roberts' deapat. •• had not arriveto shoulder it gun and 'he entounter was fierce, both forces march uPon the British, as Afrikander fighting_ under the stimulus '01. the im- Women Of honor were reluctant to portant issue .involved, but the Boers Placa themselves at the ro.erey of vul- were severely defeated, leaving es or gar and wiscrepulous English Boldiers. their dead on the field. Recent visitors to Joharmetiburg toty after tbis the column made a wide the Boers are beglitaing to realize the deter, and joined Col. Planter. The seriousness of their position. end they unteed.forees tben marched against are •anxioue to know what is to Ise- . the besiegers, and heavily bombarded . 'Th Boer voinnn carr their bowers. tailleting considemble, Saes in the eeereee ereeirgea.te.. loss, Tao resistance of -the burgeers go eo-the coinmaneoee. 'Tette say tne wail not strong, tlaybeine anxious to British will not fire upon 'them. preserve their line of retreat They Miler, a former officer in the Prue - finally fled, taking their gunswith elan army, refused $800 per mouth !tam." The Breath eaptured a num- and a commission with the Boons to bet -of prisoners and considerable arms succeed Col. St iiel, he ettptuttel att and ammunition: Tee Boar loss, cm- Jere commander... cording to a desstateli from Lorenzo- - • • Ma -roues, was 80 killed, . • Six Siege Trains Going tie:Ali-lea. It is said that the members of the "Loncloh, May 21, - The Queen, at Irish -American ambelance corps who Windsor, to -day, reviewed a detach - had joined the fighters-ewere almest theft ot, the, Guards, which is enact:al- ing to South Africa. Her 'Majesty • Col. Mahon and Col. Palmer enter-- addressed the troops, 'wishing teeny the town on May 18. Nethingsuccess, and expreseing the hope that wisatever has been received toconfirm she. weuld. 'see them All backat lee • the despatch from Lorenzo learquesa distant data .. DREADED NEAL TIPIP which Estated that the besiegers liad • ale siege traide °have bean ordered' lean oapturee. ; to be prepared -at Aldershot for trans - 1.• portatiou to -Salt* Africa. • Canadians Were, rhere. SUPPLEMENT TO THE CLINTON NEW ERA. - •Wiow•••• a.** WOrnme - • . TUB KHMU PAM aged to. enter the Baraiong location. 'tuts they burned, and the hut e ot tile witIves Were blazing fiercely for a diseance of nearly a Mile' "Then, finding that they were un. opposed, the Doers yelled; • Lenne ewe, you eaulkere, to -day we take etatekinge enddenly a Beer cried: 'Run, hero aro theRooleelose Neer- ly all fled. • • 'Capt. Marsh' opened ere from the forte on' elicit Bide cutting oft and n- isi:tieing tire raelifbedy of tbe Puttee bet davit% tbo vanguard, of about lee Into the twelve location, whiell Had. Wert burned. the enemy, broke Into , two parties, one being penned in the atone kraal, and tite other hemmed in a hollow behind a kopje, inside the .outoer defences. r.ebeer. had no water and but little foal. "Meanwhile a strong party, esti- =flees' at 500, ran aromid the native loaelion ease reaehed the camp Wyse to 'the railway. There they surprised, and after sharp fighting captured, Lleat-Col. Bore, Ca.ptairi Singletove anti • Veteriteary kiaraeisla Dunlop Smith, who for a time were penned - witli forty Boers in the offices of the Beltesit Soath African. protectorate. pesiton was covered by our forte. "The. Boers were called upon to eur- eeniersbat tliey refused, and the was resumed for some hours. The Boers lost 'wavily. Finally two par- ties of the enemy surrendered, one party eseaphig. The • easualties are not yet • fully known. The "Boers lost about 150,:but our easualties Were un- der twenty. Mr. Angus Harelltod, cor- respondent of tito London, 'Times, is miesingi" Lady Sarah Wilson, in a despatch from Mareking, dated May 11th, gives the following description ot the liaal (Lees of the siege: "As we near the end of the siege conditions le this. little town aro per- haps becoming more cheerful. The rainy seaeon. is apparently over. ' The weather is splendid, and consequently • the fever ophiemie is .diminishing tions are still small, true it is wonder- ful how little one rete.cis .for existence, and •tee now feed, .braern. and horea and ox bereete, is a great nuceses. This food end porridge, tete inventor of iteaca has received a five-pato:I bo- rnis ,froin" the "-Gov.ertament egniva- leist to six weeks' n„dtt'tional provis- tots, The nativeo .prefer it to ally - Other, ea that the segs has taught them a -neW feed." • , • • • . eanedians at. Netley. THE 'WITNESS* NELSON NEE De ThOught it Must HAM Been on Another Oveasion. judge Iberians. once received a reg- alia floorer. . taupe' witnese Svas before him, who could not be induced to give las evelenee la a legal manner. S a the Judge took hen in hand. We melte then took place: Counsel -You ;saw the. mita. 'What dill he say ? Witness -1h' wad that he seole the Pig. Judge -No, no, He mad nothing *of the tart Tell tie the exttet words he used. Witness -They titre the wordii he twea, my lord. Judge -I think tent preeently int able to penetrate the &mita 'or your stupidity. Did lie speak the first pereon or the third person? Wititess-There was pe tidal person' present, my lord, Jtidge (savagely)-lesten now. Didn't be nay, " I stole the pig?" - Witness -No, znY, lord ; Said lm stole it. Your lordthip is thinking. of a different ease altogether. lie sale • notiiiew about your lordship having stolen the pig, and we were the only two people, present. . • Minard's thilment Lembermea's Friend. • , • . • • • Fully Equipped. Sir Robert Peel was ones going through a picture collection with a _ friend where there was portrait of a Prometent Englishman who . was famous -for saying sharp things. • "How wonderfully Dee 1" said the friend. eYou, east see the quiver on. his lips." replied Sir Itobert,eated the arrows coming out of Ike Live Ontario Village Whew Dodds Kidney Pills are Valued, Rich, red blood le produced by Mil. ler's Compound lion Pills. They p05 - sees the great vitalizing principle upon which . depend health and strength. The Voice and Altitude. 4 Generally opeeking; Tame living at high Altitudes have Weaker' and more highly pitebeta.voiceeethattetheeeeliv-. ing regions where the supply of oxygen IS more plentiful. Among the . people living. on . the • plateaus be- tween the mountain ranges, the' men . have voices like the women awl the- women like children, and their sing - In is le ehrill monotone lailler's Powders euro. .• . ,aellatternf.DoOlttee Niece -- Yes, • Eddie' was slighey wounded in the first fight. We-lutee a- _ letter from .tho ternie fnirgeoil• • • Aunts -Where was he womided ? • • "We are not smite sure. The esurgeott mentioned the place, , line ;we don't know whether:1e is an 'anatomical • -phrase or .ft Transeetal town." -The : King. . . . y , cable) -Tho principal medical officer - et Netley Hospital reports tbat the folatserg Garment -is are now there: -Peivates. k. Martin, -B-Comparlersefead• Re,e1aiient. C. A.; CorpOral E. Gray, R. 0. A., 0 Company Field Battery, second otattIngseit: Private Wood, B Squaelroe Canadian Mountel • Illeithaley Says 44 No." Washineon, May 21.-Fecratnry of State Hay • ties afternoon Informed the Beer eelegates that the troi- dont ! Winces; nee* is opee.n to hen ex• eept to persist in the polipy of Impala tLtl iteutrality between England. _and the !South African Republics. Johannesburg Defence. London, May 22.-'Ilhe Daily Tele- • Lorenzo •Marquez, May el. -The de- grapit in a amend edition prints a de- spatch et,ating teat Col. Mahon's fence works of eohannesbure are pie - /one arrived last 'Tuesday ,at Jan- eeeeeeee elePleite masslb Col. PI Rhode- Six guns brought front the front siteu3 and detachment's of Canadians have been placed in *a fort, while hee, bete echanzes'eand trenchse Interseut Katz - and Queenelanders joined rand, 'near Klip Itiversberg, forcesehaving made forced marches the traceeourse. of nearly thirty miles daily shwa May pelt f. Milner Calls Thom Ilrave. A Grand Foree. - Calle Towle May' 21.-A large body • • ' of railway workinert rata -clad to Gov - see London, May 22. -Mr. C. E. Hands, .ernment House. to -day 'and bougratu- the . Daily -Mail's correspondent,' men--: lated.' Oeyenter. Sir- Alfred lk.filuer on tioned in Lord Roberti? "despatch- to the relief ..Of Mafekleg: ....One of the the War Office as " dangerously epee . e ..re . . Rome as wounded hi the fight in the bush .on May 18th, Bent hle leer Diessege from Vryburg May Oth, . -runner to Kimberley .efity •Itast. He says: "The fleing mounted colume secret- ly and swiftly organized by General. Huntee started from Barkly and. ar- rived •here to -night, •covering 180 flake in five days. • It is • a grand force of mounted men, Imperialaight Horse from Ladysmith, the Kimber- ley mounted corps, With Royal Horse Artillery and pom-poms, and 'a • se- lected' body of infantry from the Fu- - oilier brigade. A special equipment of light-springed mule transport completes this *splendid force. .'"The force so equipped was ena- bled to move witbe, such rapidity that, although this is a difficult country, requiring vigilant scouting, • . • the Boma wore • surprised. The col - tune • moved parallel with the enet myei positions. 61 the Vaal at Rote - dam and Fourteen' Streams, actue ally getting behind them without firing --a shot. So close 'were We Sun- . (ley and Monday that Gee. Hunter's • balloon was visible and les bomeard- neat :heard." eowardly seoundiele. ' • • The eoveraor replied that hi, could admire heroism even hi enemies. He believed that only it few Beet* were •coneerned In the reported eaeree ef . tree/awry. Iledeelared that they were• mainly brave Men fighting for it earl cause, ivhieh they bellevee wits right. • • • ---- • To 'Depose KrOgcr. Cape. Town, ZaIay 21.-A telegram front Darban aseerts confidently that a ploteas beendisclosed at, Pretoria which has as its object to depose Kru- ger and hie Executive Council and Stir-. "render the Transvaal to -Lord Roberts .1at an. early days . Many progreesive Dutchmeawhe are ablo members of the judiciary, are Said to boparties to the movement. correspondent of the Daily Ex. press eon : "Gen. Hunter devised ' ale] guided the relief, whieh was daringly executed by cel. Mahon.' • The last mesiage from ,Col. Mahon's colleen, before the relief, was dated itt Majoemintatill. .May it It says: "The column left Vryburg yesterday; did 19 intles ; and out -spanned at 2 a.moNo fires were allowed. We :stela. ed at dawn to -day and -trekked here." ' Lord Roberta is advised that little various trapsthet have been left Oen resistance need be expected south of foremonthe. At 4 a. tn. the enemy, Itep river, near ,Tehannesburg, Who had bled much strengthened where the natives are e digging tiering tit Mast few dare feinted an ee.teenchess-batethe..positioneeitecordingenetaskteogseathe.,eitisterneeleer.eapethee . to it correspondent, can be turned, town, while a large force, which der - The same authority thinks it Ina! ing thin eight had crept along the Probable that there will be any two, 1 river, guided by native rebels who ' peeete defence south of Pretoria., and 1 had chosen the craftiest detours, man - • Van Hanalei Pees Olesee' London, May 22.-Wiestott Clmrchille the Morning Post's correspondent at liroonstette•etatee that the I3oers whe Aare. at Ilarrismitlt are retreating northward. 'Van Beenea's pass is re- ported to 'be open, -and )3othaes pass le...said to Im tightly .held bythe burghers. . • , . _ _ _ • • " The Story of a Dyspeptic Tito gas Found a Cure. •. There is ati Intimate Connec (ion Be,- . . • . • .._- eiveett Good Health, Ireepiness atia : •Gotell Digestion -Dr. WillianseePina. Pills Teriug About TheseConaltioiM . . (Front, the Tribune, .Deseronto.) • - Without good digestioe there ana be -.neither good health nor heppluese • More depends upen, the perfect work - ma oi-the digestive organs teneintost, . . . . people, imagine, and ewe Wight •fune- timed-distukbanees of -.the stomach letivesi 't1M. victim irriteble, melees Clialy and apathetic.. In Snell cases meet people resort to leaative mede clues, but these ouiy further aggro,- va.te the trouble. What is needed is a tones zomething that Will build up the system, instead of weakening It •es purg-atIve medicines. do. For tiles penalise there is no medicine equal to Dr. Willia,me' Pink pills, They match the bloo'l and strengthen and 'stimu- late the digestive tract 'from firse dose to last. Ia proof of this asser- tion tee eaect of Ur. Thomas A. Stewart, the well-knowa and genial proprietor of the Oriental Hotel. Des - *rout°, -may Im •quoted.. To a reporter of the Tribune, whet :neationea the fact that he was suffering front dys- pepsia, Mr. Stewart said: "Why. don't you take Dr. Wiliiams' Pink ?" Asked why ha gave Vile edviea Me. Stewart continued : '4' Simply because they. aro the best medicine tor that complaint I 'know of. For yeare How mow Was Trapped. was it great euffer.erfrom indigcetion, London, . May 22.-Colone1 leaden. n score of inedlibleff, SOMa clines Powelle hardest blow to the besiege I .got temporary relief, but not a Ors, the eapeure of Cemmandant cure. I fairly dreaded meal tlineetand petrel glom preepi aidtixrugees greed. the food thee I ate gave me but little son, and hie flan, is thus deserlbal In nourishment. On tha recomirtendation • despateb firm .teaseeing gay 112, . of A, friend. began. using Da aiitis dieing that time, I think I tried • Ootal, May .14"; , Hants' rink Pills a little over a year e'Eloff to -day' fell into one of . tile eeee 1 soon eeeerieneed relief and'It° longer dreaded Meal time, but as was determined that the -cure, should permanent if peeelhle, 1 contiuued taking the pills itt :slight deem; for eateeeral,,Matithee !elm- resultaleeellery vestige of the trouble left Me. Jule I have ad good ttn appetite nowas any boarder in alehouse, and nee digtetive organs work like charm, I may alto told that my general health was greatly improved as a, result of using St. "Vitus'. Dance rapidly cured by Miller's Corneoinul. lion Pills- Cases .o years' 'etanding now .enjoeing the best of. health ets a• retnilt, ef taking them. • erninlne curiosity. "Mr. Daley, won% you let me leolt at your watch a little wiele ?" • •• • aartelnly, Mies Flypp.Do yea wane to consult tht3 time?" "No," :replied the girl, as she. opened itriti examined its 'case toad *mks. "I . was 'ettriotei to see if Water tarnished gold, or had any effect en the watch's delicate mechanism '? ' 'Water? What do you: mean ?" • "Well,' Mr. einnker told mo you were in the habit of soaking. your watch. ' What is the object of such treatment Mr. Delley ?"--Harlem . Toothache Cordhi °nailed° One Application-ofthe Otd Reliahle• o sort s Nervfltne AIways. Cures • •11•04.•••••••••••11 Mrs, Fitzsitronons About Again- Thanko Doedra Kidney Pills for it -Deed, About Two Boxes and Health Now Perfect, Nelson, Ont., May i4.-Friende of Mre. R. Fitzsimmons, of 'alio place, will be pleased to learn that she is about again. AS is •ivell known in this district, Mra. Fitreirenione has been. more or lese of an invalid for the greater part of tee last twelve months. Steele new, however, in ro- bust health and thereat Dotedqleidney. 11311111(f.orl'ititzs"inunone. her friends will ' rentember, was not at first aware of the cause of her ailment. 'Kidney Disease a.ttacks so any forms and so gradually teat its pre- ortmee goes generally uudeteeted, un- til its ravagee have affected sonie other vital organ. Then .the malady is called Heart Disease, Rheuntatieln, Bladder Complaint, Dropsy, Women's Weaknese, Paralysis, or mime °thee one of those many forme of diseased kidneys. Such, no doubt, was 'dan- ger into Whielt FitItSimMOTIS Was running when arrested by • Dodder Kidney l'ills. • , ' She complained of it pain in the side. She grew so weak that she was, as she herself states, almost unable to walk. She took various rnetlicires, never dreaming, of course, that Kid- ney Disease . tee 40.1188 of ber trouble. When the truth did odour to her, she at once had recourse to Dodd's Kidney Pills. The .reault is she is now in perfect .health. • • iliE STOMACH THAT PA -fl - • 1 • "Do you object 'to ray pialahing Mu in the 'Tribune ?" asked the re- . porter. " Wola Dave no desire for pub; May Not Be To B aine—What is the Condition think it will help anyone who :mem! ,of the Liver and Xidneys ?---You May Need 711 dlegliirrigribltiretrtiy going to the root 01 the aisease, TileY renew and buile up the blood, and laity," paid ler. Stewart, "but 'if you .. Dr. Chase's gidney-Liver Pills, • strengthen the nerves, thug deleing ditense front the system, H. Your *hen digestion Imperleet and and tablets are of little or fie ben°. dealer (Iota ttot keep them, thee Will jpeolier nourishment is noi derived fla (trona indereetion and dyepele be seat eoetsmill at 50 tante a beet front the foocl, It seente etetural to -slit of loeg standing aro positively Or six boxes .for $2,50, by addressing Warne the itteetech I and permanently cured. be Dr. the Die Williams' el -Alarm Co, eiroek- But le It eat? • Cilinsee Kidney -Liver Pine. villa Ont. • Boveral eases are oe ord whore 'Bo iliturbrn.to, we rotor to the (mai steeple Heed and digestal foal wItle OT Mr. Ilonry Mooro, of Pickering, Lahoreet Titelturit 14 reale ottt' sterriache As it matter of fact Ont. , who -invitee aft f011owe Au adoetic, says the Lahore' Tri. Toothache at Once: • • . • . . .• . Never beforoin the history of medicine 'tuts such a po werful and pleasant pant rennuty ttg- - Poison s .Nervitine• been produced. It is ten • times stronger than any other known combine- ti,n, and death to all pain. It is an invaluable remedy for the household. and when. a doctor - be rad in aease of emergency it is al- ways effectual to administer Nerviline. • Tryft... .CATARRHOZONE mires Catarrh. . : Far-lravelled Atiantic Liners.: - Two , knowil. Atlantic. liners. • have °made more than 500 trips across the :mean. They eave.. each travelled mutelderably over 2,000,- ,000 of miles, a distance equal to eight and three-quarter • timee that between the meth and the moon. Between them they have carried con- siderably over 100,000 saloon and .260,000 steerage passengers; across the . Atlantic. " • • • • • "A doge .of Miller's Worin Powders oceasiornely will keep the Children healthy. • • - • • • • indicted for Manslaughter. . Toronto, May 21. --Arthur McIn- tyre, the 13-yearold boy who shot hie father, Peter McIntyre, daring it quarrel, will notebe tried for niurder. alise Grand Jury at the AsS123S this- morhing "brought in an indictment for manslaughter, end McIntyre. will be cui ti -morrow. It le anticipated ;teat he will be sentenced ;to a perlod.of confinement in a, reformatory, as he Ii too emulato be sate to the, penitene tiary. • Keep eifinard's Liniment lu thee Rouse. . . . -OAK Heats • •es . - Galt, Ont., Mtly Ia.-Samuel Bronelt, of Preston, builder and contractor, wee seriously injured this month* while riding to Galt on it bicycle. A street .ear going in the same- dime - ton collided with lam, kimeking hhn eenselees. Tte right leg was broken above and he.10W tilts knee, the mus- ette; of the right hip torn and the pelvis bone broken. Braneb was taken to Galt .Respitel. It is because they improve the pow - ere of eseimilation time ' Miller's Compound /ron Pills cause the red vorpuseles to multiply and the weight to teatime° so rapidly, the Moist diffielilt and by far the "In.,the tail of /805 I need throe butte, is living outside tho Delhi Gate greater Part of difteetleit atlas or four boxes of Dr. Moot fel:leer/ lune Who, It Is said, IMO itet Meted pled* In the intestines. Liver Pills for (lonstIpation and lila lips for the last fifty yeitre, tar Nothing leo qtilekle interferes With etonretelt troublar, and Ile vett found haftdernanded anything 4ever from • illgaitica it$ eluggisii, ' torpid. ea 431)4111oz to (anemia With then). any. newton to satisfy the irresiote Con Of the liver, kiditeee rind tense hod etifiered from 'Ulm() itomplititits ; ble deinfuens of tier stemitelt. People for many ;team nail taken many fleck to see him in large numbors. tte rentietinble, end pet the blame kettle of Metlichlea, but le refit/4110d Where it le de:revved. Atiqult tee for 11r. Cilium* Nitiriey-Liver Pilisto ' Mental -anti phyltleitl vigor Wane the nue of Miller's eompoutd !toe intrelesletried staatteh and get nevey Mire rite Artr DOW well and strong nowt( to the foundation of the trou. bee by setting the Meet% liver and bowels tight 140Metintes people tvornicr why Dr. keep too bowels perfectly tergulnr*" day at tittlete " I •if.ke thie breed ; it's ehesse's Ridney•IAVor :to sore- Dy acting directly on the Ichl.11()A, co act, and sho la a Nese inarkable effieleite as it cure for dy- "ver 41"(1 bawelEe De' "la" "ee hinglanacr edueatien. Did elm ' but mitinue to take one or two pills a weak to counteract the tale Acid tegulltion In the blood anti to A New Word lit 'Paton. . VP heard a woman say the oliter ' Beginning or the Endr"m"um "You can cook, I eupposel" queried the young man,1 whO was feeling his 'way to a proposal. s "No," Wee the frank reply', "I never even attempted It. My parents never thought I meted have to seek a posi- tion as cook." -Chicago 'News. To Cute a Cold in One Day rake.Laxative Brom° Quinine • Tablets. All ts refund the money if it fails to euro, P5O1.41* W. Grove'seignature is on mu% box. Herbert Spencer's Old Age. Herbert Spencer has passed the age of 80, and, though never a robust man wall keeps- himself in good conditioe by the tonic of steade, Intelligeneay- directed work. • ' When children are Pale. Peerish and restless. at night, they require a dose. or two of Miller's :Worm .pow- • „Birds and. "Old" COOS. ' A• French phYalCittn, says the Jew- eler's Cireulax-Weekly, lately had an oppeetunity to observe a pointe de I'areaarhich had been lying for several days in the Stomach of a child, and found that the gastric juice had acted upon the Smallest partioles of the article, billeting the blade and point and giving th.e medal a brown color. In thls manner might be explained the process used in Italy to- produce old coins. and medals. Large birds are Made to swallow roughly stamped coins with, the image of, Tiberius or Caligula; after a while the animals give off again the coins, upon whieb meanwhile an appreciable layer of patina has fortited: This result is ap- parently due to the action of tee gas - trio juices. Deafness Cannot be- Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach th: - diseased portion Of the car. • There is only on way to cure Deafness, and that is by consti- tutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an Inflamed condition of the' mucous lining of the Enatachittn.Tube. When this tube gots inliam- - hearing, and.when it is entirely closed Deafness. Is the result, and unless the inflammationcan be taken out and this tube restored to its nor- mal condition, hearing will be destroyed Mr- -ever; u we cases oltt of ten aro caused bv catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any ease of Deafness_(caused by catarrh) that can hot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. TA/04.n ec Co., Toledo, 0, iVirSold jbauifiigagimisj. 'lly Pills are the best. • ,Ohipodor ISSUE NO 21. 119000 The leastoreetif the Material and Ite Mee lu rebel°. Favor. . Ithakt cloth, Which ban. becollee the smart itureerial for ' tile nu miner tallorenatle gown, owes ite poeniie,r- ity in the fashion world to the great favor it atm found among the 1•011. .on merle set einem the beginnents or tbe AegicaBoer unpleanantnese. It Watt first "IntrOduced to this heettn. try In the' North materna of !Wheal 'eloth, in watch etre. Langtry recit- ed the famaus Kiplieg poem, "The Abstent-Minded Beggar." Unleste rash - ion arbiters will be, very musell mis- taken, tills Material will be •much to the fore this .0111niner. and. either plain or tritIsmCd witai-Stiteisedhandm of itself, or en applique effects, many 'striking eget/Imes and separate ski rts et it well be seen. about 12.0r 18 years 'ago ea Fag. lishmen Hoaxed, Lehman saw thetain- Mies making it cloth of it yel low. tell brown color, dyed with the juice •of the Nikita ;tree to produce -the. •ishaele. He thew went to work. and 1 invented a• method of dyeinee and the -shine A material sleallar 3m had to the native Indian produete which 'WO now have in the present, khaki (prouounced kalekee.) It Was first 'adopted by the B.ritIsh Office, and then by the elnglisa Meer °owe, • Otir ,own • Governmeet awarded the fast contraet for its Manufacture • on December 280, leas,- its vete,: first use by our military; and since then mellows of yards: have been • used lea• United States army tine forms. Dame Fashion pi:oases to I equal its consumption Tor feminine wear tide Bummer. • . The name aliald velars to the color. Which in Simla) means dirt, for kltaki caw Im mule in a variety of weaves in Mitten 'arid wool, al- . though • the generally accepted. a,p- plication of • this term just now is to • cetton stuff.. granite to drill, that Is waterproof 'and exceeelingly dare.' tele and can be -easily 'laundered.- • Philadelphia Record. , . 'Min/trees • Liniment, Lumbertuanel Frientle .horse-shoe Magnet, the eirst-named Is. • Buy -an ordinary bar tmagnet Or a 1 the preferable shape, 'Take a' knit -1 'ling needle or any piece' of • tolerably 1 hard steel, arid with one: pole of the magnet ruls it from. end to end. Re- peat that process several: times. being careful to bring the " magn,et back without touching • tie needle to the . end from which you started; he other I ; words:- theerubbing•.- muse -be -are one' • 'detection only. If it horse-shoe Mag. net .be employed, start from themidele ot the knittlitg needle, pees .the mag- net along to elater end, then bring. it othro.ogli the air to the other end, and • stroke the needle severartimes, ishing .in the middle, . '... • Weak Lungs When Your throat and.lungs are perfectly healthy you needn't worry about the germs of consumption. The • don't attack healthy people. It's. the weak, debilitated, in- flamed membranes that are first affected. tiard‘coughs and colds weaken your throat and lungs and make Ob. sumption more easy. If your lungs are weak SON'S FISSION Is the best remedy you can tire. it Soothes and Nati and gives tone and strength to these delicate mem- branes, In this way you can prevent consumption; And you can cure It also jf you haven't had It too long. Keep taking It until your lungs are strong and your weight restored ScorlteelleraMgieeVetiente, • • • A sleeping polle,eman might be term- ed "a silent watch of the night," une less, pereitance, he snores. A VALUABLE RECIPE For.Courrhs, Colds and Lung Diseases Take a half Naomifull Flax -seed Tea with et dose of EST'S • CI-ERMAN BRUST BALSAM Four or Rye times aday. It never fails to give immediate relief. 25 and 00 cents at all Druggists, or from LI. F. Ray, Chemist, Pore Elgin, Ont. • .321,110‘ 1111111111111111111111•11. • CENTRAIL BUSINESS COLLEGE ',Congo and Gerrard stroets,Toron to. Certain. ly the leading Business Training • School in Canada. Twelve regular teachers. Fifteen rooms in actual use for class :and study halls. Splendid equipment, including .SIXTY Trlie- .Avriting 1%;.laehines. E'nter any time. No voice- • . ILEPTIC . LIEBICI'S : , , Fl • CURE . Will cure tcellepsy, Fits, St.liltos Dance an Faiiing sick- , ness. A TRIAL BOTTLE sentF a E E of ALL CHAROE to any sufferer sending , us their name and address and " montionIng this gaper. • Adiress The LI81310 CO. 1 179 Kin... St..91.. . Toronto. S • tiens., V+ rite for calendar. W, H. SHAW. A GENTS 'WANTED 1.1/ROGII TWO -NEW -21. hooka, .."The . Library of South ..5.fria goer Isookein one); and "Dwight L. Moody, Thellan and HisKission".; the books are well Written and up-to-date, and are not a rehash ot old matter; -the prices. are low, and the terms extra liberah'agents can woke money if they take hold at once and 'sell Our books. Pros- pectus free. If you mean. btu:loess, other ar • rengeinentslorthecanvassers'benefit. Williifin Briggs, Methodist Book Room, Toronto. • AiEeK YOUR =COBB .FOR VIE Weir Coffee nuinufactured by the came eo., Leamington, Ont.; free sample' sent ou ap- plication; Superior to all others. • „ .51 • • 4 (1... I • _t_ - • nu' oluicaR , smoke or eat. deadstamp sopco Seawerthpre a le. no Ike. CINIOtte. algal -VAPOR Wen 00.. 1 , HAWIR.ToN. ONTARIO. \ FITSPERMANENTLY CURED BYDR. Itline's Great Nerve Restorer. No fits or nervousness atter 11rst da use. bend tO Y1 4...-1. Rtreet Phi VIROINIII HOMES You learn all about Virginia lands, soil, waiter, allude, resources.. product14, (faits, berries, mode of cultiVation, pricee, etc. , b reading the VIRGINIA FARMER.. • Send roc for thre'e months! subscription to A Theory. • GeralttaI wonder bow .Ananias got ouch a reputation as a liar ?" Geraidine-eesuppbee he told Sapph- ire, • she was the onle girl he had ever leved-Harperei Bazar. • ' Stratferd., Aug- 4, 1893. Messrs. O. C. Itielepade & Ccie Gentlemetr,-My neighbor's boe, 4 years old, fell into a. tub of boiling water and got scalded fearfully. A few days later his legS swelled to three times titter natural size, and broke out in veining sore*. Els par- ents weld get nothing to help him till 1 recommended MINARD'S MEWL which, after tieing two bot, ties: completely cured him, and 1 knour of several ono& around here almost ite remarkable, curedeby the, same Liniment, and I can tally say r never bandied a, medicine which Iia had' as good a gale or given outer unlyersal satisfaction. . tilIBER.T, • ! General efereattnt. Mr. Baldpate (to bitehful boa) - "What's the inAtter, little man? Hoe the cat got your tongue?" Tom. - "Now 1 Iles she got your hair ?" A-lo-antloama. Mob Wouldn't Rise. Bthol-(11shing far a compitment). 1 wonder what he saw in um to fall in love with ? clarisot-Thatiti what everybody EplyR. Men are curious OrefttUreS• tioareeStrity Storlee. By their atitlou on the Stomach. Liver ttuti Dowele, letter'S Wane Powders cermet all suet) troubles as leek of Appetite, lellousnees, Dante shiega Santee 4Conipteelon, eta; nice to titko.- A Theory.. . Gerald -Z %vender how Ananias got . atoll w reputation as liar Camellia -4 staiplese Im told eapple • ira site was Ake onlY girl lie had ever loved -Mopes . Bazar. Ask for Illinard's, and take no other. Mr. Baldpato (to bashful boy)- "Urbat's the matter, little matt? Has the cat got your tongue?" Tont- 1,Naw lIss She got your hair ?" epepsia, indigmalon and Featuach Amy -Liver I, y• Make is , vent showy,' or is the. torta used •Srauble*.- They ateget that Owlet:, these organs treater and active and 11lnronnutl 1s fAVe nover ,heard it before., and rit the filtering and excretory or- pepsin, indigestion arid nli spinach Boston 'Tour na.l. troubles. Ono pill a dose, i...) tents' - .. ,..... Except hi base" Of attire tetripor. a box. at all dealers or Ediaansen, Minard's Liniment is used by Pity' *es isitioltion, *toto*ch Medicines Bette 4b 00.• Toronto. , *Wane. *enter are eaused b7 • aerangehietite permanently cure coiretipation, dye- dialect dietionarle3 knew It not. se A sleeping polleeitian might be tertn. • ed "A Anent Wietelt of the night," un - lea, perchance, ho snores, WARTS, BUNIONS, PAINLESSLY ' REMOVED Twenty4odr Hours, Attnam's Painless Corn, Extractor 'A palnleila and radical our* for Oorne,= Warta and Bunions of all descriptions. The preparation lute /moved to 99 th11 most satistactore reatedY ever 01tertd to the public- for the Immediate relief Mid permanent euro of one of the most dia. treating and cOmmon of minor aliment', t This sueceasful tombitiation bas be -'n . teethed. only efter many tests' experience In his exteneive,. practice by Dr. . ScAtt IPutnem, the well -kneels magical °tiro - podia, "London,. Eng, end we alone AN authorized to use his' name. Every person speaks well of It. /t is painless and prompt and the only torn and wart curt that does all that Is chtimed for it. It Is tare, We, and never rale to cure. Puttlithi'll 1.1:Ixtrieter mace ire deer, car. Ries in the drab, no dengerotts and' pain. ful Metre, producto wither pain eta els, coinfort, and atts q,uickly. OnwArte OP SUBSTITUTES. /fold bt ell dealers in Ineditille. , N. G. Politon 6 CO., KInetton, Oat, Pre pleat% , : . . , _ 1 11** POlion's Nerviiker 'tot ;ill PM. Farmer Co,, Empona; Va, ear. ST".1.AWRETICE0- :CRANULATE delphia, Pti., for treatise and free $2 triaiNottle For sale HOW, 1780 Notre Dame street Montreal, Que. • Mrs, Winelow's Soothing 'Syrup should td- " Ways be used for Children leething, It soothes the child, seam% the gams, cures wind colie :4-Ma1st-he best remedy tor Diarrhcea. Twenty t tire cents a bOttle. fUL REFINERSARKg NUM BUT St. LaW1'OR60 511Qdr R61111611 AIRKES THEIR GRANULRTED IS 100 PER GENT PURE, :Walthaiii Watch fci We will tend to any retder of this paper &Omuta, Waltham Watch in a Nickel Silver C'aSo, StrareWilla and stem -sot, for only $6.00. W0 will guarantee it to be exactly as represented, and should It not, in your opinion, be so,_ We will return your money. Wo wan} your trade. Toga, it is why Mt make this siren RON we are cOnfidentthat our business j udgment will no be misplaced. we know that by pleasing you is the only way for us to earn your good -will. and constant patronage. You may not desire to send us any moricl...1/1 aL VAIIC6 with your order, as our reliability 11.110101Ra to ye.:. Should this be tri you need not tend us any Money et all, but we wifl send tho watch to Wait ex- press officew as YOU runame tot. yea toexamine. l Le we represent it you haat the money to the OXPtete agent and tako the watch; if not, return It ht 011e eXpe1160. Wo make Lids oiler solely to prove our mom both, anabeeause we went your tonildenet• and Rena tO sell you other artielse that you may want in naS ftuture. Write at once. 13fIRR & 60111111,1Y, 0. Box 63, Hamilton, Oat E T.BI EDDY'S, PARLOR MATCHES Produce a QUICK, SUitlt "LIGHT° every tittle, They hay° had a toputsition for neatly half * century. For Mae by 6,11 Virstoelsui beaters. VIANUtitartiltED TflEB, B• EDDY pp, wirrEn