HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-05-25, Page 5••e.
• 1.01•4011. 1 1 IP I I I I 11
Ing tat open tergth Ineapable Of fiant, Nile always to the fore. lie proved among the women. and children,
tine defence, but by dieplaying the an ltriept pigerticking, which, be- the Ikons violated the rulers of war
flume qualitiers of Brittle). grit and fore he had tried Boer /tontine, he by deliberately shelling the wome
autumns* Col. Badezeroweire men declared to .be hie favorite sr.ort tenger. Col. Baden-Powell after a
lutve perieseered in keeping their flag On oao oftherse excurelone the eoung protest to the Boor commander
above 'Woking. He was eupportea by officer was euddenly and violentty moved 'the women and children,
a d P
fare minder, who are derscelbea "tits-
ll'it organized rabble," have gone north,
"ain and say they Intezr. to Make a
n ase to the Freer Seat*. The ra.
re- stand at 1,alng's. lack. '
and •
a Mall but brillient group of British flung from hie home, and appettred to placed the Boer prieopers la their
S flJTl1T
i - H " ' , :. , , • (11:Irla ifltre&ticlIcE Sleci4TsitioilvrtaYlfi Qi'.81 i 1.:11:"}:41111‘), , 1:i.' ill S' ?7,C'reit, IEFtizila h tl.)
; riglea:
s mee there pre
. Loneloti. aociety. recumbent "Bele," who mewed little creeed. '
„ Itnemy CoMPletely P led. duntaged by las experience. II( ex. At the counnencesnent of the elege
Plainer.] that as lie ;vas shot off tlie the number of troops at Ma:ening
) The relieving force bad been, orga,n- here° he reajitee thet he was going was tonsiderable under 1000 ttnd
Gen. De Wet Offered to Surrender
Thousand ilen.
• izee svitit the greatest sencrecy„ and
a there Was a ready resource in the ex-
Pediento which the Boers were, led
to believe, Met that Gen. Carrington
wee to attempt thareseue from the
north, and, secondly, that Gera Rue-
ter was to tweet a division. up the rail-
way; The relieving column, went north
under cover of these dernonetrations
and xestched its goal. The 'command-
ing officer is not named. One theory
is thet Lord Kitchener ware OM -
mewl and woe bent upon relieving the
Prime Minister'e son, another is teat
Major Baden-Powell volunteered for
the Work, and • wee put in charge of
a colonial celuma. If OUG brother hart
relieved another then Lord Roberts
luta provided a • most dramatic sur-
prise. Lord Roberts has clearly' re-
deemed the promise made to relieve
tbe garrison. He named May 18th as
tee date, and London, has received th,e
news hi the hick of time.
• NO Di a "VOWS From Nlefeking Vot---Gen. Huller Ma Reedled Leingts Nek
aurrerideato Dreadlieed---nratleas Repots as to the Re"'
Del et Inatnicing-a-Row at Aberdeen—Boers Object to Go to St. Helene
Capture of Ammunition by tletliukne--.,-Some Great Marches—
.. Confoulictory Reports Frons.Preteria as to the Defence el the Town.
..• • .
Pretoria. May 18. -It was °facia'. - promises to be more remerkable fo
ly announced to -day that when the the transfOrmatioa of the Engllsb Ira
lann'ers and forts atemad Blafeking lateen. emotional people Vial* for an
had `teal severely bombarded .014;,
military achlevemente it recorde.
alven t o'clock ties inertial
3 was ahallaaasd. a Britten force troops of young mon are marehln
from the South taking posses:non or and singing, and theta are crowds I
trout of the Maselon House, Maribo
the Placa.
.,pretatleht Stezra Arrived bere 011 uouully, Hoeme, the chiles on Pail Mal
War Office, and in Parilamen
•Wedneriaay ,night. and had long and Square, waving. flags and. joining I
Werra c.ohferences with the Trans- the national' airo.
.vaal cieseernineut. He left here for . ------ •
War '011ie° .1.3elleves It
the Free State yesterday night. Ad- •
• London; MaY 1D. -Shortly before th
nreaslag crowd ta3. the inatforen Ite adjournment of the House of Cram
urged. tbein to be of good eloser. mows, which took place at I2O5
' 'In• reit:Arta} that 5,000 British ne, Mr. Balfour, thei Government lean
ort rooe and said.:
•trpOpe hal% surromaded Christiana; 'The only news regarding Mafelcin
and that the Laaddrost and other
efficlals have been :taken prizoners.
James Milne, the on -respondent of
. the Reuter Telegram CozaPang, who
hes . been a prisoner here, was liber-, been relieved. Wo have. no °trade
Atone:ate ascoeted to the border thio
morning, • . news at the War Office.; tear could w
receive it as soon as it could 'aerie
) •
through „ether "channels. Therefore
The News elondirmed.
• the fact that we imve not got I
• Loudons May 18. -Col, Baclen-ROw-, neither proves ,ner disproves n 'Oh
lell'e 'brother, "irluo Is in Laudon, toe truth of the information: / think w
day recanted a telegram froni ft'. have good reason to believe that .1
' Dutch. friend in Pretieria. announce ' nifty be true." ,
lag 'that Melekiug, had Wed. relieved. . George Wyndhano ParlIamenta,r
Under-Secretary for Wer, repining t
Rejeleing Jan.:eater. several members of the House wit
%London, May 19.-A country or had privateiseinterrogated him, auto
cite. mad vvith' triumphaet esailtia "AltieSugh tae Government has no
titan Is p. thing Only 1e38 terrible than ,thing, I am disposed .to believe the
• nation, matt With the furY of re- .Boer bulletin, It may be to -morrow,
Torino, etcnea nege oven* ,.tee Boers and -perhaps even Monday, before the
'themselves,. could .refrain Irina serm. Government would get despatches
patieeing witli the great: outburst Of from our 'military commanders, even
thanksgiving which uprose in a If • the siege !were raised. fame . days
Zoight'y about 'from end to ead • of ago, as the news would need to be
Greet- Britain, last night weieu the conveyed over a very long .dletance
report on tthe relief or etafelzing by messenger on horseback, whereas
fleeted. over the land. It is the in- the enemy would probably be 'able
tensity of penaure emotion. suddenly to airall themselves of. telegnaphle
tea loose which is feareome and appal-. connuenleation;" •
ling. Evea Ladysmith day failed: to. The London papers, as might be ex -
give a trite indication of how deep has pected, are practically devoted •to
been the wound frpat which . British A:Woking, retelling the tale of the.
pride has been suffering clueing. theme seven months' sbege, and anecdotes
long inonths. Never before, perhaps, of -Colonel Baden-Powell, whose pore
:wee victory so sweet to a -nation. trait appears everywhere. Though
3'd Never before was the aoy as fierce. Ibs there io absoartely no official con.-
cane:Ink° n, flash of lightning. London armation of the news of the relief of
'ett ualapast nine' last night was quiet the town, tt implleitly believed in
and Malone almost -Silent Then came quarters, .ne"' • excepting :official ek-
e' amino sheet from the Mansion ales. e • .• •
at:ease. A rueli.pf feet hallowed. This Tae descrintion of the scenes in the
, avas soon -drowned in a wave of sound, London etreete and the theatres cabled
' 'too inartiegiate for words, but *hose convey something of tiie feeling of the
\ meaning needed no interiareta,tiou in country, adequately to eipress which
ebbe ears which had been welting and e-ould bankrupt the powess or dgeatlo
rimming to bear it for niaaylinpa,tiont -aye Nvriters, living or deed. Deports
of r.eioicings come from Caetada, Aus-
Diary of the Siege.
not. U. -Boers • March. on town.
*Oet, 15 ---Beers rePalsed.
Oct. 28 -Bombardment.
which I have received le through ta
courteey of the press, professing t
give official newa from Lorenzo Mar
'quez to the effeot tbatalafeking has
Deo. 24 -Sortie.
Dee. 26--Unettceeseful sortie,.
• Mama 16 -Plummer havIng adva,no
ed eoatn.waed to Lobate'. la forced too
retire to Crocodile Pool,
March 131,-Plumer repented at Ra-
May 18-Baden.Poweil lays trap
RIO BOWE. and captures Kruger's,
grateleon and 70 Boors, 40 being
killoa. •
May 14-Bombardmeet.
litlf•RO OF iltArEILING. •
,, • — •
Same 'tract s About the Gallant Baden-
Powell. •.
TO Ma "11,-P,,•• as he IS affection.
&hely termed: go' whistling down
fhj street Istafeklag .deeie In
thought, pleateng of countenance.
bright (tad confirteet, is (theories and
heartening. liked any man In whore
Lt town placee less confidence been'
in commanel disaster might have..be-
fallen Mafeking, and .if we ore able
to place the sname of Atafeltiog on the
Y roll of tbe •Em.pare's .outposta which
O have fought, for the toner and giorY
o 'of Bittaln. .will be chiefly aocsause
Baden-Powelf .4:foreman:tied asias.
Reeter's correapondent.
Cololiel R. S. S. Dederareiwell, who
has et. genets/ay .ancl suceessfully re-
gister] the designe of the Boers on Ma-
feklng, was born' in Stanhope street,
London; Euglarld, Feb. 22, 1857.
His father was • e evell-known
clergYintre the:de-glen eni mitherne.
Velez), and one .tinee Saviilan veto
resew at Oxford. • The Colonel's
mother was a daughter of Admiral
aneeth.. K.- 8. F. .. • . • , .
Baden-Powell's list .of friende• in-
cludes many men whose names ore'
household words, and One, of the fIrst
distinguished •personages whose .ao-
quaintanoe he made was Robert
Stephenson, the engineer. •This was ID
the Colonel's very early da.ys, for Mr:
,Stephenson filled the office of god-
father to "D.P.," and gave him the
'names of Robert eite.ehenson Sisayth.
Baden-Powell was remarleable even
as aaehila, of extraordinarily equable
temper,' untsommonly, intelligent, and
possessed of a .certain diguified
control under- the moot trying of in-
fantile distresses. Indeed, the writer
Is assured On t -he best possible auth-
ority' that laibett Stephenson Smyth
Badeu-Powell never once cried in the
vvhole Mune of hie • baby career -in
truth a wonderfully exemplary child!
-The- infant Baden-Powell shatised .a
quiet contempt for . the toys that
brighten the average child's life. He
was quite happy if placed in posses-
sion of -re stump of 'lead pencil and a
sheet or two o1. plain unruled-ehe
Insisted on haying ,it unruled !-pa-
per. With these rudimentary tools Of
the artist he would sit by the nour
evolving from -hie infantiee brain the
weirdest sort qf original drawings,
some of which, achieved at the age. of
three oeare, are preserved as family
relies. They are not . copies-
. even in those days had
too .much faith in himself to copy any-
body -but self -conceited and &elf -exe-
cuted little pencil drawings which for
a child of time°. years of age are sur-
prisingly clever. If It. S. S. Baden-
Powell had not been breve and dis-
tinguished soldier ies would Ilex°
achieved greatness alit air Artist-prob.
altly of the impr&sionist gavot Young
Powell was given a thorough and use-
ful schooling at Tunbridge Wells, af-
terwards by a private tutor, and then
at the Charterhouse School. Wherever
he went he was. alwdes the same
eDelaa-Incluebrlous, .clever, resource-
ful,'ana, above all things, 'reanlY. Cons
sequently be was popular among his
At the age of eighteen he left Char-
terltouse with the Intention of study.'
ing two yews% at °adore, and then
going up for the army as a. university -
candidate. In name Dean Liddell pro-
mieed him adonis In Christ Church. fa:
Oetober, 1E376. In order, however, to
utilize the intermediate summer aB.-
Pat entered' himself for the July arMy
examination, so as to learn what"kind
of subjects Would be required. of hina
In the future. It was not hie. Intene
tiork to pass before the prtearrangea
stay at Oxford, and he merely Deemer
ea to the best of his abilita such Pa-
pas es came within the ecope of We
Physics tell ue that sound waves tra- trance and all other parts of the Brit.
vel a.b.out a thousand feet a secoad. 1, lab Empire.
tithes nature's laws were beaten in
At tloveut Garden.
• LontIon, May 19. -There was a won-
derful scene at the opera at Covent
Garden theatre when the relief of
Mafeking was made known. After the
seeonti net of "Lohengrinet the Prince
and Prineess' of Wales, the 'Duke of
York, the Ducbese of ,rife, the Xing
of Sweden and Norway, and Princess
Viotoria were present.. The news ay-
parently emanated from the Prince of
Wales, bet the house Was quiet until
the information reached the gallern-
The audience there announced tire
•news in the voice df a Stouter, and
demeeded that the orchestra play
"God SaVe the Queen." Herr -Mottle,
whe was conducting,. had retired, and
the remaining musiciatts hesitated, bet
the audience struck up the national'
hymn. The royalties came to the front
of their box, the Prince of Warm beat-
ing time, perhaps unconsciously, with
his hand. The scene terminated with
roars and cheers of jubilation, •
Lyndon last night. The roar of the
anansion house swept Oast to 'White-
s, -ehapel and west to laccadilly, swelling
" tato e •• mighty huinan thunderclap
. • evhich trannformed. the city a angle
instant. It perretrated every nook and
corner.- Westnalnater 'learn it, and the
House of Commons was suddenly .11e -
s aerted. Every theatre and music: hall
heard it, and their audieneee .poured
Out into tbe streets to join iri the
great chorus. Nemo was satisfied. to
give vent to his enthusiasm indoors.
It was a time when beaver; itself was
• the only roof under whIeli the burettng
; feelings of the Londoners could find
b./Adequate enpreeeintri, .•
-Theatres Emptied .Like Magic.
So the theat,res , were emptiee like
magic, and I. sear adores pf women,
as well as men, in full evening dress,
• I•usah to the street from a fashion-
able theatre and shout' madly with
t,he delirious throng, and even wave
their opera cloake in. frantic enthu-
olasm. • •
At the Mansion House -
he the excitement grew wilder,
eelatecimpel and Lambeth rushed to All soon as the news of the relief
Fleet street and tae Strand. leen- Of trafeking was proclivities& at the
eington, Mayfair and Belgravia °Mansion House, the Lond Mayor and
poured into Piccacillly and Regent hie wife appeared on a balcony be.
street, ...where flaw', horns, and tin fore the miraculously -assembled
pans came from nobody knows crowd, which numbered ten e of thou -
where, but thee appea.red by hun. sends. An Immense portrait of Col.
dredli and thousadds. Most of. the Daden-Powell Wee displayed, bearing
velacies "were drawn off the streets, the insOription, "Mafeking Relieved."
but omnibuses were seized, decorat- While the attendants were waving
ed,. and eompelled to join the slow- Union Jacks, the Lord Mayor brief.
moring, man multitude, and thete ly addressed the assemblage:
seas a pendemonium of frenzy. and "1 wish your cheers could reach• •
byeteria, . Mafeking"-here the • speech was he
oeigravie ante wetteeeapea terrupted -by redoubled . cheering,
and tile singing of "Rule Britannia"
It would tax the credulity even Of after which the Lord Mayor re-
-Paris to believe what have been
• common scenes in Londona streets marked:• "Vits never doubted' what
the .end would be, Or that British
e to -night. Men in evening dress were pluck and cot1rage would conquer at
onaking hands with Eastandere,. for
e'nebeforeeanebourebad 'Passed -Oa s jag". se *ea- • 14-
j . and Weet-end tlirongs had intermit. I ""-..e0' eene-MllYer e then led, the
crowd in singing, "God Save. the
' 'rsti. Shouting soon base= too mote Queen," and "eolciters of the Queen,"
otonoute and • the traniping mllllotis
began to shig. • alidttnitta renewed cheering and the
f flage by the nesembled
It is lloW past two tecloek, and the waYing
mighty ehoruo is still undiminiehel. multitude, and the' singing of "For
Hee Jolly Good Tallow,' the Lord
"Rule Britannia," " God flIVe the
Queen" and "Soldiers of the
have been the I/Wort-bete but thou- _ The Times on Mattsking.
Queo„ Ma.yor arid hie party retired.
sands have Welt singing " atarehing 'London, May 10. -In its editorial
• leader to -day the Tirnes nays: What
Through Georgie," "Way Down thee
Suwenee 'Meer" and "John Brown's was wildly acclaimed bit night in the
• .streets of London. and every town of
It is the nirst time ever known, prob. the lasitee Kingdom Was a moral and
ably, that the legal closing hour of telb a military triumph. If the Boers
the saloons was ignored, bet no had storrised elafeking at the begin,
Mon &Von •te tako togtliZatiO0 of the ning of the yeari whorl the British
.eknation of the lava Tho saloon,. advents) wag eheeked, of if the gal-
keepers Wore heinlese in the matter, lent garrison had fought its way out,
• end probably never was so Medi the strategical effeet upon the 'teens
liquor Consumed la the same time eral Plan of eamlatign • Would haVe
• been infinit,esintally small. But froin
belerruip-rtaetteentee era:, oneoree leg a patriortia poin,t of View the specta.
Strend iseloon which wag packed 010 Pteeentod by the fight wleeh Col.
,evitit men aneWomen of all claases, Badell•Powell and -hie brave com-
et/1e anable to escape mitt! ' had -rades have made during seven menthe
earreptitiously emptied more than of emffering, and bitter straggle late
: dozen drinks on the floor, as supplied fired the apirlt, of the nation beyono
to him by men and women- whom ite all former precedent. The demonstra.
tion in London When the news 'was
luttl stover wen before.
no moat pitiable owlets le Loneon made known. at the Mansion }louse
were tite few dishevelled soldiers in has lion boon patalieled in modern
tire etreette whose Oeoape .was filmes- tante,
sable, bet Who, the tilenestre of the ; A Gallant Deretteis;
triohet affeetirmate attention, Were ! The defence Of Afplektng began with
newly tom to please with klielixeote ehe outbreak of the war, and art MI
The latest mete of this most extra. • exploit Ds arine rritike with Delhi,
•'Winery desneriatretion of modern raueeeoie the most glorioua
theesela a, musical tribute ti' Colonel amovemonts of Britten htetaty.
Badelanneleen. Many thoueand voices eolonlar fierce, not over 1,000 strong,
are Within ettrehot as this Is written, with; it 'salmi of Waiter And a true fiat-
theering his mine and 'singing "For 'oral smelt at KO hmtie, hart held its
Sony Geed Ifeif0W." groUnd egainet a Importer force, led
,ements Just arriving tell of mime nrsiv alai, crane am some.
Tar inenee titre:Whoa &gland, Seot. nnentlY by Getterel Fersyman.
land, Ireland and Wake. They wilt A relieving force verte nowhere
poetise* 14030/ And trulb Me war In eight and the gaerison Was hold-
to fan en ids head, Red, remembering tbe. artillery consioted of A I
a feat learnal, in the gyninctelum he Maxims a cou le of old 7
-poen ors
performed a halasornereault laefore (muzzlesioacTert)t and a 16 -pounder .
reaching the ground, and thuis Hatred ship% cannon elate 1815), dug up in
himeelf front a px•olaable eielocated the Kaffir etailt. This OallU0111113(1
neck. • • been used as a Post for tInentY
Title Is the fourth campaign in Which. years. Tire garrleon made a quantity -
Col. Daden-rowell lute boon engaged', of amraunition, and also. emit another
and he has been mentIonea la de- gun wincli hire given considerable
pa es bree times. Until recently - satisfaction. In addition to providing
his beet writ win; done in the Meta. for the troops, the authorities heel to
bele war of 1806, ween he lea a troop feed and clan) for nearly 8,000 poo -
01 irregulars. During that war he • ple, including a number of natives who
proved bimself without rival as it scout, remained loyal, and some of wham
penetrating alone during the tours of have rendered great. aeeistance in
darkness into the enemy's strongholds, the defence of the• town. Lord Cecil,
spying out t,heir positions and gaining Lord Salisbury's. son, and Colonel
other information. of tbe utmost value. Baden-Powell's rIght-hand man, on
The MAtabele grew afraid of tile "Da- his own responsibility, and at hie own
pewit,'" as they called him, summing expense, stocked tbe town with. throe
"Ho that creeps about by night," and months' provisiorke aver- and above,
they frequently declared that he had the supplies provided: by the Govern -
been seen. in several pla„oes at one and meat, and it wae the wisdom of this
the tame time I , step that was warmly compihnented
When Col. 13aden-PoWell comes home. by . Col. Baden-Powell. Lord Charles
sane a miter in the London Daily Cavendleh-Dentineks Mae Wilson And
Main be is sure to bring with him -a °tilers' bave gained almost as- mueli
sketels book full of drawings depleting fame as thole gallant chief through
his *experiences in. beleaguered Male- the defence of the town.
king, Willie It is only a few weeks ago The following from -the last number
tacit it was reported ha was relieving to hand of M. A. P. lehows the spirit
the niOnotony of the Boer bombard- which prevailed among the besieged,
ment by correcting the proof e of a and -tbe manner in which Colonel
e,ew book lie heel 14 the press. With Baden-Powell aided to vary .the mon,
pen or paten the colonel Is equally at otony of the siege:
home, and, strange to say, he is am- e Roe is another dellolouely hu-
bidextrous, drawing, writing. rowing Seorous study of 'the cavorting rade of
or shooting with either hand that many -facetted genius. Colonel
33aden.Powell, whiter I take from the
London, May 21. -The Ansa:noted 'admirable Mafeking letter's of the
Pre8.3 is able to saY that no Message Pall Mall Gazette, which Is to be
from • Freeident-Kruger, direct or in-
direct, has recently been eeceived by treesaprutuildyeuctonlgarattuuerabtalleagonueriudte tucwours.
Lord Salisbury or by any Departmennt
of the Bralsb. Government, nor, " tendant to the skirt -dancing and
, The picture forms an admirable at -
May be added, le Any communleation •• otter episodes which quoted irom
from Ina* deanag with the question
the memo source last week: "The
ed by them in the itereetliate future, cert. Watch was enjoyed by a crowd -
of the ceseation of hostilities expect- feature of the day was the con -
The proximity of pewee, aceording to ol audience, and went with a snap.
the Government's polnt of view, vele I had no idea that so sincill a cone
remota a matter of military affair.
about the former Ia still too suppo- °al egoeonjuairneerIT
How son the latter May bring pany of people could yield such a
goodartists,laratims toil,. ma and
eations a question for serious fore-
. eozwinced etat no music hall In tlfe
oast on the part •of airy 'high Govern United Xingdom ever held an feud',
in:eat official. The high concenaus of eri• ca more filled with pleasure than
opinion as gliewned at the Government our congregation of besieged °um
Office. la that tile Boer delegatee will We bad eonge and recitations, a
.setxkiatesustbacivoreeryvereuff.ekirteniati ntrliaegettrnulutede4 nalci a
°auntie eir eapital 'humorous
Cape Police instrumeataltets• u0.1911)
self does not betleve the clelegates 3vill
ecomnplish .neuell in America.
&ineptly,. though Lora Salisbury him.'
............* 1111Per SOnated .P ader et, r ski in the first
items by our gallant Colonel, who
• Part,. and kept the hell In a roar.
Afterwa,rds he paracied • as something.
' No 1toubt Now, . .
'Wee cross betweee a olihnney-sweep •
Tio offleial confirmation of the and a Whit eehapel coster, to 'the de -
relief of Meeting &es' trerese With light of the eider ones. and the .fear
tite• liseparing doubts -which existed in or ale youngisters, • teee - hoes eieeer
the. needs' of a tow peoale who 'lane- seen anything more 'ntartling' bathe
got Into the habit of believing .ndth. human line, thee 'a Kaffie.. The
);r1g but War °fare despatches. 'With Colonel Wound up his ',turn" by pleye
belated ea:Attest:nein that Departme.nt ., .
mg nilome,.Sweet Inonteaon. a mouth -
hoisted •its flag on reoeipt of- the oe• organ •(hat . he borrowed somewhere,
ficlial telegram, and the crowd •
arid the Commanding- 0.facernweep-
nhennecl• : • - . • • • ' ' tramp -cotter. left the stage amat •a
' Bela announcen that Colonel Baden- tempest of yells, .plaudits and wills -
Powell vela be. made a' Atajoi-General. ties from the goes, arid cultivated
• • .,itlehon. "'relight Reliefs' :..
..- - . .
napittese. from the :refined rows.' •,•,,
. . .
• ---_a_ •
s. Meneking •was actually relieved by Canadiens and Gordon *Highlanders,.
ColOnel Be T. •Mahon, Wile *served in • a . -
the•Dangola and Nilo expeditions with • A coreesportdeat of tive Monereat
Gen, Xltchetier. Lord Roberts' latest Witness, 'writing'. from . 'Bloemfontein
despatch merely continues his descrip- March 26th, says: . ..
nort of aiipplies. and the restlor the
tion of the organization of •thc tranas "-Regular. :drills. have been recom-
menced, and • wa pat . le . about roue
mop that 'the British forces In. the hours a day at Manual, marching. and
eines_ physical drill. ' We must be in style.
Free •ntate and Natal toned
aary .arter own tong., meek aerobes, The Gordon Highlander"( .do it, and
that settlers it. They. are right along -
This; delay • seems likely to. dentine°
side of un, .and their teovemen.ts are
. • a • few days ./te -despetch from
garocinstad, dated • May 201h; saes elosely Watched jv Our officers, feed
a Britlehoonvoy on lte..way to Lind- elyeYtopthlitedg...letWtiituhyeYarnteouticsasbaarerioewealated
ley was attacked by the Boers and
obligecl to halt. Theeresult of the emneinoyne.dth..ethlielirghcolainnptlallyersa Ayneclr 'yweraltevhep,
attack is not known,. but lb. Is ovi-
but lia.ve often wishen them miles,
dent' tnat tire Doers facing tbatimtn
'British army are . are -on the alert and awey. for the trosible • they have
aggrenelve. • , ' , . ,brought on ue in thiserespect.We
.Lendon, May • 21; 2.22 p. in. - The' ern also close; to .tife Highland . Ilea
relieving °penile vvrts. a composite •gade, • et'ety regiment of which have
fordo, .under Colenial Atelions of about their pipers, and .we are .eatertained
2,300 mon." • . -
. frequently: by the -manic. They play
regularly, night 'and 'meaning, . and
London, Aftty '21.-2.20 p. •tn.-Tli
. .......- ••••
that leaven hear the MUSIC' as 'well
- .0111,31ally Conarmed. also ateall meals, and we are so close
e as if they were in our own:lines. They
War • Office .confirms - the despatet also performed a. good deal whlie we
announcina Viet Mafeking has been aisea on ate eine or aurae what Is
relieved-, , • la that Ileii 11). the music of the Pities
- ' -- ' winch appeals so . strongly . to any
Relief Caine Oil 1 7 eh' martial spirit in a nutn, even though
London, May 21, 2.22 p. m. -The you have ncit a drop of Scotch blood
following elespatch from Sir Altred hi your velum? • I IM,Y0 seen when
Milner, the British ...High Maumee/eon- after hours of. bard matching in the
er in South Africa, to the Secretary broiling sun, and the men began to
of State for the Colonies, Mr. aeseph feel as if they had about reached the
Chamberlain, was received at 1.30 linato of their endurance, when 'made
P. M. to -day: "Barton telegraphe began to drop and feet drag heavily
from Taungoer that lel/Waking' was re. over the velcit, suddenly alongside of
lieved May 1.7th, (Signed) Milner." us the pipes leered etrike up ' nigh.
-e-- land Ulnae' or 'The Campbells are
Col. leadati-Poweles Mottoes. Moine' and It was surprising how
"Don't 'Urn' ; patience gains the the men would ' buck up.' Dressing
day." 1. . was taken up almost automatically,
"A, stick tend a smile will carry you ohoulders squared, and the air of
thrisugh any difficulty." . don't - care- wbetber.r. am -in - a
Incidents or the Siege. or -not dropped, fatigito was forgo
ten, and the men stepped out as gel-
•Figating arolutd Atafeking cow, t i e
d ors shiou d.
neenced On Oct, 12th, but the real in-
Veatment •of the town wee not cora. ' Marching Onstraities.
Dieted until the 24th• when the
Boers, wider command of Gen. Cron.a,
heavily bombarded the pace. Pre.
van* to this (late, via, Mr Oct. 1501,
tha garrigoe nm)ds the first of a son
cosefut seines- of rorties. Oa this cm -
casket two erinialrons of the Pro-
. tectorate Regiment with ast armored
train, 'attacked the enemy four mikes
from the town, killase 53 and wailed-
ing many, Ti* Deltish lees .was two
knowledge. killed .0.tal,fifteen wounded.. Da tile
' When ' thir etanineittiteraneeteninVer toeessigag day the Boers tnaoe a de. 'Wounded ... ...- ....... '.... .:7T -‘1.17 --DO
he went with his brother on a yecirt. tenni/1W aseault upon the town, but Missing . .. I. .11 we 1 86
Ing eruise. To his great surprise lie were seeplesed with heavy logo, Tan. Died of sickness - ... 0 8
received In famtember a- the month lug adeantage of the impreselon ore.
before Ito propogred taking up. rese cited by tilde sueoess, the gars -loon
tion freer" the Commender-10-Chief. Ale await eanotee honey sosaeo lip. k i 113 1:87
dence at Oxforde-a formal notifIca. nutde another sortie on, the 17th
the Duke of Cambridge, tithe he had on the eneray. Early in November the Civilities,' Non Combatauts, and
pasoed second for the -cavalry • end
fifth of the whole 718 ea/Initiates, were again defeated. Od the 241th Of
Boom made another assault, but Natives.
Women and
and that the Duke had already an' Deeember the garr!aon sallied out
winted him Lieutenant in the 18th Men Callao Natives
and attatioed Catena' Tree Fort, a Killed .., - ... ... .,, 2 4 34
Hasearn Young Baden-Powell had no
alternatire but -to abandon all, serong Boer potttion. Tho attack was Woundelle. ... • 6 3 05
Unsuccotsful, ..the 13rItiali lose beine, 20
thoughts of Oxford and to (Orth- killerl and a hienber wounded. Thai • .
with join his regiment in India. Al'' wee tare only wassiccesetut action on • 8 7 09
though this for tt time changed the the earls of the garnaon during the
plan of life he had mapped oat for doge. It did not dampen the ardor
liiingeff, it . was only characteristic of Colonel BadieePowell And lea Meth
of the yolith as he tben was -and who eftea(111y adeaneed their out.
of -the Man as he bow is -that he market, gradually pushing the meshy
should smilingly, entbuslaetically an- farther a back, and, in fact,
cept his destiny. In fact, the main taking poeiffleasion. Of an IMPOrtalit
object of this deficriptiOn of the poeition known no the Brick
Coionena earlielit days 10 to elbow Melds, and other points Whoa:. the
that even from .boybood lila coeduet, enemy had constructed entrenchmente,
metier a given set of circumstances in tise early part of the, yeant- teSpes
hats beefs regulated by muelt the that the town might Neon b0(r011OVOI
'mina OharaOterletleff-.Oheerfid '40- were raieed by the near apprOlteli 0
ceptnnee of the Inovitab , unfailing Col. Plumera Ithockelan force. But
kesonece and tibundant. -reliance, this force wee too small to cope vvith
Deden.Powell was hever own to tho besiegers, although it maneged- to
ery 'tta a (nil -if -and he goes Whist* distroot the attention of tile Ninety to
ling along the street at efafeking tome admit. The real pinch of hurt- the nativoe
force of the enetny and to reassure
Ivitn the eneiny at the door and ger batten to be nit ilt the beleaguered tTlie enemY }Mee burnt, the-sell:M*10
the teriemy'e shells in the air. en lila town, and graanally the defenders broken muelt glasit, Wandered many
erase it may be truthfully said theta were redueed to such etreitit that the bouges and taken. eneis front the
the child was father of the man. efforts of whitee nild natives (dike ba_ nks, but, otherwiee they have not
Daden-POwell wed a great euceeere .were dlt•eeted to eittchime loeuuts and uone nitwit barna_ _ .
in indite Nodally AS well is ovate*. ruing them for food. In -April a meg- ,,'"eir raliwaY " naw3r nainageil ;
elortelly. If there Were rtetimentel Nage Weil re:solved from Lord Robert& tile angagato and Nkader bridged
theatricahr, he took a former:it tetra necking the garrison to hold one until are destroyed, art are? many culverts.
either in the eget, or -Which 114 like May latir axe promising reletf by that and the imuming
ed better -ens stage mritrager. At the date. To tine Col. Baden-Powell replied i Watierwotka. statione and
periodical "smokere" 110 Wag a hest 1 that they aoiuld hold out until ;sum I 'Of the 7,000 innil ilY log' ixfore us+
in ItimSelf with on and recitation ; 10th. Fever Wel dynettetry played . !theta 1,000 WM to hate Kann on
In linkh 'milting and horse -rating he great baeots In the town, cepeektily - AVeskeretreone and tense bY Milken
Following is a summare of the casu-
alties in Mafeking since October 12,
when the siege commeneed, to ' the
end of March,. 1000, as officially fut.
Melted by etri Ronald Monorieffe, Ex-
tta A. D. C., part of whom) duties It
lo to compile this sad roll:
• nom bate nts.
enacts. Men.
Xilled taandtted oaateenae 6 53
Meet...Col, Otter Recovered.
Toronta Afao -Weed was
etets.teriSalr7i, wet.gt. a:1311::
opera eight dart in hospital on, no
count of hie ^wound, but is eonipleteDa
recovered, aria is agala at tiut head
01 1 regiment.
Still Surrendering,
Ifroonstad, May 17, 10.80 a.m.--
Many burgbere are banning its their
rifles and going to their homem under
escort of British troope,
Two members of the Orange Free
State Volksraad, Paul Bothle, (Bertha).
of Kroonstad, and tar, AtacDonal. of
3)0 1101-, are sere, and are Wiest
the Free State burgher's to lay de
their tame and returit to their bons
Misses to be Mown Vp.
London, May 19,-WInotostChur
ill, the correepondent of the Mort
PoSt.et leroonstad, dating his despat
May 17th, says that the prince)
mines at *Johannesburg ha.ve been p
pared fordeetruetion. The Mowing
them up arts been deferred until t
British crow the Vaal River. .Pre
dent Xruger is powerless to peeve
their idestruction.
Ihnuese Barbells% to the Ng*. Two,
graph from Kroorsirtelel Rays that %be
Mere Immo returned to the nritleit a,
Maxim gen they °gestured at Meisel -
eon's+ Noir.
'Lord Robeonr_ts;b1+1.War
Zo*41op, May
1102 reeelved (3m I0flow13g jeepattsli
"KfrouLord netct abe
rooMay 20, '8 p.m,-NuM
°alta information ham yet been re-
celved, but Reuter (Tele ra
puny) states -that the reliet of Mae
• fekiug 'hue been effected.
"Rundle reports haming occupied
Broiler's Bet Teonliael. and 0100010.
tbe eneine failing back an feenekal
and Flekaburg. •
"InftY rifler) and 8,000 MAKIN were
ourrendered by the Free Staters to,
battalion Of Yeomanry working Matte
the telegraph line from Bosh t
ng Bloemfontein.
we "A field cornet 138(1 86 burgher8
es, surrendered at 13ratetof aceiterclays
"While At Hoopeted Methuen ea.
Cured 250 rifles and between 400,980
ele and 600,000 rouedet,"
eh Kruger Sues for Peace.
al London, May 21.-Dieplayed in the
re- meet ponspicuoue style In the Dana"
ot Exprees istne dominant war ;sews
he of the morning:
el- ' "We have the best reason for ear
nt ing that in the bet 24 holm a Vete
gram has been reeelved at the Tors
Tte Plea for Peace; -••
elgn Office, addregsed personallY to
• the Prime Minister, from President
0, Kruger, proposing terms or peace.
an "The exact terme of the message
cret. cotatrianiont,,.b7 stated, but Nre believe it .
w le couched le an exceedingly 'humble
It Is inconceivable, of courine tliet
Lord Salisbury can have sent dny
reply except the ono that steinar
_hie ready on the lip „of every Briton,
eunconditional surrender."
." Rumors cone) from Lorenzo Mar-
quez and elsewItere that the Boers
are sick of the war and that Pra,
sldent Kruger le -seeking peace.
e• Those in. Repel Column.
ts '
of Landon, May '19. -The ("entre'
hem: altsleeylwegstrihaawpthrtnegsP°ton-ddeanYt• astaYCsalle Ttgwn'
"1 am permitted by the cermet, to
the Mateking relief column'
a conslated of 2,000 picked men frOM
te, the South A.fricsan Light Bonn, the
e Imperial -Yeomanry, and the •Kimber.
ley Horse. They left Kimberley, May
4th; with 5.wagons of stores. and am-
munition,- four home artDiery wink
•two pom-poms, ane two Maxims, and
i took the route to the westward of
the railway. '
Amsterdam, titY 18, -The Dutch In.
feseore 'Ave aeldreseed the enteric
professore, requesting tbene to suppo
the efforts of the 13obr delegates no
in the United States to obtain pea
Left for Lyaenburg.'
' London, May 19.-A dovetail, fo t
Daily Mail from Pretoria., dated r
day, states that the Foreign Comer
are leaving. Pretoria for LYdenharg•
Natal. Borrows 45,000,000.
LOndOn, MaY 19.-A. de:match. to t
Standard from Durban says that th
Natal Parliament has passed, oe 1
second reading, a bill for a loan
£1,000,000. The Prime Minieter stat
that it was the intention to rear
the Natal field artillery at an ear
date with •guns obtained from t
Transvaal. He •also announced than
sPenial court would be aPPointed
try rebels. It would probe:ley /Uphill
an English Judge.
• Many Germans Wiled
ondon, May 19.-A despetch to th
. . .
Daily News iron Lorenzo 'Marquee
ts .
e. - "Short official ballet -tut have- .ar- -
.ittafeedatiattiCumbeirtotrisuileizillidtplew- atoaa:,
,ee, not. being opposed."
dated Friday, Bart that the repor
of :the defeat of. the Beers at Mal
king have been eorainned. Eigeity
-the-Gezenanecorpe we:at-kilted.
it is reported at .Lorenzo Marqu
that .the •Volitstene. of 'Pretoria, en
ewe's. . Col. •Baden-Powell of boisting
vidte flag; thee bringing on the disa
er, . The Volker/ern adds that le
. • .
f4- TO While ,Away.• the Tedinet of the
re •
g'Long Siet.1.0 •
2. th0 • Cape i Times; .of April 1Sth Ceti- •
teins a .11a,fek1ng despatent cif :Starch • .
Doerwill new ne jestinsid in blowiu
im the Mime.
The cleepetoli adds that passenger
u. -
report that the Irish-Ainerican anna
lance corps is now fighting with th
Boers. The .meatbers • were cut up 4
laroonstad, Only a few escaping. T
Boedeuburre air preparing to retire to LY
e 2712, from evnich thefollowitig. Rib*,
t Illg tbe. temper of the hilabltante,. is
be 1 „
- Sunday Was quiet, with the excep-
• ton of a'llttle• betweenthe
a a siege exhibition 'was held-Mr...De
Kruger Hai Not Said nEnengh.
London. May .21, 2.25 a m. -Ther
• is no truth In the report that Pr
sident Kruger-11as sued for peac
and no communication from liim
.the subjent is expeeted in the Insin
diate, future.
Kock, organiter and • manager -when
e '
prizes were given for the best. :Andy
work, the best mode! of • fortifications
in• town, the b.eat collection of „shone,
u tbe hest poen] or essay on the siege,..
ee the best water color or tiket.ch (oee
by Lady Sarah Wilson), and the . best
trimmed tiat-the materials to lave
been 'bought in Afetfeking -during,the.
r siege. The. exhibition: Was enditenelee
- a success. Mr. Do Kook .tce be cen-
- gratulated upon- the energy wh!oh en- '
t abled hint to collect. such displaseee .
• Thisenorning two of. our guns, whinh• •
h bad basis emplaesti over night in the'
- • Vicinity of the works captured from
d the enemy, elielied fire fever Aleatul-
lenti • Jaeger . Oa the , main fine of
Y trenches, and the Mega gime all of .
- Which being within their range. The .
n object. was .to draw the lire of the
d siege guu • and eft the men in the .
enemy's ire/Italia and to. gain 'some
• notion, of •tbeir numbers.• The • rifle.. -
fire was not very vigorous.' The elege.
gun replied promptly, though erratic-. .
✓ ally, and was eventually silenced. by
tier gunners. They anpeared thatek.,
_ ful.wlant our artillery cearred fire; .end
seemedreluctant to 'accept. our chale
lenge .to a duel. • , • ' •
Inept .accounts- wo gather
- that "their loves; upon the.. lifolopo
nava of late' been very heavy,
the Goveimenent nor General Rob-
ertsLondon,m. baa yet heard directly from Ma.
fekingt Records of rejoicing over tile •
reperted relief .of the town •from ev-
ery . part of the .Empire. fill the col -
388118 of thei newspapers. All tell the
• sam,e (dory of delirious jubilation. •
• The reliable newts of the whole
South Aft -Iota situation does not
• areount to a grleat deal. Among .
" the atones teanemitted. by tome or
• the London papers Sunday are thatee
• That the British Wive captured the
'enttre Doer force around Mateking,
including thele gime '
. That theeBritiele oessupled telerk,s. ,
dere without opposition: last Thins -
day. •
That- the Boers • dad Bietlah raced '
Bailees Delayed,
Leaden, May 21, .2 p. Int -The, Wa
Office has received' the following Ines
sage.. from Lord Roberts: " 1troon
stad, May 21. -Buller reports ties
• his advance will be delayed for a few
days on account 'of the way in whits
the. railway has bean dtstroyect
"Rundle reports that net Ladybran
has. been eccupied.-- •
"Itunten• i0. pushing up the -railvra
with eupplass3 for theleafeking garri
eon and 173 arranging a hospltal teal
tor the conveyance of. the slek an.
wounded to Khnberley.
"Anablmen has left HOopetita. to co
operate With this force." . • • •
• Mallows Story of the Relief.
London, May 21, 4 p. niee-The Ina
Office has reeeleed tee following des
patch from Lord Iloberte: ."Kroon
stad,. May 21. -Mahon (Cdionet .D.' T
Mahon) reports having joined Plume.
at Jantaisda. on May 15th. He was Sol
lowed by a Boer commaado. from leer
itzant siding and turned westward to
avoid It. May 13th he was attacked in
the thick bush, losing five men killed,
2 missing and 24 •wounded, Including
a Daffy Mail vorrespoedent, Hands
dangerously. The Boers lost more than
Mahon lir *Med and Wounded. •
"Another report has been. receive
from Btu:len-Powell,. dated May 18th
giving Important news. Before &ten
May 18t11 a storming party 250
strong, personally led by Eloff, rushed
the pickets and remelted the Strut
and protectarate camp from the
westward, along the Aialoppis 'Valley
a strong musketry demonstration be
ing made at the.eametime along the
eastern front of our position. Opr
westera posts closed la and stopped
the -Boar eupports following. thus,
Outting off Eletifla retreat, Wine the
toWtadefenceri stopped further ad -
Vance. 11141.foroo got divided in tire
piaaurkerveasd buteweeed mstleromn, guumpapiettetyly
rouneing them. righting, continued all
day long. . ,
"Bean after nightfral the two 'Ar-
tie*/ surrendered, and the "other woe
driven out of tbe Stoat under a
heavy fire. Ten -dead and 10 wound.
ea ot the enemy were left behind and
108 prlsor.ers were taken, Including
Elsa! and nine officers, Seventeen
Freaohmen .ana many nierinansavvere
among the prisoners. Our losses were
eta Men killed and two °Moors and
• nine men ereuritied."
, for Pesseselon of the Vereenneing
bridge over the Vaal Inver, and
that the Beers work and clieetroYed
the be:ft*.
That Preablent Steins when he kris
Pretoria, More probably Went to
Lorenzo Marquez than to the Free
That the Duteharuieer Friesland Is
making extenatve 'preparationa
the reception of the Hollander refit -
gh roviiwees,-
Zino can only show whether there
is even 13 oubetratton of truth/leaner
of the revolts. Nothing wee Ve-
t:enrol front General- Roberto yeeter.
day from whieh It can be inferred
that the British are near Methadon)
of VereettigIng,
A deopatch to the Morning Post
from Meteors Churchill at Kroonetad,
dated Friday, states that the • line
which the Boom are entrenching
along the Vaal River extende west as
tar no Klerksdorp.
A despatch from Maseru, Basutolahd,
dated May 18-th, Bays that large boat
of Boers are reported to have retire -
ed from the direction of Bethlehem
With the intention of imposing Dona
Bundleautd are taking a sarong pod -
Ulu at Fickebueg. Their next plan
- •
taught Relief polio:en.
London, May 20.-Confirmatton. of
the rend of Ma -felting, brief but suffi-
dent. reached London to -night. A spe-
cial despatch from Molopol, dated
Tburaday, sari:
"A large British force froin the
smith succeeded la entering Mafeking
Yestertlate The siege vitae raised by the
Poore, their ComMandOes Winalleaveing
olbtate . .. a ... ... ..• ... ..f* 144 eto3tward."
Gianni total .. .. .. ... 8.10 It le uncleratood that it was led by
*1,14*. Colonel B. T. Mahon, who served in
tIEN. BULLER Al' NEWCASTLE. the Dongola. Wel tale expeditions 'an -
der kite:honer. I 1
rho Boers leibeing Before Him and One story says the colurnu secretly
Scattering in Different Directions.
London, May 18.-eten. Beller, In a
despatch to the War Office, dated
Newcastle May 181le !ewe;
"Newer:title was occupied last
night, soul to -clay" the whole 2nd
division end the :3rd Cavalry Bra
gado will be coneentreted there,
"I have mat the molested force
through Nquitu to befall
left. Xiniberley kir the north on Mj lflOIude6 retiring into the ugly eountry
4th. Its baggage was 00113-037031 08 led
horses and light, Mule wagons. Quata
WWI or lite stock were captured.
The force Is mid to hews escorted
through the Taunge and Vryburg die-
tricte without encountering the en-
emy, and reached Afarittanalliver, 20
melee south of Ideleking, on Friday,
May Ilth.
tilepotte of tvlfcabe
liappOned nter wea•d
differ Widebe Onit deepatch declares
that.the relief force Mitered Mafeking
unopposed, the siege 'laving been al.
ready refried. Another deepatch says:
"The relief tolufatt tie it apPrOlehett
Mafeking from the south was attacked
I by a, strong force of Boers,. whowere
! repuleed. Theiolunsis then pushed on,
end this Poeire usetreated ineettiedlen The
rear guard continued in notion for
WW1 tIM% The Britleh minutia •
,were olight" -
licturseal birftleit • Mexim.
Unseen, May file -A, deepeaoli rem
between Itteksburg and Bethlehein,
Which oftera peculiar advalitagea for
ambtigesedete ,
From the earn° eattree It le etated
that the Transvaal Government has
suggersted to Gen. Roberto an exchange
of prinonero on parole. , •
War Notes,.
The coMmittee of the Internatiouat
• •
Perms Burette ilite debliTOCI to make
a final appose to the 25 .poWera
Who are signer* of the eonvinition
adapted by the Hague. Peal* (oft'
10103100, in fever of the eestoration
lot peace in South Afrirta,
gentiematt from Cape Town says
othIttitilttr.Mr. Cecil Rhodes lute dresided W
retire altogether from Cape CelellY
George Lyisele the artist sesf
Illietrated Nevrie Jost returned .1
Pretoria, thinke the end will Oome
about Cbrletesals,