HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1900-05-25, Page 4a TEE CUNTON NEW EE.. Your rasol fl Is the most conspicu- 1 .',.4,'' ous part of your Sum.- 4 u r�..1 i, \ , mer Outfit. How im- 401�`` ' ;1, 'portant it is that, you ��, �l �,tt + t 1Vly�p�'� z,?" . ql'`� 4,1 have it just • correct. �� ' , ^�-~ rf you eboose a Plain o t. Parasol from RY l oo t s �� = ' ' A s, . -or Fancy moi, ,sok",,,, : �� . our stock you are sure 04r7`��;' the `= °` getting only newest. We buy direct from the maker ane every .one we sell is 'fully guaranteed. No two alike in our Novelty Parasols. Kindly Note These'Prices : Ladies' Umbrellas,. with st.t1 rods • and 28 inob Paragon frame, cover- , mg of gloria, fancy bone handles. 1.00. our leader at .... ...............,. Ladies' Paragon Frame Umbrellas, with fine gloria oilk covi ring,Jlanr' some bone and wood b'tndletl,. e'etl rods, tip guaranteed not to out, speci l at . .25 sit,(i !11)11 Ladies' Umbrellas with - etetI . reds, Paragon trams, covering of tine gnali y gloria silk.aasorted,colored. bone bandies, also bleek,goid band 2 25 special values va'uee at.. 1.71;, 2.00, • L%diee' Parasol, made of black and white checked nearsilk,with fanny ,o oaryed handles, speoial at.. ...: a•0►) Ladies' Fanoy Striped Eiik Parasol -. in oolora of bine, grey and'white- milted, white polibedwood hand - 2.9 'i.. 5 les, no two alike, specie at.. . Ladies' Parasol, made of nee quality satin, Meek stripes, fancy black i •., polished wood hand'ee, extra valu. ?.t D.) • • Obitiren'e Parasols, made of China . - silk with frill, in white, red, blue bandies to match, very pretty,eaohl:00 Ladies' Silk Umbrellas, with cover , to -match, large size, elegant hand. les of wood, horn, etc., sterling silver and ribbon on handle, bean - ties at 2,75 and 6.011 QUEEN'S BIRTHDAY EXCURSIONS Are yon going away, on the 24th? Tlokets to tin pointe to Canada at Single Fare Going Ray 23rd or 25th Return May 215th For tickets and ail information apply to F. R. BODGENS. Raliway & Steamship Agent, Clinton o. u n crdelib former i the villainy praetlf- ttS by rutni,r Uwe() la- g seas For dire() et kelt his argument clearly in (land, despite more -. • hourshelleld the attention of a fullIlonso, and or cis inopl,ortnneinterruptions fr n> tele oth- • ids of talo House, interruption bo• 1 COOPER'S BOOK STORE Bab earriages et alae less frequent as the interruptet,t-s felt the Wall iape • forceof lie ready and well-timed rinoinders, r The vote • against Mr Borden's amendment stood 43 to 86, the ;members . c , for West Huron and Brockville nt t r •voting. The investigation will err.* brace a number of election frauds pep. 4 • petzatedin 1806 and before it is otter our opponents viii! not do quite a¢ much shouting as they have bee , r Commenting on the action of the Gov - c ernment, the Ottawa Journal, Inde' c pendent Conservative, says:- • We are just finishing up the most suooessful spring trade in the Aare, and we have many reaeone to believe that our customers satisfied as we are. What now remains would be considered a most dealers but we hays learnt by experience that people like bay accordingly. There ere a few lines, that did not sell es would like, and to assist their popularity we will quote in et few paper for 15o, 1,50 paper for 10o, loo paper for 7e. We have a Bred rens at 4o regular 50 to 60, ,A11 paper trimmed free. a • hietory of this are se much large stook by variety so we q>tlokly • as we days some 250 few more hunt find xpress Waggons A good carriage ie; one that has a good reed body, strong springs, rubber arca steel wheels, and satin )erase!. With . us snob carriages cost from $10 to $25. We have a few in•stoak if you would like to see. them. Deo your boy want an express waggon ? We have there from $1.25 to $3.50, • c "Sir Wilfrid Laurier's remarkable political > 'rtV � M 1r�> 'ter 'instinct, to saynothinil of leis nobler qualities, Butte FRIDAY, MAY 25, 1900 Window shades -W Costlier & Co.,....page,'4 Your Parasol-Newcombe'a .. 4 This week -McKinnon & Co 5 We are showing -W L Ouimette -6 On Her Majesty's service- Capt HT Ranee."5 Huron eottnty council -W Lane •. 6 Hardware specials -Harland Bros 6 Rare 'cliance W D Fair co............... 8 8 Our urines -W Taylor & Son Boys' clothing -Jackson Bros ... 8 Things ready to wear Hodgen Bran. . 8 Credit auction -M 3 Wilsozr 8 Great sale -J W Broderick . 8 Choice calves -II Richmond 8 .West Huron, Breoek'ille - and Other Election Gases. Ladies' Fancy Parasols, with Jades • si k oovering in colors of red; navy t and white, handles of polished wood to match top,extra value,eaohl•.2e► Ls lies' White Frilled Parasols. Dov- • ering.of neareilk, . poliebed white . i wood handles, price . - �. 15 Lsiies'Paraeols, ooveringof silk' with satin stripes, navy and red only, polished wood handl'es,very sty=lish 2 �0 Children's Parasols, made of ging- hams, ing- , e' 'it without1 a ham , w h rnd frills, a sorted colors, special at... . 40C Lodi@a' Umbrta'as, with sateen coy. erin„f!t good filmes at, i 0c- and "it1C Dainty Summer, 0 Wash Fabrics ideas111. '] , i 11 latest D i Ili rill' The ef W Goods direct from. tile fashion .1 entres; are 2 1' counters. Il 1 was o f ott� e 'invite • wslO ll0 your inspection of the very many 1188 things to be found. here, sucll:its Marlbor- ough Cloths, Sid�r '-Ma(lras, ' Foulards, Organdies, etc. 3l Inch wide Marlborough Cicth, a • eery rine soft finished cloth that has the appearance. of, silk, comes in colors of navy. ground,with pink green •and -white - stripe, also .sky. ' and white ftgere, 'penial • 30c Alhambra Corded •Z•'phvr; a hard finished material with heavy cords. woven in and. looks like Dimity,. comes in navy, Meek and white, also black, -white and light blue, price Genuine Frenob Orgardits,6'J inches wide, in white only,very fine ehser qualities, at has risen successfully again to an emergency to which the Liberal party was threatened with pretty serious injury. The premier's annotitice- ment that a commission of judgeswould be ap- pointed toinvestigate all preferred chargesof political corruption or fraud eines the present government sane into power, destroyed the force of the argument that the Liberal party is. prepared to ride rough -shod over tho desire and regard of honest people for decent • and clean polities. The Liberals in many respects occupy prosperity of the coiuonntry is Whether. less due to them, they at least hays the benefit of the gener- al content. In Imperial matters they ey have steer- on the ed a brilliant course, and th !lave whole shown in other intornationalmatters and• in domestic matters ample -vigor where vigor was needed yet careful and sensible modera- tion were that seemed -desirable. The most vital promise of all was the practice and pro- motion of political purity Least of all can the • Liberals safely disregard that for to disregard of that their predecessors most owod,loss of of - flee. By carrying through the seeming original aim to block investigation' into the West Huron andBroekville election the Liberals would' in the estimation of: a good many waverers have put the official seal upon self-confessed breach �.-,A�► of faith regarding an all-important pledge. The .Bicycles Sewing. C' �w.t,s,ra nir _Machine.. ' /i%a ti ri A 'Sporting lc. I1♦A11T� (C• party would thus have taken a considerable step towards wreck. As IT IS, TIE DOMINION --The douse of Cotton/ins spent four days last week, discussing the West Huron and' Brockville election cases, on the motion.of 111r Borden to re -aspen •the int•estigation.before the Privileges. and Election Comm'itree, and perhaps we c:tltnot do better than quote. the comments of the well posted and well- informed Ottawa correspondent of the, Montreal Herald, who says ;- Reason aro not wanting to aiccount, for the course taken by the Conservatives in not rais- ing the ease. in the courts, whezeit could be ex- . haustively gone into. To explain their present action, it is only. necessary to say thatt it gives their heelers a chance .of circulating the revert t:tat the pparty Government, which has been Lured or its defence of purity at•eleetiOns,'is ltiterniino(1 to Burk a furthor.enquirv; a con- +ntion effectively disposed of by. Sir Louis - 'iraviei in his clenrand forcible statement of the 11,,. •..;;,t;1t's position. The impression which the Conservatives would spread abroad is that the sitting member is not entitled to his seat, that there has been.estensive corrutpptioliwink- ed at by the •Goveinment candidate and the. G •Ivernment worll:ers;ancl that tho'Governitient is now (ttt:eniptinC to vrevent theeonviotion.of' the guiltyparties: As a matter of foot., none of i Special Sale on Window Shades - Having bought $500 worth of Window Shades away below the regular pre , we are quoting : - , 40e and 45c Shades for 30c 0c " " 40c 65e fi 44 50c Some plain, some fringed and others with lace or lace and insertion. Come at once if you wish to get the best blinds at a reduction of from 15c to 20e below regular prices. -In town we- hang them free. 1k*tk�c 1# �t�k1k**IY* * LIBERAL TARTY seANDS FLONORAsrs y7NDIQAT- • .SE IN THAT RESPECT AND 811300 THE STRONGER . We have -sample' of the beet wheel' these things fell within the sec e of file enquiry. • th matter was bion htpu last/ear, at She fli%tu imputation of irregahreittes, it fridLaul•ior •uilhesitatin 1 a};rccd th.ti WIt n eg p 8v FOR BATTLE IN ALL °TREIis.' - made in America and • don't ask a cent • I : more than regular prices. Sir V'Viifeld Laurier:*"We tthallver Cleveland at $50: $60 y ' Columbia at ,60 50 soon appeal to the people." Oresent'at ' 40 50 Wellandvale 4050 60 e •. ' ! - . E. & D. at 60.65 75 Judie -Morgan is nota Liberal. He ' . E. Z. at 50 - 60 beard Pritchett under oath, and what + . - • Scotsman at . 40 d les he say; "He is a self.convicted • Call -or -send for catalogue. See the Cleveland, Model 66, fitted with the liar." • Morrow coaster and brake. Ladysmith, Kimberley, - .and now. -•y . Mafeking; have all been relieyed,the lat. -Bicycle: Sundries ter. by the 18th ata Lord o proms Next order -"On to Pretoria." Rubber Cament'at 5a and 100. Toe Olips,at 25o . , -.50o. ' Looks at 25o 40o.. Pumps at 25o, 50o, 75o,.$I 00. Inner Tubes (best) $1 50. Valves .25o. • Wrenches 25o 35o, refer•, . 'neo to the Privilet es andhlections Committee: The freest enquiry was allowed, yet when the hearing closed a case wee not made out, .tind'eo • attempt has been made to east suspicion upon the Utensil candinate. or attack his: tight to his ,seat. Now, withoutanyadditional evidence of moinent,tbe Conservatives demanded a reopen- s on object be - hearing:, with uo pr t o i of the i yognd the fact ththey are getting no oppor- tunity of blackmailing the Government for re-. fusing a request which was made, to be refused, and which doubtless the majority,of the Coiter-. r d. Were it too fuse W e 1be d see e 'yes ht v t1 will g -within the power of the committee ,to got at all of :the facts in cenneetion with the electien ip it. ince. the committee. cannot U0 • (015, and $70 000,000. Kingdon. though a mcee' since Mr Borden's motion is •obviously to pro d ranch; an an F vgrltoadiseussionfor political ppuipasefl,obvious child, t;peaks"GI(3rm ly the best wily to get nt offenders, if offenders a • fi there be, and to clear the reputations of honest . • men assailed without reason, would be to put The.Liberals of WeatHuron are re- - an end to this political farce and let the case go to a rapc'tly constituted, court oP law,avhrrtiit quested to remember the annual coir• can be properly dealt with,whcre it•should have gone at first, and where it might leaders perhaps have ventiotr to be in Dungannon on: gone lied the Conservative not thought out a .little scheme for -covering up their each Tf riday, June. lat. The •member , for unsavory reputation for. trickery nt elections by est F1 urAYt and Some •' ether promiri attempting!toiasstaciatc the flame, of the present la( e Government with nu alleed}sttackupontho' ent.M.P.wfii,be present,` It'le re- socnrity of the bnllot hex.' _..., • ,uuested" that' thele be a good' retire- TurkishBourrette, a fine cloth with heavy knotted stripes, comes' in • mauve and white only, full 28 inches wide, will make a real styl>.: - ieh -]reel and -very moderately priced at 15C Marseilles in black and white only, with self stripes, extra fine finish; suitable for dresses Jr skirts, area- - • rec- • lel at 20e 2Z1, 31 Inch wide Dimity, in pale. blue only, with smooth' 'deletes, a very serviceable cloth for summer dress- ',1,�(; es, warranted feet colors, at 20c ' give deputies i were tions.aa to ballot • t 1" these were no sooner read. $ bs' ed Ten patties have. been organized for the exploration of Northern. Ontario, .e].olr under an experienced :surveyor. Tele wo!k- -will 'beetle about June ist, .Sttyu was said to he very much die - embed over his failure to: get the Boers . staying before the British: 'He does' not are very much about too close an acquaintance with British'soldierS. He has a good pair of legs. • • •_: - Needles :And Oil leeedlee for such machines as the New Home, Singer.Domeetio,Reymond,Wanzer, Wheeler & Wilson, New Welliems and Lockman sold at 50 each ,or 3 for 100 Machine oil at 8a and 10o a bottle. - Lades' Belts And Buckles With the stook we haver selected .;we know we oanplease you. Dog Collars, Roller, and varione kinds in - Gilt, Grey, Silver and black, prices from 40e. to $1.25. Buckles in various stclee. Gilt, Silver,Grey and Bieck A splendid line of- nicely furn=, hilted buckles at 25c, 350 and 50e, Doming aind Grsoing Peroy Brown wentIionte.to T k wee, croute last Miss Brewer spent Sunday With friends the ' will see h The next generation 10' Goderioh, Gould fortune pretty well cutup. there Geo,.MaRae spent. the 24th May with R. Mrs John Rosa, left on the 24th inet.,for being so many heirs. 'Abe richest of Foster in Woodstock, , r u id s these will be Kingdon, (dee ge (lo Mountain might be well to again submit the question to' eldest child.' His. , father is rated at The: discussion took the widest pus septation. . ' , • a. •, les pointed out that in our census returns the population of Canada is still'ckissitled under the heads of -the. nationalities to which our forefathers belonged. We. are classified as Eng- lish, Irish, Scotch, American or Ger- man as the case may be, but of Cana- Davis last week. . diens there are none. Canada. is a Mies Laidlaw; of Seeforth, drove up on sible scope, members on both sides an- duIgit•g;'en aim:elle -and invective, the attitude of the Gnyepnment being de- ferded by' one.and condemne'd:by the other. 4k est 1, at tire, of the debate was the 9ntioduetiof by the Consetva-. tivea of certain affidavits made by a man named P.ritshett,who'alleged that.. he heti been engaged by the Liberals to Saturday - and Monday MIX vJ3eIi4L.S DRESS GOODS SPECIALS 33e Plaids for 25c 2JPieees only, 404ne r wide, Plaids in colors of garnet and green mix- tures, suitable for abildren's dress es, will give good wear, our regular value is 83o, Saturday or Monday, epeeial at 30c Black Lustre at; 22e 33 tech wide figured Lustre,very fine ( quality, in neat designs,extra hard finish, our regular 80o quality, epeeial for Saturday or Monday,at GOc Silks for 39c 120 Yards only .of Fancy Striped de,Silks in colors of pink, blue, green, • torquois, eta., very fine quality for t shirt waists, all tee, for Saturday 1 • or Monday, per, yard 22e 39c EXTRA .SPECIAL • -•.... ......�..r,u:.w-..200liuttd�uri Scot �L in,;ains to n :>Lt )e seismg; esewr so ne than they were emphatically contra- dicted by affidavits . from the parties The debatereached.its T e implicated. climax at 0 30 on Friday morning- af- ter a 15 hour session -= and is thus de- scribed by a correspondent "It was 6.85 o'clock in the morning when the Premier rose to speak. After briefly reviewing the subject matter before the House, and the facts so far act known in the West Huron •.and Brockville eleetions, he proceeded in one of the most teogtient speeelies he Has ever made, to enunciate andira strop unequivocal term to etnphasize the foundation principle of true Lib' „i tli •m • th t 'i'!io 14nnctit of the ballot must • lie attained at all htzards. ' Referring to the r0mors of wrong -doing, more or less well defib ed in the air, he announced his intention in or- der to onee r-dertoonce and for,all remove doubt and do justice to the people of Canada, to immediately appoint "a tribunal. of the best judges of the laud to inquire into .everything that has mono teethe notice of the House or which may come to the notice ofthe Holuse." This annotuicenlent made at 4.13 o'clock w0s received with itunul- tuons applause by the Government benlilu's.- ter Charles Tupper wierroteeed to syhite passion at the announcement of the Governnu'ut s in- tention, all a(lnOlineellterl l wlrteli at once swept sway the entire fabrie of high (•xpeetations from the forlorn hope of his already dilorgan- izo(1 party In vituperetiwt 1u( otit•Tuppered Tupper, and it semi only after Blustering and storming foe n quarter of an ]tour that Ito got down to his (•o.1u'ntipn,the contention tilat.will e lee.4 taken ) byIsis followers, a Con - tenth,: u 1 i tali `i doubt render.d riidiclotts• by. the obvious feet;: ;meted,tw.i.tlu:,ainirti ies.,autuarue'sd:by,• L 1, rfli.-1 dU•mg the debate; that the Govern- nu'nl•,( position invol.4(1 a chant;() of front. The po•ltioa of. the Government is eleatly in key -plait with ("100100. RASO • and Liberal yrineiples, • (incl the logien' out(.tonle of the stab(: taken by the Government t(penkercl throb„➢tout. It is n ntat•ter of regret that tlir t'llarl(s forgot even the degree of s:df- eontrol w11ieh remOlns to liint. To use oneof Mir Charles' own) twords]tis petulant._ tat-- burs: erne pitiebll • Hie nll•romelvendee' small ,, •, , er a be 3t fit e� • what , ,. al i t of talk liefred ill as t tel 1 1 L 1 1 . 1' ef' t 41(�t ill i t tall, ,fa !flat1 passionate nnl:arava 1 (t f .utut-•i. rlvvith the netlon of n Govern= nt wll(riz had jtlnt. a0nonnrccl its inientiolt e,f i'robizig the election trued alleentions to the bottont. "Coltsereative., n i,', have been eonutiu„'upon the "el(•.'tion fraud" del ate as n good thine; fur them 1,o1Ut ienlly t nplrli t e•h:abyed their minus tie, the (l1: ('1e '1(411 )0(P•..,•4(1. Pili,' program ns 111ih1)l ( 41 on( 111 the party eattettehas been vans' 11111/ w? •1•1c:•(lout teo,intri•f ti Ily,111 fitct,for they' have shown their lined and have brought Into bel(at etie: tet. it (.W4 13)1: (:very 1•ceord and the 61)unt',(,n•tiditiel(,R4 b:tn.t11 the yarn( sinthe !hatter of ptu'!i;) Yn 1.1(: •: inn nl'•`hlile. It has h.•(01 11own tl011 the (e t-rrt• they have proposed (•oald not pantie!, 1ti:ti.l the o11je•t of •€ 4 +1*1(1 ar rho int ,q 1 s;a ,1 ,, , wlmt n. ton11v t , , , ,r ' -- },Ices itt V. o - union mai )lrcel(vilte, an(I t}u• ptwi Ir nu •t rif tut guilty parties It there luta been i.uiit. 1 t has Leel! shownshown+hat Aitch 1111 olj(':et a a ttl'°e1' 1n (•13 IA the ,•rin(L: of the (lppo(ition (•.nu•nv tt 1,ieli.1. ;d, vt upoti Mr Borden's 0 so111- .attr.- c )1.• Ben 1,.•ilis°(u cn:tble Ccm::,rvativt- •.rtt o' •'':it'•!ll('11411(044 eih'ttlstt('(1 to t :(le:pteth'•Lit.e' t114W1.111.re ttptj)rartice11or t 4,;eh'1'. Tory. m •heti(,has i.1 yenta past be- .•nn,et, i t.ot r•. li 1141( b: 111 :AIWA dist tate Liberal 1 1.[ .li'liament tiro x1111 true tothe Lih- t•raltn•in, i.1,• thelu itu,i (1r with the free ex - pr., -.+10.1 (•t• the will of the•1u•(.1,1(• tltrattt h iii(• lrllir.'.•!:e e`E 0,.bec•i• b, (::t.u•rnv,l14041,101. 03,.el A tl th( ^ 11,, 1 ;' i,,. 1 .1•it ))t'on:;ht Out 1 1111'11 t r• aft ire ll,a,,•. A fortunate purchase has made it possible for us to sell 25c Scotch Gingbalns at 160 on Saturday or Monday 2C0 Yards of Genuine Scotch Ginghti s in Plaids and Checks, in colors of blur, pink, green, eta , werranted fast colors, regular•piice' 25; to elate at LUC' c2lore, ,yy,,i� t'41, it . ******fir*********** ` ir7kir totlr�nkskl4**•�t•tkfirfr4rk*#*it �ti+r*''"'fs'frik•* 8c TOWELING AT 5t,' 18 InchwideLinen Toweling, very fine qua ity, fat,cy weave, and col- ored herder, special for Saturday or Monday t5c A P .()NNS - EOit 50c Ladies' Aprons, made of fine white • - Laavn, frena over ekouldere, ttime • med with embroidery, regular 115a, i)Ali' uC to clear at., .. T t �ds ' Sailors at 40c • Ladies' Sailors,made of fine straw,others of rustic. • straw, in lit' -k and white ilk lrvelvet iteollly,wVltlYsl fill ,l bands, usually sold at 755 Slttul•da , and Monday/�, . spoC'1a1 ci,t... ..... , t e .. • .. t . tr. t ..... , r ,,,r.,„.. . e a/•_ _...�..... -:.-•--�:.a.aret,-...Aw,.:... ra.....�s. _.._ ,_...�-,.w :.Y_.,.:r�arr.'�sr•'•__:xr_:.. �i(l.ltt,� i; Melt if �Y�QDii itP.int 11 r 'I- .• Home, Idaho. Gorden,Barr and W. E. Papet, .. of Sea - forth, were over on Sunday. - ,.. to Geo..F, and A.: B. Smith, were r iS r ed at the -Clarendon .on Sunday. Miss Purcell, of Listowt.l, mite the guest of Mrs (Rev.) Parke Last week. Mies' ugweil,Stelia,and Mrs Palley were. visiting steles. MuMath's Last .week. Mies Flossie King. name ,home ' from Dashwood to spend the 24th of May. • • . . Geo. Hinohley returned borne on . Saha- day arni- day-after a lengthy businesstrip east. Mrs Wm. Eagleson, of • Luoknow, has been visiting friends in Clinton and Bay- field, . 'Mimi Eve Turnball left on Mondaymotn•. ing for Hanover where she will remeon, for a time. W. A. Cobbledick, of Exeter, was. regis- tered at the Rattenbury House on Thurs. daylast. Mrs Callander, of Woodstock, and'Mies Pay, of North Bay, were guests of Mrs S. nation, and • why not have -a class of Tuesday and spent a few henna with her friend, Mra W boater, C tnadians in our next census ? - Insector Paistey was in Wingbam, Sat - a si • - urday, on business, and drove back on Sun. • The Toronto Star says there are two day paying Goderioh a visit. - of him -the Imperial Sir Charles will.. ` -Mrs Ball, who has been the guest of Mrs probable run in Nova Scotia, and the W. Foster the past four weeks returned to home in. Toronto this week. - anti•Imperial Sir Charles in Quebec. Mise K. McDonald, of Detroit, is the If one of him is beaten he will accept it guest of Mies Flossie Pattison. She has as a sign -that the other one of hint was been visiting. in. Goderioh lately. 1 �'went to fn barn - a W Holloway I .Hollg he Dr W. y tended since right -as he always con den take os e ee ofrana. altered public life more than forty on Monday to to p s tal praatioe, he haying bought out Dr. D. years ago, But what if both of him Boss, hbe beaten ? Mrs Jas, Ballantyne and Miss Mary Ovoid Roberton went to Clinton on Wednesday, • • r where their father is aeriouslyill-Erutetis The Boer envoys have received theft lacreed,, f theTJnited Staten (RC: k'• Pttt,P. taornall C. H. Symonds,John answer rem Richards, Wm, Kershaw and Wm. Sy- ernment; and one which will give no , mond' composed a gontingent from God• comfort to the Boers. They were in- erioh on Sunday, to Chatham on un- formed explicitly, in a clear manner, Rsv Steward went Ch M Would not inter- day on church matters connected with the that the United States oat! of the Seafortb congregation to the meddle, but would observe a strict nein Revi'MrLarkin. The ambassadors, Messrs H, Oantelon and family, who have been t-allty. , T e r ,yisitin here for some, timePast , left,, on esssellr -Ft'solibil. Itiiltl"'`rr'K tllinitt'tiiU ivifil Thttre aFitteti'fe FI`enseiil wrierit they took 'se sib of the Commercial hotel. probably cable Krauger and Steyn to` pus a trek or subunit to Britain. , Thos. Jackson, jr„ went down ,the line • • • on Monday morning. On Monday next rich Star. thinks it is all on leaves -for his trip to the old country The Godc per steamer Namidian from Montreal. right to het the member, for LG'e96 Hu- - 'In the personal column it waif said that ren, lent squeals when it gots bit in the Edward J. Howard left on Tuesday, last , Marietta, ova ' to I9 s tel t r , Week, for a month , w P , , ' istett nearly Well,it 1 y itself.pretty rawon his bfoyole. It should have been on Lime the Star knew that "people who Tuesday of the week, the. 22nd- inst. - live in glass houses should not throw . iss Grace Muir, of - London, was the es," The course of the Star to- gust of Mrs (Dr) Blacken for several days sten send was aloe vix.ting friends in Bayfiel3 wards its political opponents is mall- Vit week. 13he lied lust returned from a ciausly dishonest; it never pretends to lengthy visit to hett.sister, Mrs S. Beattie, be fair, if. betng unfair will suit its pity. of 1) milam --o°1-1 e , . :lies liTowt`'d{`i Crich has Bono to join o Vise better, and so g as its purenew ' Iles ecce ted a osrtion on pus , long husband, 9vlro p 11 this ctluise it, need not tee eurt�riaed if tho railway eta freight agent in 1lolly,lttioh, attention is directed to its vices. Last, Her deter, reties P. Nott, accompanied her week. the Star returns to a dlseu9sion of the speech of the member for 'Neta Huron concerning temperance, and Pretends to discover a grievance be- cause the NEW Hn_1-did not publish all the speech. The previous week the Stair had itttt(-it that the iziembei Inc West Huron (lid not open his mouth on the- question, and we ;9lbliebed Tennis Racquets Tennis Balls Cricket Bats Cricket Balls Base Ball Bats • Base Balls Gi Dues and Mitts Masks and :Pads Foot Balls Shin Guards ' of oquet Hammocks ., Fishing Tackle e-iinton. 411111%444/4 To the Ladies - Of Clinton , and Surround ingCountry The .undersigned:be s to.inform: the ladies', g of Clinton that she has opened up a Rads to -wear Garments Store in ;the Biddle» conibe Block and trusts 'that byhonest 'dealing you will always find prices reason- able and in keeping with the tames. Also that our goods are exactly' as represented. We.' have' in • stock several lines'of material • suitable .for fancy work, viz Bertin wools, silks,: arrasine, madonna ,cottons, etc.,wliich• . will be"sold at a great reduction to clear. Come and look through our store arid' get familiar with1t: 1 � MRS. R. G. IdeLELLAN, 131ddlecombe s Old.Rtand: • CLINTON :%4 want they have found to beeomea necessity.• Mr Brown will spend a week with Mende before relatives and f Ienda e L. Hess, late with J. R Stratford.' •• W. W. Ferran went to oelebrate .fn Ei- eter on the 24th. • • - • R. --G. Bell is home from. Toronto' Uni- versity for vacation, - Mr and Mut Jae,Smith Spent the Queen's Birthday in Woodstock. Mr and Mee W. C. Searle are visiting re- latives in London for several days; Wallace Wheatley and .Chas. Dowzer were home from Woodstook for the 24th. Mrs R. Sellery, of Kinoardine..18 the .guest of her daughter, Mrs A. T. Cooper. re . B - Orewr e. ant the , lYlr•..leind, 1!Z Y�_.., ,p......,, -QueensBirtlidaywith.f'riende at Goderiob. I. T. Enimerton and 'family drove to Goderioh on tho'24th and event the day at fire lake. - Dr, Agnew, of winghain, spent Wed • - nesday'the guest of oi' his brother, Dr. R. Agnew. - W. H. Godfrey, Owen Sound, is. the guest 'of Mre. Washington, nattenbury street. io Phipps, formerly of lin on Mfea A P has returned to her home in yilolmesvillo on a'viett; tram Manitoba, A. E, M. Thomsen, returned to -Clinton this week. He has been attending the exams, at Victoria in Toronto. John Bell and T..Eoll left for Manittba Wednesday morning, and watt ticketed hJackson a ent C -.R. throb byV. Dr, Gunn has been away for a week past attending as council examiner on medical and aprgioal anatomy at the exanimations and will remain until Mrs Crich has be. held in Kingoton and. Toronto, Ile re - come thoroughly settled in her now home. turned home on Meese.. Dr, 1. Scott at-•• Ailed Edith Lee and her sinter, !Ates IL, rived this week from the old country, Camnkin, from Indian Head, N. W. T., where Ito bas been taking erre ee or so wi e returning. limbal eft for. ' 1 1 SamplingT ere waiting in London, at their teeters', and will be here for some tintea Mrs 0. Pope,l'oari ntreet.and Mrs W. Mar- , I)r, Gunn. , • • Or anything else we have in broken packages is one of the many privileges we accord our customers, • ' ' We do not wish you to feel that you • are buying eft pig in a.poke' ;anyone is free• to test all our •groceries. we _ have on sale before buying. • - Ono of. the easiest things to adulterate is tea, it keeps• the best of as gees/ling almost to avoid imposition. Even tea exports have to look twine and taste three times before they are satisfied. - When • needing-anything-inethitt'-h--givaaonr et trial. • ' The Staff of Life • Owes its name to the nutriment there ie to the flour from which it is matte: Good bread nen only be obtained from good flour. Low price is no objeot if the flour is poar, Our brand is really worth more than a Isar w e e but when walleye n o ah ve ache c t,' to give our customers a bargain we do se. If you Mayn't already tried it, it'll be to - year benefit to do so next time aa`we guar- antee to give satisfaotion or we'll take , the • flour back, our price is $L80 per owt. noose Plants - We hanclte and keep in stpalt••(s nioo and well assorted Wootton of house plants. We'll have vegetable planta in in a few daye. (reeei Vegetables • Qu hand \Vedneedays and Saturdays,' tial studietl elville t !oast with � ;Mall'::, .Villifn1 tared. T1] visitors from ( thea W roster !!ties Immo, alld master the wt:nt are relatives of W. S. Searle and !Willie leave thio creek for Westmont Molt - i Sll1Cessor to (tieotge t�lwallow • • 4tat'ID�ISJIl+ 01 pay Clinton a virile shortly. trael, wens , where they stili upend is foty -• Mr .T•tlrnes 74rown, ww'ttrrr'n .1 i 3, Ilctroit, : avet;ke. RIr Pestes tvitl j,1➢1+ thein in Mon. What %v01t1 the salient life to 01 tele I formerly of near Manchester, is here, part- tical, having; just eo161,Iate(1 a length 1� �eeel] tel show that hr (aid. '1 here (. Iv on Lnafttoad, and genre the NOW Fan a ealI �. 1 y p , t11p, tvhiob enamel him to apruul a' greater no Hues in the ( • on a ut . 1 ortt•on o c'ar . t ) Cf to • s r i` tr a fence! 1 1 tl ' omitted porthole tic r S i 'day ww a were 1 1 f the emm�ler with leis fan]il #11 . • ,, .. ,, , 1 tl It+ecll. of tdt•hieh h(t ins aeloti sed, fin.. he tenito panda with !billeted have a 0. to about ` t110 ,r0 tnce oft aches. y ill(: it;n�� tctsr.ta<1•;t.Guenitt,u 1,31at,.,x,nlo.(. ! it » ft that lIt)l1�A ll' f tt (tea#t6 where !l0 batl been I 1 y ? "alri)'( (( . 1h'• Lrbel•s111711',llber.1 bit f -+•.,1 iti;1 1•l le St,tt 1,•li..b fe•0 the Wrrrtope, "r th ipd stat ed the4ttinc 11 I the ettyo the 1 1I' I 1, i'" tle 1.111!141'1 '11(ltl" ('t ft n, ell➢1➢••h(+(1 it ill ful ii, living with his family fol' twelve yearn, 1 Para A. May accompenicti by Iter deerele. •i • , I o 'r' 4.; r•••Il •rt n, , • ' ret ell 1 " tide neighbor. ter, Bettie, all(:Iter nOtl wVilllO,arrivrll hove ( n( z e i •, ,i , ,• (i � tf1(''vil•tt' 1' lt! 1999(1 ti i ! t 9t t EIS fence lts•1�1 rho year ho fact f 7 Llil ,. , t r 1 3 fromStet/entwine,• b �. •tie da 1(tu , t 1i 1 •'•t 1 'filarto t lei el t.1, l !iv + „h a •I: d, t i ,• � t , ••� . ,• , ., '� Well tart y 1 t t- 1 • a • •. ➢ i tt t .0 ➢ ( I1; f1�Dt A that. i . Irl -ea ,ua I] y 12, > y . to kl t 1 1 - hood. / �.e. 1 ' `1 r , 1, • 14 1 + t Ise t ((t , ' I3 [e )1 an CRtC11dCd vftlft at the home of her to :„11 t, ty(c };: 1 'r• .•'!• r . „„,1,,. ,Va t((,•,II,,F; ' Erre the Siete at t;l(•1,;: � the (•()ngiit't(trl+y conies up every yfiar to took after colpoV. try 1 , ' • . 1 I t ae ti 11 1 t attend to i3ofnp a mother, Olra J. llowao,l. it is four yearn . It ft • t31 • let„( :a :tot. t , ,1 •.;r: to a ••l=1 11" tire' l3(•1•ret,uti t)lt Ulloill the exereieee .of t( ay t;aglorly look for it every week; it i0 a cd Moro about the list (r riuly't -• g• 1.0111:0(14 � �,isle!in •�' ( 4 01a) r.`5 1'i •':,.i ;r,i)Yhe 1 0) (0111'r:( 011 t )t) 54 10ll..tattl(.b fl Y U r 00811100:1 he !!till tae o . , :(r st • 11%.1).1 t( (I,a'ot•°.e.t, 1 it Marl be(1 rr : u) :' 1 4 �;tUW inward and oabsorib(r to Chntol]'o pspet' •tltc New dress ahOditO ulorillere and tncy intend to ro• tit -it.' ,lt.. vt1""4"-`1 t , ty . 1 t . •,. ' •••r fhe nrO(f ➢(-N vi h r it 131.1111108, :'Ire' tl nu& --for a great number of ycaro, he nays ; main until September.. icer ;lay is expect- ti 4' ,1 f ell( • . eitatity hi thrown away, tend the editor 1 of the Star 13 one of throe. w-. Ifr1jb71. ::fief'. 4V ood'shof.V.`.oa111'tj' p �I''ir � i it f'tf:lt I, iryt?ai, 1:rArE lg. x , •'�� t f o:iY n r •:::+•tel lc( ib • frri . ril 1t1 rr a: z. 1t l 5 { a .r h.•� (• 111'tr"ro 4,: t .Lt •t (.err, tl. f, Ir .....,'1r '• q 3, 4 1 t.: enrr rlu filr(i, i „f ,i•tiu^l SDC si 11( :'1 (.i r t' of s 01 t It of'1t>r• , 1 a a � t.. (.c (dt:, o l i t • r ( ,.t iq u r 1 1 o q 1 n ihan9, . list Df tt1i 3, tti3P ••,t 0r t;eY 81. Celt. i11 Vi');(..)1111' , di:€‘::1:4,66:0 (y`n 8�r,1 ti4'rN)a f ,l,;rri.lettt flits td ^3 v `I�'di'e::1 ,•..g ',recto Wnc:l (t'b Jtl1l% * 11 y.i +: v,; ►, 1Vricel4i l'hotl lto:lierr (-old in Cllintof , • n03Jacic;:00,1)rti3tliat:.